â- fc^'.p .,#4 NERVOUS DISEASES . IN THE SPRING Can Only be Removed by Toning Up the Blood and Strength- ening the Mm- Nervous diseases become more eommon autl more serious in the •[.ring than at any other time of tli« .venr. This is tlie opinion of thcj best medical authorities after long, observation. Vital changes in thoj »}stem after lung winter months ray cause much more than 'spring weakness,' and the familiar weari- nef s and achings. Official records jiiove that in April and May neii- ralgja, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy â- n:i various forms of nervous dis- tuibances are at their worst, fjipi-eially among those who have no', reached middle age. Tlie anli(|uate<l custom of taking pujgativcs in the spring is useless, for the system really needs Jtrcngtheiiing â€" jjurgatives make yo'i weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink r:i!s have a special action on the bloful and nerves, for they give iid have cured not only nervous disorders, â- â- â- pring troubles such , weakness in the appetite, trembling melancholy an<l men- weariness as well as ides and skin Iron- s' Pink Pills cure isorders and spring ube they actually 1, red blood. Sold dealers or by uia'l ftt 'M cents a beix, or six boxes for f-2.S0 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. lO.CWO MILKS IN S.M ALL BOAT. V»»yaBC Ki'oiu Dover (o t'npe Town iu Fbhiiii; iSmuck. On January 20, 1900, four young Yovkshiremen, who had left J)over in a lishing smack the previous J I. no, arrived at Cape Town, after co\ering a distance of 10,000 miles. Tl;ey ))urchasod a 22-ton fishing Gniack from a Dover lishernmn, and visited Maderin, Las Palmas, and the Cape Veule Islands. From there they had purposed returning (o England: but the spirit of ad- venture had gn)wn uixjn the.n, and tliey made for the hmely island of Tristan da Cunha, in the Som!i At- lantic. They received a hearty wel come from the eighty-one inhabi- tants, and found tlio strange? 'com- munity perfectly happy and thriv- iiK. though the whole island was overrun with rats, making a.^'-i- eulmre impossible. From Trisjan tluy sailed for Nightingale Is. and, where a brief stay was made, and thence on to Gough Island. Tl c little vessel next made fur (.'ai)C T<\vn, and the voyagers had abnost reached the end of their rcsoir<;'!3 when Table Mountain was sigLted. tl.eir provisions having 'been reduc- ed to a few gallons of tai.ilcd water. Only one of the four mt.i had ever been in a boat befoi'c. _•â- >- FREAKISH. .\ gentleman who had just re- lumed from Africa brought home with bim a negro as his servant. The «larkey had always been used to htit countries, and had never Been water in its solid form as ice. One morning he came into his nias- kr's room, carrying a large piece of iee, and exclaimed : "See, n)aster, what a large piece Df glass I have found." His master, by way of joke, told biiii to put it in the oven to <lry. Very soon he came back, carrying ihc i)arlly-niclted ice, and saying: "Hee, master, this is the queer- •et glass 1 ever saw ; the more I dry it the wetter it get«." PltEFEll MEN AS SERVANTS. The increasing employment of m.i •; and boys for domestic work is pointed to liy some people as a sig- niticarit sign of the times. In Lon- don, the papers of that town state, lad.s arc benig trained with conspi- cuous success to do daily work in houses, and both as cooks and 'â- housemaids'' they leave the weak- er sex far behind. Such, at least, is the testimony of the grateful housekeepers who employ them. CURED HIS LAMF BACK. Wrst Kort Williuni, Nor. 7tli. ;908. 