Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1910, p. 5

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March 3 1910 THE FLESH EKTOJJ Al^VANCE ESTABLISHED 1873 The Standard Bank of Canada Heftd Office: TORONTO Record of Business as at 31si January, 1910 Bslanirn fkinrari 34 Jaauarr. 1909 . Kot Pru&ta tor ike jwr (b«Ui|( at tb« nte of -l^Mp^r floit. ou arpn«a pftid-up Capital' â- Plaflto Dviii rnmlusu va Mew Stock - PROFIT ASU U)SS AOCOIST - fU.tTlil Divldendi paid at tbe rau os IS pi«c«at. p«t annum , C<ii]trl)iut«d u> ntBrara' Peoslon Fond - Traiufnmd to Rmti Account frotn PniAU „ *' ^ " frwaaium on New Stock - ..... nrluoo off Hank l'raB>l>n .... Balance Car. t«a i urwaxU • • . . •3t.9atM I9U.MII.IW M.a7i.CI tlu*.srr»TT â€" aE.NEBAL STATEMENT â€" KKSOt7Bi.-|s Gold. Silver and LentlToaderi . . . m.jlloB.i): Due broinrr Bank. l.T.Hoaw GoTerameut and other Honda .... 3,U07.(14.4T Inane on Call siM-ared by Bondi. etc . . I'A^L il)i.&i BUIa DIecojntoil W.««s,;6«n Gsramm^nt Depoiit to teinm ClretiUlion - li».ou).oo Bjjak i»r^i.nvw. etc. ta.2si.M <niu;rA»cie ....... iw.«4aa «w.i«4.;se.n Toronto, SUt Juauy, 19IA J02 paid up . B..«enre Funit and ProftU â-  Nul«e In ClnnUation • l>epo«tta OlTidende â-  . . . Due to otter Baaks » « LUBitimi ifi.OOCOOOM :.ju.iar.a i.aM.a9r.ui ii».ja.a OKO. P. SCnOLFlELD, General MAoaftr. VICINITY CHIPS ArtemeaiaTuiraship Council will meet on Mondiy next. Anyone wanting may have it at Rock Mills by coming for it. Mias Mary Burton of Wuudliidee is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Bunt. Mr. Henry Hulaian underwent .in op- eration for tumor in Toronto on Monday. The Advance is a few hours late this week owing tu our paper supply Jiavin^ gone <islray. Miss Marguerite Runftudtlcr gave a bii'Chday ptrty to about 24 little people on Monday. Mrs. R. Beat i.s spending a couple of weeks with her dau<;hter, Mrs. £. i>iai- mons, of Uiverview. Some of the muzzles used hereabout! might as well be ou (he dog's tail, as far as usefulness is conoerued. Mrs. W. H. Crawford and daughter, Belen. of Snrni.t, visited the former's •ister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn, bust week. The annual nieetiog of the Flesherton Hotel Co. has been calle<l for Friday, March H, as will be seen by a<lvertise- nient elsewhere. Durliitui collected $140 in do;; taxes last year. Couldn't Flesherton pioduce enuuKh from a similar souice to pay interest on the sidewalk debentures ? Wednesday of last wetk was an off mail tUy heio. The noon train »;is can- celled owing to the storm and the 9 ji. m. train did not arrive until 2 a. lu. next day. Enoch Warden, tor the past five years on the section gaog between Waldemar and Fraxt Junction, is iimw residing a; Priceville, whore he lias been appointed st.x!tion btss, Mr. Lou Fisher was suddenly called to the death bed of his mother at Bury, Quebec, last week. Mrs. Fisher lived only two hours after his arrival. She wa» 78 years of age. During the series of hockey matches between the High School and town teams the former was iuvarinbly the winner. The question naturally arises : Do they teach hockey, too, at the Academy ? Mr. A. 1{. Latter, representing the Toronto Star, was in town on Saturday and did considentblo busiiiestt for his popular paper. Ua has made arraugo- mvnts with B.J. Sproule ti> have Stars delivered every evenins'afteJ the arrival of the ni^ht train. Peddlers are not allowed to call oat their wares iu Chicago. The idea is to eliminate unnecessary uniscs. Brin? your Chicagoanj to Flesherton if (heir nerves trouble them. We have room to spare, and net too much rackot cither. Word was received here last week of the serious illness of R. J. Tucker, .sou of Mr. W. .\. Tucker of this place, with pneumoniii in Toronto. His mother went down on Friday to assist in nursing him. R. J. was up here only two weeks «^o. The fourth paragraph of "Farmer's" letter re a market, published la.