Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1909, p. 5

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December 23 1909 THE Fl.ESHEETON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK Eii.bli.UI 1873 OF CJANADA "" ^""^ A Joint Account • tf a great convenience in handlmg the family funijs. It is opened m 1 the names ck two members o( the faisiiy, and both nuy make deposits ' or draw checks over their own individual signatures. This (orm o( account is particularly convenient for those who i Eve lome distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do so at once ? 71 FLESHERTON BRANCH Cflortfe MitcKell. Manager BRANCHES JU^O AT DXnCIlAM AND HARRISTON. VICINITY CHIPS A merry, merry [Christquis lo »U our readers. Ed Jaiuieson and Bert ^at Jiave re- turned home from Cochrane. Ern. AniutroDg left for Hanover tUis week, where he wili pl«y hockey. Groat preptration* are sroing on amone city en route ease for the Christmas holi- was left Saturday cveninsj lieing auction- ed 'lif by one of the ladies who has a good t?ift of speech. We understand the lady had uo auCiiiDecr'.s license, but those in- terested hare decidi-d not to pu.-h the caae. The baz^r nutted the church about $100 and succeeded beyond the moiic .san<{uine eipectations. Eduar Bellamy, of tfie firm of PerUins and Bellamy, Rosetown, S»k., i« in th« Jhe small population veisarie^. for holiday anni- days. Mr. Bellaiuy, who \% the local represenlailTe in the Goose Lake country Miss »I«ud B.ll of Toronto is spending l^'-r Messis. Osier, Hammond A Nanton. (Rev ) repons rumarli»lile prosress in his town, which now has a population of 800 people where eight mouths aao there was only the bare prairie. R.j8etown hs.s now up- lo-date stores, a newspaper and brifht prospects for the future. â€" Winnipeg Free Miss Islay Campbell of Durham , spent p„„ several days last week with Rev. and holidays with her sister, Mrs Well wood. Miss Etta Thompson has cone to Shel- burne to stteiid the wedding of her cQ-jstn, Miss Eihel May Markle. Mrs. Wellwoodat the parsonage. Mr. Robert W. Thistle and little son. Wslter, of Violet Hill, Mulmur, visited the past week with his sister, Mrs. J. J. Tb'>mp«oa. The weather for 'the pft«t week has At the annual meeting of the Presby- terian Sabbath school on Monday even- inn officers were elected for 1910 as fol- lows : Superintendent, Frank Chard ; Asst. Supt., Mrs. H. Wood; Sec, Geo. McTavish ; Treas.. Chan. Stewart; Li- brarian, Bella Loucks ; OrKsnists, Mabel been fairly good for Christmas shoppers. Thistlethwaite and Mrs. H. Perigon. who have been maUini; the best of it, and , Teachersâ€" J. F. Chard, W. Loucks, Mrs. the stores have done a good business. | \v„«d. Mrs. W. Stewart, Mrs. Harrison, Owen Sound and Markdale hockey ! Mm. Smith, Miss Thistlethwaiu, Miss teams will luske up the list for the Owen Chidley, Mrs. Perigoe. Sound district of the O.H. A., playinntwoi . , , , , . .! An ambitious song wnter has game, in each place during the ,e«son. \^^^^^^ „, ^j^j, ^ ^^^^ ^^^^.;^^ Squire Stusrt of Burpee township, ..Empire Comrades." ki the price Parry Sound district, who is putting in ! of the sheet is 50 cents, it must be up ihe winler with relatives at Kimberley, i to ns to say 50 cents worth of nice The Advance a pleasant call on , tliiuga about it. Well, all the lines Artemesia Council The Council 'A the tovmsbip 'of •\rteoiesii met It. the town hall, Flesher- ton, on the 15th day of December, lOOtt, pursuant to Sutute. There were present .1. K. Boyd, Reeve ; T. R. McKenzie, Deputy Reeve ; and G. T. Wright and J. A. Carson, Ciiuncillor». The minutes of last session were read and confirmed. The foliowiiiK cr'ininuntcaticms read ; From Louis Frook, letter objecting to the closii>g of part of Harvey screet, PriceviUe ; From A. UacMurchy, solicitor for C. P. R., blank bylaws for closing certain streets in Friceville ; from the Ueeve, rrpirt of work an Gilliea brid^F, south line ; T. R. McKenzie, report of