THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Jilt 6 1911 k • * f ' y , V I i THE STANDARD BANK E*.Wiitedl873 OF CANADA eOB«nd« A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Banl^ Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. as IXESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BMUkMCUtS .ALSO AT DURHAM AND BARRtSTOSC C. p. R. Time Table. leare Fleaheicon Trains > follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.3:5 p.m. The nmils are closed follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and â- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.45 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at i) p.m. the previou.s ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS jllra. J. Taic of Lucknow is visilioG; with her parents liere. Station as ^ fhe Advance had a pleasant call on i Tuesday from Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre Going North ; ^f the Dund.lli Herald. 11.28 a.m. ) 8 53p m '^'*® terrific heat of the past few days „, , . i.s working wreat injury to tjrain and loot- c Fle.'jheiton "^ ' j a = l W. \V. Trimble was iu C wen Sound over Sunday. Colonel Campbell of Toronto called on Mr. M. K. RichardsoH last week. Misses Mabel and Etliel Field are vis- iting with their aunt in Toroito. Miss Foster of Midland ia spending a month with Miss Clinton. i crops. If rain does not come this week : the situation will be serious. ; Died â€" In Artemesia, on Wedne.sday, June 2S, Evi, beloved wife of Mr. Harry I Quigs, afier a brief illness. An obituary .' notice will appear jext week. Rev. Phalen of Markdale preached anniversary sermons iu thn Presbyterian church, morning and evening, on .Sunday. The evening congregation was a large one The Methodist evening service was with- drawn, as usual. All the five teachers in our public and high school have been such exemplary boys and girls during the past year that the boards have re-engaged them for an- other year, and itf one case for a year and ,a half. We think htre that we have Mrs. James McClocklin visited in | pretty nearly an ideal staff of teachers. Durham over Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Bunt and Master Frank spent the holiday in Woodbridge. ; Mr. Arthur Wardrobe and wife of To- ronto were in town over Sunday. Miss Nellie Wickena of Kimberley spent a few d<»ys with friends near town ' Mr. and Mrs. Tate of Lucknow visited [ over the holiday at the latter's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, Misses ; Mabel, Lily, Doris and Maud spent Sun- 1 day in Mt. Forest. I Miss Willa Wright returned from Des- 1 boro last week, where she has been | teaching. i Mr. Wm. McKee of Toronto was up, on combined business and pleasure dur-j ing the past week. | ! Dr. and Mrs. Holmes of Owen Sound] spent Dominion Diy and Sunday with j Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. The Flesherton lodge of the A.O.U.W. held their annual picnic on Saturday, July 1st, in the grove back of the public school. Quite a large number of mem- bers and guests were present. There was no set [jrogram. The band and a phrno- graph supplied the music. A very pleasant evening was spent. Mrs. A. Carruthera of Eugenia, who has been at the bedside of her father, Mr. A. Madill, at the Sauk, since his serious accident, returned home on Monday. Mrs. Carruthers says her father, though still not out of danger, is considered t0 be on the highway to at least partial recovery. He is still in the hoapttal. At the time of accident doc- tors gave him only two hours to live, but a healthy constitution agrett asset as has been shown iu this case. Mr. Charles McTavish of Toronto spent the holiday with his wife and parents here. Mrs. Oscar Phillips and Misi M»ud McDonald visited relatives at Stoutfville over Dominion Day. Mr. John Hargrave and wife of Dun dalk visited friends in this vicinity i!ur- ing the past week. Dr. Em. Armstrong and wife of Cobalt spent a few days of the past week with relatives here and then proceeded on a trip up the lakes. The lady school teachers have returned t<5 their respective homes â€" Miss Switzer tx) St. Marys, Miss Bell to Owen Sound and Miss Mackenzie to Listowel. Mr. Ivan Bowler of Owen Sound visit- ed hi* brother here en Saturday, and dx)ve down to Dundalk Sunday with W. ri Crossley. ^R. J. Woods of Curbetton ia to address ^e Orangemen in their hall at Ceyl«u â- ^Sunday, July 11, at 2 p. p. The Baptist afternoon service will be withdrawn. The Militia Department has once a;gain postponed the sale of the old drill shed to some date in the