PRICES OF m PROOOCTS UEPOBTS FnOJI TriE LEADING TItAOE CENTRES OF AMEBICA. pes ef Cattle, Grain. Cheese and Other Produce at nome and Abroad. MADE IN CANAD^^ Toronto, BEr:ADSTCVFS. CBISHES ON BOCK Ivernia Lies in Queenstown Harbor in Bad' ly Damaged Condition ,n, „.. ^*' 30.-WiiiUT wheat 90 per 'r'.'lfht.. Manitoba flours -first pateiud. V..IJ: seoona patfnt*. »4.6u; and dtroue i^tr'; K*^'^ i'" "•'•^^•l'- Toronto ^ i nil r. '^^* J'''o»»-^«- 1 Northern 99o. j Pntar-o wheat-Xo. 2 red, 8Sc. outside. l«?*- 2 whitK at 3Ci-. outside. I BariL-y-Prites nominal. I ^^^'â- '^r^"l^''-'i Blades. 37 1-2 to 38o. out- I mde for No. 2, and at 39 1-2 to 40c. on truck, loronto; No. 2 W. C. oats. 39c. and No. 3, 37 l-2c. Bay ports. «*-?!;°~^''- 3 American yeUow. M to » 1-2. Bay porta. ^^ S'''»s--Prioe3 purely nominal. Kyeâ€" Prices are nominal. Buckwhcat-Nothine olferins. '*â- â- '">â€" ilanitobas. |21. in bags, Toronto, and shori.s, $22 to $23, in bags, Toronto. Ontario bran, »2l to .$21.50, in bags. Tor- A despatch from Queenstown :Bays : The Cunard Line steamer Ivernia .struck on a rotk at noon on Wednesday during a fog as she was passing this port. The vessel ia now resting at anchor close to the •eastern bank of Kinloch Channel, in the inner harbor, with 25 feet of bor, where she was anchored at the edge of the eastern bank. The pa.ssengers, who numbered 756, were quickly landed. The liner was within a mile of a tender, which was waiting t-o take off the Irish contingent of passen- gers, when Daunt Rock suddenly Royal '.AST Used in C&nadi&Q homes to produce delicious hoine>made bread, and a sup- ply is always included in Sporlsmena' and Campers' Outfits. Decline all imitations. They never give satisfaction and coat ju«t as much. y^ â- "^y.'.?3 E. W. CILUETT CO. LTD. WinnipeK Toronto, Ont. Montreal A'^arded highest honors at all "â- ^ -•â- E-mositianj. mi MOST PERFECT f^SADC ETT< â- 3. a?* less turkeys. 19 to 2lc water in her fore compartment. No ; loomed up in a dense fog, and be one on board the steamer was hurt. ' fore the vessel's way could be stop- The first that was known of the : ped the big ship struck. The pas- accident was when the liner passed sengera were at luncheon at the Roche's Point, at the head of Cork time of the accident, and quickly harbor. The forepart of the Iver- rushed on deck. The ship onlv nia was sunk deep in the water, j hung on the rocks for a short time, her stern was high in the air, and i and then slid off into deep water she had a dangerous-looking list to I with a large aperture in her star-|. Chees*â€" 12 1-2' to I3c starboard. The great hole in the j board bows, through which the i forepart of the liner and tile narrow water poured and threatened to margin of free board above the flood the Uner. Captain Potter and ^„=«,™°l^,"S'^-^^f ;p^J^i-2,2j<> ij^^ water sufficiently indicated what a 1 his officers . - narrow escape the Cunarder had BRITISH EX0DL8. Returned Visitor .Says Farms are Being Depleted. A despatch from Montreal says : Mr. C. R. Hosmer returned to Montreal on Fridav fr.ui Ki>gJ»f^ and Continental Europe- ^" ^'"^ _ British I-;ies A» said, iie found do.e^?- i-o-rT^com^b^'Ti/ole^lie?!?:?^ "" t^at C..-^. a-s a field for the man ^ per doien. ; wba was Wl!ling to work was a topic an^d" No.'^#'a7^$?to Vio'" '^ '"-'• °° ""'â- ?/ conversation among all classes. Baled strawâ€" dfi to S6.30. on truck. Tor- He stated that there seemed ffood ground for the apprehension felt by COtJNTHT PEODCCE. Beansâ€" Car lots. $1.70 to $1.75, and small lots. $1.90. Honeyâ€" Extracted. In tins. 10 to lie per lb; No. 1 comb, wholesale. $2 to $2.50 . - $1.75 to $2 per doten onto. Potatoes -Car lots. 90c per bag. SI]EKAISWM),000,000 Z7escendants of Count Munnich Lay Claim -;-^â- ^ '- to Vast Estate PouJ tryâ€" Wholesale prices of dressed some Deoolp in Fno-'anH anA poultry -rear!. ng chickens. 