Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1911, p. 8

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April 20, ISm THE F I- E SH E R T N A D V A N C Ji 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BrsiNESs Cards WALTEK LOUCKS Huildpr Contractor For Rrick, Stooe ami trsuitf rviilJaocei. Bi- t'uiate* ub««r(ully turplab»d, Klwburtoo P O itaiio. «i OUia^UUH ft YOUNO hankfru Markdale ,ea«ral baiikiug bualDoH. Uoaej loaned at"r iatODabl»rsia» Oall oa u«. Farms For Sale or Rent UNIHl'ROVRI) (arm fur nalii, \>cUig lot iif, couctaajon 14, Oaprey Tlii^ laaxiJ to b« a fairly level lot with conaidsrabltt tiiubur aait^bte for woo'l. To clbao ai) iiatatr will bo aoM very uUuapand ou uaay turnip of payuiaut, Ai<plvto J. A. hAUSTKD, OaiJl Mt. FurcHt, Out TChlMiETT. • P <«itua>tf-r, OoyloD. Comiul' -looar iu U.U. J . ConTeyanoar, deeda, loortjjai .1', leaae», wlUa etc. carefully drawn up •ollecti' ua mad?, charsea rrasouable. Alao |,oc•rie^. flour, feed «tc. kti't iu alock, Prioea "«»>»• RJ HPKOULB Po4tma*(«r, FlMtaarton »,oiuir.Uaioner In H.C J., Auctionee Con- T»ya»eer, Appraiaar and Money l-«»der K«al KHata and Inaurance AKynt. Deed. norttiaKHH. leaaea anl wilU carefully drawn | op ami valuaiiona made ou abortest notlca t monay to loan at lowoht ratea ol iuteroet. Col. eclioba attended to with P'ofP',"*" eha.«ai^ low Aitant for Ocea" Uomlnion BUunabip Company. A «»il aoUcttaa. . FOKHAf.Eâ€" Cheap ani eaay tarnia. If nut add aoon, for rant to nuitabls t«i>a~t, North half lot .'tOaudiot 40, cod, 11, Arteineaia, and lot I. con, IJ. Oaprey, 30a aciee. about 150 cloared balancu niOHtly tiinbured land, hartl a^d ao/t wood ; fjotHi Htone dwelling and frauie barn, atablinu under ; wtill watered with never- («ihnK aiiiall apriiig creek croauini! farm cloae to barn: This ir an excellent ijrain oi- KrazinR farm and will be told very cheap if taken at once aud ou eaay terma. AppI) to U. J. Uprouir, Kleabartou, Out. DMc I'll AIL. I.icenaod Auctioneer for the • County ol Grey, Terma moderate and ..tlal«.Uon iioaranteed. The ?"»"«;;"'«•'»? and datea of a»lea can be made a*. Tub AuviSCK ofnce. HeKideuco and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec, 6 J7. W~ M KAITTISO, Licenaod Auctioneer for ti.e counilM of Urey and* Farm and Stock ...lea a "Pec.a ty. Term, jioderate. â-ºatlsfactioij Ruaranlte- . *"»"«•â-  manta tor rtalea may be made at the Advence Sn" or a'. T Hutcbloaou a .tore. l.ev.r.bam byaddreaninK me at Ftvershaui, Ont. DUDD MAT11K-V9, M«'"»»'«l.„V'"n^ K Buctloneer lor the county of •'«y- Q°?^ atrvice at rate«. Date, can be made at The Advaucr. c oa lUKRALE sheapand on eaay termaâ€" Lota 1 ' and '.'.con. 11 O.pruy; 'Ml acree ; fraruc dwelliiiK, frame barn and t-tabliofl; under; about 170 acre, cleared and under cullivatiou. Some apk'udid cedar with other mixed limber on balance, also tiv>amall orchards beariuK. Well wat<-red : nevei failing aprinc creak. Splendid oraiu and srazlng farm. Apply to U J.iiproule Kleaberton or Haiuuel Osborne, Maxwell. L^OK S.AI.K very cheap and on easy termaâ€" 'â-  Thu late Dr. Chriatoe'. :)-story brick block in Plo.heiton witliKood .table and never-fail- inn well on pieniiaea. Good large atore and Rood bntcher'a .hop and dwelling ; two ^ood atone uellar. under buildiuc ; is and can be kept well rented -, twj ^ood halla on aecond and third stories ; Itrsl cla.a bui-ines.i stand and will be Hold cheap a. owner ia engaged In other busineasin tiie waat ai><l baa no further use (or It. Apply to It- J. Bproulr, Fieabarton, t IIAHYEY PHHICIOK. broker Flesherton 1 General brokf rase ba.incaa. In.uranco. of every kind placi.1 in.afe and liberal compame. Heal eat*le etc.. Ope.i accouutaand past due n^lbMdled ;nd "n.oney advanced thereon. Coneapondeooa aoUcitaJ. Medical 5mce auJ reaideuce-Peter •»-.