Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1910, p. 2

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T»?' ^ wt^ PEBISHED II HOTEL Fll â- * Twelve Lives Were Sacrificed in a Corn- wall Holocaust THE DEAD. Charles Gray, manager Ives Bed- ding CkiTiipany ; his wife and two cliildri'n, agod U and 8. lien l''ietdiug, accountant, Stur- iu)i, Rank. Charles Gagne, teller Baifk of Mil ireal. Mis. Taylor Archibald, aged 70, an invalid. Will. Hume, waiter, of Montreal. Krucst Hiiller, bellboy, of Mont- Ai<.nlreai. Marie and Jennie Oliver, wait- resses at the liotel for twelve years. Mrs. Goeller of I'hiiadelphia, a k'ehea oniploye. Six bodies are still in the debris. A despatch from Cornwall says : Tv.'«'lve human lives blotted out and a i)rt)perty loss that $250,000 will hcarecty cover i.s the record of a flic which broke out at 3 o'clock on (Friday morning iu the Kossmorc Hiitel. destroyed that structure and damaged a .'.umber of leading bii»inoH8 estal)lishments. Break- ing out in the KoHsmore Hotel the fire Kpread with great rapidity, biiffling for hours the efforts of the file brigade and hundreds of citi- zens. Three score persons, 20 being commercial nun, and the others pei'iBaoMit guests and employes of ^iMlfSa^^ were sleeping in the liobsiaore. Of this number fully fifteen,- clad only in their night- rol.cB, reached the ground by means of slidi'ig down ropes, with laeeratod and bleeding hands. One entire family was wiped out hi th© catastrophe, the remains of Clia*. C (iray, managing director of t'le Ives Modern Bedstead Co., with bis wife and two children, hav- in„ been found in tlie smouldering ruins. Mrs. Gray was in delicate h( ulth, and, while the facts will never he known, it is believed that ii was in a desperate effort to save MiK. Gray and the children that Giay himself perished. Pitiful, too, was" the death of Mrs. W. Taylor Aiehibald. an aged invalid, who had for vears resided at the Ross- moro, and who, through her wc»k- ness and infirmity, was unable to c»( ape when the warning was given. C!ool heroism on the part of Wil- liam Fit/gibbon, jiresident of the Cornwall Lacrosse Club, resulted in tiie saving of several • lives. Aroused by the watchman's out- cry he woke up young Fielding and showed him how ho might escajjc. Fielding, however, became con- fused and, trying to get out by the regular exit, was suffocated. Fitz- gibbon then broke a skylight above the servants' quarters and by means of a ladder managed to bring three of the dining-room girls to the roof, whence all fled to saf- ety in their nightclothes. Judge O'Kcilly and his wife had a narrow escape in their plucky res- cue of young Harry, their son, who has been ill with pneumonia. They were able to drag the boy from his room and then over the roof of Lar- mour's dry goods store beyond the reach of the flames. The night clerk claim.s to have found fire while on his hourly rounds, when, as ho stepped from t'lo kitchen to the rotunda, he was met with a burst of fire that swept up the main stairway. He at once ran up through corridors, awaken- inj.; the inmates, one of whom, A. F. Birchard, of the high school staff, rushed in his night clothes to the nearest alarm bo.x. The hotel, of 4 storeys, was splendidly equip- ped with fire escapes, fire ropes, night watch and a watchman's cK>ck. Burning emljors carried by the flew co^Med news items UAl'l'EMN<.8-pOM ALL OYER TIIE ti\OBE< Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Bcceut Events. CANADA. The strike of the Dominion Coal Company miners at Ulaco Bay has ended. Berlin, Ont., public school trus- tees have decided to use the Mor- ang Primers in