May 18 1011 T 11 E V L E SH E 11 T N ADVANCE CUSTER'S LAST FIGHT. Advance ^niB,! 1 Acis. , ^, ,.„„„, 3.,,,. „, ,,. ^ut,. Big Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU | Qenerni George" a! ciister was one r============z=====^r=:z==========::^======:^=:=======r-====:=: i of ''"-' «uost iiomble cnviilry oUlcers du- velopcd (lurliiK iho wur of tbe rebel- lion. It was bis fortune to be In (be BisiNEss Cauus WAI.TKR LOLCKb 1 1 I . fontractor K<.r Hrlck, BUine aii<l fraiiid te«l.loiice«. Ri- tlinitt«t uli««r(ully turi'iatiod, Kleslisrtuu P nt«rio. VL lUnket* Markdtle eoeral bkiikiDg baaiDerf. Uoney loantd »t''reaiiouklile rite* Ckll on u<>. TChlSLETT, • Posciuaittr, Tejlon. Comniinsioiicr iii H. c. J .Conreyincer. deedi, luort«a«o«, Inui'K. wilU etc. car«lullv drawu up <ollectlou» ii>ad.>, otiariie* reniioiiftble. AI«o crOceriM, fioiu. Utd etc. keptlnatock, Pric»» Farms For Sale or Rent ] TNlMl'lKIVKl) f«riii (ul- i.uli-. bfiuB lot -if. a fairly levul lot witu coiiKiilarablu tliiibur unltsOle tor woofl. To closu ku cdatf will ba kold vury cliunpaud on ca^v toriiix of iiuyiiiant. Apply to J. A. hALSTED. Vaiil Mt. b'oreat, Out yOK HAI-K-Clieap an 1 easy terms. •*^ aolil »oou, for n-iit to hiiitablu lenft- J SPBOULE, K PletihwrtOD conimlationer In H.O J., Anctlon»e Toyaari-r. AppiaUer " >iit» ami In leax'i ao-l wlIU car Con Leijdcr If nut for n*iit to hultab:u tvna' t, North hair lot :« and lot 10, roo. 11. Artomcgia. and lot 1. coil, li 0»pruy. iiO acrcR. about l.W cleared baliiuee inoatlv timbi-rad land, liaril a_dHo(tw»oil ; Kood stone dwelling and frame barn, Ktabliui; uQiler : wull wotwrcii with novor- tailiuK Huiall upriiii; crutk cionKini! farm cloae tobaru: Tlii> is ail excellent «rniM or i!ra/iu(! larui and will be sold very 'ilii'ap if Iftlii'U at ooce au'l im eafiy terius, .\I>pll to It. J- Kpruule, Fiei»hc*rtou, Out, ' aud Uoney Kp»1 KHtalB and liiaurance Ageut. D»t<:». I OH BALK ohcapond on en»v torms-Lots 1 mortgage* le"«-' »»•» '''"" carefully drawn j ( and icon. H ns)rey: a>) acrej: fra,^'- #ti;iHlaellou ^'t and dates of fales can be (jllice. Uesidcuce and P.O. couuectioii. Doc G.07. Anctiooeer for 'in Terms M.K very cheap and on easy teriiiBâ€" Pr,( â- !l^sloo•li.•|•^tory brlrk bloek V. ;th.;i"l «tnble and nuvor-tiii!- ,1 . 1 ' t â- J.' ^UMu tili<i •J* .»u.i ,M, . ; ; . ; two C'Od \\rM. K.MTTlNti. Licensed '• tbe couoti' » - . ,. Farm and Slock naloa a specialty aia'lerale. natislactiou K'-iaranttcd. ArraiiRe- .iieuta tor dale, u.iiv be made at tlis Advance offltc, or a: T. llutcliiiison 1 Hove, teverslmui bya<ldn!«»in(t am at Fev erEhaui. Od'-_ RVOn MATHK-VS. Markftale, Li<:on««'} auc'.ioneerforlhe county ot (.rcy. aood •errice at roaacnablu rate*. Datca â- uiadv at The Advai.n-- o 00 ' Htoiie _ ___ , kept : Mv"«ogA"C^,i|Laud ciili 1 third ^tories ; tir-r cidHs bnPli l.-e sold cheap a-» owner i^ cti!-' busitieHM in the west ttud hii^ i ' . It. Apply to U- .7. Sproule, Kiesn nan be f HAUVKY A fienerai brokems'- l-KIlltior.. brnker. Klesherton busines'J. Insnianco Ol everv-kindVlaced iii Mifi< and liberal companies. Heal estate etc.. Op.n accouiiu and l'-'"' ' "'> notei handled and money advanced theroou. Corrcapondeuce ioUcitu 1. ^ ____ D M cV& 8 Out. Physician. RnrKCon.etc Medical ^. ^ 8 Out. Phytic Office aud residenceâ€" Poter St., FleBhcrtou JP OTTE\Vi;l.L Veterinary SurKeon Uradnate of Ontario Veterinary refldoaco â€" sjcond door "<»""„. "-J-;,; j: i fc.arv atrcot. This atreot runs Boutb I Vresbylcrittu Chnroh. l,'.\ItM V(IH SAI.,F.