Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1911, p. 1

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h fks^^cxiffxi %ibmnu. ^â- ; f, "TRUTH BEFORE E^VOR." - " J^msOltLEh HOT MEN. 70L3O, NO 41 rf»* J> Flcsh-crton, Ont., Tljursday, April n, IQll W. H. THDBSTON FIMT< J' aud PHOPKIETOK Eugenia Uiedâ€" At EuKuniuon Mai-ch :2S, Mr«. Johu Lincoiii fur a great many years a highly ^-espeitci resident uf Kugenia. B«r hus'kapd predecaMoU her eight years ago. Since }ii8 death she has lived with h«r son, .)aiu«!t, who giive het every care in her decliniptr yenra. Sho difd from an attack «f (!»v>pe at the ripe old age of 80 years and Uiii months. She left two sonsâ€" Jamei) on the farm at Eugenia and Johu in Torontoâ€" Mr.s. Whitby, Michi- gan ; Mrs. Staffiftd, Sew Liskeard ; Mrs. R, D. Purvis, Toroiito ; and Mrs. John E. Williams. EugDnia. John and Hr.s. Purvis came up from Toronto to attend tha funeral. The ivmains nere followed io their lust resiiiLg place al Hai«in bur- ial grojnd by a lar^e number of'-syinga- )• tUisine friends who came to show respect n .â-  .â-  , â-  -. . . ..?,.,,, . ,, , (-iinstipauim bnngsinany ailineiitg nt^ its to their kind o.a neighbor, whom .,Vfry- train and is the p»-iumry cause ..f much one loved. The bereaved family have sickness. Keei) your bowels refpilar madam, the sympathy of this ooinmuniry. Rev. and j-ou will eccapu many of thu atluionts Mr. Milligan, her pastor, performed the) <^ which won.en are subjeot. ConilipBtiun last sad rites, when all that was mortal j '" » ^'"^ »'n»ple thintf, but like many simple waskidtorestin thebless'juhope of „) things. >» ">*v 'eaU b. serious eonsouuences. v.. . I Nature often needs a little assistance and glorious rosurrection. . ... , , . . â„¢ , , .. â-  .' , when ChamlMirluin s 1 ablets are given at tlie E-irth, to thf,hfli»>m we thti> pledge in- , Krst indication much, disti ess and sutf-- â€" Victoria Comeics Miss Wallace hflfs bMn visiting a6'. Mr. Win, Heard's. Some people sre persevering in n<iiking maple syrup regardless of the wealhei. Mr, Milton Bannon in home again. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gallagher left Tuesday morning for Hamilton, where Mr. Gallagiier expecta \vi>rk in tha Petering works factory. '^ . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stinson'hav e been visiting the former's sister,MrH. Jas. Miss Mii'i-y Tucker has been visiting Miss Kllu Best. We ii-e torry to lesrn that Mis. Lud- low has .sent in her resignation as teacher, to take effect al £ister. trust {dust, j may l>e iiviiiilud. .SoUI^hv W .M -iviL'hardson Ob, we- pray .""be careful of her precious , '^ ''*'"• Mist Cora Williams, giunddiuu-'-'' "'^ deceased, caiuo fro- ""O o''/ "^ attend the funeral. Ml-. John Deagle of Credit Forks was up to see about Hxiiit; the electric plant, which i.s giving trouble at present. Winter still keeps lingerine on. in tha vyajiiny', lap of spring. It teems ditUcult |or it trj resign its reign^- , "â- â-  • Master Kenneth Large has gonts to Owen Sound to spend iunie time: with his grandmother. iliss Branitr, the popirJjir young teacher of Eaat M'luntiiin, was tho uoeht of Mr.s. W oodburji the past week. T. Hoggard cf Thonibury was the guest of Mrs. George Graham over Sunday. Buin-.\t Maikdiile, March 2'.', to Mr. and Mrs. Branitf, jr.. (nee Ada Williams)* fine Iiaby buy. Vandeleur Ml-. Geo. Shannon vibited friends at Dimdilk lost week. Mr. Weas. Lyons and lady friend of Markdale .spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Jewelry A Si^endid Stock from 'ivhich you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A large number from bei-oaltondod the funsral of the hue Mrs. WaU..