. Liniwp^jil :.i*.iWBSji. i a-w.,ij'wiiBiiiii..jvii : ^f-yiwT 'â- â- M" ^ I w' *ii -.. ii | l k« ^ 'm i » ^^'y^»" - â- â- "HMI June 22 1911 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCli, 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards tt CUIJXJL'OH A YOUNQ Uankan MrtrkriaU _ea*rkl bkukiugbuaia***. Uouey loaned kt*rea«oo»b}* ratu Oall on uh. TChlSLKTT, • fovtmH.itrr, Oeylon, CominiiiaionKi lo H, C. J , ConTeyanrar, deeda, luortKacas, laaac*, willa tie. eareiully drawn up Jollcctloai mad?, chargea roasoDable. AI»o trocerien, flour, lacd etc, kaptiu itock, Frtcua FlenhertOQ cOmir.iolonMT Id H.C J., Anctioiiee Coti- Teynucer, Api ralier and Mono/ I.ciulir R«al K»tate niul iDiaraooa Agaut. Ubede, mortt:>i|«a. leat"'* andi willa carafully drawn op ana Ta)aatii>u« madi* an eboriast nokie« uont-y to tOMQ at loweBt ratea of interoat. Col. ectiiba att«ad«d to with prnuii>tni-8a ebarK'as low. Asaot for Ocuau Domlaioc Btaaiusbip Company. A call aollcited. Farms For Sale or Rent TTNIUVROVED Jarui for sale, being lot 28. ^ oooceaaioD 14, Uaurey. Tliii la aaj.l to be a fairly level lot with considarable timber anitable for wood. To close ao eatatr will bo sold very cheap and on caay terma of payiuaot. Applyto J. A. hALSTED, Capl Mt. Forest, Out pOR BALEâ€" Cheap ani easy teims. If not ^ sold soon, for rent to suitable tena-:t, North half lot m aud lot 40. cod, II. Artenieaia, and lot 1, con. 1'2, Uaprey. 21(0 acres, aljout 150 cleared balance mostly tiiiibored land, bard aud soft wood : good stone dwelling and frame barn, atabliiit; under ; well watered with Dover- failiniK Buiall spriue creek ciosHinf; farm close to baru'. This is an excellent ffraiu or ^raziQK farm and will be sold very cheaii if taken at 0[tcu aud on eauy terms. Appl) to II. J. Bproule, Flcshertou, Ont. DMcPHAIL, Licensed Aaetionaer tor the • County of Grey, Terms moderate aud satlaiaction Kiiaranteed. The arranReuienta and dates of salea can be made at Thk Advance office. Keeldeuce aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. WU. KAITTINU, Licenaed Anctiooeer for the oouDiies of Urey and Bimcoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terma moderate. a&ti<«factiou guaranteed. Arrau^e- aieats fur dates may be made at the Advance dffiae, orA:T. Hutcbioson'a store, Keversham byaddreaslDg me at Feversbam, Ont. f, UKSAm oheapaud on easy termsâ€" Lota 1 * andl^ooo. 11 Ouprev, ax) aorea ; frame dwelling, frame baru and htabliiiR under; about no acres cleared and onder cultivation. Souiu splendid ccdai with other mixed timber on balance, also t» jfiujall orchardabearluK. Wcl watered ;nevei failini; spring creek. Bplendid I erain andgrazinij farm. Apply to U J.Sproule I Flesherton or Samuel Osborne, Maxwell. pOH B.\LE very cheap and on easy termsâ€" *- The late Ur,('liri»tofc'«:i-9tory brick block in Flesherton with good stable and nevor-fail- iiiRwellon |>ieniises. Good large store and good butcher's shop aud dwelling ; two ({ood stone oellars under building ; is and can bo kept well rented ; twoKood hails on second and third stories ; first class bnsiue«8 stand aud will be sold cheap as owner is engaged In other business in the west and has no further use for it. Apply to R- J. Bproule, Flesherton. RUDD UATHE'.VS, Markdale, Licensed auctioneer tor the county of Grey, Good aervice at reaacnable rates. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 00 IHAUVEY PEKIliOE, broker, Flesherton General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed iu f afe and liberal companioa. Heal estate etc. , Oixm accounts aud past due DOtea bandied and money advanced thereon. Corraepondence solicited. Medical DR CARTER M C P A S Ont, Physician, Rariieon ete OfUce and residenceâ€" Peter at., rieaberton VAKM FOU BALE-Very cheap, 100 acres, *â- lot 9, coo. 7, Osprey, only »a000, reasonable cash payment, balante easy terms, 85 acren cleared, well fenced aud in high state of culti vation, balance timbered, good comrortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail lug spring well and windniill pump at door, bow frame barn, well Huiahed. stone stabliuc witb spring water under, also iu shod. It iii situated i uiile troni Maxwell village where there are stores, jiost offlcec, good scbuol. and is on the gravel road, Oj milen from railway station. If sold at once, above price, tbougti VERY CHEAP might be ahsrted a little. Apply to R. J. HPROULE, Flesherton, or THOMAS GUY, on prettises. 