Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1910, p. 8

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' <>«^«[ie^-*!«p»lHKM»^ â- '^^•Rtrs^ if \> ^^ .â€" i May 12 1910 1 'â-  THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE Business Cards WALTER L0UCK8 noildar nd ConbMtor For Brick. 8Uo« Md trame rwiiiiMM*. »•• tlmktM cbtwrfany lurPi»lMd. FItabartoa V O OaUrio. __________â€"â€"â€" Do • gtaaral banUnf baslUMt â-  Hooey loutd at r«**oa«blanM* Call on a*. TOMISI.ETT, • PoatiuaMMr, Ceylon. Oonnlaaionor tn H.C.J . Coo?eyaDc«r, deeds, wSttMM, laam. mM* etc. caratutly drawn up •JoltaoUona mad.'. cbarBoa raaaooable. „ Alw i^SiiS; flour. U«d etc: ill ttock. Prliie. right. RJ tifKOULK Po*tiua»ter. Flaaberton .^inmiMioner In H.C J., Auction** Con- ,eyancer. Appralier and Money I^oder Ileal Relate and Ineurance AfjnV ^•M^^ mortgacee. lea.e. and *II1» careluUy drawn op ancT Taloatloni made on thorUat noUc* DioBey to loan at lowe»t ratei oJ lnteT6»t..CW. ^Sm attended to with Promp*ne*e charge. low. Agent for 0"",.£?»"'"'«° UtMmetaip Company. A call tolloited. DMcPHAIL. LlCfO»«l Auctioneer for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and ^ti,U^Zv! Kuaranieed. The arrangement, knd dates o( »a es can 1>« made »*. TUB AnvASCK Sfflce lte°ldcuc« and P. ». . Ceylo", Telephone connection. Dec. 6J)7^ ..^___â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Wlf KAITTISO, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of tirey and Slmcoe. Farm and 8loclc Bales a 8i>ecialty. Terras noderate. satiifsctiou RuaranUed. Arrange- .i.entsfor datosroay beinadeat the Advance office; or a: T. HutAinBOU's s'^re, keversham byaddrttsinR me at Fevembam, Ont. Rt'DD MATHKW8, â- --.. „ , encMoneer for the county of (.rey. uood herrice at reasonable made at The .\dvance. Markdale, Licensed irey. Go Uatea can be ratek T HAIIVEY PEBIGOE â- 1 Uei]er»1 brokerage bUBioo«ji broker, Flosborton. Innvirancu of very kind placed in safe and liberal conii>auie». 'eal'. etc.. 0,«u account- and Pa«t 'lu» Keal note, bandlfc.1 ind money aUvauced thereon. Correspondence solicitod. __^_ Medical D^ ^*jllT;'p'4 S Ont, Physician, SnrKOon, etc Office and residence-Peter st., Flesherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario \eterlnary re-idenc* - sacond door south »i*ry street. This street Presbyterian Church. ^^^^ College, west; on runs south H. ^^â- '''"?;^.^u"at"''of'"iL'; veterinary Bcienc Association. Durham «reet. opposite Boyd, Mro's har dware. Dentistry Dr E C. MURRAY L. D. K, dental surgeon bono. KraduKto of Toronto University and Koval College of Dental Surneons of Ontario, Gas aduiisinistered for teeth extraction Officrat residence, Toronto Street, Kles herton. Warcham Mr. Editorâ€" As wo have not HMD nny it«mii from tbit) sunny spot fur some time, and thinking thiti was une of the places you would like to hear fruiu to which you referred in lost week's Advance, I thought I would net on the suggestion and send yuu a few iteiiiN. Farinei'H hero appear to be contented. The western fever has not made much headway here. Must of tlie piuneois have gone to their long home, hut the sons are occupying their places and seem to be working away contentedly and im- proving their places Samuel Arnott is putting lip an addition to his Ijarn and a stone wall undonieath. (ieo. McM><ster is erecting a fine lai'gc iMrn and wall. Robert Gniniinott is building a house, and we hear Mr. Peun .