-Vcry clinnr, 100 acres, *â- lot 9, con. 7, ( >spruy, only *:)000, russouablo cash payuieiit. balance easy teniiH, 85 acres cUiared, well leuced and in IiIkIi stttto ol culti- vation, biilauee timbered, y«j<j(l conitortuble frauiu dweliinj;, stone cellar uuiler, never fall- ins ^priitK well and windmill jiuinp at daor, l.(-w Iraiiie barn, well tluibhe.l, stone btabliii^ with spring; *A-uter under, also iu shed. It Is situated i niiU) Iruin .Maxwell villuije where tbors are stares, pout oUleos, ^ood sch.'ijl, aud iHon the gravel road, 9^ miles from railwuv t'tation. II Kold at once, above price, though VKItY (;1II:AP niicht bo shaded a little. Apply to U. J. bl'UOCl.i;, Kicsherton, or XHOitAS UtjY, ou preu-ises, 'l Xpor sale cheap or rent, hnmodiate possosfion. *- Lot .'to ceil. M, Aitimej^ia, about 75 acres clear, coiiifortablti loi; bouse and frame barn. ApplvtoK .1 Spi nu)e. tle:.hel loii. or .lolin •) Martin luro-is tlie louJ luiiii mii.I iot. ColleRO, west. OB I H\VU,SON, llinckn.iitli •jradjate c.t tuo Veterinary ficlenc Association. Uurli»iu Urect. ort'oalte lioyd, liro'a hardware. ) A GOOD START IN LIFIO has been a-.s- uii thdusiuds of youiiij pedijlo who li.ive H'tuiidcU tlu! Dextistky Dr. E. C. MURRAY I.. O. S, dental siirfieon honoaRraduKlc of Toronto University and KoyaUolleKc of llenta! Surueons ot Ontario, Uas aduiisiMotered lor 'eoth oXtract on Office at residence. Toronto btreet, Hua^erton. • Leoal , UCAS, HANKY A; ^yALI.ACF-narrMors. •â- â- ' liolifitois.etc.-I. 1!. I^ucas, h. I'..,"- '•• HaneV K I : J. H. O. Wallace. Olhces. Toronto W'jTiador. Hank lU.'c. phoi'" niahi Ui2;»lirkdalel.ncas block. Phone J A. Srauch oMco at Uundalk open every Saturday. .\t Orten^Sound, (Int., (lining tlio |i;ist lliiny yoai.s. What wu Imvc (lonu fni- othi'i< \vc can tin for yon. Try il l>y oiitc'iiiiyfid- the .Spring; Term on M'lud.iy, Apiil 3rd. C'licuhii-s fieo. C. A. Flem.Miy, G. D. Floming, I'liiuijiiil. Secitdiiry. viii;::';^^:^^^^^^.^^^^}-^^-. iLUNG TROUBLE ulpieHheitou ollioe, Sproulea lllock every ;"^»»'« *l«.av*/«*««* S aturday â€"â€"â€"=== Mr«. Biny Brown, of Tenecape, N-S., Was Cured by Catarrhozono of Lung Trouble and Catarrh, After Hundreds of Other Remedies Failed A Monday Societies n U W meets on the last lu each mouth, in their louRe room Norri-' block.lKle.berton. at « 1' "^ *;^j,W^: H (â- l,e(iard ; Her... C. H. Munhiiaw rin., W. P. < rossloy Visltiuu brethren luviled T\«i«ir'if ARTHUU LODdE. N"- :i33.A.F.4 P"'^A U. meeti in the Masonic hall Arm- stron«» Jtlock.Klesherton. every 'rid ay on or betorelliolullinoco. C. II. Mu-i», W. M.; Thoa. Clayton. BaLretary. COL'KT FLKSIIEKTON. aO.'i, 0. K. lueets ID icbi*yVon'ritiock'tiiVl'ast"Wodnesdav ev«niri(c ol eaih month. VisitinR Koresters he,ut\]y welcome. H. K., Dyson; U- «•• «• Henry, Pin. Heo.. C. N. lllcbaidson. Please pay duos to Kin. Bee. bolore the first day of the uionth. PHOSEN FHIENDH-Kleahorton lo""'" <>' I Chosen Krieiids meets in Claytons ball first and third We-lnesday of each mouth H p. in Pay aJes.nient. to ttie Ke-order on or be ore tue nrht dayol each mouth. Chiel Councillor T. IJlakelcv.lleoorder W. H. bunt. Herkshires and Tamworths I have now (or sale a few very ekoioo Hoik •hire pn;s, nearly ready to wean- Hunv your order and K«rt tbe l'e»t. Al»o good Taniworth hOK four years old. lor sale* " OKO. W. IIO.SH, Maxwell P, O. Boar for Service I'nre ISreil Tauiwortli Hoar f<« servii Teriiis, ?1. C*»li. N. Hin I!.-. Miivwell. Ont, Boar (or Service I'm,' llie.l Viirkshifu liiiai for service on lot :tl. Con. 10, Aiiem«<da. Terms, *1.U0. \V. \V1I,H<)N, Prop., KiiKtniift <'Ma. Boars for Service Tlie iiiKitrsiK'nad Ima » tl""-i"i«liliru.I Vnik- shire lioarfi>r service i>n hit liiT. itnl rniiK''. K. T. unil .S. K., Arteiucsia. Terms, -$I.'H» Alwi Hereford Hull (or aervice. J.J. Brown. 