Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 4

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I ilKIm HWl^lllKWIT iri i.<Wli; m it fcW i| » nm' Mauch 17 101(» T n E F I, K 8 H E \< T O N A iJ V A N C E I F. T. HILL & Co. « Harkdale 1 > Special Sale of New Spring Wall Papers Buy your wall papers now and save money. Selling 10,000 rolls wall paper made by one of the best firms in Canada at 1'4 to 1-3 less than you regularly pay. Tlii» «retk wo put fii s.»ltf 10,000 mils of ni-w wall p.iporis th«j sf.isoii's new p>ulerns. This iciiiiiQnsQ puiclmse ,if wall papcn hiih made under M-ry favniablu circuinstancei ' tlie lot was inude hy tlio Staiintdii \Vall Paper Mfg- Co. for one of Inronio'.- big Wall Paper stores who were forced out of biisiiiess and ooiild not take delivery, liencu the roHHon wo aie able to sell new wall papers "iKlit at the beginning of the season at such a bi;; S'lvinj; to you. New Tapestry Wall Papers. Regular 20c. double roll selling at 14c. double roll. This is one of the ncwrsi line« for thi< sei.son. They are seniceablo and very aiti.stic, \ea' suitable for iliiiii. i<M)iu(, bed rooniH. libraries, with border to niafeli, and the price /, less than you rf:julHiljPpa3', Sale price pe double roll 14 c Heavy Gold Embossed Papers. Regular 50c. and 60c. double roll selling for 35c. This line is « very heavy jjold embossed paper i:. the soft shades such as greens. I rowns, fawns awd piuk. in beautiful floral patterns, suitable for the best loouis in all ^ood houses where a lii;jb-clH.i8 paper ii Wanted. Sale price par double roll ;i5c. This splendid opportunity to buy wall paper." will coniinence Thuisday uiorninK. wlic ii wo will have them exhibit- til for y<iur inspit-tiun in the main part if lUir stole, ('ouie and sej them whether you wish to buy or not. '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain causal thereby produces an aversion to study. Th» backward child toe often Meoms* the unsueeassful maik W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician ii[ Mum. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 1 00 to J 00 Oatg 38 10 'Mi Pens 80 10 80 Barley 45 to 50 Hay 12 00 to 14 00 IJutter 20 to I'O Esgs, fresh 22 'o '^2 Potatoes per bug... 40 to 40 Oeeso 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 10 to 10 Turkeys 18 to 18 m4^im^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J. and W.BOYD merebants Fleshenon « Ontario .1 -rn K /lc6l)crton 5i5uancc An iiiiU'|>i'iident iifW-paisT, i>u1-li»lie(i every Tnumday at tin- uttice, ("oIlincMiMKi .Stn-ft, Klenliertim. SiilnK'ri|itii>n |>rici' VI ikt uniiuiii, •â- |i»*n Jwid inadvHiioif; 'fXSti wtnii not «" paid. AdvertixiiiK ratv^ <>ii niiiilieatioii. Circnlatjiii l,<ni»> Hi^ekly. W. H. Ttmi-Htcjn - Kdltor TUE rXDEU DOG CAN HOWL Did not tho Good Book once say that a same tree The Advance would |M)int out 'a Icsson ill economy before tilt- magis' T\f\ YOll IISF PILLS ^ tho 1-jiise iii'evervlhin'/â€" thooarninL' DOW- ti-oln rtr.l.> n.^» «..nm1,1 K^ .,„„„„o 1/V IW Wfc/lJ A lliMh/ • tho niise in'uverything â€" the earning pow er vif the farm, the value of the fanii, the high price of stock. Everythinf^ has been raisin;.;and if the ta.xos did not folhuv suit it would ii\deed Is; curious. ' The farmer is in a Ijetter js>silion to- 'â-  lUy to (itiy his increiutcd taxes than he ' was a few years ago to jxiy tho lower levy. I The farm of tiKlay is earning va.stly more than it was when taxes were lower, as a rule- and where it is not the fault is with trate. Only one would be necessary. An o.'TiiiBiiig incident occurred re- cently. Sixteen British Jack Tar» had oci'asiou to go fioui Montreal to Halifax. Tiiey chose to travel tliroDgli the United States by the C. P. R. via Portland, bitt the States have a law oti tlie statute books that If In Doubt About the Right Fills to Use Bead the Fol- lowing Letter Carefully : 'the fanner and not the faun, or the mun- j forbids the passage of armed foreigu- prophct in without honor in hi« own '<='!'"' <-"uncil. country ? The casB w »s rcven ed last j ^^_â€" ___â€"___• we«k, hut peihapi it was ju«i the excep- ; ^.. tion to tjifi. rule. Jas. A. Patten, the i H • H. Miller, M.P., IS hopeful for .jj^^ g^^j^^ Just why sixteen men in also' for' elderiyVeopie and the very Cb»«rgo wheat king, w<. hooted on tho:hi« aiiti-betting hill. It has passed | ^j,g j^^-^-^^^ service should not be per. ' '^•^'"' ""'•'-â-  ^ "" "'" '""^ ""'"'" inittcd to travel