expenditure in Divisions Nus. 3 and 4 ; J. A. Carson, report on ex- penditure in division 1 ; tJ. T. Wright, report on expunditur* in division 'X; Mr. W. F. Dunn, solfcitor, waited upon the council in reeard to closing certain streets in the village of PriceviUe â€" letter from Clerk of the Peace, county of Grey re tiling report of selectors ot jurors. Wright â€" Carson â€" That bylaw 711, to appoint deputy returning officers and pull clerks for 1910, be now read a third time, sii(n«d, sealed and entered in by- law book. â€" Carried. Wrightâ€" McKenzie â€" That the Raevc, Clerk and Assessor be paid fS.OO each as local selectors of jurors, and Dan Mc- Tavish'a account of S2.50 for repairing ^ra4er and plow, be paid. â€" Carried. McKenzieâ€" Carsonâ€" Tliat H. H. Galagher be paid $1.30 being Attemesia's share of putting in cement tile culvert ou town line of .\rtemetia and Proton. â€" Carried. Wrightâ€" M'jKenziaâ€" That tha foUow- ing accounts be paid: T. .\. Blakely for plauk and wheel barrow, S6.C4. â€" Carried. Csrson- McKenzieâ€" That Mr. G. T. Wright be paid 813.44. balance of comm ission on his appropriation of 1909.-C»rried. Robert McNally, carriase maker, late of Markdale, died suddenly at bis home in Owen Sound last week. The Adver- tiser siya: Mr. McNally had be»n en- gaged in shovelling .'now from the walk i leatimg to his front door and had practi- cally finished the work and was standing with the shovel in h<8 hand talking to his wife and cousin, Mr. Henry McNsUy. Without a moment's warning he fell for- ward, the bridge of his nose striking the step, and l>efor» he could be raised life was extinct. He never spoke. A slight cut tm the bridge of his noi^e was caused from sTikinij the step. Deceased had for some time iMen troubled with a weak heart and a.sthtiia. but chat morning; had •xpressed himself as feeling first-rate and had arranged lo make a visit to Brooke in the afternoon. Be was bom in Ire- land 72 years ago and c:tme to Canada in hisyi'Uih. As a carriage manufacturer he conducted busineas for twenty years in Hanover and afterwards for a similar period at Marlidale, retiring from active business six years a^n, since which time he has resided in Owen Sound. He is survived by his wife and three cliildren : Mrs. J. H. Christie and Thos. M.. Mc- Nally of Owen Sound and Mrs. S. M. Horn of St. Catherines. Ha was an el- der of Knox Church, a member of the 1. O. F., the A.O.U.W. snd the L.O.L. and held in high estimation by many friends. ^;^ Odds and Ends ^ isauer ot marriage gave Monday. The past week has been one of storms, and the roads in some plsces have become badly dtified If it should continoe without a thaw for the neit two mouths, traftic would fare badly. R.'v. J. V. Lausihland, the new iu- cumltent of the Baptist circuit here, ar- rived on Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Laughland, lo take up the work, and occupied his pulpit Sunday morning. rbjmo properly, and the song is written in one flat, common time, ! maestoso movement, and could be recommended a3 a fitting retal'a.^a for tbo folks next door wbo are still i banging away ou "OL, you kid."' Everybody should buy a sheet. I A colony of beavers on the Saugeen river, two and a half miles north of Flesherton, have given a considerable â-  amount of trouble for the past two years. ' In addition to flooding farm lands and Mr.'A. M. Porter, B. .\., a clever ; ^^^j^ ^j^j, j,,^;^ j^^.j^.f^^y ,,^^.^ ^i, ^^^_ student in Knox coUeue, supplied the ^^^^ occasions plunged up tha tila bridge Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday, and next | ^,, ^^^ ^^^^^ ^,^j^ ^,,j j,,^ ^^^ j„,„. Sabbath Mr. J. C. Robinson of Queen's i ^,^^„^^^ f„r that divisitui has expended college is expected to coiductth" Sunday ^^^jjjj^^^^^^f ^-^ii^y j^^ clearing away school anniversary service. ,j,p obstructions. At the township Mr. Geo. Stuart left Tuesday evening ' council meeting on Wednesday r)f last for Elk Lake, where he will spend the | week it was deciJed to ask the Ontario winter. He shipped nine or ten horses Government to reimburse the township to that point on Monday. Mrs. Stuart i for its outlay. This would seem only is visiting her parents at Thornbury for a ftir, as the governoienl will not allow couple of weeks previous to joiuing her husband at Elk Lake. John A. Wilson of Chatsworth died at any person to destroy the pests and the damage done to both private and public property has been con<«iderable. The ^ n,.