-tlso puriK).scs building in the near future. .Mr. Hen- derson and Richard Davidson are j{oing to dntin their fariiis this season- -so yon see improvements are going on. The Eiiworth League, which Utm been cloned for two or three numths, has been i-o.-o|>ened, with Mr. Rol)ert.s, our school teacher, as pre.sident, and Miss Flo. Rooinc IIS vice president. Ijast Friday evening there was a large and interesting meeting. Rev. Mr. Stanley was present. Mr. Irish hits just tinishcd catting his stock of logs and shingles. Finn, is a hustler luiddoes gocnl work. Mrs. Will Inkster leturued from city where she wjis visiting some friends. Wo lliink the editorial item in The Advance Inst week, :kl)imt the liotels of Dundidk, was g<wjd. They need not act so sjiitefully after havin-^ such a fat time in .supplying liipinr so long to the sur- rounding townships which had passed l<x;ul option, but it shows what thohotel- keei>ei-s are. Arbor il.-iy was kepi, by t«:ichcr and pn]iils here. Tlio yard was cleaned up i and spruce trees planted. HoMr Rolls. ReiMrt for April, S. S. No. 8, ArUmeBit, (Porthtw.) Sr. 4- E. Jackaon, F. Taylor. Jr. 4-G. Whits, V. Cornfield, V, W»t«on. ChiM 3~E. WilkiDWD, A. Fi*her. Clas»2â€" 1. McNally, A. Wilkinson, H. Tliompson, A. Lyoua, R. Shier. Part 2â€" M, Cornfield, R. White, A. Udell, C. Wtt»on, A. Wilkinion. Sr. 1â€" F. White, V. McNally, Lulu Pedlar, F. Badgerow, J. Fisher. Jr. I-D, WiUiams, T- Williams, H. Udell, H. Jackaou, F. F.^wcett. Average attendance 29, 0. C. Uam8??e, Teacher. Report of 8. S. No. 9, Artemesia. Sr. 4- S. Pedler, Myrtle Parsons. May Parsons. Jr. 4- L. Lawlor, F. Parliament, M. Parliameut. Sr, 3_VV.Magee, P. Hanley, G. Ben- son. Jr. 3- S. Pedlar, E. Linton, G. Car- son. Sr. 2-M. Lawlor B. Magee, M, Sher- wood. Sr. Pt. ?â€" S. Pedlar. Jr."Pt. 2â€" T. Parsons, I. Magee. Part 1 A. Lawlor. P. Magee, S. Sherwood. E. L. Niergatt, Teacher. Report of the Swiae ComrniMloo. HORSE'S LEO SWELLED Animal Was Too Son and Lame to Workâ€" QnicUy Cured by "Nerviline >* the old Nerviline It a Trusty Liniment Report of senior room of Flesherton public school. 8r. 4 -E. Richardson, U. Shunk, W. Wilson, M. Scafloid. Jr. 4--L. Boot, I. Mitchell, D. Thur- ston, 1. Wilson. Sr. 3-^L. Trueman, H. Shunk, >. Trueman, H, LeGard. Jr. 3- F. Bunt, Z. McClockIm, E. Karstedt, R. McCauley. Sr. 2-P. LeGard, A. Mitchell, W. Watson. G. Waits. K. G. Holland, Teacher. The leport of the Commisaion sent last year by the Dominion Government to Europe to study the swine resrioo; indus* try has been issued. It consists of a pamphlet of siity pages of printed matter arul a large number of striking illustra* tions. The countries visited were England, Scothtnd, Ireland, Denmsrk)ind Holland. Denmark and Ireland, being the strong- est competit<»4 of Canada in the British market, received most attention. The report described clearly how the bogs are bred and reared, and the various] steps taken to develop the export bacon trade. The far famed co-operative system, as applied by the Danes to the breeding and rearing of the swine, the psckins; and marking, is fully described. Co-operative feed buying,, which involves the purchase of over six hundred million pounds of i?rain, oil cake, etc., a year, is fully dealt with. A valuable feature of the re|)ort is the attention given to the methods followed in the different countries for maintaining ^,,^ .,...