^l<»»>«5^° f P OTTEWELL Tj^r^^J-'^riitru^^^^'rau, «.btb Preabyterian Chnrcb. H. ^'^*^;ill'::-'"}--Ve.eH»ary BcUnc AaaociaUon. Durham Ureet. oU'<">ll« Boyd, Bro'a hardware, I Lot, Xo, 2. con, 8, Oaprey. For particulars I applyto J, M, liuBN9,Fevurrhani I'. O. VAHM FOIl 8ALKâ€" Very cheap, 100 aorea, *- lot 9, con, 7, O.prey, only #3000, reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms, B3 acres cleanvl. well fenced aud in hiRh state of culti- vatioit, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwulline, stone cellar under, never fail- InK spring well and windmill pump at door, bcw Iraniti barn, well Qui..<hed, stone atabliuK with xt>rinK water under, also iu shed, (t is situated i uiilu from Maxwell village where thora are storea. post ottlces, good 8cb<.ol, and Isou the gravel road, \i\ nilles from railway station. If Hold at onco, above price, though VERY IHKAP might be shaded a little. Aiipiv to H, J. SI'UUULK, FleabertOD. or THOMAH UUY, on preu:iaea, tt Ifor sale cheap or rent, immediate ponesfioo. ^ LotSOccn. 14. Aitimertia, about 7.') acres clear, conifortablu log house and frame barn. Apply to K .1 Spioule, KU-shertou. or John J Martin across the ruud from said lot. A GOOD START IN LI FK Iiiih been kiv- en thoUMAuds uf yuurii; pt'0(ilu who luiv« ntlLMiiled tliu D J3ENTISTRY a f aai'DUAV li .'). 8, dental surgeon J'- h^no; graduate of ToronU. University and K^yal Collne o' Uenlal Surgeon- »' Ontario, | S^'admi.i?lat«r«l tor '•"«'' "'i'/rFWerton. Offl<!« at reaUlence, Toronto Street. !• ic-erton . Lec .\t 0*en Sound, Ont , diiiin;; the past thirty yoar.s. What we havo dime for otheri wo ciiii do for you. Try it Ijy c-nteringfor the Sprini^ Term on Moiitlay, April 3rd, Cit'cuhiiH free. l> Sollcltors,etc.-l. Jt. Lucas h. C. . w. .CAL WALI.ACP-Iiarristera. ..... ^y J. I ii.n„v K ( • J 11. O. Wallace. tlllicea, I Toronto woo' l.adora itank lU.Pg.. phono Iain 141-2 -Markdalel.ucaa Block. Phone 2 A. Brauc!. otlice at Dundalk oi-epever y Saturday. WH. WUIGHT, Barriater, Bolicltor, Convoy- \ aiVoer eU..~V)w«n Sound, and Klesberton. ! H-Fiebhui ton umco.Bproulei Block every 8»turil»v ____^ ^z=z i Societies a O O W meeta ou the laal Monday A ,n each month, in their longo room . Norrls' block.|Fle.herton. at », I'^Ji^.J"; ^i: H <• I.<iOard : Keo., C. H. Munanaw. Fin,, W, P. < roasley Vialtlng brethren Invited | DBINCK AIITHUK LODGE. No. M.S,AF&' I A U, meets in tlit Maaonicball. Arm- strong's Hlock.Fleaherton. every Friday oil or before the full luocn, C. H,, W. H.; Tbos. Clayton. Setretary. ^ COCKT FLBSHF.IITON, 99.1, I. 0. F, n.'eeta In Clayton'a Block the last Wednesday evening .if each month. Visiting Foresters hoartlly j welcome. H. H, Dyaon; U. S,. J. Henry;, Kin. Bee, C. N. hicliardaon. Pleaae pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the Drat day of the mouth, CHOSEN FhlENDS-Fleaherton Council of Chosen Friends meols in Clayton a ball Brat and third Wedneadsy of each mouth M p. m Pay aasessmeiits to the Keforder ou or before tcertrst dayof each month. Chief Councillor T. BlakBliiv:Kccordor W. II. Bunt, C. \. Flom-oK', l'riii('i|i»l. O, D. Fleiiiin),', Sou rotary. Berkshires and Tamworths 1 have now fori ale a few very choice Itoik- aliire pig", nearly really to wean- Hurry your order and gut the best. OEO, W. I1098. Uaxwell V. O, Boar for Service Pure JJreil TainwDrtii Hoar fur aervico 'i'eruiH, >1, Cash. N. ilhi.lle. Maxwell, Out. BULL FOR SERVICE Tli»riiu({bt>re I Hhnrthorn Ixill, "Dandy .liiii" Oi;tM. for aervice on lot ITIi, T. ft .S. R. .