15 to 16c per ^'^"'J JJCopie m, an<l many lb: â- - " - ._ t ., > , . . per lb; live, I to 2c in Scotland, at the e.xodus of the ' "WO, 000 is ac stake. The plaintiffs j young men and farmers to the Ca- j are two direct heirs of the Kulsian LOCAL D\rRY MVRKETS | nadian \\ est. The emigration this; soldier-statesman. Field Marslial Butter-Dairv print. 17 "to 19o: 'inferior. ' "^^Y :'' ^'^'Z ^J*" ,«^"v,^^i^ ''?• ! ^,<^"°^. Burkiiard Chnstoph Von ..and in parts of Scotland there are Munnich. unon whom KrPfi^ri.^L- rh.. not enough men left *â- " " â€" '- '•'-- â- A despatch from Berlin says ; tualiy sent to Siberia for 20 years. Kaiser Wilhelm will shortly be the ^n<l ^^- completely stripped of his defendant in a suit in which $20,- 15 to loc. Creamery, 21 to 2oc rolls, 29 to 21e for solids, and 20 to 21c for separator prints. ESBSâ€" Case lots to 19c per doien. a jobbing way HOa PRODUCTS. from disaster. The watertight com- partment, however, stood the strain well, and the water was confined to the forward hotd The captain brought his damag- ed vessel safely into the inner har- - pc._. _. however, were prompt cut, S23; pickled rolls. 819 to »20. . I .1, u 11 1 I ,„,1 (â- U.I in llamaâ€" Light to medium loc; do., beavr. to close the bulkhead, and the in- ^ to I3c: rolls, 10 1-2 to lie; breakfast rush of water was confined to the bu'-oo I6 to !7c: backs, is to 18 i-2o. forward hold. The Ivernia's ofli- 1 10 cers were abie to quickly reassure ! the passeng^s of their safety, and ; there was no sign of panic on | board. Lardâ€" Tierces. lOe; tubs, 10 1~ paild. ; BCSINE.SS AT MONTREAL. I Montreal. May 30. - Oats â€" Canadian j Western. No. 2, 41 to 41 1.2c. car lots ex I store ; extra No. 1 feed V) 1-2 to *Q 5-Jc ; No. J C.W. 40 to 40 l-4i-; So. 2 local white, o9 1-2 to 39 3-»<; : M.,. 3 locai while. 39 to : j9 !-Jc : No. 4 local white. 38 to 38 l-2c. ; Hourâ€" Manitoba Spring patents, firsts. • Sd.JO: do., second.^. $4.80; Winter wheat '' patents. $4.60 to *4.75; strong bakers . The Biz Plant at kinsston tnaiifres ?4.60; stntistht rollers, $ to $4.25; do.. „ . i in bags. $1.80 to $2. Rolled oats-Per bar- HaUUii. : rel. *4.5o; bag of 90 lbs, $2.15. Corn-Am- "Hcan - So. J yellow. 60 to 61c. Millfeedâ€" in„„ r>„....;„ ..XI. «.._:..,,._ .... ,„,j. on men left to work the ! Great conferred vast estates of farms, while almost all the young ; Bugen m return tor his services m men are on their way to Canada, securing the Russian alliance for The emigrants are of the best Prussia. class, he declared. He stated also ; Count Munnich fell into disgrace tha„ British investors have great ' upon the accession of the Empress ' of gift and are able to prove their int ? ?^' T'^ '^'''u^^ r? Elizabeth of Prussia and was sen-, lineage. Thev intend to sue in the fananciers whom he met had little tenced to be e.xecuted .16 . v* «, auo m uu.. hesitation in taking up Canadian securities. estates by Elizabeth. Peter III., recalled him and he again enjoyed great power at the Russian court. On his death in 17G7 Frederick tha Great transferred the Bugen pro- perties to Munnich's son, In con.s,.>quence of litigation Ernat Munnich never obtained possessioa of the estates, and they lapsed to the Prussian Crown. The descendants of Munnich say now that thev have the roval deea -j lineage. He was ac- Prussian courts. DIAZ LE.VVES MEXICO. Be LOCOMOTIVE WORKS SOLD. A despatch from Kingstoa. Ont.,; Bra" says : The Canadian Locomotive Company, Ltd., of Kingston, has sold out to an English syndicate, composed chiefly, it is understood, of Lord Glcncouuer Dariborougli Pryor, J. Leigh Wood, and F. R. S. Balfour, who recently visited Kingston to inspect the local works. Bran, Ontario, $-3«- Manitobn, $21; m flttbifs, Ontario, $22.30 to *2j; shoi Manitoba, $23: tnouillie. $25 to iZO. Ej Northern, 93 1-2 to 96 l-2c; No. »heat. The deal was put through on Fri- « V-. '" '^ ^â- '^'â- '- Corn-No. '3 'yellow, 52 to day afternoon at a special meetin of the stockholders, but the f tails have not yet been annou The price even is not given .,.,. ..1.