•I THE BRIGHTEST DAY FOR EVERY WOMAN Comes Witli Good Health Ttoough tli8 Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Her brightest day for every girl and every woman is the day when *he looks well, feels well and is well, but with most of the fair sex â- iicli days are rare. Instead they suffer from a painful languor, have a terrible weakness in the back, headaches that make everything seem blurred, and a ceaseless ach- ing in the limbs. These and other trials afflict girls and women through the lack of rich, red blood nature is calling for. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have given the joy of real robust health to thou- sands of women who are happy to- day because these Pills actually make the rich, red blood that makes weak ones well and strong. This statement has been proven over and <jver again. Here is fur- ther proof from Mrs. C J. Brook, Manitou, Man., who .says: "After a busy term on second class work, followed only by a short time of re- laxation, and a strenuous two and a half months normal course, in March, 190<j, I began teaching school. I had a heavy rural school, •with a large attendance, and con- eequently a large number of grades, thus I found the work a great nerv- ous strain. This added to the over- work of study, previous to teach- ing, soon resulted in a "'run down" condition. When vacation time came I did not pay' much attention to my condition as I thought the holidays would reotore me, but as I resumed work again I soon found this was not the case. One morn- ing when I came to breakfast every- thing reeled before me and I almost fainted away. The lady with whom I was boarding atlvited me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She al- ways spoke very highly of them, her daughter having used them with the most beneficial results follow- ing a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I decided to take her advice, and had only taken a few boxes when I began to improve in healthâ€" and such an appetite as I had. I rapidly gained health, my face had a healthy glow, and 1 gained in weight. I have since of- ten recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to others who have used them with equally beneficial results, and I believe the Pills to be a standard remedy for the ills for which you recommend them." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SUCH A SIMPLE MATTER. A benevolent old gentleman stop- ped at the sight of two similar-look- ing infants in a baby carriage. "Ah, twins!" he said to the nurse. "And how do you know them apart? Which is which?" "This one," answered the nurse, pointing, "is this, and that one is that." "Quite so," said the gentleman. "But"--indicating the second one â€" "might not this one be this also ?" "It might," replied the girl; "but then that one would be that." "And how do you manage to sep- arate them?" "Wc put one in one room, and the other in another." "Indeed ! And which one do you put in one room?" "Sometimes this one, and some- times that." "And how do you know which one you're putting in which room?" •\Ve look and see which one is in the other room, and then we know that the other is in this room." "Good!" said the gentleman. "But if one of them was in the house, and the other was away Somewhere, would you be able to tell which was in the house ^" "Oh, yes, sir," replied the girl earnestly. "All wo would have to do would be to look at him, and then we'd know that the one we saw was the one in the house, and then, of course, the one away somewhere would he the other. There are only two of theni. you see, which makes it very easy." .\nybody can buy a horse, but it takes a rich man to got it ijaid fur. CLEVER SWINDLER ESCAPES. CapthaMng Geman Maidens' Hearts His Speeialty. .