,.J^- â€" -•â- c I -1 ,'* â- i ' ^^' i • 1 if ) . ^^ f "^ WATERY BLOOD IN THE SPRING How to M flaw fiealtli and New Strength at TMs Season Even the most robust find the winter months trying to their health. Confinement indoors, often in overheated and nearly always badly ventilated rooms â€" in the house, the office, the shops and the school â€" taxes the vitality of even the strongest. The blood becomes thin and watery or clogged with impurities. Bome people have headaches and a feeling of langour; others are low spirited and nerv- ous; still others have pimples and skin eruptions ; while some get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when they went to bed. These are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of order, and that a medicine is needed. Many people rush to purgative medicines in the spring. This is a mistake. You cannot cure these troubles with a medicine that gallops through your system and leaves j'ou weaker still. What you need to give ou health and strength in the spring is a tonic medicine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jangled nerves, and the one always reliable tonic and blood-builder is Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These Pills not â- only banish spring weaknesses and ills, but guard you against the more snrious ailments that follow, such as anaemia, nervous debility, indigestion, rheumati.sm and other diseases due to bad blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich, red blood, which strengthens every nerve, every or- gan and every part of the body, amd makes weak, ailing people bright, happy and strong. Mrs. Jas. McDonald, Harcourt, N. B., Bays: "In my opinion Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do all that is claimed for them. My system was run â- down, and I was so weak I could hardly do my work, and taking care •of ray baby added U) my difficul- ties. I used a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they made me feel like my own self. I very cheerfully recommend the Pills to all who are weak or ailing." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or .six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SOURCE OF THE RED CROSS. Dunant, "The Cientlcmuu in White," Couoeived (lie Idea. During the Italian War of 1859, young Juan Dunant was travelling in that country. After the battle of Solferino, he visited the field, and, seeing the terrible sufferings of the wounded soldiers who lay around untended, he, with the as- sistance of several peasant women, formed an ambulance service, with its headquarters in a little church at C'astiglione. He helped with his own hands to bind up the wounds of Frenchmen, Italians and .\us- trians alike. ''They are all broth- ers," he said. "A wounded enemy is an enemy no longer." And he and his corps of helpers brought water and medicine and smoothed the pallets of straw, and cheered the unfortunates, and closed the eyes of the dead, and performed the last kind offices for the dying. Dunant was regarded by the hun- dreds of wounded as a miracle of goodnessâ€" little less than an angel. "The gentleman in white," was the way in which the officers spoke of him. !i.s he moved ai'ound among i the sick, his light clothing making I him conspicuous on the field. I His experiences at Solferino, I where he saw that the willing I hand.s of a few untrained helpers ' actually saved many lives, and â- comforted hundreds of others, in- spired him with the grand idea of an organization â€" the Red Cross. D.VSGER IN CLEANLINESS. Odd Opinion of DiHtinguishcd Lon- don Phy»ieiau. Somewhat novel views of the sub- ject of bacteriology and hygiene were advanced by Sir Ahnroth Wright, M.D., F.R.S., in an ad- dress recently. There was a belief, he said, that by washing, people washed off mi- crobes. We did take off a certain amount of microbes, but we also de- stroyed the protective skin, which was all around our bodies, like the tiles of a house. If one had a skin like a tortoise, microbes would nev- er get througii. To have a turkish â- bath