AVrii. <> lyll ^ T HE P I;E S H E li T N ADVANCE <i^jS:^^^m\ri^iu'SymT'' :^ V F. C. KARSTEDT, - flesherton ont . GENTS' SPRING SUITINGS AND SUITS Wo Lave plraftiie li^aiu in f Lowing a full line of Worsteds. Twtfds. Serges, BroadcIotLs, elc. to be made up in any stylo desirable. If anticipating buying a Tailor-made Suit consult us first. We can suit you. Then in the fiist class Semi-ready Made Cloilies we can cxeel tliem all. For style, fit and quality Ibe " Advance " brand cannot be beaten, being inaniifactnrcd by tbe largest wholesale clotliiery firm in Canada. Rugs, Carpets and Unoleums For fiD« quality Tiipeatsy, Vejvct, Axminster, Wool and Union Rugs and Carpets. I know of no other place wlih as gooJ a range. Rugs in all si/es, A x 3A yards, 3J x .SJ, .Sx4, 8J x 1 yards, in all patterns, with prices rangm;^ from fS to 818. Woollen and Union Carpets 30 inches wide from Hoc to ItOc pf-r ^ard. Vfclveti*, Tapestry, A-vmirster from 05c to 81, any pattern, In Liuoleuin-i ai.d Oilcloths we have all widths, 3ft, Gft, f)ft, 12ft, in many pretty floral or bloci desi'.^ns. They are the best Knglish ipiality. 2.J and •'jOc per square yard. ' Ladies' Dress Goods and Suitings As of ynru we excfl all othi-rs in our dixphy of the lilt'<t unterials fur Suits. Dre.s.ses in up^Dil.ite Dre.si GooJh Silks, Muslins. Voili-f. Linens, (JliaiiituHH, (iinirlianis, I'lints, which we Hssiiro you, will till your rei|uit'iimer.ta. A-i . I njiecialty we luirc some of finest Eiigliih Printsâ€" never bhiiwu here* beforeâ€" ihcy cannub be buitPii for ^ml dy>f», at 12i and l.'jc $1.75 Underskirts for 50c In order to creiUe « (piick yi\\e in this lino we jire olTering to our cubtoim-i-.s :in underskirt, worth 81.7i> for uOc. Tliis, 111! d'lutii, will not Ifi-it loi g, as we only have ti few, unci will he picked up rinlit awiiy. Don't deliiy in taking adviintaKo of iliis )):iij5aiii. XHEa /iesliertoa %bMmi .\n independent newHpaper, published every Tliursday at th«* office, CollinRwood Street, Kl««hertun. .Siihuci-iption price CI per annum, tvli<-u i>aid in ad% 'trice; H.fiJ ivhen not so paid. AdvertiaiuK rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W. U. ThuFHton - Editor Will Reciprocity Increase Farm Values? TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN HARDWARE DEPr.=-Garden and Field Seeds = Sap Buckets \Vc are f^ain in the Seed I'U-^iness cxpcciiiifi our seeds any day now. Siinniers' Secdii mu iioied for their Kood â- (Uality. We hue ihcni in Ked Cl'.ver, Maniniolli, Alfalfa, .\Uikn Clovers wi-h Tiinoiliy and Orchard GiasR, J; I together wiOi all kinds offiaiden .Sei'ds. Tiii ijuarl Sap Bucket.s, |)unched, wired, good ()uality tin gl'2.00 por 100 (^\ The loni(e8t fence in the world is to be constructed to niaik the boundary be- tween the United .Stales and Mexico. It will extend from El Paso, Texas, Ic the Pacific Coast, a distance of 1,100 miles. The rapidity of increase of western settlement is well illuktialcd in sonic figures presented to the Cumnions last week. The number of entriea for land in 1895 was '.',32<5,in 1900 there were 7.764, in 1905 there »ere M.W.i, and in 1910 <ho tout wHi 52,072. In addition to lhi» there were l«,.'ia2 pre-emption entries last year, the whole representinjj a total area of 11,617,000 acres.