Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1911, p. 1

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/le0l)^rtxrn %hmncft. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBlA-CIPLEb NOT MEN. ?QL30, NO 43 Fleslicrton, Ont., Tliursday, April 20 1911 W. fl TfiUESTON ^EldpUiOETos Feversham Items ' . I Victoria Comers Mr. Max Bannoii of Toronto spent Easter at the pHrental home. _ _, _, . , ,. , , Mv. \. Shearson of Proton visited her Mr. Thos. Perigo and little soa ot . m j vi w « .. ^ - . , paren's, Mr. and Mrs. W m. Fatton, one Echo Bay, Ont., spent a few days last ^ , , . week with hiii patents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Tj r» • J .1 t â-  1 :„ .u:. Mr. V\ ill ana Miss Cressy Moore ni.d H. Pergoe and dlhrr taemU in this , ,, , ,, T,. , lit- 1 _ 11, MisM Lilhan M»uile«ly of UawkestjD, are village Tho 8. ol.l friends were glad to ^ , ,, „ , . V i • I. .. „„ ' the guests of their L ncle, Mr. George iee lam once again, ka it IK about seven ° " years since Mr. I'eiigo visited this pnrtj ^'^'«' ""» "'=«''• before. He keei-n a get.eral store at' On Wednesday last Mr.and Mt.s.Jame.s Echo Bay, and is c-DJi>ying the fruits of i L-jckhart attended the marriage of the straightforward h mest, dealing. latter's brother, Mr.Edd Corbett, Co Miss We understand that Mr. John Francis ^''"'=«" "' Kunberly. ha& sold bis property on the bill, to Mr.| -Miss V. Corbett of Bethel visited b-r James Arnott of Maxwell, and gives ; sister, Mrs. Lockharr, last week, possession about the tirst of May. Sorry Mr. T. Clajtou and Mr. Wilson of to loose Mr. and Mrs. Fiancii from c^ur Flesbertun spent Good Friday at Mr. X. villa'^e, but such is life. H. Heards. Mr. Fred Lon;^, late of Lady B;ink, Mits Lillian Walker of Durliim has has opened up a boot and shoe lepai' been ennaged as teacher in our school shop in the room lately occupied a.s an here, duties to commence "ilth April, office by Dr. Ryckmau, in the temper- \ Bon,-to Mr. and Mrs, Charle*, anoe hoUjl. We bespeak a fair share of j ^ ^.^.^^ Sunday. April lt>th. paironase for Fred as he is a boy unable | to work at other work, .mil is honestly â-  trying to help hiuiself. I Mrs. Willmm Hamlin of Toronto.! A joyous East ;i tide to everyone visited with her mother, Mrs. R. Y. Mis. A.U\. Cairjtber? was away the Burk, during the Easter-tidc, , {sist week attending the fuierala of her Mrs. Samuel (Utewell sjient last week cuu-ins. in Toronto with her «is*er, Mrs. Ed. | Mr. Henry Cargo has been on the sick East Mountain Wingbeld. [ list lately. Sorry to repoit the dejih of a little, John Welsh was in Owen Soun 1 the child of Mr. and Mrs. Hirry McLiowaa ' latter part of hist week, of R"b Roy. I jliss H izel Allen of Collin ;wocd High Miss Litiie Hudson of Toronto, \isit-' School is spending the holidays at het with her mother, Mrs. John Hudson, lud hoiue here, other fl ieuds week. I Miss Alma Humherstone of .\yton is Miss Fannie McGee of Toronto, visit- holidaying at her home heie. ei with her mother, Mrs. Wm. David- 1 the Easter holi- ' ^^â- ''^'â- - » '"•^'•â- in' '»"'" ^ P^*^" '^' son ot Hob Roy, over days. Mr. Geo. Barler's sale of farm stock and iinple'nents, on Tuesday la-st, w»8 very successful, everything realizing high prices. The auctioneer. Will Knitting, cenainly h.v> the whip baud of that business in this part of Grey and Simeon, bavirg sales rixht at the outskirts of Coliiogwocd town, where two or three auctioneers reside. May your shadow never grow Will. Glad to report that Mr. Chester Long uf Cotlingwood, who has been in the hospital in that town with a severeattack of appendicitis, is recovering nicely. His old friends here will be glad to know he is getting better. young chiMren it should be pleaaant tu take. Chaui- btrliin's Coujfb Keni»dv i.s made from loaf sufpur. and the ruotis u.sed in icii preiviration give ;t a Haver siiui'ar to maple synip, mak- ing it pleasant to lake. It has no smwrior for colds, croui, and whoopiiif cou^i. For sale by W. K. Riiliardsun & Sou. 1 he tlour roller mills ot Kent A Com pany, Walkerton, were