fer- W^ f^ff ''For Tea You Can't Beat Upton's From Our Own Estates to You, Specially Blended and Picked for Caaa la. Fia-rar.t, DoliciiMii and luvigoraliiig UPTON'S TEA Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly TfiE FESTITAL OF EMPIBE Great Crowds Greeted His Majesty and the Queen at the Opening trfir l"^*T'''..f'Kmni^'""'^'-'" â- â- 'J''= perfect English Spring day, such as Ition uf l.idu.uiai i:xiribrU^'"'^A-i»"rV"^'":- rcforrod to a./'Qucen's pageanlry il!ustruliv<' of tiir ,.trik- Ing porioils anU cpisuilcs in tlie his- tory of the diffoifiil jiarts of tlie jBritish lliiipirc, was opened at the Crystal Palace on Friday by King Gc'orKC and Qucon Mary. It was tho liibt public ceremony of their |tfaj<>sties since the Court mourning for King Kdward was endod, and fclic first <'l a long series of func- tions which promiv) to make the Coronatitn season ineinorable. The (Weather waa beautiful. It was a ^'-•tiior la I he time of the late flags were dfspi.y.^ ^^ ^.^. eight mil"- of the parade, and iiow the thousands of jjcopie who had assembled tlid cheer his MiijcKty adding to the steady, oft-repeate<l call of "The King," 'The King." The Monarch bowed gravely in re- . Eponsc to these demonstrations, and â- the Qufcn smiled joyously. The King was in ordinary dress, and the Queen wore a lilac gown and a hat to match. TIE CHOPS lAVE DOIE WELL So Says Seed Expert at the Ontario Agricultural College 'A despatch from Guelph says : | *'The Winter crojjs have come through very well all through the ^ province," said Mr. Squirrell, as- sistant to I'njf . C. A. Zavitz, of the Seed and Kxi)erimciital Depart- ment of the O.A.C, on 1-riday. "There are a few district* scatter- ted about the Province «'»ic.-.i llo croji.s sown last Fall have not win- tered very well, but thest? are much in the minority and the winter crops generally have come througli tie winter splendidly and promise a bch-kJ yield almost cvsr» ,vLi I'-s in Ontario. At lea.st a very satisfac- tory average may be ;o.jh iently looked for. "No less encouraging arc the indications with resjjecl to Spring crops, according to the reports re- ceived by this department. Tlie Spring wheat, barley and oat croiH are ju.st nicely getting through the ground and an average of the re- ports received shows that there has been a good germination of the seed and the fields look healthy. The weather in most districts has been favorable for seeding opera- tions. There has been increased cpiantity of alfalfa sown this year, but it is too soon to speak about the root crop." IKE NEWS IX A PARAGRAPH U.^l'l'EMXGS FROM ALL OVEB TUE GLOIIE IN A NUT SHELL. Canada, the Empire anJ Hie World iu General Before Your Eic*. CANADA. Brockvillo is to have a free 'mail delivery. Parliament will adjourn cither on May -23 or 19. Farl (Jrcy will unveil the statue to Queen Victoria at Berlin on the 20th inbt. A gas well has been struck near Vienna, Out., yielding six million feet a day. The lirantford Y.M.C.A. cam- paign closed on Thursday. The sum raised was !iil 17,000. The Guelph Junction Railway re- turned J?fj,439 to the city for the quarter ending in March. William Carroll was sentenced at Sault Sto. Marie to be hanged July 2G for the murder of Joseph Taillon. Mrs. Angelina Napolitano was .-ont?'ired lo be hanged at Sault tile. Alaric for the uiuriler of her lluaban%l. T!ic contributo,i,, to the Farm- ers P.ank of Canada hnvo been dir- e>-led to pay thir doubl.