^._, harmony between packers and farmera, as a general hougehold Unlinent, m an . ,. , ., ' , ,* all-round cure for aches and pains-, and the securing of a uniform supply of i ^^^^ million bottles used each year, pigs. Cooperation, not only I etween Try it yourself. ^^^^ y°^^^f^°/ ^^J' r . â-  , 1 , vlllne aOe- trial size, 25c. All dealers, farmers, but between packers and farm- 1 q" fj-jie catarrhozone Company, King- era, is credited with excellent result), j ston, Oct. This is especially true in England in ' bacon curing vicinities. After dealing with the various phases of production in the different countries, a chapter ia devoted to theEn(;lish bacon trade and .inolher to lessons for Canadian farmers and packers. The report is com- prehensive and practical, and therefore of value to every swine raiser in Canada, Copies may be procured free by writing i the "Live Stock Commt.ssioner" at t Oitiiwa. Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Uarw McRae, late ol the ToWMbip of Artemeaia in the County of Grey, Married Woman deceased. NOTICE ia hereby givm nnrsuant totbe re- vised Statutes of < ntario, lMi7, Cbav. jatttM all tlie creiUtora aud otfaera tiaviiifi air^^^ against the estate of tbe sai<l i^y Me] wbodiedonorabout tb« nimb dinr Of befM» 1^ or "I have had a longr experience to treating horses, and I can safely say that I know of no liniment for strains, sprains, and swelUng that Is so "se- ful around the stable as NervHIne. Thus writes Mr. Joshua E. Murchlson. from his h ome. Cr ofts Hill P. O. I had a fine young mare that wrenched her rigtit fore leg, and from the shoulder dowa she waa stiff, sore, and swollen. I applied Nerviline, and it worked Uke a Siann; in fact, that mare *«« J" shape to work a day after I used Ner- ^ "We have used NervUJne on our farm for twenty-five year* and never found it- wanting. For man or beaat It Is a wonderful liniment-" We have received nearly five thous^ and letters, recommending Nerviline 1910, are rcqalnd day of May 1910. â-  ili 5Dt.. or to Jobn' HeFsvden' OD to twi bv paid or deliver to Alassndn Moir, Cai Ont.. or to John- MeFsiden* C • ' Exsoutora ot the last WiU and the post pta- ^ r, CasMll. TfistamanI eC tbe aaid Bfary IfoRaa deeeaaad, Ottir cbrlatiao aud sumamM, addraaaaa aadde- acrlptlons. tbe full particulars of their claiBM, tbe atatemeut of their aeeoairta andUM^Mtoxe ot the aecarities (U anj) held by ttaam. AND FURTHE n TAKE KOnCS tbat after auch laat moBtloiMddstaaeaaid aMcntots Will proceed to diatributa tba asaeta of tlis ds- ceasnl amone tha partiaa antitled tbarato, bavinc regard only to the claims of iriUeh they shall then have Lntloe. aud that tb* uiA ezecatora will not be Hals- (toK^ba aaid aasata or any part thereof to anV i>erso^.4» persoDS of whoM claim iiocica shall not uava^^Mo re- eeived by them at tbe tinje of such dfitat^ *'""â-  W. H. WRIGHT, *^ fiolioltor for I!xeciiton, Alexander Mnir aud John IkfcKaydea Dated April 23rd, 1910, Legal rvlAB, HANEYA W.\LLAtK-narrUters. »-' BOlicitors.eto.-l. B. Lucaa, t\. C. ; W. b. Uanr? K «• J. H. O. Wallace. Offices. Toron^-o W.'J-T.adcr, Hank "W"--,- j'-o""/ n>ain 1412; Markdale l-ucas Hlock. ''hone 2 A Hraucli office at Dundalk open evfry 8atur(la>. WH WBIOHT. BarrlBter, Solicitor OonTey- Mcor" et€..