SRS :r=?r . Liniuii May •-'.') 1011 T HE FLESH E KT N ADVANCE F. C. KARSTEDT, • flesh erton qnt WOOL WANTED!! Wu.ire pr. ii.ncd to I'sy llif l.n;l 1.^1 I'lices for iil Kinds i>f W OOL, wiished ;ind utiwiii-lu-d. TIkhi^Ii ho ,^im not Uomi' un the luaiket to buy. Owiuj,' lo the UcV of help, we are williii),' to pay you ull it is worth, fof eitliyf ea»h or trade by biiiL-iiw il t.i thestotr, «» we d(. for Butmr and Iv^(,'s. Thii. we iliink, is the f.ireNt plan, uiviiii.' everybiwiy the name price, not one laaii 140 tit. t; twice a." much us neijhlwir, whieh is indeed unfair. Field and Gardncn Seeds Ill's ICuly and Stti'>-t CoiiiMioiv in Mocli, alsu liip--, .S*iltz, Turnips, Mnn^des SuijHr Beets and all kinds of garden seeds. Building Hardware li-t of Hardware llcf|uireeiients and THl All indeijendeut iii?|jer, publislied every 'I'lmrsday at th>- urtice, CiillinK«i«fl -Street, I'leshertDii. Subscription price $1 iwraiinuin, vvhrn paid in advunee; 81. .W when not ao paid. .\dverti»inK rates "ii upiilication. Circulation l.lUO Weekly. \V. H. Thuraloii - Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Nortli D.ikota. white Fiioi, li.Miip' ll is tni.e those who intend to bi.iid .i!iu-r;>l.iU>e ,1 l.arn vv.i-lo^kiii'.; up ,,-.,,.. subiniuiiie •hem to u.s, in order that we can <|ii' te on them. Hy laying in larKe (jUaatities enables us tj do better â- th.-rwise. We c^n (juole yoii tlie h west possible pncei. Don't fomet to call before you ki^mi coii- The Canada Cement holds highest rewards for Ktrentith and riur:il>iliiy. Wo have a car for you than 1 tmct. Aho, in Ceinenl, .1 'I !^ 1 '( 'â- >â- } ,, if vol! Ml. lu'ediii-.; niiy, dr •^wHats and Felts ill lilacks, iirosvi latest ^^ylea. liUi;- all the latest blocks. Thesi' values, runninu from "?^.."'»'«e in. - 1 iLif, t)mn»«» , 111 Now that w the straws. as.soriuient is uv u 1. Kelts Krei IK III iiU the "'."•'.:' "-l-ri-iy are sure of sprin;;. it is ihe lime for Both in narrow and broad rims, our l.irge. See our fancy straws before buvins. ip us a lino and ne will ipinte you. House Cleaning Requirements Now is the time, if you have not already boujjht yuu Lace Curtains. Blinds, Curtain Poles, ('ivtons Caijn--, l.iin oleums. Oilcloth;--. Come in and .'^ee riur r-*}?'- 'i^loy are new and ii|.to dale. BRIGHTEN' â- ""^^"'jMle faint i;r \'ariiish. Martiii-.Senour tJ?««teo Kl.or PaiiitR a, Spring Over Coats I'hese are a nor. â- ^-^i• v. owio;; ti> ill- cool evening air and a's.i the lieavy lain frills. A Cravenefe is j list the thiui! for this kind of weather, while not too heavy, they turn a lot of rain. They cannot be beat- en for Sprin.! and Fall wear. We have them at S}7.M to $12.00. Umbrellas Paints c;in Paroid^Ro .\ckTio\vledi;ed by all dealers and Manumcture,, hone-tly, tlnit the I'aroid Boolint,' i-< the ln-<t roofing on the market. Owing to its lasting ijualities, it. lias become unuorsal 111 its use, why not buy an ariide thit you know gives silisfactioii, .'is go stumbling; into buying somulliiiig ym have not alreaily seen used and fomn! to be- nil thai is rHijuireil and more Coiled Spring Wire These are a in-i-essity- .Ne\er kiio* «!i-ii ji ooiiiii to be caught in a ram storm. Buy one !•â- be prepared for tiie wciisl. (Joud Quality, large Silk Covers, with either double orsiiijle spring, prices r.iie.'inu from O'lr t-p 81.7-''. 11 are w and -Semi- with Wilde i' li^ti, >\f- oil' r In the public ll.o chaiic iinki own to oilier ineichaiits, of buying tir'it-class toil, tl -Spiinii Wire, for 82.. ')IJ per cwl. This Wiie is no inferior gra.le, it is the best that cm be bounht. Wo stand b-;hiiid the Wire. Beat it if you can ( 82.."iO per cwt. JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . FOR i I ff An Ideal Eemt.'iy for Coughs, Sore Throit, Catarrh, Weak Waggons AND Buggies Court of Revision, 1911 Tile first Killing of i he Court of Ue\iiion o.i tloj .As-esonent of I'.lll, township ..f Ailemesit, will hf helil ai the t-iwii hall. Kh-sliertoii, on Saturday the third diy of .tune, ll»ll, at II o'clock a. ni. Mi pers'jns having Ini.siuess at the said C'luri, will take n.. tic.'