\r- temiiaja. This animal ia of a fi<m\ milking â- tmin. I'wligree on ajiplication. Terns.â€" c;rade» »l, reglatercd »3. .1 AS, .STI NSON I'ropriotor. SETTLERS' TRAINS â€" TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES Far aalllira Ifsttllini wllk llTcslock aaJ •lltcia Special Trains Will leave Toronlo Each TUESDAY MARCH lad AfSIL 10.10 P.M. Stillffri aid liatilits wilkaal liiriloik tko.U It* Re|{ular Train.s Leaving Toroolu 10.10 Ml, Daily Tbronjh Coloni«i â-  nd Tooriil Sleepers Colonist Cars on all Traras No charge for bertha Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Alt ia> C.f .1. A^eal Km e»>y el "Stllleti' Oaldt" S. Rand, Agent, . Flesherton Boll For Service Thi>rou|{libi eil llerrforil Hull for service nil lot 171, ton. .•? .S. \V. T. and .S. K., Arte- uieaia. Ti^riiis -*l for grtdr, *.'! for pure lireil ,\ny row nut returned will lie cliarxcd III full whether im-ulfor not. UMari2 -T. 4 J. \VAT80N, A Discovery oi Vast Importance It Is Now Admitted That Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. Bull (or Service TliiiroiiKhbril Herefmd Hull for service "M lot I, roll. I, r.ilJilioriiHia, Trriiisâ€" H. I'edi. Riee on appiientlnn. VW.KA. H. MAKTIN, I'lop,- H0LSTEIN-FRIR8IAN CATTLE Oxford Down Sheep •iid TamwortK Swine -Brown Leghorn Poultry a tpecialty. HoL*TCiN-rNiraiAN bui l for tcnvioc- IIKI.I.KAN (:u.<il OUDI \ I I KK liiiKIII, No, l72tH) HIKK gniien s DeKol Duke No. i^llKM II, K. li.\M llellfao Coniorilia DeKol No. (4.l«i'iill. II., whose uraiid dam held the WOHl.ll'H lll'T TKIt ItPCOKM a (hw yeari a||o U,\KIN(1 :<« l,HM., lUOZ IN TDAVH, Thii yauoH animal la riainn .1 yeara, ia of good elueanif Individuality. haviMv; won three 1st and «in<i sMi!iind pi'lr.e as ft oair at somn of the prom- inent rentrea o( lint., and has won Ist iilaco at one and tv" yeara old at Kast drey fall (air, Kleeherton. TeiiiM-diB'lM thoroiiiitahraila *:).(M, jiayahln lat of Jan. All vowa not regularly retnrnei: will be eharited. IIICHAItn AI.LKN, I ol ITO, % N, K, T. * ».«• ne aVerlop P.f). The i-eiiili'iua of .lulin I.yiin, .Vllun I*«rk, ncftr Dmhaiii, »ut (leatroyuj' liy Art) wliioh cauKlit fro.ii it ttovepipo in the upper utory. Sripntlstit acknowlPdRe (hat mrdl- :ated iilr tri-utinent Is tho only treat- ment that will euro these diseases, ind that -stomach medicines are worse ;han useless. Catarrhozone air treatment has baan Found to be the moat effective way to sura all disaaaes of the throat, lunga, ind natal paaaagea. Ita action la ao prompt that in leit than an hour an jrdinary cold is cured, and after a Tiora thorough u«a of Catarrhozone, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all ditaataa >f tht throat and lunga are oompleta- y cured. # Catarrhozone Is a very simple and lowerful method of treatment. Yoii iiinpl.v breathe It throuKh the Inhaler ind It Immediately passes over every ilr cell of the throat. limKs, ami bron- chial tubes, curing and healing as It Toes. Catarrhozone treatment affords little frops of healing for sore placet in the ungt, throat, and natal paiiagea, Catarrhozone Does This, And Coret YOU TAKE THIS MEDICINE IN AIR Price 25c, r,Oc. and 11.00 at all dn>»- rlsts or by mail from Tho t'utarrh- >ionn Co.. Kingston, Out., and Buffalo, Vandeleur Mr. and Mri. J. M. Davis returned from Duluth on