Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1910, p. 5

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ForroM ftod •ioala eombbtown Ia«borni aod barred rock poultry, go to Ricbu-d AIleD, Haunt Fleuaot Karm, IHecb^rton P. O. i THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE May 5 1910 THE STANDARD BANK EMU»h«il873 OF CANADA WBnacW A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and G>inmercial Houaest Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tarmeis and private individuals. so Savings Bank Department at every Branch. IXESHERTON BRANCA George MitcKell, Manatf«x> nCSOLS ALSO AT DVKlt^liM AND MARRUTOV. VICINITY CHIPS ? ? ? ? Toronto, Fish yarns? ? ? ? ? Misa Francis Bellamy, visiting her parents. Mr. \V. J. Douglas of Mathesun spent Sunday wiih his family here. " C. Wolfe has returned after a mouth's visit wUh his brother in New Y'crk. The fleet on the pond here has been reinforced with a 16-foot cunoe. Messri. Geo. Stewart and J. White left on Tuesday for Elk Lake. ThoB. Fisher, late of Toronto, is engag- ed in Andrew Wilson's barber shop. Mr. Harry Steeluy of Toronto spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Barris. Mr. Victor Phillips of Toronto \s, visit- ing his brother, Wilfred, for a month or 80/ (, Township council met on Monday. Minutes are printed alaewhere in this issue. Mias Myrtle Blakely has returned from Toronto for a week's visit at hiT home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDuaen of Dundalk spent Sunday with the former's mother. Will Mooiehouse, Toronto, spent the past week with old friends in this neigh- borhood. Mr. G. Collinson spent part of latt 'week visiting friends iu Toronto and St. Catherines. The Advanua ib informed that llev. .1 . v. Laughland has resigned from the Baptist charge here. Mr. Lewis Fisher .'>f tha suburbs uwua four cows and 55 bens that produced 90 dozen eggs and 14i pounds of butter in the month of April. The eg):^ were sold t \ for 20 centa per dozen and the butter in pound prints with printed wrapper sold for 27^ cents per pound, making a total of 9&7 60. Two of the cowa have been giving milk for seven months. No hay I was fed, the feed cqnsiatinK principally of ensilage. Six pounds of chc>p was fed to each cow per day. This is conclusive evidence that the silo is a Paying in- sestinctit. The following are the olficera of the young people's miasionary society of the Methodist church as appointed at mission band ou Sunday : Pics., Mrs. W. A. Armstrong; Rec.-Sec., Miss Gertie Bellamy; Asst.-Scc, Misa Lilian Bunt; Cor. -Sec, Miss Laura Armstroug; Treas., Misa Ivi Mitchell. Although the band was so unfortunate as to lose the Presi- dent, Miss Mary Ucron, from a finuncial standpoint the past has been a succesafut year, forty dollars being raised by free- will offering alone. Miss T. Buchanan's and Miss Shannon's Sunday .school classes assist ed . Mr. Fred Matheson i.f the T. and S. road showed The Advance this week an egg, the product of a very ambilious biddy. The egg was covered with a very aofr shell, almost like paper, and six inches long. Now, guntlu reader, this was uut an ostrich tgi;, but simply au elongated hHn's,«.>gg of tlio common gar- den terror variety. The uausiial length was due to a tail which whs attached to tha small end and was filled with albu- mou tu almost its extreme leui;th. It is said the hen hid hor head in a dust heap „ ^ ^, , c . , "'"^ ^^P' w''^" 8*>« »»* *'>at she had Born â€" In Flesherloa on bataraay, , .. „ ,„„ „ _ ^ i c , ^ .i , _,.,,. •' looiie. We cannot vouch tor the truth of April 30, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. Phillips, a daughter, -still born. Mrs. J. W. Crawford and Miss Craw- ford of Durham spent Sunday with the former's sister, Ceylon. Mrs. Fred McClocklin and Mrs. Peter l^orris visited the fcruier's parental home in Chatsworth lait week. Mr. Will Moore dropped a heavy trunk on his foot last week. The member was severely injured though no bones were fractured. Mrs. Spence has returned to her home in Toronto after spending three weeks -with her father, Mr. Charles Doupe, and OtbiB^rfSGda. Mr. John Doupe of Owen Sound and Mr. H. Wren from New Bridge, visited with their brother, Mr. Charles Doupe, over Sunday. A steer was delivered to Robt Cook at Ceylon last week by G. Collinson, which was only three years old and weighed j present 1880 pounds. There is money in fat [ *to:k nowadays. Dr. Burt, specialist in diseases of the •ye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Rjvere House, Markdale, Friday, May 13 from 8 to 12 a. m. , instead