- Kincardine Review. Durham Owinic to the ildness of Rt^v, Mr Mc III future the ((uestion of license reduction is to be taken out of ihe hands of Muiiii'ip'd Councibi, and left with Ihe Causland on .Sunday evening the p>>lp« elector Ten per cent, of the electois in the baptist diutch wai ahly tilled ,„ay peiitlon iho council any time before by Inspector Cainpt. ell. j the Hi.t of November, asking fm a le- Tho cement woiks started erinding on ductioii in a lerUin numlier of the li- Moiiday l4st, and arc ife- ling ready for censei. The (luestion then must he voied on at the next niunicipiil election, jsnd submitted to a SO percent, vote. I The siiliinission uf the question is compulsory, and if the hy-law ia carried FRESH FISH Fresh Salmon Trout - 1 2c lb. Fresh White Fish - - lie lb. Lake Erie Herring • 25c doz. These prices will prevail at my hoUKC only, a' ihe narrow mar- gin will niU permit peddling. H. RADLEY, FLESHERTON J ZJi ^ ' rtJ BARGAIN CEYLON IN CUTTERS New ana second hand Also in Guioliiie Eni^inei, IJinderf, Mow- ers, Hay Rakes, Ijoaders, Forks and Carriers, Rope and Pulleys, Washing Machines and Wringers. Brantford Windmills We have also secured the agency for the Standard Wire Fence of Woidstock and will ha in a position U) supply your need in that lino at I the lowest pos.siblo price. j Silisfactioii gu*rniili;cl. (Jive us a call. I S. HEMPHILL CEYLON the season's run. For the time of ye^r, business n go< d, and a big output is ex- |H'cted this year. Uncle Davy McClocklin «ill be 80 yeara of age to-day, Wednesday, and on on Monday he ca led on us with a list of Ihe old men in Durham as followa : Rubt. Aljoe, H5 year.s; Thoa. Lsuder. 82; James Calvorl, 8t); .foliii Hunt, 80; Chss. Limin, 70 ; Thus. Smith 8J ; Aaron Vol- hit, 8a; Chris, Firth, 70; (Jeo. Ryan, 71; Hugh Rost-, 8;i â€"Chronicle. Thompson's e o ft E o n liiead delivi'ivd loi^u- larly and kept for Bale at the following stores; Collinson's niid J. ' Pattison'.s, t.'oylon vV..\ldconi \' .Son's and 1'. Mc.^rthur's I'ricevUle N. MoCannoU's Proton Statidn R. Heron's, Maxwell .\. Hutehinson's and Kli Ilohinson'ii Fevershain Il.Cainis', .I.K.I.arge'a f^nd U.l'.irk.s', Kugenia by the electors the council is compelled to give it ii.s third reading so that it shall become law. After such a ijueition has been decided upon by tbe electors, it cannot again be subniiiied to the pcple for ihree years. .All local option votes •hall be confined to resident voters. 4« 9 O O 3 I Bakery I SEASONABLE IN GOODS ^NADIAN W: Pacific HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Tmini \e»vr Toro-iio 2 U) p.m. on APRIL 4. 18 MAY 2. 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11. 26 AUG. 8. 22 SEPT. 5. 19 Second c1«H uckcu fmm OoUno tialioni to principal Northwml poinli at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATE^ Win -.iprg and return $33. 0(); Kdmonton anJ rpiura $41,013 and to othff ponii in iKopnrtion. TickeU Uo«k1 to return within 60 dayi (itim goinii date. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS on aII exriir«nni. Ctimforlablr betlhi. fully rqiitpped with bedding, can be tecured at moderate raiei through local agent. Early application mu»t be madft ASK FOR HOMEBCCHtni' PAMPHLET containing ratn and full ioformation. ApiJy loneitMtC.P.R. Agent or toR. L. ThompioD, Out. P«M. Agt . Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CilRS SETTLERS' TRAINS â€" TO - MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only throueh line LOW COLONIST RATES for s.Kl.n Ir.ffllini i>Ullll>«lack ••d •llicll Special Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCn tnd AFRIl. 10.10 P.M. Settlers aod l-milies witboul livffslock ibould Hke Regular Trains Leaving Torouto 10.10 P.M. Djil> Through Coloniil and Tourisl Slreprr.1 Colonist Cart on all Trains No cliarsa 'or bertha ThroDgb Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West All uj Cr.I. A^enl lor can *< "Silllen' OitlU" Catarrh and Bronchitis WARS AND RUMORS OF WARS Reoi'<;niiJ>!iiti<>ii ni the Conservative puity lit Ottawa i.s ill the nir these days and I ho Uefurm pies.s is iiiuk wj; a lot of " ciipy " out of its suriiiiiieii as to wlmt the loorgaiiizntiun will moan to them. It is »fii(l that Premier McBride of British Columbia vvili enter the federal aretia at next election, also Hon. It. Uogt r.s c>f Maiiitobii. As