coinp'etely destroyed by tire Thursday afternoon. The tiro orgiiiated in the purifying shaft, and when di^covered tiny jets of Same were spurting out. Piils of water were thrown on without checking the tire, and then the lire btignde was called out. Owing to the water supply being shut otf during some rooairs to ihi? main, water was not available for nearly twenty minute*, and iu that time the Hre got be- yond couttxd and it was iln^>'•8sible to save anything The lo->s ou the building and contents was e»tini«t««.l at about Il4,t)00, with insurance ot six thous- and dollai-s. Pater Xapolitina w.-vs killed by his wife at Sault Ste. Marie with an axe while sleepinz. The motive was revenge. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT CLOVER SEEDS AT CLOSE PRICES Red Clover, per !b. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Mammoth Clover, per lb. I8€, per bushel $10.50. Alsike Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Alfalfa, per lb. 22c. per bushel $13.00. Timothy SeeJ, per bushel $7.50. These Seeds are all Rennies' Governotent Standard Tested The planting lime U just about at hand. It's time «ny«ay ^*..»*;'!^^^"\'* seeds our 1 sui^r > planting lime i» just about at nana, it s time auywa, •« »«:.«vi j>..., ds. and we are ready with a large st^Hik t» lend you every assistance m power. WehaveRenniessiul St eelo Biiggs Garvien Seeds, mangolds. ar beets, lurmps iind carrot.s, tield and garden corn-all fresh srwk. and You o-iii get n < l>etter .\ full lino of Gro- all living up to the hish reputati'ivs of th^ producers, seeds than we supply, Dutch Setts »nd Potato Onions, ceries and Flour and Feed. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton Bad Conditions j Found In Cuba ., ^ SEEDS! SEEDS! We have agaiu a large shipment of Seeds this season. The demand for high grade setd is iucreasiug, jo come in and see the fbllowiug RED CLOVER. ^^V^l^vA^^^nwpR MAMMOTH CLOVER, f;l^lMi?un PRAsf ' TIMOTHY SEED. ORtlI.\UD GKAbb. Ct>RN OF .'LT- KINDS ROOTS 8uoh aa Royal Giaut Sugar licet. Imp»-oved Short White Carrot, Long Red Mangel. Yellow Oval Mangel. Yellow Globe Mangel, C.iaut Sugar Mangel, Tmnip Seeds of all kinds. GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS W. Ee Richardson & Son No Crops For Four YesLr*- Hurricanes Destroy Them- Great Want of Ratin Portlaw The funeral of the late Cour.cil!i»r Mc- Calluin took pL-ice on. Friday latt from his lite home o.i the f.urth line, Osprer, to the Pie«byteiiin burying cround, Maxwrll, said wa« in* of the l»rtj st cor eges 8.en in ths .iistrict, test fyiutf to the esteem in whi.-b deceased was held. MhxwpU Oraniie lod-ce was pres- ent in a lodj and conducted t-ervice at tile grave.* ReV. Mr Bethune.preachrd an impressive sermon. B others and sisters from the West arrived in time for the fanenil. Havana, .\ptil 8, 1911.' To the Editor of.The Advance : Dear Sir, â€" As you reipieste^l, I »h<ll write yi u a few things about my tiip down here, thou<;li I sliall n-4. altempr to H ve It in detaiL I left Flesherton on March 6, when the teniprra' lire wa.s about C bell* z t><, but it wa8 <{uite warm when I ai't to T.iront-, When I arrived at New York, the temperature , , , „ , ,â-  , â-  . , i L . , I i-* .sfjending the'er holid.ir9 »uh wasni)' low ; 11 seeniea toiue imicn Col ler 1 . . z. , . ,. ,_ ,_, . ' trieuds in loron o. than It w:is at ni'iuc. I ho wrather was beautiful alt the way, thouBh there w;.s» ^^'^- R"b.rt Watson is home alter storm .some distance away, jud-jiiig by the St;endiiig the winter at The-sl-.i.. fepivy dend swi-ll on rounding Cape ] Miss Mt' »1_ VV'iuter, at Mclntyre, i.-^ teras, which i^Hve the boat a double action h iiidiyii>!: at the p<reu'at homf. Mr. Thos. Taj lor has been liid up the pa$t week with a stcond fctt.4ck of grippe. Mrs. Bunting of Tor^-nt • i>- vtsit.i sj with her £)iiret.t.s, Mr and M p>. Jacitscin. I Mi58 Smith, our popuW school teacher, of Uwt only rolling fioni side t> side, but endwaya, luakin;;; one uf the wor^l eomhinaiion<, and luakin,; ih>t m.tlady CO uni in lo i^ce-in trathc veiy epidemic, though it only lasted <>ne sfteruxja. and the rest of the trip was calm and h av.