Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1909, p. 5

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December 2 1999 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE • 1 • • I « •»• ««• •>• 4tt «!â-  THE SIANDARD BANK I E-jjiAj 1573 OF CANADA '^ ^--^ r A Joint Account a a (teat convenience in handling the family fundi. It is opened in the namei of two memben of the family, and both may make depotiu or draw checks over their own individual signatures. This form of account is particularly convenient for those who Eve some distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do so at once ? 71 FLESHERTON BRANCH Geortfo MitcKell, Man«|{er BXAMCIIKS AI^O AT DVltBAM AND BAKR.ISTOM. VICINITY CHIPS Jaa. Pattoo of Toronto has returned home. Chas. Buchanan of VHndeleur is attend- ing the high school here. Miss Vida Ruudle of Dundalk spent Sunday with yoong lady friends here. Bomâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, on Friday, November 26th, a daughter. Mr. James V>4iite, who has spent the gret his departure, but as it is in the na- ture of a promotion we can only offer congratulations. Hugh McLean, a farmer living on tha 4th of Culliugwood, fell through a scaf- folding on Friday ]Mt and died Monday without regaining consciousne'is. Flitting Days. Last week was a "moving" week, and a directory is almost a neceasicy to find the locatioii of many families now. , R. H. Wright and family have moved rummer at Port Arthur, returned homo to the re8idence>acuted by F. A.Tucker. Saturday. Mr. Wright has improroi the Rrounds in Mr . and Mrs. Harry Stew art and little front of the bouse, by raiaincr them to a son, of St. Paul, Oct., are visiting with level with the sidewalk. tbe house a visitor at Mr. Jaa. Fawoeti'a on Friday and Saturday last. A number from here took in the pie social at Vandeleur on Friday evening last and report a good time. Mr. George Burritt sold hi* handsome young driver to a buyer from Vancuuver, B. C, fur a fancy price. Mr. J. R. Fawoett is building a bridge at Rocklyn. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Plewea on the sick list at present. We hope to hear of her speedy rewvery. Miss Maud McQuickin of , is a visitor at Mr. W. Scott's of (he Travel- ler's Home. The Kimberley Branch of the 0. W, I. met at tbe home of Mrs. W. S. Bishop on Thursday afternoon last. A most enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr. John Lawrence of Meaford spent Sunday with friends here. gave The iirsr division of tbe session the Uovernment a majority of 34. Tha British Columbia elections re- sulted in a triumph for the McBrida Oorernment. Will Fields has moved to vacated by K. H. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Msrcellus oscupy the resilience vacated by Mis. Davidson, who relatives here. Mrs. Stewart, who has been waiting on her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Williams, at Engenia, has returned homo. The last sailings of the local boats on : has joined her husbaad at Guelph the lakes took place last week. The C. i joi,„ Tbistlethwaite and family have P. R. beats are still running. j taken up their residence.with Alf Thistle- Emerson Adams, of Foreman Walton's thwaite and Mrs. Corbett has bought the telephone gang, was home last week after ' Chriacoe residence from Mr. Buskin and his sleighs. They will not be of much ; will occupy it shorlly. service at present. 1 Mr. M. K. Richardson has been ap- 1 pointed arbitrator by the County Council I â€" ~ in the matter of a bridge constructed on j ^n Advance reporter had the pleasure tbe county line between Grey and of a visit at the November meeting of the Bruce. News of The Women's Institute man possession was We undeisland that a Markdale gentle- ho had three beaver skins in his brought up before Magistrate Harness one day last week and fined 820aud costs. The skins were confiscated. Mr. R. G. Holland of Woodbridge has i Kimberley Women's Institute at Mrs. I W. S. Bishop's liist week. Needless to â-  say, he enjoyed himself immensely â€" only { one man in the midst of a number of ladies. He had heard rumors of the : Institute being a place to exchiiiige gossip, I but there was none of that. Mrs. G. H. j Walter gave an excellent paper on "How ] we can help oui' members to have a been engaged for the senior department j ^^^^^^^ Christmas.' The paper ard the of Flesheilon public sohnol for next year. I gubsequent discussion brought out some I helpful thoughts. It was regretted that and Miss M. E. Swilzer of Dornoch for the primary. Mr. Holland is a man of family and has rented Iho residence lately occupied by