the schools. The people of Kitscotty, Alberta, had a hard fight to save town from prairie fires. The Grand Trunk Pacific has purchased si.xty acres of land at St. Jchn to provide room for terminals. Indians on the Sarnia reserve have voted against selling six thousand acres of their land to the town. Mr. H. B. Ames, M.P., has ar- rived a't Montreal, suSering from sciatica, after his trip around the world. Bir Sandford Fleming has been re-elected Chancellor of Queen's University, having held the office since 1880. It is reported that the Canadian N(.rthern will build a three-million- <.!ollar passenger station on Vic- toria S(iuare, Montreal. Canada's foreign trade for the last fi.scal year amounted to $667,- I4S,189, an increase of $117,500,238 over the record for the previous year. Two Hamilton boys, a Dundas boy and a Quebec boy have been selected to represent Canada at Bisley on May 24th in the Empire rjflt! competition. GREAT BRITAIN. draft created by the flames i.ew Lord Kitchener was given a rous through the air. The Rossniore was , j^^ welcome on his arrival in Lon- soon a seething furnace with no^^^^ on Wednesday, possibility of being saved and ef- ^j^^ j^^^^, j^^^^^ ^^e first of fcrts were turned by the firemen in j,,^ Canadian Northern liners, has The flames spread ' other directions to the {-'olquhoun block and the up- pc portion of this was quickly gut- ted In both the Rossmore and Colquhoun buildings were several business establishments, which suf- fered heavily, cither through the fire or the flood of water which was poured in. The Yates building was also badly scorched. shown herself capable of keeping up a speed of 21 knots an hour. UNITED ST.\TES. palace of the International orTAWA LICENSES CUT. Fifty IIoleN aud Twenty Shop ^^ Licenses Left. ^ de.Bpatch frr m Ottawa says : 'll^ License Commissioners of Ot- awa nu Thursday cut off twelve Uc|U»r licenses out of the eigbty- cf|rht existing licenses, and granted only three months' extension in si.x ca^cs, which may or may not be «x- tund«4i. This leaves for the cur- rent y«ar only fifty hotels or tav- criii' amd twenty shoji licenses. Ca- pitnl and Itideau Wards now have no liMiiisfxi. The board announces tbiit its policy is to cut off licenses in odii^n-,' and residential xlis- trictfi, aail to concentrate all the'l aMJ shf)p licenses in the busi- BOB' .section of the city. Expansion of agricultural train- in;; !â-  the schools IS said to be con- tciiiiilatod by the Ontario Govcrn- nuMit. AVALANCHE KILLS SCORES. Ruries a Villn^c in Japan Under 16 Feet of Snow. A despatch from Victoria, B. C, says: More than one hundred Jap- anese were killed on .April 3 wheji an avalanche plunged down Suna- gcsc Hill according to rejiorts re- el ivcd here on Wednesday. The Gvulanche overwhelmed the Village of Nislimoyanuira, and buri'^d it and the adjoining di^timce under 10 debris. INFANT'S PAINFl L DE.VTII. Fell The . Union of American Republics was dedicated at Washington. Two hundred thousand bales of c<-tton were brought up on the New York FIxchange by the bull clique. Richard Spicer, a keeper at the Bronx Zoo in New York, nearly lost his life in a struggle with an at gry bear. F'ive men wore killed in an ex- pksion on the Southern Pacific frtight steamer F'l Alba at the m<'Uth of the Mississippi. Word has reached Seattle of the murder by cannibals of two Yres- bjtcrian missionaries on Savage Island in the South Seas. Mayor Gaynor of New York, in \ alley for a long, an address at the dinner of the Am- feet of snow and! eriean Newspaper Publishers' As- sociation, said that W. B. Hearst, proprietor of The New York Am- eiican, was a forger and a falsifier of public documents. Into a Pail of Roiling liinscrd and Died From Injuries. A desputcli from London. Ont., says: Mary, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Shaver of West- minster, fell into a pail of boiling linseed that her father was prepar- iwi, on Wwlne.sday, and dityj from ; the injuries she received. She was' IT months old. Five GENER.