<t week, lost its meaning through an unfortunate omission. It should have read: "Now, the nature of such a market would mean the bringing of the producer and eon.suin- er closer together and cutting out the middlemen with their profits." After the cold and stormy weather of February it was a welcome change to wanner and more Kpriiigtiko weather this week. A thaw on Saturday and Sunday reduced the volume of snow but had a rather bad effect ou the roads. For the past few days the thermometer has baen slightly ab<.ive freezing, and the wood pilea have hud a i-espiie. The editor of this ^utper has a small flock of 29 Rhode Island Red hens, whose laying record for thi.s winter may be of interest to our reailers. They began lay- ing about Dec, 1 last During January there were only 27 hens in the Hock, and these laid 159 egg.*), or 12 dozen and 3. The February record from 29 hens was 327, or 27 dozen and 3 eggsâ€" 31> dozen and a half during the two inouth.s. An .\rctic rxpedition is the latest thing over at Chesley. A couple start out on anowsboes in the evening in sc<irch of the polo, and the rest of the party fol- low, later .m, also on snowshoc-i, and follow the trail to its destin;»tion, which has been kept a profound secret. Pro- visisns including C'xikies are shipped ahead. This form of amusement is said ti.) produce a lot of fun, and would no doubt be popular here if introduced. The writer of this item saw a rather remarkable sight the other day in his hen house. A moude with considerable mousely bravado ventured into the open, when a hen, quick as a ila»h. grabbed Mr. ftluusc by the tail The other hen^ thought they, too, would like to have a little mouse steak, so they' began chasing the biddy who had made the rapture. The mouse hung head dowownnl and stiuealed " to beat the bund " (a very appropriate siuiile, by the way). Occa- sionally the hen would get a .short breath- ing spell and would then pound its victim on the ground, but was forced by ihe ' others to keep luoviuK moat of the time and could not get sufficieit opportunity ! to complete the mouse's destruction. It ' reminded one of a football match. Think- ing to rtnder assistance- the writer took : hold of the hen, but as soon as he did so she let go her bold and mousie got away. This is a plain, unvarnished tule, and is something new in the line of hen experience D d anyone ever before hear of a mouse-catching hen I The hen is a Rhode Island Red and th"s incident . adds another i.iluable characteri.stic to 1 the breed, I With The Churches. ; A movement is oii foot to purchase a new pipe organ for the Flesherton Methodist chuieh. At a boanl meeting on Friday night it was announced that .\.iidrow Carnnuie would give i hnndsonie donation towards the orgnn fund. The I subscription list is now almost complete, there being only a matter of some, sixty I more dollars to secure. Rev. Mr. Lauahland of the Bapti-^t i church was a visitor at the Mfthodist 1 church Sunday evening and was requi- sitioned by the pa.'itor to deliver the iserinpii. Mr. L;tu<.'hland, though taken ^ at a di«advantBge, generously came for- ward and delivered an excellent seiinon. Uuder the direction of the in'erim moderator. Rev. J.A.Matheson of Price- vil'e, the Presbyterian congregations of I TIesherton, Eugenia and Proton Station held a joint meeting in Cbalnier's church here on Monday afternoon to select a I pastor front the candidates heard and I Rev. O. S. Milligan. M. .