. ' W . .1. BELLAMY, Clerk. ' After havinff made a rpeelal study Dated Mav 17 I'M I iof ''!>' tr-atin.nt of the .nriut and "*""• ""> ^'' '•'"• 1 lungs for twenty years, Pr.t. D. Jack- ! son states that in his opinion no i>re- .Sick Iieiulach.- r.-siilts from a di-ioidere I i paration for geniral family i:se Is so caidition of ch.; »t.>ii ach, and cau \iv cured i effici.-nt. .so healing, so certain to cure by the uss of Cha.nh.rlaiir.s .Stomach and i *^ Catarrhozone Liv.-r Tal.l.;t«. Try it. aal- by W. lO. ELECTIONS ARE LIKELY That we are to have an election Ijefore the (juestiuD of Ileciurocity is decided seems now more than probable. Word conies from Ottawa that both parties have decided that such will be the nut- ciiine after the rias.seuibling of Parlia- ment on July 18. The policy of the Op- position is to force the Government to go to the Country liy holding up »upplie.», a prerogalise of whi';h they are determined to take full advantage. The Opposition does not believe that the country wants Ileciprocity, and the Government be- lieves that it does. Therefore, where both interested parties are sitistied to leave the arbitrament of this question to the peojde themselves, such is likely to be done. It is .said that both parlies have notified the faithful to be in readi- nesa at a moment's notice to get into the tray, and in Ihe meantime have their >ruiur polished and see that their powde.i !s dry. An Ottawa Corres|H>ndetit in a letter to the Globe, however, says that "An elec- tion IS eoiiiiiigent on the United .Slates Senate ratifying the uareement and ihe tinding as a result of tl,o:r campaign that they can make headway against reciprocity. It is a.s.serted that lliey are already assured of a liberal cim- paign lund from the interests opposid t i ruciprocity, but ths is conditional on their preventi.ig its coming into opera- tion. If the American Senate fails to ratify the agreement or hitches it up with amendments onerous to CanaiU, then t lie cliance (or freer trade between the two counirits will have been b si, for the present at least, and Parliament would [irobably speedily prorogue to take lip other business at the opening of the ne.\t session in November. ' Have you noticed that bees &mmi the blossoms are scarce this spring . It appears to us that such is the case, and if so does it portenii a small fer- tilization and couscqueut scarcity oi fruit ? We trust our suspicions are unfounded, but others have also noted tlie scarcity of insect life among the blossoms. The usual lively bum is wanting. Women's Instituse Serious Bush Fire A b.ish fire of lars(e proportions i> someihiiig almost unheard of in this section now. One would scarcely think there was enousli timber left to feed one. Yet a very serious and costly forest fire I, urned for three days a week or so ai?o out a'. Redwing, destroying a Urge amount of valuable timber. The Meaford Expre.s.s gives the following facts ic connection therewith. The fire extended some three or four miles and destroyed some 60 acres of excellent timler for Mr. Edgar N'eely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seely, this town. The fire cfiused much nnxiety in As advertised, the W. L of Fleshetton held their annual meeting last Friday, when the financial report was presented j that locality and many were heavy losers follows: Balance from last year, â- as a result. "' ' ' â- " members' fees, 814.25 ; govern- The hijih wind.s of Thursday and Friday last added terror to the scene and the flames at limes reached a height of about 150 feet. The sawmill and home Kichanliton & S,,ii. Which will be sold at prices that can Not Be Baat considering style and .piality, also a full line <f tillage. Harvesting uuchines and Wind