- tiful. Sundiiy moruini; found us along tl e coast of Fl>>ridj, sai'iu^ very clofie to it all d^y. The shures looked very be.-iuti- ful. c 'VercJ with zreeu trees and gras.*^. We passrd through the Keys before sun- set, one of the sit{h"s beiui; the train from Ku'ght's Kcv. which appeared to be ruiinini; on a spider's we"! just above the water. The line is nut yet completed tolv>y Wtst. Nothing of note occurred during the trip except having to discard all winter clothing after we pasied Hat- teras, auj then we coald stay out on the after dev-k all night. The moon was full, and as there was hardly a cloud the trip could Ih: tenued ideal, as conditions var- ied, dis^Miis'Ux with tnouoluoy. I mi>;bt also s,iy that, to jive variety, I broke out iu what they c ill pnckly itch with the he^it, which continued for about tm days and made me very uncomfortable. We sailed up Havana liarlxjr Monday uiorni'i); as it was breakini; day and an- chored about o'clock, everythini: seem- ing to be as lively as if it were evening, but as we had to gel breakfast and pa^s the lurdical exiiuiiier it was after ei^bt clock when we cot off the btwit. I, for one, Would have liked to discard more clothing if [K-ssible, as my blood was too tkick and ctrcuUtion too rapid for this climate, though the temperntuie was not so hi^hâ€" about bt"> to 5*8 or W, farenheit. I feund the climate here excesaive'y dry, and the land where nut irTii<«t< d, barren appeaiin);. and stock so poor that a good wimt would blow many of them .iway. M.*uy have died from starvation. They have had no rain here in Havana sinc« la&t l^t fall, and out in the coan- tty since January, and the country looks like a desert. .Vs the trip is not novel to me, my observatijns are largely in coi.- trast with conditions of >ix yearn ago.aud 1 ft.uiid the peop'e here a s-erious rival of New York in dress, th'.ius;h before many of the people Wire very jKiorly clad, or with nothing on at all. The reason 1 lueuliou Now York is, the jiotvr- ebt ttx-d there is dressed e<iaa] to the prince, regardless of how be ^els it. But it is the tourist business that has produced conditions here, and not the land, ast'uba has uot had a crop for four ye*rs, nud during the Ust two years it has been .Almost totally destroyed by cyclones. Yet it has pro»()ered through the t'>urist business, and Havana is fast becoming .Xmerioanized, and it is no trouble n'>w for one who cannot sf)eak Spanish to get along here. Living is dear and it stems str.uigo that one who comes down the north has to live here on the northern produce. But as siwm as v»u gel out into the country you are soaked uioie. Living is twice as de»r. and var ety not as gvinl, as it is all canned goodn you get, and near'y all the frait IS ibipjied in. t.>f course, thi>80 who have irriijMion plants aie priiducing and reaping rew»i-d.s. but irrigation out- fits ci>sl money. As to Hav ma, it is huiit up very much and much improved during the l»»t six years, and is still going ahead. Many of the hotels here ch-irg* titl a day for riHiin and lioaid. The city is now put :ing in a sewerage .system, and the Maine is being raiseil ; lots of coinmerce, but times are very Itad and are very liable to be worse. I just gv>t here in time to take in the National Ksjxwili 'U the last day, and althtnigh iii.-iiiy things had been or were being r< moved, there w».h Mill a gixnl showing, and Havana is on the way l,> having a grand exhibition in the near fu- ture. Will write nv'fes on. -CHAS. STAFFORD. Mr. U.'irry Meldium is Vi» ling with frieuds in T^<run'o. Uiss I. Lyons is h' me. af'er spend- ing the wiu'er in ToroiKii. Li ban McKeuzie tre-ited her tiat:ber and fcl ow pupils lo a "f maple t«ffy in the bush on God Frioay. A.l enjoyed themselvts immensely. Mrs. Moldrum and f«iui y jf Toronto are visit ig wi:h the f. rmer's paiei t«, Mr. and .Mrs. F. Shiri-s. Miss Cooper and Sfr. John.s'oa i i Lady [tank, spent Eik'ter at the home Jof the formei's