Mrs. Corbett. Mr. Arch. Boyd received a painful in- jury in a peculiar manner one day recent. ly. When breaking a piece of board with his foot one end of the board, which contained a long n*il fi«w up and the nail penetrated his leg to the bone. A doctors services were required and the injury still bothers him. Gibsonâ€" McClungâ€" At Markdale, on Wednesday, Nov. 17, by Rev. Mr. Young. John H. Gibson of Fle.shertnn to Miss Emma Elizabeth McClung, daughter of Mr. Wm. McCluDg of Kimberley. Miss Mina Fawcett of Kimber. ^v acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Robert Croft of O^prey assisted the groom. The young people have taken up their residence in Flesherton. A sad case cf accidental poisoning is reported from Rocklyn, resulting in the death of the three-year-old sou of Dr. B. G. Williams. The little fellow was warned against touching a bottle cf disinfectant, and the doctor went to an adjoining room. When he returned he found that the boy had taken the bottle, and drank a considerable amount cf the contents. The poison was so strong that medical aid could not counteract it, and in a short time the child was dead. Jn their wisdom the County Council has seen tit to withdraw the township of Artemesia trom School Inspector Camp- bell's inspectorate and add it to East Giey, which is looked after by Mr. Huff. Had this township been consulted in the matter there would have beenastrenuoas kick, but it had nothing to say. The ebange was made with a view to evening up tha work in the various inspectorates. There is general regret expressed at Mr. Campbell's withdrawal from this portion of the vineyard. Business at the station was held up one afternoon last week in a rather un- pleasant manner for Agent; Rand. That gentleman loaned the station keys to a Eugenia man who wanted to put freight in the shed. After the stuff had been shut up the shipper thoui;htlessly put tbe keys in his pocket and started for several members who were to have given other papers were unable to be present. The light lunch prepared by the hoste8.s, Mrs. Bishop, was a most happy feature. The Fleshartuu Women's Institute held a fowl supper on Wednesday evening of last week. The ladies went into it with such energy that it could not fail to be a success. The receipts wore $45, and the expenses $20, so that the inenibors feel well repaid. The program in the town hall wan enjoyed by a good crowd. The Ceylon String Band gave a number of selections that brought the house down, feet and all. Miss Mabel Boyd sang a solo, and A. S. Thurston gsive a trom- bone solo. A litttle dialogue in rhyme by R. N. Cornfield and Mai-guerite Run« stadtler was a decidedly taking affair, and entirely in keeping with the event, for did not the woman get the last word? A dialogue, "An Interrupted proposal" by a number of young folks, was well acted and amusing. Rev. Mr. Well wood gave a speech as also did M. K. Richardson who was chairman. A Rare Musical Treat A musical treat of rare excellence was thoconcert given in the town hall by Miss Freeman, vocal teacher, on Monday evening, assisted by her sister, Misa Wilda Freeman, the Misses Mitchell, all of Chatsworth, and Mr. Turner of Owen Sound. The audience, while attentive and enthusiastic, was not of an inspiring nature when numbers are considered, still the performers eave us of their best â€"at least if tbey can do anything better we would like to hear it. We believe the occasion was unique here ; and an entire progrnni of music, vocal and in- strumental, is something we are are not used to, yet there was nothing tedious or tiring in the t wo hours devoted to the entertainment. Misa Freeman has a sweet voice of fair caUbre and under excellent control, while her sister can manipulate the piano in a way that biings forth expressions of astonishment. As we heard one musical criiio siy, "She can jest paw the piano any old way and music comes nut." To put it better, she is ihe'most finished (<nd expert pianist ever heard here. She gave two difficult selections from Liszt, and was assisted by Miss Freeman in two piano duets that were very highly spoken of by competent critics. Mr, Turner on his 'cello was a rare treat, this instrument seldom having been heard in Flesherton, and certainly never with the powerful touch and tone of this performer whose wide experience and pnictice has made him a wonderful master of the instrument,the possibilities of which are fully brought out under his delicate touch. The Misses Mitchell of Ch&tsworth also made a strong and acceptable .