May 25 101 1 T 11 E F L E SH P: K T N ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU FILLED WITH CURIOSITY. W Bl'.sixe.>*5 Cakks FALTER LOtCKS ) 1 1 • . Cnntroctor For Hi'icK, Ktoii6 *u<l (rkuia rvoiJeacca. Ef tltii>U» cl]>.'erfully turriabed, Kloalieitoa P O atulo. ouu/ouou ft Yousa Bkokeri Markdkl* -•asrsl banking buiinosa . UoDsy loknad kt reanooabla rataf Call on us. Farms For Sale or Rent I •NlMI'linVKI) iHrin for mlc. Ijcini; lot .if. a lAirly liviil lot witli coimlilsrublo thiiliur Hnlttt>!e for wood. To i:lo«ti au tiitntp »'i:l l>.i 90ld Vtiry cliua|> and ou OHaV teruiH of |>ayin«iit. APl'ly to J. A. hALSTKD. Sapl Hi. ii'oreac. Out TCJlIbUETT, • l'o«taia^tcr, Oeyloo. Conimi««toner lu H, C. J . CouTevtocer, deedi, uiortKUc, le>M.'(, wlllii etc. carefully drawn up ^olk-tlioi;» uia<l.>. cliaruei reaiionaliU' srocerlw. Hour. (Md etc. kept iu itock, rtgbi. von half;-! 'heap Bill * hold tioou. for r»*ut Aloo I'rioea J SI'UO'JLR, Fle«herton iu H.C J.. Aoctlonee CVin- Dd &lotiey lA'ttdvr Antn'- I'ccui". _^ _^^^^^^_jarefullydraWD uione> to loac at loi^^^^^^^ «ctio*ji ultendfd to charkes low. Ai:ent tor OceaL fitaamibip Company. A call solicited, paiiy teriiiH. if not tu hiiitablu teua- t, Nurtb lialf lot :t<J an. Hot 40. coo. II, .^rteuit'kia, and lot I, con. 1-J. Onproy. JiO acrvH, about l^t cleared baiauce inoittly tltiibur»d laii'l, hard a«d soft wood : Kood Htoue du-ulliiic niid frame barn. stabiiiiK under ; wull watered with nevur- faillUK hu.-hII t)priii({ crock ciOMMiti}^ farm close to barn. Tbii» i» au cxcc-Uptit ifraia or i^razinf: farm and will be »old vury nbvap if fallen at oncu and on t'aty terms Appl) to IC. J. I Sprouk*, FU'iiiierton. Out. ~ I OU BALE aheap and on ea«v termsâ€" Lots 1 • ' and '.icon. 11 Osprov; 3U0 acrua ; framr , dwelltnt;, frdme barn a>ul htaldinij tinder; about AcreH cleared and under cultivation. Home { leitdid cfdai with other uiixe'l timber ou 552S' "I"'' nail orchard^ bettriiiu. Wei 1 "^JSJi"! :â- "''"« sprinR creek. Splendid I . ~l"-rto*ajftej< larui. Anplv to I! J. Sprouk- =?!22Sl««bo.,M-. .Mux well. J,0USA1,K v.l , rh^^^^ The late Ijj DMcPHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer loi Ih,^ • County of Cirev. Terms moderate and ♦ati.IactioD Ruaraalced. The arranKemeuts Mid dat*s of sal office. Keaideuce connection. ( rooiI butehef's shop and dwelhij;; ; iau ;;'.'od Dec. C07. ^ ' stone eel lars uuder buildini: : ia and eau bo ^T\7 KiiTTINii Lieanswl Auctioneer for ' l"')", »•'" .felted ; two Rood halls on second and W -•. "^ -T7.'.:^i* "i i^TTv and filmcoe. 1 »'""' .Kfones ; flr.t class b.i^iucsB stand aud will ^"'^'?>\!^oJ"T^pboo!; I i" F'^j;er^.-iib«o;:i'.ubr!^iC?^i^; nceandl'.0..teylou, Telepbooe ,„^ ^.^|, y,| |^|^.__^.^^^ ^.^^^^ l_ ^ -r riuH â€" B04 Auctioneer for the couuMe, of <;">; '^f ^rl'^m» ' i"- '1°''' '^'"-•'i' as owner' isenKaRed" in otb. . Farui and Slock , •» "^"^ » *>'*^'', '-.rranRe- ' ''"»i"e*« "â- the west and has no further use for ^^.Xr rt'A'mlv be^na" aVuie S'e , â- !:_ Ap ply to U- J. Spr oule. Kiesherton. Hutcbiubou's store, byaddreHhioR me at Keversbaiii.j Ont. RUDD MATHB-VB. Markdale, Lieonw^ aue'.iooMr for tno county of drey. Uooa Mrrica at reuse i.sble ratei,. Dates eau bo made at The Advance, u CO T HAKVKY I'EHIGOK. broker, Hesberton A lieneral brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in lafe and liberal companies. Heal esUte etc.. Open a<-count8 and past duo notes bandied and monoy adva-jced thereon. Corratpoudence solicited. D" Medical Ju CAllTKK M C P * 8 Ont. Physician. SurijBon, etc ^ffle« and roaideoca-reter at.