Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 17

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Another Modern Miracle Paralysis Permanently Cured lbs SuJerer Paralysed From Waist to Feetâ€" Encasod in Plastar of Paris for Mm Montiiaâ€" Dr Williams' Pink PUls Cure After Four Doctors Had Failedâ€" The Cure Vouched for by a Well Known Clepgjnm, ParalyBia, no matter how slight, w a terrible affliction, but to be paralyzed from waist to the feet, to be a helpless cripple, totally de- pendent upon what others do fot ypu, is a coodition as wretched as man conld possibly bear. Such was the state of Mr. jUlan J. Mo- Donald, of Kice Point, P.E.I. For over a year he was a helpless in- valid. He was paralyzed from his waist to bis feet and for nine months lay in bed encased in a pla.ster of Paris cast. Four of the iK-st doctors in Prince Edward Is- land were unable to help him and hfe seemed doonj«sl for a life of mis- er> and despair. But hope came to him whfn he read of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done for other sufferers from paralysis. He procured a supply of the Pills and began taking them. Gradually they broke the chains of disease that bound him, and filled his whole body with uew blood, life and vigor. Mr. McDonald says: â€" "I am a far- mer and in consequence have a great deal of hard work to do. One day while about my work I injured my back, but at the time I paid little attention to the injury and ccntinned my work. As time went on, though, the pain became more severe and I soon found myself unable to lift anything, no matter how light. It was not long before I had to stop work altogether and consult a doctor. He treated me but his treatment did not help me, ind I rapidly grew worse. I had to take to my bed, and in the hope that my spine miglit receive itrength I was encased in a plaster if Paris cast. This did not h«lp »«, and I could feel the paralysis ilcwly creeping over me till I was totally paralyzed from my waist io my feet. 1 lost all control over my bowels and bl.-idcior and my legs had no more feclin:; than if Ihcy were mado of wood. Three other doctors strived to cure me, but their treatment also was a fail- ure, and for eleven months I lay in bed unable to move. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were then advised, and I was shown testimonials of others who had been rured of paralysis through them. I bought a supply and in less than three months they made a remarkable change in mc. I was able to get out of bed and crawl along the floor on my hands and knees. Gradually my limbs be- came stronger. Soon I could walk with the aid if a cane and inside of nine months after I had begun the use of the Pills I was totally cured, and once more able to do light work. Now I am as strong as ever I was and can do my work about the farm without the least trouble. I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are without an equal, for, besides my own, I know of two other cases of paralysis cur-ed by them. Two young girls who had been crip- ples and whom I -advised to try the Pills." In corroboration of what Mr. McDonald says, the Rev. D. Mac- Le?n of Charlottetown, P.E.I, writes: â€" "I visited Mr. McDonald many times during his illness. He was attended by three or more doc- tors and put in plaster Paris, and everything imaginable which might be of benefit was done for him with- out success. He had lost all pow- er of his body from his waist down and I think he was nearly a year under treatment before he began t-> use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was with him the first day he moved his big toe and from that time on he gradually improved and for the last few years he has been per- fectly well. I can vnuch for the cure' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ef- fected in his case." If you are sick and the treatment you are now taking does not help yoi'. give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. They have cured thou- sands after doctors and other me- dical treatment had hopelessly failed. These Pills actually make' new. rich, red blood, feed the | starved nerves and bring health and strength to everv part of the body. This is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such apparently hope- less cases as Mr. McDonald's, and ii is why they have cured thou- sands and thousands of sick, d!.