'T have hi'cn troubled with a Lsiinc Ba<k for the past twonly ycurs and have UBPd |)Iaiit('rn and ointiucnt." without cffcit. At last I tripd (iin Pillx, which Iirovcd jiivt tbi- thiiiir. and I would high- ly rocoruincnd tlicm to niiyone tvbo has ia Strained or Lame Back. I H. IIARKNEKK. OIn Pills act direftly on the Kidneyn '- rclievi- the pain ncutralizi' llric A<id whiih is tccnfTnlly furuitU when there is Kidney Tro\il>Ie. Try (Jin Pills .yourself hefore buyinc the reiculur 60<:. Ijoxes. Write National DruB iL i'hemieal «'o,, iDejit. W.L.;, To ronto, for tree suniple. BABY'S OWN TABLETS KEEP CHILDREN WELL In thousands of homes thrcjughout raiijida there are bright thriving , ."Liitlren who have lieen niad<' well mud are kept well by tin; use of Baby's Own Tablets. This nie<licinc tures all stomach nntl bowel trou- bles, makes teething easy, and ile- Blroys worms. It is guaranteed ab- liolntely safe and free from poison- ous opiates. Mrs. John Laplante, Bon ( I unseil. Que., says:â€" ''1 con- s,i<!er Ha»V)y's Own Tablets worth their weight in gold and advise all 1111 th'TS of young <-hildren to keep Ihi ni always on haiKl.' Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2') cents a box from The Dr. Williams' |lidicinR Co., Hrockville, Out. Many a man who is smart enough to make nioni'y hasn't sense enough to keep it. .\ Pill that Proves its Value. â€" Those of weak st< niach will ftiid Kltength in Paruioloe's Vegetable J'ills. because lliey serve to muin- lain the lieallhful action of tbe sto- iMjeli and the liver irregularities in JnUiakf-H-ce mo^ distressing. Dys- pejti/s are well aci|uiiinled with them and value them at th<'ir pro- f>er worth. They have affoi'detl re- !<•' when other preparations have failed, and have effected cur<"s in â- iimeriLs of long standing wliero titlier medicines were round un- «vail'ng. - ,/• â- â- He--" Wonder why it is they al- tiays s|>«>ak of the 'blushing bride' V She- "Nothing very re- tnavkuhii- about it, considering the kin*! of men most women marry." MInard't Ltnimtnt Lumbtrman's Friend. A sch«)4)lboy brought perfect n/ielliiig ))aj)ers lioiiie for several •wi eks. and tlien suddenly began to â- ' •♦ o(,te;i. "How's ""***». father. DOGS FOR THE ANTARCTIC. Perhaps the usefulness of dogs to man is nowhere more convincingly shown than in polar exploration. In anticipation of his iH'cds during his i coming expedition to the antarctic, I (';.). tain Scott has sent Mr. Cecil ' H. Meares to Siberia to pr<icure (logs inured to cold and hardship. Mr. Meares will go to Vladivo- stok, and thence north to Yakut, ' which is a great cei:i.ri of ihi? sable ! trade. He aniiciiiates that he may : have to jjroceed to Okhotsk, and even to the Verkhoiansk Mountains, which are described as being "al- ' most, if n<it quite, the coldest re- I gion in the world.'' He will also â- collect ponies round Harbin, and 1 will join the i'xpe<lilioii, with his laniiii'il auxiliaiics, iu New Zealand ' in December. Your nrayer means busini?ss when ,\oii get busy. • MInard's Liniment Co., Limlttd. 1 wto< very siek with Quinsy and tliouirht 1 would strangle. I used MINARU'H liTM.VlKNT and it cured ine at once. 1 uni never without it now. Yours irrutefully. MKK. C, U I'llINCK. Nauwisewank, Oit. 2Ut. EVERY DAY BRINGS A FRESH PROOF THAT DOUD'S KID^KV PILLS ARE A BOON TO SI F- FEIUNG WOMKN. Mrs. Rousseau Tells How They Cured Uor After Throe Years of Almost Ceaseless I'aln. Hintonburg, Ont., May 2 (Special).