Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1909, p. 4

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November 18 1909 THE FI-ESHERTON ADVANCE ^ R T. HILL & Co., « narkdale ^ This Week We are Showing Many New Lines, and Many Specials, and OtieringExtraGood Prices tor Poultry Comforters and Blankets Wu h:«Te a big range nf Pure All- Wool Bhtnkets. Wo were fortunate in huyini; Blankets before the priceH 1i[.d advanced, coii8e«iuonlly wc are in a position to servo you and sell you blankets at old prices, which ineaos a bix saTint; to you. See the Fine Wool Blanket-s <re are Aallini; for $2.75 per pair " " " " $3.25 " " " " " $3.75 «' t> c. "1. $4 25 ' " *' " " $4.75 ' • Extra Fine Saxony Wool IMauketn at $5.00 and $5.50 per pair Comforters at a Bargain We were unforlunile eni>ugh to hare our roof leak which daumged quite a number of fine Comfortem for uj. Thia week we put them on saleâ€" a bie reduction in price on this account you oi»n buy while they last $2 25, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 Comforters for j j 4g For poultry delirered this Tlii.s week we are payinK big prices for Poultry dressed in t;ood shape for market. week we will jwy you: 14c Ciisli and IGc Tiiide for Turkeys ' : 'i:- i»c " lie " Ducks. .' 9c " lie " Chickens. 8o " 10c " Geese. 7c " 9o " Fowl. Poultry to bring the lop prices mmt bo dry plucked, stirveil and heads taken otf. and no feithers left on of anv kind. Scalded, rhin, and poultry witli crops in 3c w 7c per puun 1 less than theH3 prioos ascjrding to qualityf Custom Weaving The undersii^ed is now prepared to do all kinds of Weaving on the Shortest Notice Plain, Twilled or Saiinett. Ru)!B and Hammocks a specialty. Hit and miss latts and coloured warp found, 20c a yard, stripp- ed rags extra. Office. 5th door north of bank on T/ydenhaai Street. Wm. LEEa, â€" Flesherton, Ont. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the' eHtate or Jacob Loughefd, lato of the township of C)«prey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pnrsaant in the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 9, that all the creditors and others having cluims against the estate of said Jacob Lougheed, who died on or about the twelfth day of September, 1909, are re(|uired on or before the ftrst day of Deceml)er, 1909, to send by post nrepaid or deliver to James Clark, Maxwell, Ont., Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said Jacob Lougheed, deceased. Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and the particulars of their accounts and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said execut- or will proceed to distiibute the assets of the deceiuied among the pirties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said executor will not ba liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any i)erson or persons of whose claims shall not have txjen received by him at the time of such distribution. W. H. WRIGHT, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. Dated Nov. Ist, 1909. The Flesherton Advance Published weekly at it's office. Colling- wood street, Flesherton. Subscription lates â€" Canada $1.00, United StateE, $1.25. Advertising rates on applica- tion. ^Y. H. Thurston . . Editor FLOWERS AND VICE. List week the Ontario Horticultural Association held its aiinusl fconveniion in Toronto. Horticultural enthusiasts Ralhered and exchangid ideas. One delegate is reported to have said; "A man •vho doesn't love children, flowers and music is a bad mau." This is a strikinu condemnation of some of us, but wo sra inclined to behove that there is a great clement of truth in his words. Of course there are exceptions to each of thehc things- all children are not lovable ; some llowi^rs do not cure mean- ness in ii man aud wu all have heard music that would not "soothe the siivai{9 breast." But these are admittedly ex- ceptions, and HO, not worly of considera- tion. The movement to astablish horticultur- al associations in towns and villagiH is a most commendable one. Much could be done for the bwiutifying of our own vill.'iije by a siiwill eHort on the part of t';icli citizen. In some places prizes are olfered for tlii'*l)i;Ht kept lawns, with gnod rutulto. It iit a ili.scouiTiging thinx, though, t'l endeavour to create beautiful surroundings am', then have (lowers and liodj^es dft.troycd by luvsgiug liovines. This town has some cows that ap^jear to take an unholy delight in visiting gardens aod even lawns in spite of such an obslruc 'ion as abylaw reitiicting cattle from running at large ai ni^lit, for it is in the liouis of darkness that the damage ii done. If the citizens would keep their 'Cattle looked up they would take one (Treat step