- liability, as well as return all dividends re- ceived. The Canadian and New Zealand Governments have signed a con- tract with the Union Steamship Company for a direct service be- tween the two countries. Albany Barcil, a twelve year old boy of llull, was drowtied in at- tempting to save his younger broth- er, who fell into the river on Fri- day. The smaller boy was rescued, the Dominion Hallway Board has ruled that the independent tele- phone lines must be given long-dis- tance connection by the Bell Com- pany as an experiment for a year. Mr. E. N. Lewis introduced a hill regarding bonks in the House of Commons, and in the discussion the treatment of bank clerks by some corporations was roundly de- , nounced. I Constable McKay and Mr. Gor- don wore bringing two prisoners across Cobalt Lake in a canoe, I when one of the men stood up and tha craft turned over. They clung to the canoe and were saved. CIIAIKOAL I'J.A.M BLK>EU. Fire Hundred Men Thrown Out of Einpiuyiiierit, A <I<'spatch from Sault St. Marie, Out., says: In a disastrous fire at the iharcoal plant of the .Stan<lar<l Chemical, Iron A; l.imibor Com- pany, Steellon, on Satur<lay night the entire retort plant was tlestroy- ed and is a total lo^s. The <lainage is <'«)vere<l by insurance. It is claimed by one of the men em- ployed that the fire started as a result of an explosion of gas in one of the old mains use<l before the reconstruction, but the tnanage- ri-nt slates that the blaze started );. the charcoal loa<linK slw<ls. The I IT h<iii-e an<l by pi<iiluet plant V • saved, 1)1. t the TMiiMiifa<tiiie of ch.i.eoal is suspended indefinitely. Five hundred men ar<' thrown out of <Tnploymeiit, besides a number Sd tlie woods cutting lo supply â- woixi for operation. The plant will te reconstruct<'<l upun advice from the head office, Toronto. ^ KILLED IN i;it.VVKL FIT. Falliug .MnsN of I'.urlh .Struck Lab* orer at OKawa. 'A despatch from Ottawa says : (While working a giavel pit at (Britannia Park on Thursday a fal- ling mass of earth struck llohe, a â- worknum, and he was kilU'd. He leaves !\ wi<low and five children in Ottawa. INFANT KILLED UY HEAR. Aniiual Kept Id Yard and Child Went in to Play >Vilh II. A despatch from C'argary, Al- berta, says : Lucille, the twenty- months ol<l baby of Mr. and Mrs. Morley, Albion block, die<l on Sat- urday night as the result of a maul- ing it receive<l from a bear that was kept in the yard adjoining fire- men's headquarters, during Iho af- ternotm on Friday. The child strayed to the I'irehall Menagerie and was i>ulle<i away by the big bear. She was trying to play with the animal. The firemen took the l)aby home, um<I left a warning that it was not to lie allowed in the yard nRain. S(jmehow it strayed in again, and no oik? saw it until the firemen noticed tho bear mauling the helpless Ixxiy. Chief Smart had th(! animal killed at once. GREAT BRITAIN. King Cieorge held his first Court on Tueiiday. Glasgow has offvTed the freedom of tho city to Dominion Premiers [ visiting F;ngland for the Imperial ' Conference. ' F'our hundred British Members of; Parliament met on Thursday to ad vocate the Anglo-American arbitra tion treaty. aEPORT.S FROM THE LEADING TKADE CENTRES OP AMERICA. Piicps of Caftle, Grain, Cheese ond Other Produce at Home and .V broad. BIIEADSTUFFS. ; Toronto, May 16.â€" The markets were quiet to-day, with a slightly oettar feeling. Export demand in- active. Winnipeg firmer, up some. Coarse grains dull, with oats firm. Flourâ€" Winter wheat 90 per cent, patents, s^y.io to .$3.15, M(jntreal freight; Manitoba flour.sâ€" First pat- ents, •â- !(.â- ). 