Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1911, p. 1

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gkshttion %hmnu TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PBIxNCiPLEb ^•0T MEN.' VOL 30, NO 38 Flesherton, Ont., Thuisday, March. IG , 1911 W. fl TfiURSTON EDITOR sod PUOPblETOU Markdale Chronicles Miwen Ettie Milson and Ida Carruth- era are visiting friends in Holland Centre. Orle Rutledge^ i)f the School of Phar- macy, Toronto* wa.t home over Sunday. Mr. Shortill is visiting friend.s at Erin this week. Mrs. Thoa. Cook was in Owen Sour.d Just week. Mr. Campbell of Orangeville i« vieilin); his son. Dr. Caupbell. Rudd Matthews niis home nrer Sunday. U; L. Stephens was in Chatswmlh on business recently. Alex. Mercer of Vancouver. B.C., is visiting his c usin, Tbos. Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark and family left for Spy Hdl, Sask.. recently. Freda Maherof CUatsworlh spettt Sun- day in town. Lynelta Hanbuly nt Dutriall is spend- ing a few days io toWiN t>ie fiuest of Miss Violrt Mcl>a#. irUddy Hasfcett'is htotlie from the Soo on a n-srt. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchiuson and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. HutchinSon left on Tuesday for their homes in S'rongtield. Sisk. They have been visitinsi friends around Markdale for the three nionihs. Miss Emma Baiiies entertained a num- ber of her f . lends on Tuesilay evening. Jim Dillon, who liaa been in McFar- land^&Co.'s employ for the pjist tive yesi's.Ieft last Tuesday lor Outlook.Saak., where he has secured a aood position. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roadhouse were in Owen Sound recently, attending the funeral of the infant child of Rev. and Mrs. Koadhouse of (irand Valley. Four cars of settlers effects left today for the West. Mr. GilfiUan, of the Merchants Bank, had his knee severely hurt at the hocki y match on Saturday afternoon, and o.i Monday was taken to a Toronto hospital. We trust to hear of his speedy recovery. The Juniors had clmrgo of the League meeting on Monday eveiiiug and as usual gave an exceptionally good program. Anion); other numbers was a paper in, Junior League work read by Mr. Trodf, and readings by Miss Clara Yonkee and Mr. Clark. The Literary Committee aro^ having a St. Patrick's evening next Monf lough for teacher, and the young men's class havin!> Mr. Clark, high school prin" cipal. Miss May Watson is home from Toron- to, hut iis not accept iig a position as mil» liner this season. The first robin of the season wiis seen on Tuesday morning. \ splendid sale of fai in implements and farm stock was held on M.mday after- noon at the home of Alf. Taylor, prior to his departure for the West. We hope Flesherton d'lesn't feel too big after the hiu-key aanie Monday nij^ht. Tlie most cominim cause of inmm nia is disorders nf thp Dtoni^ich. Chauiberlaiu's Ston.ach and Liver Tablet* ciiri-ect tllrse disorders and i-nalile you tu sleep. F"r nale by W, t. Richardson 4 S-m. Stone Settlem«ht M'lpl^ su^ar making is just be-iSnuina, and So it seems to be a gor'd season fiir the job. Mrs. T. Pallister of Bei'ketey is visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. Hill. Mr. George SfJcAithur visited Owen Sound fl lends for a fews days weok. We hope soon to hear of the sp ody recovery of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill's infant son. who is seriously ill. We are sorry to report the illness of our schoolma'aui, Mi-<s Margaret Leslie, and under the dixitor's cire. Her mother, Mrs. J. H. Leslie of Markdale, is now at tending her. Kimberky day evening. , i,-i_.i, • i l •- The Markdaleand Dundal\i«ra1k''Ustt**'*'^.*'^'""*^ P"" ^''^ hock§xJ;^»»»«'>'nhr'*n!ie teac4>ers j|nd il number of the b. s. girls accompanied the team and cheered tor fjjein. but noi- wilhstandiug their splendid iclp the boys were deftated. Another game was played between tlie schools at Markdale on Saturday when Markdale wa<> .again defeated. However, Markdale has no reason to feel badly, an we undet'staud that a number of the Dundalk "high school pupils " who played were long past the average .school age and may not have seen school for many a day. Quite a number of Dundalk girl.s were in town Saluiday. The annual Sunday school teameeting :.h«ld in the Mcthedist church on Friday ^eyenin;; was a splendid success, .