in the States, we ers through their country, and while the Tars were not urmed tlicy were rcfnsed permission to travel through "I am one of those persons whose (ystiin requires aid," writes Mr. YouiiK Gledhlll, from Plclun, "but it is so easily affected by reason of the great sensitiveness of the bowels that or- dinary drastic pills inflict great in- Jury to the delicate coating, and excite such persistent activity aa to be with difficulty checked. "X wish In the highest terms to ex- press the great value of Dr. Hamilton's Fills In cases like mine, and, 1 am sure T'-'^^^o •>' I ^/^anche8t«r Cotton Exehaiitfe by brokers' through the committee Stage. Tho Markdalc Standard presented 'an amusing spectacle last weekâ€" that J- who bUined his mnniiiulution fur their lossM. To call these brokers good s)wrtsj would be a initn<'iner. Even if they were r beaten on the market by Patlen. it at a came of their own choosing, ,»,d of B newspaper sobbing on the bieast at a Kanie where almoit anything seems of the poor downtrodden hotelkeepers. .-^o tie f'*ir. The scene is similar to that : Tlio Standard has been on the fence enacted daily in the tlieatra of tlie back | on the local option question, but ap- yard when the larre dog guts the bone ^j^m.^ to be crawling downâ€" on the and the rmaller ones must be content to, ^j.pjj_ gjjp look on, -jr, if they are ao minded, howl j That reuiinds ui. The Advance has recently been favored wiili several copies ' The Clarkiburg Review man is Still of a certain Socialistic weekly, published seething as a result of being classed in t/uebec. which has been refused thosp I „iii, fools. IIo is doing his best to transmission iIiioukIi the maibi. 'â- ' the g,,Q^, ^1,^^ there is another in his utind of the wnt.r. small harm would be „e^l,borhood. All right- done if it were to 4)6 excluded altogoiher. -, . . , „ _, , . . ^ t .1 ' Keview, we re awfully sorrv to Tlie ih^et seiMUs to exist simply for tho 1 . . ,. * , ,. •mall ends of its publisher. It bristles »» • ^hc Review indignantly dis- with tirades against employers of labor, ' daims any hysterics, but sweare it is •imply because they are employers ; and 1 keeping cool. Ye gods ! What W ou'.d it sugueits no reform. The paper would 'happen if it warmed up. appeal to ignorant minds incapable ufj reasoning fur themselves, and would do' . ,, , , ... untold dsmage to the industrial future of' Acsop was to blame for the fublo the country if It received the support its'pomting the moral that " much wants publisher bni/.enly a-sks for. However, ' more and loses all." Last fall far- the Cansilisn workman is not a brainlesx mers of Prcsuolt buried their potatoes lump of clay ; be can reason for himself in pitp, hoping to receive a higher «nd this ranting Swialistio sheet will have price this spring, but were fooled and no more effect than soda water with tho^g^^mg j,^^ j^ sell their potatoes for ten 6tn nil -out of it. Tli'tse whose befuzzlud but say hear "gpeaklng of my own experience with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I can say they cannot fathom. Possibly the aulhori- ^^rthrilve^r '^huTe'' tZ'^t'T ha": ties feai'od that tliey might secure re- I proved their tonic actioii upon diges- , 1 . ., . • , tlon and the same results have been volvers and seize the country "in the ; secured by friends u|)on whom I have name of tho king"-or did they fear ! "'•k^o "»'â- "• "";„„„'"''â- , '^^T^TeT- " ^ are to be congratulated upon poesess- that the blandishments of sixtetn good Ing so valuable a prescription, and the II- I J . , DUbllc should know that so valuable a looking men would prove too much ^ p^^';^^ ,,^g "been placed at their com- for their fair maidens. mand." No other pill for constipation, for ( liver, kidney, or stomach trouble, com Caniso, the great tenor, is in some- minds are influenced by it are in a cents a bushel as feed for pigs; wlicie- tliing of a fix these days. He has been singled out by that boily of gentlemen, self-styled " Black Hand- era," 'AH an object of their special at- tentions. Like the rest of as, the Black Handcrs want cash â€" and want it badly. They have very taking ways all of their own, and so Caruso has bten reque t.d to cash up $15,000 to seouro his personal safety, but ho cannot see it that way. It is said that the great singer is in tarror for his life. The fact that ho is threatened from a source of which he is ignorant is enough to unnerve the boldest. If the mysterious