«- couraged people in every part of the world. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or .six boxes for ?2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- vil'.e, Ont. Hava^ia, and from the same plan- tation. They bear no maker's brand upon them and are packed in per- fectly plain bo.xes. They are not very large, but if they could be i;cld in the open market they would be worth about seventy-five cents each. A few years ago the King was very fond of a brier pipe, and was t' be seen smoking one about the lanes near Sandringham. To-day he has abandoned this form of smoking and keeps almost exclu- sively to cigars. He does not care very much for a cigarette, and is Btldom to be seen smoking one. H0E8ES I:N THE WORLD. Uas!>!a I^icadH all Nations in Num- berâ€"Total of 95,711,073. Statistics found in the new Year Book afford a line on the number of horses now in the world, as fol- lows : â€" JTorth America 27,888,913 Sculh America 9,511,594 Europe 43,663,225 Asia 11,630,302 Africa 855,113 Oceanica 2.232,406 HARD TO PLEASE. t hate the keen and nipping air, I hate the wild wind's rush ; I hate the tree.^ so gauut and bare, And, oh 1 hate the slush ! HAPPY DAYS FOR BABY ♦-Mâ- â- â™¦-fâ- M••♦â- â™¦â- f•♦•â- ^-fâ- â™¦â- >â- ff♦-f +•»â- â- â™¦â€¢ t ♦ â-¼ The healthy child is always t"* a happy child. .\I1 its little troubles vanish when its food "f digests propci ly and it is f i-ee j i from childish ailments. Most ^ of these ailments come from ♦ stomach or bowel troubles, I colds, feverishness, teething â- f and worms. Baby's Chvn Tab- ^ lets promptly cure all these X troubles und keep little ones J well. Mrs. W. G. Mar T Ravcnscliffe, Que., says I have used Baby's Own Tab- â- T lets in my home for the past "t four years, and since using 4 them my little ones have en- â- â™¦ joyed the best of health. I T can recommend them to every ^ mother as a sure cure for the f little troubles of childhood ones A rtin, ♦ : "I * I Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hox from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. 4i The optimist cheers, but the pes- sim'st) s.'wes his breath for the pur- pose of letting out a calamity howl later on. flM imp* Did 11 TIi«y hopdIImI th* Mtnthot kioiKl in "Th«DAL" Meuinol H|ji,t»t which f«n«T«i lD-4t»titlT IVacknch*, hsiuiiiclia, ueuraigia, ibaum&tibiB Mill Mi&ttca. "Pa." "What is it, mv child?" "When Sis n-arries that lord, will I have to call her 'your ladyshi])' V' "It will not be necessary for you to do so, but it will bo very nice if yoi> care to." "All right. Mebhy T won't always do it, but Cll pro- mise not to call her 'punkin face' any more, anyhow." Good News for Dyers « m". mT Don't Miss It. E D>^0#ft^ ThaGuamnteed ONE Oye for ALL Go' 2 JiMl TWnli olitl With tlie SAMC Dye youcan color ANV kind of cloth Ptrfaotly-No ch.-inrc of niistAket. AU colur-: loc^nt* fiotii your Druggist ur Dcalei. Sauuple Card uiiJ Booklet I-ife from Th* Jehnson.Rlcliardaon Co., LlmltMi, Dfpt, O. Montreal, Que. PROFES.SOR'S ENGLISH. Hov/ often wc mis'.ise words to t'le extent of saying the contrary to ahat we mesn is pointed out in the f'jllowing anecdote. A college professor v. ho prided himself on hi? correct English hrard bis wife remark : â€" "I intend to call Jane to bring a fresh bucket of water." "You doubtless mean a bucket of frcfih water," corrected the Profes- sor "I wish you would pay some attention tjo your rhetoric ; your mistakes are curious." A few moments later the Pro- fessor said : â€" "My dear, that picture would show to better advantage if you were to hang it over the clock." "Ah I" she replied, quietly, "you dcublless mean if I were to hang it above the clock. If I were to h'lng it oV'T the clock we could not tell the time. I wish you would bo more careful with yoitr rhetoric, m\ dear; your mistakes arc curi- ous." And the Professor all at once be- came very much interested in the book he was reading. Love always loses when it