\ notorious swindler of a high order of talent, whose specialty was the marriage line, and whose most recent alias was General Count von Passy, has just made his es- cape from the prison at HeiUironn, Germany. On a recent morning his cell win- dow, which looks out on a narrow lane, was found open, the iron bars securing it being filed through and the count gone. It is presum- ed that he li^d assistance from out- side. He found time before leaving prison to write a polite not to the Crown Prosecutor, begging forgive- ness for causing this otlicial so much trouble. "The fact is," wrote the count, ''that I am obliged to attend to certain very important matters, and must tiierefore renounce your hos- pitality." "Count von Passy" first became prominent about five years ago as Major \on Schiemangk. An Ameri- can major of cavalry he called him- .self. He donned a uniform which was that of the United States cav- alry, plus several bits of gold lace and numerous gilded buttons, which were not in the army regulations. He explained afterward with shock- ! iug cynicism that ladies liked these ! gilded additions, and that thej' en- abled him to reach their hearts I more speedily. Be this as it may, ; he carried on his adventures for some time with impunity and was said to have netted considerable I sums from guileless maidens and • from widows. At last he made the aetiuaiiitance ; of the widow of a naval officer, who ' was on the point of handing him over 3,000 marks as guarantee mon- ev, when she thougiit better <jf it and asked for the assistance of the police. The result was disastrous for the major, and sentence of three years' imprisonment was evidence of the manner in which the Court of Justice viewed his enterprise. Last .lugust he was liberated from jail, and it seems he at once re- sumed operations in the same fer- tile field. After several small af- fairs lie happened on the daughter of a rich citizen of Heilbronn and introducd himself as Count von Passy. On the strength of forge<l documents he became possessed of the tine old castle of Stettenheim, in the neighborhood, and the weal- thy young woman, haring ambitions and desirous of becoming Countess von Pa.ssy of Stettenheim, was m- dueed to fly with her count to Ber- lin, where he put her up at one of the best hotels of the capital. It I was at this point that the young ' lady's father took action. The count, finding Berlin too hot for him, fled to Frankfurt, where Ne- mesis overtook him, and he was re- moved to Heilbronn. The "count' is described as a man of the most engaging person- ality, with the frank and easy bear- ing of a soldier. He is at his best when narrating his military experi- ence in the Phillipines, which he may have seen on the map. * THE POSTMASTER TELLS HIS FRIENDS THAT THEY .SHOULD USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOR KIDNEY ILLS. He had Backache for a 'ong lime but Dodd's Kidney Pills ciirpd it. That is why he reiommoudt^ them. Dympnt, Ont., May 15, (Special)â€" John Olberg, postmatter here, and well-known throughout this entire neighborhood, is telling his friends that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the cure for all forms of Kidney Dis- ease. And when they ask how he knows, this is the answer he gives : "I was troubled with Backache for a long time and Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. That's why I recom- mend Dodtl's Kiuney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Disease." And the poBtmaBter is not the only one in this n.*ighborhood who has found relief from their Kidney ills in the old reliable remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Others thsre are whose Rheumatism has been re- lieved, whose Dropsy has vanished, and whose Urinary Troubles have been cured. P"or if the disease is of the K'dneys, or caused by the Kidneys bi-ing out of order, Dodd'.'s Kidney Pills never fail to cure it. A SURPRISE PARTY. -\n Im-ident of the Early Days of the Northwest. The Canadian Pacific Railway, it is announced, will open up in the spring fifty new towns situated on branch lines. The great Northwest is becoming one of the settled countries of the