'f JP OTTKWBLL Veterinary Rurgaon Graduate of Ontaiio Veterinary College, teaidenoe â€" second door south weat^on k^ry street. This street rune south Presbyterian Chnrob. I por sale cheaper rent, immediate possesfion. "â- Lot 30 ecu. 14. Arteuiosia, about 73 acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn Apply to R J Sproule, Flesherton, or John J Martin across the road from said lot; { uartiu aci H WILSON, Hlackumith * Uraduate of tue Veterinary Bcieno AasociaUon. Durham street, opposite Hoyd, Bros hardware. Dentistry ly. E. C. IWURRAV L. D. S., dental surgeon a/ honoi graduate of Toronto Univeraity and Royal t-'ollege of Dental Surf^eons of Ontario, Gas admisiulatered for teeth extraction Office at reaideoce, Toronto Street, Flesherton. Legal I CCAB, RANEY* WALLArE-Rarristem. *-• Sollcitora,etc.-I. B.Lucas, K. C; W. E. Raney. K. ( . ; J. H. O. Wallace. Offices. Toronto. fOO-V Tiadors Rank Illdg., phone maio 1412: Markdale Lucas Block, Rhone 2 A. Branch ofOce at Dnndalk open every Saturday. A G00D:START in life has l>eeii siv- en thougands of yount{ people who Imve attended the .\t Owen Sound, Ont., during the past thirty years. Wliat we have done for otherB we can do for you. Try it by entering for the Spring Term on Monday, April 3rd. Circularx free. G. D Fleming, Secretary, 0. A. Fleming, Principal. WH. WRIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Bound, and Flesherton. Bâ€" Flesherton office, Spronle'a Block every atnrdav Societies AO U W meets on the last Monday in each month, in their lodge room Norris' block.lFleshertou, at H p.m. M. W., H. L'. LoUard ; Rec., C. H. Munsbaw; Fin., W, V. t^roaaley Viaiting bretbrao Invited PRINCE ARTHL'K LODGE, No. S33, A.F.4 A M, meets in tii6 Masonic liall. Arm* strong N Block, Kleaberton, every Friday on or before the full mocn. ('. H. Mu'ishaw, W. M.; Thos. Clayton, Secretary. r OUBT FLESHERTON, 995, \. 0. F. meeta In V C'layton'a Block the last Wednesdav evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R.. Dyson; R. S., V. Henry; Fin. Sec, C. N. Richardson. Klease pay duos to Flu. Bee. before the first day of the mouth. CHOSEN FKIENDS-FIoshorton Council of Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's ball first and tlilrd Wednesdav of each month N p. uri Pay assessments to tlie Recorder on or before tee first day of each innntli. Cliiof Councillor T. Blakelov; Recorder W. H. Bunt, Berkshires and Tamworths I have now for sale a few very choice Reik abire pigs, nearly ready to wean' Hurry your order and get the best. AIko good Tauiworth bog four years old, for sale' GEO. W. ROSS, Maxwell 1'. O. Boar for Service Imported Hackney Stallion Maltoii Squire No. 8564, Vol. XXI, P3.B. routp: for 1911 Monday, May 8th,at i».;50a.ni. ho will leave his own stable. Lot 18, con. 10, Euphrasia, near Goring, by 18 nnd 19 sideroad to Mathew Pat ton's, town line Holland and Euphnisia for noon, thence to Sutherland Bros.' , 10th line Holland for night, Tuesday, at 8 a.m. will proceed by way of Walters FhIIn to A. C. Clark's, town lino Kuphriisia and .St. Vincent, for noon; tlionce to ./as. Siitt'.s, Lot 9, cm. 0, St. Vincent, for ni)<ht. Wednesday, at 8 a. m., will proceed to Robt. Abercrombio's, Griei-sville, for noon ; thence to Loano House, l<c)clilj'n, for night. Thursday, will proceed by way of 18 and Vi sideroad lo and by Epping to George Hutcliin.son'H for noon ; thence to Frank Bowser's, Duncan, for night. Friday noon, Kiniberley ; night, Hy. Erskinv's. Saturday noon, jVarkdale until 4 p.m., when \vd will proceed to his own stable. CHAS. W |{ 1(3 HT, Goring, Proprietor and Collector. Horse Routes I'ure Rred Tumworth liour f..r s.Tvioe Tlic Sweepstake German Coach lerinK, %\, Cmu. N. HinJle, Maxwell, Ont. Bull for Service Thoroughbred ,Slii>ttlir>rn bull, IjmI, (or seriice on Int 12, UroadliiKik's !l, Ospn-y. JViligree on a|i|ilu'atiriM. Heriicc, $l.