T STEAMER S II A C OLLISIOH One Sunk and Passengers Rescued With Difficulty A despatch from Quebec says : *riic Btcamer Aranuiore, a few miles Wiow Murray Bay, in a deus* fog, at 1 o'clock in the morning, ran her a valuable cargo, consisting in part of two or three hundred cases of salmon destined for the United States, especially bought up by a dealer for the Fourth of July mar- down and sank the steamer Gener-lket. Both ship and cargo are in- kl Wolfe. Both boats were owned surcd.* , , . ti, by the same firm, Holliday Bro- Imme^liately after the shock botb khers, of this city. Thoec on board vessels launched their lifeboats, the General Wolf» report that and all the passengers and crew ol they saw nothing of the other ship the Wolfe were rescued. Until the «hook occurred. The Ar- thmore struck the Wolfe on the jtnrboard side, causing her to iwing around, and then, after the rec'jil, struck her again on the port |ide. The General Wolle sank in 86 minutes, and lies in 30 fathoms of water, having carri«d down with THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH DAPl»EMNOS FIIOM ALL OTEB TUE GLORE IN A KL'TSUKLL. Canada, (be Emptrp and the World In General Ucfare lour Ejea. CANADA. Dr. Onimet was acquitted of the charge of murder at Hull. Mr. J. Bruce Walker states that the west will require 4U,000 luirveat hands this /ear. 1. Mcloche, aged 10, was drown- ed at Hull, Que., when ho fell into a creek while in an epileptic fit. Orvillo, the 30 months old uon of James Henderson, Athens, was drowned in a vat of whey. It is proposed to cunvcrt tho Hamilton registry office, soon to be vacated, into a municipal art gal lery. A 14-year-old girl at Kingston, reproved by her parents for chum- ming with a hoy, attempted U take poison. 1 Thioves got away with $1,500 worth of goods from a Kenora men's furnishing store. Tho two-year-old child of E. Rumph, who lives beside the G. T. II. tracka near London, wandered into the rails and was killed. 'S Lincoln Beaohey Circled Over the Falls in Aeroplane Most of the passengers of the wrecked vessel were residents of the coast. In the confusion and darkness seven of the pas.scngers I j^^j committee stage in the House fell into tho water, and their cries L^j Lor^jg ^n Thursday, with every for help are described as heart- , indication of a bitter struggle. GREAT BRITAIN. The arbitration treaty between Britain and the United State« is practically arranged. Tho veto bill entered on the cru rending. These cries were their only means ef being saved. GEBMAI Y SEMS GIBOAT French Feeling Aroused Over Intervention in Morocco A despatch from Berlin says: Germany Uxjk direct action in Mor- occo and ordered tho gunboat Pan- ther to Agadir, the most Bouthorn port of Morocco, twenty-three miles southeast of Cape Ghir. The official announcement says that the step was taken at tho re- quest of (Jerman firms in South Morocco for protection to the lives and property of Germans and na- tive proteges in Morocco, and that unfriendly intentions toward Mor- occo are not involved. Agadir is near Moga<lor, a forti- fied seaport on tho Atlantic, iip*m which ftccor<Iing to earlier rumors, Cfrniany haa <ftvsign8. A^toniHhineiit is tho word used in semi-official circles to describe French feelings over the action of Germany in sending a gunboat to Agn<lir, Morocco. It is declared that the mov« is not in accordance with the spirit either of the Algcciras act or the Franco- German agreement of February, 1909, which recognized Germany as having pre-eminent commercial rights in Morocco, but Franco as having predominant political rights. It is pointed out that France is capable of maintaining order and protecting foreign intcrcRta in Morocco, for which purpose she de- spatched an army to Fez and Mc- quincE. BLIND LOVERS TO MAURY. Couple Rorn without Higbt Take Out LIpchsc to Wed. A dt.