1 .Iv. BULL FOK SBRVICE TlioroiiK'''"''"'^'""''''""'" ''"llj"l>a»<lv Jim" M7M, (or Mer\ic« on lot I'fi, '1. ft H. R., .\r- t«m>wia. This animal is of n ^ood initking strain. I'nliKree on ii|iplicatiiin. Terns,â€" j;r»des *1, reKistered »;t- J A.S. .STIN.S(JN Proprietor. Bull For Service TlioroiiKlibiifl Hereford Jbill (or service <iu lot 171, con. :) .S. W. T. and .S. R., Arte- niesia. 'IVriiis-*! (or (frade, !»:i for |)Ure i)reil. Any cow not returned will lie oliargt'd lu full whether ineaKor uot, HMari2 â€" T. ft J. WATSON. Bull (or Service Thorouithbied Hereford Hull (or service on lot I, cou, 4, Kiiphcrasitt. Termsâ€" H, I'cdi inee on application. CHAH. II. MAUTIX, Prop.- HOLSTF.IN-FRIESIAN CATTLF- Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth Swine Brown Leghorn Poultry a specialty. Tf your lunff.s nn' wenlj; if thorc ia consumption In your family; |f cia^ Catarrh, ami nronchltls bother yoiV be sure l>> use Ciitarrhozone It ll especially adapted lor these'^ and cures every time Jtr.s. Hmwii took cnuRh mixtures but they made her .sick, rhen sho us.-,i nn atomizer, but. after re.iortlnir with- out benefit to poultlceH. she tried i'u.- tarrhozono. ••I ii.sed Pafarrhozonc Inhaler." wrlt<'.s Mrs. lirowii, "rivc minute." every hour, and soon recopnlzej ih.-it It wa.t (folnpr to cure me. I could le.-i the .loothlufr jnodlcated air Kpreaditu; through till' air pu.'i.saBe.s of the throat, and it touched the sore «i>ots in I he luiiB."? that other remedies failed So reach. Catarrhiiziino seemed to Ko Just where It was needtd most, ntul soon put a stop to my oouRh. It n- Btored me to perfect health, and I am convlncid no courIi. cold, or ca- tarrh can exist If CatarrUozone i.i used " No treatment Is so ro pleas- ant, so certain to cure ;is Cutan-li- ozone. Ily nieairs of the Inhalr-r, tbo local Bymploms. *iich aa coiiffhInK, lii- flammntiun and conRestlon are speed- ily corrected. FerroBon* tablets, which a-i' Liken after «-.ach meal, purify and cleanse the blood nf nil polc.ons. and build up and strengthen tbu system. This local and oonstlttitional treat- ment l.s ulway.s effective, and cures caHOH that have been (flvrn up as hopeless. Mon<y can't buy or prmliico anythlnt!- better, and to fjet cured It Is absolutely neceiuary iu uae Cutaiu'li- ozone. A disititrnu^ rtinaway occurred at the Grand Trunk nt/ttion at Fo'guR on Thurs- diiy, result iiiK i» the death of one horso and'tha aurlous injury of another. Mr. Ernest Suoll , Shiloh, fastened hii line taiin of horses in froot nf the station while doine some busiucas elsewhere, and irkilo ho was absent the noon Iraiii pulled into the slntion. Tho hoises, which wore a lively piiir of colis, bcctinn thoroughly frii{hlened at the train, and plunged and roared around in luch a manner as lo get loose from their tie strap. Then they ran away at breakneck •peed, but had not gone far before they ran at full speed into a standing fi'ei.{hl car. They were thrown back with ji,Te»t force, and bnlh horncs fell to the uroiind. ll was found tha'. the neck of one of I hem was broken, death reniiliing iiistnn'ly, while the lower j>«w of the other ore whh frac ured also. Klforts were made to save the life nf this li use, hut tho chances thick of the conllU-t within ii tew days after leaving the training scbool at West Polut. and from that time un- til tho day of his death his life was tilled with strenuous work nnd stir- ring ndvonture. In which be was fre- quently exposed to deadly peril. The