world. The neces- sities for "roughmg it" are grow- ing less. To-day the traveller finds a far different country fr A New Head In 30 Minutes Exciuingsthat acklnr. lhro*>bint, <ii«*iin«. muddlod hoad lor a cl«w. ood. comlorutilt oim by uking a NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafer 2Sc t box ai your dniKciau' or by mail fKxn Natioiud Dnw aad Ckaaaical Cs. of CaawU, Limited. MsatfaaL WHY ? Mrs. Hashehouse â€" "Your boots squeak ; that's a sign they ain't a far different country from that paid for!" de.scrib«d by J. A. Lees and "W. J. j Slimdietâ€" "If there's anything in Clutterbuck in "B. C. 1887." that sign, why don't my coat, vest, Among some of the anecdotes re- ! p^nts and hat squeak i" lated by them is the following. It' is the old story of the tenderfoot, I j^^. J. D. Kelk.gg's Dysentery but with a new ending. Cordial is a speedy cure for dysen- A Britisher, settled out there, L. diarr.hoea, "cholera, summer appeared one Sunday in a "stove- l^-,^^^^ ^^^ nickne^^^ and com- pipe hat. The citizens expressed j^^^^ incidental to children teeth- their appreciation bv pouncing out:. ^. â- â- â- „ i; ^ „„i;„f t/, „{ ^'^ , ,, ' 1 r . inar. It gives iinmecliate relief to of corners and other places of van- ,,'' j," • , ,, «, *.. .f tage. and bonneting Ihe unfortun- i ^^'"^ suffering from the ejects of ate wearer. The first "topper" was : 'n^'*^"**^""^ '° «'^'1"8 unnpe fruit, thus reduced to pulp. However, .cucumbers, etc. It acts with won- the undaunted proprietor appearcnl ,<i"ful rapidity and never fails to the ne.xt Sunday with a lovclv new ; conquer the disease No one need one, which one of the "L<.ys" f^'ar cholera if they have a bottle of marked as his prey when they came this mechcine convenient. , out of church. I The joker was a tall man. He IN HIS OWN DEFENCE, swung his hand aloft and brought The prisoner at the barâ€" Now 1 ;it flat down on the hat with won-!j^g].g ^.^^ ggn^s of the jurv, if I'd derful einpiuisis 'The populace! ^^^,^^ ^j^h all that swag, like ; yelled with delight. -The joker yel- u. ^^^'j ^^ ^.^^j. s'p,.,e Jdhav^ {led also, but from a different cause. 1 jj^^ed this here JittJo efteen-dollar I The worthy stickler for "stove- | j^^^^ ^^ ^/ j^/e„d nio ? 'pipe" hats had skilfully inferted. i tacks beneath and tluoiig>i *'•« / FABMS FOR RENT AND SALB. H. W. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. It you want to uiirst in .^.Ijerta, .'^a». Uatihowan or ilauitoiia Laudn. im. piovod or umiuprovid, it will uuy you to HI.'NDHED .\(RE.S. County of Knnt. Thirtyilve Hundred. HL'-^'CK^.D -U'KK.S. Coumv of Hvo llioutuiid Fiv(? Hundred. PceL IF looking for a Fniit 1-arui, i ran satisfy you as I have Fruit Farms ot all H1ZC8 Irom throe acrca up to two hun- dred aires. PiU-ns are accwrdiug lo locality and improvomeuts. It in lii your interest to coubult me. CUFTY .1CEE8. Countv J-^ SIX llnudri-d. V.jrk. Twenty. ''PHKKK HUNDHED .VCKE.s »â- M. drcd afies timber. co. Iwenty-inuo Thou.saiid. tb hun. Uallun. A-\ I h:-.\-p over four hundred farms ou my list suuaole for Stock. Gram or Uairy I arui^, 1 may have just iht faim you want. HW D.\W^^ON, Ninety roUv r'o • Street, Toronto. P>i '-<â- '?Sy Mt*j^' .Niishtb and holidays AOBMTS WANTZO. ! crown of his head-g-eor J" suvh a THE LISTENER. "Th.it woman who' lives next 'door, James," said Eliza, the younj; married woman, to her husband, 1 "is the laziest, dreadfullest. mosi ! gossiping person I have met during j my whole life. She does nothing ! but talk, morning, noun, and night. I am perfectly certain that she can never get any work done." j ".\h,'' replied her husband, "I ! thought she was a chatterbo.x. .\nd to whom does she talk all day longf "Why, my dear, to me. of course," was the reply. "She talks to me over the garden wall." wav that they stuck upward through the nap. I\ow. it lie cl)(io.-es to keep his hat on during the service no one remonstrates. Mango with SMIdis Cum I cursd a horse of the I MI.NAEDS LXNIUENT. „^.