„. M t c I. a- .. - government should not protect and maio- Fort William suddenly from the effects of I » . *^ tain a public nuisance any more than a private individual. a burn, at the age of 62 years. Mr. Wil- son was the father of Mrs. Breese. Chats- worih, and Miss May Wilson, editor of the '• Home 'Circle" in the Farmer's Ad- vocate. The body was brought home last week for interment. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whewell, ^nee Miss Hannah Stafford), of Oriffio, Sask., are on a visit to friends in this vicinity, and paid The Advance a pleasant call on Monday. Mr. Whswell says they had a good yield of grain He had over 600 buahels of wheat, 40O of cats, also a quantity of barley. We were pleased to meet Mr. and Mrs. Whewell, who look as though the west agreed with both of them. A Farewell McKenxieâ€" Carsonâ€" That John Nuhn he paid S11.15, his account for cement tiU. â€" Carried. Carsonâ€" VViithtâ€" That T. R. Mc- Kenzie be paid So.a6, balance of commission on his appropriation of 1W9.â€" Carried. Carson â€" Wright--Tbat Mr. McKenzie be paid 818.97, commission en 870.00 in divisions, an<l |tl9.70, expended ou ,_,»n line of Artemesia and Proton. â€" Carried. McKenzi* â€" Wright â€" That Thos. Atkinson be paid $2 00 for repairing bridge on 3oth side road. con. 7. and William Swanton be paid §3.00 for gravel and S. Pedlar §1.25 for gravel.â€" Carried. Wrightâ€" .McKenzieâ€" That Mr. Car- son's report on balarce of expenditure in division 1 be received snd he be paid 917.25, comniiasioii on balnnca â€" Carried. McKenzieâ€" Wrightâ€" That John Bellamy be paid $5.50, hi.s fee for heating hall for Divi.sion Court and concert purposes. â€" Carried. Carson â€"Wrijt'htâ€"'Phat the report of the Reeve on repairing bridge at Gillies' lake be received and that he be paid 14.00 for his services in counection'with the same. â€" Carried. Carson â€" McKenzieâ€" That Wm. Ding- wall b« refunded 6!) cents on account of an error in his af seasment 190S). â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Carson â€" That this council grant $25.00 to the East Grey Agricultur- al Society. â€" Carried. Wright That the account paid ,by this council for clearing out pipes t bridge at lot 132, T. and S. road, be I take i^he present opportunity of thanking ea«h and all for liberal patron- age, kindness, forbearance and courtesr| f^rw.rd^ed to ihe Chief Game W.-irdon of extended towards me during my mcuin- Officera of Flesherton loJge, No. 142, A. O. U. S> , for the year of 1910; Master Woikman, Alfred Harrison ; Foreman, John C.Cairns ; Overseer, Etta bency as postmaster of Flesherton during the ])ast 38 years, and also in the various other business interests I have been as- sociated with during that time. Taking . a retrospect of the past, I am painfully in his saction. reminded rf my shortcomings, mistakes, errors of judgment and otherwise during these years, hence ask from one and all towards whom such may have been com- mitted a free and full forgiveness. I have now tendered to the Hon. The Postmaster General my resignation as postmaster, tt) take effect from the end of the present month, that I may be somewhat relieved of the long hours, constant and close attention to duty, nee essary in the proper conduct of the posi C.H.Munshaw; Financier, W.J.Bellamy; t n J 'r. -J mu nu 1 i> ~i.x. tion : and also that I may be enabled to LeOard ; Guide, Thoe. Chard ; Recorder,. ^^^.