^Fleehe rton Jp OTTEWELL . Vateriuary finr«eoti Graduate of Outsiic Veterinary re*ldeooa â€" tJcond door south la«ry atraet. This atreat Praabftariau Church. VAHM KOlt SALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres, lot U, con. 7. Osproy, only *J000, reasonable . cash payment, balance eaxv teriiis, 65 acres I cleared, well feuced and in hi|{h state of rulti- I vatiou, balance timbered. Rood conilortable I frame dweliinR. stone cellar under, never tail- iuK spriiiR well and windmill pump at door. I new frame barn. Well tlnishcn, stone stabliiiR I with (ipiluR iater under, also in sliid. It is j situaterl J mile Irom Maxwell viilsRo where j thcrs aiu stores, po»l otllcen. Rood 8uli..ol, and isou the Rravel road.'JJ miled from railway utation, ll Bolil at once, above price, thouRli VKIty CHKAI' miiiht bo Bf:a.ied a little. .Al'I'lv to 1!. J. M'ltDULK. Flesherton. or lli4)M.VS (iU\, on iirtiu.ise«, •! Ji'or sale cheap or rent, immediate poMesfion, Lol.Wcon. U, *rt(nie<ia, about 7.1 acres clear, comfortable loR hnu«e and frame barn Apply to U .; Spronle, Klesberton. or Johu .1 I Alartln acroM! the road from said lot. ColleRO. ; __^ west, on j ^"'^â€" "â€" ^â€" ^s^^^ M^a^^â€" ^^â€" s» ram aoutb I That Was Why Ho Was Anxiously Waiting Outside the House. The (nau ^v• standlug bebtnd a tree In front of an apurtuient house In a | cross street when the cop on tbnt beat came poundlug along on the sldewallc. It was close to mldulgiiU )ind naturally ! tbe cop stopped and looked at tbe mao j Etaudlng beblnd the tree, | "riowdy." siiys the cop, by way of i oiienlng conversutlon. | "You're nnothcr," replied tbe man i good nat II redly. "Whuifbub doln'â€" waltln' for some- body?" Inquired tbe brave policeman. "Nope," "Just staudin' there, bey?" "You've hit It" "Live near here, do yon?" "Right In there," says the citizen, jerking bis thumb In tbe direction of the upurtment bouse be tvas standing In front of. The cop looked at him ^thoughtfully for n minute. "Mebby it's none of my business," he snys, "and then again mebby It is. 1 don't like lo go round buttln' Into anybody's private affairs, but tell me, nei^jhbor, what's your graft, anybow?" „''^*"'" loosentHl up the citizen, "11 lis a Caa^ M. .... _ of/^ni-i,,' i^«™ "« u-ielllu' you or yoa cro.TUlri from curi«i-«. â- ^ . .... Of my eyes. I'll ^'^o^''^J\X'l provldwl It don't go any further, tt^ wife says to me when 1 started down- town tbia evciiln', "If you're not borne by midnight I'm goln' to pack up and go right back to mother's. So there!' " "Well," says the cop. "Well," repented the citizen, "Ifs Just about mldnlt;ht now, and I'ra like youâ€" I've got curiosity. I'm waltin' here to see If she's goln' to keep her word." The cop's curiosity censed at that point, and ho walked ou down the street whistling, without waiting to see the thing out.â€" Cleveland Plain Dealer. H WILSON, MackM.iltli _. , „ , „„ •iraduate of tuo Veterinary hcienc Aasoeiation. Durham Ureel, opposite Hoyd, Uio's hardware. .