<Kt for grades. thor'>Ui(hl>reds, V>, $3 at time of service, Kiill jiriw dharged for cows not retiirued. ,(; M. HURNW. Boars for Service Tlie undersigned liai a tlioroiifflilired York- shire Ixwr for service on lot Hx, Hnl rangre, K. T. and S. R,, Artemesla. Terms, -»1. 00 Alao Hereford Bull (or service. .I.J. Urvwn. 1 Jr. BULL FOR SERVICE ThonmgMwe.l .Shorthorn bull, "Dandy Jim" K17S4, for service on lot I'ii, T. * .S, R., Ar- teiiiesia. This animal is of a giiodTmilking strain. Pedigree nn apiilicatioii. Tenns,â€" V.nAt* %\, registered W. ,1 AS. HTIN-SGN Proprietor. Bull For Service Tlioroiighbi ed Hereford Bull for service on lot 171, con. 3 .S. W. T. and .S. R., Arte- niesia. Tertnsâ€" •! for grade, W for pure bred, Any cow not returned will be charged In (ull whether in calf or not. UMari'J â€" T, ft J. WATSON. Bull for Service Stallion. Don Carlos STANDS 10.^ WEIGHT lOOO LBS. Will Make the Season of litll aa follows : Monday -Will leave his own stable Meaford, by way of third line to John Maokie's. Townline, for noon ; thence lo Chas. Hills, 10th line CVdlingwood for night, Tuesdayâ€" By Ravenna to Ed. McKean for noon ; thence to Fevershani for night. ' Wednesdayâ€" To Dick Hoy's for noon ; thence to Markdale for night. Thursday -North to Wm. Lyons for noon ; thence to Saw Marshall's Walters Falls, for night. Fridayâ€" To Bognor for noon ; thence to Woodford for night. Saturday Morning to hia own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. J NO. FINDLAY, Proprietor. MEAFORD BOX 420. FRENCH NRGRO Monday â€" Will Leave his own stable flob Roy to Mclntyre for noon and Robt. Priestly Maxwell for night. Tuesday -By Fevershani, to Jas. Ooutflas for noon and west to Kobt, MoMullen for night. Wednesday to R. Hoy's for noon and Komdyke Chlothilda. I'nntiae Mntlerbny, whose dam Is a aUter to the ehani plon two- yesr old of the world, lliitterhnv Allan I'ioler- tijB, that gave ."i-Vi pounds of nillk in R«ven days 1 ». , , , , - . , and nearlv iii pounds of butter, and whoso sires Markdale for night, dsni Is a sister to May hcho. ihanipion er>w of, ti„,„j.., fr„ n wi u v \ \ (anada. which gave 'jiono poun. la nf milk and ! Inuridayâ€" lo U. Walter, Kimberloy llOllpoundH id lintter iu a year, also h ' â- ..».. . . gland dam is a sister to I'untiao Kornd.. is ilrc of chaniilon oow of the world tiiftde W.2S iKiiinils til butter in seven days, also four dsnghlers with the records of over thirty pounds in seven days, inrlnding one sold f<,r M.tlOO and her son for gl.ixxi when months ol.-l. Lot IK) and IS4 W T. & H. Road. Teini«,«l. payableiatof ,\prii ims!. OEa MOyRB.&SOM. his great I forn noon, and to Heathcoat for night. ?irwiHchi l;'"«lay-T, .Ino Sherdeu for noon and Jno, amiths for night. Siturday To Mark Ebljey's for noon Uob Roy for night. JNO, FINDLAY, Proprietor. MEAFORD BOX 420. Stone Settlement Intended for Last Week { Mrs. T. McArthur and master Gordon | visited her dauKhti-r, Mrs. B. Speer*, 'â- west ba«k line, on Sunday. Mr. John Irwin of Durham was home 'â- on Sunday. Miss Margaret Leslie spent tho week's i end at her home in Markdale. | Mrs. Frank Cairn.s of Ceylon suburbs' was a visitor at Mr. J. McLeod's one day last week. ; Mr. A. Hazard visited with friends in { Owen Sound for a few days last week. j Mrs. J. II. Leslie and son, Harry, of ; Markdale, visited on Sunday with friends I here. i Miss Minnie McArthur spent Sunday i at Mr. T. Butler's of the Irish Lake. Messrs. H. Stone and T. Spicer of Proton were home over Sunday. We neglected to mention n our last week's budget tha>'^ Mr. Frunk Butler of the Irish Lake was a welcome visitor in this vicinity on Sunday. being blessed with a strong constitution all his life. Mr. Cripps spent most of his onsnhood's years in this vicinity and was well known to eld and young. He was a man who {Kisaessed many peculiar characteristics, but underlying all was a firm allegiance to what ho con^•idered right, with a strong fearless condem- nation of the wrong, as many a wrong- doer know. The funeral took place Wednesday from the residence of his