lioth of the.se geiitlemoii are exceedingly strong men the Uifiirm party are (|uite excusalile for displayinn a certain dogiee of uneabiness ri'garduij whut the future may bring forth. The specul;ition.s include a future pieinier «lio lives by ihe western Kea. For a siiHicit-nt'y h'ng time no* the Ea»t has ruled the ron.st, and we could easily aH'"rd to let the preuiierslii[> " go wect " where the young lilood runs free and active brains are fast developing our wrstern empire. It would not be ht alia maittrr if'-(not in the imint;diate future, but a few yeai.s hence) I'reniior McBride of Uritish Cjluinbia would be Premier .McHrid.! of Canadii. But tl.cn, it is all speculation. These thingii liave to "grow" the srtnie an <n natuie. N'atuial Uws control, yet at the same time m»n- kind IS apt to " shove in Ins oar " and disarranuc the natural laws, so that in this case, as in others, you cannot some- tinu's aUays tell. Ahk Time. From The Canadian Centiiry reciprocity are making , Ji ^ill b« noted that the increwe of I farm values is c(msiderably greater in I Quebec than io Maine, New Banipahire and Vermont, and the improvement has been greater in Ontario than in the ad- joining s'ate of Michij(an. Ill the face of such facts how foolish it is to indulge in wild dreams of a sudden increase in Canadian farm values as a re- sult o> reciprocity. The Price of Barley S. Kand,|At!ent, - Ceylon FURN ITURE The largest and licst htock of Furniture ever shown in Fleahevlon. Tliis without fear of con- tradiction. OHIO and see Home of nice IhingH in Side Boards, Dining Itoom (.'hairs, Parlor Setts, Bod Iloora Setts. A Kpecial reduc- tion juHt now (m every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton School Children's Eyes. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestraiii In childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, The Bane of Thonsands. and has Hitherto Baffled the SkiU of Medical Science. Catarrhozone Dry air treatment is the one treat- ment that will cure these diseases. What itonfiach medicine has ever been known to cure Catarrh or Bron- ohitls? Catarrhozone Is not a stomach medl- cinc, liut ail air incdkhie, that carrlcH to the ri-inotcst parts of the throat lungs, and air cells little drops of heal- ing so ouratlvf; thai .'whenever 11 touchcK germ life It kills and eradlc^ites I them from the system. 1 Thousands of doctors anrt patirntt have been disappointed by using 'stomach medicines for coughs and colds. Have you not found It a rathci roundabout way to reach the dlseaser ' portion of the throat and lungs? I Why not iiae Catarrhozone, which, If breathed to the very root of the dis- ease and heals so quickly and per- fectly that every spot Is rebuilt Witt new healthy tissue? Catarrhozont it ttia only medlelm that will cure. Thousands have tatti- fiad. Think for a moment. Is H not santa' Little drops of healing â€" tha air car- ries them just whare disease exltta That is why Catarrhozone Cures Price. 25c. 50c. and 11.00. at nl /IriiRglsts, or by mall postpaid fron The Cntiirrhozonc Co., Buffalo,. N.Y. I ana Kliiffstua, Ont Advocates of siatroents to the effect that the adoption { of reciprocity will immediately increase the value of Canadian farm lands 35 per cent, or more. Instead of making wild guetsei let us get at the facta. Since the reciprocity negotaiions begin the (,'nited States Governmenc has had a report preparcU by experts shswing the comparative value per acre of im- proved farm lands in 1900 and 1910 in vai ious border states and in the Cana- dian piovinces adjoining them. This re- poit states that V)etween 1900 and 1910 i p^^,,, October 1, 1890. to Auaust 27, the value of improved farm lands in- ; 1394^ tj,^ jTnitad States customs duty on cieasfd 117 per cent, in Maine, 37 P*"" : lj»,ley was SO cents per bushel. From cent, in New Hampshire, 33 per cent. Uus,u8t 27, 1894, U. July 24, 1897, the in Vermont, 181 per cent, m ^oval^^^J, ^^, ,j„j,y pg, g^.nl gj valorem, Scotia, 120 !