10; second patents, $4.60, and strong bakers', $4.t0, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern 9yc, Bay ports; No. 2 at 9C>ic, and No. 3 at 04c. Ontario Wheat â€" No. 2 red and white, 35 to .Soc, outside. Barleyâ€" Malting qualities, 65c, I outside. I Oatsâ€" Ontario grades, 37 to 37,'.;;c, , outside, for No. 2, and 39^.;, to tOc, on track, Toronto. No. 2 \V. C. oats, 39; ^c, and No. 3, 33><,c, Bay iwrts. C'ornâ€" No. 3 American yellow, 55) .j to 56c, Bay ports. Peasâ€" No. 2 at SO to 81c, outside. Byeâ€" prices jiurely nominal. Buckwheatâ€" No. 2 at 52 to 53c, outside. Branâ€" Manitobas, 822, in bags, Toronto, and shorts $23 to S23.50, in bags, Toronto. Ontario bran, $22, in bags, Toronto. Commons Vote Fifty Thousand Dollars to . , Prepare ior Duke's Coming A despatch from Ottawa says : In Committee of Supply in the Com- mons on Thursday night a vote of fifty thousand dollars for improve- ments to J{ideau Hall, preparatory to the arrival of the Duke of Cun- naught, was passed. Hon. Dr. Pugsley said his Royal Highness had sent a message asking that no unnecessary expense be gone to in making preparations for his arrival. However, it was deem- ed wise to make some improve- ments. The Chief Architect had gone over the place with a repre- I sentative of the Duke of Connaught, ' and it had been decided to tear down some portions of the present premises and replace them. It was proposed to e.xpend this money in the erection of two cottages for ser- vants, a garage, to improve the sewerage system of the Hall, and to decorate some portions of th« in- terior. j 'It would be a good thing to tear . the present building down and buiLd a new and more suitable one," ra- j marked Mr. Borden. j Dr. Pugsley agreed. ' ' "; - CNITKD STATES. United Stales Secretary of War Dickinson has resigned. ORILLIA GROWING. .\sses8nien( Roll Shows Increase in Popiiliitiort of 775. A despatch from Orillia says: The assessment roll returned on W'e<lne.sday shows the population of Orillia to be 6,478, an increase of 775 over last year. The total as- sessment is over three million, dol- lars, which is a round million more than last year. GKNERAL. Tho r.egislative Council of Egypt is said to be a failure. 4. INCO.ME OF INTERCOLONIAL. Corrected Figures Show Gross i Earnings Were $n.Sfi3,783. I A <lespatch from Ottawa says: The corrected figures for the opera- I tions of the Intercolonial Railway 'during the year ending March 31st last, show that tho gross income of the road anuiuiiteil to "^O-HOS,- 783. In addition to the ordinary general and operating expenses of the railway, the Government paid out of this sum $000,0^0 on equip- ment account, $25,000 a month for renewal of equipment chargeable to revenue, $70,000 to meet losses by fire at t^ampbellton, N.B., and $5,000 a month for a new fire pro- tection system. .\fter nuiking these expenditures there remained a surplus of $272,712. OHEEN - ITHEBJERY ILL? New York Paper PnbUshes Alarmist E-eport of Her Condition COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beansâ€" Car lots, $1.70 to $1.75, and small lots, $1.90. Honeyâ€" Extracted, in tins, 10 to lie per lb. ; No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, wholesale, $1.75 to $2 per dozen. Baled Ha\ â€" No. 1 at $12 to $13, on track, and No. 2 at 9 to $10.50. Baled Strawâ€" $6 to $6.50 on track, Toronto. Potatoes â€" Car lots, 80 to 85c per bag. Poultry â€" Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :â€" -Yearling chick- ens, 15 to 10c per lb. ; turkeys, 19 to 21c per lb. Live, 1 to 2c less. LOCAL DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Dairy prints, 18 to 20e ; inferior, IG to 17c. Creamery, 23 to 2-lc iH-r lb. for rolls, 22 to 23c for solids, and 22j.;| to 233^^0 for separa- tor jjrints. Fggsâ€" Case lots, 18 to 19c, per dozen. Cheese â€" Large, 14c, and twins at 14,',.je. New cheese, 13 to 13)ic in a jobbing v^ay. CAEBOLL mjF lUBDER He Killed Joseph Tallinn With an Axe in a Lumber Camp A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: William Carroll, aged sixty-five, who in 1902 escaped from the London Asylum upon the eve of his discharge as fully cured, was convicted of the murder of Jos. Tallion in a lumber camp near Blind River, at the Assizes here on Thursday afternoon. The jury re- turned a verdict of guilty, with a recommendation of mercy. Both