/le0l)^rtuit %i^anUi TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" '• PRINCIPLEb KOT MEN." ;V, NO 1401 Flesliertoii, Ont,, Xliursday, 11 Nov. 10O9 ,W. H THURSTON' KDITOR aud PHOPKIETOb N J^ " to 03 ^ â- e S S"^ « iD P^TT CO .5 O -r; > » o54 fâ€" << c . =5 >> "â- +J â- S c <U 3 .Q O o -fcj 2 2 bfl~ bo D s Swinton Park. rdrsary uf Salem Methodist k place on Sunday Oct. 31st, . WelUvood, pwbtor of the ;hui-ch, FIfsherton. preached congregation niurning and Mr. Wellwood's inessBge it impression on his hearers lyed ({reiitly the truth so ably On Monday evening folli.w nshioncd tea was served in Qt. of the church, iifterwiirds »a« H'ven in the body of the Aurch, Kev. Homy JBorry he chair as cha'rman. The cf Suleni and Swiutun Purk part in good style. Mrs. :ry lr.« li on, plc.SL'd I ho sudicnco by n|{ three solo ', Bcconipaiiied Pricaville. Kef. Gibson and Rev. Wellwood of gave helpful and elevating Proceeds of the evening tie from the west, is visiting ilsuu. at on is home from Toronto, utiug. s. A'hert Stokes of Bethel, It lira. U. McPhail'j. rd of Toronto is visiting s. Watson, auipboll and Reginald visit- Dornoch hut week. McMillan and Willie Heard the we»l last week. Uoum on has the pleasure ci hav- ji-others from Pennslyvania ul Mrn. Ja3. Aldcurn of ent Sunday wilh Messrs. larJson Sr., rat urned home ig three wetks with her jucknotv, MiVthowHOn purposes start- ;ic services here on Nov. Rondall, Drornoro, will iber Rod and Gun. ' iblij for the variety and cont oil's, Iho November od aud Gun in Canada, I VV. J. Taylor, .it Wood- in accotdunca wiih the I loHS tliaii Kevon hunting Edition, the opening one, Ian oltiuial visittuthelndian lie purpose of paying the Iwill attract much attention. I|i to Newfoundland, the alpinists, a sarcasiio pap- lls of the Chaso and nnm- all having their own in- lup ft number evpiy sports- IjlftJ t > possess and one juld 01 vko sure ho docs loton Station Isley ml Miss Editli, Mis. lugl.ter, spent .Sunday^with Is of L. O. L.No. 244ga^e |n the Orango hall, Friiay Bnj'iy..'d thcmsjlves wilh Ihor amusonicnts. trolford has be^Mi \M up lonsilitis. lillin spent a few days la home of D. C. McLean. lOtb Line, Osprey. Intended fur last week Fine weather for a few days more will be very acceptable, and farmers will hustle the b ilince of the root crop in. Miss Jessie Rod^ters of Erin, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Get. Burnside last week. Mr. Wm. Duncan hasreturnel home, after spendio); a uuuple of months visitini; friends in Alberta, Washington and Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Weldrick vidted the former's sister, Mrs. A. McGowan, bt Ravenna hut week. Mr. Thos. Mazwell of Pavy Harbor, visited friends on this line last week. Mr. Eli Robinson and Mr. George Burk are in Owun Sound on the jury this week. Captain Beecroffc is the new ntHcer in charge at Fevershain corps, of the S. A. We understand Mr. George Julian has purchased the ni.«rketahle timber on Mr. Alex. Maxwell's farm and will draw tliu lo|2H to Fevcr»hani. The buund.s are giving tongue in the woods again. Look out for deer stories. Wo are sorry ti report that typlioid fever is still raging in the neighborhood of Gibraltar, and much sympathy is ex- pressed fur the friends of the lute Mrs. Thos. P.iUird, who succumbed lo the dreadful disease last week. This Week's Items The fine weather of the last few days were very acceptable and the root crops are all gathered now. Mr. Uubi. Brackenbury of Parry Sound is visifiiig his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brnckenbuiy of Fevurshain, an<l other friond.'f in this nc ghborhood at present. The fowl supper hell by L. O. L., 1085, in Feversham, Nov. 5. was higidy successful, the proceeds amounting to nearly six y dollars. W. M., Mr. Joseph Ferguson occupied the chair in his usual luasteiful and pleasant way. Tho speik- ers were Rev. Mr. Miller, Anglican Minister, of Dundalk and Rev. A. P. Stanley, Methodist minister. Maxwell, and Captain Beecroft of the S. A., Fever- sham. Recitations were given by Lieut. Jones of the S. A., Mr. S. Galloway, Miss Lizzie Halo. Mr. Will Kaitting gave a couplo ot comic songs, which wero well recoived. The music was supplied by Miss Jonnie Graham, or, the piano, and Mr. John Otlowc 1 <JI3 the violii., and was ciicired again and a^ain. Mrs. ChcEter Long of Feversham, sang a solo, which was rectived with loud applau.se. Tho thanks of. tho officers and brelhorn of L. (). L. 1085, were rendered to all those who assisted in getting up t!io bountiful sâ- aI)p.