towards the bcautitication of our -fair burg. At a later, and postibly morn opportune ime we shall have moro to lay in this matter. inga feeling of pity fora country whichL^,, t^, product of onr pen. but this harl»<)urs so many small-minded, iH!r- i i • â-  ,. . .1 .1 V' 1 , uappy class is in the minority, vertttl mortals. Yankee bnvg amwars '^'^'' "uo lujuuiii,/, a|)|)ears to choke when it encounters the British Hag. It Ls to laugh ! Indians have a little spirit left in them (too many have only spirits in them), ' aud to be reassured that they are not The deer hunters have returned I" '°'*"y departed race. Though to from their yearly outings, with glow â-  I ^^^'^ ^''®'° '" '^^"^ °*''^° ^'*'® '° '^^ A sage says that a gelitieman is an '"8 "ports and abundant material i Presence of civiHzation is a hopeless i' individual who will pay a debt that is task, aud in many cases it is just as hopeless to attempt to make them adopt the white man's customs and manners. o It is quite the proper thing now-a- days when <* peraon is convicted of for many a fireside tale to while away beyond the pale of legality. That ''^f winter evenings. 'Tis a cnriouB may be, but to our distorted vision he' '^'"S- tbis mania to kill and destroy, is a greater geutleman who does not i *"^ ''^P'^evaicU iu some form with allow the debt to get beyond the pale I "°^' °^ "*• I* 's tlie same instinct of legality. j which causes the small-boy to break o Q I windows, aud the office man to kick The editor of the Lurks Falls' r!,"®"' "'''\ ?"' '° TT'"'^'''''" ^"^^^^^^^^^^^ Arrow thinks we dout know what we'? ' Tfi' T ^ ^'"^ ««ay senteuce on the ground of insanity- ate thinking about when we ^i.i^k' ' "'""'^ '''^^ "" 'P"'' " " ''^^l"' ' or some other trumped up oxcuEe „ , , , .1 1 ., . r> producing oneâ€" the stifling atmos- thal people who think that Premier , r . , , . . wi •, • 1 . \ P^ere of one s place of business is Wliitnuy IS sincere m Ins temperance !„•„_, • , i i , , . , „,, ... I..: :_i_-j n ettectively worked ont of one 3 lungs, aud to live is again pleasure for a term. utterances are being mislead. Per- Imps MO don't. It would be nice to have it proved â€" or disproved. Time will tell whether onr attitude is correct or not . Dominion fruit All honour to II. H. Mi Her M. P. for youth Grey I Ho has como be- 1 fore the Bouse with a bill to put liorse^- have l»'acing out of business. At least, the up Of course this is only natural, for no matter how ready a person may be take another's life, it is very rarely that they want to leave this life them- selves, and so any driftwood that the murderer may find is eagerly seized to prolong his life. Too often the skilled lawyer succeeds in defeating the law's end. While we are doubt- iiispectors that presctibos, and so of illegal marking and packing of take a bet on the move. Again we must be accepted as the only punish apples. It is well. If this course say, all honour to Mr. Miller. If his ,nent available. Only in were strouuonsiy followed Ontario's '^''l i" ''s original meaning is passed ful as to whether hanging is a right secured convictions against a number Toronto World predicts that result. ; penalty for murder or not, yet of Ontario fruit {.-rowers, as a result '-I'ljc bill will make it illegal to evcnljg ^yij^t the law presctibos, an ARK WK PATRIOTS 7 llie person who asks the alsivo 4|Uosiim is one who is fond of wasting his wind, for no imu would deny the INitriotism of ('anaduuis. However, im Novemlmr the 9lli, the Ijirthday of our beloved King, not a flag flutt^tred in Flesherton even the huIickjI flag wa** left neatly folded in its ignominious hiding place. That \» imtriotism, isn't it? On the same day an Knglish citixen reaiding in the United States hoisted his country's flag in commemoraliim of the vomploU'd cycle in His Majesty's life- A zealous "Vank" saw the flag and ni- )>ortod it U> the police who comiMjlhid him to haul it down. Why that should Im) d<me is thing that even the (sdioe themselves would llnd it diftlcult to ux- jdain. Such small-inindednuss is a com- <iion stale with many Amurii^ans, who at times make thumsidves (and thereby their country) ridiculous by such fntntic itctiuns under the guise of imtriotisiii . True ]«triotism should create a s]>irit of tolerance for the flag of another country, but the iMtriotisiii of many Ainuricnns is .the o) iMisite. t'osnibly lliis in(<dor- ance of the itritiNli flag finds its root in the supriimacy of tlii3 Ilrilish ompirn on land and soa. Whatever the cause, there is no harm done by Iheso hysterio- »tl would bo patriots, the only result be name would not be blighted by afewi^'o will have become one of the great small, mean tncn. wiio consider they j est