Hlack Hander v.ould openly make his demands there would be slifiht unslringiug of nerves, but his power is due to tho air of mystery lie excites. pares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they are mild and sure always to restore health. Refuse BUbstltut<33. Sold by all dealers, 25c per box, or The Ca- larrhozone Co., Kingston Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills A Family Medicine HOMES i CANADIAN PACIFIC I in they point the moral Aesop strug- they uover will achieve sucoe.s ,"he"m.' S'*''' '» ""»''« clear. That the mothers fight the drink selves, n.ot having the iieuessary ability, | and Ml will always bugrudge others tho| •ucc«M which comes their way. |^.,,,.^g through the boys is the advice of It is o nly the snarl of the und er dog. |^ Montreal man who evidently knows . I what he is talking about. But one A NKW VIEW OF THK (jUKSTION must go stilt farther. Time, with a perversity all its own, refuses to turn On the front iiage of this issue is »«> I backward ai>d make the grown-iip to be " a child again," and so other steps are advisable and necessary. The article dealing with the future of the' Canadian west by I. H. Perigoo. Tho â- entimonts expressed therein are his own, and will doubtless l>e a surprise to many >-lhoy wore to The Advance. The picture he {MintA is an nulically Dominion Alliance looks after this end of the matter, and loaves the homo training to the parents â€" more espeo^ difTerent from the connnon gmrden variety ' Mh *<> •â- â€¢Â»Â« mothers. Mothers all, it of forecMt given by the enthusiwtic ' is up to you to do your part, wentemem, t luit it will be difiicult to graap o Uh» real meaning of his pi,« dr«.m at g.^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ,^^ respecting the first. Even though tho article may not I , , , . 1 . .. ,. ° ., „ . _. f muitzltng of dogs in our township it appeal to one, yet there is an amount of ° ^ -, , rMMn in it, and wo offer it a. worthy of [ '8 ^ ^ regretted that some influential conaideration. Tho affiiir is one which j citizen has not been bitten before this fHltappeal to each According to hia own! by an nnmuziled or poorly muzzled cphiiun, and there are many who will not j dog, and then the law would be en- sgree. TAXES ARE NOT T(X> HIGH forced. Whether the muzzling is uecossary or even sensible may bo a moot question â€" but it is law, and as Mw shonid be observed. Some otir's jaws are tied np with oord in a rooasly effort to bo within the law. If a man is too cheap to shell out his tiiirtj«five '\ A hlioH time ago the wiitor orerhoard a fanner objecting to tlio raise in hia taxes. Ho thought there was something wrong when the tnxes arc soaring. In ««aae there may Iw othew Urking np the OPats for a muzzle he should be tttig /..y too use fee of #10 A New Game Law. The Ontario Lei{islaturo has |MUised the Nccond rosdinu of a bill which makus soniB radicsl uhan^e8 in tho K''m>o Isw. The open .season grouse, pheasants, partridite, woot'-cock, etc., is to be re- duced from three months to one month, changinif tho dates from Soptembor- Decnmher to October-November. Two weeks is added to the close mossuu for iiusil, wild turkey, squirrels, etc, tho date beini{ rhsnued for open season to bei{in from the 1st ti tho 14th. A limiUr chaoire, from tho 'Wtli to the 16th, adds two wtoks to the jiroteolion for swans and geftso. Tho season for duck-shooting is to be from Seplemlnir 15 to Deoon)l>er 16, inatoad of Sopteinhor 1 to December 31. The close season fur oaporcailsie is extended to 1915. Ho is that for beaver and utter. Hares will have two weeks' longer protection, the •eason ending on the 15th instead of tho Slat. To the flection on cotton-tail rabbits are added the words "Provided that any of these aniinsU killed unJor this sub seotiun ehftll be handed over to the nearest oflioer ut the do|Hirtnieni for distribution to ohantable inatituiions." Mink will now be protoctod tho tamo a« muak-rata. An important ohango is made in the pr.