-r Richard- son on Sunday last. Deceased was well and favourablv known here. Much aymiMithy is felt in thi.s neigh- borhood for Mrs. Hare, whose hofibsiidv mot death so sttddonly «t Markdale on Thui-csday last Mr. and Mrs. H*r« re- sided jo EhMk^noiKhburhood for a couple of years aj|wf to their moving to Mark- dale a Hiil^ over a yoarago. Court Vanr deleur C.O.F., of which deceased was a niomber, assisted by Court Grey, took charge of the fuiienil, which ' took ^ikce to Markdulo cemelery on Saturday al'ter- noun. Artemesia's Gaim To am Ag' 1 School It is prsctically certain that an Agii- cullural Department will be granted* this yearto some school within this oounty There are five such schools to be estab- j lislied this year, and a strong hint has been given that Grey will Ijjg am«ng thu fortunate number. That being the case, to what localicn will the plum fall ;' If the merits uf thu .c^tse are coiisidi-rod in the least degfi-e there caii be no hewitancy in-saying that it will fiill to the .Wi'oniesia Rural Hijih School, which was erected with that sabjidiiiattf end in »iew, and which iMjSses the only genuine claim of all the cla mai.ts in the county. We say this withiml fear of contradiction or pos- siljility of .sucocjsful d;.'nial, as tlie lis- below offered will show. Not another aspiiunt in the county has offered any evidence that anyone outsidn ^^t*t1f^ own iminidiato cui' claimsw^-*-^- ''eiiisp^ . ever had a dmâ€" â€" -***"*"'"^2?* s-inolion tlinn J,,- -urs by the peopio- throughout the county, ind wo cinitMenlly ex|>cot to soe justice done. The tiino is shia-t now â€" within a few week.s the location will probably be decided. In order that the public may know what a strong claim the! I Aitcmesia school has put up we append a list of corpomtions aud agricultural so- cieties that Ihvb petitioned the guvorn- inent to have the Agricultural Irniich os- tabiished ill FlesheKon : anyone outsidn ivwin own \Ye imj»- rpiiraf'-^* c(mBidered tbeii- .--^-trtrToi W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Yoii are going to. l()ok your best, in that new Ea.ster suit. You're go- ing to be phocograplied in it, of course. There s no better, time for some new pictures. They're ideal Exsier remembi-ances for your friends. Make an appointmant W.A.HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST Flesherton - - Ontario CLOVER SEEDS AT CLOSE PRICES Red Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Mammoth Clover, per lb. 18c, per bushel $10.50. Alsike Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Alfalfa, per lb. 22c. per bushel $13.00. Timothy Seed, per bushel $7.50. Thawj Seeds are all Rennies' Guvecnment Standard Tested The planting time U just about at hand. It's time anyway lo select your, seeds, and we are ready with a large stock t<i lend you every a.sslstanoe in our power. Wehave flenaiesand Steele Btiggs' Oai-den Seuils, mangolds, sugar beets, turnips and carrots, field and garden cornâ€" all fresh slock, and alUi^'i'ig upt<> the high reputalions of theproducera. You can «et no bettor seeib than we supply. Dutch Setts and Potato Onions. A full lino of (gro- ceries and Flour and Feed. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton SEEDS! SEEDS! Wg have again a large sliipment of Seeds this se^sou. The demand for high grade seed is iDcieasing, so come in and soe the following ; KED CLOVER ALSIKE CLOVER. MAMMOTH CLOVER. ^^i^^Hi S^^«f ^â-  TIMOTHY SEED, ORCUAKD GRAbS. CORN OF ALL KINDS ROOTS ^s-Buch as Royal Giaut Sugar Beet. Improved Short White Carrot, Long Red T ?lwgQl, Yellow Oval Maugel, Yellow Globe Mangel, Giant Sugar Majjgol, ;, Tvrnip Reeds of all kinds. '^^ GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS W. E Richardson & Son Fevers ham Items Ira II. Ucrixne*has sold his property in town to Win. Oslfornp, of tfio «th Jine, who moved iu last week.. Mr. Perigoe may buiU ag-iin this suimner. Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Br<»<rnlea were taken by surp»is& on Wi'ilnesjlay i-vrning l«s», when thu FtMershain choir assembled in thuir home and presented 5rr. B. with a curving sett, and Mrs'^ B. with a silver pie knife, and giving thcni many cvpres- siuns of tl(eir lorrow »t their roin-ival from our village to their we.storn hunie near Woyburn, .S«Hk. Mr.,Brownlce had been the tenor voice in thu ehi.ii for many ye'U-s, undachoerFut hel()et in -imiiy ways. The good wi.shes of a gioHt iiumliur gf | frirnds go with them as they leave us. Mr. Kb Robinson ept-nt a frw days i i Toronto l.iKt woL'k cfMnliiiinsj business with plMiNOja. Business I efore ple&fuie lias always been Mr U I have openet! up to the iM)st otfic3, for Business inj^^ntiw tailt).!' sliop next door FIesliert.oti,.'with a \ipo(\ line of Spring and Summer Suitings ami also extcii.^iw ^tanfpies. Tweiity-Uva out of 42 membci-s of tlie County Council have petittonud to have the .Vtiricultura] department eslablishtd in Flesbctton. > ' " Resolutions of a; Hiuilar nature wore passed by â€" ( Ksprey Council, Dundalk Council, Proton Council, Artouiesiik Ouuntil, Osprey Far«er.s' Mill^pji Company, i\rteniesia .Vs,'ricultiiral Society, Osprey Auricultural Society, Eaat Grey .Agricultural Society, and Centre Grey Farmers' Institute. .\n analysis of the above will show that in twtdve rural inunicipalilics out of six- teen one or moro roovi's and deputies have petitioned : iu ten of tbete' both have done so. It ranges from Sarawak and in the extreme Oorib of I lie county to Proton in the south. In addition, tlve most importanl lit- erature on the .subject is t» be found in Continuation .School Inspector Cowley's report, received a week ago, he having visitAd the school lecontly, and whose remarks we •|Uoie. Extract From Inspector Cowley's Report " The new .school is a commodiou.'i and well-appointed building, .Mtualed on ap appureutly exoellent site. Tn view of U»> accoininodatinns and the agricultural iu tcrests of the di.stiid, this school is .^t prcsoni the most suitable loiiiinuation .school in the province for the introduc- tion of special courses in Vchoid econom- ics, housubtild science, etc. A (pixliHed teacher who i:< an agricultural specialist might well be appointed to this school. A fenmie as-^istnnt in Ctrntinuation School (|ualitied to teach Domestic Soionco would be able to take the retprisite pwtctical work for the tiiil.s' classes." Inapeutor (3oylvy)||ill rftt ed. the scho>-> No. 1 it.> every resjieut excojjl ift the mat- ter of cap ro^iw, whichhe thouglit.miglrt be impro. WticHi the Counly Council' wad sp" prOftched a ycur iigo hist Janu-try the in- formation w!W nnpartcd U< thoin that Ar temeain purposed building with a view to securing the Agricultural school, and at Ihsi session of tift County Council .Ute. inesia took the initiative in asking the county fathers to iKjlhion the govorri- ment to locale \jjihool in this county. 'In fact the, ArtCnicsia Rurii! High School, Board hni|i||iiTl-rii the initiativi; in this matter from thu very begtnlttog, nnd other sections have been attempting to reap the benefits of their labors ivnd rob ihcin of their rights. It would indeed be au act of the giavest injustice were (he authorities to refuse to comply with the request that an .Vgrioiilturist be attached to thiq, school imd granted to any other school )n the county. We cannot con- ceive that they would deliberately chooee ,to run counter to the stron«ly exp j w oc d desire of the electors through thetruflicial repKBcntativcs that it be placed here. As this is » atriolly ri^ral tchool we fancy that in auch an event the farming com- munity would strenuously resent an act of hostility so patent as this would, bo. Loitch hus nipemnce IJntcl i;i town to Kerlon cf Maxwell. Waber takes iK>ss(>!sion l^s week. W,-^ we'coiii^ Mr. and Mrs Kerlon to our villam;. On March 13, the-a^iniversary qf ih-ir wedding IU ^aars ago. Mr. ami Mrs. H. .Xlcxandti entertained thu oieiubeis of ttio Foveisham choir. Kor many yciiB Mrs. .