Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1911, p. 8

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T Jakiary , 19 1911 THE FI. ESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cakos WALTKB I.OUCKS Duilrtrr Coiitrutor Kor llrlck. Htone kod lr»iii< r«iii1»ocM, F.i- tiiuato< cUearfully turrlabed, Klusliartou 1* U Out&rto. kjTjUtiUlUOH « YUUNO VI Haukeri Mkrkdkl* Do • |«a«r*l bknkiug butlnais. lloo*7 losnad lit r»»«onaUla rkte* Call on a». TOmBLKTT, • I'oatuiuur, reylon. domiulatlonsr In H. O. J , Conv«)r»ne«r, dsadi, uiort«iaK«a. laaaoa, willa utc. carafullr drawn up ^ollictiuua mail.', cbaruea raaaonable. Alao liroceriva, flour, tead ate. keptiu atock, Pricaa rWtht. RJ BfROUbB Poatmaatcr, FlaabartOD •^onimiaaloDvr In H.C J., Auctionea Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Uoney I^euder lira) Katate and Inaurance Agent. De«rt8. loorlRasea. leaaaa and will" carefully drawn op and Taluatlona made on abortoai notica mooay to loan at lowoat ratea oJ interoat. Col- •ctlona attended to with prouiptncaa charges low. Agent tot Ocean UomioioD Btaamabip Oompany. A call aollolted. DMcPHAlL, Mceuaed Auctioneer for the • County of drey. Terraa moderate and wtislactlon gaaranteed. The arrangementa and datea of aalea can be made a*. Tub Aovancii office. Ko»idenceaudP.O.,Ceylou, Telephone connection. Dec. ejn. M KAITTINO, Llc«na«» Auctioneer for the couniica of drey and Bhncoe. Karui and Wtock aalea a specialty. Tornia oioderate. »ali»f action RuaranUed. Arrange- uienla for datca may be made at the Advance „ffi«c orA:T. Hutclilnaona store, l-everahaui byaddreasing me at Keverahaui, O nt. RC'DU MAT^HK'.VH, Markdale, Liceuaed auctioneer for the county of Grey, Good •crrice at reaacnable rate*. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 00 Farms For Sale or Rent F'<»l(SAI>K-','he»p «n1 eaiiy teriin. If nut •old aoon, tor rent to Miitab'e Itna- t. North halt lot :I9 audiot 40. con, II. Arteuieaia, and lot 1, cnp. Vi, Ottprey. 2')0|AoreH. about IM clearod balance ntoolly timbered land, hard K..dfiaft wood ; ftood otoue dwnliins and frame barn, atablluK under ; well watered with never- failing amall aprliig creek croaaintf farm cluae to barn: TblH la an excellent grain or gracing farm and wiM bo aold vary cheap If taken at once and ou eaay terms. Appi) to K. J. Hproul*, Flaabertou, Ont. ii[ Hiiiiins. Carefully Corrected Eaoti Week Wheat 80 to 80 OaU 31 to 31 PeM 75 to 75 Brtiley 45 to 60 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 21 to 21 Eagg, fresh ... 27 "o 27 Polatciea per )>•)( T)*) to 50 Oeeso 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Cliickene 12 to 12 Turkey 18 to 18 Wool 21 fo 23 T^OIt HALE aheap and on easy termsâ€" Lota 1 ''- and 8, con. 11 Osprey ; 90O acrea ; framr dwelling, frame barn and otabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivation. Home splendid cedar with otiiiir mixed timber on balance, also tw>aniall orcbardHbeariug. Well watered ;nevei failing spring creek. Hploudid erain and grating farm. Apply to H J.Hproule Kleahertoii or Hamuel (Juburne, Maxwell, F'OItSALiR very cheap and on ea«y termsâ€" The late Ur, ( 'brlHtne'a .'l-itory brick block in KInsburton with good stable and nevarfail- ing well on piemises. Good large store and good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two good stonn cellars under building ; is and can be kept well runted ; two good balls on second and third storiuH ; flr»t ctasH buiiiness stand and will be aold cheap as owner is engaged in other business in the west and has no further use for It. Apply to I{- J. Hproule, Klesherton. LatO, Con. 11, Oaprey. 100 acres, (i8 acres under cultivation, 10 aoros hardwood bush, t£2 acres pasture with tunning stream across, Largo brick house, good sprinp well, frame barn and outbuildings. Kur terms apply to Mhs. John CiiAwroKD, Cayley, Alberta, ' Lot So. 2. con. 8, Oapray.' For particulara apply to J. M. Ui'B.vs, Feverfhaiii P. O, IHAItVEY PERIOOE, broker Floaherton General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed iu safe and liberal companies. Keal estate etc. , Open accounts and paat due notes handled and money advanced thereon, Correapondeuce solicited. Medical Office and reaidonce-I'alar at., Fl«ah«rton JP OTTBWELL Veterinary Surgaon ^»„„. Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary College. «iddeuce - ascond door south weat.on I^ry atroet This rani aoutb Preatyterian Cbnrcb. 1 â- L'AUM Foil S.\LE-Very cheap, 100 acres, I " lot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only 43000, reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms, 65 acres I cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- I vation, balance timbered, good comfortable I frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ; log spring well and windmill pump at door, bew frame barn, well tluiahod, stone stabling with spring water under, also in shed, £t is situated } mile troiii Maxwell village where tilers are stores, post offlcos, goo<l school, and is on the gravel road,U« miles from railway station, II sold at once, above price, though VKKY fHE.\P might bu shaded a little. Apply to It. J. BPIIOULH, Kleahertoo. or THOMAS GUY. on premises, tf For sale cheap or rent, immediate potsesfion. Lot 30 con. 14, Artenioiiia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to It ,1 Bpioule, Flesborton, or John J Uartin, across the road from said lot. e WILSON, niocksmith Uraduate «f toe Veterinary Bcienc Association. Durham ttreet, opposite Hoyd, Bro'a hardware- Dentistry Jr. E. C. MURRAY U D. S. dental surgeon bono, graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental fiurgeons of Ontario, Uaaadmlaiiiisteredtor teeth eXtractiou OfBca at reaidence. Toronto BWeet. !â-  lesberton. D' Legal { L'CAB. BANEY A WALLACF.-Barristers, L< Bolieltors, etc.- 1. H. Lucas h. C. : W K. Kaney. K. C. ; J. JL G. Wallace. Offices. Toronto, H06-U Tiadors Hank Hldg phone main U12: Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2 A, Branch oflice at Duudalk open every Saturday, iF WKIGIIT, Barrister, Hollcitor, Convey- au'cer etc. â€" Owan Bound, and Klesherton, Itâ€" Flaaherton otUce, Bproule'a Block every SatnrdaT Societies AO U W meeta ou the last Monday 10 each month, in their longo room Norris- block. Klesherton, at B p.m. M. W., Alfred llarriaon ; Itoc, C. 11. MuDtliawr FlD., W.J. Bel. amy. Vlaiting bretbiao Invited Pbin<;k akthck lodge, No. xa,A.r.& A U. meets in tht Uasoniohall. Arm- strong's Block, Klesherton. every Friday on or befora thafull mocn. ('. H. Munshaw, W. M,; Tboa. Clayton, Bacretary, COUKT FLK8HEBT0N, OO.'S, I- 0. F- u-eets In Clayton's Block th« last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters boartily welcome. H. U., Dyson; U. 8., T. Iletry; »'iu. Hec, C. N. Illcbardson. , ., « . Please pay dues to Flu. Beo- Ijelore the first day of the month. AUCTION SALE CHOSEN FhlENDBâ€" Klesherton Council of Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each month 8 p. m Pay sssehHiiieiits to the Ilecorder on or before tue first .lay of each inontli. Ckiet Councillor T. Blakalcv;Becorder W. II. Buut. Berkshires and Tamworths. 1 hav» now for sale a tew very choice Ileik- shire pigs, nearly ready to woau' Huiry your order and get the iMiftt. OKO. W. ItOHB, Maxwell I'. <). FISH ! FISH ! Lake Trout Salmon Trout White Fish And Like Erie Herring now on luind H. Radley, - Flesherton HOW IS YOUR APPETITE? VVIiftt yi>u eat has, at iliis season, a particulnrly direct influpnce on whiit you doâ€" on how you feel, on what you can acconiplith. Oood hesllli and );ood fooil ate cloHcly related, and you .are Muro of k<>(k1 fo(Hl liy l)iiylii|{ your j{rocerios at W.L. WRIGHTS FLESH E«l ON <irocerieB, F'luura, Itran, 8liortH, and all kinds of Feed. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lot 4, Con. 6, Osprey, Thursday, January 26, 1911 The following lis of stulT will bo oOfeiel : HOItSRBâ€" Black mare U years old. bay mare 4 years old, chestnut horse i: vears old, brown mare aged, yearling colt, 2 spring colts CATTLEâ€" 1 cow 7 years old supposed to be in calf, 2 cows e yrs. old supposed to be in calf, 1 cow 7 years old supposnd to be in calf, 1 cow 7 years old due to calve March 1st, I cow D years old due to cal vu i n March, 2 fat steers to be sold for cash, 'i vearliiig heifers, 1 thoroughbred Durham bull lU mouths old, 7 spriui; calves. PIGS- 8 store pigs, 1 broo.l sow. One Newfoundland dog. IMI'LllMKNTH. etc-Massey-Harris 7-foot cut biudeinew, Maasey-harris mower, Massey- Ilarris ilske new, Ilassey-Harris cultivator nearly new, aet Noxou dine liai rows, seed drill, set spring tooth harrows with levers, set s9ed harrows l'.