\bun- daitj,'e of good ihiuRs were provided by the ladies, and everyone did aniplu jus- tice to (he tasiy tea served, after which the Suiulay school scholars gave a good program <<f niusic and readings. Pro- feeds iinoMOted to over $47. Jack Merc«r,f{ti^;^ii|;i'1y of Markilale ha» purchased a be».iyi(|.|l^,:tOO residence in Vancouver, B.C., (Wl'S?® Mr. and Mis. Mercer and luu utt #.t .(^^ijeiit making their home. Charlie Chong's Chinuttu f^'iei^^ arrived in town vn .Saturday, and will jii j(\ilurc assist Chtrl/sy in the laundry. .\ very pfetty horse wes^dii'g to>it place on Tuesday ovunjpg. Fob. 2Sth, ^al the home of Mf- John Thompson, Des- etonto, when Thp$. Coleman of Msvkdale was united in mariiasie to Ellen Maude Hick of Deseronto. Thu ceremony was performed by the pastor. Rev. G. il. Copelar.d.of the Meihodint church. .Vfti>r a sumptuous dinner the happy couple left amid the good wishes of their friends for their home in Markdale. We oxtotid our best wishes to the happy couple. Thos. Mercer held a very successful stock sale at his farm on Satuiday after- noon. Two .\dult Bible Claase.'t were organ- ized in the Preshytorian S.S. on Sunday, the ladies' class having Mrs. P. McCul- A very severe electric -Storni passed over our village on Siturday eveniog Wt. Robins were seen in tliis neighborhood during the past week. Mr. Melvis tiilbevt left' for his h"me in Or.imi Forks, Dak. on 'Motiday of his week after a plv-asant holiday at his parental home ht^l-e. MisR'Sftdie'Plewes is visiting Rocklyn friends at pT«s6nt and is the guest of the Misses Curry of the " Lome House. " PloremwThursronof Flesherton was the g«cst of her aunt. Mrs. O. H. Walter. Mr. and Mrs . G. H. Walter (Poplar Ortjie Farm) enieitained a large numbtr •of their married friends on Wednesday et-envng last, and on Friday evening follovving they entertained the younsi people of the vicinity. .V most enjoyable ' time -was spent boih eveuiims. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson -vnd a little A Ceylon Merchant Is Now Wanted A few weeks ago a fclick Jew who cal- led himself .S. M. peuetrated these parts and announced that he had leased a store at the Station for a term of three years. He entered upon an extensive advertising campaign in The -Xdvance, calling iiioisrlf the Toronto Shoe Com- pany. A couple of weeks ago he depart- ed, announcing that he was going away to purchase goods. Since that date he has not been seen here, and on Monday last Bailiff Wright served an :itt.icbiuent on the goods in the store, on behalf of Lemon n;os. of < )\vuii SouiiJ, to whom the " Toronto Shoe Company " ow<;d â- Â» little bi.l of !«.â- > which Mr. Kosi had ne- glected to settle previous to his hunied depariure. .\> time of wi iting we havr tlot learned the valuation of jjocds left tn the storp, but so far as we can learn it consists mostly "f empty shop and ^j'.souit lioxes and one pair of overalls. It is the suppuMlinn t^at Mr. Toronto Shoe Company cVaiwfl up "luite a tidy little sum from tlie 'public and whule- salers, but not nearly so much as he migtit have done had he been able tu ho'd out through the month of March without getting cold pedal extremities. 'Loca'ly he did not let any person in f. r much -a few d(dlais here and there will cover the local loss. But the wh )lesalers 'wdl not ctitne otf .so easily. Their losses will probably amount to several hundred dollars at least. Our fat friend is alleged to have got away with ipiite a lot of stock which it is actually known he {tos- aessed and which has mysteriously disap- peared. It is Siiid that some of the con- trivances resorted to to make the public believe the stock was still ilinre ware uui<|ueand veiy ingeninui. The whorc- abouts of Rosa is at pre<aiit unknown. Feversham News South Line, Artemesia I. and decided