^^ ^_^^ attention to the conduct of tho Sproule, Higginbotham & Co. busi- Treasuier, F.C Cole ; Inner Guard, It.aao ness, which I have had the control of Sinclair ; Outside Guard. Robert Best ; ' during the past year, and also to my real estate, insurance, conveyance and money lending business, which I have also con- ducted during the past twenty-five years, my insurance department being under ,, , the able management of Mr. S. Shunk, Inspector Campbell of Durham called | ^ thoroughly (lualified and practical in Auditorsâ€" Frank Chard and James Mc- Mullen ; Rep. to Grand Lodire. Miles Thi8ll««hwaite; alternate, W. J. Bellamy. at The Advance office last Friday to make his official farewell. The rtateuient by an Owen Sound paper that he still re- tained Flesherton and Priieville in his inspertorate was incorrect. Wo are ex- tremely sorry to loao Mr. Campbell's semi-annual cheery call. He is one of these men who make one (eel by his eonveraation and general deportment that the world is not such a bad place to live in, after all. We hope his successor will be able to command the same welcome and respect when ho becomes known. The ladies of the Presbyterian church held a very successful bazar in Sprouie's block on Friday and Saturday of last week. Everything was sold out, what surance man. who always safeguards the interests of his patrons. Yours Respectfullj'. -R. J. SPROULE Charles Kennedy, an old pioneer of (tlonelg, died recently at the age of 75. Ho came to Canada from Mull, Scotland, with his parents in 1849. After one year in Fergus they moved to Glenelg, near Buneasan, and there he has been ever since. He leaves as chief mourners his wife, â€" to whom ho was married 45 years «goâ€" and nine childion who were all pre<ent at tha funeral except Mrs. Love of S»attle,Wash. They are: Mrs.Todd, ;?levclaiid; Mrs. Love; Mary, Toronto; Susie and Casaie at home; Alex and John in 'l'or<.>nto, CharU-s and Archie at home. He has also one brother snd sister living near by. Ontario, the said expenditure having been caused by the beavers filling up the pipes of said bridge. â€" Carried. Writht â€" Carsna â€" That the collectors are hersby required to collect all taxes now due and return their rolls forthwith. Carried. ^ Wright â€" Carsonâ€" That the council de- sire to place ou record its sincere regrets because of the death of our esteemed colleague, the late Mr. J. M. Duncan, who so ably filled the pasition of Council- o r at this board during the past ye»r, and desire also to express our sympathy to the widow and bereaved family in thair hour of sorrow, and a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs. Duncan. â€" Carried. Wright â€" Carson â€" That this Council place ou record their thanks and apprecia- tio.i for the very able and efficient manner in which the Reeve, Mr- J. A. Boyd, has discharged the duties as the head of the municipality, and for the gentlemanly and courteous spirit he h-is manifested to ths members of this board. This motion was put by Mr. McKenzie and carried by a standing vo'o. The Council adjourne.l. THERE IS BUT ONE^ I'very furiiirr should know that the rri'-e olTeied I'y the dealers for catiie, hogs, etc.. is a fn.r one. How can he know tl.iji 1 1 he does not take a firm bioncAs [(.iiM-rf What dm'lor or !««• _vi-r ot li'U.iie-* roan would l>» witLont •)!â- Â« 'ri^bi' â- Â» |".i|ioi - There n h'lt o!:e fariv.'i> l'11-.ii.. »... iiid ni«i I; -I psji' r, » I 'if W,*K.y sju. t';i»rt li'lu ri^irl ly vji,!.vr.l.iiii;. W. A. Armstrong licenses. Salmon treu"; and water herring at F. G. Karstedts. G. A. Watson will cut lumber and shingles in ths old stand here as usual, this couiiug spring. The annusi meeting of East Grey Agricultural Siiciety will be bcld en Monday, Jan. 17, ai one o'clock p m. 20 acres hardwood bush suitable fur stove wood, alao 100 cords slab wood, for sale. Apply to E. A. Graham. Eugeuia. All taxes in Div. No. 3 must be paid at once as the council has not granted an extension of time, and the books must be closed. W. L. VVright, collector. If you are looking for a good lime, you ( better take in the box social in the .school house, S. S. No. 7, .