son, Mr, James ^Cripps, cervice being conducted by his pastor. Rev. J. Phim- ister, iissistt'd by Rev. W. C. Mercer. Mrs. Mary Greenaway died on Friday morning last at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Greenaway had passed her 87tb birthday and the infirrai'* ties of old age.had rested heavily on her for many months past so that death wis indeed a blessed release from suffering. Mi's. Greenaway wan turied on Monday at Tottenham beside her husband, who predeceased her fifteen years ago. Rev. W. C. Mercer conducted a sevice on Sunday evening lust. Walkerton Not caring to beg for that which they apporently can take by force, the Walk- erton council on Monday last decided to compel the County Council through the court to take over and maintain the east end bridge. Mrs. DauKaechele of Mildmay broke her arm and bruised her leg as the result of being thrown from a rig. The follow- ing day her barn, containing nearly all her implements, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. None of the hotel keepers in Walker ton take $60 over their bars per day, as not a single cent went out of this town to the tJntario Government for the past month, as provided by tha new law re- quiring a turning over to the Department of 6 per cent, of all daily bar receipts ex- ceeding 9,50. During the absence of G. B. Miller from his home some (larties unknown to the owner entered his cellar and ate up a portion of a ham, revelled in some nearby pies aud cakes, and opened and coiisumed a jar of preserves, besides car- rying disaster into other palatable lines. Getting her hand between two revolv- ing hot rollers at the steam laundry here Miss Flora Weiler had her entire arm drawn in before the machine could be stopped. On being released from her [Hiinfiil positiou her hand iras found to be terribly bruised and her arm fright- fully burned. The yoimg lady had just entered the employ of the steam laundry that morning, and wis feeding clothet into hot rollers which are used for iron- ing them, when the accident occurred. As a result of the miskap hoi right hand and urni will be put out of commission for many months, if not permanently iiijurod,â€" Bruce Herald. Kimberley We are sorry to report Mr. Gilbert Isaac on the sick list, with but slight hopes of recovery. Mr. R. D. Carruthers, who spent the past few weeks in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta, returned home last week. He is quite favorably impressed with our great West. Mr. Galbraith of Coltingwood i.4 the guest of his friend, .Mr. John Plewes. George Proctor has a gang of men busily engaged building a stone basement under a barn for J. M. Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fawcett of Parry Sound District have the sympathy of this entire ueiehborhood in the loss by drowning of their tbne boys. The East Grey County Urange Associ- ation held their semi-annual meeting in the lodge rooms here on Thursday of last week. Messi-s. R.D and B.A. Carruthers at- tended the Liberal convention in Flesh- erton on Friday of last week. Mils Mae Wickens, who has spent the past few months iu Toronto, returned home last week. W. G. Hammond, who is a'tonding high bchool in Meaford, is holidaying at his pareiital home. Miss Emma Smith of Toronto is holi' daying at her [Kirenlal home here. The monthly meeting of the local branch of the O. W.I. will be held at the home of Miss Alma Camack, " Shady Nook," on ihfi 29th in»t. Meeting lo commence at usual hour. Don't forget the Sunday school picnic on Saturday, 24th lost. Foott>all match, I Kimberley vs. Eugenia, also baseball â- natch. Come along and bring your bas- ket and have a good time. East Mountain Remember the school picni:: June 29, Clifford Camack of Collingwood visited Saturday and Sunday with his sisterp, Mrs. W. J. Martin and Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. John Smith was in Flesherton for a few days last week. Durham .Vbout a hundred and ten tickets were sold hero on Saturday for the excursion to the model farm. Hilton Rowe, about seven or eight years of age, had one of his feet badly cut .11 few days ago. While running