>- viaions rettarrlinK deer, only one animal being allowed to ho killed by o;u^ person initead of two. Decoys are to be remov- ed from the water durinit pi'obibiie«l hours, i. c., at nifiht and on Sundays, the latter being spocislly aim«i at. Non- residsnts of tho Province are not to be allowed t*t- hunt ur trap fur-l)earing animals in Ontario without psying a For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLER^* RATES Feltlers with Llv« biocK ana Efltcis Special Trains laive Toronto tO.lOp.m.Taeiiliyi during MARCH and AfitIL Snnlers and Ftmiiics witliout Live S.lock shculd usu ReiiuiarTruins rU.IO p.m, daily WINNIPEG fLYlR 38 hours to Winnipffi Through Tourist Con COLdNlST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in wblch Berlhsi are Free Apply to neareit Aianl for copy ol " Setters' Quide," "Western Canada," "Tourist Cars. " or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P.R., This week we are showinf; sli 1 be ne* â-ºpr 1 - Koods, the newest and most popular !?oods .tvailable, i„iliu!in;j t e n«we»l dress goods in the market in fancy stripes snJ color.-, i.h>> t,ro«n, olive f^reen and the extra new shades in amtthyst Hiut vien^ r>^e ; abo ginj-hams, zephyrs, lineiif, foulards and IiuUhu 'oend suitiiia-. Also prii<«, muslins, etc. Our rsKular line of prints, extra quahiy at 12i cents, and our special at 10 cen s. BOOTS AND SHOES ] In this department we have added the Slater ; ' shoe, which needs no ad- vcrtfsing, having gained ' for itself a reputation sec- , ond to none. Satisfaction ' guaranteed or your money refunded. COODVSAR.WBL.T <SeWW ' Ths Sua. or Certaixtv ' SLATER SHOE OooVYT-UL'Wd.T ^SawM i ^^^^^iM^sM^ ^/^"^M^ _M^^^^':3^yM^\mt'\Mt^ >a/Na^va.^Na^ NM/\a/\a^Na/ sa^\a/\a/N»,^vM/Na^ S. Rands, Agent, Fletherton J. B. PATTON PAINTKR ^ P.\PKR HANCIKR 8i(fn PainthiK and High-class Detorating A S|>eoiaUy. Office at . . . .H.KSHKKT()N, ONT Custom Weaving ilie utideraigned is now prepaired to do all kinds of Custom Weavini;, Plaio, Twilled and Satinotle, Carpets, rugi aid Hammocks a Spechilty. Uit and Miss Rags, Colored Warp found, 20 cents per yard, Striped rai{(> exln. Wm. LEES. Flesherton, Ott The People's Store March is here and with it coiiies the preparitimis fi'r .«ipring. Our stock has never been su cuniplrte in al! ihe.ditferent lines, lieautiful suitings, delaines dre.-:K lii eiis, chanibrays, </inghaiiis and prints just opened up, brijilit new palrorii.s and all the latest shades. We have a special line of warranted prints suitable for shirts and ladies' bli'iisas. It pays to 1 uy a ^ood 'hiiii; and these iue sure to please. <Jinghains in checks and stripes, the be.-it range of pal torn ever before _ in stock SPECIAL I'riiits at 8 and 9 cents, something worMi your while to buy. Cottons ill all lines having advanced so riipidly ir, would be impossible for us to ofl'or such barg.^ins in printi were it not fur the reason that we hoUKlit before the rai^e. .-V number of patterns to choose from in li(.ht and dark grounds. While they last at S and Oc only. We are bui.y preparing for our MILLINEKY OPENINGS and would ask the Isdies to watch our advt. next week for annouuceiiionts. Our stock of CENTS' FrRNl.SHINCiS is cmiiplete and wc can suoply your wants in every line, lailor or ^eadyniade suits. BOOTS and SHOKS at every pr'ce. Now is "he time for lubbers- We have a ci'inplete stock at ditferent prices. GROCERIES, all fresh and clean. Ctnifectionery the best. Frviits in their se.n.son. J. E. LARGE EUGENIA TCrTTTDTD A I_I for the new spring yoods, new priiits, ' â-  *"' X\) J-VxA JJ. Kinghsms, ducks, linens, suitings and veslings. Although cotton goods of all kinds have taken A BIG ADVANCE in price I think we can givo you lietler values than you got List, as wo piocured our.s before tho advance. We have the very latest in lioots ;ind shoos fur tho Kpring aud at very â-  o:isoMablo prices. LjiTTTD Q Von needn't wait to get furs at spiing prices, you ^ ^ XVtJ can get tb«ni here now. This is your chance to get a cheap fur or fur If yon are interested call and ask to soo llicin. Ill all winter goods wo give vou a real Iwirgvn as wo want to make room for iii'ire spring goodn. Tho very freshest and best groceries always on hand. CLOVBE SEEDS K;.'Ti2i"e? some of Ste)l Brigg's Krst iiualiiy clover and grass seed. We have it on hsud now. ^as. X^attison (jeifli on The Markdalc Music House To Intenduil Buyeis.- If yon want a first-class piano or organ call here. 1 <h;II such high gradt; pitnoK as the Heintcroan, Newouinl>e, and Stanley, of,Toronto ; Vvillis pisnos and player pianos, of Montreal ; and the Wm. _^^^_^__^ Knabe & Co., of Bsltmiorc- and other make*. OrusDs such as the Tluiuias, of Woodstock, and*8heriock-Mannins{ orsans and player organs of Loudon-â€" h«ith for hutars anufohurchea. Any of those goods sold oil terms tv suit tho buyer. C. % Ulilton* markdau

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