*si)at<;h from Fresno, Cali- fornia ,8ay8: Behind a marriage license issued on Wednesday to Ernest L. Morris, a well-known blind piano tuner, and pfBe M. Sul- livan, of Iowa, also blind, is an un- ^overbalanced himself and fell out, usual romance. Although they have I rereiviug injuries from which he known each other from childhi.nd, died later in St. Micliael'B Ho-spi- • The privy council has decided that Montreal city council were privileged to pay Mayor Payette* trip to Paris. UNITED STATES. Socialism is a heresy and an evil according to Archbishop Messmer of Millwaukec. Henry Serling of Syracuse, N.Y., has been awarded $1,750 additional damages against Montreal parties who lured him across the line and then had him arrested in connec- tion with a business failure. GENER..VL. Portuguese newspapers sny that tho Government inventory of church property has disclosed great wealth in the cellars of tho church- es. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: T):e m.iny famous feats of Niagara, whnrc hii-.:a:doU8 man has braved nature's gravest perils, were outdone in the sensational flight of Lincoj.'i lieachey, the avia- tor, who swept down from an im- inonso height in a rai:i .%t dusk on Wed'ie.sday night, circled twice over tho Falls, then dove down under the great steel bridge, on duwn the Gorge almost to the Whirlpool Rapids, rose again, and, skiniming over the wooded bluffs, soared (/ff asain to safety on the Canadian side. More than 150,000 people stood transfixed with awe as the bird- man's air craft rocked and rose over his perilous <;our«e. It was the first time an aviator had ever flirted with the deadly currents of the canyon. His flight is looked upon as the most daring ever made by an a\dator. I At moments as he M«w above the 'cataract and between the pnecipit- [ous sides of tho lower river, Bea- |chey and his white machine wcro obscured in spray and mist. Racing down the Gorge, hia speed ap- proached sixty miic-s an hour. Tho start was niad« from the baseball ground adjoining Niagara University, about a mile from the Falls, and, after the perilous jour- ney, a safe landing was made in a field on the outskirts of Niagara Falls, Ont. "There was just one time I was a little nervous," h3 sa>l. "That was when 1 got down between these two great walls and the plane be- gan to rock and swerve. I was afraid the Gorge had me. The water was only a few feet below. Tnat's why I did not gu all the way to Leviston. I ha<l had enough for one day and was quite happy after I got over the cliff and was over in Canada." JTME WHITEST. IN TRAGEDY IN A SHANTY. Jfthn G. Taylor Held for Murder at Vancouver. A despatch from Vancouver says : John G. Taylor, a resident of the city for the past eighteen years, and iKiw in his seventy-si.xlh year and a veteran of the civil war, ex- isting chiclly on his monthly pen- sion, is to night in polio© custmly, facing the charge of murder. The dea<l man is Eli McCutcheon, a logger, thirty years of age, un- married, and formerly of Nanaimo. Accor<ling to tho police, the trag- edy followed a row in a .shack m the oast end of the city, in which Taylor lived alone. McCutcheon PRICES OF.FAl PRODUCTS KEP0RT8 FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OP AMERICA. PrIoflB of Caftle, Grafn, Cheess •nd Other Produce a| Homa â- nd Abroad. BEEADSTUFF8. Toronto. July 4.