tliri)U,?h long grass on the sido of one of the streets he stopped on a broken whis- key flask intlicling a very deep gash which' bled profusely for a time. He was attended by Dr. Ilutloiiand is now do ing well. J It was ipiite a shook to the citizens of this town when the intelligence was pas- sed' around on Mt>nday last that Mrs. (Rev.) Newton had died rather unexpec- tedly at Aljiena, Michigan, where she W8.S being treated for nervous tiouble. The family is widely scattered, Mr. New- ton being in Hartney, Manitoba ; the eldest son, Carl, in San Antonio, Texas ; the other son, Keith, in some geological work in British Columbia. As a sligl\t personal tribute to the deceased, we may say that we always held her in tho high- est esteem, while we regarded the now bereaved hu.iband as the essence of honor and true manhood â€" Chronicle. Portlaw Tlie hour of service at Mt. Zion church has been changed fiom 11 to 10.30. Tho Sunday school hii.s been reorganized with the following list of ofKccrs and teachers: Sec--Tvea8., W G Janiieson ; Libiarian, )oGtors Condemn , Oily Liniments .'he Public are Warned to Be Careful of These Strong- Smelling Oily Liniments Containing Harmful Acids, Ammonia, Etc. Singhampton Mr. Alex. Moore of British Columbia is on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, after an absence of nine years. Alex, is engaged in conduc- ting a large dairy business at Nelson, B. C. Mrs. H. /eiggel is suffering from a painful disease of the head and eye. Her daughter, Mrs. MoBride, of Cal- gary, is with her at prosent. Mrs. Snsan Taylor, who has been very ill, is making favorable progress. Her daughter, Mrs, S. Grey, of Weyburn, Sask., is in attendance together with Misa McDonald, nurse, of Collingwood. Our neighborhood was visited by two very severe electrical storms recently. Much damage was done to fences and orchards. Mr. Albert Edwards bad two valuable cows killed by lightning. The abundant showers were much needed and will do untold good. On Monday evening, ,">th inst., Mr. Villiers Cripps droopped dead while pre- paring to retire for tho night. Mr. Ctippa *a8 in his 8;W year and up to the day of his death was in good health, Many peopio have clung to the old- a-shloncU idea that a thick, greasy Inlment is the best kind. Doctors ay notâ€" and they know. Recently a numl>er of these white, 'lly liniments were analyzed, and they vere found to contain an enormously il^h percentaere of harmful actda, and uch Irritating chemicals as ammonia, tc. Kor the moment they may cause . warm sensation when first applied, )Ut their continued use never cures heumatism, and only deteriorates the l{in, sets up Inflammation and causes â- ndless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit islngr a white, oily liniment â€" do so. He cnows that a thick liniment can't pen- â- trate, can't sink through the pores md reach the seat of the pain. When asked his opinion a few days igo. Dr. Roberts stated that he consldr ^red a strong, penetrating, pain-sub- lulng liniment such as "NervlUne," to >e superior to any of the white, am- nonia liniments. In his twenty-five ,'ears of practice he had witnessed lases of rheumatism, sciatica, and umbago that simply would not re- *pond to ordinary treatment â€" butNer- /illne cured them. The same physl- :ian also spoke of the great advant- tges of keeping a preparation like .VervlUne In tho house always, be- cause of cramps, diarrhoea, atomact llsorders, earache, toothache, bead- iche, and such minor ailments. Ner- vlUne Is a first-class cure. . There la scarcely an ache or a pain, Internal of jxternal, that NervlUne won't cure. In thousands of homes no other paln- rellevlng medicine Is used. Fifty years' continued success and the en- Jorsement of the profession are proof that NervlUne 1« tho liniment (or tb« Home. CORNS CURED >0 %^ â- » â- » ** UVM HOURS You can painlessly remove any corn, Ither hard, soft, or bleeding, by ipplying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It lever burns, leaves no scar, contains no kctds; Is harmless, because composed inly of healing gums and balms. Fifty ,'earH In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold •y all druggists. 