-Ow«n Sound, and Kleaberton. N Bâ€"Fleabertou office. hproulea Block erery Batnrdav __^ _::^= ^Societies a o U VC nieeta on the laat Monday A ID each month. In their loaga room Norria" block. Fleiherton, at 8 p.m. M.W., Alfred Harrison ; " FlD., W.J. Bel.amy LOOQE, No. :i33,A.F.4 Bee.,' C. H". Munsbaw; , Vtaitinii bretbreo Invited J\ on-alcohoHc Sarsaparilla If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, tsk you^doclor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. NERVILINE FOR MAN OR BEAST 111 iiniins. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 1 00 to I 00 Oats ;14 to 34 Peas : 75 to 75 Barley 45 to 50 Hay,. 12 00 to J4 00 Butter 25 to 25 Ecgs, fresh 19 'o 19 Potatoes per bag 40 to 40 Geese.../ 10 to 10 Ducks 11 to 12 Chickens 1:J to 12 Turkeys 18 to 18 Fâ„¢>e M.*"Iu"n th."U..:onic hall. ^Arn. itron«!» lllock.Fleiherton. e»err or before the full mocn. Xhoa. Ulakely Herb.Bmith, Becretary. 995, I. 0. F. u^eets IA COURT FLEaHEKTCN Clayton's Dloirk the la»i ncuuon,.., "••'"â- â€¢;» of each month. Visitini! Foresters heartily welcome. H. U, Dyson; It. B., 'J. Hebry, Fin. Sec, C. N. Uicbardson. Pleaae pay dues to Fin. Bee. before the Brst day of tbe month. , CnnnPN FhlENDfiâ€" Fleaherton Council ot "choiJ.n F. ieuds meet, in Clayton', ball first and thiril Wednesday ofeacli nionth « p. m Ky assessments to the He/'or.lcr on or before toe nrst dayot each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelov.Hecoider W. H. Hunt. A We pablisk aur foratulaa t/ers W* uran yvm to •OBsolt your doetor Farms For Sale or Rent J.ARM^> l<ENJ-m •5JJf3ri^«^o„. FAIlM Fim'H.M.K-Very cheap. urO acnw. lot 0, con. 7. Osprey, only HMU, reasoiiahle cash payment, lialanceuaay terms. B., acr.'s flearJ^l well fincod and in liiKh state of cu ti- tLt'on'" timbered. Bood comfortob lo frame dwellinR. stone cellar under, never fall iM^SrinB well and windmill pumi- at door. Lei frame barn, well tluishel. stone »t»blin« with BPrlng -Aiater under, also in shed. It is ^tuated iniile Iiom Maxwell vilURe whore thors are stores, post offlcus. Kood s(l.„ol, :v,?i i. on the uravil road.tH niile.4 from railwav ?;;:lioT n so'ld^t on.;«. ar-ovoj-ice.^ thmjyf. VEH TfiflilAB OCY. onprettiaes F uilKlit he shai'lod a. little, 8IMtOi;i.E, Klesliertoii, or ••or Bale cheap or rent, immediate poasesdou. ? Lotlxiccn.U, Arti-n.esis, about 79 acres elear couilortahle lo« house and frame liarn. Apjw to" J "p'""'"- r'""""??'!-.'"' •'""" â- ' Martin, across the road from "ajllj^: T-vi^Balo cheap and on easy terms, good oom- 1 "foMlble frame dwello.«, .table and drivm« house with thtie villBKe lots in Ceylon- "whII- orchard on the in^P^ty^W-y to^^^^^^^^ fonodatioi: orcliard, well watere.1. One thousand down and batanre to suit purchaser. ""â- â- "^">°'r7t.'NSKAi."'l^ak°well P. n. Bulls, etc., for Service. Terma *l, payable lat .Ian,, mil. John M. Ol aaoK, proprietor. I have for seryice a Pure hooka So. t" ' Oiprey. Terms tl. Died llnll. llroa'l. ->H4, on lot HI, con: H, -JAMKS BIJltNH, FnviirBliam.lmt. Berksliires and Tamworths. I bave now for sale a few very clioioa Hoik- shire pigs, nearly ready to wean. Hurry your ordar aud ««t th.^b^t.^^ itogs. Maxwell P. (). ' Brown Leghorns. Exhibition and utility stock, won more anil special prlMsthau all otiier birds n com- tJuitiou. iucludlnK .pecl.l l.e.t "isl« •"' fXial iMiat female, any hrne.l or typo : si«plal ^frt pairieshoruH. cockerel and imllet East ,Kev viw. Uirds for sale. Fflgs for batch u« , .