benefactors in the vhole House, are doing something clever when they even though a tremendous howl will by under-hand mcaup secure a higher | bo raised by the very persons to whom price than their apples deserve. |l'e is doing such a great service. If, as the World predicts, the result of this will be to put horse racing out of The Bruce Times makes a niost b„si„css. it ought to be put,-as the interesting statement m Its last issue. L.g,.y ^.i^^jpi^ of taking something The point wc noticed was that five \ jo^. nothing as i s done in betting is an men went out huntiiig and returned ;i,jjp,ope, ^^^^ ^^^^ degenerating home with the following at their belts: | practise. Agaiu-Shakc. Mr. Miller. »1 hares, 18 ducks, 4 black squirrels, | o o o 1 coon and 4 pike. Tlioy must have! t j «»• . .i . . . , , ., . . . .1 11 IjO'"" Minto was the target for found that assortment rather hard on . , ,, . ^ , , ^ bomb throwers at Calcutta recently, while driving with his wife in a carriage. Fo'tunately the assasins wore foiled in their attempt. Lady Minto is prostrated as the result of the bomb throwing, and Lord Minto i] thinking of resigning his position for her sake. Ho realisefa that in India he cau have no secure pro- assailants the beltâ€" especially the man with the coon. Ah it is against the law to take the life of black equirrcls there will probably bo a fine to be paid by the buccessful hunters. very ex- ceptional cases should the mutdcrer egcape the penalty, as the ell'ect on others is to lead them into crime, ratiicr than to deter them. Canada has been making a record lately in remitting due punishment for crime. In one case, wo believe, the commu- tation of sentence was only just and merciful, but in several others it looked very uuicli like miscarriage pf justice. The curtain has dropped on this kind of thing it would seem, as John Dillon, the Montreal murder- er has been refused an application for clemency on the ground of in- sanity. The Toronto Saturday Night makes reference to the exchange of person- alities which was Olio time iudulgod jteotion from determined in by the press, and shows how much cleaner the press of to -day ia in that respect, citing instances to prove the truth of its statements. That may be, but wo fear that the editors of the Thornburyand Clarks- burg newspapers have been reading the old newspaper lUoe aud have be- come affected with the spirit of that day. Something is wrong, anyway, for brotherly love ia apparcutly lost down there. We would be delighted to tell It appaars that the Indiana- shift several of our oxchaDgcs what we less wards of the countryâ€" are not dis think of them, but consider oursclflposed to amicably receive the en- Honor Roils. Report o( S. S. No. 8, Artemesia, (Port Law) for October. Sr. 3-E. Jackson, F. Taylor. Jr. 4-0, White, V. Cornfield, V. Watson. Class 3â€" E. Wilkinson, A. Fisher, U. Fisher. Class 2 - D, Janiisson, A. Wilkinson, J. and W. BOYD merebants Flesberton « Ontario J MILLINERY Ml&S E. P. AMOS is again in charge of the showroom. This season the shapes are somewhat modified as to size. The high turban, the roll at the back, and fide tun; shapes being much worn. Large wings and fprsys are extensively shown, and in colors green and a»he8 of rosea are very popular. Ladies' Mantles In Ladies' Mantles we have some beautiful lines ransting in price from $8 to 923.50. This year the styles are seini-fittint;, J leiigth, and much the same ai last season's garments. In Mis- ses our prices run from 84 to 98.50; and children's from *2.75 to Dress Goods Tlio affair has again raised apprehen- sions as to the safety of British rule ill India. The fear ia being expressed/ fl.o» «,»., ».« ««., .vi »i « n _» -• t M. White, H. Thompson, L. Jackson that may be one of the first signs of i . a coming storm. Why the natives) should be so diiTicult of control is beyond us. As far as we kuow, the British authorities pursue the wisest and most concilatory course with thorn, but still they appear to love a scrap. Perhaps it's the heat that troubles them. too much of a gonMemau. Dut some- how it grates to sec other newspapers taking our news and passing it on to croachmonts of civilization, but ate beginning to use their elbows to crowd back â€" at least a few in British Part 2â€"0. Watson, M. Cornfield, R. White, R. Thompson, A. Udell. Sr. Part 1â€" S. Shier, F. Badgerow, 0. Blakey. 