>er cent, in New Brunswick, i equivalent to a little over ten cents per 70 per cent, in P.itice Edward Island, iju,hol. On July 24, 1897, t'le specitic 80 per cent, in Quebec, 43 per cent, m auty of thirty cents per bushel was re- Ontario, 39 per cent, in Michigan, 77 iwr g^^.^^ ^„d jj 1,^, \^g„ continued ever cent, m Minuesi.ta, 123 per ceut. in j^ge (.)f course during a peroid of 21 Manitoba, 201 per cent, m Saskatchewan yg,^,^ (jig^e would naturally bo conaider- nnd 185 per cent, in Alberta. ^jjjg variations in prices, but for purpu.sea The great influx of soitlers in Manitoba, I of compirrison it will be fair to lake the Sackatchewan and Alberta accounts fur \ three years previous to the reduction of the ra))!d increase in farm values in | the duty, the three years during which those profinccs : but what ia the explan- ' the low duty pruvailed and the first three at ion of the extraordinary increase in : years after the duty of thirty cents per farm values in the three Maritime '< bushel was restored. According to re- Provinces of Canada? Why did Nova ' p,ir;s of the United St\tes Department of Scotia farm values increase 181 per cent. 1 Agriculture the farm prices of barley while f.irni values in the neiuhijoring state averaged 44 21) cents per bushel during of Maine only increased 67 per cent. .' 1892, 1893 iind 1894 under a specitic duty Undoubtedly the great increase of of thirty cents per bushel. In 1895,189*5 values ill tho Maritime Provinces is due and 1897, under a duty of about ten cents to the ostablishineiit of manufacturing jier bushel die farm prices averaged .34.53, industries in recent yea's. The est ab- while foT 1898 1899 and 1900, under a lishment of greiit irun and steel ii.dus- specitic duty of thirty cents per bushel, t ies in Nov^i Scotia has revolutionized the prices averaged 40.8 cents per bushel. unnJitions tbrongliout tbe three pro- Thus, instead of the Canadian farmer viiices. A pr"ti'ab'e hmno market has getting an incre.isud price for the barley l)een created for everything the fanners he sent to the I'nited Slates as a result produce. Tht se industries have been of the reduced duty the price came down' jually beneticial to the fishermen. As the steel industries are located in Nova Sciitia the influence '>n the price of farm lands has been most marked in that prov- ince, but Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick li*ve been greatly benetitced The dovehiptnent of St. John as a winter port h.ts also he'ped to increase faun val- ues in New Brunswick. in the Unittd Statts. It is reasonable tc draw the conclusion that if as a result of reciprocity large i|uaii'ities of C'anadi-in barley, wheat and oats go into the United Stages, it is more probibl;! that tha American prices will come down tiian that the Canadian prices will go up. Over 5 mootha of snow ! 000 Mai'cli came iu like a l<ua aud went out like a hyena. 000 That snow Etorm ou Saturday was surely a 1st ol April joke. 000 The lop of the spire on Spving St. Methodist church has a very jaunty "lean ' ouâ€" as though it were in Markdalc I 000 Ou the hypothesis that " music hath charms to soothe the savage breast " the Sheffield choir of Eug- land sung to the uicmbeis of the house of Commons at Ottawa. They may have soothed all right, but we fear the soothing &yrup will have no lasting effect. 