-iddition to the vocal portion of the program, the quartet of young ladies giving us both something new and some of the old favorites as well. Their "Come where the lilies bloom" was ex- ceedingly tine. Those talented young women are certainly an honour to their home town, and we would be delighted to hear them again, when we fancy they would receive a reception of a much more remunerative nature than on the present occasion. This was one occa.sion where the reality exceeded by long odds the anticipation, and those who missed hearing it lost an opportunity of rare p'easuro. Kimberley Last Week's Items Veiy disagreeable weather at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuart and children of Flesherton, v'sited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. .lohn Plewes is away on a business trip. Squire Stuart has returned home, after spending the summer months on his property in Pary Sound district. Mr. F. J. Weber is on a business trip to Toronto. Mr. Oliver Irwin, wife and family have gone to Elk Lake to reside. We wish them every success in their new home. Mr- and Mrs. Juo. Gibson, nee Miss Emma McLuiig, spent their honeymoon with friends here. Mr. £^ra Fawcott returned from the west recently. Mr. Norman McAlium of B. C, visited his sister, Mrs. J. M. Fawcett, on Sunday last, Ernest Morgan of Eugenia, was tha and retui-ned to the station. Fur the time being business was at a standstill at the station, as everything was locked up. Mr. Will Somers, who has been teller ol the Standard bank here for the past two years, and employed in the bank for six years, has been removed by the man- agement to the Dublin branch near Sda- fotth. His successor heic is a Mr. Pat- rick of Parkhill. Mr. Soiners' personal qualities have made him a general favor- ite in town and the citizens generally re- Ceylon Mr. J. Bingall and sons of Owen Sound are visiting at Mrs. John Crowth- ers. Mrs H. Tucker and Miss McGregor took in the Sunday entertainment at Ebenezcr. It was a success, A. B. Collinson, Geo. McArthur, R. J. Brndie and Harry Patton have returned to their homes after spending some time in Alberta. They speak highly of our west country, though the weather was very severe at times. Some of them talk of returning in the sprine. W. C. White has moved into Mr. Jas. Asbdown's house. We welcome him and family to our burg. Norman McLeod and Dave Brodie have gone to New Ontario. They purpose to locate in the vicinity of Sudbury. Mr. U. Uidley has returned to Ceylon but purpoaea to return tn North Dakota in a few weeks. Ue gives a flourishing account of that couutry. Feversfaam the home. Agent Rand got the telephone , guest of his friend, Mr. Em. Proctor the going and the keys were recovered here p^st week â-  (This Wee's Items) Our snow has almost all disappeared. Mr. Stanley Thurston of The Advance staff, Flesheaton, was the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 0. 11, Walter, the past week. Mr. W. T. Ellis spent Fiiday and S.iturday at Owen Sound, wheio Mr. Ellis was attending county council. They returned Satunlay evening. Mrs, Lewis Decker of Dundalk, was Wlii'e the good sleighing lasted business people were kept busy. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Davidson have returned to their home in Collingwood, after an extended visit to the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Conron. Fred and Harold Karsledt of Flesher- ton paid a flying visit to Feversham, Fri- day evening. Mr. J:ick Adair is on the sick list ut present. Hope he will soon be around aijHin. Mr. Ben Brackenbury bns completed his new butcher sh-p, which is very nice indeed, and has moved into it. Norris Bros, were in town on Friday repairing the furnace in the school house. Mr. Eli Robin.son has completed his new residencp which is up-to-date in every particular, and he is now moving into it. Quite a number of people were here to attend the Golden Wedding cf Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown which is mentioned elsewhere in this jjsper. Miss Tena Priestly of Maxwell is visit- ing friends here at present. Rev. Mr. Smith of Toronto pronched a very intere.sting sermon on Sunday morning. His text was tjiken from the 23rd Psalm. He will also preach next Sunday afternoon. There was not as many out toSalvation Army Sunday evening us usual on account of bad roads. Editoe OF Flesherto.v AnvA.NCE :â€" Christinas Eve is drawiiiir near, and I would like to announce in the column of your piper that on the ahnve date wb intend having a big lime at the Salvation Army Hall, Feversham. This big time will include songs, recitations, duets, etc., which will bo readercd by tho young people connected with our Sunday