Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1911, p. 7

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â- C" 1 1 >: ^ ' â-º //-.» (r^<;i>n-/^ UPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILUON PACKAGES SOLO Wr^EKLY LOSS OF SIOOJOO A T KELSO Explosion of Lamp in Miller's Hotel Started a Costly Blaze A despatch from North Bay says : Fire which broke out at Kelso at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning as- â- umed large proportions. The Mil- ler Hotel, of three storeys with 200 rooms, was destroyed, as were also : The Prospect House, Bank of Ot- tawa's oflSce, Davis and Dunn's general store, and several other Btores. The loss is estimated at $100,000. The fire started in the Miller Ho- tel, from a lamp explosion, the flames spreading very rapidly: Ef forts to save goods and effects from flames resulted in many narrow es- capes from death. Several minor accidents occurred, but nothing serious. Northerly winds saved the pro perty of the T. and N. 0. Railway. Lack of water prevented the iire being combated, but a railway en- gine was rushed from Iroquois Falls, and moved the freight cars, loaded with goods for Porcupine camp, out of the danger zone. lARBEST CUSTOMS B EYENl A Gain of Twelve and a Quarter Million Dollars for the Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Customs revenue of the Domin- ion for the fiscal year, closed on Friday, shows the unprecedented gain of $12,280,930 over the fiscal year ending March 31, 1910. For the twelve months ending March 31, 1911, the total revenue was l"2, 3-13,866.07, as compared with «(i0,061,926.56, the year just ending being the biggest in the history of the country. I The month of March, just closed, shows the largest revenue of any one month also in the lifetime of the Dominion, being over a million dollars greater than the previous largest month, which was August, 1910. The figures for March, 1911, are $7,445,474.52, as compared with $5,- 980,989.02 for March, 1910, an in- crease of $1,164,485.20. SAVED HIS FAMILY. But Man Residing Near Haileybury Was Severely Burued. A despatch from Cobalt says : A woman and five children had a narrow escape from being burned to death in a house near Haileybury ou Tuesday night. A lamp fell over and exphjded at the foot of the stairs in the house of Joseph Ross, thus cutting off all escape. The fa- ther jumped from the upper win- dow and got the children by means of a ladder, but not before they hod ben severely burned. There then remained a month-old baby in the house, and Ross went through the flames for it and brought it to safety, wrapped in blankets, but his face was a mass of blisters, and flesh was hanging from his hanJs Mrs. Rofis broke a rib in jumping from the bedroom window. 1>"PRECEDKNTED REVENIE. Britain's (ilro.'<!< Income for the Year Was i:203,850,588. A despatch from London says ; John Bull is able to boast of a re- cord income for the financial year which ended on Friday. The gross revenue for the 3"ear reached the unprecedented sum of 203,860,388 pounds sterling. Nevertheless the net result is somewhat disappoint- ing, the surplus being only £3,606,- 766. The explanation of this is that £31,500,000 sterling are arrears of 1909-10, the collection of which was delayed by the Lords' rejection of the Lhrad rdia hi;d'^<ildrhaa hadr than .1:20,000,000 of the total was earmarked to meet the deficit of 1909-10. U>10N JACK SHALL FLI. Flag to be Displayed on Public Buildings Every Week Day. A despatch from Ottawa Says : The Minister of Public Works has issued an order, in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet Coun- cil, directing that the Union Jack shall fly over every public building in Cana/da on every day except Sun- day during the year. At present the flag is flown only over public buildings in seaports or ports of entry along the international boun- dary. TO SUCCEED DR. SAUNDERS. Prof. Robertson Hay Become Di- rector of Dominion Farms. A despatch from Ottawa says : It is stated that Prof. Robertson, head of the Commission on Techni- cal Education and Industrial Train- ing, is likely to be induced to re- turn to the Government service and succeed Dr. William Saunders as director of the Dominion experi- mental farms. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY. Prediction of Newfoundland's Gov> crnor to Legislature. A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., says: After a session lasting but seven weeks, the shortest regu- lar session on record, the New- foundland Legislature was pro- rogued on Wednesday. In his clos- ing speech the Governor, Sir Ralph E. Williams, expressed his belief that the colony is entering upon an unprecedented era of prosperity. â- ; FALL WHEAT WISTERS WELL Large Increase 'in Average Under Grain- Snow Helped It Along. A d<.'.'<j)atcli from Winnipeg says: Cavcfiil iuvpstigalion by local (;raiu exchange members, by mill men, and reports from Minneapolis, and Chicago show most satisfactory ag- rioultiiral conditions in the l.'ana- West to day. Fall wheat is re- ptirted in e.xeellent shajje in both Northern and Southern .\lberta, ] having conjc through the winter well. There is a cDnsiderahle in- crease in acreage. E.vporinjents | wit!) fail wheat iii some parts of WuTiitoba are also promising. : The open ch.Tractcr of la^; InW ycsuluM.! in a big amount of fall, plowing, though this would have bc<"n still further increased had it not bceu for continued drought. But heavy and frequent snowfalls, which have had a chance to soak well in, have removed this danger. It is difficult to estimate how much new land was broken last year ready for seeding this spring, but the area must have been very considerable, especially in Sas- katchewan, where entirely new dis- tricts have been brouglit under the |)low. EstimiitcR of iucicased acre- age ' to be scedt-d to spring wheat are 10 to 50 ncr cut. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OP AMERICA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese aud Other Produce at Home and Abroad. â-  BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, April 4.â€" Flourâ€" Winter wheat 90 per cent, patents, $3.25 at seaboard. Manitoba flours â€" First patents, $5.4u; second patents $4.90, and strong bakers', $4.70, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat â€" No. 1 North- ern, 95)^c, Bay ports ; No. 2 North- ern, 93c, Bay ports, and No. 3 at 91c, Bay ports. Ontario Wheatâ€" No. 2 red and white, 80 to 81c, outside. Barley â€" Malting qualities, 64 to C7c outside, according to quality, and feed, 62 to 56c outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 34 to 34Xc, on track, IToronto, and 32 to 32%c out- side. No. 2 W.C. oats, 36>^c, Bay ports, and Ho. 3 at 2f>%c, Bay ports. Cornâ€" No. 3 American, 51% to 52c, Toronto freight. Peas â€" No. 2 around 80c outside. Ryeâ€" 66 to 68c outside. Buckwheat â€" No. 1 at 483^ to 49c outside. Bran â€" Manitobas, $23, in bags, Toronto, and shorts, $24.00, in bags, Toronto ; Ontario shorts, $24.50 to $25. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" Spys, $5 to $6; Bald- wins, $4 to $4.50; Greenings, .$4 to $4.50; No. 2 assorted, $3.50 to $4.- 50 per barrel. Beansâ€" Car lots, $1.75 to $1.30, and small lots, $1.90 to $2. Honey â€" Extracted, in tins, 10 to lie per lb. ; No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2. .50 per dozen ; No. 2 comb, wholesale, $1.75 to $2 per dozen. Baled Hayâ€" No. 1 at $11.50 to $13 on track, and No. 2 at $9 to $10.50. Baled Strawâ€" $6.50 to $7 on track, Toronto. Potatoesâ€" Car lots, 80 to 85c per bag, and New Brunswick, 90 to 95c. Poultry â€" Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :â€" Chickens. 15 to 16c per lb. : fi;wl, 11 to 13c per lb. ; turkeys. 19 to 21c per lb. Live, 1 to 2c less. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Dairy prints, 18 to 20c ; inferior, 16 to 17c. Creamery, 27 to 28c per lb. for rolls, 24 to 243.