\.. of Kingston i Presbytery, was unanimously chcsen. i The call, m which isott'ered $8.j0 stipend, i with four, weeks' holidiys. will be laid I before the Presbytery of Oranieville on Tuesday next and the congregations hope fur a speedy settlement. Mr. Milligan, who is an unmarried nr.iii in the prime of life, is a forceful, thoughtful and finished preacher and comes highly tecoiume'ided from bis former charge. He is a native of New Brunswick, and a graduate of Halifax Piesbytorian College. Tivo years ago lie resiijned his chars;e near Kingston to take a post graduate course in Edin- burgh and London from where he recent- ly returned to resume pastoral work. The members of the Baptist church at their meeting on Wednesday last decided to call for an assistant piistor for the sum- mer months. Thi.i will provide for an evening service at Flesherton as well as at Rockvale. This moans two services every Sunday in Flesherton, a provision very acceptable to many who otherwise >vould tind it hard to attend. The assis- tant CO nes iu May. Ou Wednesd.ty evening next the pastor. Rev. J. V. Laughland, will deliver the next of the sptx-id ceriron.s, the subject being "What Are the Blessings of the Kingdom of God." On Sunday morning next the subject will 1)0 "The Ueality of Heaven." Everybody welciune. The Guild social in the Presbyterian I church Tuesday evening was well at- tended and a plea:>aut time was spout, with net proceed.s of f 10. Notes of the Women's lastitute. The Vaudeleur branch will hi. Id their aonuril social on Friday, March 4tii. A good program is being prepared. Tea served from 7 o'clock. Admis.iion 2.^ a couple, I5c single, ItJc for children. Will be held in the school house. The Kimberlcy and Vandelour branche* met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myl-.s, "Sprinabrook Firm," Jiimbetley, on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 24' h. Pap- ers were read by Mrs. Geo. Wailing, on "Decoration of the Interior of the Home;" Miss Tillie Buchanan, on "Habits ;" and Mrs. W. Hutchinson. Mrs. S. Thomp- son of the Kimbetley branch gave a splendid paper on " Health and Home " in which she spoke of plenty of sunlight, fresh air and exercise. Walking is one exercise very beiie&cial to the he-ilth. Vociland inatrument»l music was tup- plied by Mrs. Myles, Mias Maud Fawcett and Mrs. 'J. H. Walter. Discussions on the various papers were led by the mem- bers. As an invitation waa given by the Vandeleur branch to the Kimberley friends to attend their meeting at the home of Mrs. Jos. Buchanan on March 24th it was decided that the Kimberley branch should cancel their meeting for March. A. 0. U. W. Open Meetiog. The open meeting of the A. 0. U. W. held in the town hall Friday evening was fairly well attended. The chair wis occupied by Recorder C Munshaw. Ceylon string band was present and rendered .-ieveral choice selections. The feature of the evening wa.s an address by the General Organizer, Mr. J. H. Jam:- bans, who spi'ke at leniith on fraternal societies and the Workmen in particular. D. D. G. M. Henry of Orangeville also addrea.sed the gathering. Other numbers on the program were: Solos by Mrs. Blackburn, Mabel Boyd and Miss Irene Wilson. Mr. Junghaus, the speaker of the evening, is an interesting talker and placed the order in a very favorable lij-ht indeed. The lodge heie is a strong one and received the district prize last year for adding the largest number of new members. The sports of Grand Valley are experi- menters and believe in the Scripture admonition to '- Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good. ' The Star saya : It is often .said that things go in spasms or spells, either a deluge or drouth, a storm or a calm. This just about tits the sporting or pleasure piivil- enes of Granil Valley. A few years ago 1 everyone played tennis, kaseball, lacrosise, j or drove a fast horse. Then there was a reactiim ai;d the boys look ro playing j marbles, spining tofs <r playing euchre. List summer bowling on the green occupied the attention of nearly every- one, while ihe winter evenings have been most enthusiastically engaged in skating or curling m one of the best rinks in the province. Just to add a surfeit of the good things, a stranger was in town this week investmating the prospects for openins up a bowling alley, while a local spt-rt ulks about putting in a billiard and pool table. Women's Instihite Banquet -A. banijuet will be given under the auspices of the Flesherton Wciinen's In- stitute, by the Shredded Wheat Co. on Monday, March 7, over Arm.strong's va- cant store, commencing at C o'clock. Following is the men*: Crca:::et.'