\ GOOD^.START IN LIFK hns h.-ei. en thiiu.studH nf yoiiiii; per>^le who I iitluiiilcd ihu oiv. lavf Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY L honor leraduat B/>yal v.ollrt!e of L Gas aduilsiiiisfored loi »».â- ...-.------- „,„„ OfBce at reaidence, ToronKi Street, Hc..:erton BAY L. r>. K, dental "nrRoon ., ,, ., , ,. , , . !te of Toronto Univ«r>>ity and I •*' <>«eii .Souiul. Out , dilunj Uental SurRi'ons of OnUrio, lliirty jiMi.i, What we liiivi "->'"' \«?.V'uf>„^,*lw..rtnn. otIi.rH WO ca.i do f.,r von. Leo/ LfCAR, BANEY A- B0licitori',eti: lAL W.\LI-A('F.-!!srri>'t«rs. . 11. Lucas, K. C: VV. E. Kam'y K. <•-â- ; J. "• <'• Wallace. Otlices, Toronto, Mr,U 'Usder. It.nk llld^ phone main llli; Markdale I.m as I'.Iock, »'''o"»J,'^- Urauch oinco at Duudaik open every baturday. can do for yon enleriiij; for ttui .Sjiriiig Term on April ^rd. Circulars fre 0. 4. Fionifnu, O. D l'riti('i|i:tl. Si ; the (mst ! (lone for Try it by Mondiiy, n. Kleiiiiiig, â- cieliiry. WII. WIlinHT. Barrister. Hollcltor, Convey- 'aucer. eU-.,-<)w«n Hound, and Hesherton. I IIâ€" KlesUartou otDoe, Sptoules Hlook every i Bstordav 8oci A lETIES I n V W meets oi. the last Monday » in each month, in their looRe room , Norrl.' block.lFlesherton. at « 1'"', ^Jj.^^: u (â- Ixjtiard ; Kec. I. "• Mun»i aw. Fin., W. P. f">««'ey VislliDR brethren ILVlleU i P^KINCP. ARTHUU I,OD'lE, No. :o.H. A I' 4 I A M, iiieetH in tli. Masonic h_all._ Arm. i BtroHRS liloci(,FloBherton. or before the full mocn. ( M.; Thos. Clayton, Hecretarv PHYSICIANS Failed to Cure Rheumatism Miss Flora Chapman Viv- idly Describes Her Suffer- ings and Ultimate Cure With "Nerviline." every Kriday on 11. W. COUUT KLKHHEUTON, 905, 1. 0. K. inoets In j Clayton K Hlock the iKHt Wwliiesdav eveninR | of each month. VUlllnR Kore»tor» heartily welcome. H. U., I>V"on; "• «-. ''• »"'•')': ,' Fin. Hco, C. K. Itlohardson. I'lease pay duos to Flu. Seo. before the Hrst j day of tbe luoutb. PH08EN FItlENUH-KlMhorton t^ouli';!! ol U Chosen Kriinds meets in I'laNton s hsil first and third Wednesday of each month H y. hi I'ay ».«i-.inent- lo the He.ordor on or before toe first day of each ninnth. fblet Councillor T. lilakclav; Kecorder W. H. Hunt. Ikrkshires and lam worths I baye now for sale a lew very choice Hci k •hire pits, nearly ready lo wcau- Hnrry your order and itot the bunt, Ali-o Rood Tamworth boR tour years old, for sale" ClKd. W. IfdSH. Maxwell 1'. O. "After being an inthuslastlc u.ser of Nervlliiie tor yoar.s. I feel U my duty to tell you [K-rsomilly what your won- derful preparation Ikih done fop nif. "1 Jiuffercd torture from rheuinalisin and heart trouble, tried Mcorea of ko- called ninedieH, coiisulled for weeks and months with Toronto's mil- neiit phyHlcl.ins, but derived only aliutu benefit. "A friend Insisted on my uslnp Nerviline, and to my surprise a vljf- oroiiM rubblni^ of this iiowi-rfiil lliil- mcnt eaHed the pain.i and reduced the HtlffnesH In my joints. I contlnueil ti> use Nerviline ami wna permniiently ciirod. I am now pcrfeetly well, and for three years have Boar for Service I'ure llred Tamworth IJonr for service Xeniis, ifl, C'aah. CURED 3 YEARS Boar for Service V, iVr.! r.nil \ork-liire boai l^r cervice edr*ftt.')l, I'oii. 10, .