>-bull, Iwo-turrow plow <'ocksbutt, :i~liorfe plow with coulters. Cockshut, open buggy, top buggy, democrat nearly new, cutter nearly new, set heavy bobsleighs, set market sleighs, mniiure spreader good as now, wagon, set farm trucks, set light slcigl.s. set 'JUOO'|>ouud scales new. Haiiiilton incubator and -tirooder, No. 21 plow new. Beaty plow, scultler, 4.'J-gallon liog furutict-, National cream KeparatDr nearly new, wagon box now, hay rack, .W sai> buckets and spiles, sugar kettle, root pulper new, 2 sets team harness, sot single liurneMS, set patent binders, pair skidding tongs, 2 stone boats, cook stfjve, washing machine, fanning mill and badger, 2 canthooKs, 2lo(;i;ing chains, binding chains, gravel bottcm, about I'J tons guuil hay to be sold lor cash. 2 sets doubletrees. Kale at 12 in. Lunch will bo served on the premises. 12 uiOMtus credit or U per cent, oil for cash. J. E- HADLEV. I'lop. W. KAirTISO, Auctioneer, ANNUAL MEETING The umiual iiicetini,' of the .Vt^riiultiirsl .'lociety of tlia Township of .Arteniesio will meet on Kriilay, .Ian. Ill, lull, iit I'riccville, 1 o'clock p.m. Mi'iiibt^r: anil parties inter- ested will please attend. Ilyoidei. -N. McKlXNO.N, .See. Notice of Annual Meeting Notice in hereby siven that ihe annual luortioK of nharuholdera of the Flesher- liin Hotel Coni|Miiy, Limited, will bo held It the Park House, Fluiberton. on WedncHday, Jan. 2a, 1911, iit one u'cluck, afternoon. 1>|I«I>EKS 1 â€" To receive the report of DirectorH for the paat year. 2 -To elect Diiectoi« for the ensuing year. ;{ To make necossn'y arrangenientH in connection with the Hotel premises. 4â€" Any othtr competent busineHs. By order of Board of Directors. W, H, BUNT. Secretary. J. M.DAVIS. Pres. Fleihorton, Jan 11th. 1911. Notice of Annual Meeting X â€" X The aiin;;al meeting of the Sharehold- ers of the Osprey Farmer's Millling Co. (Limited) will be held in the Orange Htll ill the village of Feversham on Tuestlay, the 17th day of Januai-y, A. D. 1911, at 2 o'clock p. 111., for the purjiose of receiv- ing and pii.<ising on the annual financial at.atcmun'} of the Board of Directors, rati- fying two bylaws of the Board of Direc- tors for the sale of a small building lot to Ira H. Pcrigop, also one to James I'eltch, electing a Hoard of Directors, and such other otticers recjuired by law for the ensuing year, and nuch other business as required by the company or law. W. G. ALUSTER, SecreUry. Dated at Fevetsham this 2Vth day of December, 1910 A.D. SHOOMg PAINS IN SIDE, ARMS, BACK Prove the Presence of Eheu- matic Virus, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervi- llneâ€" Rub It In. Tains In the muscles. In the sides, he back, the neck, or the ctiest â€" they ilwuys carry with them great discom- >'i t. If the inflamiiiatlon la severe the ,.ain will be Intense. If allowed to con- -iiiue they are dangerous. Nothing so vulckly cures local inflnmmatioii and â-  'rivcii away pain as Nervillne. Nervl- â- liie does this berause it penetrates .so deeply. Xcrvlliiio Is not only power- (ful. but gciothiriK. Hy relicvinK conges- lioii it eure.s pain. It doe» this alv^ayr. It c-annot lull because is a true anll- w.ite for pull]. You can scarcely find ::iyb;.(ly that will not tell you wonder- 111 1 tilings about the paln-curingr power • if Nervlllne. Reniember. that there is i:i't an ache or pain that Nervlllne will Mjt cure immediaUly. Nervlllne is an aruliur of health In every hou.sehnld. Refuse unythiriB that may be offered you Instead of Nervlllne. which Is guar- anteed for rheumallsm. neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, and all muscular ucties and pains. Large bottles, BOc; trial size, C'lC, at all dealei-s, or The C'atarrhossone Com- Ijuny, Kingston, Ont. NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN Annual fleeting The annual meeting of the < ispray Agricultural Society will lie held in the Orauge Hall at Feveri^ham on Friday, January aoth, 1911 at 2 o'clock p.m. for the pur|>oBe of pat- sing nil the financial accounti of the so- ciety, eleotinK oHicers for the ensuing yeai', and any other businest