\lexHnder has been an esteeni'fd member of- the choir, sparing herself no trouble or inconvenience to help niHkc the choir's part of "thd church work a. success. Bofiu-o leaving llieir licnies llie'choir presentud Mrs. A. with a cut glass salad bowl ornannunted in silver lUi a slight token of their estceni for her. Glad- to see J^rrGoo.-WiteOalt iff t >wn agaiii-after his recent illness. Go<>. has •had a severe attack of pneumonia. ' ,' Mr. E. L. Httband of Tiiront*.is re- newing old ac^tftkiptsneas in tbfs part for a fow days. ^~ Capt. .lolmston of DunnMlle lias taken command of thu Kuvorshiini i-nrjis oftlie Salvatiofj Army. Mr. Geo. Barber has .strld his ooinor, 1 >t opposite the postolliee store ,;o (Ifeo. Wbiteoak, who wi,r build, and. run a butcbei business.,/* -â-  I Tourist Cars to Western Cana4» Tlieee iBiio more ijonifori able way to travel to the West tlmii iu ». Caiia(iinn Pacilic tourist sleeping, oar. Tbe.<!»- cms run from Toronto to Winnipeg, Calj;Hiy and Vancouver daily ht 10.10 Berths i»>e fully niuiiiped with bedding, every traveling oonvenit^ice is afl'oiJad and an attentive -poller is in charge. The oxti-A cost is very small and l(inri»t oars are att«ched to each Homeseekcrs- special tram from Toronto. Kurly ap- pi eatiou to localC. F. R. A^nt should be made for borUts. Rounding Acquitted Orangeville, Ont., March 23. Jnlin W. Utiuiiding, formerly geoeralty man- ager of thu Onfcaiio Fainier'a Muliml We.-itlier Insurance Coinismy, with head â- itliee at Grand A'sllcy, was last night oomniitted for trial on tjio chdrgn of stealing three pplicics, registi»i-.«, mid other books of the bompauy tm^luj night otthe Wtll of Febiuary Uoundini; orginis»d the coinpniiy, which insured lialtgK^nd 'he contents from wind storms, jJwrnB six ysars ago, and a very consiiSerablB busjiness m^s dtme, ove(,. six miJlioii dollars being carried at risK^ by the company al the last audit. Rounding was dismi.sjcd at thftannusl nieetiiig on the lOth of Feb- luitry, anil two days later the comp.iny's most im|)oitant bo<'ks were alleged* to li'ive l>eon stolen fioin the vault of the former msU'tger, although â-  tlio lock was not forced. Oraiu'eville, March yi.~Tbe cimrge iigaiiist John W. Rounding, former General Mnna'.'er of the Dntario Vaiiner'.s Mutual Weather (naunniie Ctjijipany, with head ottffcc at (ir.-md Vh I ley, of stealing eertuin bottks of the compsny was tiied tn-ilsy before Judge McCarthy. Mr. Rounding, who has preferred to remain in jail since the chage, though .Hubsfintial iiail wa» freely offered, was to-day honorably ui.s- charged. The vault of the conuriny was opened last month and certain books ,ib- straotod. Many witnesses were examined and the attracted considerable atten- tion. The accusfd has always iHirno an »xcolleDt reputation. We Are In Our New Store With'a Kigger line ol Cii ocei'ips. Flour uud feed than ever , . . , Get your G£i.x*dlen. SeecL^ Jrom ns, also Xiinothy kSt^qd, Alfalfa, Mauiinoth and. luxl Jkilover seed, the best one can bin , at 1 L The Flesherton Grocery W. Buskin. Specialist tn discaae* of iha Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 0ffic«*40 10th St. West, Owen Sound At the Revere, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each mouth from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundilk, lat Thuisday of each month, .^>^Jt£ S^ <) \- <i IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET SOME OF THOSE BAR= GAINS ON SALE R O n J. E. LAP*^ Eugenia : â- H^ffisa The Provincial Treasurer received 900,000 from the esute of the late Gold- will' Smith. Mr. J. H. Grisdale hasiiecn appointed Superintendant ot Experimental Farmit to suKeed Dr. Williaai Saunders. The <imc count ants a Legislature, Ottawa. Lieut. Gbl. th died at S>0icve. >K0

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