\iteiiiesla. Terms, SI. IK), ', *^V WILSON, Prop., KiiRcniu (Int. Boars for Service TlH' imdersitfneil has a tlionniKlihreil York. shirf hoar for st-rvice on lot I'i", Uril raiiKe. K. T. and S. }L, Artrim-sia. Terms, ~$1.IKI Also Herelorii Hull (or wrviee. .I..I. Ilrowii. 1 .Iv. had no rheuniatl.'cm al all. I know many liinilliis when' no other inedlelnt- but Nerviline l.s kepi - ^ It Is Mo useful In minor allincnts like cnraelif. tootliaclie, iieurjilKla, eouKhs, colds, luinbaKu, and wlatlea. I cull Nerviline my "l.lfo Guard," and urKi- all to try Us merit." Dec. 17th, 113 I'nlmerstori Avi'iiiK-, Toronto. Refuse anythint; else offered Instead of Nerviline. 5(lc per bottle, trial size. STic. All deulers, or The Catarrhoiioins l'<i., KliiKston, ont. BULL FOR SLRVICi; 'nMirouKl'l>re I .SIiortli'>rii litill, "lluncly .liin" K17H4, (or B»-rvic« on \"l I7<>, T. ft .s. 1(., Ar- teineala. This animsl Is o( n jrooil mllkiliK strain. IVdiKree on npplicntlon. Tern s,â€" ( inules 81, rrgistered W. .1 A.S. HTI .\S(iN Proprietor. Bull For Service TlioroiiRliliieil lleiiford Hull for service on lot 171, con. :t S. W. r. ami ,S. It., Arte- iiiesia. Termsâ€" *l (or Kriiile, W (oi pure lire<l. Any ••«'* n"it reVuriieil will lie cliarKeil III full whetlipr in call or not. HMar.2 -T. * .1. WATSON. Bull for .Service TtioroiiKhbred llrrefoid Hull lor service on lilt 1, eon. 4, Kui>li<!rui>i» Teriinâ€" H. I'eili irree on uppllcairon, CHAa H. MARTIN, I'mii.- NERVILINE Cures Rheumatism Bull for Service TlioroiiKlibred .Hlioiili.irn liiill, Itroadhisik's l«d, fiu' sen ice oil lot I'J, ion. !i, Osprry. IVdiifri 11 npplie.-itioii. .Sen ice, *l.()n (Iir Kradrs, tlior<iia(hl>reds, (C>, Â¥:> at time of aerviop. Full price dlinrged (or cAws not returned, .1. M. lUritN.S, HOLSTKIN-FRIFSIAN CATTLE Oxford Down Sheep and TamworlK Swine Brown Leghorn Poultry a specialty. HOLITKIN'-FRIKaiAN BULL FONtlRVICC- liKld,l''\N (.'(>.'â- < <illlll.\ DI'KK lleKIII, No. |7V4iij Hlltl': giiei'ii's DeKol Diiku No. |:ilH.'i) II. II. II,\U llellfaii Colli'ordla lleKol No. li'iHIiM, II., whose uinod dam liehl the Willll.D'H ll(;T TPII lIKl'liKli a lew yeais at{o M.KKISII IK) i.IlH., IDOZ IN 7HAVH. Tlitrt toiinu animsl H rlsiiii' :| year^, is nfi^orHl •Ixesiiil indlvldua'.llv, bsvliik/ won three Ut and oiii' second prixo as aoalf at some of the proiii Ineiit eeiitr«a of Out., and liaa won 1st place at niiu nnil two years old nt Mast Hrny IhII fair, Kleslierton, TouMS (IradOH »l.iO, tlioioiiRlihreds i^;i.(XI. pavabln l>t of Jan. All cows not . reijulnrly retuino'i will bo oliaiKcd. ItlCIIAItO AU.EN, lot J7P, i..\ E, T. A f.Il. FlMliorloii I'.t). Cuncerln Nhowiiii; in \V«ll<ertun of Into htvo been playing in riitlitir lianl liiok, •lid few of the eompiiiiies liavii pnilialily l(ot ttwny wilU iiiiytliiii)> nioie limn their ex|iciiHes. <)udi{iiik{ from our exchnpgeH { they have been fiiriii); littio belter in the ] iiuiKbhorliig towiiH, and one tr(in|)e who I iDconily toured this Hitction and pUjnil in ' Wnlkeitoii n few weeks »i(o crcdiUhly in- formed the Times tint tliey linil lost over ' $liM)(t on the iddil sincu .Innmiry. The eho«|) moving pieturo theiilres which are I aituHted ill nluueit every town are killiuK out the tntvelliiiK ahowi, und country opera iiouses will soon have to boiird up the doors, for with the extinction of the tritvullinx troiipu the rural fitit){o will vniiisli frimi the Hcono.