thinks only of what it will gain. rOnly On* "BROMO QUININE" Th»t In I.AXATIVR RKOMO qilNI.NK. I.ooli for tli»5ifnt'iir« of K w flROVK. W»U tbe wvrld ov«r tu Cure a CiU ita Ua* Uaj. lUe. There is a lot of difference be- tween good will and willingness to be good. Total 95.711,573 Russia leads all nations in the number of its horses, with a total ot 30,729,165 in its European and Asiatic provinces, though Russia proper is a little behind the L'nitcd States, having only 20,934,415 hors- es Together the two countries possess a majority of all the horses in the world. Germany leads the other countries of Europe with 4,- 34.".. 013, while Austria-Hungary is a second with 4,264.571. France ranks third, with 3,094.698, and Great Britain and Ireland fourth, with 2,151,371. * . WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Any One Can Prepare at IIouic. Most people are more or less sub- ject to coughs and colds. A simple remedy that will break up a cold quickly and cuve any cough that is curable is ra.Tcle by mixing two ounces of Glvcerine. a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound i pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. You can get these in any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottle. The mixture is highly recommended by the L?ach Chemical Co., of Cincinnati, who prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure for dispensing. HE FOUND THEM THE BEST OF ALL WHAT nCFL'S HARRIS SAYS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. .tfter Trying Five Doctors for His Kidney Discaiie He Found Relief in the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Hurdville, Out., Feb. 14. (Specal) â€""After trying five doctors for Kidney Trouble, from which I had suffered for three years, I find that Dodd's Kidney Pills relieve me best of all. If I keep on feeling as I have since I began taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I shall be well pleased and I am hoping they will cure no." So says Rufus Harris, well known in this village. "I had stiff- ness in the joints," he continues, "cramps in the muscles, backache and was heavy and sleepy after meals. I was depressed and low spirited, per'ipired freely, was often dizzy and always thirsty, but since taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I am fetling very good." If you have any of the symptoms, Mr. Harris tells of, it is time for you to beware. They are the symp- toms of Kidney Disease and may b« the fore-runners of Rheumatism, Dropsy, Lumbago, Heart Disease, cr even the dread Bright's Disease itself. Take warning and guard aeainst suffering or even death it- self by putting the Kidneys in good working order with Dodd's Kidney Pills. NOE EVEN ONE TOOT. A deaf but pious English lady, visiting a small country town in Scotland, went to church armed with an ear-trumpet. The elders had never seen one, and viewed it with suspicion and uneasiness. Af- ter a short consultation, one of them went to the lady, just before the opening of the service, and, wagging his finger at her waming- ly, whispered, "One toot and ye' re Oct I" Baby Smiles â€" When He Takes > CURE ^^ â- rat UST »«iau Pia ^i&ns«»"%»j', So pieajant tfut Ik ikm it â€" tiA pnftOJM ** opi- •tra. T>M^e i« nncKias tike tl far Di yh'lii. A SufidAttl Rosodyfac h^l a cr^tiiry. To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. â€"Exercise in the open air is the btst tonic for the stomach and sys- tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Parmeke's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise t.o hive a packet of the pills always oil hand. How mushy a tender love letter sounds when rvad in court. affar a t«M Orlra doat Ttn to t^t* a Muyaea. (â- ! of I'aiutillor tnlied with a g'iui» of hot water •ml "OEar. It sureW pro'ooti chiUi. AToid «nl>- Ititntee. there m but ud* " V»»nkUl*r "â€" Penj Da'U'â€" Ue. aad iOa The way to the sorrow free land i.i to try to free some life from sor- row. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 D.\YS. r\3!0 OINTMSNr i« inaranteed tn cnre riny ci'.e i.f UcUiJl'!. Blin.l. Bie« lioi or Protruding i'lUe io 4 to 14 days or money refunded. 