Wednesday weelt, bring- ing wit 1i thorn the body of thu latler'a biother, tliu isle Wm. Tackaberry, who died at Duluth about two weekw sgo. The deceased «tss well known here aVoiit lliirty yo'irs ago. On iirrivHl the remains were t>ikeii to Mitrkdale cdiiiutery fur in- ierineiit, Thu Kyiiii>atliy uf tiie neigh- burhcod i.s extended to Mra. Datisin bef berearemeut. We are sorry to report Mits Thelma Uesrd ill with an attack of aiiiiendicitis. Mr, Raid of Lindsay is the Kuast of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Buchanao, Miss Tillis Buchanan entertained her Sunday school clasH Mcndsy alternoon. Mr, Thomas Shaonon is renewing old aci|uaint.'toces here this week. Ml!. George Shannon was al Dundalk u few days last week. Harry Baker spent K<htor wiih friend.s at Kiu>berley. Miss Johnston of Toronto nient Easter with her friend. Miss Mavi(ie Davis. Mies Bell Uilbei't of Kimberley visited her aunt, Mrs. Will Hutchinson, for a few days last week. Quito 1 few started plowing last week. It was three weeks earlier llian this last year when your cor. .staited to rout. Mrs. McDonald is spendiuf; tho Imli- days with friends in Toionto. Miss Kva Gilljert of Toronto spent Eisior at the parental homo. Mrs. Mcfiill, who has been ill with nervoUB trouble fur some time, aud who tptnt the winter with her sister, Mis. I'ritchard, luft on Kridiy for Toronto, ncconipanieil liy her son and her brother. in-laiv, Mr. Georgo Pritchard. Mr. I'lit- clmrd returned hninc Jiiat evening Eugenia Anoiliur I<k8terti(lu ha^ paised and still wintry weather continues. Some p'ou^hiiiK was (lone the pari week, but the ground in most places i« not tit to work. Born â€" .\t Kuj^eni.i, .\piil 15, to Mr. and Mi». Win Ijitge, a son." Mr. Knieraon Bmith has been very '\\\ for the |Kist thiee weeks. Mis. McC'ulluiii iif M.'irkdale <â- * at pres- ent visit ins; her ton at the Eugenia house. The Misses McMuUenâ€" Yirgie of To- ronto and Millie of Wodehouse sjient Kaster with their mother al Eugenia. Mrs Y. T. Carr and Mis.s I,aura Miiihesnn went to the city to spend Kaster. Mr. Latimer, sr., whohasppcnt soniu time in the city, hai returned cu his home h'le. All are pleased to .see him home aj^'iiiii. Our pMpular young te.vchor, has gone to upeiiU lii.s hohdays witli hit mother at Walters Kails. K hearty wek'ome ia extended Iu Mr Nt'.sbil and family a.s residt nts uf our villH):o. Mis. Wallace .Xrmstiong h:i8 buuxht Mr. McM'tnter's house and moved into it. Mr. McMsKter has moved into Fretl Ducketl'.s house. Mrs. George Oorlejr, •r,,iflTery poorly at pretent, Mr, Gi'orgo (iislop uf the Valley is very ill, bring ihieateiied with appendi- citis. The Missis Edna Slack and Vina liali- int-r uf Toronto are visitnij! al Mr. Leon- ard Latimer's and with other friends. Miss Etta Latimer is liuine from Epp- iii{ for llio wuek's holidays to visit her paruiits. Mrs.T.Biadbury of Thornluuy is visit- ing her md her and other friends in the Val'ey. Mis.s Maud Diickolt is suH'eriiig from an attack uf bronchitis. Mrs. T. Gonoe has been visiting for the pHst week with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Walker of Kimberley. Mist Ma^'gie Wilton is suffering from a tevere cold. Mrs. K. ,1. Walker liaa lulurned Irom a fortiiivht'a visit with her daughters at Calcdun and the Cataract, ('oimtipatiiin brings many uiluicnta in its train iiiiil ia the priiiiary iwiae- of much aii:kiios!