â€" nruoci Tinivi. \V. iJ. McKelvey of Mono had ii ciw anil a iteer killed by li^'htnihK "" Thuiailay iifleriioon oi Inst week. The iuiiinitis aro valued al 9ll0.tH), THE SPEhD MANIA. Sensations That Come With a Ride In a Racing Motor. Imagine yourself In a big racing ma- chine pluuKhig over a course at eighty miles an liour. Kur the average man the sensation Is awful, but the speed kings revel In It. Down the road streaks the car. I.ashed Into a typhoon by the appalling speed, the still air roars In your oars. Vou think you will never regain your hearing. The resistance of tbe atmosphere Is fearful. The slightest forward tnove- nicnt Is nil effort. Distant objects loom up suddenly before you and Jump by. The landscape Is a streaky Iluo of green, blotched here and there as a house Is passed.. The gale seems to cut your face, and you ffel yourself being gradually tlattened out against the back of the seat. It seems that the glass In your auto goggles Is on the point of breaking. Tartlcles of dpst are driven hack Hi yojjr ev^es. Yoa inny become blinded, ^be vtbratrotf of the engine Is terrlQc. Mysterious Indicators lluetuato alarmingly. It nifly mean that the engine Is on the point of exploding. What makes the lloor tremble so? Surely sometblug will happen now! And then you hear explosions boom- ing from the exhausts as the drivers "shut off." A sharp turn Is ubead. The nolso Is deafening. The terrlflc speed docs not seetn to have been checked. The outline of the turn grows more distinct It Is sheer folly â€"maybe death-to rush at It at such a pace. You dure not breathe as the car tears Into the bend. It skids and a wall of dirt la thrown up alongslilo you as tbe driver, witb a sharp twist of the wheel, sends tbo car once more back In tbe middle of the road. You arc safeâ€" until another turn Is cncoun-' tcrcd.â€" Uamiiton's Magazine. A Painful Inference. A teacher was Instructing a class o( boya and tuid spent half an hour try- ing to drive Into their hcnda tbe dif- ference between man and the lower animals, but uppnreutly with little suc- cess, "Tommy," ho said coaslngly to a lit- tle chap, "do you know the dlCTerence between, any, mo and a pig or uuy other brute?" "No," replied Tommy Inuoccotly, but another teacher standing by laughed.â€" London Answers. Alternating Currant Pie. In the light of what has been learned ab««t the houselly there la no longer any excuse fur the gay InsoucUinco of tbo poet who wrote a summer board- lug bouse lyric, In which these lluea occurred: Iter*, atr, la your currant pta. Alternating currant pla. ;. I 1 , Flrat a currant, then a fly '^ I .1 â- 'Nsatb the cruat alternate lieu < â€"Louisville Courier-Journal. \ fcti Net an Authority. There are soaie persons who can't take a Joke, but Fogg la not one of them. One of the boys, acquainted! with Fogg's frequent changes of' abode, asked him which he thought was the ctieapcr, to move or to pay rent "I can't tell you, my dear boy," re- plied Fogg. "I have always movedl." Willing to Be the Goat. "'Why should the spirit of mortal be proud?'" quoted the Impassioned orator. Then he paused a momoDt to let It take cffeat. "Well," spoke up a half Inebriated man In the audlouce, "I'll bo the goat Why should lt7"-Chlcaso Tribune. Pence is not mere tranquillity, for tranquillity may bo Indifference,â€" Duf- aold. Horse Routes FKKNCH NEGRO MonilHyâ€"Wiil Leave his own stable Itob Uoy to .