in f'lvor of the negative. ! Some of the speakers being unable to What a (jloiiou.s treat are these Icti^ih- ! at'end made it hard for the judges to de- enin'i March diys. Sharp at night, crisp ' decide as the ones abaeiit were all of om> The crow sits .m the trees again, a« i„ rhe morn, bri-htening into vrenial fore- ' side. The negative .side plainly gave to black as any black cr..w- leading us to j noons, fhey start the pulses bounding, ; understand that whiskey does more harm believe that old wiuier is losing his grip j cheering everybody with the exhilaration ; and certainly it does Excell nt of spring. Alex Pivnic, Toronto, renewed old i Kci|uaiHtances on this Hue recently. Vandeleur recently. Mr. Jiihn Plewis visittd Collingwood friends recently. iKimberley and Flesbertuu Hockey tennis pl^yvd a game of hockey on Markdale rink on Monday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs., R. J. Stuart are visiting Thorubury ,(md, ijollingwood fi lends at present. Mr. Fowler of\'\'f;nlry wnsa caller in our village recenlly. PtiYSlQIANS F&£M t9 Cure RliQiMiatism Miss Floira Cl«^;^an Viv- idly D«serib€!& Her Suffer- ings an<i XTltimatie jQuue With "NerviUne." "After being an enthusiastic user of Nervilino for years. I fool it my duty to tell you personally what your won- derful preparation has done tor mo. "1 suffered torture from rhuumatism and heart trouble, tried scores of sn- calied remedies, consulted tor weeks and months with Toronto's inoM emi- nent physicians, but derived only slislu benefit. "A friend insisted on my uttUig Xerviline. and to my surprise a vig- orous rubbing of this powerful Ifni. ment eased the pains and reduced th« stiffness in my joints. I continued to use Nervlline and was permanently c ured. _I am now perfectly well, and CURED 3 YEARS for three years have had no rheumatism at all. I itnow many families where no other medicine but Nerviline is kept â€" ^___^,^ It is so useful in minor ailmeiitslike earache, toothache, neuralgia, coughs, colds, lumbago, and sciatica. 1 call KerviUiie my "Lifo Guard," and urge all to try its merit." Dec. 17th, 113 Prtlmerston .\venue, Toronto. Refuse anything else offered instead of Nerviline. r>Oc per bottle, trial size, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co.. Kingston, Ont. George Shannon visited friends near Corbetloii recently. School opeaed on Tuesday, ihe teachei having recovered from her recent iiln«ss. Messi-s. John and Â¥. R. Boland at- tended the .Vssi/.es in Owen Sound re- cently as jurors. Miss LiiCiiie Statford of Kimberley spent the past two weeks with itet- siKtev, Mrs, E. Baker. C, B. Boland Inok a load of f«mirure ».. M«jif>Y'> '-"' «•*'--' â€" ^*«-« s Dnus- las, who has decided to make her tome at that place. Mrs. Douglas has been a highly respected resident of this place foi- the past Kfteeii years anu we wish her progperi'v in her new home. Mr. and Mi>i. Robert Mercer, who have been living in this neighborhood for the three months, have moved to their new home in Owen Sound, Mr. Melvin (Jilbert of Grand Fct^a, Minn., who is visiting his parents ueaa- Kimliciley, accompanied by his daui(h- ler. Belle, and his sister, Violet, spent a couple of days last week with Vandeleur friends, Messis, E. Pritchard of Woodford and W. Veadel of Rocklyn were visit-u-s at Geo. Priichard's recently. somehow, and that sprinu is at hand A storm of thunder and lightning p:ia- sed over here on .Sa'urday evening. The lightning was very sharp for this time of the year. Mr. Sheldon Heron, an employee of the (i.T.R. at Toronto, visited his par- ental home over Sunday and renewed eld acipiaiutanceii around this village and neii£lit>orhood. <)IJ friends were glad to see Shelly, Janus ,S ample i>f Markdale visited his uncle 'ind oiher friei ds in th a village on Sunday last. R, J. Colquetie Slid f'imily have got settled i'l their uew home in this village. I U.trvey Pori>;oe was in Turonto last week on business. Geo Kllis \u» been having .t hard time with rheumatism this winter. lilad to see hi-n able t(» le around agsin. Wm. tJslKirnp, of the