2.^c bottles. Refuse uili»tltutea, 1^ PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR 8 McNevin ; Organiiit, Mrs Jamieson ; | Teachers, Mrs. A. Uanley, Mrs J HJ Watson, Mrs Morton and ftlias Cornfield. Hour of meeting 2 p.m. I Mr. S. Pedlar raised a large addition! to his barn last week. | MrH. Hanley visited friends at Fever- sham for a few days. Bornâ€" In Winnipeg, on May .31, tc Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker (nee Miss Annie Napier) a daughter. Mrs. F, H, Thompson left last week for Chicago to visic to visit her sister, Mrs. Campaign, who is very ill. Andrew Duncan of Colhogwood visited his a".nt. Miss Mary Johnston. T. R. McKenzie is iu Owen Sound this week attending County Council. . Creemore The contract for building the bridge over the river west of Danedin was let to F. Usborne on Saturday at $240 for the superstructure. J. W. Rinn has set out to demonstrate that there is money in chickens. He has about four hundred little cha{>s already, which with others to be added,. he intends feeding until they are large enough for broilers, when they will be marketed. According to W. F. Kidd who is in charge of the orchard demonstration in Simcoe and Grey Counties, the apple crop in the Georgian B.'ty District this year will be light. There will be a crop of fall apples but very few of tho winter variety. Mrs. John Wilson, near Glencairn, died very suddenly Salurdty night. She was in the act of getting a glass of milk from the cupboard when a heavy clap of thunder occurred and she dropped where she was, and expired in about half an hour. â€" Star. <::atarrhal Deafness Saccessfally Treated By Catarrhozonc Deafness is not so common as blind- ness, yet thousands are more o less afflicted by it, and their comfort ser- iously interfarsd with. Catarrhal deafness manifests Itself but slowly, yet It must be acknowledg- ed that the great majority of those who become totally deaf might have avert- ed this unfortunate condition if they had treated the catarrhal inflamma- tion at its beginning. The only remedy that can oe safely employed for a'A forms of catarrhal deafness is Catarrhozone. You simply charge the air you breathe with this healing, soothing agent, and by forc- ing It gently through the ears destroy the germ life which keeps up the in- flammation, and at the same time by the soothing, healing action it heals tho inflamed surfaces of the middle ear. CATARRHOZONE, to those who are Just a little deaf, and are growing in- creasingly deaf, i.s an agent capable of affording the utmost satisfaction, and its use is attended without danger, and as the treatment can be carried oh at home no person threatened with the affliction of deafness should postpone one moment in beginning its use. From every part of the Dominion glowing accounts of the beneficial ac- tion it exerts upon catarrhal condi- tions of the middle ear have been sent ; in, and you will be resorting to th« [only method of cure, and the simplest I method too, if you try Catarrhozone. I Dealers everywhere sell it, 25c, 50c, and »1.0a By mail from The Catarrhozona iCoh Buffalo, N. Y, and Kingston, Ont, 88 YCAMS* CXPCRIKNCC HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE Tradc Marks OCSIONS Co^RiaHTS Ae. Anyone nnillnc a iketeti and daserlptlon mar qnlckiT ueertaln onr opiulon fres wbatber so Invention Is probsblr P<it6ntAbl0.^ommanlc» UnnsRtrlctlrcnnndentlal. (UNOBOOK onPstentS tent free Oldem uencr for •ectirlos jMKents. I'atenta taken tbrouKh Muud A. Co. reoelvs tpecUni itoctcv, without coarse, Intbe Scientific Jlniericdm A haiKUonwIy UlDstmt«d weeklr. lAnvat dr- colAtioi] of any xieutirto joum*!. Terms for OUUUla. $3.75 ft JtAX. i>o«t&go pKp&ld. t^ld tTy aU Dewadeaien. MUNN& Co »«"»«»*-' New York Braneta O0oa. M r St. CVMblngton. D. C. Oxford _ Down Sheep and Tam worth ' Swine â€" Brown Leghorn Poultry a specialty. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BU -L FOR SERVICE- BELLFAN COi'.COKDl.-V DUKE DeKOL No, aim SlUK Qiieeu's DeKol Duke No. (:U8j) H. I B. D.