. Chickc-j in Shroddtd Wheat Baskets Pickles (T. A. Lytic Co. Limited) Cold Ham Triscuit and Butter Jell-O Fruit Sandwich with Whipped Cream (WagstalTs Marmalade) Triscut and MacLaren's Cheese Shredded Wheat Ice Cream Huyler'.s Chocolate Triscuit Chiise & Sanborn's Coffee Salada Tea .\t eight o'clock a concert will be given in the town hall consisting of music, sjjeechcs, reading, etc. Admission to ail 25 cents. Chief of Police Speerg, and Night- [ w.itchman Halbert, of Orangeville, who ' figured in the various attempts to arrest I Bob Cook, have resigned. The former has secured a good pivsition in Toronto, I and the latter is going West to take up fanning. The town has sicuretl two gool men as their aucce-saors. Sam Ewing has been appointed chief, and Hugh A. Duke nightwatchman, who enter into their duties on Tuesday next. I A son of Mr. Wt McGirity of North { Brant was loading logs on a sleigh in the ' woods ou Thursday last when a log rolled back pinning him to the ground and breaking his leg jost above the ankle. Besides HuUeys comet, two other comets may be expcctetl in 1910. The tirst of these is Tenipel's, disccvered July 3rd, 1873, at Milan. It has a period of 5.7J year^-. It was observed in 1878, 1894, 1899, and 1904 It l«.-,t passed tl.o perihelion inNoveinl)cr. It ojglit, there- fore, to bo expected this spring. The second of the expected comets is that cf Arrest, discovered in 1851, and theretuin ( f which is expected in the summer of this yt^r. It was observed in 185T,1S70, 1877, 1S90 and 1907. It was unfortu- nately placed in l'.>i}3 and, therefore, Could not be observed. HORSE'S LEG SWELLED Animal Was Too Sore and Lame to "Workâ€" Quickly Cured by "Nerviline." Nerviline Is a Trusty Liniment "I have had a long experience in treatinK horses, and I can safely say that I know of no liniment for strains, sprains, and swelling' that is so use- ful around the stable as NervlUne." Thus writes Mr. Josliua E. Murchison. from his tiome. Crofts Hill P. O. 1 had a tine young mare that wrenched her right fore leg. and from the shoulder dowa she was stiff, sore, and swollen. I applied Nerviline, and it workeii like a charm; in fact, that mare was in shape to work a day after 1 used Ner- viline. ••We have used Nerviline on our farm for twenty-five years and never found It wanting:. For man or beast It is a wonderful liniment." We have received nearly five thous- and letters, recommendiniir Nerviline as a general household liniment, as an all-round cure for aches and pains. One million bottles used each year. Try it yourself. Large bottles of Ner- viline BOc; trial size. 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozono Company, King- ston. Ont ^ Odds a nd Ends ^ W. .\. Arinstrnng issuer of marriage licenses. Attention is drawn to Morley i Baker's sdvt. in another column. You can i2et a didUr's worth of goods for 69c at Hutchinson's, Feversham. Get yojr stock ot oran and shorts now, as after a little they cannot be bought. For Saleâ€" One heavy, coming 4 ; 1 driving mare. Will sell cheap. E. A. Graham, Eugenia. Wheniu town don't foraet to take home a nice tresh salmon or white tish. H. Radley, dealer. Having leased the sawmill at Eugenia, I am prepiued to do all kinds of custom sawinu. R. Hnney. The uudersiLined is prepared to do all kinds of stonework aud plastering. Re- pairing! pr)iiiptly attended to. J. O. Pattoii, Flesherton. Box 241. Purse found â€" At-oul Feb 17th contain- ing a sum of money. Owner may secure i' by provina property andpayiuc expen- ses. â€" A. T. Hutchinson. Fuversham. Cows for sale â€" Ihe uudersijtneU has a number if onws and heifers for sale, due lo freshen in M;irch aud April. Richard Allen, Fle8hertou,lot 170, 2 X.E.T.AS.R. Wastedâ€" Fiist-claas