^5, i-so. â- .:. vuc. Bran. $21.50 to $-22. uil de ButTalo. .Sfay 30. -Spring wheat. No. t J Northern, carloads store, $1.04; Winter, unoetl. firm; No. 2 red. 96c; No. 1 white. 95c. but it Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow. 57e; No. 4 yellow ,, - , ""!â- ', 55 l-4c: No. 3 coru. 54 to 54 l-4c; No. 4 was large. At present the capital corn. 53 to 53 i-4c. all on track, through stock of the company is $500,000 This will be increased full eight- fold. billed, white. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 38 l-2c; 37 3-4c; No. 4 white, 37c. LrVE STOCK MARKETS. THE NEWS IN A PHRAGRAPH n-VPrEMNGS FROM .iLL OTEB TUE GLOBE IN A MISUELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Ejcs. CANADA. The military camps will again be •without alcoholic drinks. Mr. J. C. Judd has been appoint- ed Police Magistrate of Loudon. .\dam Snider was killed by fal- ling down the shaft of the Nova Scotia mine at Cobalt. Gait ratepayers carried the by- law to e.xpend $:J5,000 on extending the Hydro-electric service. Judge Barron has presented his report on the claims of the Grand Trunk strikers to the railway au- thorities. The Public Works Department will call for tenders for work in St. John iiarbor approximqiting five million dollars. Ex-Mayor Huber of Berlin Ont., is suffering from blood-poisoning During the past ten years Can- ada has received nearly two mil- lion immigrants. Engineers have been sent out to complete the survey for the navi- gable canal from Winnipeg to the Rocky Mountains Saskatchewan River. |wi!i be given. Improved working >Voman Expired at Quebec ou Way It is reported that the trainmen's conditions have been established conv'-ntion at Harrisburg. }'a., de- cided to pay llrand Trunk men who failed of reinstatement after the strike forty dollars a month until they secure employment. Dictator for Thirty Years, Leares Secretly. A despatch from Mexico City, says: Porfirio Diaz, for whom dur- ' 'DREA.HLAND'S" COSTLY FIRE I WAUsaiPS IN COLL1.S105. Eigiity Wild Animals Perished in British Cruiser Inflexible Struck by the Flames. j the Belltrophon. A despatch from New York says : j A despatch from Portland,* Eng- A flat black plain of about ten acres land, says : The British battleship of steaming embers and twi;;ted Belieropiicn and the cruiser In- iron, stretching from Fifth street tle.\ible were in collision on Sat- ing 30 years a!! Mexico stood to ' westward to Tenth street, and from urday outside Portland harbor, one side, early on Friday, hat in 1 •'Surf avenue south to the sea, spread The Inflexible was struck on tha hand, stole from the capital. On!y'<'\"' before the eyes of thousands starboard bow, where she has a Fresh. 18 1-2 to i9c. Cheese -Wester*fs* a few devoted friends, whom he i ^^hen the sun rose upon Conev Is- tl 2&;*k"nd?'20 i-'lTii?.''"'""' ^' ^"' ; "^^red to trust, followed him to rtie Hand on Saturday mornin-, the ' â- ' ' â- '> n'l't.icl- in the fuins of the fire which started at 2 : station, and at 2 o'clock in CNITED STATEij MARKETS. ; morning, shortly after the celebra- Minneapolis. May 30. -- Wheat â€" May. tion over his resignation had quiet- 90 \t\ ^^^eJLlH'llTt.'' ? 'hird! «d down, Diaz wis bound for Vera 98 l-2c; No. 1 Northern. 96 tp_ 98c: No. 2 Cruz tO take ship for Spain. In the distance he could hear the Kyi-No ^"4r^'°Brin*$2i*50 ^^ -I; "^â- ^' ^""•*-'*^ "^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ''i^^ "'Ore enthu .