â€" Every day furnishes fresh proof that the women of Can- <ida can be cured of ailments which have hitherto seemed to be a part of the inheritance of the sex by the U.50 of Dodd's Kidney Pills. And this place has a living proof in the lierson of Mrs. William Rousseau, of 3" Merton Street. "F"or over three years," Mrs. Rousseau states, "I was very ill. My troubles were painful. I sufferc;l very much with my back. My head ached almost continuously and I scarcely knew what it was to be fie? from pain. I was very weak ane! run down. Occasionally my | hands would swell up, and this, too, I pave me a great deal of annoyancs and discomfort. I began to usej Dcdd's Kidney Pills and very soon j commenced to improve. Three i boxes cured ine completely." j Nine-tenths of suffering women's troubles start from diseased kid- neys. The natural way to cure them is to take away the cause, that is, to cure the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys. Paint Without Oil Ry U8ine Powdr Paint you ran turn out AH gofid work as a eontrncting painter. Write to POWDR PAINT CO., Toronto, Ont . for full Information and Calttloguo with t'olor Card and Pric'! List. STOCKS. CdwardQI^ONYN ii2: Members Toronto Stooh Cachanca. saf Investments :r;:i';ja»"^:.\'Vj: Rofsrai to sUuiliuK to any bftnk. WabaremoTtd ti> our new building;. 90 B«y St., Toronto. C^ OBALT HIIiVEK AND POECUPIaNE > Oold Htoeks bought and sold. Kn- gineers' BeportH on Porcupine. Write for particulars. P. H. Hairuton, 25 Manning Arcade, Toronto, Ont. lUi; NKW .MILLlNCi COMPANY. Ontario is certainly going to play a very prominent part in the fu- ture of the Milling industry in Canada. And so it is that we find that the mv.v big Ontario milling con.vrn which will be known as the Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited, and will absorb the Maple Leaf Flour Mills C(., Ltd., and with it the Hedley Sliaw Milling Co., has already under way the construction of a 6.000-barrel mill, a million bushel ele\ator, and storage warehouse out on the new piers that have been constructed at Port Colborne. Naturally it takes a pile of money t.) carry thr<jugh such big under- takings, and the men who arc at the head of the new Company, in- cluding Mr. C'awthra Mulock, of Toronto ; Mr. Hedley Shaw, foun- df!"- and head of the Hedley Shaw Milling Co., and Mr. D. C. Cam- eron, the Western lumberman who organi/.e«i the Maple Leaf Flutir Mills Co., Ltd., have supplied $1,000,000 of additional cash capi- ta'', which besides pcinnitting of the completion of the entire new jilajit already under way at Port Col- bfirne, and the construction of some 15 new elevators throughout the \Vest, will provide the new Com- pany with further working ca])ital to go right ahead and get its full share of the larger business that is offering, not only throughout Canada, but more especially in Cieat Britain and various foreign markets. AN ODSKRVATION. The reason that so many peojilc liko an even tempered man is be- cause they think they cati give him tin; wtjrst of it and get awav with it. Parry Davlo' Palnklllar. Il'> oIlMts u* almon inititut&nojui ciiren I'uti. huriH unit bniira*.' CtJien iuteriiall)' curM urftnipa, diittrhma and lyunUrj. Avoid iiibitllutM. Tli»r« ii but on* •i'ulnkilUr"â€" l*«rri Ila'la -XM. »ud 60c. Love laughs at hicksmiths be- cause tliey can't keep the wolf from the door. Alk lor MInard't and tako no other. A POLITK INQUIHY. A fi'W <l8ys after a farmer had .sold a )>ig to a neighbor he "''•ed to pass the neighbor's "*â- -'O he saw the little boy •""c ill the pig-pen, •"ut. ' ^Ih^he. '• yoti, II your HOMi: PRACTICE. Mrs. Strongmind--"Our so<'iety Las apjioinled me chairman of a committeo wliose object is to try to bring about a reduction in rents.'' Stroiigniindâ€" "rm glad to hear it. my dear. You can begin at gnco on my trousers." liickle's .Xnti-Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to thn taste, and is a ceitain relief for irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. If used according to directions it will break the most persistent cold, and restore the air passages to their normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend it to tlkoso familiar with it, but to those who seek a sure reme<ly and aie in doubt what to use, the ad- vice isâ€"try Dickie's Syrup. We don't mind seeing