was to take away one's horny protection. A great deal of washing increases the microbes of the skin, he declar- ed, so he did not think cleanliness â- was to be recommended as a hy- genic methixl. With regard to the belief that in cases of consumption, fresh air would make things right, he asked why it wa.s this principle only ap- plied to tubercular disease. He held it to be dreadful superstition. The whole doctrine of fresh air re- •quired to be revised. Rich people, he as.serted, sur- rounded themselves with all sorts â- of luxury, and took absolutely no interest in getting rid of the mi- crobes that surrounded them. Ho had been in consultation with twen- ty-one doctors around a rich man's bed, and none of them knew auy- Ihing about him. ^ilahh Cum aalokljr Mop* coaibs. can* eolds. h««l« M throat mni luaia • • • 23 c«ata> MEANT WELL. The old folks had had three days â- together. "You have a pretty place here, John," remarked the guest on the morning of his departure. "But it looks a oit tare yet." "Oh, that's because the trees are ao young," answered the host com- fortably. "I hope they'll have grown to a good size before you «onie again." BAtJDAD FRO.H A DISTANCE. Oriental City L«oks Uh Best From Afar Off. Those of us who ca-.i think of Bag- dad only as the niagnifiof?nt city of Haroun-al-Ra.schid can haidly be expected to welcome the new inter- national railway scheme. Let Bag- dad remain forever inaccessible, except in dreams. But should t!ie worst happen to Bagdad and the tomb of Zobeide become the shrine of British tourists the old city will have to undergo a few repairs. For it is safe from neither plague nor food. In one of the disasters of the last cenury the plague carried off 4,000 people daily tor many days, and jealous Tigris overflowed its banks and' destroyed several thous- ' and houses and drowning 15.000 people. Liko most Oriental cities, Bagdad looks her best from a dis- tance. You miss the filthy, narrow streets, where two horses can hard- ly walk abreast, and behold a vision of lu.xuriant date groves, out of which rise little islands of green domes and graceful minarets. In the days of its splendor the East India Company maintained in the ancient city of tho Caliphs a Resi- dent, with a generous establish- ment ; nowadays we are content with tiie usual modest Consular ser- vice. â€" London Chronicle. JOST ONE WOMAN IN THOUStNOli WHO CAN r\Y "DODD'S KID- >EY PlLi;S MADE ME WELL!" Mrs. Louis Dolorine wlio was always tired and nervous aud suffered from Baclta<'lio, tells how she found u cure. St. Rose du Lac, Man., April 3 (Special)â€" The story of Mrs. Louis Delorme, a well known and highly respected resident of this place, is identical with that of thousands of other women in Canada. It is all the more interesting on t^iat ac- count. She was tired, nervous and worn out. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. "I suffered for five years from Backache and too frequent urina- tion, which destroyed my sleep," Mrs. Delorme states. "My head would ache, and I was always tired and nervous. My limbs were heavy, and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. Dodd's Kidney Pills made me well. I used in all ten boxes, but they fi.^ed me u])." Thousands of other Canadian women who have not used Dodd's Kidney PilLs are in just the condi- tion Mrs. Delorme was in before she used them. Tliousands of others who were in that cdiiditiun and who used Dodd's Kidney Pills, are now well and strong. We learn from the experiences of others, and those' experiences teach us that the weary and worn wo- men of Canada can find relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. IS name remember en you need a rennedy COUCMB and eOLP>y EIKER HOfF REME.D> AS TH MA.' % . â- ' â- CATARPH. " hayfeve::^ CAN Bt CUReO "ION M A •. WKITI- rOR 3AMPl.h • â- WILLIAMS MEDtClNtCtf. • 6 P 11 . T O N S'' ".Y, Th« Heart of a Piano ia the Action. Insist on ^he •OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action YouMI Save ISoili I'iiue aud Moneyâ€" as Well as a (Jood Deal of Trouble if You I'sc "POWDRPAINT" â€"PAIXT WITHOUT OILâ€" U.