^Icliityre for noon and Holit. l*iie.illy Maxwell fi>r night. Tuesdiiy- Dy Fevershani, to Jas. OonijlaH for noon and vtvut to Uobt. McMullen for ni^jht. Wednesday to H. Hoy's for noon and Markd'tle for nii^lit. Thiiisdiiy â€" To O "iValter, Kimherley foni noon, and to HeathcoHt for night. l''rid,iy â€" '!'< J no. Sherdeii for noon and Jiio, iSinith's for nighf. .•^'itiirdiiy â€" To Mark Eiibey's for noon llolj Roy for nighf. JNO. FINDL.W, Proprietor. ME.\FOllD BOX 41^0, The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion Don Carlos ST.ANDS IGi WEIGHT 1500 LBS. Will Make tlie Sea.snn of I'.Ul as follows : Monday -Will leave his own stable Meaf dil, liy Way of third line to John Maekie'ii. Townliiie, for noon ; thence lo Cha". Hills, 10th line CoUingwoud for ni>«h'-,. Tuesday â€" Hy Ravenna to Ed. 5IeKean for noon}; llience lo Fevershani for ni|£ht. thtncefoM.rkd.Iefornight. Thur.^aay-Xorth to w.... Lyons for neon ; ilienee to ftaiii Marshull'ti WalteiH Ka'ls, for night. Friday -To Bognor fid- iioon ; thence to Woodford for night. Saturday M.>rniiio to ' his own stable, wloru he will leiiiain until tlie full<iwiiig Monday niniiiiii|r. JXt). FINDLAY, Proprietor. MEAFORD BOX 420. Imported Hackney Stallion Malton Squire No. 8564, Vol. XXI, P.S.B. ROUTE FOR I'JU Moiidiy, May ' ho wl loavH his own htnlije, Lot 18, ceu. 10, lOiililira.sia, iio.ii- (ioiing, by 18 and I'J .Miileniad to Malliew I'ntlon's, town line Holland .iiid Euphrasia for neon, thence to«u«herland Rros.' , lOth lino Holland f>n- night. TuesiUy, at H a.m. will proceed by way of Waters Falls to A. C. Clark's, town line Euphr.isia and .Sr. Vii cunt, for noon; thence lo .las. Slitt's, Lot !», c<u. •>, .St. Vincent, f.r iiii-ht. Wednesday, at 8 a. in., will proceed lo Rolit, -Xliercronibie's, Griersville, for noon: tlienco t > Loano House, Rocklyn, fir iiiylit Tliiirsd ly. will proceed by way of 18 and l!l siilcroad to and by Eiipin;; to (ieoige llirehinson's f,,r iinon ; ihi-nce to Frank liow.Sfr's, Duncan, for iiiKlit. Friil.iy noon, Kimherley ; night, Hy Ei.skine's. S.ituiday noon, .Uarkdale uii'il 4 p.m., wlii'ii li,' will piocei'il to his oivii stable. C'll.VS. WRICIIT, Ooiii.g. Proprietor and Collector. Is there anything in all this world that is "f iiM'ii' iiiiiHirlaiicc to yciii than t;oiid diRos- lioii? F I bf eattn to .â- 'ii.-<taiii life and must l>e iliKf.Htfd and coiivirtwl into liKiod When till' (liRrstion fail.i the wkole Isidy siitfiMK. Cliaiiibvi Iain's Tablet.-i arr a ration- al and ri'lia'ilf cure fur indigestion, 'I'luy iiicri-aso tlie flow of bile, |mrity tlif IiIihmI, strriiKtlieii the stoinaili, and tone up tin' wliolf digestive apiiaralus to a natural and lu-althv action. For salf iiy W. K. Uichaitl. will A Son. Lightning Rods The following extract fioin an article In lliu Monetary Tiiiien ih uf inlereKt ut thia season : " Funn baniH, icehouses and all huiluings and locations which give oil' rapid eva| oialioii are special iiiarka for lightuliij. Muisturu is one of ilie very buKt conductura uf electricity. 