were employed at Waldie Bros.' camp, last November, and, accord- ing to three witnesses, Carroll en- tered the shanty at 5.30 o'clock in the evening and struck Tallion on the head with a double-bitted axe, afterward admitting that he had I mistaken Tallion for another man 1 against whom he had a grudge. I lu the court on Thursday Carroll I was unconceraeil, and did not [change his attitude of iridifTerence j when the verdict was announced. I The defence entered a plea of in- I sanity, which was not considered by the jury after the evidence of Drs. Bruce Smith and Jxyan, who stated that the man was in a condi- tion to realize what he was doing. .The charge of Mr. Justice Brit- ton was slightly against the pris- oner. No. 3 white, Sll4 to 32c. Ryeâ€" No. 2, $1.06. Branâ€" $21.50 to $22. Flour â€"First patents, $1.60 to $4.90; do., seconds, $4.50 to .iSt.SO ; first clears, $3.10 to $3.55; do., seconds, $2.10 to $2.85. Buffalo, May 16â€" Wheatâ€" Spring. No. 1 Northern, carloads store, $1.04?'i; Winter scarce. Cornâ€" No* 3 yellow, 575ic ; No. 4 yellow, 5i3c ; No. 3 corn, 56^ to 56%c ; No. 4 corn, 5i/2 to 55c, on all track, through billed. Oatsâ€" firmer. A despatch from New York says : the .Vnieriean published a cable from l.ondi.m on F'riday morning nrbich'kiiNs liiat grave nimorH are U) circulation in regard to Queen PowAKcr Alexandra')! health. Tho ttespateli says that tlie utmost en- Hoovor is being niadt; to keep tlio Inatler secret, Init the fact that her life hns been in danger for some time past has pereolatc<l (hiwii to the shopkeepers and others. This Fas resulted in a rush to I..I<ivd's Company in'^iirnnee ngninst Jinan- firil loss in the event of the Dow ji;.;er (Queen's death jtostponing thR Bioronutioa. I "Ten guineas per cent.," the I despatch continues, "for three I months' insiirancn on Alexandra's life, i.s the prer.ont ruling rate." .'Mthough the Coiou&tion is only .six weokj away, uen guinea* per cent, is alto quoted as the rate against the postponoment of that [event. Two inonlhi ugo tho rate was only '.no guineas per cent. Many con.Hcr>ative uniK-^rwrilers arc- now refusing to accp|>t any fur- ther risks. â- The truth about Queen .Mex- iamlrn is that she never recovered ! fron! Iicr herein enient following 'King Edn aid's di>ath." j Ml ST MAKi: DECLARATION. Iminigrafion Rogiilnlions .\pply to Canadian Cili/.enH. .'\ despatch from Montreal says: Immigration officials on Thursday announced that the new regulations which state that everybody coming into Canada on a sleeping-car must fill out a Canadian immigration form before retiring for tho night, would bo strictly enforced. Even Canadian-born passengers aro obliged to fill out a statement, giv- ing details of address, accompanied by declarati<in that they are Cana- dian citizens, and there will be no exception allowed. .J. G.T.R. STATHIN Ul KNED. Fire at Riehinond. (Jueher, Does Serious Diiniage. i\ dc^ral'"!' fffi Richmond. Que., says : Fire which broke out in the su|ierintendent's office of the (jrand Trunk Raihvav Station at 11.15 o'clock ri\ Tliurs'lay nit?hl, almost totally destrovcd that structure. The efforts of th» t«'an<l Trvnk Rftilwav flnd loc;il fire br'tr^des k<'pt tlie tl.-niies f'nm snreniliiiT. The damag» !â- estimated at $J,000. HOG PRODUCTS. Baconâ€" Long clear, lOj-j to lie per lb. in case lots, mess pork, $20; do., short cut, $23 to $23.50; pick- led rolls, $19 to $20. Hams â€" Light to nv?diuin, 15c ; do., heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, lOj-^ to He; breakfast bacon, 15% to 17c ; backs, 18 to 18.%c. Lardâ€" Tierces, 10j<^c ; tubs, lO/^'c; pails, lie. . BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Toronto, May 16.