<. Keep. yum bovvela regular Diailain, ami you will i scape mnny of tliv nilnionts t> which won.uu ni« aulijei-t, (.Vnstipalioii i< a vpiy aiiiii 1 1 tiling, but liki' many simple tilings, it 11 av load to Herioin conaoipii-ncos. Naturn ofti n needs a little usiiatanee anil wlirn I 'Iminberlaiii's Tablets are ((iven at the Ki'st indicat'on iiiiich distiess and siilfering may b« uvnide 1. SuM by W, K, UicharilHon A Son, On'.Friday muinint; laat. tays tho Ar- thur Eoteipiiso, one uf the saddest fa- talities whiih hasjiappoi ed in this vicin- ity t >r many yiars, occuiied in IVel In vnship and resulted in tho in- stant doaih of Mr. Stephon Burns, oun of iho most liiiihly rcf-pec'cd citizens of that municipality. Mr. Hums, as.siated by his son, Kred, wss engiiRcd in felling a large tree on hia (aril), lut IT, con, l(i, reel. As ihe tree fell it stinck » suiup, bieaking fioin it a pr.jeitiog piece, wcigliiim alnuit aixty poundp. which siruik Mr. Burns wiih great force on lh» forehead. lie wsh Wnucked to thu ^r. iihd and expiitd almost ii stantly. Dtctastd was 46 jears of age. Ceylon Miss Gowanlock of Port Elgin is visit- ing her friend. Miss Agnes McPhail, this week. The weather still keeps cold and lack- ward and farmers are beginriiLig to ihafe at they are being prevented doing their s eding Kub and Ot'owell Tucker spent EMter with thrir parents I. ere. Mr. A. McKae is very low at present. Mr3. (Dr ) Holmes and her little daughter, of Uwen Sound, spent Easter with herpartnts, Mr uni Mrs.T. ChLslett. Master J. J. Pattison returned from Collii.gwoiid and apent Ejster with his parents. Mrs. Archibald of Colbeck and Misa U. Spruat of Cleveland are visiting their parents. Mrs D. D. MoLaughlaii is poorly, but we trust that under the skilful treatment of Dr. Lane she wil soon be around. Mrs. U. P. Legate attended the fun- eral of hsr mother, Mrs. Coleridge of Uroiuore. The old lady dropped oH very suddenly and unexpectedly week beford last. Walkerton A citizen, iioiicinc that a rubin was heartily dining oti" a decayed apple in hit back yard, while the ground was frozen and coveied with snow, auggests llul all citizens who love the cheery redbrcists should look through their cellars and throw out into thu yard all decaying apples aud other .spoiled fruit for their benetit. The robins are playing in hard luck these days. Give 'em a chance. Judging from thu meat bill at thu Walkerton jail for the past three months, which full lo the almost insigiiiticint ^lUln of 82.08, judging from the iiitat bill the ciiniiuals of Biucc are jusl nibbling at the bait. In less happy days aud when business was more biisk around the jail it was nothing unusual for the meat bill to reach the respectablo sum of J'.'O.iX) for thu same (luarter, but while ihe butchers have increased their prices the jail has decreased \\.\ prisoners, until the opening three months of the year uf grace lull tinds thu demands of the instiiution barely excoedinn 82 fur the llesh-puts. Two men from Michigan wliu anived here last week are canvHsing the neigh- boring concessions selliiig set-d puas, on condition thai they get the entire crop at 81 per bu^hel, less the amount thiit the original seed cost. This is to en- courage the farmers to ijiow p .is. They have found it ditticull I â-  got good sceil in Ihe past, alhough tho pea crop has increased III thu last two or throe years. Not wishing to give the school children of Walkerlui) another free treat such as they indulged in at his expense last week, when his delivery horse ran away with the fruit wiigiin here aiulsti-ewed cninges and bananas along the strret; not wishini; to give tho school children another treat, Maico Alesjaiidru, thu