school. We are also h.'iving our Chiistmas tree, and if our friends around I he country districts would like to place their presents on the tree to be handed over to their own children and friends, they can do so by acquainting Santa Clans., who at present is going under the name of Captain Beecroft, Feversham. Stone Settlement. Sony to lose our sleighing but hope to have more soon . Some of our young people attended the Box Social at Chcoacville on Friday last, and report a good time. George Mc Arthur has returned from the West. His many friends are pleased to .see him back again. Don't Torget to leave everything elf;e aside and come to the boz social on Friday evening, Dec. 3i-d. Mr. H. Holinin visited at his sister's, Mrs. H. Stone, last week. Ed. Whiltakcr secured a position in A bank at Ingersoll, We him every succe-'ts. Odds and Ends W, A. Armstrnag issuer of marriage licenses. Milch cow for sale. Mrs. Andrew Bentham, Fiesherton. Wanted â€" A paotmaker and two girls to learn tailoring â€" F. A. Bkaer, tailor, Flesherton. For men's leather leggings, made of first class material, no better to be had, try Clayton's. S50 will buy a good square piano. Being sold clieap fur immediate sale. Apply at this office. Colt for sale, from Good Luck, extra $:ood, coming 2 years. W. A. Weber, lot 24, con. 14, Artemesia. Leicester Sheep Strayed â€" On Wednes- day, Nov. 17th, from the premises of Jos. Croft, Port Law, P. O. Anybiidy desiring to sell about 20 good ewes, and a few ynung cattle coming 2 years old, apply to John Williamson, Ceylon P. O, No better rubbers and overshoes than the Malreee Cross to be had. Heavy gum rubbers, first ([uality and puncture proof. Claytons have them. Strayed â€" A yearling heifer about July Ist from iny premises. 83 reward for information leading to its recovery. Jos. Strain, Proton Station P. O. Owing to the urgent work on hand we beg to announce that we have discon- tinued our grain chopping until further notice. G. Collinson, Ceylon. Collie Lost â€" A sable collie dog, small slit in one ear, answers to name of Fred. Strayed about Nov. 22. Finder please cammunicate with Marii Wilson, Flesher- ton. Stock Fur Saleâ€" One good, serviceable mare, sell or trade for colt or young stock ; aiNo eisihi good owes. Apply to Wm. Davis, Toronto line, Flesherton P.O. Members tii the East Grey Agricultural Society, who have not received their prize money kindly call on the secretary at once, as books must keelo.scd by 1st of January. Three choice Rhode Island Red ro.nstors for .sale for siock biids. Make the best of cro.sses with Plymouth Rocks. One dollar each if taken at once. Apply a*. thisulUce. Ciime to lots 11 and 12. con. 8, Osnrey, about Nov. 8, one aged Leicester ram. Owner will please pay expenses and take the snnie aw.iy. F. and D. ijpofford. Maxwell P. O. A Box Social will be held in the school house, on Stone's Line, on Friday, Deceinber 3id. A good program is being prepared. Admission 15 cents. Ladies with boxes free. Fcir Sale â€" Complete outfit for moving buildings, for 8100. .\ genuine snap and a renuineiativo business for any ainl«irious J oung fellow desiring a business of liis iwii. .\ddross Poriijoe, Flesherton. Property for Saleâ€" good dwelling on Main street, with two large lots. Also four acre Park lot Mu.«t be sold at once. xVlso one cut'or and sett single harness. Apply lo W. SV. Trmible, Flesherton. To tlirse who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their lintn lo .\iidy Wilson Flesherton, and have ii laundered in tirst class style. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale stenm laundry. VV. J. Smith, Prop. R. N. Kinne-ir of Maxwe'l will hold ar. extensive credit auction sale of farm 6toc!c, impleinenis, household furniture and a ([uantity of hnrdware on Friday of this week, Dec. 3. Sob large bills for list. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer. Mr. Kinnenr intends removing west in the spring and everything must go. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of David McMullen, Into of tho Township of Ai-t- eincsiii in tho County of Grey, Gentle- man, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the revised Stiitutes of Ont«rio, I897, Chap. 9, that all the creditoi-s and others having claims against the estate of tho said David McMullun, who died on or about the thirtoeiitli day of May, 1909, are rci|uired on or before the twenty-fifth day of Doceniler, 19C9, to send by post prepaid or deliver to I!.. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont., one of tho Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said David McMullen, deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriiitioiis, the full particulars of their claims, the stateliient of their accounts and the nature of the .securities, (if any) held by chein. And Fi'RTHER TAKi! soTiCB that after such last mentioned date the said ceciitors will pr iceed to distribute the itssets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, lia\ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the .said executors will not be liablo for the siiid a.s.sets or any part thereof to any poi^son or [icrsons of whose claim .shall not have been loceived by them at the time of such distribution. W. H. WRIGHT, Solicitiu' for E.\ecutois, R. J. Sproiile, Joseph A. I'.liiki-li'y and Samuel McMullen. Dated November 5th, 190». >» furs! Furs! Furs! For Quality and quantity, you would do well to come in and see our up-to-date stock of Ruffs, Muffs, Jackets, etc., in all the new furs, including Fux, Sable, Lamb, etc., and Furlined Coata, rat lined, with either Sable, or Mink Reveres in Ladies. Furlined Persian Lamb, Revertd in Gentlemen's. Also a full ragne of Ladies' Aatracb- an Jackete revered, either with Astrachan or Sable, at prices far be- low anything ever offered before and Coon, Calf and Dug Skins for men. Space will not permit us to quote prices, but it will be to your advantage to call. Tailor Made Goods We are now prepared to meet all demands for up-to-date tailor made clothing, in all the latest tweeds, Worsteds, etc. We have tbe ijoods at popular prices. Alau we excel all others in Ladies' Goods, competing with the largest, and most fashionable houses in Ontario in Quality, price and Up-to-date Dreas Goods, lok us up andsee for yourself. We have the best display of Ladies' Coats ever exhibited, in all leading'shades. They are not ready made but are Made-To-Order by one of the best Mantle Works in the province. For quality of goods, style of the nitke, and workmanship, they excel them all, and at rock bottom prices. Purity Flour Is widely known, being advertised in all the leading journals of Canada, as being "Good Goods'" Could give you testimonials which we receive every week, regarding the quality, but it is for you to say, "Proof of the pudding is the eating of it," so try it and be con- vinced yourself. Wo have it at all times. A Second-Hand Triple Heater Just use! enough to say that it has been tried and found perfectly satisfactory. A Young Furnace will heat a house perfectly at a reasonable price. Also a full stock of Coal Burners, Air tigh": Wood Heaters, Ranges, Stoves, etc. All at the lowest possible prices. F* e. Karsledt ^*i Us 5*rue i» We would just say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better stock for men, ladies and children. Rubbers and Overshoes â€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes, Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off cheap _, AT The Flesherton* Carriage Works Flesheron, Ont. BUGGIES â€" Intending purchasers will save money by calling and in- specting our stock, as we have a good stock to choose from- and prices ar- right. RE P.^INTLN'Gâ€" Bring your baggy to us for repaiuting. Satisfactioa guaranteed. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wo handle tho best plows, harrows and also carry a full line of repairs ou hand. CREAM SEPARATORSâ€" We are agents for the MELOTTT. The best iu the market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of frosli and smoked moats, head choose, sausage, always on hand Cash paid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN FINE TAILORING I Lave opened up a tailoring establishment two doors south of Armstrong's jewellery store, and am prepared to give satiefactiou IN FIT WORKMANSHIP AND PRICE AtWLl, IS SOLICITED. F. A. BAKER, xMlT,S Flesherton PUMP Wooden i)umps manufactured through- out and repairs promptly and satisfac- torily attended lo. 1 am aaent for tho three iron puinp manufacturers in Ontario. .\ card dropped to me at Ceylon P. O. will have my prompt attention. JAMES A. McLEAN \ CIRRIES CORNER, Ceylon P.O. Wanted NOW! FOR FLESH ERl ON And siiin)undiiitt districts for Kail and Win- ter Inontll^ an enorRetic, reliable aRsnt to take orders for nursery stock Good Pay Weekly. Outfit Free, K.XCIA SIVK TKKRITOKY. (iOft ACRKS irNDlCKClI/riVATION. We guarautee to deliver .^tot-k in jtimkI conditinn and iii« tn contract ijrHde. W'e can show ynu that ther» !!< ifo>d money in leiirescn^iiitf a well-known, relialile firm tit tins time. Kiil4il>lislietl over thirty Vfar^. Writo f'.i [.artiiMilai!.. Pelham Nursery Co. TORONTO, OM. fcbll«

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