â€" Oatsâ€" Cana- dian V\e.itern, No. 2, 42 to 42%c, ear lots ex store; extra No. 1 feed, 41% to 41:!ic ; No. 3 Canadian West- ern, 41 to llXc; No. 2 local white, 40 to 405oC ; No. 3 local .white, 39^j to 39^ic; No. 4 local white, 38j.^ to SS'-^c. Flourâ€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, .>i!5.30; do., seconds, $l..sO; Winter wheat pat- ents, $1.50; strong bakers', $l.c;0; stittiglit roller.^. $1 to $4.10; do., in bags, $1.80 to $1.90. Rolled oats -Per barrel, $1.35; bug of 90 lbs., $:;.05. Corn--.\nieiican No. 3 yei- lo\., 60 to 61c. Millfcedâ€" Bran, On- tario. $23; .Manitoba .â- i!22 : inid- d''n",3, Ontario, ••!24 ; sliorts, Mani- toba, *23; moiiiilie, $2"> to $30. Ivjgs â€" Fresh, 19 to 20c, Cheese--West- ern, 11% to 11 7-Hc. Butterâ€" Choic- est, 22c ; seconds, 21c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, May IG.â€" Choice steers sold at eXc good at 5% to 6c, fair- ly good at 5% to 5>-aC, fair at 4% to 5c., and common at 4j-.; to 4%c [>er pound. There were a few good cows and bulls offered. which brought 53-4C, and the lower grades .sold from that down to 3' oc per pound. A much stronger feeling devoloiied in the market for hogs, and prices ad\auce<l 25 to 50c per 100 pounds. Toronto, May iC.â€" Good heavy choice steers and heifers for butcher or export purposes sold from $5.90 to $6.05, with medium cattle from $5.60 to $5. Ho. Cows were firm at $5 to $5.25, and bulls steady at $5. Sheep and lambs were steady. Hogs were 5 to 10c firmer at $5.85 f.o.b., and $0.10 fed and watered. T. & N. 0. TRAIN STRlt'K ROCK Engine Damaged in an Accident Near Dale. A despatch from Cobalt says 1 A little south of [>ane, on the T. & N. 0., No. 2 train on Thursday af- ternoon ran into a rock slide, smashing the cowcatcher and one cylinder on the engine. The train was rounding a curve at the time, and the engineer could not see the obstruction till within a few hun- dred yards. It is supposed the rock was dislodged by the violent thun- derstorm which swept over the country. Hon. Rfdolphe Lcmieux introdu- ced his bill in the Commons on Friday to increase the pay of Post Office employees. MINKRS' STRIKE DEADLOCK. ElVort lo Settle (he Western Strike is Abandoned. A despatch from Fornie, B.C., saysTThe Dominion Conciliation Board which is trying to settle tho strike of ten thousand miners has declared that nothing can be done at present, as the memb^-rs are so divided in their views, and the board has adjourntd sine die. , A MAOEKOS I LIIMATUM. Gives President Diaz lifteen Days to Come to i'erni.s. .\ despatch from Juarez, Mexico, says: Francisco Jfadero. jun.. gives President Diaz fiftee;i days to come to terms of peace or he will march on Mexico Citv. UNITED STATES MARKETS. M!n:ieanolis, May 10.â€" \Vheat â€" M:iv. 9!-. 5-Sc; Julv. 97 7-8 to 9.Sc ; Soiitrmhev. 01 3-S to 9l!.,c; No. I hr.rd, $1.00'.; No. 1 Northern, 9^% to $1; No. 2 white, 95% to RS.'^c; No. 'J wheat, s;3'.. to SY.'/.c. Corn- No. 3 ydllow, 51 U\ 51%c. Oatsâ€" iHY-BOCK COITBACT IS LET Vickers. Sons and Maxmi Will Build One at Montreal A despatch from Montreal says: Hon. L. P. Brodeur, who left on the Virgi;iian on Tliursday night, stated that the contract for the dry- dock at Montreal liad been definite- . ly awarded to Mc-^srs. Vickers, ' Sons and Maxim. The subsidy to j bo paid to the contractois bv the j Fe;!eral Covernment will be at tlie rate of 3'.j per cent. o!i a cat)ital { i.iitlav of $';.000 OJJ fur 38 years. The dry-dock will have a lifti'j; ca- pacity of 25,000 tons, sufficient to accommixlato any vessel likely to use the St. Lawrence route for many years to come. Nothing de- finite has been settled as to the es- tablishment of a dry dock at Que- bec. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Frederick Bo:('en, Col. Sam Hughes, Senatof Wc'vn Jones and Mr. H. A. Allan also .siled on ths Virginian to at' te..d ihe Corcuation ceremonies.