farm hand for a term of seven months cnnmieucini; April 1st. .Apply .stating waj;es expected for the term, lo B. S. Cohiuette, Haivarden, Sa>k. Wiktited â€"100 Bush. Buckwheat-, soma clean tl.tx seed and barley, at Sproule, Higginbotham & Co's, Flesherton. Hi^lhest market price in cash paid for same. A good house and garden with stable to rent at Eugenia, hIso one kitchen cab- inet for .sale. J. H. Janiiesoii, owner. Apply to Mrs. Robert McMaster, Eugenia. To farmers who need help â€" I have two strong boys to place on farms, aged 15 and Iti years, accustomed to fatni work. -Apply to M. K. Richardson, Flesherton. Received at Sproule, Uigginbolbara & Co , Flesherton, another coue-ignnieut of ppleudid Ontario bniu, shorts and Cream of the West and Toronto Pride Flour, all selling at lowest market price. Eggs for Hatchingâ€" Rhode Island Bed Leave your aiders early. aud single comb, the latter he.aded by cock that scored over 90 points at O. S. poul try .show. One dollar per setting of 15 for best, others .tOc. per dozen. W. H. Thurston, Flesherton. To those who want tuiinvea goi>d ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to .Andy Wilson Flesherton, and h.ivc ii laundered in hrst class style. Baskei leavfs Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. in. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith. Prop. F.VRM For S.VI.E OR Rk.ntâ€" Lot 159 and 70, 2nd coll., N. D. R.. Arteme.sia, situat- ed at Port Law. This farm is composed of 84 acres, well watcied, frame house and small frame barn, good orchard. If sold terms will be made to suit purchaser or will be rented for a term of years. Apidy to Mrs. Goo. Thompson, Chats- WOllll. A. T. Hutchinson Feversham Is still selling the fidlowing lines at 69c on the dollar : DRY GOOD' CH>THINU B(K)'rS AND SHOES OLASSWAKE HARDWARE PATENT MEDICINES JEWELLERY WALL Paper Sale extended 10 days longer. $1 WORTH OF GOODS FOR 69c at A. T. Hutchinson's Why Go Out Of Town ? »Vheo you require a new dress, a new coat or a new bat. Iu all these lines, we carry the ir.ost up-io-dite assortment along the Una. I went to the city last week to buy the newest goods on the market, and to be sure ttj get it. It is necessary to uo early aa tlie newest goods are picked up first. The new goods were just opened when I boustht, so we assure you the goods are the newest that are being shown in Toronto. A.s to price we have new gtxids coming, rao?ihg from 35 cenU per yard up to fS.OO per yard. Washable Suitings dj\d Muslins This ii another de[>artraenr which wc excel in. We cirry the moat up- to-date wasliable goods on the line. They have arrived and are certainly pretty, all of the best quaiitx arid in beautiful shades. Now Ls the time t-» come in and have your dress length cut otl', so as to be -stue that you are getting the newest and nicest in the lot. Muslins have nut arrived but have been shipped and are expected any •day, with the drew goods. These goods are certainly the swellest that will be shown on the line, at the most leasooablc prices. Building Hardwau'e. Intending builders would do well to drop us a card and we will drive out and get specilicatinns to figure on our hardware. In this department we excel, having had long experience in buying just what is required. We hate the riaht prices aud you will greatly benefit: by getting our prices. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. 1 ^^K US Serve I. We would .just say we are able te serve you ia winter footwear. We never had a better stock for men, ladies and chiklreu. Rubbers and Overshoesâ€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes. Suit Cases, Truuks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of "Winter Mitts selling off cheap AT ^ MAKE IT A HABIT TO DEAL AT McTAvlSHS When you come to town, and you wiU alw:!