-Wlnt«r wheat, 90 ptT cent patents are steady at 13.15. Ubn- trcal freight. Manitoba «ourii are un- changed, as follows:- FirBt pat«nt3, »5.10i Becond patents, $4.60; and itronf bakers', ♦MO, on track. Toronto. Manit<)oa wheat-No. 1 Northern quot- S-/m*'°? ^•„P'y POf^; No. 2 ttl 99 3-4c. and No. 3 at 94 J-4c. Ontario wheat-No. 2 red and white are quoted outside at 81 to 82c .?â„¢r'^?~'"'® n>»rket is dull, with prices nominal. P^o':}'' ^^ 'o "O; outside, for No. Z. and at 19 l-2c, on track, Toronto; No. 2 W.C. oats 40 3-4o, and No. 3, 39 3-4e, Bay ports. . ,»"ri^°- ^ American yellow is quoted at 69 l-2c. Bay ports, and 64c. Toronto. Pcas-The market i< dull, with prices purely nominal. Eyeâ€" There it none offering, and prices are nominal. Buckwheatâ€" Notbins offerluf. white oatK. 42 1-2 to 43ot No. 2 rye, 84c. Bran--S19 to $19.50. Klourâ€" First patents, S5.00 to $5.20: second patents, f 4 50 to »4.75; flrst clears. S3.35 to $3.55; second clears. $2.25 to 12.50. Buffalo, July 4.-SprinB wheatâ€" Easy; No 1 Northern, carloads, Btore, $1^ 1-4; Winter nominal; No. t red. 93c: >o. t white, 92c. Corn-No. 3 yellow, 61 l-2c; No. 4 yellow. 59 l^: No. 3 corn. 58 l-4o: No. 4 corn, 5«c, all on track, through bill- ed. Oata- Easier; No. 2 white. 48c; No. 3 white, 47 l-4c; No. 4 white, 46 t-2c. Bar- ley-^Malting, 11.07 to $1.17.^ ^ ^ . Duluth, July 4.-rio>eâ€" Wheatâ€" On track. No. 1 hard, 96 l-2c; on track and U> ar- rive, No. 1 Northern. 95 l-2c; No. 2 North- ern. 92 1-2 to 93 l-2c. NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN BAKBNG POWDER IS USED. CONTAINS NO ALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS. MADE IN CANADA CODNTHY PRODUCE. Beansâ€" Car lots are quoted at $1.70 to to $1.75. and small lots, $1.90. Honey- Extracted, in tins, is quoted at 10 to He per lb: No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2.26 per duien: No. 2 comb, whole- sale, $1.75 per doien. .Baled hayâ€" No. 1 is quoted at $12 to $13, on track, and No. 2 at $9 to $10. Baled strawâ€" $6 to $6.50. on track, To- ronto, Potatoes- $1.25 per bag. Poultryâ€" Yearling chickens, 14 to 15o, and turkeys. 18 to 19o per lb. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal. July 4.â€" Choice steers, i l-2ei good, 6 to 6 l-4o; fairly good, 5 1-2 to 6 3-4«: fair, 5 to 6 l-4ci common, 4 ;-2 to 4 3-4o p«r lb. Cowsâ€" 4 to 5 l-4o! bulls,: 4 1-2 to 5 lie per pound. Lamba-$4 to $S, as to site Bhcep, $4 to $5.60 each ; oaWea, $2 to $7 each. Bogs, i selected. $».5fl. and roiied lots at $6 per: cwt.. weighed off the cars. I Toronto, July 4.-Eiport cattle, choice, $5 90 to *6- do., medium, $5.80 to $5.90; Butchers' cattle, choice. $6.05 to $6.15; do., medium, $5.70 to $6;. do common. $5 to $5.65; bulls, $4.50 to $5.25; cows $4 to $5; dr., common and medium. $3.25 Jo $4; Cannere. $2 to $250; »h<'J'''f 'Plv -»f:".„'° $5 85; feeders, steers, $5.50 to $5.75, do., hulls $4.40 to $5; Blockers, choice. $5 to $5 0;' do.flight. i4 to $4.75; milch cows, choice. $J5 to $55; do^, common to med- ium. $25 to $35; BDrineers. $25 to $40 ; | sheep, ewes, $3 to $4; do., bucks $3 to $3.50riamb8, yearlings, $5.50 to $6-0; do., soriiB $6 to $7 each; hogs, fob., $6.90; do fed and watered. $7.20. calves, $4 to $7.' neither has seen tho other, for they were born blind. Love began in the Iowa State Homo for the Blind when Morris, now 29, «.i8 10 years old ,atid hia bri<Ic-to-be, now 35, wa.s 10. They learned to read and write there, niid ever since have kri>t up cor- respondence. Recently Morris asked th« girl to join him in Cali- (ornia, and ehe consented. KILLED ON THE "DIPS." Man btood Up in Car at Ilanlnn's Pohit. A despatch from Toronto says : Standing up in one of the rapidly- moving