Uial may be | <jf interesl t« the society. In tlic year 1911 it is pi'n|Mised l<> adopt Ihe .Slamllin? KioUl Crop I'ompetion, and liny one interested is invited lo attend i 4he ineoting. ' -J, \. KEKNAH.VN, Sec, C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Stilion as follows : Going South (Joing Noith 8.03 a. in. 11.65 a. m. 4.48 p. m. 8.45 p. m. The mails ara chmed at Flenherton i» follows: For the north Kt 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the aftttrnoan m^il south at 4 o'cli>ck. Dog's Long Journey Chat. Ijoreos of Sullivan Tp. is a tire ranger in the Parry Sound Dist. I^ast spring Mr. Loren/. left Owen Sound by boat for Parry Sound taking a horse, rig and dog with him. He drove 40 milet north from Parry Sound lo liis camp. About the last week in August he left camp and travelled a distance of 3>Bie ten miles, ^^'hen he returned to camp hit dog wai gone. Mr. Lorenz made enquiries about his dog but nolmdy had teen the animal. This fall Mr. Lorer.z came home and to the surprise of himielf and family the dog landed home on Nov. 20th in good condition having travelled some 300 miles over a road it had never been over before. The inalinct of lower aniiualt often approaches so closely to the reasoaing faculties of the human mind that it is difKcult sometimes to distinguish between instinct and reason. Apparently this d»g had no scent to follow and its intelligence isceitaiuly remarkable. - - Hanover Post. THE STANDARD BANK Ettoblitked 1673 OF CANADA 80Br.nch« A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to o)jen an account, and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The hi^^est current rate of Interest is allowed, and Tnnr:cy may be witliurawn at any time without delay. Savuigs Bank Department at Every Branch, ee FLESHERTON BRANCH C^ortfe Mitchell. Manager aSAMCHES ALSO AT DURHAM AND BARRISTOSft Variety, and plenty of it, is the keynote of the January issue of Uod and Gun in Canida, published by W. ,T. Taylor, Limited, of Woodstock Ontario. The opening article deals with the outfit reijuirod for the backwoods and though sporttmen n-ay differ on many of the trimuiinss, there will be a i;eiicral agree- ment as to theessential.4. This is follow- ed by a number of personal experiences in hunting, tishin^, canoeing and rouun- taineering throughout Canada, while a paper on the birds of Mani'oija and some light verses add materially to the interest of the number and recomnierd it as one in which tport^men of all tastes may Hnd something which cannot fail to prove both pleasurable and profitable to themselves. A young husband hnding that hi° pretty but extravagant wife was con. siderably exceeding their income, brought her home one evening a nest little account-book, nicely bound, and looking very attractive. This he presented her, lojjether with a hundred dollars. "Now, my dear," he said, "I want you to put down what I give you on this side, and on the other wiite down the way it goes, and in a fortnight I will give you bnulher supply." A couple of weeks larcr, he asked for the book. "Oh, I kept the account all right," siiid his wife, produc- ing the little leather volume ; "see, here it is' and on one page wds inscribed, "Received from Algy, one hundred dol- lart," and on the one opposite, the com- prehensive little (uiiunai'y ; "Spent it all." ever can the world be coming to, seeing that the electors of I'roton did not mirk their ball its in favor of grant- ing the I'eoples Railway a few of h«r paltry dollars to have a branch e.ileuded through their domain. The probability is they were considering that they had enough of the wild weed seeds of the wiirld without having them scUtered broad cast by {\m now .system of farm destruction ill the scattering (if foul seed along their track ; or, arc they waiting for the latestâ€" the Hying iimchiue, lo establish a more «p-tod.Ue line from north to south in the far future.