<;c for solids, and 22 to 23c for separator prints. Eggs â€" Case lots, 18e per dozen. Cheese â€" Large, 14c, and twins 14%c. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon â€" Long clear, 12,'/.2C per lb. in case lots ; mess pork, $20 to $21 ; do., short cut, $24 to $24.50; pick- ed rolls, $20 to $21. Hamsâ€" Light to medium, 15c; do., heavy. 12 to 13c ; rolls, \'i,%c ; break- fast bacon, 16% to 17c; backs, 18 to 18%c. Lard â€" Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12^0; pails, I'i.lic. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, April 4. â€" According to cable advices, the foreign wheat si- tuation is very weak. Oats â€" Cana- dian Western, No. 2, 38VaC, car lots ex store ; extra No. 1 feed, 38c ; No. 3 C. W., 37%c; No. 2 local white, SeJ'aC ; No. 3 local white, 'ibY^c ; No. 4 local white, 343'.iC. Flourâ€" Mani- toba Spr-ing wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; do., seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.50; strong bak- ers', $4.90; straight rollers, $4 to $4.25; do., in bags. $1.75 to $1.86. Rolled oatsâ€" Per barrel, $3.90; bag of 90 lbs., $1.95. Barleyâ€" Feed, car lots ex store, 49 to 50c. Corn â€" American No. 3 yellow, 56 to 56%c. Millfeedâ€" Bran, Ontario, $22 to $23; Manitoba, $21 to $23; mid- dlings, Ontario, $24 to $25; shorts, Manitoba, $23 to $25; mouillie, $25 to $30. Eggsâ€" Fresh, 20 to 23c. Cheeseâ€" Westerns, 12X to 12%c ; easterns, uV.j to 12e. Butter- -Choi- cest, J6 to 27c ; seconds, 24% to 23>ic. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, April 4. â€" Wheat â€" May 92 1-8 to n2%c ; July, 93% to 93 5-8c; cash. No. 1 hard, 94 1-8c; No. 1 Northern, 92 5-8 to 93 5-8c; No. 2 Northern, 90 1-8 to 91 5-8c ; No. 3 Northern, S8 1-8 to 90ij-8c. Branâ€" $21.50 to $22. Flourâ€" First patents. $4.35 to $4.65; second pat- ents, $4.25 to $4. .IS; first clears, $2.85 to $3..'J0; second clears, $1.- 85 to $2.50. Buffalo, April 4.â€" Wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern, carloads, store. $1.00 ,5-8 : Winter, No. 2 red ,92e. Corn -No. 3 vcllow, 49c ; No. 4 yellow. 47'/,'c. all on track, through billed. Oats No. 2 white. 3tc ; No. 3 white, }/iC\ No. 4 white, .^9^^c. Barley- Malting. $1.10 to $1.14. M^ADE IN CANADA ROYAL XCAKFSA MOST PERFECT MADE ^sW'-^feK- Has been Canada's favorite Yeast over a quarter of a century. Enough for 5 cts to produce BO large loaves of fine, wholesome, nour- ishing, home-made breiuj. Do not experiment â€" there is nothing "just as good." E. W. CILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, OMT. „ Wlnnlpes Montrmi' Awaidcd highest bonon at all Elxpo&iUoiu. ^0 Y4 / m and lambs at from $5 to $7 each. Calvesâ€" $2 to $6 each, as to size and quality. Hogsâ€" $7.50 per cwt., weighed off cars. Toronto, April 4.â€" The bulk of the trading in butcher cattle was below $5.65. Sheep were firmer and 25c higher, ewes selling up to $5.25. Hogs were weak, but unchanged. Spring lambs were present on the market in small numbers. F.iRMERS MUST BE uaREFUL. Government Says Mangel Seed Must be Carefully Watched. A dexpatcli from Ottawa says : George H. Clarke, seed commis- sioner for Canada, has issued a proclamation to farmers generally throughout the Dominion advising the greatest diligence generally with respect to the mangel and beet seeds which they this year propose to sow. In the European countries, from- which mangel and beet seeds are usually obtained, the climatic conditions in 1909 and 1910 were most unfavorable, and it is feared that the percentage of vitality will be very low. The department of agriculture advises farmers to so v from at least one-half more mangel seed to the acre than originally in- tended or generally done. The de- partment also strongly advises the buying of seed from reputable firms, and the bags or packages of which are branded with the percentage of vitalitv. tDOO KILLED IN BATHE Women and Children Among