^ . p. .. •. ran. to »â- . siastic citizens who were still ac- east and west of the big pars. the C. >•. R. INCREASE IN P.VY. Carmen .Vceept Nimv Schedule fectius About 6U0 .Men. Montreal, May 30â€" Sales of choice Ui-rs â- vere made at 6 l-2c. good at 6 to 6 t-4c. fairly good at 5 1-2 to 5 3-4c. fair at 5 to 5 l-4o. and common at 4 1-2 to 4 3-4c per lb. The demand for cows was fair at from 3 J-4 to 5 l-2c. and bulls sold at 31-2 Vf. to 5 l-4c per lb. aa to quality. .*ale8 of I selected nogs at $6.50 per cwt.. weighed ; off the curs. Sales of sheep were made at I $4 to $5 each, and the lambs at $3 to $4 ! A despatch from Winnipeg savs : ".f^^^- .„'^P'Sf °' .<^''*'^« ruled steady at | „:, ^ , . ,, ,.' *'.. ' from S2 to $6 each, as to size and quality. ! Ihe carmen of the Canadian North-, Toronto. May 30. Two choice export orti Rt'Iu-!h.- it- 1 mcnrino- .m^"''''""'- wp'gh'og 1.300 lbs. each, were sold ein Haaway. at a meeting on f„p jj j, ,.;^ 3,,^ ^jj,^ ^ ,j..^^ ^^^^^ ^.^^ Thur^dav night, accepted the new tie for both butcher and export purposes schedule affecting their member- .TkiaVe' iSar^e.^iif^",' ^r^:^. shio from Port Arthur to Edmon- price, s-tockers and feeders, especially' . ' -1 ti ..u L 1. â- •! the ft>rmer, were unusuallv dear. Bulls 1 ton and on all the branches, in ail were firmer, and cowe were a little off. â- companying the new President. Frances Leon de la Barra and shouting "Viva Madero." So carefully were the arrangements .made for the abdicated President's ' secret escape that the news did not transpire until late in the day. Sec- recy was due less to apprehension of a popular outburst than to a de- sire to reach Vera Cruz before marauders along the route could learn of the trip. AVIATORS TERRIBLE DEATH Cirri Fell («(l Feet Ilis Fuuiily. A despatch from Voghera. Italy savs : Tlie Italian aviator. Cirri o'clock a.m. at the Dreamlaml con cession known as Heil Gate. ai.d which destroyed about $2.22-'),000 worth of buildings and equipment in Dreamland itself, and more tlan 81.000,000 worth of propertv to the In the ruins were the charred b.jdies of about eighty animals, lions, bears, monkeys, deer, leopards and various hybrids, whicn had beiti part of Col. Terrari's animal show. seven-foot hole below the watep- ]ine. Two of her compartments %» flooded. The vessel is now in this harbor making preparations for docking. Capt. 'Trevylyan D. W. Napier, of the Belle rophon, and Capt. Charles L. Napier, of the la- flexible, are brothers. 7S4 WERE DEPORTED. Number of limuigrant.<< Rejected Ouring Year Was 17.614. A despatch from Ottawa says : During the last ti.scal year 734 in*- migrants were deported from Caa- ^ ada because of physical unfitness, luforporation of Vickers" Canadian i criminality or other causes, whila Shipbuilding Company. I 1T.G14 were rejected at ports of A despatch frJm - " ' â- """''â- ^â- - ^^ "^" deportations 340 $:).00fl,000 CAPITAL. v.vt.. I, ,1, n ^;'"'^^'° '^.-'â- ' j : were English, 169 Americans. 90 Vickers. shipbuilders, have applied 1 s„ ,. ,. ,!, r ; \ j ,0 t. i- , v« . :„, .„ ,. .u â- /• J- Scotch. 2J Irish and 13 Ita lans. Of to incorporate their Canadian com- i..u „ „; . j . . * .,,„,. „. u- . !• ivi , those rejected at ports of entrv lo,- Ijany at a miluon sterling. \\ hen \ „,, „.„,„ •,-, ' , ., ,.â- , ', u 11 1 » I ..I. ^ â- *'-'â- * were citizens ot the Lnited hnally completed they expect a g;^^^^.^ ^ . ^ . reiected a* in Presence of Canadian Government subsidy for ! "'" j «^ the Montreal Naval establishment. I The floating dock has begun at i Barrow. The Montreal works are over 600 men. Bv it there is an >">ecp and lambs were unchanged, but â€" â- â- , â- *"i â- ,"â- • 1i-" "u": ' PKi^eoted to reaoh <-..mnIeti,.n in hogs were reported strong and ten rents while making an aeroplane flight '^•^i''^'-*" '^ rcacii completion in increase in pav of two cents per higher. $6 f.o'.h.. and $6.30 fed and water- hour. The new schedule is from | ^ ""^ i^iotei. 