Italian fruit deal- er, exchungcd the unruly steed with R. Tiuax it Son ihisl week for a (piietor driver, and ope that is not likely to rioluusly scatter its nuster's fruit 8> dangerously near the rapacious jaws uf thi; young hopefuls uf thu town. â€" Bruce Times Eighth Line, Artemesia â- Sugar making is still the order of the day in ihia iieighburhiod. Mr. John Uyan of Turuiitn spent a week with Mr. C'hailey llaiiley recently. Mr. F^trl I'arliaincnl spent Kikaler with his sicter al Diayton. Glad tu report .Mr. Hopper able to be around again Ctfter several weeks' illness. Iluv. Mr, t'anipboll, pastor of Eugenia Methodist church culled ou friends in this neighiiorhoud last week. Mr. McFailden left oi«y last to spend thu hiiliday at iiis honiu near Markda'e. (larnut Benson leave* this week for his homo Dwen Sound after sprnd- ing some lime with his faiher. Mrs. James Magce I as been ou the sick for 'he past few week^, lut »u hope to see her around a<;ain soon. Mrs. Wm. Magoi", who has been very poorly for some time, 'w much iinprovod. Master George Carson spent the past week with bis lister iu Owen Sound. Miss Uennio l)rr is thu vuest of her sister, Mrs. Alex. Cmn-ron. Mr. and Mrs. Iko Ssrgeant of Owen Sound spent Kaster with friends. The latli'r will rein:tin for a week with tho father, M, J ("arson. Mr. Garnet Alagoo Sundayod wi h friends in Markdale suburbs. Tho many friends in this noiKhborhood uf Mr. Andicw Dow iie sorry to learn f tho niisfuitune which bufel him owing to ill healili. He luft here ihieo weeks ami for Kdmunton and had to loturn Eitsl acaiu. One of the loading fanners of Kiuliol wont tu Toronto last week lo get a farm hand from a li.>t uf immigrants just ar- rived there. He felt himself forlunaie in securing one and rctunud pleased with his trip and the ro«ulls I 'pun ar- riving homo hi) asktd his Scotchman if ho could milk, and leceiving answer in the allirmalive, both ptocetdid to tho l>arn. Tho proprietor n<w his man pl«ce the pail under tho tow ai d then proceod- etl with his. After finishing ho went to soe how his new man was doing and found h m with tho empty pail s ill under tho cow., and staring in blank aniazoineut iha! ihi-re was nothing doing. We have not hesrd if Iho { ropriotor baa since taughl him the trick or not. Fergus Newt-Uecord. Eli Hebert, a retired farmer of Tecum- aeh, his been missing for over two weeks. I..aroe Shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the inutclee, and quickly yields to thu free application of Chaniberlan't Liniment. For sale by W. E. Kii.haidson ft JSon. Itctums from ;all the Presbyteries hut two show th^t 52 of them have either voted agairst. or given a mudified answer. The to'al nuaiber of votes recorded in favor of union is 91U ; against, 440. This indicatts pretty nearly the general atli'ude of the Pres- byterian Church on the question. With a vote of two or three to one agaiiia* them should not the opponenus of union withdraw their thieats of disruption, esi)eeially as thn glory in they spirit of unity, which is union in the abstract '. Mrs. Edward potter of Shelburne fell on a slippery sidewalk and broke her arm the writt. Our Clubbing List The following price* are for strictly paid in ad> ancesubacriptioiihunly. We have no accounts with other papers. FluKberton Advance Yo'jths Conipaninn Torojito World, daily Toronto Daily News Weekly Globe ..... . Mail-Empire .... Family Herald <& Star Toronto Star Fanner Sun Farmers Adrocata Weekly Wit.^ea? Saturday Nil^ht Home Jourr'-l Poultry News ... - Poultry lleview Rcwl and Gun magazine. . . .