Mills, Fence Wire, j Stable Outfit*. Hay F..rk», Ropes and «,-»rriers. Now is the the time to get ready. -V call s dicited. Satisfaction i guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON i The wit-;r in lake Ontario is reported eleven and a half inches lower than at the corresponding peiiol last year. BUTCHER SHOP I I have opened up a butcher shop the old stand. Ceylon, and carry a fiiU^ and freh stock of fresh and cured meats, ' Hides purchased~Term3 cash. j J.M.ENGLISH. CEYLON lojly p -o C IF I C HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alkerta Speciil Trtins le«vc Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4. 18 MAY 2. 16. 80 JUNE 13. 27 JULV 11, 28 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6. 19 Second claM tickeU from OatAiio itAtioiu to pitacipAl Northwest poinli m» LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and rtlur* $33.00; Edmonton and idurn $4I.IJO. and 10 othet poinU in proportion. TickeU ^tnd la return within 60 dayi (ram going dale. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS on ill eicu/iionj. ComfortaUr bertha, fully e»iuipp»d with bedding, can b. tecured at moderate rates tli/ough local agent. Earty application must bo mlido ASK FOH MOMESIEHeRS- PAMPHLET conlaming rales and (ull in(ormation. Awly lo nesrert C.P.R. Agent or to R . l.. Tlioqipson, Dist. f aaa. Agt . Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANBE OF CARS S. Rand, A^ent. Ceylon V" FRESH FISH Fresh Salmon Trout - 12c lb. Fresh White Fish - - lie lb. I^ke trie Herrin}} - 25c doz. nn Th.-.. llOUiC Kin \ I r.i .-.s will proviiil at my only, ai the narrow mar- â- ill not i>eriiiit peddling. LA.- H. RADLliV. FLtSHHRTON LAID UP FIVE YEARS Until Half a Bottle of Father Morriscy's Liniment Cured His Shoulder. As his rea.*ons for making this claim Tor Catarrhozone, Dr. Jackaon says: "Catarrhozone Is free from opium. "The p.'itient cart breath.' it.s rleh. balsamic fumes direct to the diseased spot. "It Is a remedy that treats and cures causes â€" prevents disease spread- ing. "Reaches the innermost recesses of the throat, nose, bronchial tubes, and lungs. "Alleviates chest soreness. "Stops couKhini? in.-^tantly. "I'revents bronchial Irritations. "Relieves cl.)K«id nostril.^. "Cures sniffles and nasal catarrh. "Prevents La Grlpj-.e. "Has proven Itself a cure for weak luiiffK, loss of voice, spiakers' nore throat, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, COUKhs, colds, aiicl winter ilN." Catarrhozone Is unquestionably the world's breathable cold, coufe'h. and catarrh nicdieinc, and be- ing free from all drowsy drugs, entire- ly safe for children and oM folks; It inake.>< an Ideal f.Tniily nini'dy. Ite- commendi'd by the meiJical profession, and sold by all r.diabl,,' dealers. He- ware of linltatloMs, Ket "Catarrh- ozone" only; large size lasts two months, and Is guaranteed, jirlce $1; smaller sizes 2,">e und 5uc. liy jnail from The Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont. CO Riy? SOURED Y.jii can palnlcH.sly remove nnv corn. clili.r hard, xoft, or bleeding, by ap- plying rntnains Corn Kxtraeti.r. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no aeld.s; is harmless, because (H>m- pnspd only of lieallng Kums and halms. Fifty years in use. Core guaranteed. •Sdl.l by all druggists, ;;.'.c. bottle.'!, lie- fuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR^ School CliiWren's Eyes. Mr. Jos. J. Roy, a prominent tinsmith of Hatliursl. N.It., July i6, 1909: "I cannot let this opportunity pass without k-tlinjj you know what jieuefit I received from your I.iniinent. For live years I had a sore shoulder, which prevented ine from working or from sleeping at nielli. I tried everytliiin; A possible and tlill could find no relief, ^-"1 until I was advi-cd to try a iKittle of your liniiiient, which f pnrclinscd with- I out ilclay. I only used one half of the bottle when I was completely