"^^ ^ ^-H^4>-*»^>4-»-M~M-f â- ♦-♦â- ♦ i K-»"f-M-»-»-f>*4* I *- > OR, A LOOK INTO THE PAST T I CHAPTER XVI. â- •♦â- â-ºf » ♦...♦.».>H^f „^ . f .»4.^ -(Cont'd) All this flashed through his mind as he sat gazing at her from be- hind the open newspaper, while the train flew thiaiigii tiie lovely coun- try and appi-ached the London smoke. himself. I ber day when Derrick Darnley drove 'once mure through the well-reaiem- bered London streets. He was bronzed almost beyond recognition, but the old bright look had died j out of his handsome gray eyes, and '- j there was a moody, disappointed i^V,^ „i,.,n 1 >> V .J , ie.tpression ever present on his face. She shal love me, he said to : He had cor,,*- back suddenly and I 11 knock all thought of ; unexpectedly, and, having deposi thof f^n ,„ t u â- 1 L c -- , ""'^-i-iJCLLcui;, , ana, navmg aeposii- it i.^ 1 ""u", mind before ed his luggage at his old chambers, I m many days older! I've bought he drove first to his mother's house ner SnP i; miTl*^ K<*.rJ,' on*-] r.,..il 1.1 - _ . ' herâ€" she d<. no one.' Used in Canada for over half a century â€" used in every comer of the world where people suffer from Constipation and its resulting troubles â€" Df. Morse's Indian Root Pills, stand higher in public estimation tiizn any others, and their ever- increasing sales prove their merit Physicians prescribe them. g 25c. a box. gatives, and Darnley felt a trifle cheered. "This is Friday,' he mused, "and Dolly wrote on Tuesday or Mon- day night, evidently ; that looks hopeful. Poor old uncle and poor Dolly : She must be terribly cut up. ouglit not to be aJi-ue. A. ' " An^TH ',,°''"^' ^'^l ""l^ S'^"l. ! and then on to his several clubs. noone^ ^'^'^ ^^'^ i^* ''''''â- P^'^'^P^^ ^ reHef to find . , â- . . that Mrs. Darnley >vas not in town, I And having arrived at this deter- having started already for her usual ' mmation, Crawshaw summoned hia ! winter sojourn at the Riviera. Der- valet from an inner compartment, I rick had half sliirked a meeting with and ordered him to open some i his mother. She would remind him champagne without further delay, j too clearly of thaf summer time at Like most ignorant, vulgar-mind- j Ripstone Hall, when the . es had «d people, Mr. Crawshaw had an | reared their beautiful faces to the ^^y, . «.Ktraordinary predilection for im- j sunlight, and shed their perfume on! i .vender "if aav one is with her. She bibing the most costly champagne ! the soft air. He nad guessed by 'â- "â- ' ^ """^^ '^ ^^ -^^> oneisw.tnue at the strangest hours. In his for- j some vague way that his mother mer life he had been noted for his had gauged his secret, and he temperance; in fact, he had been ; shrank from the comments her lips almost a total abstainer from li- 1 might utter on the girl who had quor; but with riches and idleness ; so cruelly blighted his whole iw.p- this good habit soon vanished, and ' pin-ess. he found it necessary for his Yes, whatever hard or bitier strength and hi.i dignity to have re- 1 thoughts he m;?ht harbor against course to freo.ueni stimulant which Thomas Crawshaw's wife in the than she should be with Dorothy ac unfortunate custom was followed, | depths of his heart, he had not ar- s„ch a time ' as It could not fail to be. with la- 1 Hved at a suCicieut degree of i, -,^as because he loved her still; mrntable rejult.s. Nancy started as ^ strength or hatred to permit others because, despite her merce:iarv. she heard hiin speaking, and, hft- , to breathe them in his presence. c'lue! conduct-despite all lus et- ing her head from her hands, leaned; g^ ^j^^,^, f^,^ ^,^^^ ^^-^ ^^^^,-^. f^^^^ ^,^ ^,,.^^^ ,,^^ ^^^^ ^^ y^ ^^,^-^_ back against the cushions with I ,^^,,^ ^^^:^ ^^^^^- ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^,. orv-that she gre.v tliere stronger closed eyes and pale, wan face. I „ ^j,;^ ..^^^ject, and might peiTiaps and .trong.r each dav. that the Her thoughts had wandered, as I j^^^.^. p^^.^^j ^^-^ disagreeably as to man feared, yet longed, to see her the cause of his sudden disappear- again. j ance and still stranger silence. So :. ivould be joy to gaze on her [it was a genuine sigh of relief that face once more, and pain indescrib- able to realize that for him .such vant that her mistress was gone, joy must never be â€" that she had i and was not expected back for at by her own act separated herself least two months. He got into his from him and given herself to an- jcab again and drove to his favorite other man. I club. ' Through all his journeyingsâ€" and Here he was greeted with a per- he had covered a pretty good dis- tfect storm of heartv words and tance during his American trip I will go c!