„^.„. I CHKISTOPUER SAUSD£.i:>. Dalhousie. I euriHi a horso badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINAKD8 LJKJ.-^'^.^T'iT tt-p 8t. Peters, C.B. KDW. LIM.IEF. 1 eured a horte of a bad swelling by __.__ , illN.VKDb Ll.NIMENT. „,vvf „,.7kiy^::p. coaiha. ««. "W»- ^eal. THO.S. W. P.^Y.NE. ihroal aad Uuia • • • So ceau. Bathtjrst. N.B. natck: Ui« Ijbrooit The schoolma.ster was explaining the circulation of the blood. "If I were to stand on my head, the blood would rush to my head, wouldn't iti' No one contradicted him. "Now," he continued, "when I stand on ray feet, why doesn't it rush to my feet?'' "Because.'' the bright boy suggested, "your feet ain't empty!'' Tr;impâ€" 'Lady. I'm perishin' ler a drink." Woman â€" "There's the pump.' Tramp â€" "I said a drink, ladv â€" not a bath." THOUGHTFUL LAD. 'Voice from Below â€" Harold, you Trial is Inexpensive.â€" To those mustn't interrupt the plumbers at who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- . their wiak. dear. tion, rlieumati.sin or any ailment arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend- ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainte<l witli them. The trial will be inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this excel- lent medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can certain- ly be traced to their use where other pills have proved ineffective. A man never knows how many friends he has until he strikes it rich. Mr. Tymidâ€" "I asked your father for his con.sent over the telephone.' ! Miss Chance â€" "What did he say 'I" I .Mr. Tymidr-"He said, 'I don't know who you are, but you can take 'ler.' " SUFFERED GREATLY FROM COLIC Mrs. Aime Guenette, L'lnunacu- lee Conception, Que., writes: "My little boy suffered greatly from colic. I gave him castor oil and other medicines without helping him in the least. One day 1 saw Baby's Own Tablecs advertised, so wrote for a box. I found them so good that I always keep them in the house and would use no other medicine for baby.' The experi- I ence of Mrs. Guenette has been that of thousanis of other mothers. I Not only do the Tablets cure colic, I but they cure constipation, vomit- i ing, indigestion, make teething I easy, banish worms and make baby i bright, active and happy. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2S cents a bo.x from The Dr. ^VilIiams' Medicine Co., ! Brockville, Out. Why suffer from corns when they can be painlessly rooted out by us- ing Holloway's Corn Cure. Small Boyâ€" "Pa, what is an opti- mist '" Paâ€" "An optimist, rj^ son, is a man who doesn't care a rap I what happens, so that it doesn't happen to him." Mlnard's Liniment used by Physicians. And vanity may be thinking things about yourself that other people would never think of think- ing. y.my MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, 'Wealt. Weary, Watery Eyes I and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't ' Smartâ€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, BOc, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve la Aseptic Tubes. 2f)c. $1.00. Eye Booka end Eye Advice Free by Mail. «Uurine Bye Remedy Co.. Chicaso. Haroldâ€" It's all right, mother, I'm only talking to the man who sits on the stairs and does nothing. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER ADD CHILD. Mrs. \Vi.-<sLo\v's SooriiiNO SvRrr has lit<-n llSKl lor over .SIXTY VHAR-Sby MILLIONS o( MOTHERS for their CHILUKHN WHILK TKliTllINO. with PHUIKCT SVCCIiSS. II SOOTHKS Uie CHILD. SOl-TRNS the C.UMS, ALLAYS all I'Al.N ; CURES WI.NU COLIC, and w the 1*51 remedy fur UlARRHOiA. It is al>- Kihitelv harmleu. lie .sure and ask fur Mrs. Winslow's Soothini; Syrup. ' and toke no other kind. Tvventy-five cents a bottle. mmrASTF.n â- !i:i-ii:;sE.NT.VTlVEH. either ^^ »*'^'. Ii'cail.v, on goods neooafiary at bri-uil. .Salary 2 dollars i,i'r day aud com- :ui8aion. Experience uiiin>ie.s.sury. J. L. .N'iobols Cu.. Limitcti, Toronto. 