2IJ.J to 27. This is retroactive to | + May, 1911. On May 1. 1912, an- 1 IM.HIGUANT FELL DEAD. by way of the [other increase of one cent per hour GREAT BRITAIN. The Duke of Connaught enter- tained Sir Wilfril Laurier ou Fri- day. The Duke of Counaught presided at a dinner in honor of overseas Premiers. since Mav 1. to Friends iu Toronto. near here on Sunday, fell from a height of (350 feet and was killed. Twenty tliousand persons, includ- ing Cirri's wife and children, were viewing the exhibition. Cirri used a Bleriot monoplane. He had com- pleted a number of evolutions when suddenly the motor e-xjilod- ed and in a 1912. Lack of Rain in Now Brunswick 'loHU Has Serious Effect. ocean ix>rts. UVM.KD IIDISELF IN JAIL. lusauo .Han Cuniiiiittcd Siiiiide ia Cell. A despatch from Quebec says : , Mrs. Sarah Turner, a third-class ,. , „, HANGING AT MONTREAL. j passenger on the steamer iiyyal , the machine were on hre. The av George, dropped dead in the immi- Creola Collapsed and Ifiid to be gration sheds just after disembark- Carricd lo St-affoltl. i iug from the vessel ou Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock. She was twenty old, paid the penalty at 8 o'clock on Friday morning at the Montreal jjail for the murder of Giuseppe ! Chine. He was the first Italian toj The Imperial Conference rejected | be hanged in this Province. Creola, Sir Joseph Ward's motion regard-, or Giuseppe Crenora. his real ing the creation of an Imperial name, as "the hour of di'^th ap- Council. jproached became hysterical, and at i the last had to be carried up the scaffold and supported while the rope was adjusted and the last rites \ despatch from Montreal says:|g^,i„g ^o meet a family named Mat- years ji^g^g in Toronto. Heart disease is Francesco Creola, MILLIONS OF LOGS LEFT. A despatch from Sudbury sayst On Saturday afternoon Albert An- â- derson. wiio was brought down to j Sudbury from Chapleau. violently A despatch from Newcastle, N.B., [insane and confined in the jail, com- moment the wings of ^•^'^ ' ^®^'^''*' ^i"'"" '*•'?'* ''»^'^ been i uiitted suicide in his cell by hang" j_ I abandoneii on the Miramichi for ing. He burs.t the straps with which lack of rain. Tiie tie-up is that of . his wrists were confined, fastened the D. and J. Ritchie Co.. on the them together, and hung himself to ator fell headlong from his seat IS lOl YEARS OLD. Sevogle. None of the Upper Mira- michi drivers are yet in safe waters. supposed to have been the cause of death. Grimsby's Oldest Inhahituut Taken to Refuse iu an .Vuto. KAISER HONORS KING. GENERAL. President Diaz has unconditional- ly resigned. The outlook in Portugal is becom- ing more critical. Ill DSON B.VY K.VILW.VY. First 1S3 Miles Whl be Under Cou- structiou This Suuiiuor. A despatch from Ottawa says : The first 185 miles of the Hudson Bay Railway, Canada's new route connecting the prairie Provinces »ith the European markets, will be BRITISH MANSION BUllNED. .Appoints Him a Field Marshal in the Prussian Army. A despatch from St. Catharines, says: Grimsby's oldest inhabitant, John Winney, a man 101 years of A despatch from Berlin says • « • «.. •â- < -I ',' rr I. t... , ! age. has been brought to the In- It was announced on Fridav that Duly YVills of Hedmere Call Stand- 1 j^,gt,.ial Home here. Mr. Winney ; Emperor William while at "Buck- lugâ€" Paintiugs Saved. I is in goo<l health, and walks around , ingham Palace on May hi had ap- ' like a man of 00. His memory and of the Church cirried out. Ho ut- terly collapsed. DR. Rl'TUERFORD RESIGNS. Live Stock Commissioner Is Going to I he West. .