-*n at once. I th^il just catch the evening e.\preo3.'" Ec sat down and wrote out a tele- , graai. His brow was drawn and his moi.th set with grim de:erm:uat;on. ' A sudden fear had come ini-o hisj What if he should meet] there: What more likely! mind. Naacv His" ears had hunirered, yet shrunk from hearing s<jme mention of her name, as he sat in the club. He knew the sort of conversation the bare whisper of Thomas Craw- shaw was likely to provoke. But whether it was that all gossip and excitement about the parvenu had died out, or whether the clubmon- gers had imagined, for some vague reason, that he would not care to hear any such gossip, Dai-uley could not tell ; but the fact remained that not a single soul spoke of Craw- shaw or his wife. "I am glad of it," was the man'.s thought to himself, as he learned back in his corner with folded arms and moody face. "I could not bear to listen to any re- marks on him. for they would seem to reflect on her." His dark eyes wore fixed on the gloom of night ou;.-ide. There was a dissatisfied, uncomfortable ex- pression in them. 'â- Jf I could only arrive at some good conclusion as to why she treat- 1 ed me as she did : It was so unlike | her ! She had a kind word for every j living creature. Even tii-J flowers i won sympathj' and love from her ; I \ and yet â€" yet she crushed the very I I light out of my life .' She wantoiiJj'/ .destroyed mv. happiness and broke' rav heart: Whvl Surely- if she, ihad wished ta cMtrh Crawshaw. she mi^iit have spaird me. Can his i j wealth be such a salve to his ixlious | self ; Can she be happv with this [ brute? Will not her own innate re- . fineir.eat â€" for a refined, dainty gen- i tler.-oman Xancy is. and ever must I be â€" will not this recoil and shrink I from the daily con tact with the ! coarse, low mind?" i (To be continued.) ML U 'â- *it^ Polish Pleases everybody. Is used by men, w^omen and children in all parts of the World. There is a reason- Its superiority over o^er ic/o*'*- Contains nothing ^/f'f^ous to leather, but gives a hard, briiuant ana la&ting polish. jtis grood for your shoes. THE F. F. D ALLEY CO., Limited, ,o HAMILTON, Ont.. BLTFALO. N'. Y. and LONDON, Eng. } WOULD YOU Bhih^s Gum <u. nnU-iily slops cooeb«a cnrvs CDld,, healA ... 23 ccai«« she sat motionless and silent, in a . misty, unconscious way, to the rose j garden ; she could feel the soft, | warm air as on tnat bv-Kone sum- < V' ' \. ^ i c »i. _ J xt \ c ^i. '' , . i he gave as he learned from the ser- mer day ; the scent of the perfumed flowers seemed to steal into her ' very heart. How gentle : how peace- ful : how happy it was : and then a j sense of deeper happiness still j crept over her. She heard in fancy j that quick, firm step ; she felt the dreamv enthrallment of his pres- 1 : -- -. •- ,, . - ., , i u „ .i.^ i i ,„ ,t i,.= u 1 1 • i_- fi i Questions and mven a n e of let- this had been the burden ol his ence; she heard again his soft, ten- ' ^"'^*'^'^"'' **"** g'^eu a piie i.n ici der voice, his hands touched hers, t®",^"""!?^ to occupy his attention thought. for hours. and with a start the mist was scat- tered and the vision vanished. Having laughingly parried all at- She was in the saloon carriage 1 tacks as to what he had done and speeding through the autumn-ting- 1 â- "'here he had been too. etc., etc., ed country; speeding away from i D^irn ley esconced himself in a cor- Ripstone Hall, from Dorothy. from|ner and began his task of reading dear, kind, genial Sir Humphrey, 1 through his correspondence, which from the sweet, loved gardens, the affectionate, generous, indescribab- ly dear atmosphere of home â€" she was going from all this to what? Her eyes opened involuntarily and rested on the man opposite, that creature, with his common had accumulated lo an enormous degree during his absence. But ho had scarcely got through half a pagte of the first letter ho opened before he sprang to his feet in mingled surprise and pain. It was written bv Dorothv a few person, his