cars on the roller coaster at Hanlan's Point, Fred Swallow j and several companions had visited the old man late in the afternoon. There was not, it is said, any drinking, hut a dispute arose, cnd- iiiR in Taylor ordering all to leave. MrCntcheon declined, and the old man is said to have instantly fired a rifle, the hullet entering Mo- Cutchoon's thigh. All vanished, bleed to BUTTKR AND EGGS. Butter Dairy prints, 17 to 19c; infer- ior, 15 to 16c. (;rcamery quoted at 21 to 23c nor lb for rolls, and 19 to 21o for solids. ' Eggx Case lots are quoted at 18 to 19a per dojen. Cheese- Prices are uiiobanged, now be- ing quoted at 12 l-4c for large, and 12 l-2o for twins. UOG PRODtJCTS. Bacon -Long, clear. 11 l-2o per lb. In case lots. Pork, short cut, $23. llains- Medium to light, 14 to 16 l-2o; do., heavy. 13 to 14e; rolls, 11 to 11 l-2c; lireakfast bacon, 17 to 18c; backs, 19 to 19 I.2.- piir lb. Lard -Tierces, ID l-4c; tubs, 10 l-Zc; palls, 10 3-4c. CnOLLIM IN ITALY. It la InereuNins in NaploH ami Palermo. A despatch from Rmno says: Cholera is increasing in Italy. Ile- tums show that thejc art 97 cases in Naples and its environs, 02 cases kt Palermo and 49 cases elsewhere. tul Swallow was strnck by a car which followed the one in which t.o was a passenger. It is against the rules for anybi.dy to stand up ill ! i^jwing McCutcheon to tho cars while on the journey. His ^ig^th car had just left the lowest dip when he stood up and fell out. His right log nnd arm were broken and he was internally injured. The in- jurexl man was hurried over in a Bpocial forry and un being carried into the h<ispital lie expired. Death was due lu the intcM-nal injuries. Borneo has more mosouitoes than any other country in tho world. One good turn is all any girl can expect from a cheap muslin. _*- DIVKD llEADLON GFROTl C.\R. MIraeulouM Kscapc of Shackled Lunatic. SCORE fflJjBEDJS WRECK Express Train Crashed Into a Freight "Locomotive A despatch tiMin Philadelphia! that physiudans despair of saving B.'iys ; The engineer an<l ono passen- jhis life. ger wero prohablv fatally injured . '^''|«. I'''^""','?'''" wlui is boliovcd to ,.,„,. ' I It , be dying is Kmest W. Kvans, aged and 20 other paH^-ngers badly cut, 3, y,.„,.„_ ,,f ^^^^^^^^ p,^^^_ ^,^K^^ bruLsed and scalded on WudneiKlay ^nut Jlill. His face is badly crush- night when an expresi train bound od and ho was severely scalded, fur Chestnut Hill collided with tho I After the engim; had crushed in U'nder of a freight locomotive at *" ^l'" '.''"''«'•. ""^ "'•^t coach of tho , ., nui 1 I 1 ;..''''â- '"" "hpiicd i.ast the oKstruct ons, t.'io ontr.y.ce of the ,!'»' ''uh-lolna ,^„t ,,,^ ..folluNMUg coaches wer<; and H.-.ul.ng n«> way s t"""^'* thrown on their sides. The cars 21st htroofand Hamilton Avenue. | ^^^^^ f,„^,, ^^.-^^ „^sH,>nger8 bound When thoy wero A despatch from Montreal »4ay8: With legs shackled to his sides (Joorgt's Kepla, a lunatic, took a hc:idlong divo througli the window <if a Grand Trunk train near t'oteau on Wedncstlay niglit. Although the train was travelling at '2.T miles an hour, the man was picked up conscious, suffering only from a deep scalp wound. Kcfila was one of live undesirables being taken from the asylum nt Seattle, Wash., for <leportatiun to CJennany from Montreal. Nearing C'oteau he became res- tive and tho shucklcs were put on, but <lesi)ite this he evaded the United States imniigratii)n officials in charge of tho undesirables and dived headking through tho win- dow. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, July 4. -Oats- Canadian West- ern, No. 2. 