« » 00 00 .« 35 85 80 85 35 85 35 80 05 60 20 40 85 "More and v'^ ^ \ better >, bread" FOli SALE BY F. G. KAKSTEDT, FLESHEKTON CEYLON'S "'iW v^^'%^%^ %%^m^k/%^ %m^^/%^%% <» %/%^%% ^^ft/^%^^ We Have Seeds of all kinds The very best miality we can proenre in clover aud grass seei's and at the right prices. Men's aud Hoys' Hat? and Caps for spring â€" tlie very latest styles and shades. \Vt have some very pretty Ladies' Suits for spring, also a largo variety of Dress Goods, including poplius, reps, linen?, uiuslius, figured silk mulls, ducks, gingiiams ami prints. I tliink wo have the best prints we ever offered al lOe per yd. Ask to see our Lace Ctu - tains from 3.')0 per pair up. Tliey are just what you want. We havt' also our new Wall Paper iu. Iu Paints Varnishes, Paint Oils aud Dnishes of all kiuds we have every thing tliat is required for house cleaning time. Carpets, Carpet Squaies, Rugs; Oil Clotiis and Linoleums 1, 2 and J yards wide. Fresh supply of Groceries always ou hand. HIGHEST C.4SH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE J' as. jLattison • •Sfenera/ ^^lerchant e. 'ylon DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIINTS TRIATKO THROUQHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YIARS Da Kkkkedt, Medical Dtaccroa or Uas. K. & K. . consuCtation free Book* Frae on DiMuei of Man. If unaUe to call, write for • QuMtion Blank (or HOME TREATMENT Drt. K. A K. are fat irably knoirn through- out Canada where I tey have done busi ueBS for over a> j, are ihoURands of palieuta ha»e been t^e»lO^. ai Mred by th?ir great skill and tliruugli lie i. -tue of iheir N,w Method Traatmeal. ^Vbl^a you treat »ith them yoii kni>w you are draling with r»«ron Bible phynioians as they owu and occupy tlieirown oftieo building in l^etroit, Talued atflOO.lwa When theySccide your i-ase ia curablo, all your worry Is removed for you Uuow they will not ileceWe you, They Kuaraniee to cure all curable ciiei No lualter how mnoy doctors have failed to beuellc you; uo matter how much niowy you hare spent Iu vain; to matter how dis- courage.! you may le. don't givo up in des- pair until you eet a free opinion from these master spccmlisla. If you are at prtsent within Ihe cluiches of any fecret haliUhich IS eapiiing your life I y degrees: if you are auRcrlnx from iho rtsults of pa-st Indiscre- tions; if your bK-oU hni been tainted from any private disoase and you dare not nisrry; if you arc marrieil and live iu dVcad of symp- t'>ms breaking out and eiposinfr your p«sl; if youaresuifering as Ihe rcault of a niis- Npent lifeDrs. K. * K. ar* your R.(«(«. L.ay ynnr caw before them confidentially and they will tell you bouesUy it you ikre curabla. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CUKED We TrMil awl Cur* VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD mi URINARY COMFLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER DiMasee aad all !>>â- â€¢Â«Â«â€¢â€¢ Peculiar le Men. DRsKENNEDf&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Avt. and Griswold St. Dctroii Mich. NOTICE All letters (rom Canada mast b« addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. It you desire to see ua personally call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we see and treat ao paliaata in our Windsor ofUces which are for Correspondence and Ifuboratory for Canadian business only. Address ail letters as ft^otrs: DRS. KENNEDY & KBNNEDY. Windsor. iSn. Write for eur private address.

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