of his usual date. Mias Maud Richardson, who resigned from Alma College last fall an instructor in painting, has had a studio in Toronto during the past wiiiter. This will be closed for the summer months 'and Mi^8 Richardson will spend the summer with her parents here. As noted elsewhere she will lake students in art, and no doubt her class will be :v large one as her work is of a very superior order. this, but we saw the it. Next ! egg and mesNured With The Churches. Next Sabbath, May 8th. is " field day" throu{;houii Grey County for the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance of Tem- perance. The object is the advancing of teiuper«nce education in our land. Ar- rangements have been made for a visit from representatives of the Alliance to at least 56 pulpits of every protestaut de- nomination in our couniy. The Rev. R. M. Hamilton, B. A., Field Secretary of ihe Alliance, an ox- perl in this department and a forceful, inspiring speaker, will address the Bap- tist and Methodist congregations in the Methodist church, Flesherton. at H a. m. He will address the Vandeleur con- grexatiou at 2 30 p.m. and Rock Milla Baptist congregation at 7 Special tempetance music is being prepared t'y the uniied choirs of the Bapiist and Methodist churches for the morning ser- vice. Tou ars heartily invited tu be Stone Settlement. Mr. Harry Leslie of Markdttle was a wclconto caller iu our vicinity on Friday laat and was accompanied homo by his sister, Miss Margaret Leslie. Music la plentiful on our hne now, A new Eaton organ has keen added to the equipment of our public school. Miss Ethel Harrow of Markdale spent a week ago Sunday at her home here. Honry Stone was the loaer of a fine valuable mare this week. Following up the thirteen inch fall wheat of Thos. Lever'."*, mentioned sever- al weeks ago. The Advance has been hand- el a better one. Mr. J. I. Graham •bowed us, on Tuesday of lust week, some fall wheal already eighteen iuchos: in length, and ho has 20 acres more at homo like itâ€" this in a country which is being deserted In favor of a part whore wheat can be grown. Far off field,s are green, but there are sometimes fields equally green ue.^r home. The Bruce Times makes the following reference to Walter Booth, a well-known barber who formerly resided in Flcsher- ton: â€" What is prohubly I ho bigyest baby to lie born in this .section o' the country arrived at the home of Mr. Walter Dooth, the barber, on Friday, when his wife presented hlin wish a thirteen-pound Mr. C. Holnian of Portlaw, accouipnu- I iad by his sister, Miss Alice, and Herb \ Robinson visited at H. Stone's recently. Messrs. Frank Harrow and Tom Mc- Arthur leave on Thursday for the west. Portlaw Mrs. Hemphill has rjscently sufl'ored t<vo strokes of paralysis and ia at present very low. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Win. BUkey, on Wednesday, April 27th, a ton. Mra. J. A. Thompson and daughter, Liiim, visited friends at Mclntyre. Mr*. Andoraon had the misfortune to fracture one of her limbs last week. Mr. F. H. Thompson has been laid up for .some weeks but his friends are glad to see hiin around again. Mount Zion Sunday school ru-opoiied last Sunday with Mr. W. A. Morton as This is only live pounds behind the superintendent .ind the following t ench- world's record, an eightecn-|iound child having, it is said, been bom seventy-five years ago, when the Halloy comet last visited the e'lrih. The stork Ims certain- ly been generous In tbii neighborhood of late, having left triplats in Ciii,illl and a record infant in \\alkert(>ii. ers ; Mrs. J. Conitield, Mrs. J. H. son, .\ndeisoii and Mr. Kred lor. Wat Tay- Mra. John McDonald of Durham stum- bled luid fell, breaking n limb nf In-r live nionths old bady, which she was carrying. SHOOTING PAINS IN SIDE, ARMS, BACK Prove fhe Presence of Rheu-^ matic Vims, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervl- lineâ€" Eub It In. Paing In the muscles. In the sides, tne back, the neck, or the chestâ€" they always carry with them great discom- fort. If the inflammation is severe the pain will be intense. If allowed to con- tinue they are dangerous. Nothing so quickly cures local inflammation and drives away pain as Nerviline. Nervi- llne does this because It penetrates so deeply. Nerviline is not only power- ful, but soothingr. By relieving conges- tion it cures pain. It does this always. It cannot fail because • is a true anti- dote for pain. You can scarcely find anybody that will not tell you wonder- ful things about the pain-curing power of Nerviline. Remember, tiiat there is not an