\rteniesia. Old Durham Ri'ad, on Tues^ evening, December 28th. A dm' 15 cents, ladies bringing boxes D. McPhail will sell for Jas. Johnston at lot 78, con. 3, N.D.R.. Arte., near Port Law, on Fri., Jan. 7 at 12.30 o'clock, a good list of farm stock, imple- ments, etc. Sec large bills. If you are looking for a good time, you better taku in the box social in the school house, S. S. No. 7, .\rtsmesia, Old Durham Road, on Tuesday evening. DeceinbeB-;Mth. .Admission 15 cents, ladies bringing boxes free. To those who want to have a good ap- prarance it is good news to know that they can tai<e their linen to Andy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in hrst class style. Biiskei leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. ni. Markilale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Chalmers' Presbyterian church will hold their usual annual Sunday school entertainment on the evenitg of Christ- mas Day (next Saturday) when, as always, a most interesting program wilt be reudereil, f^r which see bills. If you are looking for a good time, you better lake in the box socisi in the school house, S. S. No. 7, Ar'emesia, Old Durham Road, on Tuejiday evening, December 28th. Admission 15 cente, ladies brin'.'ing boxes free. I have tor sale at Eugeiiin one-horse wagon, one-horss s'eigh and b"X, one lath machine, nearly new, 11 feet 1 9-16 shaft- ing, 5 wood split pulleys, nearly new, one mandrel 4 feet between saws. 2 22-inch cut-off saws, 4,500 spruce and balsam anil 4,000 hemlock Nth, 3,C00 in hemlock lumber and 1,000 of 2 in. plank.â€" J. W. Deagle. The 46th annual Sabbath school anni- versary of Flesherton Methodist church will be held on the evening of New Year's day, 1910. A new departure will t)e made on this occasion when no charge will be made at the door, merely a free will offering taken up. As in the pasr, a good tea and entettaiumeiit will be pro- vided. See bills. Farm For Saleâ€" 100 acres, 60 acres bush balance under cultivation, goot* twrii 45x70. stone foundation ; half stable half shed ; large framo sided, com- fortable house with cement floor cellar, i acre orchard, well watered with running water. 5 acres fall wheat, fall plowing done. W. Stuart, lots 138-9, E. Back Line, 2 miles from Flesherton. * Saskatchewan farm, near Woyburn, for sale or rent on shares. House and stabling. About 100 acres ready for crop. Tenant will ke paid in cash for all the breaking he can do next season. Will give option to sell. Splendid opportunity for man with limited capital who desires to get located in gi>i>d district and msko income from the start. School house on the farm. Apply at once jtersonally or by letter for further particu- lars to Lucas, Raney & Mc.\rdle, Mark- dale, Ont. COMMENCEJ^ATCONCE ""T" Winter Term opensJJanuary 3rd, 1910, at the Owen Sound, Out. Individual Irfitnietion given in all busi- ness subjects. Preparatory course for those whose early educatitm has been neglected. Write for iMirticul.-irs. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, IMncipal. S.'cretarj-. Santa Glaus' he/u)quarters CDelow we have given an itemized accouut of a portion -*â€" ^ of our immense Christmas Stock. It is, without a doubt, the largest a.ssortaient of Christmas good.s ever exhibited in town. We have everything you want from Notion.s to Fur Coats. A complete stock of Dry Goods, and a fresh stock of Groceries. ^^'e allowed our stock to run low in order to mske room for a fresh snd com- plete stock for our Christmas trade â€" ami the advaiitige is yours. Fancy Dry Goods Handkerchiefs N'lthing is so nice for a brother {'>r friend) to give his s'stcr (or frieud) as a box of linen handkerchiefs, nicely bi'.xed in a fancy h>x. The boxes run from 25c to $1 25. Also a complete range of hemstitch- ed and scalloped erii^je, embroidered handkerchiefs fro-n 5o to 75c each. L.idies' silk handkerchiefs from 15c to 75c ; .and aeotlemen's from loc to 75c ; also children's fMiicy handker- chiefs at 2 for 5c. Sideboard Drapes Tray Cloths and Doylies Linen Sideboatd Drapes â€" either hemstitched or embroidered. They are beauties, and the prices range from .jOc to 81.50 each. Linen Tray Cloths, also hemstitched or embroidered. These sell at sight at 15c and up to 75c. Doylies, Centrepieces, etc , which have taken the ladies eyes already at 10c and up to $1.00. Linen Towels, which could not be beaten for Christma-i presents, from 25c per pair up to 82,50. Notions T.