future. Prospective buyers will please take note. Miss Irene Gaudin, who has been liv- ing here attending school, left on Satur- day to spend holidays at her home, Cross Lake mission, 500 miles north of Winni- peg, on the Nelson river. Dr. R. H. Henderson, wife and little son Ivan spent tha holiday with relatives here. The Dr. returned on Monday, but Mrs. Henderson will remain for a few days. The lawn party on the Methodist parsonage grounds on Thursday evening last was quite a successful func'-.ion, the pioceeds amounting to over $28. A pleasing program was given duriujf the evening. A game of football was advertised to -foe played here on Tuesday night of last weak. At 5 p. m. Feversham telephoned that they were not coming, without giv- ing any reason. As a consequence there were many disappointed football en- thusiasts. A football game between the Kimber- ley and Swintou Park clubs is scheduled to take place here on Friday evening ot this week. It ought to be a cracker jack game aa both clubs are champions of their respective distric'.s. The Flesherton baseball Vandeleur club at a gjirdeu of Eugenia for a silver cup donated by club played party north ladies of the Presbyterian church. The i score was 14 to 9. Therefore Flesherton ball club is in possession of a piece of silver from which to quaff their thirst. On Saturday the club phiyed a game with Madills club at MaxwelJ. There was a cog out on this occa.sion however, and th^y went down to defeat with a score of 19 to 20 in favor of MadilLs. The weatker was e.^tremely hot and probably neither club had any too much energy. During the Easter holidays a consign- ment of liquor consLsling of a doz. bottles of ale and a doz. of porter, one bottle of Burke's Irish Whiskey and two bottles of Walker's Imperial arrived at the Shel- bune stiition addressed to Wm. Thomp- son. .\s Mr. Thompson did not call for the goods it was taken in charge by the authorities and locked up under the main stairway iu the town hall. On Sat- urday night the whole outfit disappeared except one bottle of porter. The ques- tion now arises, who took it ! It is up to the authorities to explain matters. â€" Free Press. Catarrhozone Cures Permaiicntly â- RONCHITIS, COUCBS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CATARRH Promotion Examinations. Artemesia Rural High School At the recent promotion examinations held at the Artemesia rural high school, the following pupils have been granted promotion. The second form examina t:on papers were the same as were used for entrance to the model schools Ihia year. Names in order of merit. Form 1â€" *Lillian Bunt, Rota Bellamy, Kate Wilcock, Selkirk Wihjon, Arthur Chard, Minerva Stafford and Dell Thur- ston equal, Hazel Shunk, Lena Legate, Iva Mitchell, Irene Wilson. Form 2â€" *Joseph Oliver, *Gladjs Cornlield, Beatrice Thistlethwaite, Chas. Buchanan, Annie Wright. *rook over 75 per cent, of the aggre- gate marks. Flesherton Public Sdiool Senior 3 to Junior 4â€" Florence Bunt (h;, Leone Thonip.son (h), Elmer Wright (h;, Roy McAulay (h), Elda Karstedt, Maurice Wright. Junior 3 to Seni' r 3 â€" Clara Lever, Elmer Watson, Alice McLeod, Aleda Mitchell, Percy LeGard, Millie Wright, Pearl Whitney, James Stewart, George Patton, Mabel Fenwick, Roy Lever, Wilfred Uatsou. Names in order of merit. Promotion from â€" â- Senior 2 to Junior 3â€" Reuben Cargo (honors), Fred Lees, Pearl Blakeley, j Amanda Stewart, Fr.iiik Thursrun, Del- bert Patton, Aliueda LeGard, Alinerva Tucker, Mary Colgan, Shirley Murray, Beruice Irwin, Lily Lever, Bobs Trimble. Junior 2 to Senior 2.â€" Olive MoMul- len, R. N. Corntield, Charley Flynn, Roy Patton, Wes Armstrong, Susie Mc- Clocklin. Senior Part 1 to Junior 2â€" Violet Watson, Clarence Fisher, Frank Buut, (lienors). Bene Cargo, George Mitchell, Flossie Richardson, Urquhart Shunk, Jean Reid, Kendall Boyd, Stewart Mc- tavish. Junior 1 to PirC 1â€" Ernest Davis, Ethel Fields, Russel Trueman, Cecil Wurts, Bertha Smii:b. Ceylon Public School Junior 4 to Senior 4 â€" Arnel Love, Ida Pivnic, Gracie Muir, Siiowden McLeod, Muriel Legate, Roy Rutledge, Gracie Cherry. Senior 3 to Junior 4â€" Lizzie English, Willie Pattiaon. Senior 2 to Junior 3â€" John English, Ernie McMulIen, Percy Hemphill. Senior 1 to 2 â€" James Adams, Thomas Cherry, Willie Stewart, K McDonald. Primer to 1 â€" Frankie Stewart, Alice McMuUen, M. McLauchlin. Maxwell Public School Sr 3 to jr 4 â€" Robert Jehu Morrison, Harold Morrison. Jr 3 to sr 3â€" Pearl Field, May Binnington, Lauce Brownridije, Annie McEachnie, Harold McEachnie. Sr. 2 to jr 3â€" John