ache or pain that Nerviline will not cure immediately. Nerviline is an anchor of health In every household. Refuse anything that may be offered you Instead of Nerviline. which is guar- anteed for rheumatism. neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, and all muscular aches and pains. Large bottles, 60c: trial siae. 25c, at all dealers, or "The Catarrhozonc Com- pany. Kingston, Ont. There is a lady in .Stayner who believes in doing things after tha manner of Car- rie Nation. Her Jjuaband, who ia on the Indian list, w{u>'1n the Globe hotel drink- ing when ahe boldly marched in, snatched the decanter off the Iwr in front of him and banced the bartender across the face with it, giving him a nasty cut. Kennedy's foundry, Owen Sound, â- w»a Ihe scone of the almost miraculous escape from death or serious injury of one or more of the employes. While a workr.r was engaged dressing a casting the head of his heavy hammer flew off and went hurtling ^Ihrougb the air nearly right across the whole width of the workshop. About a score of men were within the radius of its flight, and in fact the head of the hammer, travelling at a high rate of speed and weighinic several pounds, pafsed among a small group of men with- out striking any of them. After just grazing the shoulder of another employe, the hammer finally collided with the point of the forefinger of a man who had hia baud resting on a casting. The ex- treme tip of the linger wa.s crushed as thin as paper, while the iron casting where his hand bad lain was deeply in- dented. NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN Altied Cleland, son of Lieut.-Colouel Clelaud of tlic 31st regiment, diei at the home of his parents, Meaford, last week, at the age of 20 years. Creamery Opening The Maple Glen Creamery, near Mark- dale, will begin operations on Monday, the -6th May. If the reader lives with- in ten miles of the factory and conven- ient to a route, he is invited to become a patron. Prospects now appear verj pro- mising for a successful season and for good prices. If you have not been called on you are invited to correspond with Maple Glen Creamery Company, Markdale. -#" f CLASSIFIED ADS. «= Odds and Ends I FOR SALE Paper fur sale â€" To uo under carpets. Generous bundle, 5c. â€" Advance office. Fir rent or sale- House and lot, im- plement shop in basement â€" at Ceylon. Apply tn G. Collinson, Ceylon, or D. Madill, Markdale. ni5 Now is the time to lay iu a stock of bran, shorts, chop, and chicken food be- fore it gets scarce la'er. A full stock at lowest prices at ISproule, Higginbotham & Co's, Flesherlun. WANTED Boy Wanted â€" From town preferred, to learn the printing. Apply at once. â€" .\dvance. Young Bull Wanted- -.^ bout 1-1 moH. old, pure bred Durliuni, slate weight and price.â€" J. Williamson, Oeylon. Arriving daily at Sproulc, Uig!.'liilH)lh- atu's, Kic-berton, and selling like hot caKeti, puiiie Goveinment Inspected Tim- othy, Red, Mammoth, and Alsike Clover Seedâ€" selling vi;ry cheap, considering the prime i{unlity. Mr. Duckelt, the old reliable lime burner, respectfully announces to the public at large, also to his old customers, that he has just finished burning a freali kiln of first clns.s lime to be sold at once, J. H. Duckctt, Eugenia. For Sale â€" Duck eggs for hatching, 26 cents per 9. Also S. C brown leg- horn eggs, $1,50 per 15, Hock headed by cockerels from Burgott's prize pen, Madison Square Gardens, N. Y. .Mfred Harrison, Flusherton. Pure genuine Quebec maple syrup, the best ever iii.ide, oidy 25 centa per quart and $1.00 per gallon at Sproule, HigKinbothain >& Co's, Flesherion. Don't pay $1.25 and $1.40 per gallon, when you can buy belter at $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS W. A. Armstrong iaauer of marriage licenses. .\ny poi-sou irespaising on lot 12, iiorili street, Eugenia, will \w prosecuted. Paaiuro land to rentâ€" Plenty of water, lot :U, cou. 12, Arteuiesia, A. ^uiilh, £u- uenia. Grain and Seeds â€" do you require seed oats, peas, barley, buckwheat, timothy, red, mammcth, alsike and alfalfa clover, gjre fresh garden and inautile seuds, utch Setts, potato onions or any other kind of garden or Held seeds of purest and best quality ? Call on Sproule, HigKiubotham & Co , Flesherton, A full stock on hand and at lowest prices, as they mtke a speciality of grain and seeds. For sale very cheap, for cash or easy terms, the following articles to close some estate accountsâ€" 1 Iron carpenter's bench Vice, 1 open Clothes Dresser, 1 good oak Rjviu Barrel, a nuinher of empty Fish Kegs, make excellent soft soap or .swill barrels, only 25c each ; E-shelf Kitchen Stand, l{palr Steel Yards, weighs 2GU lbs. ; 1 ^good oak Dash Churn, churns about 4 lials. ; almost good as new ; 1 Toronto fanning Mill, new, with bag- ger and sieves complete ; 1 seit Iron Har- rows, and 1 Frost and Wood combined Seed Drill In good working condition. All of the above will he sold very cheap for cash or time, as the owner has no further use for tbein, and no place in which to keep them.