cured, and now I feel as if I never a :::^>.. yfy^"^ ' "V^k /(C^ *" ""^^ ' ^"^ "â- "' ' never a sore (r^y^y V^^3)/)) '*''°ul''<-"''' I would advise anyone suffer- ^^^^^^^^ no â€" xy ' '"K f*^"'" Rlieianatic pains to give your .ASONABLE GOODS Mr linimenta trial, for I cannot praise it IN (^s, toohiKldy." FURNITURE 'I'ho and largest n Htock of Furiiilure ever nhuwn in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction, onto and Heo Homo tif nico things in Side Boards, Dining llooni Chairs, I'arKir .Setts, Hed Uotnii Sotts. A Mpecial reiliic- tion just now on every- thing, in order to r«- duc8 the Htock. . . . A lininirnt that will do that Is the liniment you want. It is equally good for .sore throat or chest, backache, tooth- ache, ear ache, sprains, sore muscles, cut.s. bruises, burns, frost-bites, chapped hanils or chilblains. Rub it in, and the puin conies out. a$c per bottle at your deiiler's*or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co, I^td., Montreal, Que. 64 W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton H. Ttridgen. of Ihe t wnline near (Slenea'ni. met witli an iinfortuimie and painful accideni a few tliiys ayo whieli niinl.t hnvu resulted iiuicti mote serious than it did. Ho was harrowing and in making a luni in a low pmt of the Hold llie harrow turiiol up and fell lacktmrds on liini pinning liiin 10 'lie ground, from wliicli position he was nio'e than an hi ur extricatinir h'mself. The horsoi for- tuimtely reuiftined .piiet or heiniglit have I eeii killed. As it was lie s'jslained a ilisloratioii of the sheiildcr and other infill bruises wliioh havo I «id him up ever Hince.â€" Creemore Star. jiS>v^iiiB^'!^-MJ Many lives tiave been ruined throu.cjh neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Tlie result of a pruviooial audit of Choaley's linnncial atfairs, culled for in u lieiition signed by 04 mtep^yors, was eHinniunioated to the council last week. U covered the traiifcationi for six years hack and all bylawn since Cliesley's in- corporation iw a vilUgo. Tlio audit last- ed two monilu »nd cost fOOO. It was found that the treasurer had over de- posited f l,7tl'J, which was pronptly re. fiindi'd. The ci.lleetor'.s arrears totalled ;gi;i7.04 made up of monies not collseled, chiefly from iticim.e lax. A Wa'korton hakor wai Rnod for Rell« ing light weight bread. as 825.23 : ment grant, So ; concert, 9-'0 35 ; .sun- dries, 818.35 ; total 887.18. The follow- in.' was the expenditure : Expenses forl„t Mr. Neely were .n great danger and meetings etc., BU-io ; post au'e ; only f.;r the willing band of workers the stationery, 81.35 ; printing §3.50 ; element would have completely destroyed lecturers" expenses, f2 25 ; periodicals, j everything. g22.5i); Children's .\id Society, Owen jir. Neely "s losi is estimated at §1000 Sound, $1 ; sundries, §14.65 ; secretary's] ^^ mora and is very unfortunate, as this salary, 85; Arteincsia High â- ''chool j j^ ,11^. third time he has suleied from Boaid, 825 ; total 887.10 ; b.tlance 80. | gre. Three year.s ago he had his shingle Tiie officers were elected as follows : | mill destrcyed ne ir Rocklyn and only President. Mrs. R. U.Moore ; 1st Vice last summer his mill near Redwing was rreaident" Mrs. R. Best ; Sec. -Treasurer, [ burmd to the ground. To further add Mrs. ".V, H. Thurston; District Direc-j i.,, his misfortune, his wife wis very ili tor. Mrs. R. Best : Delegates to District and had to be removed from her home on meeting, Mrs. Albert Stewart, and Mrs. ja stretcher. NV. Trimble ; Pr.'Siram Committee, Mns. | Wilcock, Mrs. Bunr, Mrs. .)os. Clinton, I II..c'or McDonald, a residciit of Mea- Mrs. A. Stewart and Mrs. Archie j {,,vd forty years ngo, ditd recently .it his Stewart. home in the Michigan Sault, J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesherton « Ontario CROOKS AND INVENTIONS " Tlie way of the transgressor is hard," and it is geitinj harder everv day. Mod- ern inventions are keeping the crooks searching for methods to overcome them, and in many instances they tind it impossible. The Crippens are now captured by wireless telegraphy, horse thieves by the telephone, and bribo takers by a new sound magnifying in- vention. Rank wreckers are still caught in the sime old way (when they are Beaty Ne»bitt is still at large. The sound magnifying instrument rc- foi-red I.) above was responsible lor the capture of «i.