closing chnpfer of his life, which came with what Is known In history ns "Custer's last fight," which oc- curred ou June 20, 1870, was a trag- edy, but he died like a soldier. For a number of years after the civil war Custer had been engaged In In- dian lighting on tho frontier of the United States. Many ot these engnge- ments were ninoiig the most thrilling In the history ot Indian warfare In this country. Tho f unions expedition which led up lo the famous battle ot the Little Big- horn river was Ktarted on May 17, 1870. when General Terry, his olhcers, of whom Genotal Cu.stcr was one, and his trooiis left Tort Lincoln, Dakota. Kvery one realized (hat the campaign wns I'Ui ly {r, ho a decisive one. It was piunued lo hUiUe the Indians a serious biow_<>tt. iTooj wtildi thev eoTilil not recover. Tile ji.lvaiK.'C was bestaa uaOae fa- vorable conditions, and the Little Big. horn inonntaiiis were reaohwl on Juno 25 nnd the Indlin village located. A slight accident pave tho red men warn- ing. Nobody knows exsKtly how tho battle of LitUe Bighorn was fought. Tho Rtatoincnts made afterward by tho Indians were contradictory, but thoy all agreed that Custer's appear- ance was a groat Kurprlse. The best evidence shows that the Indians closed In on both right nnd left nnd placed Custer at once on the defensive. Closer and closer the coil tightened around that pinoky band. One after the other ot tho troopers fell, tho horses were stampeded, the nmnitinltlon ran low. no messenger had been able to break through the lines, nnd the mortality among the oHiccrs was heavy. Then Custer had IHs troops fire two volleys In succession, the usual cry for help. It was heard in lteno"scamt>. Its signllieanco was understood, but no help came. Soon came the final act of tho tragedy. The Indians closc<l in from all sides, led by the eniel chiefs Crow King. Gall. Crazy Uorse and Kaln-In-t lie-race. It a hand to hand flght It was ir.O against 1,000. Orriutied about Custer were twenty or thirty desperate men. 'J'hey fought with their leader, they fought for their leader, until the last man lay dead. Not an American oBlcer or soldier lived to toll the tale of "Custer's last Dght." Never In tho history of the world was tho bravery, devotion to duty nnd perfect discipline of troops better Illustrated. Almost without ex- ception tho bodies of the men were found Just where they hnd fought Each company was In the place as- signed, troopers In line nnd their offi- cers In position. They fought a losing battle, but they fought without flinch- ing. They wpfe killed, but not dls- grnced.â€" Detroit Free Press. Horse Routes KING'S ABBOT Mondayâ€" Will leave his own stable, Fleshertnn.and proceed up Tth to Ok-orge Wiighi's tor iioou . nnd Lome fof night. Tuesday- Ceylon for noon and home for iiit(hc. \Vedne»i!nyâ€" Down ttravel to \V. J. Caswe'l's for noon ; thei.te to Siniuel Pedlar's, 4ih line, for night. Thursday - To Uichard Hoy's for I o .nand liMnj for ni^ht. Fridayâ€" I'p west btck Hue to J. IIupp's for noon and home for night, where he will remiiii until the following Monday morning. U. McTjEOD, Prop, and Manager. FRENX'H NEURO Mondiiy - Will Leave his own st lUe Rob Roy to Melntyro for noon and Uolit. I'licslly Maxwell fed' night. Tuesday- Hy Feverblium, to Ul. lights tor noon and west to Uubt. McNlullen fur night. Wodnesdny to R. Hoy's for noon and Markdnle for nialit. Thursday- To (i Waller, Kiinberley forii noon, and to lleallicont for niglil. Fridayâ€" Ti J no. Slierilen for noun and Jno. Sinith's for night. Saturdayâ€"To Mark Ehbey's for noon Uob Roy i'lT night. â- JJiO. FINDL.W, Proprietor. ^^' MEAFOUD BOX 420. AUCTION SALElOur Clubbing List OFâ€" ^ The following prices are for strictly 1 paid in adviincesubsoriptionsonly. W* Government PrOOCriV ha^enolaccountHwithothBr papers. Flesherion Advance 9 ' OO Yo'Jths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 .15 Toronto Daily News 1 85 Weekly Globe 85 Mail-Empire ..... 