-- Conn Correspondence in Mount Forest Rep- resentative. Ur. Slioult/ died very suddenly iit i Lisle on Sunday night la»t week. His j bcdy was found on the bed on Monday nioriiing. He was ttfty-tive years of age and had been in I-islo only about two months. The remains wore taken to London where the family reside, for in- terment. â€" Creemore .Star. "I understand," said a young woman to another, "that at your cbui'ch you are having such small congregations. Is that u"!" "Ves," an.swered the other girl, "so small that every time our rector says "Dearly Beloved," you feel as if )ou had received a proposal!" On Friday afternoon between two Hiul three o'clock in Ihe attenioon the house of Mr. John McKachern uf t'laiks- burg was burnt to the ground. The origin of the tire is unknown. It started in the woml .shed, and had gained con- siderable headway before noticed. •Some men ai-e unable to achieve popu- larity even by staying out of {loUtics. m Our Big SALE is ON C!ome and got the best choice. Goods liave never before been offered at such a cut. Here are a few of the many reductions : Dress Goods lo go at 21c in g.iod weights and colorings. Dreas Lin- ens and (jiiit;hams, regular 15c >nd 2Uc goods, to go at from lie to 13c- Muslins, pretty patternb, regular loo for lO^c. English Print.s, go»d patterns and guarariteed to wash, regular 15c for 12^c. Prints, lOe for 8c. Here is a chance you will never get again in KUnnelettes â€" Wide Flannelettes, best ef colorir:E, regular 13c and 15c, all to clear at lO^c, 34 inches wide, dark and light. Flannels at 7c and 9c. also Flanneleite Blankets, heavy grey and white blankets, regular 91.45 for 91. .32. Good .-kll season Blankets, C l*w., regular $5. .'to for 94.2.'i. All Season BUnkcts. (ilhs., regular So for $4.1.'i. Black sateen underskirts, regular 75c for 48c. Now is the time for makinii up your supply of Comforters. VV'e ara selling diflferent KOiuls for this purpose that will pay yo« to buy. The bats for wadding are going at 74c, regular 10c. Carpets, Clothioif, Curtains, Itixits and Shoes. Snesters, or Sweat.r Coats, Men's I'n- derwoar, in fleec» hr.ed and all wnol. Boot* and shoes all tro at a bi.; stcrilice. Wall Pajjers to t^e sold otf in bii{ bundles at brg reductions. J. E. LARGE Eugenia : Ont. OPEN-MINDED DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC QUESTIONS "A newspaperâ€" not an organ." The newspaper for the man who courts open-minded dis- cussion on all public questions and who expects support of right â€" of justice â€" and of decency in the treatment of public affairs. A newspaper with definite opinions on all political â€" social and moral questions â€" has the courage of its convictions â€" whose editorials are fair â€" broad-minded â€" honest â€" and written by some of the cleverest writers in Canadian Journalism to-day â€" just such a newspaper as an aggressive and intelligent Canadian I>«ople will enjoy and read with profit. $1.50 a Year This paper and the Toronto Daily Star togethtr for one year for $2S0. TORONTO DAILY STAR ANNUAL MEETING Tin- siiinial ineeti»K"f the (Jicv »iiJ llruec Mntiint Kire Iiismaiwe Co. will Ix^ luld in .Miller '» HhII, Hanover, on aitmday, the 20th day of .laiiuary, lilll, at L' o'elock in the al^ t.fiioon. -O. I). (W.MIMIKI.U See. TENDERS WANTED '•â-  'I'lndeis w ill lie icieiveil \>y the imili-rHii{ned : until tlictirnt of .Maitli, 1!>11. foi llif Iniildinif I of A eenient jwroh ami tniiiio ui«»l»l»(l <oi the ' »clio"ljKi'<'iindH of S. S. No. (1. Ai'toinexia, .stone Hettleinent. Kit plai. ami Hiieeifica- I to W. U. Hlbt, ' .SecTremuivr Ceylon Kt>. CEYLON'S ^"s%RE Stop and Think! Does it pay to pay cash for Groceries ? Just look at This list and see : Best granulated Sunar ^4.75, or 21 llis. for SI Best Anierican coal oil 18c per gallon Water white c<Hd oil lU per gallon Uaisins, new 4 lbs. for 2oc Raisins, large- packages .'3 for 26c Currants, lecleaned*'. 4 ll)s. for 2oc Comfort Soap bars for 25c Peas r .'{cans for 26c <.!orn .^ ;J cans for 25c Tomatoes 10c per can Dales 3 packages for 25c Rice 7 lb" for 25c For the next thirty days we are going tp sell off the ready-inude elothing at a little over half price : flO 50 suits for $8.25, $10. 00 suits fur $7, 98.50 suits for 9R 7!>, $6.50 suits for 94.75 Ijadies' Coats - flO coats for >t!.60, 98 coats for 86, 90 coats for 93.75, 9^«) Astrakhan jacket for 92*2. Don't wait until they are all gone. Meaa- ures taken for tailor-mnde suita. I'erfect SAtiafaclion guaranteed. Jas, ^att ison cte/ie/'a /^, ^eyt on efcnani

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