\L. hundred Albanians, mostly TO MAICHESTEE ^ Gi^eafr'^Aerial Race Won by Louis Paulhan With a Single Stop. A despatch from London, Kng- l.-nd, says: The great aerial Derby i«'om London to Manchester was â- n on Thursday morning by Louis iiUian, who descended on the '•hosen, at Did.vbury, at 6.32, 'Mig his journey of 180 miles a single stop. His actual air was three hours and The second part of his 'es, was covered in ham White, Paiil- Jlis first desci'iit < starting point, to rest was j an. He was .hough, and -vas still field, 117 miles from London, and OS niiles from Manchester, at 8.10 p.m.. White started from Wonn- wt.od Serubbs at 6.32, ond alight- ed near Northampton, 60 miles from London, at 7.55 p.m. Paulhan had worked for eleven conseeutivo hours in assembling his miicliiue, which only arrivexl from Fiatiec on Tuesday. At 5.21 p.m. on Wednesday, without a trial of any kind, he soared into the air and flew to Hanipslead to enter the five mile radius from The Daily Mail ofl'ice. Passing inside the circle, ho then headed north for Manchester and pic'ked up the I^ondon &. North- wf stern Railway. A special train carrying Mme. faulhan, Henry Farmau, and me- '""' went iu chase of Pniillian. *' " train travelleil level which ke)>t at *^"t. .\t Hiig- •^ it slight de- was twelve •in reached er ihe ae R dark. -w, 1, HiiKby rk when geollv er the •ccord- J women and children, were killed by Tuikish shells at Qodauntz, in Al- bania, f Some ten thousand Jews have been forced by the Russian officials tn leave Kieff and return to settle- ments within the pale. ClIOKEU HIS WIFE TO UEA'rn. .Mi:rder at Smith'.s Falls by Rufua Wc4>duiark. A despatch from Smith's F'alls, Ont., says: A cruel murder was c .minitted here on Saturday morn- ing in a little framo house on Main sticct, when Mrs. Rufus Weedmark was choked to death by her hus- band. The crime is the result of an unhappy domestic life extend- ing over a number of years, in wl'.ich drinking, jealousy and quar- relling seem to have been almost the daily portion. Wt#<lmark is a man about fifty-two years of age an<l has a largo and rcsi>ectable family connection here and in this vicin'ty. He is a laborer, but for the past few years he has lived a very irregular life, and, it is said, drank very heavily. His -wife w.-is a hard-working woman and went out to do charwork to support the family. THE WORLD'S MARKEFS REPORTS FUO.M THE LEAUINO TRADE CENTRES'. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese anC Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 3.â€" Flourâ€" Winter wheat 90 per cent, patents, $4.10 to $4.15 in buyers' sacks on track,; Tcronto, and $4 to $4.05 outside, ! in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flours first i>ateuts, $5.50 ; second pat- â-  onts, $5 on track, Toronto. i Manitoba Wheatâ€" For opening navigation No. 1 Northern, $1.01, and No. 2, $1.02X i Ontario Wheatâ€" Nd. 2 white and, red Winter, $1.04 to $1.00 outside. ; Barleyâ€" No. 2, 53 to 54c outside ; , No 3 extra, 50 to 51c ; No. 3 at> 48 to 40c, and feed at 47c outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 Ontario white, 35 to 35%c outside, and 38c on track, To- ronto. Canada West oats, 37c for No. 2, Bay ports. Peas â€" Prices nominal. Ryeâ€" No. 2, 07 to 08c outside. Buckwheatâ€" 51c outside for No. 2 â-  Corn â€" No. 2 American, G7c, and No. 3 yellow at 05c, Toronto freights. Kiln-dried 3, 60%c CJ.L Buy ports. Canadian corn, 60 to 66%c, Toronto freights. Branâ€" Manitobas, $19, in bags, Toronto, and shorts at $22, in bags Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" $1.50 to .