^l!.v a)iplie«l, giro^ you a liiril permaiitfitt ' limah tllAt will wear f'<r years. Sand for (!iilor Cinlâ€" mil full particuLarsâ€" I'luaiio luentidii tltiii paper. The PoNA/drpaint Co. 11 TORONTO jj CUTTING I Private Doolan, the regimental barber, was well known for his carelessness. One day, while shav- ing Pat Dougherty, he had the mis- fortune to cut his patron's cheek several times. Pat took all these gashes in grave silence, but when the shave was over he walked over to his water- bottle, which he had filled with water, took a mouthful, and, with compressed lips, proceeded to shake his head from side to side. •What'rt the matter? You ain't got the toothache'.'" asked the bar- ber. "Whist! I was only trying if my mouth would hold water without leaking'." replied Pat. NEVER BE WITUOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers, if you wish to guard the health of your little ones against the sudden outbreaks of those ail- ments peculiar to childhood, always keep a supply of Baby's Own Tab- lets on hand. These Tablets never fail to relieve baby of distressing stomach aches, pains caused by difficult teething and the many other little troubles that make .baby's life miserable. The Tablets are sold under the guarantee of a government analyst to contain not one particle of opiate or other in- jurious drug and they may be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety. Concerning them Mrs. Hypolite Chiaseon, Eastern Har- bour, N. S., writes: â€" '"We have used Baby's Own Tablets for our baby and they have done her much good. Please send us two more boxes as I find them the only iiiedi*- cine that helps our little one." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. CUREO OF LAME BACK WHEN 84. Ur. Samuel Martin, of Strathroy, Unt., Vasspd twentsr jrearB of bU life In misery, •nffering; tortures from lame back. He tried nearly all advertised remedies and koOHehold recipes, but received no bene- â- I from any of tbcm. Homo months ago, geeJUK OIn Pills ad- vertised. Mr. Martin purchased a box. The iclict which Mr. Martin experienced nfter k* had taken one box, was so great that k« knew he had found the right remedy •t luHt. Ho used two more boxes and is â- â- ow completely cured. SOi! a box, 6 for *2.S0. At all dealers. freo iiample If you write National Drug â- tad Chemical Co., <Oept. W.L.), Toronto. "Your own baby, if you have one," advertised the enterprising photographer, "can be enlarged, tinted and framed for $9.75 per dozen." Mlnard's Llnlmant Cures Btrns, Cto. Luck seems to have a mania for calling <iii people who are not ex- pecting it. You are not treating yourself or your family fairly if you don't keep Hamlin's Wizard Oil in the hou.se. It's the best substitute tor family doctor and a mighty good friend in case of v;mergen<'y. NO NKED TO. A man entered a confectioner's shop and called foi a lemonade. He drank it, and was about to walk out, when the landlord 8toi)ped him. 1 "Here, .sir," he cried, "you havm't paid for that drink vou had :" "What's that you say?" asked the customer. "I said you haven't paid for that lemonade." "Did you pay for it 1" "Certainly 1 did!" "Well. then, what's the good ofj both of 118 paying for lit" KING AXD 8P0Rr. Has NO irnnkoring .Vfter UoiHita- (ioii of Keing a Spurting .Han. Although King George intends to bestow his formiil encouragement upon the social aspect of the Turf, it is an f)pen s<"oret at the Court that he does not mean to elevate the sport of horse-racing to a supreme place in his personal in- terests. King G't'orge is a firm be- liever in physical recreations for the nation at large. He desires to make it clear that, so far as he is concerned, personal effort in re- creation deserves a higher place in the estimation of the people than mere attendance at spectacular sports. He is very proud â€" and does not hesitate to say so to his in- timatesâ€"of the title of "sports- man," but he has no hankering af- ter the r-eputation of being a "sporting man.'' While, there- fore, he will go down to Epsom for the summer meeting, and drive from Windsor to .