^r and iho splendid progrninme. Wo are glad to report that Mrs. Chas. Tri|)pling and five of her family, who have been down with typlioid, are re- covering. We liavo not lieaid of any more cases developing. Mr. Joseph is having his lumber drawn to tho station an i will soon be winding up his seasons work in the lumber busi- nosi. Wo understand that Mr. Jaa. Smith, hid the f;oodluok lo shoot tho lirst deer in this pait of ihe country this year, he having got a tine one, cmo day last week. Victor'a Cornsrs Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow are spend- ing a few days at Clinton. We are pleased to wolcoino home again Will and Geo. Strain from "tho wild and woolly west." The boys look as though it were a healthy country. Mr. William Hoard, sr., has been on the sio'c list. Miss Mitia Heard is attending school in Flesherton. Miss Leslie ia at Mr. Miner's. Tho L. O. L. of No. 244, spent^^ an en- joyable lime at tho "At Homo' at least so the boys say. John McArthur Dead While Mr. Henry Schmidt of Phillips- burg, was sawing wood at tho house of Mr. Harry Heiold ot Shakespeare, on Friday last, he steppe 1 on tho wheel of tho oDgiuc to i;dji:st tho bolt a-ul was caught by I lie Hy wheal and di-awn be- tween it and the boiler, receiving injuries from which be die 1 .in hour later. Mr. Schmidt leaves a wife and one child- â€" El in Advocate. The loiva mffrag.ttes liavojdooided to follow iu the steps of thoir militant sit- ters in Kn^land. Prominent Pricevilie citizen passes over to tiie great majority. On Monday of this week there passed away at Piicevillo one of Grey county's most prominent citizens, in the person of Mr. John MoArthur, who had been ailing for about a year, but only seriously ill for a few months. Mr. McArthur's life record is closely interwoven wilh the history of Arteinosia. In lo8.T ho was olected to tho township cnuiicd and sat at tho board as councillor until 1886. when ho was appointed deputy reeve. Ho continu-jQ as deputy reeve until the close of 1888, attending the council, where ho vm a prominent member. In 18ilU he w.is elected reeve and a(.'ain at ended the two councils. In I'JOl, under ilie chaiigud regulations he was elfcted as ciiiumissioner to i"o to tho coun'y town, and sat in cuncil there for f JUr years, serving one as Warden. It was with genuine regret that the peiple of tliia neiglil orhoud heard of the death of this prominent gentleman, ai d the sympathy of tho c<uii'ty is extended to tho bereivod f.iuiily. Full particulars of Mr. McArthur's life are not to hand. Vande.'e^r. The members of Oourt Vandeleur CO. F. gave a banquet in honour of their wives at tho home of Geo. Warling on Thursday evening last. Mr. Warling kindly gave the use of his house, and Mrs. Warling prepared ihe eatables, which were of a superior quality. After t^a an impromptu programme was arranged. Speeches wore given by a number of proimuont members of the Coart. Misses Migiiie and Rona Davia sang a couple of songs very sweetly. Miss Boyd, Flesherton. gave a couple uf solos and instiuiuentul selections which were much appiociated. The Vandeleur orchestra added much to tho pleasure of tho evening. The party broke up abi.ut twelve o'clock â€" all aureeir.g that a most happy evening had been spent. Mrs. Sid. Gilbert is spending the w«ek wilh hor sister, Mrs. Will Timmins, of Glenelg. A. S. Dunlop (if Toronto is a visitor at Geo. Warliiig's this week, l Mr. Smith and Mr. Win. Burnside of Markdale were visitors in our burg on Sunday. Miss Anuie Gilray is the guest uf her f iond. Miss E. C. Buland. Mr.