-"ih.Y" will produce winners. Hatislaollon , Koarantoed, _||l(HAItU Ald.EN. Mt. ri.Ris<ST Kabu Flcahertou, Out. 1st SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1$t. High griido dopiirt inoht.'j of Business, Shorthand snd Typo writing. In dividual instruction. Students niiiy enter at any tiiiiu. CatiiluRue free. Collingwood Business T, E. HAWKINS Principal College Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His tonf listwill begin with sick-beadsche, bilioiuness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask bun if be would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. â- I Ma«a br tlw J. O. Art Oa., XiAwaU. Haas.'â€" SEAS FURN ITURE The liiryesl and best stofk of Fiiniituie ever shown ill Fle«liortoii. Thin witlii.iit fear of con- tradict ion. (^'oine and .see Nonio of tliu iiico thiii<{H in iSide Hoards, Diniii;^ Itooni CliaivK, I'ailor Setts, Hed Hooni ISeltH. .\ spL-ciul reduc- tion jiiHt now on overy- lliiii!^, in ovdur to le- dllco lllf stmk. W. H, BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton 1 Honor roll for S. S. No. 0, O.sprey, for I month of May. Sr. 4â€" S, Wilson. I Sr. 3 M. Short, M. Field. \ Sr 2- 1!. Hhort, M. Douglaa, '1'. \ Hollingshead. L. McMullin, fi. Holroyd. j Jr. 2- B. Howard. I I't. -2- S. McMullen, F. HoUingahead, L. Field. I Pt. 1 (a)--M. Aibottle, p. Poolo, S. lizard. I Ft. 1 (l))-S. Short, N. lUickinnha.n, !E. Robert H. 1 Gertrude Molfat, T,iachor. iRei^rtofS-S. No, 10. Ceylon public I school for the jnoitth of April. j 4 8r-.l. J. Paitison, L. I.#gat«, M. ; Hemphill. '^ I 4 jr-M.Lesale, . I. Hemphill, E. Mc- ILeod, F.Kutledge. I ;{ jrb A.liove, M.Legate.R.Rutledge, '8. McLeod. I :i jr aâ€" W.PattiHon. 2 jr bM. Bennett, K. Bennett. 2 jr a- S.McClocklin. Pt 2â€" F,, McMullen, P.Ilemphill. Pt 1 .1 C.McLichlan, S.White, A. White, CMcClocklin, K.Rutledge. A Class .1. Adanis, U. Crowther. A. McMullen, A. Biiiiielt. No. on roll, 2i». Av. attendance 22. Phahi. Mi^ilii:ooK, Teacher. Honor r jil for April of S. S. No. 3, .^rleineaia, Sr. 4-K. Wilcook, I. Sharp, R. Wyatt. .Ir. 4 - /. Bonlhaui, T. Orr, M. irwin. Clas.s3-H. M.oore, E. Caswell, R. Best. Class 2â€" W. llairison, C. Orr, W. Irwin and K. BtHt, e>|Ual. Part 2 I':. Bentham, A. Mooro and W. l)n-, niiial. Primerâ€" K. liwin, M. C tswel', W, Stewart, Average at(.endan-30 for the iiionlh 23. Edith Allan, Teacher. Horse Routes for 1910 PERCY PERFORMER MoSDAV, May 9â€" Lea»e liia own atable, Bowmoie House, Duntriioii, at 9.30 a.m. and proceed ti^ Browfi'.s Hotel.Singhamp- ton, noon ; night Maxwell. Tuesday â€" Noon, Flesherton; ni|{ht Markdale House Markdale, until Wednesday noon; thence | to J. Manary's, lot 17, con. 10, Euphr:ieia, . for night. Thubsdayâ€" Noon, Rocklyn;( for night, Chas. HiU>, lot 17, con. 11, CoUinttwood township. Frikayâ€" Noon, Arthur Stoutenburg's, Banks ; night. Cook's Hotel, CoUingwood. S.^tvkiuvâ€" Proceed to Coutihlin's Hotel, Stayuer.fir noon ; to hi« own stable Duntroon, until tbe following Monday morning. Terms- To insure $12 payable .lanuarv 15th 1911. Ciistouitors are reiiuestiu' tt meet hortte at standa. * J. W. Manarey, Dantroon. \ w Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and smoked meatn, head cheese, aausaue, »lwnysoii hand Cash jiaid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's y; Bioad delivoietl lejfti- lai'ly and kept for salo at tlio following. stores; Collinson's and .1, Pattison's, I'ojlnii \V..Mdeoni & .Son'.s and P. McArthiir'n Pricovillc N. McCaunoU'is Pivitou Stutioii R. Heron's, Maxwell .V. Hutohinson's and Kli UobiiiHon'H FinerHliam H. Cairns', .T.l').I,««rj!»