gkBi^exion %hiomu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRlA'CIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL 30, NO 33 Plesherton, Ont., Xhursday, February ^, IQlt W. H. THURSTON ^"ud pmopiubtor Markdale Chronicles Mr. Robt. Wright, who has been â- peoding it couple »f mnuths with his sister, Mrs. W. G. PicUell, 4eft liwst Thursday fur a visit with his brothers iu New York. Lolit» K. jBrown speut Sunday with friend.s in Toronto. Miss Johnston of Caledou is visitiny her sister, Mrs. Hiislem. Mrs Reed of Clanlyve is visiting friends iu town. John Montgomery of V ictoria College, Toronto, was hon.e over Sunday. We understand he supplied on Sun- day for Rev. Will Howey at Proton, In- istioge and Eu<(eaia. Annie Bowles roturned on Saturday after a pleasant month's visit with her cousin, Mrs. Victor Annstiouff, Mars- vilW. Iludd Matthews left on Mondny to assume duties as traveller for a coan>any in Montreal. Mrs. Matthews reniaios in town for the present. Marriedâ€" Oil the 24th January, 1911, by Rev, E. G. Dymond at the rectory, Markda'e, Mr. Bum. Brady to Miss Grace Conley. Miss O'Donoliue of Haitiugs, formerly McFarland & Go's milliner, is visiting Miss Rettie Kelley. Miss A. Torrid of Vancouver, B.C., is visitiiis Mrs. A. Murdock. Thok. Mercer attended a stock e.\.hi- bition in Buffalo, N. Y., last ureek. Mrs. J. Chalmers of Edmonton, Alta., spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chalmers last week. yuite a number from Orangeville, Shelburne, Dundalk, Fleshorton, Chats- worth, Owen Sound and other points at- tended the hop given in ^the Mai-sh hall Ust Thursday evening. The Presbyterian tea meeting held in the Marsh hall on Friday evening wils very successful. Although a good crowd wiis prosont, the ladies had plenty of good things to satii-fy all, and as many more. Everyone had a thoroughly good time. Mr. W. W. Brown, formerly of Mark- dale, was recently elected one of the di- rectors of the Commercial Travellers' Club. The County -Mliaiice conventidu will be hfcld in the Marsh hull on Friday af- ternoon at i! o'clock. A roa-ss moetinj; will be held iu the evening when Rev. Ben Spence of Toronto will give an ad- dress on teirperance work. The quarterly meeting wa.s held in the Methodist church after the regular ser- vice Sunday morning. Considering the very unfavorable weaiher the attendance was splendid. Kimberley The carnival which wiui to have taken place on our rink here en Monday even- ing has Imen pos'poned on account of the disagreeable weather, and will take place on Wednesday evening of thin week, instead. Mr. and Mrs. S. McClung visited Heathci ite friends recently. Much sympathy is felt fur Mr. John Stuart of Charlton, -son of Mr. James Stuart of this plivce, in the loss of his liehived wife, whose death occurred at their home in Charlton on Tuesilay morning, Jan. 1)1. Miss Gertie Fawcett of Hoatlicote, is visiting friends here at present. George Cornfield delivered a load ot l>i» at our sawmill here, five in number, which measured up 1777 feet. Mr. Jolly and wife of spent Thursday lust in our village. Mr. David Thompson is visiting with friends here. Sedentary hab it», lack of ou'.door exercise, insuttiicient iiiastiratiou of fiHxi, conBtipatioii, a torpid liver, wony and aii.xictv, are 'ha iiiuHt uornnum eaiiues i>f !>tuuiacli triitiblea. Cdrrect vmr habits and take Cliaiiiljeil..in'i< Stuiiiach anil Liver Tablets and yciu will sddii be well again. F<>r sale l)y \V. K. RichaiJ- Koii &8on. Tenth Line, Osprey Don't forget the People's Railroad meeting in the Orange hall, Fever»haiii, on Friday, Feb. 10, at 3 and 7. 150 p.m. .VII welciiine. Ladii-.s cordially invited to attend. We understand that Mr. John Francis, who has acted in the capacity of miller for tha Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. in Fever.sham for some years, has resigned his position and will move his family to Collingwood this soring. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Francis frrtm cjur villai^e and wish them success in their new lioiiu". R. J. Colquet, was on a business trip to Shelburne on Mimday. Prices of maple logs are soaring in Fovarshain at piesunt. Three sawmill m<in in cjiiipetition tuc making it lively. Prices have advanced to SW per M. Mr. Josiah Crawford of Lady Bank delivered $.000 worth <jf fat hogs, and Ml. John P..ole $300 worth, to Wui. Orr at Proton Station a short Lime ago. Will. Kailtiiig of Fevorsham is Mr. Oris lepicentative in this neighborhood. A western blizaiid prevailed in this par' on Monday last. R. .). was <mt in it and says he got all the storm that was coming to him, and hopes, for finer weather for his m.'xt driv«. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Davidson of Regina, Sask., arc visiting the former's piiien'al home near Rob Roy tmd other friends in this neinhborhond. Singhampton What'.s the m<ttt'er with sk aiing this cold weather ! It's alriuht in our now skating rink, under the careful aia.iage- meiit of our genial townsman, Mr. H. Campbell. .^ largo number attended the dance in Ross's hall a few evenings ago and report an excellent time. McKee Bros, from Nottawa, furnished the music. Uedding bells are ringing. Miss Mina Benson from Eugenia, and John Benson fiiiiii Owuii Sound, spent a few days reciiitly with their sister, M ts. S. Mur[)hy. Miss Fanny Sciitt ba>< .started a dress- making simp iu our village . The young people of St. Paul's Church met at I he home of Mr. W. L. Taylor Monday evening, pnparing for a Shadow Social, which will bo held Feb 14tli, St. Valentine's day, in lUiss's hall. An excellent program is bein^ prepared and a good time in general is expected. Mr. W. L Tiylor retuiiiod from Owen Sound Saturday, where he had spent the week, attending County Council meetings Mr. Dave Laugheed has beeu ijuite ill with pneumonia, but wu are glad to report he is recovering under tho caroful troatmeut of Dr. A . McFadduti. When her child is in ilaugcr a woman will risk her life to piotect it. Xo gieat act "f lieroir>m or risk of life i» necessary to protect a child from cnnip, t.iive Cliamljerlain's Cough Reiredy and all daiipfer is a\oiilcil. For sale by W. K. Hichardson & Son. Riverdale Vandeleur ftlarshal Beard has purchased the lim- ber on S. H. Holley's pioperty in the valley and has men and 'earn* ongsged drtkwing the logs to his mill here. Mr. and Mis. George Dovitt of Lad- ner, B. C, are visiting friend.s hereabout. Mrs. Devil t was formerly Miss Elsio Brodie of this place. Mr. Will Richardson of Edmonton, Alia., is visiting his uncle, Mr. George Warling. A goodly number irom the Vandeleur branch_of the W. I. attended the regular meeting of the Eugenia Women's Insti- tute on Wednesday last. Mi.sses Katie and Daisy Davis visitol the parental home. Mrs. George Warling is visiting friends in Matkdale this wtek. Mrs. J. I. Graham is attending the tick bed ef her mother, Mrs. Blair, »r. Mrs. W. J. Aloox is very ill at present with an littack of inflanmiation. VVa hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mfs- McGill of Chatsworth, Joyce McGill of North Bay and Harry Sdoox of Rocklyn are visitora atGeo.Pritchard's. J. Boland and J. Weber, who were members of the deputation which wai'.etl on the government last week regarding the agricultural ckiss about to be estab- lished in this county, called on friends at Newmarket bfore returning homo. DR. BURT ^peciallat In dliouo* of iho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-130 10th at. We»t, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. no. Dund»lk, Ist Thursday of each month. "Aunty, did you many tin Indiaiif said Freddy, a little Dundalk boy. "Why do you ask such silly i|iieKticiis, Freddy'.''' "Well I saw some scalps on your dressing table." Von are probably aware tliat pneumonia iilivays iiwiiliH froii: a cold, but you never heard of a colli rosnltinj; in pnaunionia when Cliamberlain's CoukIi Ilenicdy was iisiil. Why tae risk when .iaedy iiilie tUieni this lie had for a triHe? for .s.ilc liy W. K. Rich- unison A Son. TOO ILL TO WORK'* ax Deepest Despair â€" All Run Down â€" Health Was Restored. When you are sick ami undecided Is to the best remedy to use, there Is lothlng so convincing as the personal •xperlencc ot some one who has suC- rered like yourself. From St. Francis, Maine, comes the rollowing statement from Mrs. Ovila Dalglc: "I want to write you a few lines in order to tell you how much better my health is since taking Ferro- zone. "For two years I waa weak. "Couldn't do any housework. "Was tired, worn out. depressed. "Thought X wouldn't recover. "Since using Ferrozone I have grown strong enough to attend myself to the family washing. 