«. J. J. McGee returned homo re- cently alter visiting in tho (jueen city. Our t«x collector, Mr. S. Gilbert, ia on his annual pilgrimage. Webrr Bros shipped a car-load of apples from this vicinity to Moose Jaw last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob HoUey spent the first of the week with Mrs. Holley's father, Mr. Speers, on the back line. Sir. Jaccdj Neely and family are inov ing this week to their new home ou the ninth hne of Euphrasia. Mrs. John Buland is visiting friends in Torontj. Mrs. Clark <if Mill Crcok visited acquaintances here recently. Wilfred CuUin, who has been very ill wilh typhoid fever at New Liskeard has 80 fur recovered as to be able lo return home, accompanied by his inoiher, who }«'•"<"»'« S'st«r actwl as Howor girl. The has been attendiiiu him for some time. «room's iH-othor. Mr. Bort Smith was Wo are glad to see Wilfred about again, | groouisniaii. The wedding iiiareh was played by the groom's sister, Mrs. Hattio Bell Mathews. After congratula- tions all repaired to the handsoinoly decorated dining room whore a sumptu- ous wedding dinner was served, which all enjoyed. The presents wero both costly and iiuineroiis. Tho bride's travelling dress was brown satin finished broadcloth with hat to match. Among the guests from a distance was tho groom's uncle, Mr. Fred Pcdhir of Eugenia, Ontario. After a couple of weeks of a bridal tour, spent in ditterent parts, tho young couple will reside on their own farm near Otterbourne, where tho best wishes for their prosperity and happiiies.s of a largo circle of friends acoompiinies them to their homo. Tho groom proHonted the bride with a Imnd- .somo driver and outfit. We are greatly pleased to wolcomo ' home Mr. Fred Pedlarof "Suinmor Hill" I from liis trip out west. Ho roturnod eatly improved in huallh, and enjoyed l" McFARLAND&CO. Eugenia. Smithâ€" Maral -On Oct. 27tli. at tho homo of the bride's par«nts, Mr. and Mrs. Maral, near ( Hterbourno, Manitoba, Mr. Ale.\andor Smith, formorly of Eugenia and Miss Elizfi Maral were united by marriage in the presence of a largo number .f invited guests, by tho Rev. Mr. Phillips of Euier.son. The stately bride looked charming in a dress of white Duchess satin, handsomely trimmed. Her only ornament was a sunbur.st of pearls, the gift of tho groom. The bride's sister was maid of honour. The and trust that time may restore him to J his wonted strength. Kimberley Messrs. William Plowes and .lohn Skolton of Kirkville wore visitors at tho former's parental homo here, on Sunday and Monday lust. Mr. and Mrs. G. Knott of Thornlmry, visited friends hero on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hammond Mrs Riddell and Miss McClelland visited Thoriibury friends during t he piiHt week. Mrs. Soule and son Edgar of Duiicjin, wore visitors at H. D. Carrutheis on Sunday last. Messrs. Thos. Lewis and Hartley Lawrence returned h Jiiio from the west on Sjiturday lost. Mr. Henry Hurd roturnod from Elk Lake, new Ontario, recently. Mr. Thos. McClelland and sister, Miss B. McClelland, Mrs. Uiddell and Miss lona Kiddoll, all of uncle Sam's domains, who have been tho guests of Mr. and he outing, yet ho says, OntfU'io is good enough for him. Mr. IMchard P,uk and John Parson have gone on a trip to (low Gandii, that Mrs. M. R. Hammond during the pa.st , 1.^1^.,^ ji„^. .^ered Kldor.ido. whJie gold is month, returned homo this week. | ^^^ .,]u„iif,ii. Miss Jlaiido Faweelt and M iss Pear ( Lawrence wore visitors at '-Shady Nook ( Mrs. W. Purvis has gone to spend the Farm," <m Sunday lust .ind wero tho j winter in Toronto. Our oldest residents guests of the Misses Olive and Myrllo '>f Eugenia will so,m bo all gone. Cainack. Mrs. Geo. Hntchiiifion visited Duudalk friends recently. Mr. Samuel Smith of Toron to, is the guest of his brotho.-, Mr. .lolin Smith, East Mouulain. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hislop of Stratford are visiting their friends in tho valley for a couplo of week.s. Ouo of our local .sports has cnptiired a fine deir somewhere in the valley, when out hunting. He intends keeping it for Wo aro pleased to seo Miss Mary a pet. Stjifford able to 1)0 around again, after | Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, nee Miss Edna her recent illness. i Madill. of tho Soo, are on their bridal ' I tour at lu-e-iont. They aie visiting tie John Bremner, son i f Mr. William , bride's sister, Mrs. Alex Carrutheis. Bremner, left his honii in Amnran'h ! As tho bride wasono of our most iiopular about 21 years ago, when a lad of 15 or Eugenia young ladies, tJie best wishes of thereabouts, and, with ono or two ex- a large circle of friends is extended to ooptions, his family heard nothing from them, wishing them every liaiip/ino.ss and him. Thoir surprise and plnasuro can be prosiiorily in their distant homo and well imagined when ho walked into his miy they feel tho absent never foigottoii. homo ODO evening lairt week. For some j Cur genial coUcct.r, Mr. R. D. Mol- years he has been luniberinR in British ,|,.,„„ ;„ around imying his small visits. Columbia, about iO ) miles from Van- jjo comes in so cheery, one has no time couvor, and apparently has gathered to grumble, all hough the bill is pretty some of tilif world's experience and steep. Some are thinking our city money. Ho is just recovering from an fathers are preparing to buy one of thoso attack of fever, and took tho trip home frt,„„„s Dreadnanghts to put in Mr. torecuperate.