!'R and U.P.tiks", Kntjeuia Bakery 3} t A Modern Diogenes. Kthel, aged six, had gone dowti the village street with lier new doll. It could be plainly seen that she was in dire distress. She stood still, and alter n close scrutiny of several men who jias-sed she accosted one. "Say, are you an honest man?" she demanded. "Why, yes7 I think so," was trfie astonished reply. "Well, then, 'if you're sure yon're an honest mrtTi," said Iho little maid, " hold my dolly while I tic! my shoe." A Easy Way Out. "Hero, you," said the conductor, "you rang up a fare. Do that ag'in and I'll iiut you off !" The small man standing in the mid- dle of the crowded car promptly rang up another fare. Thereupon the con- ductor projected liim through Uie crowd and to the edge of the plat- form. "Thanks," said the little man, "I did not see any other way to get out. Here's your dune." Strength of Human Hair. k human hair of nvern^o thickness can support a load of six and one. quarter ounccj, and tiie average muu- her of hair.H on the head is about 30,- 000. A woman's long hair has a total tensile strength of more than^'^vq tons, and this strength Can bo in- creased one-third by twisting the hair. The ancients made practical use ol the strength ol human hair. The cords ol the Roman catapults were made ol the hair of slaves, and it ift-M^ corded that the free women ol Carth- age offered their luxuriant tresses for the same use when their city wsa besieged by tho Romans. KING'S ABBOTT MoMiAYâ€" Will leave his own utable. Flesherton, and proceed lo Sanil. Speers. west back lino ; home for ni^ht. Ti'Es- i,AY â€" Ceylon lor noon and homo for night. WEnsE.sDAVâ€" Down gnvelto W. ,). (Caswell's, for noon ; and to Samuel Pedlar's, 4th line, for night. Thi ksday -To Richard Hoy's for noon ; and home for niiiht. Fkiday -Up 7th to Geo. Wright's, Vandeleur, for noon, hoaie for night. D. McLeod, Pi-tip. and Man. MARNIX TtKsDAV 10 a.m., north by llth line, Euphrasia, to Harkaway sideroad, thence to Isaac Saell's, Harkaway, for night. Wkkneskayâ€" To Norman Hamilton's. (-'en. 2, Holland, for noon ; to Holland Centre for night. Thi ksoay To Wil-j lianisford for noim ; and Dornoch for] nisiht. Friday â€"To .las. Castle's for noon and Berkeley for night. Sati'kiiay i - To Markdale for noon, where he will! gtay un'il six p.m., then home. I W, J . Lever, Prop, and Man. j Saturday was the last day of King, Alcobol'ft rei|,;n in ShoUiuriie for at least | three years. He died hard and very I | wer, ana there must have bean a big crop| of headaches on Sunday.â€" Ecoiioniist. None of .Shelburne's four hotels chised their doors aa a result of local option, but in three •>( them the prioei h.ivo been raised lo .15 and 40 cents per msal. I C. J. BELLAMY'S Hardware Hints Brighten Up! We are offering this week the following bargains : Stay on stove enamel, regular 15 cents, now 10 cents Bright light atove paste, regular 10 cents, now 8 cents Odorless jet stove pipe enamel, regular 25 cent's, now .16 cents X rays metal iiohsh, regular 16 cetils, now . , 9 cents Furni'ure, rcsnlar 15 cents, now ••^^.'