4 UENTS W.V.NTED. A atudy of nthor .r\. .\gHniy propOHitiouB lonvincfs ui that none can u<tual ours. You will al- ways regret ii ii you don I apnly for paniculnrs to Travelli-rs Uefii., 7i» .Vlhert St.. Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS. \v T -â- V.N'TKD. -Ontario located. A. -N. \ fieraii lli-it. Berli Lands, 1. Ont. ^1AK.^^ .SC.\LiiS. speiini pries. \Vil»on'» .Si-ale Worlts, 9 Esiilannuc. Toronto. VBEnDEEN-A.NfJfS C.vrTLE. Th« Gieatesi Beef Breed. L'nparallolprt Tor crusHing putnoses. I'.ir Bulls, writ* James bowman. Elm Park, (iuelph. LEAK.. niE BAKBER TUADE NEW systemâ€" eoiifctaui practice â€" cai-eful ajfctructionâ€" a few weeks complete cour«« - tools ;ree. (jraduates eai-n twelve to eiBiiueen dollars woekiy. W'rito for cata- logue. Moler Barber Collese. 221 Quucn East, Toronto. c 1 A.NfER, TrMORS. LUMPS, etc. In- ternal and external, cured witlioul paui Ijy our home treatment. Write ui before too lato. Dr. Bellman Medical t'o.. Limited. I'ollinuwood. Out. » TO.N' SCALE, special price. Wilson's ^y Scale Works. Esplanade. Toronto. WOME.\ WA.NTED to take orders in spare time, no eiperienc« neces- sary. Our lines especially used hy motliers and girls. .4pply Uept. A, Brit, ish Canadian Industrial Company. 22i Albert St., Ottawa. "Is your husband even-temper- ed?" ^'YeB," answered Mrs. Wur- ryd, "he's even-tempered enough. He's just about as irritable one day as another." Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. ISSLL y\). 2J 11. Husband â€" ".Vfter all, civilization has its drawbacks. People in the savage state seldom get ill." Wife (sweetly) â€" "I wonder if that's the reason you are so healthy?" Keap Mlnard's Liniment In tha house. FERDINAND THE FAITHFUL. \V<'ariIy Ferdinand the frayed trudged up the garden path, and took off his hat to the woman at ! the door. She t\ved him keenly, and a quiek flash of recognition passed over her Countenance. "Look here," she said, "you cuIImI at this bouse in the depth of last wilier." "1 ilia, ma'am," he sorrowfully achuiUcd. ".\iid I gave you a good sqnare meal on condition that you swept the snow out ot my backyard." "That's right, n.a'am." ",\fid wlien you had the meal you snojikcd off without doing it.'' Ferdinand passed the back of his hand tremulously over his eyes. "Yes, ma'am," he said brokenly, 'and my conscience smote me for the mean trick. That's why I ve tramped all the *ay back nndev Tthe Rcorchdng sun to finish the iob:" These Pills Cure Rheumatism.â€" To the many who .suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulating the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the ad- mixture of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. Tney must be taken a-ccording to direc- tions and useJ steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. -Assistantâ€" "Mrs. Wenglebob com- plains that her photographs don't look like her. " Photographer â€" "Complains: She ought to be grateful." Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. A man isn't necessarily tall be- cause he looks do-\vn on his neigh- bor. Pretty tough on a man â- n-ith a hole in the side of his shoe •n-hen it's too late to buy high shoes and too cold to wear low ones. "SNAP" is a wonder- worker in the home. Try it on those pots, pans and kettles that soap won't clean. People sre discoTcrhig new n»e« for "S-N-A-P" every day. Try it younelf. 15c. • cmn. 60 li-^BafcimriFiiifcWiTnnriiTiyjnn»*fc«wiiTMnwiMig -â- 4 Xearly all children are subject to worms, and many are born with them. Spare them suffering by us- ing Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, the best remedy of the kind that can be had. "I may look like a tramp, ma'am, but I ain't. I'm a sailor, I am ; I was wrecked and washed ashore." Sadd the unsympathetic but obser- vant woman : "That must have been a long time ago I" .: Algernon â€" "You say she has only partially returned your affection?" Clarence â€" "YeB; and that's what I'm grumbling at. She returned all the love-letters, but retained all the jewellery." Do your feet feel tired, achy, and sore "at night? Rub them with a little Hamlins Wizard Oil. They'll be glad in the morning and so will you. "What is it. do you suppose, that keeps the moon in place and pre- vents it from falling?" asked Ara- minta. "I think it must be the beams," replied Charlie softly. It Rubs Pain Away.