80 Family Herald it Scar 85 Toronto Star I 35 Farmer Sun- 85 Farmers .\dvocata 1 35 Weekly \Vit.:e8e 80 Sat nrday Ni«ht 3 05 Home .Jourc-.d W) Poult ry News ... - 20 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Oun magazine 85 riie iiii(k;r.sij;n('(l has been in- sti'tioted to otter for saU? by public auction the property known as the old Drill .Shed, Fle.sherton, Tuesday June 13,1911 The sale will take place at the property at 1 o'clock p.m. on the above date. Terms ciish. D McPHAIL, Auctioneer. HOLereiN-FRiEaiAN bull for ber vice • illil.l.!- \N CO<'i)l!l)l\ KIKK llekul. No ITMHt HIKIO <â- I .1 Doko Ko. |:iln-.i II •H. I).\M ne|i • DeKoiNo. MDiodi, Urere that it woull have lo be duitrnyod 11 whoJPt-eii I the \V(Mll,l) H llCT ...,„,. Tlhl UFCOKl) n liw jtaiH ago MAKlNti 80 IJ)H.. hlOZ. l.N7I).VVa. ThiJ \o'inc iinlninMiirlf Ing n yean, I» ofBond i*I?!CHii'1 ifi'ii V i hiAli ti'. hit vini{ won three Ut uiid one Kecoiel pi i?.e iin aesif at some ot the proie- Ineut cenlru- otOnt.. and had won Ut phic' nt i>no and two years ulJ at Rant drey fall (nii. Kieiihertoii. T'lhis-ttindei .<t.V). tlioroudhhrtdr $.|.nO ynhlo Int of J»n. A|l ~Mt. Forest Confederate, Bull foi" Service ."ilnnlli.irn hull, liiim(iho.ik'» l.ud, f or nervieo on lot 11', eon, II, Osprey. J'edigree rn application. .Service, 1*1.00 for cowa"nur'riiuTarly|Kr»de«, thoMuiflibicU >»5, Kl at time of muriiuc will bft ehaiRiKl. «erviee, 1 nil piice dh,irpr«l for ro'.?» not ItlUHArtl) AI.bRK, returned. puya The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion Don Carlos STANDS lli.\ W KIOHT l.JOO LBS, Will Make the Season of I'.Hl as fidlorfs ; Monday -Will leave his own stjble Meatitil, liy vhy of tbiid Hue to John Mackie's. 't^: '"le, for noon ; thence to Chii'.. HilLs, lO'tn line Collingwood for nigh':. Tucfdayâ€" l!y Ravenna to Ed. McKtan for noon ; tliunce to FeNei>h»in for night. Wrdntsd.iyâ€" To D'ck Hoy's for noon ; thence to Markdale for night. Thur.sday- North to |.Win. Lyons for neon ; thence to Sum Marthnll's Walteis Fail", for night. Fridayâ€" To Rogi'.or for nout^; thence to Woodfoid for night. Saturday Morning to ' his own sl.ible, where he will reinuin until the following Monday inoriiing. JNO. FINDLAY, IVoprJetor. MEAFORD BOX 420. ho^miV.r.r.tte.ii I'lvdUortou r.o. .1 .M. IUIKN.S. Old Mosque Legends. The great Begovu mosque in Sera- jevo Is the largest mosque In Europe after those 'of Constantinople and Se- llni's mosque In Adrlauoplc. In Its courtyard stands an old stone, across the top of which therr Is a groove pre- cisely the length of a Turkish ell. Tra- dition says that a pasha placed It there to checlimate the local merchants' habitual use of false measures lu defi- ance of the express commandment of the Koran. But another of Sorajevo's hundred mosques has a much better legend. Before this may be seen the tombs of tho seven holy dervishes who were be- headed 200 years ago for a great theft. After tho decapitation each body tuckiHl Its head under Us arm aud walked Into the mostiue. So those der- vishes aro worshiped as saints to this day. A Large Volume. The biggest book In Wnslilngton is not In tbe Congressional library. It Is In tho reference room ot the geo- logical survey on F street, where Us huge bulk reposes on u stand made especially for It. It Is a dictionary and consists of half a dozen volunaes bound under one generous cover that must have talien several calfskins to proTlde the leather binding. It con- tains 7,08ri pages nnrt weighs as much as a high school girl fat Webster's Unabridged that lies alongside this great Jambo of a bo<>k looks like u pocket edition of tti« "Uubalyat." Didn't Liits Compariieni. "What made that prima donna !