'I'hu evaporation from a b<trn has both inoiaturo and licit rarities aud charges tlie atiiio.sphere us it lueenda, thus piopar iig a channol for lii;htnini,', which lollowi ^^ this course, conies atraight at the fariiu'i's barn. In such a caae the presence of proper conductora inixht and undoubtedly would save the building from deatructiuu. The inuterial for properly rodiu^ a farm lluildill^ may be purchased at from (5 tuflu,depeudini( upon the si/.u of the building, and with the aHsistaiicu of hia lalp the lariiier can iiihtal it hiuiNulf in a single day, so there auuiiiH to he no good leasun for allowing farm buildings to remain unprotected. The piui>or grounding ol a conductor ia an eHseii'ial feature, Thi.s is impera- tive, and whether it be near the surface or very deep, the conductor must lead tu permanent moisture, Iu view of the hea>y lo.-^scs oceasionod by liii'litning to •lock ill the Held, it becomes us aa far lUi {lesslblo tu ifuard againit this. K column uf beatrd air auch aa will go up from a largo number of ciiltio huddled to- ((Other as during a sturm, is a seioua munancu. Trees in pasture tieliU may have conductors, and nil wire fence.s ahould be grounded at short intervala." .lohn Ta^iiart, a former well known bricklayer and contractor of Shelburiie, who was living at •JHI .Adelnidu St. weal, Toronto, was at ruck by a street car on Saturday eveiiin;? last and aerioualy injiirod and died on Sunduy morniiiu at St. Miehaul's Htmpil'il, wiiliout rcKnin- ing oonsciuusnoss. AUCTION SALE OF I Government Property The under.signetl has been in- structed to offer for sale by jmblic auction the property known as the old Drill Shed, Flesheiton. Tuesday June 13,1911 The .sale will take place at the property at 1 o'clock p.m. on the above date. Terms cash. D McPHAIL, Auctioneer. Death of Mrs. Robert Kells. Mrsi. Robert Kells, relict of the late Robert Kell.i of Maple Creek, Sask., died at her home there on the 12lh Inst. The Maple Creek News gives the fo11o,r- ing particulars : Shortly after her hu.sbaiid'a death last Ausjuat, she went to Rochester, Minnesota, to consult specialiiU. An operation was perforin^'d and she returned home much benefited. She continued to enjoy fsir health until last January when the old trouble rea.s«erled itself. Mm. Kella »a, a woman who stood high in the opinion of those who knew herbesr.!; nature led her to hide her .I'lalities from public Raz.-, but they were revealed to those who enjoyed her friendship. She w.ia A lovin« wife and mother, and her devotion to the family circle knew no limit. The deceased married to Mr. Robert Kells in Chicasr) in 1891. They lived at Moose .Jaw for a couple of years, coming to Maple Creek in ISOa! The sad circumstances which surrounded the death of Mr. Kells, are ati'l fresh in the public memory, ()„o dauxhter, aged 111, is left to tread life's journey wiihonl the guidance and orotection of either mother or, father. To this lonely one unsparing sympathy will be extended. Our Clubbing List The following prices aro for strictly pai.'l in advance siibscriptionsonly. We have nojaccounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance S 1 OO Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 >15 Toronto) Daily Xews 1 35 Weekly Globe 80 Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald & bear 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer Sun 85 Farmers Advocate 1 35 Weekly Wit.:e«s 80 Saturday Xiaht 3 05 Home .Jomu-l 60 Poultry News . . ; 20 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun maga/.lne 85 Milne-Bird Married â€" A' "Hope Farm," Beaver Valley, by Rev. Mr. Milliaan. on j May 17th, at 3 o'clock p. m., Lily Ruse- I d*le Bird, of Toronto, to John Charles Milne of Maxwell Fcr soreness of the musc'es whetln-r in« duced by violent exercise or injury, Cham- f berlam's Liniment is excollrnt. This liniment I is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords I ia cases of rhouiiiatiiim. Sold by W, E. i Richardson & Son. The Wingham Advance s<yg: â€" It looks as though the day was past when every ! little hamlet or village could boast of liaving a local paper. At least four ', pijpers in thi< p.ux of Ontario have gone j out of business somewhat recently â€" I The Wroxeter Planet, the Harri.ston Tribune, the Gome Videlte, and now the Ho'.8tein Leader. These were not iiH new Venturis, for the Vidttte and the Tribune wore long\bli9licd businesses Publishing a newspaper i involves porfistei.t labor to build up a I succassful business, and necessitates 1 heavy e.xpense With a limited held and ! keen competition, a popular paper and paying business ate out of the question. ; Besides the common .sense of the public i seems to be rnanifestinst itself by the I the xuppiirt of those p.ipers that have ! proved themselves worthy of e.Mstence ; and to .some extent at least "till the bill." . It seems lo be a questiim of the "survival of the fittett." .; . ' Cti I LUiN O STORE ^^-^k-^^*^ V%^%^%^^^ ♦^^^/•^%% « ^^-%.'%-% ^1^^%/%/%^ Wool Wanted ! Wool season is here again ; We are in the market to buy wool, either washed or unwashed, at highest market prices, either cash or t ade. Wo have .«oetl corn for saleâ€" Cronipton's Eirly, and Learning. Also Millet, Slanj'le seed, turnip and Rape Seed. »Ve have aiso a little Tiinoihy ri d Clover seeds left yet. Men's and Boys' Clothing at areatly reduced prices. We also take orders for trilor-inado suits. Satisfactioo auaraiiteed. Men's and Lubes Snminer I'nderwaro of all kinds. Boots and Shoe-s, hii'h and low, coarsi- and line, buttoned and lacvjd, patened and tans, liotit so'e or heavy s de, in steel leather or canv,n, for men, w nneii .md children. We have daiiiry little shoes for bsbies. Ask to see our Straw Hats, Felts and t'hristys, for Men and Boys. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUC Jas. '^ati ison • â- ' e. ylon Look at that Loaf! That's Cream of the West Flour for you ! If you'll only try Cream of the West Flour I'll stand every risk. I know what Cream of the West will do. It will bake bigger loaves and more delicious bread, too. Cream >^' West Flour the hard blheat flour guaranteed for bread You ju«f try It. Ask your firocer. Tell him you're to get your money back i< ii (ails you on a (air, square trial. Tell him the Campbell Milling Company, Limited, say so. He can charge it to us. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBAU) CAMPBELL, PtMMaal IM Sold by W. Buskin, and J. Pattison, Ceylon*