SSKSJ'.'<fJ -•», ^•^ /m ^1 -.-* * /ksh^rttrn %h>mtt. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBlA'UIPLEb ^0T MEN.' mSO, NO 5 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, June 30 IQIO W. H THURSTON EDITOR Engenia. The Woman's Institute will held their monthly meeting at tbe residence of Mrs. Bell on Wedneaday, July 6. Mr. Arthur Walker of West Toronto TiaitedreLitivesaround Euxeuialast week. Bain much needed. The weather is hut and dry. The excarsion to Guelpb was well pat- ronized by tbe people of this eomrounity. A good Dwny went to Toronto to finish out the trip. Mrs. SloHo, ST., in a weleome vuitor among her old neighbors and frien-is at Engeni*. Mrs. Ben MadiU of the Soo and thre* children are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Meldrum uf S»leni, for a few weeks. Miss Ruth Wilson of Markdale is visit- ing her little friend, Nea Williams. Mr. Will Campbell of Toronto spent tbe past week with bis parents in the valley. His parent* accompanied hiui to the city for a short viHC. Mr. WiO Hawkins ef th* Morey farm is bavinf; a handsome solid Irick house erected. Mr. McDonald of Fleshertou baa the contract. Uev. Mr. Laidlaw. who baa miniafered to the Methodist coosregation here for tbe paat three years, preached his far»- w«ll sermon on Sunday evening to a lari;* coogregatioD. Dariog his pastorate here he bas endearad btmseU to Eugenia people by bis kind and genial manner. Sincere legret ii felt at his removal, butt it is • pleasme to know that on the In- gle* ood circuit ha receives about double the salary be received here. Hay God Mess and ivoepw biaa. The Flesherton branch of the Order of Cbeten Friends picnicked at Eugenia on Friday afternoon and enjoyed a good time. Judginic by the number present the lodge must be flout iahinjt. Mrs. Woodbum is under the weather at present . Miss Beatie Fenwick uf Toronto is the guest of Mr*, JoMph Wiliiama. Mr. Tudor had the misfortune to break hie arm un Saturday laat by a stone roll- ing over on it. A nuakb«r of gentlemen came from Waterloo )>y automobile and spent a ccuple of weeks at the Eugenia house, aiKl enjoyed the •luttng very much. Kimbcricy Di'. denies of CoUin<;wood wjw the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson ou Saturday last. Rev. J. K, Wilkinson preached hisfare- well sermon in the Methodist church here on Sunday morniu;; last i> a liu-ge audience. His text w^as found in St. John 8-12. We are sorry to lose Mr. Wilkin- son, aft he made many warm friends dur- ing his three yeai-s ».s (likstor of the Methodist church here. Mr. and Mrs. .\. D. Tliurston .Mid fam- ily of Toronto and Editor lliurston of Flesherton visited at Mr. (i. H.Walter's. Mr. Hicks, sr , of New EngUnd, attended divine service here <m Sunday morning last. We are pleased to leani that little Miss EUa I.Awrence, who has lieen seriously HI Is now on a fair way to recovery. Sorry to report Mit*. A. E. Kllis, who is 0)1 the .sick, very low at present. Ml-, and Mrs. John Plewes have i-e- tuvnetl home aftei' visiting friends at Erin -aufl^Toi-onto. Mr. aud Mi-s. Tht)S. Soule and babe of Duncan visited Mrs. Soule's parents here on Sunday hist. Mr. Edgar St>ule of Duncsii accompan- ied by his mother visited friends here on Sunday last. Mrs. W. T. Bi-ewer and sous, Clarence and CUifford, aie the guests of the for- mer's parents at Meaford. Mr. Fi-ed Smart recently sold a three- months' - «)ld lamb, which tipped the scales at 111 lbs. Mr. J. U. Fawcett was rather seriously injured hi a jun-away accident en Mon- day night of last week, having several ribs broken. We are pleased to report that he is doing nicely, and will s«x»n be able to be ai-ound again, although ik will be some time before he will have fully recovered.' Miss Maude Smith in visiting her ptr- ents here. Mr. Wilfrrd Hall and children, Wesley and Sadie, of Eppiug, were visitoi-s at J. ]R. Fawcett 's ou Sunday. Measre. Adam and Peter St. Marie of Oarriek have a Clydeedale oolt coming thrae years old in August that weighs 1<S36 lb«. It is a beautifully formed ani- mal, and it ii expected that when it at- tains fnll growth it will weigh a ton. Mrt. James Micks. New lowell, oom- miitad suicide by hanginii. She had been uelancbolj^ for soue time. Vandeleur. The June meetinj^of Vandeleur branch of the W. I. was hell st tbe home of the president, Mrs. J. I. Graham. Ai tbe weather was ijerfect, a laree number of members and visitors were present. A good reporc uf the county convention was given by Mrs. Geo. Warliug and Mi's. Genoe. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. .1. Bu- chanan gave solos. Mrs. Sid. Gilbert a paper on " Summer Drinks," in which were a number of valuable recipes. A lively discussion followed. The roU-call was i-esponded to by a numlier of recipes and sutrgestions. It was decided to hold a picnic on July 5 in J. 1. Graham's grove. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. B>Und. The ladies of the church here are going to have a garden party in tbe school prouud-s on July 1 commencing at i.'^ p.m. Tea served in the evening. The reopening of our church took place on Sunday last. Mr. Wellwoixl preached a very appropriate sermon on the making of all things new. He said we not only worship the Lori ia the beauty of hoL- ness but there is to his mind a curtiin amount of holiness in all things beautiful, and certainly tbe church looks very beautiful. Mr. J. I. Graham is away on a trip as inspector of weeds ia the ooaaty of Grey. Mr*. Wb. Holiey of Holland Centre is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Geo. Warling is this week helping the Graham Bros, to erect a driving shed. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Divis and daugh- ter, J. E., are away oa a visit thia week with friends down east. Measts. WiU JobnsMi and Wilford Graham took in tbe extui-sioii to Niagara Miasca Minnie Tbcmpson and Ella Warling and S. Gilbert UMik in tbe (>««Iph excor* ion. CcyiM Mr. Haney of Toronto visited his sis- ter, Mr*. J. L. Woods, and other friend* in this vicinity Itst week. Miss Agnes McPhail is home from the Normal »t Stratford, and is now ou the outtowk for a situation as tetcher. Robert Tucker Is also home but hivs secured a school near Sebringville. We wish the young fulks much succeae. Mrs. H. Down and s«in, Alfie, visireJ friends in Ceylon recently. Mr. J. L. Woods has keen engaged ss teachev in the Ceylon school for the bal- ance of the year. Mrs. J. W. Hodgson of Homings Mills visited friends at Ceylon and Flesherton recently. Mls.s Belle Camahau of Owen Sound is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Crowlher. 'Mrs. S. Rands has gone to visit friends at Winnipeg, Vancouver and other points in the west. Our Sabbath .school held their annual picnic in McKenzie's urove 1-ist Friday. It was (|«ite succes-sful. The weather was tine and there was a good attendance. Miss .McGregor, who has so success- fully taught our school during the past two iiid a half years, having rusiirned,auil as she has taken considerable interest in our Sabbath school, the public and Sab- bath school pupils united in making her a very handsome present accompanied *jy a very appropriate addieas, to which Miss McGregor very fittingly replied. We wish her much auccees in her future career. Mr. W. T. Chislett of has returned to his parental home on a visit to his friends, bringing with him his handsome young t ride, on their wedd,ing tour. Willie looks line and ap- parently as young as when he left home some seven years ago. Mrs. RoUt. and Miss Clara Cook are in Toronto attending the sick bed of Mrs. Cushnie, who has undergone an operation for appendicitis. She is very low but doing as well as can reasonably be ex- pected. Stone Settlement. Miss Annie Harrow returned home from Midland last week. Mr. W. Whittaker, who has lioeu at- tending high school at Durham, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. and Mr. Geo. McArthur took in the excui'sion to Guelph on Satuiday and all report a good time. Hiss Emma Whittaker is visiting rela- tives in Durham for a few weeks. Miss Maud Hemphill of Ceylon wiis the guest of her friend, Miss Ida Joiie», last week. Mr. and Mi-s. HiM){)erofTopcliffe visit- ed the Utter's bivther, Mr. J. J. Lyiiess, recently. Lady Bank Miss Gertrude Moffitt has resigned her positioi. as school teacher at S. S. No. 6. Miss MoSat has many friends who wish her well in future undertakings. Mr. and IVIrs. Ja-f. xMcKenzie and Master Victor are enjoying a trip to Little Current. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Roberts attended the wedding of MLss Sarah E. Dobsim to Mr. Edgar Neely, at Redwing, 'on June loth. The bevf riii;; Ls in working order again. Mr. Fred Long visited his brother at Meaford last week. Picnics are the order of the day. ib'verdale Statute lslx)r is the order of the day. A few from thi.>; vicinity enjoyed the excursion to Guelph on Saturdiy. Won- der how "Chatsworth'' feels^ Mr. A. Rae of Harkaway, accompanied by a gentleman friend, passed through ou. Ixtrg oo the tirst of the week. Mr. John Sttiveii.<on "iTaptain" and our popukr schooluia'um, Miss Alma Wood, visited Beaverdale friends on Sun- day last. Miss Mabel Ward, of Kiniberley school, returned home for her summer vacation oo Saturday evening. * Wedding bells are sweetly chiming in this vicinity. Oh : let it be soon. Our school teacher, Miss Alma Wood of Bradford took her reluctant depaiture from Riveidale on Friday evening. We join in wishing hm much pleasure and happiness during her vacation Mr. David and J. Boyd visited friends in Ximberley on Saturday evening. During our brief stopover in the village we were deeply impressed by its up-to- date appeaiunce and take pleasure in congratulating the citizens of Kiulierley on the many lieautifyiug impi-oveiiients they have accomplished ^â- ince <Hir former visit there. While out for a little .stroll one even- ing recently we luui occasion to view one of the most chaitii'iig love scenes lh.'it ever crau.spired in Riverd:de. A summer house certitin'y is a glorious place to spoon in. Messis. G. Thoiiiijsou of Uaikaway and Charles Jlerritiekl of Beaverdale, accompanied by two chai-raiiig Riverdule young kdie-*. Mioses Margaret Irwin and M:irtha Heuning, attended di>'ine ser- vice at Ebcnezer on Sunday. Mount Zion Garden Party Successful The Mt. Zion garden party at Thos. Taylor's on Tuestlay wts a most successful event. The receipts amounted to al)out. $50. A very tasty meal was served by the hulies of the church on the lawn, after which a prognini was given. "Rev. Tlios. Laidlaw occupie<l the chair. Se- lections were given by local personalities and sevend Fleshertonian.s. The IkiII match between Rockvale and Inis- tioge resulted in a win for the latter, score 16-9. leart Palpitation ItemMing Weakness WImb Worn Thia With Worry and Poor Nerves, Health Mir- acolously Bestored. "Only those who have gone through months of nervousness ^itti its fears. weakness, and alraost~ helplessness. can realize the blesslnjr of sound health." Thus opened the letter from Mr» Helen Pierson, of Cape May: '1 waa all my life a very heavy coffee- drinker, and when my health began to fall. I made it stronger and stronger, because it braced me up. i didn't realize that this stimulation was wearing out my nerves. But at last a nervous breakdown occurred. Then I was able to see how foolish I had been â€" doing unnece s»ry things Instecul of resting My heart fluttered dreadfully with the leaat exertion, i was blood- less, and more tired In the morning th«n when I went to bed. A friend whom Kerrozone had cured of anae- mia recommended me to use Perr- OBone, and from the first it did me good. As my blood grew stronger, the heart fluttering ceased, and this took from me the tear that I would sudden- ly die. I kept on gaining, and con- tinued to use Ferroione. two tablets with every meal. I am to-day sound, well, health}-, and happy^Perrozone did it aU." FERROZONE The Tonic oi Health Don't use anything but the Cele- brated nouriJthing tonic "Ferrozone," fifty cents a box. six for 13.50. at aU dealers, or •i'«je Catarrhosone Co, Kin«.