cruel, swarthy face, his days back, ar.d ran very briefly: mean, cowardly natureâ€" tiiat man j "1 <1'J not know, dear cousin." was her husband, her companion for , she wrote, "whether this letter will life, through good or ill. ever reach you, as I have received A wave of utter repugnance 1 no answer or acknowledgment of rushed into her throat and almost the others. I fear that it will not : choked herâ€" the sacrifice of that , but it is a slight relief to me to . , , • ,„,_ than she write to you. even though the out of his heait Si 'n;e times he giew angry with himself, and he would apostrophize himself as a dolt, and n(.it worthy the name of man. He would laugh scornfully at himself. Was this gloomy, miserable crea- ture the proud, ambitious Derrick Darnley of a few montTis ago ,' Where were all his hopes f his ea- ger prosi'ects I Could it be possible that he was so weak as to let the vision of a blue-eyed, tempting face, sweep away all that hitherto made his life ' rie cried slianie on himself over and over again, but all to no good. Stronger men than Derrick Darnley have fallen beneath love's potiiiU touch ; and go where he would, do what he would, try as he would, he could not root Nancy moment seemed greater could bear. Crawshaw's eyes met hers, strained with pain and horror for the time out of all likeness to their former beauty. The champagne he had just swal- lowed ran like fire is his veins. He poured some wine' in a, glass and went over to her. "You look like a ghost with that chance of your reading my M'ords is so very faint. My dearest father is growing worse. Oh. Derry, if I lose him, I think it will be the end C)f my life, for my heart will break. He has asked for you now and then." Derrick Darnley sprang from his se.it. Two or three of his old ac- He possessed no common nature, and he had loved with no common love. Time might, perchance, soften away the ragged edges of the wound; but heal it. and efface the traces of it altogetherâ€" never : .\nd so it was that, as Darnley wrote the telegram to Dolly, and quaintances were watcliing him P'''"J"«' ""* a hurried journey down with mingled amusement and curio- to Kipstone Hall with..ut further but he neither saw it nor CHEAP TLLKPUONE SERVICE. j Briii.>h Post OIHie Trikos Over the 1 Country's System. ' Bv the end of tiie year the Brit- ish Post Ofliee will take ov<'r t!:e management of the country's tele- phone system from the private com- . 1 pany which has hitherto controlled lit. and the British public does not! regard this particular nationalii:- ' ; ation i^roject entirely without mis- | givings especially in view of the fact that the direct control by the â- i State of the country's telegraphs i has resulted in a loss of .$50,000,- | 000 in the last fory years and that ' the present annual loss is well ov- ! er So. 000, 000. Business men are I afraid that red tape will hamper ' th-3 quick and cheap telephone ser- vice that everyone wants. j ".Vlniost every European count- ry has secui-ed a cheaper and bet- ter telephone sor\ico in the last few years than En.^huid hr.s done," said G. Dalzell Reiid. a telephone authority, who is in Lonuon, after ; having inspected the German, Dan- I ish and .Swedish systems. 1 "A telephone at iSlO a year is not an impossible dream, but it is a perfectly sound liusiness proposal if the systems continue to expand at the present rate. In Denmark, already, outside Copenhagen, the i annual subscription for small ex- changes is $11 and additional calls may be obtaineil at the rate of $5..">0 per 1,000 calls. I "Sweden, too, has a most ef- ficient and moderate priced tele- phvine service with more than *200,- 000 subscribers. The installation I chariie for a private house is only $-t with an annual subscription of $16.50. .«â- -â- », - ;g?gg:r::r- â- najM. nisht at tha starting point tavo a care. Ma.ny unreliable brands ar« offered. Whoever uses t.hem pays for it. Tou can- net afford to lose lAMSAYS PAINTS are sold by reliable dealers only. Uaokcd '-y e-Jarantees, and the trailers are respocsibie. Tou ca.Tnct get Uie established reput- abU Quality la any otbor p^nts â€" and yo'.i pay only the prop«r price â€" not too high and not too low â€" known in Canada for over sixty years. Write for our Book- lot B D on house painting. It will help you. It la handsome. A. RAMSA> &. SON CO- BtontreaL THS PAINT lUAKcna, Co 'd. tS42. WAINWRICHT, ALHA white face; take a drink of this, «•/-' """S'^--' •"â- "'-y'"^*"- """.'