5dc. MAKLN'G A START. Jackson and Hughes were old friends. The former, by shrewd- ness and industry, earned a good income, but Hughes was not so for- tvnate. One day he asked his successful fiiend the secret of his prosperitv. ; "Well," replied Jacksou, "I'll, tell it to you for five dollars. He saving, of course, and when you do make a bargain with anyone be su;e ' that no one hears you. and then ' if you get the worst of it or want to back out you can. Now hand me . the five dollars." | Hughes thought a second, and then said : â€" | "Did anyone hear us make this bargain?" "Not a soul," replied Jackson. "Well, then," was the prompt answer, "I think I'll begin on you."" Hollowav's Corn C\ire rlestroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would en- dTi»-e them with such a cheap and effectuaj reuicdv within reach? "Now, Bobby, if you don't want to go to Bessie Hunk's party you must write a note and tell her so ; and be sure and let it be polite. You will find some ideas of the pro- ixr thing in this book of etiquette," said Mrs. Carhart to her little son. Bobby struggled with the problem frr an hour, then presented for hib mother's inspection the follow- ing truthful but unconventional cftusicn : â€" "Mr. Robert Carhart declinfs with pleasure Miss Bessie Hunk's kind invitation for the 14th, and thanks her extremely for hav- ing given him the opportunity of doing so." I Omsgilsts^ZiS C«nts_ Don't boast of y- ur lineage. It's a dozen to a quart that if y««r traca it back a few generations ]w« will find some one who borrowed a horb4 without the owner's cODBea4. Much distress and siekoess in children is caused by worats. Mo- ther Graves' Worm E.'itsrmiaator gives relief by removing the cause. Give it a trial and be coavioced. The world is full nf tainted money, but few mind the odor. WANTED. WA.VTKf> -lji'l!e« forplsun and tisM Mwini at howe. whjle or «pare ta*a. gtiOd pa^l work Mnt any distal-ice, chxr^e* paii. ^^i stamp for full parttculara. KAttooai M&aafwM tuhlit; Co., Moiitre^J. FARM FOR RENT. F^RV ro RKVr >>»lw<xin Meaforlt «ai-l Owe* Srtnnd. Txrn hipidreff -vr?. nn'fer 'rnUW-ytlon, ati*o Da.tnrA. farm hf>u^e and po*,d e^iMkafl^iiliflL 3. W, O. WhItneT, »5 Toronto Street. TMwato. FOR SALE. I It is easier to prevent it is tfi cure. Inflanimaiion vi the lungs is the companion of neglected colds, and once it finds a lodgment in the system it is difficult to deal with. Treatment with Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflirouiation from setting in. It costs little, and is as sati.sfacttiry as it surprising in its results. If people were compelled to fol- low their own advice they would gtrerate a better brand. CEORCE KEITH A SONS, Se«d Merch- ants, Toronto, arc oSering Sc«tvh gmwn RcKenernt<>d Banner Oat*, in 6 bushel lot*, at $t.2S jwr bush. Bags freeâ€"send (or samBleâ€" also catalogue. The under dog gets lots of sym- pathyâ€"and that's about all. A Remedy for Bilious Headacheâ€" Til those subject to bilious heail- ache. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recomnieiided as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act u)«>n the nerves and blood vessels that tlie pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness a d familiar with its attendant evils. Vet none need suQcr with these pills at hand. In a case of slander nut long ago Mi^s M had gone into the 1 witncss-bo.T on bch.iif of the plain- j tiff, whose counsel was examining her. "Now, madam," Mr. Wigg, K.C., began," please repeat the slanderous statoM:eiits made by thf dcfendani on this occasion just as vou ht>nrd them." "Oh, they are 111. fit. for anv respectable person to h< ar," replied Miss Mâ€" . "Then," s.aid the examiner, coaxingly, "sup- P< s" vou just whisper them to the Judge." . __ .\ftcr a man has p.aid out .?n for tiigusio lessons he thinks his daugh- ter is competent to play for com- Viany. TUK KING'S CIUAUS. He Does Not Smoke so Many a.s He Did a Few Years .\go. Many of King Edward's Christ- mas and New Year's presents take the form of cigars or cigarettes drawn from the reser\-e stock in the C' liars at St. James' Palace where mie of the most complete equip- ircnts for the maturing of cigars i.