the Slain at San Rafael, Mexico A despatch from Nogales, Ari- zona, says : In a battle which has waged since last Monday between San Rafael and Urec one thousand Federals and rebels are said to have been killed. This report comes ! from a Federal officer in Nogales, I Sonora, who is said to have re- j ceived despatches from Hermosillo. I From the same source it is report- ed that many women and children [were killed during an engagemen* fought at San itafa«!l while th« ! town was being swept by flames, i which were started bv the dynamit- I ing of a big flour mill. The rebel forces number in ex- 'cess of 1,500, and their ranks ar« jbping joined by ranchers and min- ers for many miles around. Th« original Federal forces under Col. jOjeda and Barran numbered BOO, I including 200 Yaqui Indians. TRAFFIC DIVERTED. Leadinc; Line Has I'laeed Two Extra VcsselH on Cauudiaii Route. A despatch froM Antwerp, Bel- gium, says : The diversion of Euro- pean emigration from the United States to Canada is said to be seri- ou.sly affecting the Atlantic steam- ship lines. The Red Star on Wed- nesday gives up to the America- Canada line two of the best special emigrant steamers afloat, the Goth- land and the Samland. These ves- sels heretofore in the Antwerp-New York service are now to be operat- ed from Rotterdam to Canadian ports. There arc now 1,,500 emi- grants bound for Canada held up here by a lack of transportation fa- cilities. There is a proportional decrease in the emigration to the United States. CRIME .IT MONTREAL. Men Sentenced for ManHJaughter, Slabbing and Wuiindiug. A despatch from Montreal says : Thursday was Bcntenee day in the Court of King's Bench. Judge La- ! vergue sentenced Pasquali Bisnco i to twelve years in the penitentiary [ for slashing a compatriot with a ra- ' zor. He cut a gash five inches long â-  in the cheek of his fellow-country- man. Rosario Cazavant, found guilty of manslaughter by causing the death of Ernest Bigras in strik- ing him & blow on the head, was sentenced to six years in the peni- tentary. Sebastius Coristi, guilty of wounding a fellow-countryman by cutting him on the chest with a sharp instrument, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Louis Goguet, guilty of obtaining money under false pretences, sentenced to eighteen months in jail. SLBSTITUTE FOR WOOD-PLLP. Trinidad Planter Claims (o Have Discovered >c>Â¥ Substance. A despatch from Wasliington says : Another substance from which paper may be manufactured has been discovered by a manager of a sugar estate at 'frinidad, ac- cording to the United States Con- sul at that place. The new sub- stance is ground sugar cane, to which is added bamboo fibre. The combination of tiiese two, the dis- coverer believes, produces a sub- stance of which the fibre is the right length to make a cheap and excellent paper. He has made paper by this process without the use of chemicals. The oi'ility of the paper, according to the report, can command the market any wood paper now being manu- factured. LIVK STOCK MARKET. Montreal April 1. â€" Steers sold at from 5,' .J to O.'-^c, cows at from 3/i to 5l<(c, and bulls nt from 4 to .")C ner , !b : Sheep sold at 4% to 5e per lb., I Sl'EECU OF FITIKE KINO. Prince of Wales Performs His First Pnhlic Act. A despatch from London says : The boyish Prince of Wales per- formed his first public act and ni.ido his maiden speech on Wednesduy at Dartmouth. The occasion waa the observing of the ancient cus- tom of presenting to the Town of Dartmouth a silver oar symboliz- ing its traditional guardian.sliip of that harbor. The chief impressinn left upon his huge crowd of fll(ur(^ subjects by the Prince was the youngster's modesty, but notwith- standing his nervousness, which he showed by i)hishcs, by biting his lip frequently and casting fre(|uent supplicating glances at his tutor. the Prince came through with fly- ing colors aud the women were unanimous in iironounoing him "ii dear." His youug<!r brother, .