â€" There is no liniment so efficacious in overcom- ing pain as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs the pain away and on this account there is no preparation that stands so high in public esteem. There is no surer pain-killer procurable, as thousands can attest who have used is successfully in treating many ail- ments. CURED HIS LAME SACK. â- West Fort William, Nov. 7th, 1908.â€" "I have been troubled with n lame back for the past twenty years and have used pla.^ters and Ointments without effect. At last I tried fjin Pills, which proved just the thing, and I would highly re- coDimend them to anyone who has a Strained or Lame Back." ..; H. HAEKNESS. Gin Pills act directly on the Kidneys, relieve the pain, neutralize Vrie Acid which is generally formed when there is Kidney Trouble. Tr.v Gin Pills yourself before buying the regular 50c. boxes. Write National Drug A Chemical Co. (Dept. W.L.I, Tor- onto, for free sample. SPECI.\LISTS .\DVIrE FUEE. Consult UR in regard to any diseane. LowesI prices in drugs of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send mea<^ui'«- menl. (llnsses fitted by age. Write to-day for anything sold in first-claes drug stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood, OnU OTTLED W. Wardle. ( Greatest Lay- ers. Fertile Eggs. S2 for thirty. B, .\NCONAS, â- tile Eggs, iriniii. Ont. â- %'IT' E pay the express in Ontario. Forty, â-¼ â-¼ 8 weeks Yorkshires, registered, tea dollars oaiib. Write for what yoti mint. Thos. N. Havens Jc Sou, .Mdboro P.O., Ont. d-\liV.Kl' L.^.NDiS in Haskatihewan Val. \_,' ley. (iood openings for trndesuica and lartners. English speaking neitlo. nient. Write for iliiistrated paniphlet ta .Se<*retary. Board of Trade. MarsbalL Sask. The Heart of a. Piano is the Action, Insist on the •OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action •»uo 'uouiuieH 'IS AJi^K »il 'NOS T 8N3WM3S â- .inaoiBiii^> aaaj ino wu a»uoh no^ a^Bg ui^v 0X3 'S3NIH3VM ONIHSVM 'SU3)ltiOM ii3Xi.na 'saaaavi noisn3xx3 .SiO ii'.-!.)IHd a. 10 "How can one tell a mushroom from a toadstool " '"Eat it. If you live, it's a mushroom; if you die, it's a toadstool." SUBMARINES AND WIRELESS. The British Adm'-cily has dscd cd to equip certain clas.s?s of sub- marine naval boats witii wireici-s telegraph apparatus. E.\i;erimcnis last year convinced tlio cfhrials that the plan is fea;i')l; No dii culty was found in receiving mes- sages from a distance of lifry raibj in every direction but tiiO'o was consid.erable difficulty in sending messages from the submerged ves- sels. This has been overcome, it is thought, by the plan of giving each boat a mast and gaff for sup- porting the a^prial wires, means be- ing provided for lowering the mast to the level of tiie upper deck when not in use. Water tight sockets in the upper deck permit the passage of the wires down to the instru- ments in the hull of the vessel. It's a shame the way socie^ shocks the people who are not m it. ^ W Mentholated. Vaseline AIIaEysNeuraI|icPainSL NervousHeadache Cold in Head. lEVascline Remedies inTubcs. Camphor Icc.Borated. Carbdated.Camphorated White.Oxideof Zinc, etc Each for special purposes Write fcr Fraa Vaseline Book to W^. ^ CURE t-OI^ SI^'N INJURIES & DISEASE& A purely hcrba! ba!m ; bast thin'5 for the tender skins of ohildren, yet powerful enDug^h to heal an adult's ohronio sere ; highly antiseptic; eaaea pain and smarting soon as applied that Is Zam-Buk. lemember It la purely herbalâ€" no mhieral poisons, no animal fats. Power md purity oomMnadl ABdrmtgltta t t ttim â€"M at Sao. a hat.