â€" R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Mies Maud RichardsKii will bo in Flesherton after the first week In May. and will take a limited number of pupils in oil and water color painting. The undersigned is pre|iared to do all kinds of stonework and plastering. Re- pairing prDinptly attended to. J. U. Putton, Flesherton. Box 241. Now is the time to lay in a stock of pure Manitoba and blended family fluur liefore it gets dearer which it is suie to do. A full stock of Cream of the West, Toronto Pride, Mc- Gowau's, Kclipce and all the best iji-ands, at lowest prices, at Sproule, Uiggiii- bolhain & Co's, Flesherton. A call for examination re8[>ectfully solicited. Commencing on the 2nd of May and continuing through the summer our prices will be as follows : shirts 10 cents, collars 2 cents, cuffs 4 cents per pair, vests 10 cents, handkerchiefs 1 cent, summer underwear 5 cents, socks 5 cents per pair, spread* 10 cents, quilts 15 cents, feather ticks 20 cents and other articles so cheap that it doesn't pay you to bother with your washing. Wo have every facility for turnine out the work in a proper manner and we are here to slay. Markdale Steam Laundry. Andy Wil- son, Flesherton Agent. For sale cheap and on easy terms, the following property in F'caheriou : 3 splendid lots with good 2 story dwel- ling 24x48, stone cellar full size under, good wood shed and summer kitchen 12x44 new, never falling well at kitchen I door, 2 good stables 24x30 In good con- dition and repair. AIno 3 lari'o lots. about 1 acre, between printing office rind McTaviah's blacksmith shop, with nuvor- failing spring. K\\ the aforesaid prop- erty, oxcopiing park lot, is in the very centre of the villnge, and very desirable. Also J. lot, 12 feet, fronting on Colling- wood street, and on east side Spronle's largo warehouse and adjoining khiiio, about 120 feet in dupth. The whole or any of afore^id will be sold very cheap. and or: ea«y terms of payment. .^pply to B. J. Sproule, Flesherton. LOST AND FOUND Ltjst In Fleslieiton on Sunda.v, May 1, a add brooch with a oiescent of hrll- tianis. Finder pluaso leave at thisoHicex StrRyod-2 chestnut hnukncy niaio colts, 1 year-old with three while legs, and » 2 ycBi'-.>ld, wilh llnee whita feet. 1111(1 star on fiicp, on Wednesday, April 27. from liitUt), enii. 10, Artemesii. S. Tumor, Eugenia P. 0. i \ ALFALFAâ€" Now Is the time to s-dw alfalfa. Many have the impression tint it should be .sown early like other chiver. Tills ia not correct. Alfalfa or (lucerine) clover requires warm weather to germin- ate. It can be sown as late as the end of May and still yield a i?ood crop the same season. Good seed corn is not plen'itul this yoar. A very hirge percentage of last .season's crop baa turned out unfit for seed purposes. Our corn hiis been tested by the government fester at Ottawa. VVo are receiviua and will have in stock this week the following seed corn :Comptou» Early, North Dakota, Imperial Loaning and Giant Ensilage. In ROOT SEED .luinbo tugar beet Is a heavy yielder, easy to pull, and for a clean root crop and good keeping root you can't beat it. It sells at 25 cents per pound. Giant sugar inaogle, the kind used by dairymen in largo quantiliet--. Our|>oeJ pro.luces a big crop every time, and only 25 centa per pound. Girtiii yellow intermediate and yellow Leviathan mangles are as impular this season as ever. Our supply of this .seed IS limited as it Is very scarou thi.« season. First come, first served. Only 26 cents per pound. Derby Sweedo turnip, no other Swoede turnip resisis the attack of the louse in the summer liko this. The veterin reUable seodaman. Win. Rennie, Esq., of Toronts says : we have grown every known variety and Derby is in out estimatlo., t.ho best Sweede turnip fur all purposes, and only 25 cents per pound. Don't hesitate buying it, good progressive farnioiK buy it. We also cany a well assorted stock of field, garden and root seeds, all purchased from the bo>-t and most reliable scedsmon. Now is thu linio for Japanese millet, grows t> foot, yields 10 tons preen fodder per acre. When cured makes an tjxcelleut (jnality buy and is much