$2.50 per bar- rel, acording to quality. Beansâ€" Small lots, outside, $2 to $2^5 per bushel. Honey â€" Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- fO, extracted, 10% to lie per lb. Baled Hayâ€" No. 1, $15 to $15.50 on track, and No. 2, $12 to $12.50. Baled Straw -$7.50 to $7.75 on track, Toronto. Potatoes â€" Ontarios, 35 to 40c per bag on track, and New Brunswick Dfclawares, 45 to 50c per bag on track. Poultry â€" Boxed lots nominal. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 24 to 25c; large rolls, 22 to 23c ; inferior, 18 to lite ; creamery, 30 to 32c ; solids, 2S to 29c i>er lb. Eggsâ€" 20c per dozen i'; case lots. Cheeseâ€" 12% to 13c per lb. in a jobbing way, the latter for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Baconâ€" Long clear, 15% to 15l4e per lb. in case lots ; mess pork, !f!28.50 to $29; short cut, $31 to $?1.50. Hamsâ€" Light to medium, 18 to 18!<c; do., heavy, 16)4 to 17c; rolls. \by.c; shoulders, 14 to 14%c ; bioakfast bacon, 19 to 19i<;c ; backs, 20V.i to 21c. BABY (JIRL WAS KILLED. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal. May 3.â€" Oatsâ€" No. 2 Canadian Western, 46% to 41c; No. 3, 391-^ to 40c ; Ontario No. 2 white, 30 to 393^c; Ontario No. 3 white, 3H to 38%c ; Ontario No. 4 white, 37 to 37%e. Barleyâ€" No. 3, 56%c ; No 4, 55c; feed barley, 51c. Flour â€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do., seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat patents, $5.40 to $5.50; Manitoba strong bakers', $5.10; straight rollers, $5 to $5.15; straight rollers, in bags, $2.35 to $2.40. F'eedâ€" Ontario bran, $20.- .W to 821 ; Ontario middlings, $22 to $2i ; Manitoba bran, $21 ; Manitoba shorts, $21 to $22; pure grain mou- illie, $32 to $33; mixed inouillie, $2!) to $23. Butterâ€" New milk creamery, 31 to 31%c. Eggsâ€" Se- lected stock, 23 to 24c, and straight receipts, 19 to 20c per dozen. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, May '3. â€" A few very choice steers were sold at $7.70 per 101 pounds, and from that down to 6;i per jxiund for prime beeves; pretty good animals from 5% to 6' iC ; common stock, 4 to 5c per pound; milch cows from $30 to $60 each ; calves from $2.75 to $8 each. Shecii from 5 to Cc per pound. Good lots of fat hogs sold at about 9;'.,c per lb. 'rorontn. May 3.â€" The best grades of cattle, heavy steers aud heifers, sold above $7, but there were more sales at $6.75 and $7 per cwt. The medium and common butcher cat- tle ranged from $5.75 to $0.25 and $6.40. The generally easier feel- iui in trade extended also to cows and bulls, which ranged all the way ft tin $t.50 to $6 per cwt. The mniket was strong for milkers and springers. Supplies wore inclined Eiglit-yo«r-»ld Hoy Took Hold oflti be scarce, however, aud prices <;un. Which wan DI.Hchargod. r&uaed from $46 to $K5 each. Trwle in stockers was also good. learling A ilespatch from Melville, Sask.. and spring lambs are quoted sayii : The two-aud-«-h»lf-year-oW o.