^ to be found. The King is an in- \cterate cigar sniokir, though act- ing upon the advice of his physici- anr he is not smoking so much as 1 e did a few years ago. [ The King's cigars all come from MrLTIPLICATIOX. A eontroveisy is a thing Which has of lives a score. For when vou trv to setilo one. You start a whole lot more. "A imi* esid. You Knew." will be«ome a Kr«a* danxer if it l>« allowed to reach down the throat to the tunc*. Mp the peril In the bud witk All*n'> l.aof Balaam, a lui* reaady oontalalag •a a*ialaa Brown â€" "Yes; they say that ev- erything Smith earns goes on his wife's back." Jones (glancing at Mrs. Smith, whose dress is very decollete)- "Well, evidently he dor.a not earn much." WESTERN LANDS. Why not buy a Western Canad-a Farm that will pay for itself in 4 or 5 years. Choicest new lands and a few great bargains in improved farms. Apply imirediately. Farm Lands, 301 Kennedy Building, Port- age Avenue, Winnipeg. NATURALLY. "Does your husband go in for golf!" asks the caller. "No," she answers. "He goes out for it.'' POISONED BY STOCKING DYE,'P»[« A case at Kingston shows vividly ' the danger of neglecting to apply â-  Zam-Buk to a cut or a sore. Mrs. â-  A Harrison, living in Place d'.A.nnes. while attending to her household duties, struck her ankle against a sharp projection on the furniture. She took no notice of the injury, deeming it trivial. In a day or two the ankle began to swell and cause excessive pain. A dee tor, called in, found that dye from her stocking had ent^.-red the wound and set up blood poison. Treat- ' raent with Zam-Buk followed, but it was several days before the limb was out of danger. "Had it not been for the powerful antiseptic properties of Zam-Buk and its ex- ceptional he.iliiig virtues, the wound might have had a very seri- 1 ous result," says Mrs. Harrison FOR maLKâ€" ^t acres. 1 rail* hoai Lnndom market, brlolt hoa«*, frame Tier*, nile'tdldt jMfil. all kinds ')f fruit. Tem^ to enit. We hav*. pitmiB of all ktnda and KJse>. fur Hale. Aead lorf Barticahirs. The Weetera Beal Ket*t*K»«tain*, â- Ltd., London, Oat. â-  RE,AL RAKO tINâ€" Miied lana. SaO arr«* land. Ijoitfte. bdildfnfe. fenrin^. hay, wafer .anil poaitinn all Kood. Poster. ii'B, Aprit. Fult 'partioDiars f rom Mai>t«rm, Greofell, Kaek. EDUCATIONAL. IKAB.N TUK B.4BBER TOADR NEW J Byst«"inâ€" ciuiptatit prarticr; rerrfitl Instntrtiuii: f«"w wreks coii.plei* e»>ur«r; tools fre*-: crudiiatva earn Mrelve to piBht*<»n dt>nare we<»kly: wrilo for cata- loKUP Moler Barber CoIlpg<-. 221 Queen £ai-'t. Toronto. ^^ Stmm VPS ****** ^*""> WM>«<t nub "''â- '* Booklet Kt**. istee.e. Unggs Seed Cck. Ltd.. ToreacoJOiA rrOPE FOR THE DEAF-ln ACOUSTICON^ fX ono of the innrYolii i( tte e'aotrical \fl n use throuthout the world. Write fer rataJ os»e. General Acou.^tic Co., of CaaaJa, ladl? In ni lo«ui 46S y onue :;tr*el. Toronto. CaaaJa. Ltd.,; DISCOVERED. "I went to the wcdiiiig to see that imported Paris gown her folks told the reporters the bride was go- ing to wear.'' "Who gave her away?'' "Nobody had to. The cut and Cti of the gown it-elf gave her away." Another thing the automobile lacks is horse sense. ftarNK •owfi StgnaM dnee not delay atom*. Opluni.^H>len " nteJciiues "* may thttc\ couph-na, but tlioc,ild»taya Do not trifle: wbauyoubeKia |o oou|{h take Allen's Lang Balsam. Ire* (r*B â- plaia, (uU ot ta*aliuc power. •«nd lor lr«* tampi* to Dopt. W. L., Na> tlvnal Orux A Chtmlcal Co., Toront*. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are Just the rigjit medicine tor the cbildreu. Wlion thoy arc coiiitti- pat«iâ€" ulion their kidneys are out of order- when over-indulKeiioe in some favorite food fivos thrm in- digestionâ€" Dr. Morse'8 Indinn Root Pill.s will quickly and surely put them riichl. Puiely vcRPtaUIc, they neither sicken, weuken or (rriirp. like barah tjiirdalives. Guartl your children's health hy abw.tys keeping a box ot Dr. Morse's Indian Uo^t filla in the house, They Ke«p tKe Children >Vel|l A souuy wliih' oii duly was bit- ten by a valuable retriever, and drove his bayonet into the dog. Its owner sued him in the county court for its value, and the evideee given showed that the soldier had not been badly bitten after all. "Why did you not knock the dog with the butt end of your rifle?" asked the ji.dge. The Court rocked with laughter when the sentry replied: "Why didn't ho bite me with his tail V A spasm of virtue oftm indicates a sick soul. No man grows until he lets out his heart a little. No one possesses happiness who is blind to sorrow. .