\l- bert, who accompanied the Prince, evidently enjoyed his own lack of rcsp<insil)i!i( v and laughed happily at the crowds. POLLUTING THE W.ITER. Tannery F'irm in Qnebro Province Has to Pay a Fine. A despatch from Montreal says : The Lesage Company, operating a tannery situated at St. I^eonard de Port Maurice, was fined $750 in the Court of King's Bench on Friday morning for contaminating water by products from their mill. Twice be- fore they were summoned and or- dered to make improvements to stop the nuisance, but this order was repeated on Friday morning. TOUTHFIL INCE^SDLiRY. Montreal Boy Admits Causing Three Fires in North-end. .\ despatch from Montreal says : Fifteen-year-old Hector Lefebvre on Wednes<lay plea<led guilty to the charge of being a firebug. He ad- mitted that he had been the direct cause of three outbreaks in the north end of the city, in one of which four horses were destroyed. GOT $40,000 LOOT. Train Robbers in Russia Hold Up Train With Pay Chest. A despatch from St. Petersburg says : Robbers held up a train at Widsow on Wednesday night, and secured $40,000, intended for the payment of railroad employes. Two passengers were wounded. THE NEWS \u mmm HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OTEB THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World iu General Before Your Eyes. CANADA. Lieut.-Col. the Hon. David Tis- dals died at Simcoe on Friday. The health authorities will stop the pollution of watt'rs by summer resorts. T<.-u thousand coal miners in Al- berta and British Columbia are out on strike. The Arnprior Council has decid- ed to prosecute Chief Mattson, th« defaulting ta.x-collector. The Hydro-electric Power Cora- mission has made arrangements to e.xtend the Hvstem to Windsor. Mr. A. Dion reix)rts that his va- lise containing papers valued at $Hi,000 was stolen from a Montreal street car. The Trust & Loan Company has offered to give the Corporation of Montreal land worth half a million dollars for a park. UNITED STATES. .\ meeting to promote iuternatiun. al arbitration was held in New York ou Friday. GREAT BRITAIN. The British revenue for tlie past year was the biggest on record. Kembrandt's picture, "The Mill,"* will be sent to the United States. Premier Asipiith and Anibassji- dor Reid spoke at the Bible cen- tenary celebration. The British Government have un- der consideration a proposal to re- adjust the calendar. GENERAL. The .Albanians have revolted against Turkish rule. There arc rumors of fighting in the Amur province. Four separate ex)ieditions are rating for the South Pole. What do you suppose has become of the old-fashioned wtimaii who used to tie hi-r lu^ad iipin a towel and sweep the h(Hise ? NEABIY S2,000 I H FISES Unlicensed Liquor Dealers in Cochrane and Kelso Raided A despatch from Cobalt .says: The second chapter in the laid plan- ned by the Provincial License Dt- partuient resulted in the coliecii< :i of fines amounting to $1,990 at Kel- so and Cochrane. The round-up there and in Cobalt simultaneous- ly was carried out by Chief Cald- beck and his men without a hiich. The charges were for selling lifjuor without a license. Following were 1 the cases :- Kelso-Wm. Mulligan, '."i^lOO: John McMillan. $100; Jas. Burke. $.50; Watenuun, $l.'iC; Or, ;Harti«an. .$-10; Ja.-. Marshal. .$200. ' Cochrane -John PhiJbert., $100; Clifford Vansett. $100; ,T..c Cing- u.ii. !«I00; Jas. O'ileillv. .SriOU: A. Vi/!-au. SlOO; T. Fil./.geraJd. miOO; P M.uiMv. 8100: Kdward I'our- uiur, ijioo: T. Lumothe, $100; L. Rayraore, $200. ""^ Chas. Johnston, committed for trial at North Bay. charged with breaking into Cochrane Jail and stealing HO cases of liquor, is out on $1,500 bail, and .\. Peterson on $1,000 bail on the same charge. Edward Pigeon vras sentenced to fifteen months in the Central Pri- son on Thursday afternoon by M»«- i^|« Atkinson for forging a check for $55.

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