^,. below the previous market, and daughter of James Wreens, of this' slicep areeasy at $5 to $7. Calves place, was accidentally shot and i upsteady at $3 to $7 per cwt. Hogs killed on Friday afternoon by her|)Hs.t!5 f.o.b. to $8.90 fed and wat- (Mght-year (lid brother. The chil-|cird. (Iren liad been left alone, and it is ligf Cawthra Mulock & Coe OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE AT PAR, $IOO PER SHARE. $2,000,000 of the 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock, with a bonus of 25% Common Stock, of 1 D LE '} (Incorporated under the iawa of the Provinca of OnUrio) Head Office Toronto, Canada. Capital Stock, Issued and Fully Paid Up. Preferred (7% Cumulative) - $2,500,000 Common - - " • " 2,500,000 $5,000,000 THE COMPANY HAS NO BONDS ISSUED OR AUTHORIZED. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limited !â-  prepared to rcrclve lubgrriptloni for $2,000,000 o/ the aboTe BCTcn per rent, oumulutlre prcfcrrtKl stock at the price of $100 for each share, with a bonus of comraoti stock eijh.Tl In pnr valae to 2ri per eent. of the par valne of the preferred stock aHotteil. to be delivered un pajrinetit of subscription In fuU. The dividends ou the preferred stuck accrue from April Sth, 1910. Bobscrlptlons will be payable as follows : â€" 10 per cent, on application, DO per ceut. on AUottmeut. 100 per cent. and la Installments as follows. In which case interest at the rate of o per ceut. will be chartred : or 10 per ceut. on Application. 15 per cent, on allotment. 25 per ceut. on lat .lone. 1910. 'Jij per rent, on 1st July. IttlO. and 25 per cent, on 1st August. 1910. 100 per ceut. The right Is reserred to allot only such subscriptions and for sncbMnonnti at may be approved and to close the subscription book without notl.-e.'-.. Application will be made for the listing of the securities of the CompanyVn the Toronto Stock FIxcbange. 1 ri'JT »"'?"'''"' 1''"° "â- ' ^'"' oppnert «t the ofHce of the Guardian Trust CoAsny. Ltd. ToroMio, on .Mon.Iay. April Kth. i»to. and will be closed on or UWore Modday, the 0th day of May. 1010, at .1 p.m. "t Bankers of Compansr: Imperial Bsuik of Canada and Bank of Montreal. Board of Directors: D. C. CAMEnON, Winnipeg. President. President flat Poruge Lumber Com- pany, Limited. CAWTHRA MCLOCK. Toronto, Vice- President. Director Imperial Bank of Canala Di- rector Coufederatlon Life Association. HEDLEY SIIAW. Toronto, Director. Vice-President and tor The Maple Leaf Flour Limited. Tran- Uui Managing Managing Dlrec- â-  â- â- â-  Mills Co., JOHN I. A. IITTNT. I^ndon. President Uoderlch Elevator & sit Company. Vice-President Bros., Limited, Millers. CHARLES WUUTKLE. Toronto. Vice-President National Iron Works, Limited. JOHN CARRICK. Toronto. Secretary The Maple Leaf flonr Mills t'ompany. Limited. CHARLES W. BAN1>, Toronto. Vice-President .Tames Carruthers Com- pany. Limited, Urain Eiportert. '^- Security and Earning Power 7m?. ****** "' **"* "''* Comp»nle. taken over »â-  above strtnd In exces. of alt II»- hll't'M and without any allowance for goo<l-wlll, trado marks, etc . at rJ.II*,- oX4. 11, thU amount helni: aiicertained on the Uaslt* of na appraisal by th. Cauadlan American AppraUal Company. I.tmlted, a* of March nih. IBIO. of the capital asiets taken over, and Ihe certiflcato of >le..r». Price. Watrrhouu ft I'oropaay. aa of tebruur.T «8lh. 1910. an to current axsets and current llabilitiea. with a liberal allowance for all contlnKencien. There ha» also been placed in tb. Treaaury f l.OM.OOO of additional cash, which, bealdeii prrmittlnn of the romplelloa or a G.OOO barrel mill and a million buahel elevaler and utorafe wareb.>uiie at Fort Colborne, and of flrteen additional elevator, in tho West, will prOTlde ih. new Company with further worklns capital. As per certiUcate of Meaar*. Price. earolDE* of the old from Beptember tSth, IWM. ts Auxuat sath. lOOil, tv «31S,S4S.M And from Augnst tlst, I90», to February S8th, 1910. to belns; for th. latter period at stock of the Company. WaterhoHse ft Co.. of London, tb. Company on th. preaent plant anionntrd «l«8.