^tou, Canadat PortUw Crops in this vicinity present a splendid appearance. We think that never before in the history of the township of Arte- mesia was there at this season such bright prospects of a Ixiuiitiful harvest. Scarlet fever, which visited two homes of this neighborhood and claimed two victims from Mr. Win. t'isher'a family, has, to all appeaiance t>een stamped out, and confidence is again Much credit is due the effected families for the efforts they made, and the care exercised to prevent the spread of the trouble. Mrs. McNally, who had part of a finger amputated as a result of a felon, went to Toronto last week, and it was found necesssry to remove more of the memWr. She is >till in the ciry rectiving hospital treatment. While Mr. aid Mrs. Hiry Amott were being driven in a democrat to Protim Sttiion, where they inteudeJ taking the train for St. Catherines, last Mond.ty, che borsts suddenly s'arted, and the .sealgirini; away <hey were both thrown to tbe hard road. Mrs. Arnott was seriously injured while hef husband escaptd wuh slight injury. Quite a numUurfcaru here took in the excursiuu to Gu^pfon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jamiesi>n. after viewing the Guelpb sights, went ou to Toronto to viiit friends. Mr. Ed. Wa'sou of Terontotiient Sun- day with his parents here. Mrs. McKenzie has been in Plesherton the past three weeks waiting on her mother. Swinten Park. People of this community would be very thankful for a heavy shower of rain. The annual 'T*rden Party of the Pi-es- liyieriaii church, wiiijh was held at Mrs. J. S. Hardy's im June 20tb was a gi-and success. Tables being set under t weep- ing iiiountain ash tree, mads eating a pleasure ->n a warm summer evening. In a f'lOtbHll match bvtween Prioeville and Diomore the latte>- secured nioet goals. As the crowd was so large it was decided to have the program outside, which was enjoyed by all, being an ideal night for the occasion. Proceeds of the evening, 961.00, in aid of building fund. Mi-s. Geo. Martin has retuned Dome after visiting friends in Owen Soucd. .\ wedding i)arty from Sarnia is rusti- c;tting at Mr. John Aldcoru's lovely home. Mr. W'ln. Haw has returned home from the west. While working in the woods bust Fri- day Mr. Will. SIcCormicU had an accident which will lay him up for a month or ?o. In pulling out a tree with his team he was struck on the back of the neck and had a cord in his leg broken. Mrs. Jas. Wilson, (iicc .Annie Mc- Millan) has l>een seriously ill with in- tlammatiou but holies are eittettaiued for her recovery. Mr. Robt, Knox, accompanied by his siuis, Bert and Fred, went on the ex- cursion to Guelph on Saturday. Thwe of Miss Christie's pupils, Jenny Aldcorn, Kthel Liiwreuce and Uerbie Hannan tried their entrance exam, at Diomore school, Egremoiit. Mr. Hal- penny of Ayloii presided. Mr. J. H. Pichardson had the mi^- foituiie to have his Ijest horse hurt while working in the woods last week. Quite a drawback as Mr. Richardson is doing i|uits a bu.siucss in lumbering. He recently lought Mr. Geo. W. Parslow's swamp. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mi-s. Thos. G. Ferris, on June 10th, a aou- .A number from here attended the foot- ball match at Diomore on ^Frid'^y even- ing. Rev. Hatheson preached a patriotic aerniou here latt Sunday. The I'uueral of Mrs. Hugh McCuU, who died at the residence of Mr. D. Campbell here.on Wednesday, June 15th, took place to Rocky Saugeeu cemetery on Fri- day, June 17. Mrs. MsOoll was uiuety years ef age. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell had taken care uf her for the last t^'^irteen years. She was an old resident of Glenelg. Kev. J. A. Matb»«on took charge uf service* at the house. Docs the Law Apply There ? Ckiming it as a record in piscatorial science for this season, two local men, E. Aikius and A: \t. Cody returned hut night from the head of Corbett's Creek with g-W speckled beautijR-, caught in 48 hours.- Port Wiljiam Herai^!' Waited on County Council A delegation conslstinj; of fourteen treutlemen represeutine sevei-al school sections vf Artemesia lown.ship waited on the County Council at Hanover on Wedne.'-ilay of last week wiih a largely signe<l petition, asking that body to -e- .scmd the bylaw passed by them last â- Janu'diy .setting apart ibis township as a contiuuatio.i or rural high schiwl district. The delegation was cimrteousiy received and expressed their strong desire to have 'he work undone. Three members <jf tbe high school Imard were also present to watch the progress of affairs. The discust»ii>u took np all of Wednes- day aflernooo. The opinion of the County solicitor was .secuied, to the effect that the cnuncil li.ul no power to rescind the bylaw, and the matter was left at that. The delexation returned home on Thursility. lOtb Line, Osprey. A gooi rain Ls needed for the good of Ixjth uriss aud grain crops. Mi-s. Rayiior and two children of Tor- onto are visitin-; with Mr. and .Mi-». John Blckuell at present. Kelt on B'os. are going to move their sawmill Cj ihe eighth line, east of Fever- shaa), where (hey have a stock of logs to cut. We are sorry i.) report that Mr. .I.m!. Heron, who went to Retina last April, ia in the bospial m that place, sufferint; from scarlet fever. We hope he will soon recover. R. J, Cil>|uette is home again fiom Cul-io»«ood where he had been for a week with Mrs. Culquetle, who is in the hospi'al in that town, and is slowly r«- overiog fi-um her serious illness. Mr. Fred Bale hts been having a holi- day aud has been on a trip to Niagva and Buffalo. The Farmers' Institute excurcion to Guelph on Saturday last was well patron- ized fi'om this ueigbljorhood and all re- port a good time. Vkteria Comers Mr. and .Mis. E. Williams, Holland Centre, spent a few days la'«t week renew- ing old ac'iuaintances in this nuighhor- Our garden paity was a sraiid success. Beautiful evening, go-jd program, aa well as the receiprs, which amounted to over eighty-tive dolLirs. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Laidlaw preach- ed his farewell sermon. We are very sorry to lose Mr. Laidlaw, for in the past three years he h;is won a place in the hearts and respect of his people ihit Would be hard to till, but just a.s we wish success t.) follow him in his new tield, so we are willing te help Rev. Howie to till his place and carry on tbe '.;ood work he hiis been duiiig aaioog us. Mr. Wsi. Heard, sr. , is visiting his nephew, Mr. Wm. Heaid, jr., on his way to Campbellford. A number from around here took in the excursion to (luelph on Saturday iutd some remaidfd till Monday. The Lillian and Laura and Miister \Ve«. .Armstrong, Flesherton, are visiting Mr. Thos. Bannon's. East Mountain The late crops along with the gardens would be prubted greatly by .t good rain. Messrs. Fred and Charlie Mai tin took in the excui-sion to Guelph on Satui-day. Mr. Will Hutchinson of New West- minster, B. C. acd Miss Lime Martin of Thornbury speiitW'odnesday with friends in this piu't. Miss Elsie Martin was in Kiniberley last week writing on her Entrance exam. S^koto Suppl te s I have jnst placed in slock a uew line of photo supplies, including kodacs, films, focusing cauiei'as, developers, etc. The liest aud most popular line of cameiiis on the uiiu-ket, prices running from f « to f 12. Great things for birthday presents. Call aud evainine them. Clocks, watches, jeweUei7. and every- thing at prices within the reach of every- \>ody. }V. <yi. ^rmstrony Promotion Examinations Report of the promoiion examination for the pnmary department <;f Flesher- ton public school. Names in order of merit. Jr. 2 to sr. 2â€" -Alnieda LeGard, Mai-y Colgan, Minerva Tucker, Shirley Murray, Delbert Patton, Bennce Irwin, John Colgan. Sr. pt. 2 to jr. 2 â€" Lillie Lever, Olive McMuUen, Ada Thompson, Maliel Field, Roy Patton. «, Jr. pt 2 to .sr. j>t. 2 â€" Mai-gaerite Run- stadler, R. N. Cornfield, Charlie Fly an, Violet Wats4jn, U. Shunk, Jim Wilson. Sr. 1 to jr. pt. 2â€" Flossie Richardson, Clarence Fisher, Viola McClocklin, Frank Bunt, Geo. Mitchell, .lean Reid, Jein Douglas. Jr I to sr. 1 â€" Kendal Boyd. Russell Truenian, Stewart McTavish, Jim Staff- ord, E' hel Field.