^nd lots of people seem to go to church for the purpose of picking flaws in the sermon. Free to Our Reatfert. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. fTileaco. [ for 48.paffe illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all ahoot Tour Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper .\pplica lion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Kpccial Case. Yonr DruRRist will tell tou Ihnt Murine RelieTee Sore Eyes, ."itreDBth. eijs Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart. Soothe* j Kye Pnin. and sells for 50c. Try It in Tonr Eyes and in Baby's Eyet tor bcaly Eyelids and Graoulation. A prude is sometimes a person who noses around for something to gel shocked at. Cheapest of all Medicines. â€" Con- sidering the curative qualities of Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose required in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many doses. If it were valued at the benefit it confers it could not be purchased for m.any times the price asked for it, but in- creased consumption has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. D.niighterâ€" "This piano is really my vory own, isn't it, papa?" Fa- tl'Ci-â€" -"Yes. my dear.' "And when I marrv I can take it with me, can I'" "Cc.'tainly, my child. But d<n't tell anyone; it might spoil vour chances.'' Marlatt's Hair Promoter Cr«ws Hair en any Bald Head On sale .It the R -ht. Sinu'on Cn. Toront*, Canada, or the Marluii Hair Promotln* Co.. Toronto, ranaria. CHENILLE CURTA/1^ anii ul' Ll^<!^ tif lioisr h:inK>ni:^, *J9» L^CECURT^niS. â- Â»* "uke"* ii'k'""* BRITISH AMERICAN OVCtNQ CO.. Bok t&S, MontrMll Do you trap or buv Kn? ft? 1 atn ^ anuda 'a laiKvi't clfraier. I pay hijc •csLprfces. YooV »>ht['m«u'A MiJicrtcd. I v>>)v mail and ex- press charure:.; ! rmit Sromp'Iy. Alw lflrife-;t dcaier in Havrthidcb. beepukms, etc. ^uotiitiooB auJ sUippist; tars tt«nt free. g JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO ni| rg\ Blind. Bleeding, Itchin;, I B LL^# ,ind ptfrinanenlly cu.-ed hf the nio»l scienlilic and economical reinedj LVLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price S'.M-6 for $5.00. mailed on ri> ccipt of price. LVLE MEDICINE CO., ni Queen West, TORONTa APPENDICITIS Cured witbout operntionp. .*II who ure if- llirte,! wifli tliw disease and winh to ha rnred p^rnianenily. aafoly and qui'rhly with Ihis rreat Ilomecpnthie ren-edT, whirh will he «ent no'-t-pniti anywhere In the world with full inMrnetiona for ti^inif *n aja to effeet a permanent r\;re. Price ^Z .^f^'*'-e*« John T. Waif. Hemeonafhio Pbartnacn Arnprlor, Canada, KiaaafiMwcimvi <.idw;.y'*t it a r UaUef ow tbe w r i paiiu la *roMi one to i»*«DtT niin-.lt4M^ |I^r Head-' ache (a ok or u a r v. o'inl, ToothAohtf, VeuralRta. R tt e ti niatLm. LurubAvu. pii'-.ia In th« back. *ltl^ne or k^dneyK. fMiina around Coa Ivor, pi e u .- 1 ay, •weUliiKK ot Iha jiui 'ta, 4n<t pains u( all Ida la, uae RADWAY'.S REAOV XELitF. !NVIGGRAIiH6T8NlC FOR run-down people Your U'ocd has become thin and ve^L. The drain upon youi •) stem the paji (cw monlhs has hcen very great You ars con- K<)iicnlly lecliua ** all cut o( acrtt" ami "rundown." Your appetile i« baJ and you hardly have encu,;'! coeigy le!llo tin your daily duties. You >houId tnle PSYCHlNE.thegreale.lo( Tonics, with- out delay. Thia wtU put you on your Icet at on<.e. Cinlletnen :-"l hare used PSYCHI.NE and I du thiok it ia ih.; greatent tonic an<l tyslem builder known. I wcu'dadtitc all wh,-v are nin-down or physKal'y >»sal to UK PSVCHl NE." Youi. uuly. Mn. Ja.. Bertraad, Wwt Toronto. ;( yoa ar* w«ak PSTCHINE wSI laaln r*m *-r,n. For S>l« kr all Dnwnrii & 0<4l*n, SAc A SI 9tt batii*. Dr. T. A. SLOCL'M LIMrrtD, TORONTO ISSLK JiO. (>- II).

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