Priestly, Gordon Billiard, Beulah Brownriige, Willie Stock, Katie Morrison. Feversham Continuation School Names in order cf merit, (h) honors, (rjfc'ecommended. Form 1 to Form 2â€" Carrie Kerna- han (U), Zaida Lawlor (h) equal. Form 2 to Form 3 â€" Winslow Kerna- hsn (h), Marion Sayres (h), Lilian Whe- well (h), Harold Spofford (h), Sadie Haw- kins, Victor Clarke, Eva Spencer, Dolh Heron, (,>ueenie Kaitiing (r). Senior 3 to Junior 4â€" Frances Alexan- der, Georgie Whewell, Florence Heron, Maggiw Lougheed (r). Junior 3 to Senior 3â€" Clarence Alex- ander, Henry Pelch, May Cohiuette (r). Senior 2 to Junior 3â€" Eva Arnott, Bertha Hawton_(r), Ehel Brackenbor- ough (r). First to Second â€" M,-»dge Whewell (h), Nellie Spencer (h). Rose Brackenbor- ough, Phlauey Sample, Mary Julian (r). I HILL BROS. Markdale Hot Weather Specials During the hot weather we will place on sale many lines of seasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. 8? Very Special Value in Ladies' Vests. 20 dozen Ladies' Fine Summer Vests. You will find all kinds in this lot, with sleeves, with no sleeves and half sleeves, regular value 15, 18 and 20c, on sale at Two for '>op Ladies' Parasols at Reduced Prices. Clearing our Summer Parasols at reduced prices, a good range left to-choose from, regular $1.25 to $1.<55 values, clearing 'at ggc. Muslins & Ginghams Children's Hose- Special clearance of Muslins and Ginghams in all the leading shades, regular 12i and 15c values, while the lot la.srs. Hot Weather Price 9Jc. A fine Cotton Hose in Blue, White and Pink, a that will give excellent wear, at per pair 15c. HotWeatherHosiery Specials. Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose in open work elfects, or three different patterns, regular %-alue 25c, on at 18o or two for two sale 35c. Men' s Summer Underw^ear. Clearing out the balance of our Summer stock of fine Balbriggan Underwear, regular .Wc and 75c value, on sale at per girment ^Q^, A A A A A A A A \ ^ Men^s Hosiery Special. LOT Ko. 1-A fine Black Silk Lisle, good weight, will give excellent service, sold evarywhere at 40 and 50c, on sale at per pair LOT No. 2-Men'.s Fine Fancy Hose, in tan, black, grey and blue, at 2;3c, oui- price 19c, or 3 pair for good .29c. value 50e. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE A few large egg vats for sale- Suitable for soft water cisterns, in line condition, j will be sold fiT about half what they; cu.-tl. Apply to M. Scully Co., Fle.«her- ; ton. i The Bellamy Hardware For Sale â€" Coodison separator, wind slacker and feeder complete, iu ijood re- pair ; also 17 h.p. simple traction engine and outht complete ; Victor clover hullev with wind stacker, .American .\bel. Easy terms.â€" R. G. Julian, Feversham. Never leave home on a journey without a Dottle of Chamberlain's Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be aefded and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steaniships. For sale by W. E. Richardson & Son. FALL IKRM OPENS Al'tJl'ST 28. â- LHOTT.^ Toronto, Ont. stands to-;]ay without a supurior iu Canada. Graduates always sucoessful. Catalogue freo. Two colts for saleâ€" One 2-ypar-old Clyde, one :5-year-old French coach, both mares. Edmund Pallister, Maxwell. PROPERTY FOR SALE or TO RENT Buying becomes a pleasure when vou buv us. We have a full line of. Shelf Hardware. Heavy Hardware. Cutlery. ,^ Pipes and Sundries Paiijtd and Oils Graniteware Tinware Woodenwa Eoofinar from re A real snap, only $WX). lot 30, con. 14, Artemesia. 100 acres, small payment cash but easy terms. This is a splendid graz- ing farm ; 70 acres cleared, but timbered land. Must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. R. J. Sproul e, Fleshert.p . For Rentâ€" Two good jack screws, only 25c a day. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Come in and inspect our stock. It will be i pleasure for us to show you anvthin>. line. - ^ m our For sale- ing lot. S. -House and lot also Shunk. Throw medicine to the doga. At best they are unpleasant, often use- less. You are sufferingr from some disease of the throat, nose, or lun^s. Doctors call it Bronchitis. Asthma, or Catarrh, or it ia a alight or severe cold. Germs causa these diseases â€" they have a common root. Catarrhozon. d.atroy. diasai. g*rms, but it do.