sister, Mrs. A. Hiuby. (Intended for U-st week.) This community his been .shocked and saddened by the death of two young |>er*»ns who were much etiteemed by all. "^On Saturday list Mr A. E. McOalluni. one of Ospr^y's eouncilmen i>a.ssed away af'er a short illness with pneumonia. Some time previously, deceii-sed hid sulfvrc«l an attacK of pleurisy, which no doubt rendered him more su.sceptiblc to the more fatal disease. He leaves to luouru his e«rly demise, a young wife, (nee Miss Sai-n McKee. daughter of Mr. iiod Mrs. Wni. T. McKee, now of T.)ronto,) and two little diughter*. They have lost an aflfecti-ina'e husliaiid and father, the parents, a kind stm. The Commui.ity has lost a Vind and obliging neighlmr and fiiend Aud Osprey hi« lost an upright and ethcicnt illicer. Scarcely h^d the sad news of Mr Mc- Callum's death passed around than the double shock came that Mrs. McCallums s'ster, Mrs. Robinson of Toronto, (,ii«c Miss Trcesy McKee) had died, lesiving .i young husband and a little Iwihy airl about two months old. Deceaseil pitsses.-.- ed a bii.:h£ and winning dis|)ositii'ii. which iiiaile her a ueueial f.-ivmie will all. Much sympathy isexpresj-ed lor the bereaved families and es^iecially. the yoting widow in her diHible alHiction. Mrs. W. >. Jackson is recovering trim a severe attack of ii.tluenzt. Miss Sadie iiuy of Maxwell, visited friends here recently. Word w,A» received here s«.>me lime :vio Ihil Mr. .lohn H. Janiie.son had under- eone an ojieration in Tcr.ui'o for ap- p«ndiciti«. Later report is that he is pro.;iessing favorably and news of his spee'y recovery will be hailed with gUdiie«s by his many friends here. Mr. Fred Wilkinson of HeathcUo. visited with his bnither h»re for » few d iys. Miss Sadui Guy of Maxwell, \isited friends here for a few days. Dundalk At a inet-tingof Melancthon Methixlisl C(.>ngres!<tion on Sunday last a very hearty call was extended to thtir pastt>r. Rev. Wm. Willuimson. to remain an- other yest. -\ 'rcspa's ca'e, Uid by G. B. Smith of JVIon ai'-^ipst his ne'ghb«<r, W. Campbe!!, was heard by V\ilice Magis- ti-ate McGregor on Thursday. The de- feu 'ant was fined fl and owts. .\mong the indicitions of spring is tl e uioirement of me:i to the shipping ports for the opening up of uacigattoii. l>wen Sound is an attrac'ive S|>»>1 for newh - arrived uniuigranis who take a tie pass fri>m Toronto l>ecause of the cheaper travelling rates. Nine of th-s cU.s-s were iiiven Udginga iu the lockup by Chief Hemphill a couple of nigh's Wt wetk and several others were entettaineil with nuvtls »t various houses around town during the week. Herald Ready for Business I have opened up my new tailor shop next door to the ottic3. Flesherton, with a good line of Spring and^Summer Suitings antl also extensive samples. To all who wish a natty, neat-fitting •Suit we wonltl suggest an eafly call. Vs. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR FLESHERTON MEAT MARKET Fresh 71eats of all kinds SEil^CON Birand Oysters Fiesii I lysters, put uji in siiuuary tin eaii>. wiiicii are tiir' \ â-  ; ' . whi-ii empty â€" a dccide.l improv^-uient over the old unsai;iti;\ : - which were letilled when empty. Try some of ibis choice dtrn. nv. '•fl^IIaSON & McCX-OCKLIN F^ We Are In ^ Our New Store We c arry allj Kinds of Clover and Grass Seed, Flour, Branfane Shorts. You do not need go to the bake shop now, as we will have a full line of fresh Bread, Buns and Pastry, baked by Mr. Goldhawk. The FleshertonI Grocery - W. Buskin. :J i n WILL PAY YOU I TO GET 50ME OF THOSE BAR= QAIN5 ON SALE F R o n m J. E. LARGE Eugenia : Ont. DR. BURT .Specialist In dlsimses ol ihe Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office-30 10th St. West. Owen Sound Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH OtHcesnd Residence- 4«8, SHh St. Owen Sound, Ont. At the Revere house. MavkiWe, 2nd Thursd.iy each mouth from S to 12 ». m. ; Hours- 9 to I'J a.m , l.:tO to 4 W Duiiditk, 1st Thuisd»y of iiach month. ^ 7 tv> S p.m. t.»ther houis by sppo i

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