-Vscot in tradition- al state. King George intends to give every special encouragement to other forms of sport as oppor- tunity serves. lODINOL rf.%T, The most liiijhiy eflicieni applicalion for lh<- reduL-tion of Swclliiijjs, Goitre, Thick .Vc-ck, Cilandular liiilargenients. lis Positive. Pll ES of all kinds, in any .->nd all V, stajjes, quickly relievod .md positively cured. Cure voiir siifferin!? ami live quietly. "Common .Sense" for Pile- -. ;!! Jo ii. $1 a box, $5 lor 6 bo.\es. M;iiled on rccoipt of price. LYLE ^i£l'^Sl TflROMTff 718 WEST QUEEN STREET LOW COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via the Chicago, Union Pacific and North Western Line, daily from Marcli 10th (o .Ipril 10th from all points in Canada. Personally conducted California tours in Pullman tourist sleeping cars oh through trains leave Chi- cago Tuesdays and Thuredays of each week. Pullman tourist sleeping cars daily. For full particulars apply to B. H. Bennett, Gener.il Agent, 46 Y''onge Street, Toronto, Ont.; V. H. Ti'rry, Travelling Agent, Toronto, or S. A. Hutchinson, Manager Tours Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, 111. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne St.. Toronto. FRl'lT. STOCK, OKAIN. DAIRY F.\RMS. uil sizes and all prices. >ee rae before buying. f 1 OOD IIINURKU ACRE FARM. LjT Kood buildiiiKS and orchard. with H .WE several furms with onharda and truit at rcaconable prices. LBintTA. SASKATf:UEWAN, and . MANMTOBA LANDS, D ONT buy u farm without coiifulling me. H WHY >. WHAT .' Why was the dumb waiter re- turned ? Because it didn't answer. Why is the letter W liko .scandal ? Because it makes ill will. AVhy is a fisherman's the most profitable business ? It is all net profit. W. DAW.SON. Ninety Colbori;.' St.. Toronto. LL KINDS OF FARMS rrnit (arms i» BI>eclalty. W. 1! Calcicr. Crimsby. or AtmES. Towiiiihip Mcliillivray, County JLQ .Middlesex, wiil day. liriik house, out-liuildings good, 4 miles to Parkhill. THE WESTER.N UKAL KST.\TK EX- CHAN(!K, Ltd.. London, Ont. Wilson's planade, Toronto. 5 TON SCALE. Scale Works, *pccial price Eh AGENTS VltANTEO. AUENTS WANTED. 155.00 a day easy. No experience needed. Sells on sight. Absolute neccsity to farmers. Doe* work of thirty meu. Pays for itself ixu one hour. Write to-dav. MODERN MACH- INERY CO.. iDcpt. .ii. Sarnia. Ont. FOR SALE. F ARM S('.\LES, special price. Wilson'a Scale Works, 9 I-'.:>planade. T<»roiito. STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALK. .\sk for fiur price list. .T. \{. aud B. B. THOMPSON, Napauee, Ont. IF you are looking for tho he«t PHiJM- ll'M propositiou iu t:anada, one that appeals to everyone, apply to SELLEKY, Advertising Dept.. 226 Albert St.. Ottawa. Willieâ€" -â- Mummie, will it hurt to have this tooth out?"' Mrs. ,Slim- son â€" "Naturally; but it will be sol sudden that you won't have time to! think â€" just a quick turn, and it> will be all over." Willie â€" "H'mâ€" that's all that could happen to inc if I had my head pulled oft I" I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARDS LINIMENT. Bay of Islandu. J. M. CA.MPBELL. \ I was cured of Facial Neuralitia by I MIN.^RDS LINIMENT. .Spriiighill, N.S. WM. DANIELS. I 1 wuH cured of Chronic Ubeumatium by I MINARDS LINIMENT. | Albert Co.. N.B. GEO. TINULEY. I w The merits of Dickie's .'\jiti-Con-« sumptive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and colds are^attested by scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when ' the throat is sore with coughing, ! and the whole pulmonary region d'sordere<l in conseiiiwnce. A bot- tle of this world-famed Syrup will | save doct<ir's bills, and a great'ile.ul of suffering. Price -20 cents, at all dealers. Smithâ€" "You and Jones don't seem to be as friendly as you were. Does he owe you money?" Brown â€" "No, not e-xactlv, ; but he wanted to." ShiMh Cum â- BleUy atops coaih*. coras colda. beau Beautiful Maidenâ€" 'Mr. Scrap- ple, I can't have you coming to .see me any more under a misajiprehcn- sion. Papa isn't wealthy now. Ho lost all his money last week on tho Stock Exi'liango. ' Persistent Cal- ler â€" "That doesn't make any dif- ference. Miss Flosser. I know it already.' I'm one of the fellows who got his money." UITE ORPINtiTON EtitiS. %iM per titti^en: Rhoilc Island Rede, $1.50 per tlftceii. T. J. S.