1 have seven children and a husband, and am doing all the housework myself. I still use Ferro- zone, and seem to gain better health all the time." (Signed) OVIL-A. DAIOLB FERROZONE Brings Health Every person In low health â€" all who suffer as did Mrs. Dalgle are sure to be Invigorated and restored by Ferro- zone; it's the most nourishing of all tonics â€" try one or two tablets at meals and watch the gain: 50c per box, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, QEinada, Intended f>r las week. Mos-srs. Robert McAtt'ee of Thonibury, and I. Drummond of Meaford, were calleis in this vicinity last v.eek. A number of our young people enjoy- ed a del ghtful "butterfly whirl'' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson, recently. Wo are ideas d to report that Mr. James Gould, who was recently injure! by a falling limb, while working iu the woods, is able to around again. Mr. Win. Boyd and daughter. Miss Ijotitia, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Aithur of Beaverdale recently. .\n ancient pioverb says, "It's a wise father who kiioweth his own son," but inferring from tho big talk of .somo of llie youthfuls 111 this viciiiily, wu presume that it would bo more up-to-date if it read, it's a wiie father who knoweth as much as his son. A number of our young people attend- ed the up-to-date neck tic social at New England church, under tho auspices of tho New England Epworth League on Tuesday evening. Uilarous exciienicnl prevailod during the conipiiring of the widely variegated neckties. The program was an ideal one, and very meritoriously rendered, in fact it was a delightful oven*: and ovei;yono upparont'y enjoyed ii immensely, Having recently inst-dled sevtral mod- ern jowelliy eipiipnienls, we take this opportunity of informing ihc public that we arc now iu a position to execute first class watch, clock, gianiophuiic, oigan and sewing nmchiiie, cleaning and repair- ing. All woik promptly accoiiipiislicd and guaranteed tor one week. During the next ten di-ys we are nib ring special, simple stunning bargains in second hand- ed watches and clocks. They are just the "Real Coods' for those who desire to purchase an excellent article at a ridiculously moderute hgure. Don't go elsewhere tc gel stung, come to tho Rivc.-dale jewellery store. Fresh eggf, cordwocd, daily produce, and potatoes taken bs cash. J. Boyd, Riverdale, Unt. Lady Bank tJii Friday evenin" the membership of Providence Methodist church choir yatli- ered at the residence of Mrs. Albert Ilanley for the purpose of expressing ' their kind feeling towards her. During the cveiiiuij Mrs. Uauley was presented with a handsome hani;ing lamp. The presentation was accompanied ky the following address : Di-AR iMus. H.^.Ni.BY,- We have gath- ered heio lo-night to express to y>ju the respect and esteem »o eiitcriain for you and to express our appreciatiou of your earnest aud untiriii>{ labois.iii our niidt-t. Vou have, I'y your never fading kindness and forbearance, won the esteem of all. It is with much rejiret we learn of your intended dep-irture from our neighbor- hood, and feel thai we cannot let you go withoiu a slight token of our repaid lor yi u. We ask you, therefore, to accept this lamp HS a slight expression of the feelings we entertain for yoa, and in fu- ture years ihat yov may^havo li'ippy re- meinbrAUces of the pleasant hours we have spent together. Signed on behalf of the Providence Me" hodut church choir. Morton Sayera, Mrs. Wni. Conn. Mr.s. Hanley replied in a lew well clicsen wolds, after which iho eveniiio was kpent in a very enjoyable manner. Mr. Norman Holroyd is home from the West. Mrs. tJeorge Myers i-i recoveiing from her recent llluess. The coudition of Mis. Barber, who has been ill, is somewhat improved. Mi-s. F'ord of Niagaia is staying with her mother, Mrs. Barber. Jewelry A Splendid Stock ^frotn which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Eugenia A feeling of sadness was experienced at Eugenia on hearing of the sudden death from that fatal disea.sc, piieunu. ia, at tho early ago of 3."i years, of Mrs. John Stuart of Charlton, Out., formerly Miss Minnie Gilliland of this place. Deceased was tho youngest daughter of the Lite Mr. and Mrs. T. B. CJillilaiid, .«o many yeais respected residents of Eui^cnia. where deceased was born and spent her early life, loved and respected by all for her kind and genial disposition. Some ten yeiirs ayo she became the bride )f John SUiart of Kiinlerley. They went awny and made thein.selves a home at Powassan, latterly at Charlton. Her husband and four .small children aro left to mourn tho loss of a devolid wife and mother, also t'vo sistersâ€" Mrs. Thomas Betts of the Morcy Corner and Mrs. John Hargravc of the Collingwcod gravel â€" i>iid two brothers â€" Thomas at Eugenia and William of Edmonton --who all keenly feil the loss rf a dearly beh)ved sister. The sirioere sympathy of all lhi.