^wn children have gone wild Over our toy display. We surely have everything one would need from a whistle lo a sleigh, dolls, pencil boxes, picture books, purSfS, banks, drums, animals, perfumes, balls, mirrors, blocks, etc. It would take a page to mention everythiug. Come in and sue themâ€" have a look around, we will be delighted to see you. Ebony Goods We have stocked heavily in sample cases of brush and comb setts, manicure and n<ilitary brushes in ebony. bo.\ed in a plush or silk lined box. We srut thein at half price and are giving to our customers at sample prices. They will take your eye at lirst sight. Leather Goods In .Morocco purses and music rolls. Wo have them â€" you want them. The prices are rnjht, and are an acceptable gift. From 10c up to 83.00. Felt Slippers Felt Slippers fi'r both l.-uiies and eoutlemcn â€" fancy, with felt soles, usually sold at §1.00. Our price is 65o. Sweater Coats They're .ill the rage, and are thiiies of beauty, and they cannot be excel- led fir warmth. Gentlemen's, grey, with fancy borders, are an acceptable gift fur the sou or hust>and. Ladies white, hlue,a re<l. cr any leading colours for sister or mother. They will bo appreciated, and unly $1.50, and up to $2.2S Ladies' Coats Just ask any one who has ever seen our coats, and if they d > not say they are the most up-to-date ooatsthey have seen in these parts we miss our guesp. We are drawui<.' trade in thus line from ueighburiug towns, showing that we keep the new gcxids. If we haven't got anything to suit you we will .send for it, and it doesn't cost any more to get an up-to-date article than an out-of-date one, as we have theu from $8.00 up to $25.00 FURS FURS It would pl>>ase your sun, daughter or wife to roceive a Fur Collar, Stole Muff or Coat It is the raos.1 useful thing you could f'ive, and would l>o appreciared. For a satisfactory purchase you will be wise to inspect our stock. FRESH GROCERIES HERE ARE LEADERS Raisins, new fruit, 3 lbs for 25c Currants, re-cleaned, 3 U)8 for.... 25c Kedpalhs Granulated Su^ar 20 lbs for $1.00 McDonald's Tobacco, 3 plugs 25 Shelled Almonds and Walnuts per. . lb 40c Cereals at. per box 10c And our Tea is a leader, sells in.... the usual way at ooc, our price is. .25c FANCY DISHES GALORE In fancy di.shes, i;l,iss<ir china, wc have an entirely new stockâ€" every- thing that heart would desire in salad dishes, live o'clock tt'as.boii bon dishes, fancy cups and saucers, vases, jar- dineres in china, and water sets, fruit sets and table sets, all at the most re<^ousble prices. F. G. Karstcdt Flesherton, Ont. ^t^*li!!!! V, Ou We would just say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better stock J for men, ladies antl children. Kubbers and | Overshoes â€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes. Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds oi Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off cheap The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesheron, Ont. Winter is Here. .\nd so are we with our large displiy of cutters, sleighs, and everything; iu th carriage line. Drop in and have a l<xjk Ixjfore buying, snd then you will bo convincod that you cannot do better elsewheiv. Sitisfiiction guaranfoed. Horse shoeing: and sreneral blacksmlthingf a specialty. First class livery in connection. D^McTAVISH, - Proprietor.

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