other peo- ! le get up iu the workl so long as they refrain from using vis as step- ping stones. Keep MInard't Liniment In the houie. A NARROW ESCAPE. Little Roy's mother had told him not to cry when he htirt himself. One <lay he fell <lown and V>uinpe<l hi< head. He mastered hinistdf with a struggle, and said; "Mam- ii'.i, the juice very near carne out of mv eyes." CREMATIONS IN ENGLAND. Tlior« Were 855 I-nst Yearâ€" Num- ber Steadily Increasing. The movement in favor of crema- tion in F^ngland continues to make slow but steady progress, writes tie London correspondent of the New York Medical Journal. Dur- ing 1903 the number of cremations carried out in Great Britain was 8;'i5, an advance of sixty as coni- paied with 1908. The first crematorium in Eng- l&i'<l was opened at Woking in 1883 and the total number of cremations since that time is 8,121. There arc now altogether thirteen crematoria in Great Britain and this number will probably soon be increased. The Cremation Society of England has been very active in its propa- ganda work and public interest is shiwly being aroused. Recently a cremation society was formed in Edinburgh. The object of the society is to promote the practice of cremation and burial re- form by means of meetings, lec- tures and publications or other- wise. There are already about 180 numbers, including many well known persons. YES, INDEED. Hostess (at party)â€"Why so si- lent, Miss de Muir? You've scarce- ly said a word since you came? * Youthful Gu€stâ€" Really, Mrs. Leedcr, I am liaving a very enjoy- able time, but my father has told me 100 times never to say anything unless I have something to say, and 1 suppose Hostessâ€" But, my dear child, tlnnk what a stupid .and tiresome tl'ing society would be if everybody followed that advice I TWO KINDS OF TEARS. There is something very genuine in the little domestic situation in- dicated by this scrap of conversa- tion : , X • "My wife has cried only twice since we've been married." 'On what occasions?" "When I told her I couldn't af- ford to get her a set of furs for Christmas, and when I got em for her " Miss Screecher â€" "I wonder if Uncle Jim remembered me when ho made his will \ I used to sing for him. Lawyer â€" "Yes, he evi- dejitly remembered youâ€" at least, yi.ur name isn't mentioned in the j document." I Do Not Delay.â€" Do not let a cold or cough fasten ui)on you as it will j if neglected. Dr. Thomas' Edectric Oil will break up a cold and cure a cough, and should be resorted to at once when the first symptoms appear. It can be disguised so tiiat any unpleasant taste it may- have will be imperceptible to the delicate. Try it and be convinced. gol -ig gh he .1 wiito ly kii IS i DODDS 'v KIDNEY^ & PILLS ISSl'E NO. 19-10. Many a man's success is due to his having strayed from the beat- en path. Doee Yeur Sack Aehe T D-n't Bxperinient with Imltitloiia hut get tU» genuine the DAL JSeiithol Pla.t.r: It curo>. l>»vi« A Uwrenc. ICu., Diiikeni. The magistrate was incredulous, j "You mean to say that this physi- | cal wreck'' (indicating the prison- j er) "gave you a black eyeC "Yes," retorted the prosecutor, "hut he wasn't a physical wreck until he gave me the black eye." ^Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their chiUlren and an effectual cxpcller of worms. Country )M>ople make their own jam, but people in the city get theirs 'n the street cars. Bed. Wenk. Wenrr. ^"♦"T "y*"' I Relieved Hy -Murine Kye Heniedy. Try ] Murine For Your I'^V" Jf?;'"'''"- -^^^'J â- Will I.Ike Murine. It Sootlias. BOo At Your IlruKKists. Write For Ey^ Booka- vitL Mujiiio Kye Keraedy Co.. Toronto. The trouble with the unexix'cted is that it too often refuses to hap- pen. â- • . At this leaton, scores of people, girls and women especiall/, find their faces marked with