*. EL M. Switzer, Te^icher. Saugeen Jet. Still a Summer ResMt. The CauatUan Pacific Railway Co. has handetl out an answer to tbe petitioners tor better ti-aiii coiinrctioiis hetween here and Own Sound. Mr. J. W. Leon- ard, ill a recent letter.expressvs regret that it is not possible for tbe company to accede to the retjuest of the petitioners. The train set vice from Walkerton ia prim- arily arranged fur Toronto, and while it is possible to have a little over two hours in Owen Sound with tbe pres- ent service, tbe additional .iervica asked for would not,in bis opinion,be justified. Tha present service is certainly very un- satisfactory to Iraveleis from this branch to Owen Sound. Four hom-s at Sau- geen Junction, two hours at Owen Sound with another four hours' wail at the Jun- ction on the return trip, ia not very invit- ing. We have not yet seen Sau{Mn Junction classed as one of the pleasant and attractive summer resorts, but this may be an oversight. â€" Durham Chronicle. Jamea Charters, an old resident of St. Vincent, died recently at tha ««• of 01 years. Doctors Condemn Oily Liniments rhe Public are Warned to Be Caj-eful of These Strong- Smelling Oily Liniments Containing 'Harmful Acids, Ammonia, L..'^, Many people have clung to the ©ia- â- fashioned idea that a thick, greasy liniment is the best kind. Doctors say not â€" and they know. Ri-cently a number of these white, oily liniments were analyzed, and they W' re found to contain an enormously high percentage oi: harmful acids, and E;:ch irritating chemlcais as ammonia. f'lc. For the moment they may cause a warm sensation when first applied, bi!t their continued use never cures rheumatism, and only deteriorates the skin, sets up inflammation and causes endless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit using a white, oily liniment â€" do so. Ho knows that a thick liniment can't pen- > tratp. can't sink through the vores und reach the seat of the pain. When asked his opinion a few days ago. Dr. Roberts stated that he consid*- ered a strong; penetrating, pain-sub- duing liniment such as "Ncrviline," to be superior to any of the white, am- monia liniments. In his twenty-five years of practice he had witnessed of rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago that simply would not re- spond to ordinary treatmentâ€" but Xer- viline cui-fd them. The same physi- cian also spoke of the great advant- ages of keeping a preparation like Nerviline in the house always, be- cause of cramps, diarrhoea stomach disorders, earache, toothache, head- ache, and such minor ailments. Ner- viline Is a first-class cure. There Is scarcelv an ache or a pain, internal oe external, that Nerviline won't cure, In thousands of homes no otl»r paln- relleving medicine ia usefl. Flftj years' continued success and the en- dorsement of the profession are prool that Nerviline is the liniment for th« home. CORNS CURED You lan painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding, byi applving Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains aa adds; l.« harmless, because composed only of healing gums and balms. F1ft|| years in une. Cure guaranteed. Soldi t>y all druggists, :!oc bottles. Refusal substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR .. BURT 5peclallsl la dlisMestel tbe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13 Frost St. • Owen^»ound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dund'dk, 1st Thursday of each month. J 4ir / /-' /