-»3.;* rat. equal to over IS per cent, on the preferred Prospectuses and forms of application r '-â-  •â-  "â-  - -â-  â-  -J Trust Compuuy the Imperial Trust Ooi Toronto. u».,i, ... J â- ;*.-.â€" - â„¢"' ''* obtained at any branch of Bauk of lanada or The Royal Bank of Canada, from Uuardiau Limited, Toronto, and from CawtUra Mulock & Compauy. »,..â€" ^.^fl"'?V*l* *!'IJ''"^ .hoold b. mad. upon th. form aocompaaTiac th. pr«ip.ctns and .boold b. wot together with tb. rtmlttaoc. da. oa appUcoUoo U Any Branch of The Imperial Bank of Canada, or The Royal Bank of Canada, Guardian Trust Co., LimitedrT^ronto, or to Cawthra Mulock & Company^ i Membors Toronto Stock Esciiaac«k Royal Bank Building - Toronto, Ont. 1 J SMALLPOX .VT COBALT. i'lliTincial Uoaltli AiilhoritiL>a Sec No Cause for Alarm. A despatch from Toronto says: A report that sraallpo.x is epidemic in Cobalt does not alarm Dr. R. W. Bell, chief inspector of the provin- cial board of health. There were a fov/ cases some days ago, but there were not over a dozen. Tlie report current some weeks ago that there â- were 50 or 60 cases up there was ab.'urd. There were only five or six. He thought this rumor was sTuiilar to that one. EvexyAiirR^" WHS under control so far as ho knew. They have an isolation hos- pital there, and competent medical men. »P- The Lord's Day .Mlianc? will peal to the Railway Conimis^K stop the running of Sunday cars on tlie London & Lake Krio Railway. lh( light tho little boy decided to Iho f{iiu trmii its position in the corner, aiitl Hcired it hv tho The hainnwr caught in the churn.'haiKiiig the contents in- to the chiWs breast. .\ mob at Durango, in Spain, furious because an Knglish and a l-'reneh aviator found themselves ui'uble to give nil e-xliibitioii of Hy- tn,;. sot fire tu tfar aeroplanes and atleiiipted to lynch the men. OIIflNS m OKIM SODP Recommended by Pittsburg Physicians to Reliev.e Tuberculosis. .V despatch from Pittsburg, Pa., sa\s: After one year in research wi rk twelve prominent physicians of thi,s section have come to the conclusion that onions, fine, lusci- ous, strong-smelling onions, are more than a plausible remedy for cousuniiitioii. While not absolute- ly declaring that onions taken in- ternally will cure tuberculuais, thtse twelve physicians assert that they have, through the prescribing oi" onions, or onion soup, relieved numerous cases of tuberculosis, anil they recommend that the physici- ftPK of the country follow this lead with an idea of eventually working out an absolute cure. One year ago .Saturday night twelve physicians held an in- foiiual feast at the Fort Pitt Hotel here. Dr. Harry M. Qoehrtng dur ing the course of the meal related an experience he had with a tuber- cular patient in whieh he had sug- gested that the patient eat man/ onions. The stattmenfc of Dr. Goehring caused a long discussion, ad a result of which the twelve doc- tori agreed to prescribe onions to their tubercular patients, it hav- ing been agreed among them that onions could do no harm and might <lo a great deal of good. Saturtlay right, according to agreement, they mo; again. All had kept their on- ion agreement, aud a» a result all reported that every tubercnlar pa- tient who had followed their advice and freely partaken of onions had shown signs of improvement, tho one exc«piion being a patient in tho advanced stages. .\s a result of the meeting thjs physicians have de- cided to call upon their fellow-phy- sicians to extend the treatment. \l.,

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