pimples, dark spots, eruptions, etc. The skin neadi atteotion. needs reaov> atln^ after the trying winter season. Juit think what it has had to go through I You hare bean ont in rain and eleet and SDOW, You have been perspiring from skating, or tome other exertion. Then you iiave etood to "cool off." You have ipeut hours of tbe day irdoon at a temperature equal to summer heat. Then you hate corered up your skin, txupt your /act, and gone out into a temperature away below uro I No wonder that the skin of the face aud neck shows sigus of needing attention. Zam-Buk is a (kin food. Smear it lightly orer the spots, the eruptions, lbs iillow patches, at night, sod uotice how quickly your appearance iniproTea. As the rich, refined, herbal etaances â- ink deep into tbe tissue, the hard scorry-lika patches are removed. The cuticle is softeued. Tiie cells be- neath are stimulated to healthy opera- tion. The pores rrtume their work properly. Better color reaultn. Tbe cells of the skin being purified by Zam- Buk's stimulating balm, becomo trans- parent; the blood beneath is able to impart its proper coloring to the tissue, (tna ths delicate bloom of nealth replacea the salluwDesa and pallor of disease. A few days of Zam-Buk treatment will trsn9f(jrm a " muddy," speckled, spotty complexion into oae of^ attrac- tiTeucss and prettiness. Use Zam-Buk for more sorlona skin tronble^ such as eczema, puetulca, boile, ulcers, rmterina sores, rlnKwortn, scalp sores, sores on tnebody due tobloodpoison- Itig, etc. Mothers will find ZumBuk unequalled for baby I SOc box all stores. JaMBUK Regularity. of the bowels if an absolute neees- sity for good health. Unless the wa«te matter from the food which collei^ts there is rot rid of at lea.ni oucp a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing bilmusnes, indigestion and nick headarheK. flaltrt and other har^h mineral purg- ativcH irritate the delicfito lining of the boweln. Dr. Aorse'fi Indian Root Pills--entirpiy voBetahlo - regulate the bowels effwtivelr without weakening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilis AGENTS WANTED. AGENTfl-»5 .4 DAY EASY. NO Ex- perience needed. 8ella on sight. Absolute necessity to farmers. Does work of 30 men. Pays for itself in one hour. Write today. C. R. Adams Co., Harnia, Ont. ARTICLES FOR SALE. KEEP YOUR HOME IMMACULATH by using the Dusto Vacuum Carpet Cleaner, $6.00. A. Hills, 556 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto, Ont Agents wanted. FERTILE EOO.^ IROM SINGLE COMB mottled anconas priip pens, $100 tor 15; $9.00 for too. Eggs from fine utility Biock, $7.00 per 100. $i.50 for 15. Fine table fowl. Best wintT layers on earth. An- conas and Leghorns make the best early broiler:). Sinule tomb White Leghorn eggs. $4.50 for llKl; $1.00 for 15. Honey makers both. Frp> circular. Write your wants Ed. C. Apps, Box 224. (Vioo-Preyi- dent International Ancona Club), Brant- ford. Ontario. CONTENT.S K1RST-CL.\.S3 ROOUIXO house for sale. Full of roomers pay- ing well. Apply 136 Wilton avenue, To- ronto. SCRIP. WANTED - SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. rants. Highest price paid. Fox A Boss. Scott St.. Toronto. EDUCATIONAL. LEARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€" NEW systemâ€" constant practice: careful Instruction; few weeks complete course) I tools free: graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write^ for cata- logue, iloler Barber College. 