•• inand your discharge?" "I wrote nn article," replied tho press agent, "saying that abo slugs like an angel. Sho said she saw no reason for complimentary refereneo to any- body's singing except her own."â€" Wathlngton Star. Imported Hackney' Stallion Malton Squire No. 8564, Vol. XX1,P.S.B. ROITE FOR Bill Monday, May 8th,at il..'50 a.m. he will leave his own stuhle. Lot 18, Con. 10, Euphrasia, near (ioritig, by IH and 19 sideroad to Malhew I'silon's, town line Holland and Kuplnasia fur n. on, thence to Sutlicrland Bros.' , lOih Imo Holland for night. Tuesday, at H a.m. will proceed by way of Walters Falls to A. C. Clark's, town line Euphrasia stul St. Vincent, for noon; llience to Jasi .Slitt's, Lot '.I, con. (>. St. Vincent, for niulit. Wedne«dny, nt 8 a. in., will proceed to Rolit. Ahercrombie's, Oriersvillf, for noon ; thence I i Loaiie House, Rocklyn, for night Thnr.sday. will proceed by way of l.H and 111 sideroad lo and by Epping to (ieoige llu'ehin.son's for neon; thence lo F'nink Bowser's, Duncan, for night. Friday noon, Kimberley ; night, Ily Hiskine'i-. Saturday noon, iVarkdnle until 4 p in , when he will proceed to \m nwn stable. CilAS. WRKillT, I'ropriitor and Collector. Potatoes Wanted Five hundred Imcs ;.'ood merchantable potatoes wanted, delivered at Flesherion Station this week. Highest market price will be p.iid. M. Scully Co., Fleahertoii, or M. McD.n.ild, Fle^liorleii Station. I» there any thing in all tlii^ world that in of more importance to y..u than ijood diges- tion? Food iiui»t be eaten to <imtain lite nnd iiitist lie digeHteit and converted into blood When the di^'entiun fail.i tlie whole Inidy KulfeiK. (UininlH'i'luin'.H 'I'alilets are a ration- al and reliii\ile L*ue«} fur iiidigeution. 'I'hey By contrast the J increaae the How of bile, purify tho lihx.ii, Htrengthen the atouineli, ivud tone up the wliole digestive *|i|<aratus to a natural and healthy action. K«r«ftlet)y W. K Richard- B III <Sl .Son. Suits Somaâ€" Death to Other*. "Iron may be good for tho blood of Rome," remarked tho worm ns tho angler threadetl the hook through him gently, "but I fear It will ho the death of mo I" And yet the flsh that swnllowetl the Iron a lltflo hiler was quite carried away with It. Fatal. Tho Ladyâ€" Get out I You're the man I gave n piece of my cake to only nn hour ago. The Hobo â€" No, nuini. I'm (hat poor feller'i gtaOfltl-Clereland lA>ndur. If you say nothing about it The Newa will tell you that some of the nobbiest drivcra in this bailiwick are owned and diiven by our loL-al clergymen. Vet, it is Hue, and not only is it a fntt, but one of them at least is the most aristociatic piece of horseflesh wi' hin leagues of where he Hlands, and that ia in ihe stable of the Rev. E. Ryerson Young, the esteemed pastor of the Methodist church. This colt is a re.jl moriiig pictuie wlion in ac- tion and a bay hcauiy when al rest. Ho hai t<|ieed, h (I, hut net enough to get away from his owner, who knows some" thing about a Imrse as well ns .tlioiit .sin. ner.«. Mr. Young raised this col I firm un 'luf'tncy," and tho sttnnger's gold will Dot buy him nor throats prevail. - Chatk- wiirth Newa. Mr. Samuel Rohlin of Walk>?rtop, luakc.Mun with tho C. 1*. R., in luingiiig aelion for damages against the Company for the loss of his leg, «u<>l'>iitcd by b-.