41 1-2 to 41 3-4c, car lots ex Btore; extra No. 1 feed, 40 3-4 to 4Ic; No. 3 C.W., 40 1-4 to 40 l-2c; No. 2 local white, J9 J-4 to 40o; No. 3 local white, 39 1-4 to 39 1-20 ; No. 4 local white, i8 1-4 to 38 l-2c. Flour- Manitoba spring wheat patents, flrntfi, $5 30; do., ei-conds, $4.00; Winter wheat patents, 14.60 to $4.75; strong bnk- era', $4.60; straight rollers, 84.10 to $4.25; do., in bags, $1.85 to $2. UolU'd outs,-- Per barrel, $4.55; bag of 90 Ibd. $2.15. Bar- leyâ€"Feud, car lots ox storii, 51 to 52i!. Cornâ€" Aiuorican No. 3 yellow, 52 1-2 to 63c. Millfeedâ€" Bran, Ontario, $22: Mani- toba, $21 ; middlings, Ontario, $22.50 to $23; shorts, Manitoba, $23; mouillo, $25 to $:0. Kggs- Fr»»h. 17 1-2 to 18o. Choese -WesleriiH, H 38 to U S-8o; enHti-rns, 11 1-8 to U l-4o. Buttor-Cholcest 22 1-2 to 23c. TWO MEN KILLED. 'Within a Few Yards of Each Other Near Winnipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Two fatalities occurred within a few hundred yards of eac-h other on Thursday evening at Fort llouge. A Canadian named Sherlock got on the Grand Trunk Pacific train go- ing west, instead of the Canadian Northern for Prince Albert, and finding out his mistake at the Pem- bina subway, a mile from tho sta- tion. Jumped from the train, crush- ing his head in the fall. The other case was that of a for- eigner. Alex. Signyk, who picked up a live wire while at work in tho C. N. R. shops. Fort Rouge. He was dejid when help arrived. In- quests ar« likely in both cases. UNITED STATF,S MARKETS. Minneapolis. July 4. - Wheat â€" .Tiily. I 94 3-8c; HeplembBr, 94 3-8o to 94 ,Mo : Dw- ; ember. <)5c; No. 1 hard. 97 3-8c; No 1 ' Northern, "i 3-6 to 96 7-8c; No. 2 North- ; ern," 92 5-8 to 95 3-8c; No. 3 whont. 90 3-8c: " yellow corn, 66 to 56 l-2e; No. 3 AVIATOR'S LICKY ESCAPE. Fell 500 Feet and Lives to tell tho Talc. A despatch from Chicago says : John J. Joyce, an aviator, fell 500 I feet in a biplane at Hawthorne- Park Wednesday, and escapiKl with 'only slight injuries. He broke through five telephone wires, ono [trolley wire, nnd a heavy wooden backstop for a baseball diamond. The backstop was wrecked, and the biplane was literally ground to pieces, but Joyce escaped with only 'a sprained ankle, a scrat^-hed face, laiui a possible minor fracture of Ismail bones. GOODS AT SEA Aviator Lauded Merchandise on Board Steamer FIKE 0> I'. S. BATTLESHIP. Magazine Flooded to Prevent ai E.xplosion. A despatch from New York saysf Fire in the after-turret of the bat- tleship Ohio, in the naval yard a( Brooklyn on Wednesday, necessi* , tated the flooding of the powdel magazine below, as a precautioa •gainst an e.xplosion. The fir< smouldered for half an hour along the heavy rubber insulation of elec- tric wires and a quantity of cotton waste. A redhot rivet dropped on the insulation and startend th« Uaze. The powder magazine, situated about seven feet below the turret, contained a ton and a half of pow- der, and a large quantity of othei ammunition. There were T50 offi- cers and men on the Ohio. Th« battleships North Dakota and Ala- bama were at anchor near by, and ther« was considerable excitement on board all th« ships as well as in the navy yard. 4. WIELDED AXE ON III SBAND. Ottawa Mapstrate Justillcd this Wifely Act. A despatch from Ottav.a saysn According to Magistrate O'Keefe, on Wednesday morning, Mrs. A. Paquet was quite justified in using' the axe on her husband last week to defend herself, bu; ho did not believe in using an axe unless in extreme cases. The magistrate let the accused go on suspended sentence. He warned her that an axe w'as a for- midable weapon to use except in cases of extreme emergency. The bench, however, considered that the prisoner was goadetl to use the axe and had done so without intent to kill. Paquette, arraigned on a charge of drunkenness, was also released in view of his punishment with the a.xc. * INFANTILE PAR.VLYSIS. Invcstiiialion Boinc Made by Coit« servaliou (."oinmi>-ii.)n. A despatch from Ottawa sa.vBt An investisjation into the incvalents of infantile paralysis is being cofl- ductod by the Uominluii Conserva- tion Cuininission. Circulars are be-\ ing forwiudtnl t<.