\ ( >hio louislators on a charge of accepting bribes. It is a new thing, however, and probably the honorable cenilemen of the leuislature had never heard of it. The brains of the crook will ill future work overtime in an eft'.. it to outwit the dictaphone, and will prob- ably succeed, because tliere is no more clever inventive genius in the world than the successful crook. Each new in- vention that conies along catclie.H a few of him, an.l makes his calling more insecure, but it tloes not reform him or scnre ki:n utt' tiy any manner of me.MiR. ! Now Is The Time For HouFecleaniug anil renovatinij. See our stock of Carpets aud Housefuruiijhings. Carpets iu Lnissels, Tapestry, Wools, Unions, at prices from 15c to 81.3,t. RUGSâ€" A con I late range of Kugs, with a big assortment of patterns, sizes from 2J x 3 to 3 J s 4J, price from iS to $20. Linoleums, Oilcloths, ilattmgs, Curtains, etc. Bee otir tluce-yard Curtains at 60 cents. The Porjw Pitt© PATENTED AUG. 30 1909 PETTICOAT The Scioiititio American has taken a keen lutercjt m the Quebec bridge and last week ptiblislicd an interesting article dealing with tlio subject. While cautious to express an opinion, it seems favorably inclined towards the accepted plan, which was sub- mitted by the St. Ijawreiice r>ndgo Company of Montreal. This calls for an cxpeuditure of $8,650,000, and has n main span of ti40 feet, which will make it one of the most notable bridges yet constructed. Let us hope that tlie now bridge will be erected without any further loss of life. 000 The Slaiulard Oil trust has been ordcrid by (lie Uinted States courts to disband. Boino time ago this gentle and inipiicit trust was orderu'l lo pay a huge sum of money for trans- gressing tie laws of the laud, but we have not heard that the money was ever paid. Will the latest order be obeyed any better than waa the first '? What is wrong with United States authority that it cannot enforce its own dictnraa where millionaires and millions are involved ? 000 Professor Gates of the IVrassachiis- etts Agricultural College hopes to produco a slini^less bee in the not distant future. When that result is attained the editor of this paper will combiuc bee raising with his other fads, but not before. The only thing that has prevented us from tlooding the market with iioney in the past was the electrical tip on the tail of the bee. When Professor (i:ites eliminates that our prejudice will have been dispelled. See the new KAYBROTAF Underskirt IManrfactiiretl by JMcKay Bros., Toronto. The fabric is tim very latest developenient of the treatment of Cotton TaS'eita. Its finish is ab.sdiutely permanent and every aHrnient is guaranteed to retain the crupness and "swish" of silk, but much more durable and will not be oflected by atmospheric changes. See the new Spring Dress Cio.'ds â€" All new hiaterials and colors. Also a complete range of Ginghams, Zephyrs, Foulards and Prints. White L^iwn Waists â€" A nice range to choose from. Everything in our IS up-to-t'idate and the ijuality is right. % Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. ^ Beautiful Austrian Ware, equal to French China ^ worth three times the money, a stock pattern, 98 i^ pieces, for $22.50.- ^ (loKl Fnaniel Ware most modern desiixn, also a J^ stuck pattern, US pieces, for $iy.o5. ^ 4^ See our Fancy Crockery and Cuttlery ^ "More bread and better bread" FOR SALE BY F. G.KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON ONT #