-""" j„i,,,. u;.; ,„;„,) wis haunted bv Kmrv and then w'lke ui) I didn't Utv. but he neither saw it nor ".'^'''^ • "'=> '" "^^^ ^*'** nau.iieao^ jSantv, aiw caen waKt up. i uiun u . . those marvellous eves, and he was marry you to let you sit in a cor- caret!. ,, wondering how his old love would n»r all dav v<ni know" Has anv one seen Merefield "onu imi^ "v" • o She crouched hlk for an in- lateh- ]" he asked, hurrledlv. "Is [o^k how she would greet h.m. wl*it She croutnea oacK roi •'" "' I â- '(.„„.•' , he should sav, almost more than he slant, then, scarcely knowing what j ho n town . 'thought of the iwor old man whom she did, she r.natched the glass from "Mereheld '. ^\h,v.>he went off to , t"*"!! affection, and his hold and flung it out of the win- j Jamaica or some place all in a flur- ^^ '^'^'V'-^ "\" , . , ' _,:.„..._.j ...„, dow. "Leave me to nivsclf :" she cried. ^ passionatelv. madlv. "or it vou will | laugh. "They do say that the Hon. not I will'throw mvself out of the i Ella Chester has fairly hunted him carriage as I have just flung .away out of the country. But what's up, that glass:" 1 old fellow? ^ou look deuced There was a dangerous earnest- 1 gvcen :" ress in her inlensity of manner that! "I h.avc had bad newsâ€" very bad ry last week," observed ,i young I fellow, quickly ; then, with a hearty for whom he had unlimited sym- pathy. '0 sweet one. love : O my life's de- light : Dear, though the days have divided us!" LOYAL SEKVICE. While journeying through Cen- tral Africa once, after several days I of severe marching, the men of .VI- fred J. Swann's caravan failed to reach camp. He returned to them I with water and assistance, and find- i ing the carts w-ith only half their crew, he asked where the heavy load was, and they replied, "Miles behind." It was on this journey that he witnessed a remarkable in- stance of the endurance and loyalty THE COMIHG CITY OF OFFERS UNLIMiTEQ OPPOSTUNITIES BUY REAL THE WEST FOR INVESTMENT ESTATE and do not work har^I :ili rour iif«. 'ihc man whose ambition doeiin't rise abuvp l:.oldin(f hjs job und drawing hiw pay. will never have any thing but work and tin- bare necimiiirs of life. A urcat uiimbar «( lh<? world's largest fortunun were founded ' on some shrewd real ustale invesimont. Here s an I'pportuniiT for you to start yourself on the ro»d to aurcess, if you're wide awake enough to open the door to cpportuniiy when she knocks. A Tory smuil sv^t of money invested NOW in WAI.VWRIGuf real •ttate rant hcla gruwing very rapidly. This great Canadian West of ours 18 Koing uread bv leaps and bound.*, and of all the"' towns and cities situated in it. WAl.V WRIGHT is the moat favored one. E.thiTUINU le in W Ai:«WRIGHT'S favor location, land. nter. climRte. etc.. oonldnt be improved upon if they were made to order. WAINWKIOHT i« 'iie largest divisional point on the Grand Trun!t Pacific Railway, between Wtnnii:e; and Edmonton located 666 milo* frcm Winnipeg and lis miles from Edmonton. Wainwright will be one of the headQu,irler9 for the Grand Trunk traOic for the whole of Alberta, by way ol' the cumiDc il-idsoii Bay Il4»ute. alijo by way of Prince Kapert. a"' aa well, the tornunus of what will be their long- est and best branch line into Southern .Albert a. In 1908 Wj'.'XWMGHT was unbroken prainc To-day it has a pop- ulation of 1,5M. graded streets, cement sidewalks, chnr-'hos. stores, baniia. hotels, immigration hall, a S!7,000 school, opera house. Sre d»- partmont, G. T. P. .shoos, with a I argo payroll, stock yards, etc. Do yon wonder that WAINWRIOHT is t.<irraed th« coming city ?! oit Waitâ€" that wo are enthusiastic about it.' The Grand Trunk Paoino will liav* a S7S,a03.0tl Hotel hare when the lino Is com^letod to the coast. •OTS $60 to $135 $10 Cash, $3 per Month- No Interest LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT WAINWRICHT Pit right down now and write ue. It won't rest you anything for fnll Infotmation. Don't let this onportuii ity slip nasi without at least InTOstig- atiug It. Send in the attached coupon at once. Please send me full particulars NAME of your property in Wa inwrijht. PUOV wm. Gsraaiity Mm R^altf & lo'/eslmGnts, liinited o. w. Man. Dlr, S6-S7-9t Commercial U ition BIdng., Montreal BakBJ Sec-Trcas. So .