221 Quaes East. Toronto. » MACHINERY MACHINERY HEADQUARTERS. • Iron and wood-working machinery, engines, boilers, steam pumps, gilsoline engines, electric motors, contractors machinery, etc Send for catalogue ol over 140O machines. H. W. PETRIE. Limitrd. T ornntn. Montreal. Vancouver. FARMS FOR SALE. WESTERN FARM LANDS-CITY LOTS on easy terms. If you are goin^,. west, send for my list, it will pay you. 6. M. Mathews 75 Tonge St., Toronto. TTOI*' ^°" '"*^ DEAFâ€" IN ACOUSTICON- W%_ one of the loirvols of the alactrkal a^e. iH use throushoui tbe wotUL Write for rata- loiue. Oeueral Aeuuitic Co., of CanaJa, Ltd., 4tia Y oaae street. Toruuto. Is Your Hearing Gosd 7 The HF.AKOPnONE will give you the tenefits of good hearing. Send for fres I booklet, giving particulars and names of satisfied users. Adiso ' Spselal Offer for a Month's Horns Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 334 Spadina Avenue, Toronte. l/FS **'*• Them WItheut â- life ' ^'' Boiiklet Free. EJtaale.iIirlfts Seed Co, Ltd., Toraati<,|OBt. THE tlNDMAN TRUSS will hold an; rsduclbla lienii.x. Kiiilorseil by fureinon medical mea. Write for particulam. JL L1ND.MAN, (Keg'dli, Kloutre.'il. STAMMERE RS 1'lieiii«r)u'U» um|iloyci| xi thr A'liiiLl loKiltutf Kro itiH only lotftL-kl incthoitit for ihu euro <*' iiHrnuiHrinK Thwjr tre»i iiio ('AU'^K. not inurety thf h*liit. knU inmrc NATUUAI. «^«!eh If *Tii h«Tt the sliRhioat jiu[ie>Uniriii in your spteth rioiit hcitttsU lowrtn-u*. CUrt-tl V'lpilN everywhere. P^mpblt:t, particulars :»n \ rofaren-TM sent on rfqucrt. Th« Arnott Institute. B«rMn. Ont.. Can. Band Uniforms Samples and Catalogue Free Rex Tailoring Co. "i^ted TORONTO. A Curo for Uhcuniatisin. â€" ."V pain- ful niid persistent form of rheuiiia- tiiiii is caused by imptirities in the liliiod, the result of defective ac- tion of the liver and kidneys. The b!o(Kl hecomes taint<'d by tlvc intro- du tiiin of uric acitl, which causes much p'ain in the li.ssues and in the joints. l»armelee's Vegetable Pills ait known to have effectexl many renuirkablc cures, and their uso is strongly rcconunended. A trial of them will convince anyone of their value. Tar--''On my last voyage 1 saw waves one luuulred feet high I'' Spar -"I've been a sailor forty \tar, and never seen 'em over "forty." Tarâ€" "P'raps not! But everything is higher no* than it U!-ed to be, mate !"• Where can I get some of Hollo- way's Corn Cure? 1 was entirely cured of my corns by this reme<ly and wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. No man knows anything nlioiit heaven who is content that others shall wait for Jiappiness till thrv gel there. Minardi Liniment uc:d by Phytlelani. LADIES'... ^ 'i-uW Ma k« don. lerfeoll; bf uu PreMh Ptomm. Tig It â- â- ITWW AMMIOAW DTI mo M . â- am«IA/« TOKOMTft OTTAWA 4 QUEBKO APPENDICITIS Tnred withont operntioiis. All who nre af- ttirterl with this disease and winh to be enred r"rni.ineiitly, safely and quiclily with thi* (mat Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent post-paid anywhere in the world with full instructions lot vstng so as lo elTect s perooanent rure. Friee 12 AdJtci^ 4ehn r. wait, Homsonaihia Phirmaeyi Arnprler, Canada. A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OP AIJj GRADES. Also Bags, Iron, Hetals, Rubbers. Ete. EPULLAN AdelsMe and Miud Sta.. • rUVfcnn, Toronte, Ont Phone tor oartleula r s. Ma l u f Best for Children CURE Give* iiulant relief when little throats arc initated and sore. Contains no opiates and is as pleasant to take as it is effective. All DruasUu, 2S e«a^ The Lenox Jlotel BUFFALO, N. Y. lliifhfal (I'raite. J'if'-ia'oor'. .-,- „_ _ .jd:" •"â- - The ideal hotel for tourists and visitors to BtilTalo, Niiipaia tails, iind point" cii thieCireal Lakes ami St. l.awn-iico I\ivcr. EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 pet' d.ty aiiii tip. Fstrnits timy 1 ttlic TttXM-iV.^ (.r f',%rrii;«»^ front ilepotMM wli.riCH lolj'>(cl,ili:lii:inH t'-.irm- l.i'riir l.cliul. When In Bullalo stop »X The Lenox. The sccemmodatlons and service era sura to plessa. C. A. MINbK .Manager 1 BOOST YOUR TOWN 14 ,y O K (.". A N I Z I N C A BRASS BAND \\ II I I AMSv::