\1IT11, boiiiham Ptg. and Lillio Co.. Luudun. Ont. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE-NEW system constant practice caretulk instruction- a few weeks' »-omplete courn* â€" tools free, tiraduales earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cata- logue. Moler Barber College. 221 Queoa East, Toronto. TTTNCERTTiTiuiRJrTirMpirTti^ Tu- \y ternal and external, cured without imiii by our home treatment. Write u» liefore too laU'. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Colliiigwood. Out. If a man succeeded in discovering perpetual motion he probnbl/ wouldn't feel as proud as he did when as u boy he discovered that he could whistle through his teeth. I TO CURB A COLD IN ONB DAY Taka LAXATIVK UKO.MU Quinine TaMtt^. DrUKCfit'* refiiiiil money if it fails to oura. E. W. (jKOVti'S siftoatura is uu each bux. Xjo. I Ihraat aad coaih luaaac THE HOMEMAKER. "You say you once had a homef ' "Dat's what 1 had," answered I Plodding Pete. • , "Why didn't you do something) to make voiir folks comfortable and happy r'^ ••I did. I left." A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm E.xtermin- ! ator, and there is nothing better for (Iriving worms from the system. I Many a man who is â- willing to be a scoundrel would object to being called one. She â€" "You say you love me with all your heart." Heâ€" "With all my heart."' Sheâ€" "And would you die for me \" Heâ€" 'Hardly. You see, mine is undying love!" Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup Hm Yirrn u»».l f<ir or,:r SLViV-KIVK YKAKS by VILUOSSoJ MOTllElCl for ihoir CHlLUIUtN WHIUS TEETHINO, with ITKKP.CT SUCCESS. It SO0TII13 tho CHILD, BOKTKNS tliK lillMS, AI.LATS *ll I'AIS ; OURfS WIND CdI.Ii', •ml Ij llie he»t H!iiied.v for DIARKIfOiA. :>.)M hv Drucel'Ir. In rvery i>»rt of lh« i world Be BUrf> iui<1 MSk for 'Mifi. Wln>low'« B«othliiK 8rrui^"And toie** nu otbnr ItJnd. Twtnt>-n*o cent, a bottle. CI iarMtt*«Ml under thp Ffwwl and liniKB >'*t, Juno '.lOtb. 19M. Bmlal Nuiitl).*r tons. hS OLD AND WiiLL TUUiD RBUSDY. Unfortunately the chap who is always shooting off his mouth nev- er runs short of ammunition. Comfort tor the Dyspepticâ€" There is no ailment so harassing and ex- hausting as dysi)epsia, which aris;!s from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the vicliin of it is to be pitied. Yet he can lind ready relief in Parnielee's Vegetable Pills, a preiiaration that has estab- lished itself by years of effective use. There arc pills that are widely advertised as the greatest ever ctmi- poiinded, but not one of them can rank in value with Parmelee's. MOTHER KNEW. Motherâ€" "I'm afraid Gwendolina is setting her heart on that young Penniless." Fatherâ€" "You think so?" Mother â€" "I am almost sure of it." Fatherâ€" "Well, ho is not a fit person for her to marry. He is an poor as a rat, and has no prospects. Something must be done to set her against him." i Mother â€" 'I have thought of that, I and have hit upon what I think ia i an excellent plan." j Fatherâ€" "Yes. What is it?" I Motherâ€" "We must tell her that we want her to luarry him." Waiter!" called a diner, at a B iiere at once ! Here's a club, "come hook-and-eye PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your driitiKist will rafiiiitt money if PA/.O OIN'l'* M KN'I' fails to cure iiiiy civie of Itchiui;, Blind, Bleodlnu er Protruilinj; Piles in ti to UJayn. 50c. Vocal teachers are always howl- ing about their work. The Best Liver Pill.