}"* I>e sure of getting vidue for your money, and goods sulwtanluil iu quality. Ask your neighbor and he will tell you the same. If you ai-e iu need of a cutter or sleigh for next .season it will pay yoii to see our line, as we do not want t<j carry them over. FIRST CLASS LIVERY IN COXNECTION D. Hcl.'VVISM, - - PROPRIEIOR J NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual 1 meeting of shareholders of tho Flesher- i ton Hotel Coin|>any, Limited, will be held at the Park House. Flesherton, on Friday, M.irch 11, 1910, at 1 o'ckn-'k iu the afternoon. nrsisE-ss 1 â€" To receive the i-eport of Directors for the p;ist year. 2 â€" To elect Directors for the ensuing ; year. 3â€" To make necessaiy arrangement-s in j connection with the hotel premises. 4 â€" .\ny other competent l)U.siriess. ' Bv ortler of Board ot Directors, E. C. IHIRUAY. Secix'taiv. K. G. KARSTEDT. Pies", Flesherton, March 1, 1910- WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Type writing. In- dividual instruction. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. Collingwood Business College T. E. HAWKl.NS Principal NERVILINE FOR MAN OR BEAST WANTED! .A representative for Flesh- erton. This is the time lo sell nursery stuck. We pay lilierally and offer steady eniploymeut. Our bsi of s^>ecialtie» embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and oruameutal stock, seeil po- tatoes, etc. Write for terms aud catalog. STONE « WELLINGTON The Fmithill Nurseries (Established 1837) Toronto, - Ontario i jmi Art and Science of Garment Cutting You'ig meu wishing to learn the art and science of garment cutting will do well to see me and n.ake arrsngeinen's for a course of instruction, the system taught will be the most thoroui;h and up to-date the only .system in the w,)ild whore every short niiiusure cnn be applied to the draft. Having taken my diploma in London, England and New Y'oik Cutting Schools, have had 31 years exuericnce in practical taiK)ring in Enuland and .\iu»rioa, there- fore I am able to guarantee the best pos- sible results to any young man wishing to learn the science of gunnent cutting. Tho system taught by mail lo those be- ing unable to attend in person. For teruis of insiructiini and all particulars. .\pply to F. A. Baker, at MORLEY & BAKER Mercliant Tailors Flesherton, Ontario ROYAL PURW We have a complete line of Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics. The9» gooils have been proven and are used to good .advantage by increasing uumberti. Royal Purple Stock Specifie--50c pack- ages and $1.30 pails. It keeps the stock in good condition. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 50c pack- ages, §1.60 pjiils. Makes tho hens lay well m winter. Try a package and you will come back for a pail. Royal Purple Lice Killer, for .stock aud^ poultry, in otk tins. Ground oyster shells, Ivirley, buckwheat. S and fall wheat for the poultry ; ,a'so shortSi^ |' bran, low grade llcur ai.d oilcake^. t'.t 01. C. Olrigbt » 6roet| FI«$lKrton Tbadk Marks Ossicr.s CcpvRiaHTs Ac. Anvoce aendtnc »i«keti-ha:i '•»i««nif Ion may quickly i»«>>'rt)ili7 o^ir oiin'.'ii fr«tf whothor ai* IUTc:H"ni Is i'rot>.iMy r-uoMOvMa C"mmur)lnfr «loti««!not'v.Miiii<k-!itlal. HiJllOBOOR ouPaiiiue lent froo. i> !*t it,.'.>nr» foi ^pcurirnr patent^ Pnfcti:* t.i-.un thromTh Mtuiii A COw rceotve #(1 tot n'>ll<v, wittioiit cbinro, iu the Scientific jfltiicrscdtt it ban<laoiB«i r Ulusoateil wceitly. Liuin<»t flli>. â- dentMo Joumnl. Tatmn tot tJoUby colattoo ot any scleTitMo Joumnl. Tatmn tot OtiUKla, n,a a real, pusUse invpaid, nsdealer*. ««S£»iS^l9J,!9rit Our Clubbing List Thd following prices are for 8trictl|' paid in advance subscriptiunsonly. W« have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance t 1 OOj Yo'jths Companion 1 Toronto World, daily -S • Tonjnto Daily News 1 Weekly Globe ... 80 Mail-Knipire . ... ...... 78 Family Herald * Star 90 Toronto Star 1 M Farmer Sun 99 Farmers Advocate i M . Weekly Wii.^ess 76 < SatiirdayNi«ht «; 3 0O| Home Journal Poultry News . . i^.

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