-ing run over by a marl train. CEYLON'S ''"i^o^ Seeds of all kinds Don't forget jrour Clover and Grass seeds in good time as the price of timoihy is so high there won't want to be any left over. We have all kinds of garden .seeds, Mangel se-ds, Dutch Set's and Multipliers. We have a nice range of Wall Papers at very reasonable prices. Flour is vury low just now, but wo exp'.ct an advatice soon. We have the Five Rose, Cream of iho SV'est, Toronfo Pride, and Satisfaction, also low grade. Bran nnd Shoit-i, whole nnd ground Linseed, Oil Cake. Sl<ick food. Poultry food and Hortageuin. We have a x. dd sup[>ly of Fei'ce Wire, Poultry Netting, Wnc Screen Netting on hand. In Dishes, wo have something vety noiihy in dinner and te\ sett«. Water Setts, and Berry Setts. 1 don't think yu c»n beat the piice on any of these goods, anil the (|iiality is as •.'<". d as can be litd. HIGHEST C.\SH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM FRODL'CE tfeneral â- ^Lerchant e. 'ulon 5gii£Ii^MjaE ?l#5j1g L^3M WE REPAIR WEAK MEN ONE SECRET OF OIR SUCCESS. Every caso submitted to us roociveg the personal ulti'ntiou "t our .Moin'ai rfi.ur, \. iio cmsiiler tlio syuipioins complications and chronieity. nnd then decid" as lo iiir_' ilis;'ai>i5anil eiiruhilitv. Siieeitic remedies are thea prescribed for the ease mi I aro le I l^your own cheuii>t in our own Ijiboratory. Suolj ajipropriatc trentmentc.innot f it to cure, as cpeciflc meUlcinea are Belwted to cure the syniptonis that trouble yon. V.'o have no ciire-ull medicines like most specialists use who Bend the siiiiie inedieiiies lo r.ll patients aliki* and cure none. We have treated patients tlirouj!hout Canu-la forever twenty yoai'sand can refer to any hani: as toour responsibiUty. Wo Guarantee Cures cr No Pay. We Treat all Discasca of Men and Women* Xr-f CONSULTATION FREE _^/I ] If Unable to C'.l, Writs for a Queation LUt for Homo Treatment. DrsKENNEOY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. end Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- uient in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally c.iil at oi:r Medical Institute in Detroit as we see aud treat no patient* in our Windsor oiTiccs which are for Correspondence and Lal)oratory fur Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. I Write for our private address. Rheumatism for Several Yearsâ€" Now as well as Ever 647 Main St., St. John, N. B., Nov. 27. 1908. Father Morriscy Medicine Co. , Ltd. I am writiuR to tell you I have been n victim to RheumatlMU for several ye.Tr>, nnJ have been treateil by seven doctors wilhovit finding any permanent relief until I got Kathri- Morrlscys medicine. It has cured me »o I nm able lo do my wort aud find 1 am aa well ua ever In my life. Yours truly, Jou» Craw FORD. Rheumatism cannot exist when the Itidncys are in perfect working order lor then they take out of" the blood all the Uric Acid, which alone ciuse-i the Rheumatism. Father Morriscy's "No. 7" Tablets act directly on the kidneys, toning them up and helping them to clear the blood of tlie Uric Acid. If the Rhcum.itism is of "long .vtancling it may take some time to clear out all the poison, hut almost from the first "No. 7" Tablets relieve the pain, and if used faithfully they rarely fail to cure. you Even if other remedies have done you no good, do not give up till have tried Father Morriscy's ''No. 7" Tablets. 50c. at your dealer**. Father Morrlaoy Medicine Co. Ltd. 27 Montroal, Qu9.