â€" The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over-indulgence in some favorite food, e.xcess in drink- ing, are a few of the causes. But whatever may be the cause, Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills can he relied upon'as the best corrective that can be taken. Tliey are the leading liver pills and they have no su- periors among such preiiarations. X girl's idea of a hero is a young man who asks her father for her hand. Mlnard's Llnlmtnt for salt overywhera. Lots of people pose as peacemak ers because of the opportunity it affords them to butt in. Corns cause much suffering, but Hollnway's Corn Cure offers a speedv, sure, and satisfactory re- lief. hook-and-eye in this salad!" "Yessah, yessah," said the waiter, grinning l,r<iadly. "Dai's a paht of de dressing, seh '." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes nndfjranulated hjyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart â€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell .Murine Kye Remedy. Liquid, 25o. EOc. $1.00. .Mtirine Kyo Salve in Aseptic Tubes, i;r.c. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice KYee by Mail. • Murine Sye Remedy Co., Cblcafio. Requisite on the Farm.â€" Every farmer and stock-raiser should kecji a snpplv <.if Dr. "Thomas' Eclectric Oil on hand, not only as a ready remedy f<jr ills in the family, but because it is a hors^., and cattle medicine of great potency. X^ a substitute for sweet oil for horses and cattle afTecto<l by colic it far surpasses anything that can be ad- ministered. THE RE.VSON. "How did you ever happen to call your little daughter Dagmnr?" "My wife found after carefatl in- quiry that it was about the only thing wo could call tho little one without ninniiig the risk of naming her lifter some relative tif mine." ^ DQD0S % KFB N EY ; V/ PILLS '^t KiDNEl ISSl E NO. 14-11. "You are a sharp boy. Tommy." "Well, I, ought to be. Dad takes me Tiito his study and strops me three or four times a week." Mlnard's LInlmeni Relloves Neuralgia. P.XSSKU OX. Mr. Lammetnwcll believed that tfi spare the rod spoilt, the child, there- fore he kept in a certain closet a leather strap >ith which he admin- istered piinishnipnt to his offspring when they committed any misde- meanor. .V few days ago he had occasion to need the strap, but it was miss- ing from its usual place, and a thorough seaich of tho entire house failed to discover it. Then he of- fered a reward of five cents to whomsoever uf his olive branches could tell him what had become of the lost article. "Gimme the five cents," cried four-year-old Tommy. "I know where it is." When the coins were safely stow- ed away in his trousers' pocket Be said, with mtteh pride : "I gavf it to Willie Wilkin ''s fa- ther." HIS CONQE. Resturant Proprietor â€" "So you were in your last place for three years. Why did you leave!" New Chef â€" "I was pardoned." Mtnard't kinlmMil turm Dandruff. IBvery mother siiouid rts-liE; th*t th9 skin of her baby is so tcadar th:^t tiia secrstions ot the body oftftu Iciftd io rashea, erup- J tions. et:., sll of which nur Jra r«!3ov!d by Zam Bak and tliis ass of Zaac Bnk Soap. !5i;or;s of r««tla..g, ciyini "oahies, upon «i*!uinjition, ara Zoun I .0 se sulfer>z]iZ from 8om» fona of nkis Irriiaiiv-n or "hitat '' Usa Iko.- Buk 'Ha^v >o'>' the baih anti appU Sua-Buk Salmto the sor^- »a£ tiie trouble will soon vanish. - Mr». L Tloofi. of 174 AK .:and«r Are.. Wljir.iiicfc, fwijrn: "Some twwtj' io'.-e« bro»« Qttta>oiin<< mj babx t montl', .-.nil <l*:>(<ito ii\ ihi pre|wr»tloiu- u<«ii, tunj >-ci'£m<\ LO heft'i. I took biat to jt, Boiilf«oe Fo-pilal anil he n-uiiviti+d ttxixn tiM' two vTcekt. At tha nnA uf thkw tim* he t*** no iM-lter, Mid wa •nil! t:><iK him homa. I wiw t • u nd- yUvi to trv Zam-Huk tiid oatAiuc! a â- upplr. Tne •tftct of tlio flr»l fojr api.>ll''*tioii> wKi 7«rr k^ktlfyinil and I oo'itiniisn with th* am ot the bMin. A Itltle txrwTQrAOO* .-eiulted In » com- plcto i.>ure â- l^im-Hnk Saspiipolu br ail UiuKBiat* .«t S»o per t«t>ist and Zam nuk R*im at Mo bo:. Thi> aaa-Ri,'.: trt>»iment tfftlcklx <Mir«B v.r.i££Uiu, ulcw.^*, sorAs, rtaicworm, tuoptiuu, pirapicn, hutt r«m«i. pilc«,>>iuu, Dnian aud all tlcia tDlt!7i«iaal .fifeam*. amiyk "Prhjv. m V <5 *? â- ij^" â- '#"" â- ••«• â- •â- '--"^