< eveiy medical practitioner in Canada asking foi particulars of the cases with wliich lie has had to deal. Investigationj are also being conduetod into th« hous'ng conditions in C;inadian centres of population, and the ex- istence of slum districts. Munit'ipal huikli.ig by-'aws and building rogulaticiis nre being ex- ainine<l, and a comp.iij.-ion made with those In nsi> in the better re- gulated cities of foreign cox'.ntries^ . . - - " - ,„ 1 were iiiioii wiin Bei^imin FT. Dolan, ^ "g^d^^ for tho suburbs years, lithe injured engineer. One j^^.^,.t„^„„, ^|,„ p^^p,„g ^t^^n, of hi<i leffi was broken in three, ^^,^ j,,^ damaged locomotive pjacca aiMi h» w.t. m bMllT scalded | ^^^,^^ ^ p^ni^. FIVE peoptj: killed. Electric Train Ran Into WiiRon Near RoeUnway Beaeli. A despatch frinn New York naysi .'\n oleetrio train on the Long Is- l/in<l lliiilroad, run into a wniron all tho eroHsing at tho point where the 1 l{ockiiw;iy Bo icli brunch of the railrojul crosses WorHlhaven .\\en- ue in tJlendftle, Sunday. Five peo- ple, who were riding in the wag- on, wore killed and the sixth per- son in the wagon and the train con- ductor were severely injured. A despatch from New York says : The first piece of merchandise e\er d'jlivored *at sea by aertiplane fell on the upper deck of the giant White SUr linor Olympic on We<l- nesJay as she steamed through the Narrows, outward bound on her manlen eastward passage. \V. Atlee Burpee, of Philadel- phia, had contracted for delivery before sa ling with a New York and Philndolpliia department ntore, which in turn engaged the sarviees of Thomas iSopwith, the Knglish aviator. With liiehaid R. Sinclair, eecretary of the .\eni Club, hold- ing the package, Sopwith rose from the aviation grouiuls at CJar<len City, spied out the Olympic as she boM down the Uudscn, timed hia flight to meet her in the Narrows, and set his course over laud and sea. Even from the pier end, passen- gers on the Olympic arc no more than animated dots of white and black to those on shore. Present- ly there was to be seen among those dot-s a scurrying to and fro, as of bits of paper blown by the wind. Sopwith had been sighted bearing d'nvn on them from akift. Working nearer and nearer, he circled the shit) as low as he dared, hovering overhead for an instant and then made back for shore, landing safely on tho grounds of the t'rescent Atliletie Club at Boy Bidgo. While Sopwith controlled the aeroplane S-iuvlair dropi)«d the package at the givsa sigaal. 0^l(il^AL I'UAKTKK FOI ND. Queen's liniversitj Reiovers Highl) Prized Dneiimeut. A despatch fruin Kingston saysj Queen's University is in ptissession of a very valuable document, none other than the original charter granted the university over sixty years ago, and which in some way or uther had disapr>eare<l from sight, vanishing no man kne'W where. It came to light , however, in an unexpected quarter, when Col. S. ('. McGill, managing di- rector of tho Frontei'.n: !A>au Co.. ran across it in th« vii.ilts of that comp.iny. It wat. encl'ised in a til casing, and was in spleuditl condi- tion, with the signature of Queo( Victoria herself well preserved aiH *>M> sreat seal auite intact. 1 i