â€" , • , . , I -11 1 it * oo ran the troubled, sad melody impressed frav.shaw; he waited a'ncws^ .My cousin has x>ntten to say j„ ^^^.i^^ Darnlev's heart as he sat mement, then, xvith a short lauglT, | her father. Sir Humphrey Leiees- 1 ^^ ^.^.,^^.^^. J^,,; ^..^ was he turned and went back to his j tcr. is dangerously ill. It is a preat '" newspaper and his corner, | shock to me '. He is such a good old '^She'd do it, too, I do believe!" j chap," ho said, involuntarily, al- ho muttered to himself, and then j most to hiniself, "it hurts rae to the light came in his eyes as;.iin. I hear anything has happened to "Never mind, whatever happens, ' him," He paused an instant with I'm her master, and she shall know | .1 momentary dre;id. "I suppose " it soon enough 1" CH.A.PTER XVII. It, was a dreary, dismal Novcm- hc said, his voice grown a little i husky â€" "I suppose you haven't heard anything worse about him 1" There was a perfect chorus of no A New Liaxaflvc -the b?st knc-.vn to modern inadlcine -is the aclivo priacipls w'c.ich makaa so mach better than ordinary physics. Whilo thoroughly •fffctlve, Ihey nev«r er'pe, purge or causa nausea, and never Igso their effective.iess. OiiO o< the test of the NA-DRU-CO line. 25c. « box- If your drugsl.-.t has not yet stocked thetn. send 2Sc. and in will mill them. 23 Nalianil Drog *m1 CtMaaical Company ol Canada, limited. ... Mâ€"trâ€" 1. borne away from London to Rip stone Hall. His life's delight! Surely that was true ; for life had only dawned in those short, te\N , madly precious summer hours. It was ended now, for he did not live ; he simply sub- fpl'l'yi^yg i mitted to an existence, which, 'dreary as it was, he was not coward enough to dream of ending. "Dear, though tUe days have di- vided us :" Ay, that she wasâ€" dear- er by the sense of desolation, of de- ; sp.'iir, that surrounded her image. I It was a curious fancy, but Darn- ley had grown to think sometimes I of the Nancy of those summer hours I as of a fair, dead creatureâ€" soine- thing to mourn and to worship ; something that, though she was I gone, lingered yet to remind him of the brief spell of happiness she had brought. It was a sad but a peaceful re- flection, and one that even in its sorrow was more pleasant to hiin than the cruel truth that .she lived, •and had v.ilfuily deceived for an- j other, and such another! ' of a black man. Fearing the me:', would starved, writes Mr. Swann •fighting the Slave-Hunters be in in "YOU WERE RIGHT, GEORGK. THERE IS NO ONE IN:"-Life. Central .Vfrica," \»e pressed on to- ward them, ar.d finally discovered ihe load drawn up under a bush. Searching round for traces of the crew, I heard a voice faintly call out : "I am alive, but give me water!"' On luokinji; into the bush, we dis- covered the le.tder, sheltered from the sun, and after giving him water, I .asked : "Where are the others'?" "Gone on to cauip," he replied, "for food and water." "Why did vou not go?" "No, master, I could not leave the boat sectiin. M.v name is Ma- hububu. I was one of Livingstone's btjys. I should have died by tiic load. I cut off the hide lashings and at? them. i\nd the roots I dug up and suelced for moisture. Let no man question, concludes Mr. Swann. the ability of black men ' to perform loyal service after evi- i donee of such heroic condtict. | ._._..,.,.__.. j ShiMis Gi/rQ mnUliy aiopA coarfbs* cvma colds, h«*te Cm iwoAt aud lun^. • • • 35 c«aij^ I Here's a Home Dye ANYONE Can Ucc. HOME DYEING has always been mere or less of a difiic»Ut under- taklDff- Not so wh«it you u»a Sand tor Skitiple CtrJ And Story Houklct «» The JOHNSON. KIt:H ARliSON CO.. I.iiniled, JUST THINK OF IT! Wit!i DY*0-LA vow can rolor either Wool. C.nton. Si'k or NItx-d Goovs Pcrf-c'.Iy with thr> SAME Dve. No chance of usina the j WRCNC Uyp I'jr tho Goo*.is yo-i liayg to color. lODINOL $1 a box 6 for $5 yilO niosl iii)(lily efiliiont .Tppiic.nliou lor Ihe reduction oi Swellings, Ooilre, Tiiiik Nec'it, Ghiildular EnhMgemels. It's I'osiiive. Pil F^ o' â- >ll Uinds, in .inv and a!i ' '^*'«' sl.ijjes, i)iiickly I'eliovoil .inJ positively cured. Cure your Mifl'ering and live quiotit', '•Common S.-nse" lor l'ile< will do it. $1 a box. SS lor Q boxes. M.iilod on lecoipt o( pries. LYLE ?=»«='« TORONTO 713 WEST QUEEN ITR.ET