* mtor., it hMila diMaM tis- •u*. CATARRHOZONE is little drops of healing carried by air to the exaet place where Catarrh exists. Observe, Catau'rhozone not only destroys the cause, but immediately repairs the result of diseased condition. Catarrhozon. msans littl. drop, of haaling carriad by air and placd ov.r th. lungs, throat, and nasal passagaa. Catarrhozon. ia .ndor..d by doc- tor«> druggists, and by thousands of Canadian psopl. who hav. used it. Catarrhozone Y.8, Sir. it is taken in air. "Liiitls drops of hMiling" oarri.d by air to wsak placs in th. lungs, throat, and nasal passag.s. Three sizes: 2oc, 50c. and Jl.OO. ait druggrlst.s. or by mall postpaid from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. T.. and Kingston, Out FARM FOR SALE Lota 23 and 24, Con. 11, township of Oaprt y, ontaiuiug 135 acres cleared un ler good state of cultivation; well fenced, the remoindtr timbered with hardwood and s,if6 timber, frame barn with stone wall and water through the stables, brick house and good orchard. Terms easy. Must be sold owing to illness. Apply to SAMCKL PARK lAuK Feversham, Onl. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William Julian of the Village »f Fevershaoi in the Coutity of Grey, gentleman, de- ceased. NOTICE is herebv given pursuant to tbe re- vised Statutes of Ontaiio. 1897, Cba|>. l-2ii that all tbe creditors and others havinR olainia against tbe estate of the above uamed William ,)uliau,'wbodied ou or about the fourth day of May. 1911, at the said Village of Kevarsham. are required on or before the 1st day of Aug- ust, 1911. to send bv post prepaid or deliver to James Speer. reversbaiu. Out., or to Robert Samuel MoOirr. Feyersham, Out.. (the Executors of the last Wili and I'estauieut of the said deceased) their christian and suruauies, addresaes aud deacripcious. the full ()ai'ticulara of their claims, the ststeuiunt of their aooounta andlhe uature of tbe securities \\t au) I held by them. AND FURTHER TAKK NOTICE that after such last mentioned data the said executom will proceed to distribute tbe assets of tbe cuaaed among the parties entitled thereto, baviua regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, aud that the said executors will uot be liable for tbe said assets or auy part thereof to auv person or persons of whose cKiui notice shall uot have been re- ceived by them at tbe time of suob uistribu- tiou, W. H. WRIGHT, Owen Sound, t)nt. i J28 Solicitor for the said Executors. â- Dated tblsWUi da; of June, A.D.. 1911. Farm to Rent -Lots 184-5, con. 2, S W. T. and S. R., contains 150 acres better known as the old Neilson farm. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. For Sale or Rentâ€" Lot 5, con, 8, Usprey. On the lands are good frame barn, basement, stables, and a good frame dwelling. For terms and condi- tions apply to John Osborn. Ratteau P O,, or \V. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. C. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. IT'S SPRING TIME! Farm to rent- farm apply to. -100 acres good pasture J. Wright, Flesheitou Good house and lot for sale ot rent Flesherton. E. Whitten. MISCELLANEOUS Impcrtant notice to whom it may con* c^rn â€" All accounts owing the firm of Sproule, Uisginbotham <& Co, late gro- cers, etc , Flesherton, must be settled at once. Failing to do so they will be placed in court for collection. Payment will bo received at the insurance office of R. J. Sproule, tirat building north of the l>ank, Toronto St.. Flesherton. And we Lave prepared for it by putting iu a stock of new spring and summer Boots and Shoes Black, Tan and Patent Leather for and children in nien, women See our W. B. H. and Model Makes They are neat and good wearers. Custom work and repairing as usual. of Shoes. Will the person who has a fence stretcher belonging to C. J. BelUniy kindly return at once. Bi-acelet lost â€" Gold bracelet, between Rock Mill$ and 8th line, on Sunda^', June 18. Findtr please leave at ih's office. Pasture to let Little. at Wsrehainâ€" Gilbert Pasture to Rent â€" Four acres at edge of corporation. Apply to H. Wilson, Flesherton, Mr. Carl Wolfe of the Metropolitan School of Music, Toronto, will resume Ills teaching work in the vicinity of Feversham and Maxwell from June 2(5 to Sept. 11, Pianoforte, Organ and Theory pupils accepted. Address, Feversham P. U. CLAYTON'S IHi MAKIluo. Carefully Corrected Each Week' Wheat 75 to 75 ' Oats 36 to 35 j Peas 75 to 75 ! n Barley 50 to 50 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 16 to 16 : Kags, fresh U '.o U j Potatoes per bag 65 to tJS ! Geese 12 to 12; Ducks 12 to 12! Chickens 12 to 12 Turkeys 15 to 16 ' Wool 20 to 22 Widely Attended The splendid patronage enjoyed to-day by the COLLINGWOOD Business College 1.1 the verdict of sound, thorough, practical training. Write for cata- logue. Now is (he time to enter. T. E. Hawkins* Principal