â- r.Vi cent?" Varnish wood stain, regular 20 cents, no»v ^: 16 cents MAariN-SENOUR Paint (Juai ts, regular 55 cents, now 39 cents Pints, regultr 30 cents, now 22. cents Half pints, regular 18 cents, now 14 cents C, J. Bellamy, - Flesherton y SPRING TERM at the ^/^t^yf/Xi*:;;;' T, Owen Sound Commences Tue.sday, March 21), li'lO. INDIVIDUAL INSTIU'CTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Information Free. C. \. Flemina, G. D. Fleming, I'rincipal. Secretary. ..Jb^ ^'â- > \rJx Fine meatber Booms millinery With every day warmer than the day before and the appearance that tine weather is goin^ to stay, stimulates the demand for hats <iuick. Though wo are busy, we are not overlooking onlers. Every hat goes out with carfful attention. We have just racciveil a case of new shapes, braids and Howers. Beautiful Hew Dress Goods Just jRrrived /^iiiong which arc to be seen the latest shades in wisteria, the new lose shades with pale blues, also very pietty shades in browns, bhies iuid greens. Shantung hnens. and rep the correct thing for that new siiiimior suit ill the difffient shades of rose, russet, green, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins .V nood r«ni;c to choose from ranging in price 9 to 20 cents. Uestinas and Crossbar muslins Niilliiiig makes up much prettier for the new tailored blouses than the vostings and tix>.s.sbar mu.sliiis. We have just received a bi^ ranga ill these and you will find (piahty and desii;n tho best. We also have a full line of white lilouses, fancy and tailored. Ladies fiiiicy and embroidered linen collars. J.ibots, trillings and cords, a good assortment. Special in Underskirts Wo have a number of good black sateen underskirts in .ill sizes. While they last at 50 cents. Lace curtains are ii.iw in domaud and we have juat what will suit yon rniginu in price from 25 to $2..")0 per pair. A few more of tho.'^c good Canadian and English prints at S and 9 cents per yard. In gents funiishings wo never have had a more up-to-date 1^ will ti nd o;j;i- tTOEvTir: tfirha?iHTrte^_J)< > ^ n (>t f ail t( . .«,ef*ilso tlw©,. shirts and ties? ^""^••"â-ºvo:^ ^ Our new spring suits have just arrived, which will pay you to call niid see before buying elsewhere. The styles, ,|uality and prices are light. Hat.s and caps ill all the new spring styles. Everything you need in boots and shoes. Wall iiapers a specialty, paints and vailishes, hardware, groceries and confoctioiiciy. A full stock. Fruits in their season. J. E. LARGE, Eugenia NO. T. Say» the Miller : "One day coming home I looked through tho kltch- en irindow and s»w our grocer's wife baktog Ma- cults. Sure enough, there was « beg of 'CRBAM OF TH£ WEST' flour, and the biicuit* were h<*t pip- ing hot â€" made mjr mouth water. w^( M " You bet I knew then how It wsi that grocer sold lo much "•Cream of the West* Flour He knows how tfood it !i bjr tho tatty thlnifs hii wife makes with it. end he feels aure in recommending it. " If everr frocer would try hit goods before lelllng them It would be egood thiiu|." The Caratibell Milling Co., Limited Toronto V .M^ ^^. ky (^ For Sale by Sproule, Higglnbothartt & Co, Flesherton and James Pattison, Ceylon, Miwj.ijj^^!?.'^ â- SiJdMiSi^^^'i <i^^Em i

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