•\ despatch from Ottawa says : Dr. J. G. Rutherford. Dominion Live Stock Commissioner and Vet- erinary L'Jirector-General of Can- ada, one of the most valued offi- A despatch from London savs . i ... j i ^ i • i-^ Onlv the bare walls ot Siedmire I ^^l'?*^*' »1'^ ^oo^' ^'%\ '^ * '>^- Hall. the residence of Sir Tattoo ' ^'^ ^'''^ ^ h«'^'-ing He has a son Svkes, were left standing after i p •\.<^'"-« ^f*Se,_ and two grandsons Wetlnesdav's fire. Romnev oil j ^^^^V '"â- " ,''f paintings of the late Sir Christo- 1 1^"" '" '"'"• pher Sykes' collection, each valued at $100,000, were cut from their frames and removed from the burn- ing mansionr^ KING GEORGE'S KINDNESS. Dismounted to F;U«|uiro Condition of Lady Thrown From llorse. A despatch from London says: While Miss Florie Duveen. daugh- under construction this summer, cials of the Dominion CJovernnient The Department ot Railways is [has tendered his lesignation to the [ ter of the late Sir Jo.s. Duveen, was riding iu Hyde Park on Wednesday her horse bolted and the young He was born in Eug- He was brought here in an automobile, and this was his first experience with what he called a •mud-splasher." ,*- now calling for tenders for this first I Miuister of Agriculture, and in- half of the line, starting from the present terminus ot the Canadian Northern line at The Pas, on the i»est side ot the Sa.skatchcwan River. Tenders for the balance ot the line will be calle<l for just as •oon aa the route is finally located, jthe last five yeaia- tends to go to British Columbia to reside. His resignation has not Tin: BIGGEST BATTLESHIP. I'. S. Warship Delaware Sur|»as,ses Britain's Crack Dreadnought. A despatch from London says : British pride received a jar in the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon when the Right Hon. the bars of his cell. + SWEPT BY AVALANCHE. Russian Village Swept .Vway and 12S Persons Rilled. A despatch from St. Petersburg says : Word has reached here thak the Village of Oroschor, situated ot Pamir Plateau, in West Ce.itral Asia, has been overwhelmed bv ;iu pointed King CJeorge a general field 'avalanche. One hundred and t'wen- marsha! in the Prussian Army. ' ty -eight persons were killed. A 8ECBID-MEAKI1 CEOP i Mr, William Whyte Estimates the Western Yield at 200,000,000 Bushels A despatch from Toronto says :. acreage under crop this spring waa .\ccording to Mr. William Whyte, ^ about twenty-five per cent., and Vice-President of the Canadian . this gain was principally in Sas- Pacific Railway, Winnipeg, who ar- rived in the city on Wednesday, lady was thrown to the ground. She the Admiraltv, admitted, in reply to j and estimating the yield at twenty yet been accepted, and it is still I sustained a serious fracture of the ' a nuestion, that the United States I bushels to the acre, this season's hoped that he may lie prevailed up-! skull. King George, who was pass- ; battleship Delaware will be the [crop in the three Prairie Provinces on to continue in the office in which j iug on horseback at the time, dis- ' lart^est ship at the Coronation naval , will approximate i-.vo hundred mil- he has dime invaluable woik during ni 'unted and eiiciuired very solicit- I review, surpassing Great Britain's lions of bushels of grain. Mr. (ously as to Miss Duveon's condition, [show ship, the Neptune kat.hewau. He estimated th.e area under crop as follows . Saskatche- Reginald McKenna, First Lord of | given favorable weather conditions ' wan, 6,000.000 acres; .-Vlberta uOO,- ; 0>)0 to 1,000.000, and Manitoba, 3,- â- OCX). 000. The weather conditions so far : were faxorabte for the growing' crops. .Moisture was plentiful and Whvte said that the increase in it was not too hot. I