-< uonimuiiiiy is extended to the bereaved ones. May they feel that their lofs is her gain, .\lthough it is hiud sometimes to say " Father, thy will be done, " yot we an? assured it is well with our di-ar one, who has gone before only a .••hort time. Her lemains were brought to Markdale for interment, where she was l.iid to rest Hiitil the glorious resurrec- tion, jjhe is not dead but "one to sleep, while the Lord her precious dust doth keep. Mr. Shennan Bradbury, and sister Kdna, of Tlioriibuiy, are visitii g at Mr Adam Hi.«lo|i of the Valley. Tho .Misses (leorgina and Evelina •Smith have luturned to the city after a very pleasant visit with their parents at Eugenia. Mr. Ernie Morgan has returned from visiting friends at Woodbridge for a few weeks. Mr- ("rank Pedlar of McLean, Sask., is visiiing his moilier here at present. .\ young lady friend, Miss Johnston of Mc- Lenii, is also visiiing at Mis, Pidlar's. Mrs. James E. Armstrong ot New Lis- keard, who siionl the past few weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Pedlar, was called away s'jddenly by the illness of her hnsband. Miss Ettie Thompson and sister, Ada, were guests of Mrs. Wi-odburn recently. Mrs. Henry Fenwick is rather poorly at present. Mt-8. Joseph Williams is laid up with an attack of lumbago, Mrs. R. Bentham and daughter, Eliz- abeth, visited at Mr. Paul'a for a few dajrs. John A. Wilson, who was home from the West on a visit to his mother, re- turned to Lang, Sask., last week. L IF YOU WANT piSH, by the dozen or kejij Veast ( ake.s, Caiincd Gooil^i. vSyrups and Honey. Qiiiona, Potatoes, Cal.)l)aire, Par- snip.s and Carrots. IJiisweetoned Cocoa, Coffee, Tea \\/lieac, Bran, Shorts and Flour A ll.spices and Spices all Mnts and Candies Xomato Catsups and Pickles The Flesherton Grocery - W. Buskin. GO TO I Ik.'-- M Brute counly councillors inci eased their own pay frutn t^ to (4 per day. Toronto Shoe Co. lias now opened a new store at Ceylon. A new and up-to-date stock of Boots and Shoes of every ilescription. in the very latest styles and the best ot (lualities. 1 also handle (ients' Funiishiiigs and a full line of all kinds of fresh Groceries. I have just received a full and complete line of Clothings. I wish to announce to my town and tn tho surroiin ding coinniunity that 1 have come to this town to stay permanently. I have lea.sed yiy building for three years with the oliject of staying and tloing a legitimate business and have one price for . , evervbodv. SALE EXTENDED FOR TWO WEEKS 1 will continue tho next 10 days for Iho same prices and .still cheaper if 1 will lie forced to it. Bo snro and come to my store and see the new stock ef go ods and prices. 1 Iiuy butter and eggs at market pi;ices , SIO Suits for 8,-). 75. Slo fcr S7.."iO. -SIS for .«S.7,'), .?'.>0 for .SlO.f.O. Men's Pants .*(i for ifS.tIO, .So for $2..")0, 84 for Sl.ito, .*3 for 61.50, $•2 for .^l. Ovcrall.s SI. '.'5 for 75c, !)0c for .'Or. gl Smnck .'lOe. 10c linen handkerolliefs '.i for 10c in colors of while red and blue. Shins, wouol, rpg 750 for Il'Ac. Sliii-is, black sateen, H.15 forG2^c liranulHted Suijnr. best ipiality, 22 lbs. for 81.00 Cdll'ee, louular 40c, for per pound 2.")C Raisins, No. 1 ijuality :l lbs. for 25c. No. 2. '4 lbs. for 25c Curriiiits, No. I quality li lbs for 25c. No. 2, 4 lbs. for 2oo Prunes, 4 lbs. for o.'ic Canadian Coal t )il, per i>allon llJc .American Od, best i|uality, per gnlloD 18c Comfort Soap 7 bars for 25c Toronto Laundry Soap, 10 bars for 2.5c Matches, per box 4c Clothes Pins, 5 doz. for ,")c Sail, '.i bags for l()c Soda Biscuits, 3 lbs. for 25o Rice, reg. 10c for per lb 4c Lamp Chimneys, each ;!c Canned Goods, 3 for 2.")o R,\king Powder, 20o worth for 10c Cream Tartar, 2 for 1 jc (h-anges per doz 25o Tjemon!', per dos? , 10c Tobaccos, 3 for 25c I alto have the very beat qualitiea of all tort* of CONFECTIONERY 1 invite everybody to call and examine my goods anti prices. Do not listen to old fogey talk. Come and be convinced for yourself. The more you buy of me the cheaper I will sell in .spite of my competitors. I remain your obedient servant, S. M. Ross Ceylon, - - Ontario M