000 Porcupii'o mines have already been capitalix.ed to somewhere iu the viciuity of a huudied million dollars. It looks more like a mining of pocket books than gold pockets. Keep awaj from the quills â€" they dig in deep. Just uow they're being thrown around in Toronto more promiscuously than evei Hiawatha's hedgehog did the trick. Tlie iipproatliir g vihil of Mr. Frank Peniber of the Peuibor Hair Store aud Beauty Cull lire Inslitule of Toronto should prove of interest aud advantage 'ta ., every woman who reads this anuounct nient. Professor Pember will display an as- sortment of 1 atural wavy switches, braids, pufls, and transformations the eijual of which liss never befoic been seen outside i f Tciroutu. PROFESSOR PEBABER Will also examine and di-igncse free of chaigo all heir and scalp troubles aud , his advise may be relied upon. Kino toupees a specinlity. A nioMt effective ai:d lesull pri duCMig line of cnmplexion hfauntiers, mouth washes, liiguid sosps, and t hat treat tiver of ease to Ihe feet " Comforline " Prices as low as ([uality is hif/h. .\ vitit'will be undoubtidly woith your while at the Munshaw House, Flesherton, monday. Apm lo, ion J. aad W. BOYD merchants Fksberton Ontario .! Now Is The Time In The Advance If you would make ihe public think, And lo yourself.aitentioii link, Make constant use of printer's ink. And adverti.se. If you would prove yourself alive, And doek abreast of all who strive. And make your businet's always thrive, Then advcrlise. Ves, Bdvortuo, that all may know That you.have something good lo show ; To make the streams of commerce How, Still advertise. Ill clear and nti iking Ixnguage tell The special lines where >ou excel. And you will tind it pays right well To advertise. Not on a fence obscured by weed, Where few ob>er\e and fewer heed (Such it a third-class way, indeed. To advertise) ; But in a |iaper fresh and ole:in, Which in each »elt kept home is seen. And always read with iiitciest keen. There advenise. Siioce'.sful merchants often say 'I'hat nothing does more surely p«y Thau what it costs them in this way To advertise. â€"T.Watson. For Iloupecleaning and renovating. See oiir stock of Carpets and Ilousefurnishings. Carpets iu Lrussels, Tapestry, Wools, I'nious, at prices from 15c to $1.35. hUGS â€" A complete range of Kaga, with a big assortment of patterns, sizes from 2^ x 3 to 3^ x 4^, price frogi $9 to $20. Linoleums, Oilcloths, Mattings, Curtains, etc. See onr three -yard Curtains at GO cents. The Porav Pitt© PATENTED AUG. 30. 1909 PETTICOAT Having fed his horse tobacco until it has developed into a veritable tobacco tieiul, l>no Frieburger of the Central Hotel, discovered the pernicious hal.it that the horse had imbit>ed when he went into the stall on Friday and forgot to give I it iis leitular chew. Tlys neglect cost the ^ owner a new pair of overal's, the hiir«e [ having reached -for the hip jwcket where 'â- the tobacco was kept, and closinc its teeth ' on the garment bore triumphantly off tbe ' to' acoi'.lhe pocket and a large area of the I subjoined dry goods. • Bruc*» Times. I There wore no eves for tiini at the I Spring AssiKss in Walkerton. I See the new KAYBROTAF Underskirt Maniffictured by McKay Bros,, Toronto. The fabric is tne very latest developement of the treatment of Cotton Taffetta. Its finish is absidulely permanent and every garment is guaranteed lo retain Ihe crispnens and "swish" of silk, but much more durable and will not be effected by atmospheric changes. See the new Spring Dress Goods â€" All new mnteriats and colors. Also a complete range of Ginghams, Zephyrs, Foulaids and Prints. White Lawn Waists â€" A nice range to chooee from. Everything in our store IS up-to-to-date and the quality is right. Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. Beautiful Austrian Ware, equal to French China worth three times the money, a stock pattern, 98 pieces, for $22.50. Gold Enamel Ware most modern design, also a stock pattern, U8 pieces, for ^16.35. See our Fancy Crockery and Cuttlery ^ ^R^R ^R^R^RT^^KTK^r^R^r^R^R^R -^rV^R^R ^R^R^R^R^RtR WJ^R