velishod as green fodder. Cure as you would a heavy crop of clover. It may bo sown frinu the middle of May to I bo tirsl r.f July, broadcust, at rale of l.i IhK, per acre. Sproule, Higginbotham t^ Co.,Fle*>lieitoii, I K dean, pore food, delicious and strengthen- ing. Keeps the body full of rich, warm blood. Tastes good these chilly morningsâ€" heat bis- cuit in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Just try it Sold bf all KToc ey. 13c. « carton, two fm Mc â€" W Don't Speculate. Some people make a mistake iu sub- mitting a price list to a hardware mer- chant. Not giving a detailed itemized account of the hardware required tor that house or barn that they are building. You are aware that the quality governs the price. If you want a cheap job, always mention it as we figure always on the best we have. Bo veiy careful in not accepting a price list before you see that the quality of tha gooda compares with the price. Now, if you want a good job, one fhat you can depend upon, just leave it to us and wo will .sea that you get the best on the market. F. G. Kar- ste<lt. Get Isto Line. Just a word to say on our stock of picks, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, forks, together with handles for any of these aitioles. It is just the time to buy wire pincers, trace chains, devices, neck yoke riiies, etc., to do your spring work. One can not do work without the proper tools. We tiave them, you want ihein. Now ia Oie lime, make no mistaku. F. G. Kar- stedt. Coil Spring Wire and Fencing. Be a Man. A man ii judged by the clothes ha wears. No matter how good the goods may be, thsy ^wiil look poorly if tha style and fit is not there. In both uf these we guarantee you perfect aatisfac* tion in every way. Our style books are the neweat, the quality of the goods are there, and the prices right. Once you see them, you will buy. F. G. Kaist«dt. It's Up To You. In our store there is to be found a complete and up-to-date range of carpe* rugs, linoleums, oilcloths, etc. In velvet carpets the quality v finest shown in floral or bk with the blending of the Likewise the tapestry - wools are the boat ^ weight, fast coir ,^i u oi the latest type. A look at tliese goods ia A bargain, all No. '.J wire fence, forty two incliea high wiih stays only twolvei inches ajiart for 30 cents per rod. A i-oal bargain. It is good goods. No dis-! count on it. If bought in regular way, i could not sell it for any less than 45 cents per rod, but on account of failure in contract we were only able to get a very limited quantity. If you need fencing you could not do bettei than buy it. sufficient, they will talk for themselves. Then In rugs we excel In our choice of these. Everybody says to, so it must be right. They are made up in velvet, brutsels, and tapestry cf finest quality. Put up in all sizes fitting ordinary rooms. The nap on them is good, the quality ia beticr, but the price l)eats them all. Have yuu seen our linoleum and oil. \ cloth; If not, you have missed the beat display on the road. We have them iu all widthsâ€" from eighteen inches and up to twelve feet. This includes stair oil- cloth, floor oilcloth and table oilcloth of all weights, from inlaid down to the light weight goods according te the price. In all these I think that I have given you .1 slight impression of the carpet de- Coil spring wire i> sellinjj at £.«0 per ?»'"•;«"'' '« ""^ store. cwt. with us this spring, the beat price on the road for No. !) wire. Give us a show on your wire, we will use you right. F. G. Ivarstedt. Our stock is ooiuiilete, so, it's up to you. Jf you need them, you will do well to see them, Ii's up to you. Put it up to us ! F. G . Karstedt. t.t^ ttli?!I« ib^ We would just say we are able te serve you in summer footwear. We never had a better stock for men, ladies and children. Rubbers and Overshoes â€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes. Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off cheap C^ AT ^ SEEDS Wu have a good supply of seeds on hand yot. Early red, mainniotfa, nlsiko alfalfa, timothy and also rape seel. Garden and Flower Seeds Dutch .setts, Lnglish multipliers. Don't leave oft" buying till the last day or you might get left this year, .as .seed is too high in price to be kept over. Clothing If you are thinking about getting a new suit of clothes just slip into Paltison's .store at Cu-ylon. He has some dandies and lit '•â-  â-  â-  able prices. Call and see thoni. It's no ♦•-• ' We linvo a good stock of dry and boiled and raw liimood ni' Highest n>>'-'

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