\M Bellfaa Concordia DeKol No. (4»46) H, IB., whose Brand dam held the WORLDS BUT- / TEK UFCOKD a few years ago MAKING 30 LB8„ 10 OZ. IN 7 DAYS. This yoaDK animal is rising .3 year^, Isofgood sir.e aod iudividualitv, baviDii wou three Ist aud one second prize as a calf at some of the prom- I iuent cuutres of Uot., and has woo 1st place at I one and two years old at East Grey tall fair, I Fleshertoo. : Teimsâ€" Grades «1.jO. thoroughbreds «:i.0O, ; payable Ist of Jan. All cows uot regularly . returnee: will be charged. I RICHARD ALLEN, ILotm 2N.E, T.&8K. Flesherton P.O. 1 .Tune 11 Nervous Debility OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of yon. tudcr its influence the br.ja bcoorjies active, tho Uood purine 1 so that all pimples, Ijlorchfs and ulcers heul up: tho norvcs l>ecomo stroaj;, as ttcfl, s:> that nervousnt"'**, bT.hfulness and despondency di3ap[>ear: tho ev*-3 Income briijUt, the f.ico fuUandcleir, enp.rpry rptumiiotho body, and thi met^ril. physical and niontul systomsare invi^orat(;<i; p.ll dmios cortseâ€" no more vital vast© from tho s.vstem. Ttcu fo*'I yourself a man an 1 know marriatje caunut bo a failure. Don't let quacl^s and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. I3r NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter K. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Ncrvoiu Debility tor m:iuy years. I lay It to indisereti'jn aud excessiis in yiuUi. I bccaino ve:y de.spoiident and iHiln't care uhithcr "I worked or not. I imagined everyto^^y who hjoked at rao guessed my secret. .iMLiftinativo di-eains at nisht weakenc-d , j nie-my Ijack uohed, liad pains in the ' ' back ot my liead, hands and feet wore cold, tired in the mornioff, poor ai'pctito, flnpcrs were shaky, eyes oUirrcd, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numljuessin thelinprorssetlnand tho doctor told mo ho fearL'd paralysi;!. I took ail kinds ot meiliclnes utkI tried many fli'st-clnss , physicians, wore en eJectrii; beltforthree f montlis, but received littlo benefit. I < w:is induced to cons.ilt Drs. Kennedy & •-»»« TBr»Tur..» Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in *"*" tre«tmiht doctors. Likeadrownlnsman 1 commenced the New Method Tbeatmest and it F.tved my life. Tho improvement w.-.s lilco magicâ€" I could teel the vigor going thriiuRh the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent tliem many patleuts uud continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY . We treat and euro VARICCSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and oU Diseatas peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unabi. lo call write 'or a Que.Uon Blank tor Homa Treatment. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ffiBM^ntoll ATI (* p 'All letters from Canada must be addressed ^flHV *â- w I mCi to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â- *' â- â- â- â- â- â- â- IBMIMM tnent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as -we see and treat BO patient* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Ivaboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follovs: DRS. KENNEDY ft KENNEDY, Windtor, Ont. Write for our private address. â- CFOnC TREATMENT CtiYHJIN b STORE Come and get O _ • â- i^ 1 some of the Bargains at Ceylon All that was advertised in last week's paper is still on tale at the same price, also many other lines which were not mentioned. Don't totftel to ask to see our Men's and Boys' Suits and be convinced that they are xreat value ! Ladies' Corsets, .50 and 75c for , 25o Men's Overalis for '!60c Boys' Overalls for .'. .26 Ladiek' Belt*, all kinds, for '.'.'.'.'.*.*.','.'. 15 Men's and Boys' Ties reg. 25c for. . .: 16 andlso burnt glass Tea Setts, Water Setts and Berry Setts, rej{. $1.50 for 91. 15 per sett. Raisins, fresh, per box #2.10 ot 3^ pounds for 25o Reoleaned Curr<«tilt, 3 pounds for .'25c Bakinc Soda ^<operpound Ladies' VVhite Iiawn Waists, trimmed with lace and insertion for. .60o Boys' Wash Suits for ' 75^ Ladies' f 14.26 and tU.OO Suits for '.' " *fVo 50 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM RODUCE J' as. JTatfi'son SenetHtl Ce, â- ^flereAant 'ylon ^ f* H' %. V