2nd 1-F. While. V. MoNally, Lulu Pedlar, L. Thompson and Laurie Pedlar et|u«l, J. Fisher. Jr. Part 1â€" F. Kawcett, J. Shier, H. Jacksou, H. Udell. Ave rsge attendance 30. C. 0. Ramage, Teacher. Truant ottioer Lambie had eleven year old Sylvanus Pye before the magistrate on Wednesday for absenting himself from school. The father oould not or will not their readers as original matter. If Columbia are showing that toudcnoy. '"'*'*" '''"^"y attend isohool, with the the news as written for The Advance i These intelligent ''first settlors" go* I '"*''"" '*'*' '*"' p«rent must furnishlbonds ' to the extent of f 100 that the boy attend regularly, failing this the Industrial Sohotil will g>-t Sylvanus. Oflleor Lambie cannot bo improved upon, then wo their back up against Iho whiles and would like to flco credit given. We ^ in carrying out their animosity bump- make it a point ourselves to exteiid'ed up against the law. with the sme: ^.^ the name, of four other boys who this courtesy to all those wo consider result of proper punishment. It is, ,„o,t,o to school or appear in court- worthy of it- to those who do not ( well lo know at any rate that the 1 Barrie Saturday Morning. In these, stripes are all the rage, and the more decided the .stripe the more popular. We have a beautiful rangein colorsâ€" black, marine, navy, green, my.s'eria, brown and taupe, aud at prices ranging from 55c to 81.50 Furs In Furs we have a complete range of the following lines â€" Indies' stole-s, scarfs. muffs, caperines, etc. Also men's ami ladies' fur and fur-lined coats, caps, mitt», gauntlets, etc. Ready-Made Clothing In Clothing we have the Progress Brand, made by H. Vuu'burir & Co., of Montreal, W. R. .iohnston & Co's clothing of Toronto. These are two of the largest clothing bouses in the dominion. Their and prices are right. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers This is the searou for the heavy shoes and they certainly are selling fa^t. We are full in all lines aud are selling at prices which d efy cometition. Coma in and examine our stock. J. E. large! The People's Store, Eugenia i Now is the time to buy your Fall Suits, beautiful new goods in all ^ the latest shades and designs, at difterent prices to suit the ])urchaser. ^ Dress trimmings in all the pretty, delicate shades. Do not miss seeing these as they are something diflferent than has ever been shown befoie, ranging in price from to 25c per yard. Sumo Si'Utache Ijraids, 2 yds for 5c Itoautilul long sample coats, "Senii-fittinc," nicfly triiimud with - ^^ shiippiui's of goods and large satin buttons, rctular S15 and 818 coats 0^ '"' SIO.OO ^ Special values in Flanneletts, best qualities from 7c to l.")0 t.xtra wide. ^ Call and see our Liiwtis and Cottons, best values eve'r oft'ored. ^ Just arrived ! all our new woollen goods in Toques, GIoms, Miits, '§t Scarfs. Sweators,, Shanles and Yarnsâ€" everything you will need in the woollen lino. "VliijijiJN itlXV. Y_Donotfail to see our complete ^ stock in pretty, up-to-dale Hsts in ,»1| shades, ranging from $2.50 up. *5 Special values given for the Thanksgiving and Clui.stmas trade. â-  €% Full lines of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Moccasins, Le;,'ging3. Wo havo never been more ready to meet the demands of the people, and have been moro able to give bettor values in all these different lines. Out stock for XMAS. is coming in every yXfy. Como early to get the best choice. Highest prices {Mtid for Produce and Poultry. Don't fail to get our prices before going elsewhere. Fresh (Jroecries always on hand. ^u^enia, \*\ \'\ tntario. ^ DISCOURAGED MEN 18 LIFE WORTH LIVING MEN, you l>ecome disheartened when you fe«l the sjtmptoms of Nervous Debility and decline stealing upon you. You haven't the nerve or ambiUon you used to have. You feel you are not the man you ought to be. You (eel like givlDg up In despair. You get nervous and weak, have UtUe anibltlon. pain In the l>«ok over kidneys, drains at night, hollow eyes, tired mornings, preter to be alone, distni-ittnl, variable appetite, looseness of hair, poor elr- culation â€" yon have Nerveas Debility. Our New Method Treatnieat Is your refuge. It wlU strengthen all weak organs, Tttaltze the nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a nuui* ly condition. Pay When Qured. R F I n E R '^'â- * '"i" n ^'°"â„¢' V,""* '°" '~' ''oP*' Are you Intending to J? ' ? " £ 1 ^'^'iP ' "»" y""' "'^ *>««" diseased • Have you any weaknUsf Our New Method Tre«tn.ent wlU cure you. What it has done for hundreds ot others. It will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has Seated you, vifrlte (or an honest ophilon Free o( Charge. Charges roMonable. BOOKa FRiai-"Tho Golden Monitor" (Ulustrated), on Diseasesbf MelT^ ESTABLISHED SO YEARS-CURES GUARANTEED. No Tt..i»Mia mm C. O. D. No name* on boxes or onTeleiMS. ETeirthhi* coafidoBtiol. QueslkHi list ead cost of Heme Troslneat FREE, DrsKENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. %MI * .

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