Sth, is giving up farming for the present in this part, and will take a trip out West this summer. A mimljer of our young men are g'ing to tiy their luck out West this spring. Walti'i Walker, Bert Oaborne and sever- al iiiori; are iiiakiiis preparitions to go soon. We vinderatainl that Fred Long of Lady Bank will .soun come to the village and carry on a IxMt and shoe repair shop. This will tjil a great need, lus Mr. W.whI's death left thi.s vicinity without a repair shop. Glad to report that Mrs.James Douglas of the twe^th line, is recovering from a aevere ilh:e8s. Mis. W. J. Buckingham aiid daughter of Collmgwooil are wisiting with the for- mer's -sister, Mrs- .lobu Buckinghaiii, at preselt, and are spending a short ti:iie visiting in this part before departing hir theh new home 'ziear Swift Current.Sask. j Miss Thonipsaii of Flesherton is visil- •hig with her â- uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TlKinpson, of the suburbs, "Norman V^.nBlaricum has gone West th-s spring. Van spent lust summer out (here and li(.ed the country so well timt he has gone back to Saskatchewan again. Mrs. .\.-J. Conron had a sudd«« call to the sick bed of her sister. Mrs. Bnsh, of Angus. Mrs, Bush is not likely t<« re- t!r ver as -She has been sick for â- 9om« rt;unths, A number from Singbampton an4 other ptiiiits ,;tttended the carnival h«ce oh '.WodiiKsday evening of last week. instru- mental selections were given by Measrs. F. Moore and Alex MeDonaly : recita- tions by Grace Muir, B. Meids. R.Ding- wall, M. E. White, Rhena Richai-dson Jennie W»is<m, Priceville, is the guest .|,„j j.^_ Muir ; reading-', by Looife Ding- of her aunt. Mis* Limise Buddy. ! wall. Will Meads, J. Oliver, Walter Wil- Miss Lime LeFever. Priceville. 'and 11''"'-'"''. •'^I''"- «â-  Waiters and C Buddy; Charles McNal.y, Riverside, have become 1 eh ice solos, by Messrs. Richai.lson and res dents of our burg aud are at present ! Why- e ; duet by Mr. .iiid .Mrs. J. Me- at the home of James Oliver. - Cape I Lewr: dialogue " Nothing to wear ; and Hon Farm," | a s<.iig by five gir's. The next ineetini;, ; on March 22nd. will be probably 'he last Ethel and .Sarah -Anderson, Port L.w, i ^^ ^,^^ se»s<m. De! ate- Resolved that visitedat ihtf homeof their sister, *'" ,j^„,a,j „ffera a man e.iiml opportunities A. Curiie, recently. ' f„r-ett iig on, with that offervd by the D.inald McKii non sold a h>rs« recent- l.ui'ed ^uitet. I ly to Mr. While of Poit Law receiving j for it a handsome sum. I Mr. an I Mrs. II. Mdiier and son, Ol- iver, spent a d»y last week ar the f'-rinet'u sister'.s, Mrs. .V. Dingwall's. Some of our people attended the tea- syrui Rock Mills makin'.! is the older ' £ Maple the day. Roy Phillips u! loroiito is at home at meeting on Friday night at Droinoie and present. repoit an up-to date time. jj;^ pj^ij ;n,j Miss MoKenzie of Miss Emily Huddy has been laid up Maxwell visited Mrs. U, S. Field an SaU with a si're hand, and is at present visit- urday. ing her sister, Mi-s. Win, Watson,: r^v. Mr. WcIIw.hmI preached to the Priceville while under the jaire of Dr. ' p,,^!, jjj,]!, conareijalion ou Sunday, he Lane. Hope soon to see her back to our ^^^j j^^^. jj^. K^py hnving exchanged burg again. James McLean is ensjaijed in digging a well for Win .\ldcorn, Priceville. ()ur list electric storm of the season pissed over here Saturday evening. No damage was done. Riverside cor, slates that wedding bells have ceas d to linit until navigation opens. Judging fo'in appear:uice8 last Wednesday night, we think nnvii;atioii has ali<eady open«d,, and hope soon to he«r of wedciiug bells riiigir.g. EVina'd tiiiliew had the misfortune ^> 1 h)te one (if his horses lust week. This ni«,iiis a big loss :ut he only had th«team. We are [Jijased to note that the cor. at Riverdalc was so interested iii i«r Liter- ary Society. The meeting on March the 8th w*s laj'gely attended by people fiom palpi's for the evening. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Levi Betts is laid up at present, also Mis. W, J. Pedlar. I The Duthaiu Furniture Co. started operations in ihe mill last Wednesday, ! W. J. White intends moving this week into the house recently vacatetl by R. Laclilan. Miss Maliel Chai-d visited in Tonnto ' for a few days last week. Mr. James L.achlan left for Swift Cur- 'rent, Sask., last Monday. Miss May Wickens of Kiinberley is visiting at Mr, W. T. Pedlar s. Mrs. John Radley has gone to Toronto ti> visit her daughter. Mrs. Kd. Fisher. Miss Cecelia Wilson visited her grand* ' When yuu have ihcmnatisni in ymir fi><>t sir iusieii igiply tr'liainlwrlaiu's Liniment ami yon wifl ifet i|uick relief. It coats but a imarter. .Why suffer? For sale by W. K. .RiehsfrdDHn^ft .S>ii. BURT 5peclalij|t in diseaaes ol the Eye. Ear.fiLose and Throat Offie«~ :^ i^* ♦!. ,We»t, Owen Sound -At the Uovew, Markdale, 2iid Thursday eiicjj uuxriii from 8 to 12 a. m, Dundalk, 1st Thursday of each month. Jewelry NERVILINE Cures Rheumatism A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. â- jii;Massim^ this secttoii and Riveraide.Swinton Park, , parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilson at L. iiiso^ PriceviMe and Stone Settlement. This' over Sunday, uteciing proved to be one of th>» best nf ll»e season, ;is each showed great pie[)ar- ation on their part. The debate was iini so good as would have been had all the speakers been presenr. The subject of debiHtc which was rcsidved : Th-it fashion doe« more harm in the world than whis- key. Messrs. C. Huddy. South Line, .1. L. McJdonald, Boothville, and II. Har- row, Stone Settlement, acted :is judyes. A black fox skin, a novelty in the fur- Hue, vvas recently purcha.sed by W. C. (ioHatt of Orillia. This simile skin wa» w< rth .so;neihing over one thouiaud doUais. Its scarcity, of course, is what makes black i"\ pelts si expensive. Mr. <^ort'"«tt handled one before. He got a nice silver fox worth $.500 or S4t)t). Those skins are very uncommon and are |)r zed by the wealthy coniiuis^ seurs if Kurope. Eugenia At last spring seems to be near. The iitdbii'.sluiave arrived from the sunny south aud.-»cem happy to be once more aiiioug the maples. >5ttkm<Jay evening this locality waw vis- ited .by a severe electric storm. The ligbtniiig was very vivid. Laurie Munshaw and Wesley CaiT h.ive {(one to positions, the former- 4t E<iinonlon and the latter at Toronto. We wi.-di them prosperity. Misa Belle Genoe is homo from the city <AU .a visit to her parents for a few weeks. Miss Mtfiie Wilsmi has gone west, t)x- bow being iier destination. Mri>. W. J, Magee has been very poorly for so«fte. time. We hope soon to hear of her rueoxery. Miss Anuw Cajson was visittuK her home here for a few weeks from the city. Mr, Tom GillilauJ had the miafortuiie to lose a good horse Uie past week. Mr. Karl Rumain uf Hamillou was a visitor at Eugenia fur a few days, Mrs, Rowe of Duiidulk spent a few days visiting at Mr. Large's. Mr*. Charles Turner has gone to To- rouio to attend the funeral of her sister. Rev. Mr. Campbell has tiikeu Mr. Howie's appointment here for a time. \l\i preaching is highly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Fiod Kneisel of Wster- loo were visitors at Harry Foester's for a few days on their bridal tour. AVedding bells are ringing right and left. There il quite a stir among our bachelors, not k. lowing who will be caught next. We are sorry to hear that Miss Oeor- gina Smith met with an accident in a ' street car collision. Wo hope she will soon lie all right again , Miss Ruth Paul spent the pist week with her sister, Mrs. R. Bentham, at Flcsheit' n. FLESHERTON MEAT MARKET BEACON Brand Oytsters Fresh Oysters, put up in sanitary tin cans, which are thrown away when empty- a decide;! iniproveineiit over the old unsanitary tubs which were reliUed when empty. Try some of this choice dclic;icy. TiVII.SON^ St McClL.OCKIL.IN^ We Are In 1 Our New Store With a bigger line of (iioccries. Flour and feed than L'ver .... Get your Garden Seeds Timtithy Seed, Alfalfa. Mammoth ami seed, the best one can bnv, at tvom us, also Ki>d Clover The Flesherton Grocery • W. Buskin.

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