â€" Grand Valley Star. 'Devgle's ])ond, but Eugenia poo|de The reason why wo.etn do not propose would rather havo a snow plough for is sjpposed to bo due to tho fact that winter, inosherton can have tho Drend- they want to 1 ave the last word. n 'Ught for thoii- mill pond. ma.i(k:da.le: ontai<io Magnificent Showing of New Goods in all Departments for Fall and Winter. Wis'i wo could tell you all about the New Things we have been receivina daily for the (lifteront dipattmeiiis of this' bi:4 Store. Wo could more than fill this entire papier if we would attempt giving a de.scripiion of each. Every department crowded with newness. New Dress Goods and Suitings Our as^•)ltmellt nf new weaves in Dress Goods an<l Suitings is at its best* Handsome showing of new sh.ides and invisible strine iffects, sati:i finiish. Too many to describe. Coiiij in and see. Moderately priced, cOc to $1.25 yd. New Dress Skirts Wii'vo about 75 Dress Skirts to select from, made up in plain panainas, pop- lins, satin cioths, oil finished venetimi'i, the now fine serges, invisible stripa etfeccs, etc. Priced at 84.00, 4.50, 5.00. 5.25, 5.50, U.OO, ti 50, 7 .")0, 10.00. Men s and Boys' Furnishings Here's where t!ie mnn or boy who is )>art:cular about his haberdashery can always aet the latest ill Slii'ts, Neckwear, l.'udeiwear. Hosiery, Gloves, Collarii, Caps, fVc. \ little fresher aud a liitle newer than you find at other stores. This is the verdict of our patrons. Suppose you come and see about if. Our pricoi are satisfac'.ory â€" the yahvays are. BE MEMBER We're s-de agents in Markdalu for the celebrated â- Slanfield" I'liderwear, Vou take no ritk in buyiiu Staufield's. for tlmy are guaranteed not to shrink, and wear bettor than any oiber made.; Hundteds of ptople Inn o proven that slatemeBt right in this nuighboihoud. Wu'vo yet txi keir- a complaint. The Jlen's am inicad at S1.;J5, 81.00. 81. 75, tho Hne ara<l..s 82.00 and $2^.50 per gnrment. The Ladies, are priced at .SI. 25, ?5l.35 and i?1.50 per garment. Come in and have us show you the "New Tnings.' sure to do so, whether you wish tj buy 01 not. McFARLAND 8i It will only bo a pleik COMPANY Married Flynn â€" Smith â€" At Markdalo, on Wednesday, Nov. ;i, by Rev. Mr. Shep- pard, Mr J. dm Flynn to Mrs. Wm. Smith. The Advance tenders congratu- lations. Maxwell Items Mi-s. Browiiloo, Foversluini, visited at the pirsonago Monday afternoon. Iluv. A. P. Stanley and Ul-v. 11. Wellwood of Flesherton, exchange pulpits next Sunday. Rev. Wollwood will lireach a missionary sermon next Suiidiiy evening in the .Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Preston are visiting at the former's home for a few days. Mrs. Wollar of Nobleton, who has i bojn visiting her sister iu Wodeliou.se, returned to Mr. R(d>t. Wollifr's. Mrs. Clark, who has been ill at her daughters, j\lis. llillinrd, is imiiroving nice'y. ^fr. and Mrs. Paul, Fcvei-shaiii, visit- ed their daughter, -Mrs. Jim Long, one day last week. Miss Carrie Palli.ster has returned home, after spending some time in Weston. It is now fitly yoars siiici' Mr. Duncan Campbell, the vonorablo cleik of Boii- liiick, was appointed. The iiist nieeling ho attended was in Durham at that dis- tint period, and this year ho asked the township Council as n favor to hold another .session in tho town, as an anni- versary of that occasion. Tho Council readily ac(|uiesced and had arranged lo hold the rf.pniar meeting at the Central hotel, when Mayor Laidlswâ€" learning of this, had Clerk Vo'lelt write, offering tho free use of tho town council chamber for this meeting and the freedom of the town. This was accepted by tho Ben- finck law-mal;eis, aiut on Monday, No- vember 15, after a great lapse of years, and as a c'lmtiliuicnt to their veteran clerk. Belli inck council will again meet I'l our town. â€"Review. DR. BURT 5peci8ll8t In diseases of the Eye, Ear,Noseand Throat Office 13 Ki-Oist St. - Oweiij^oiind At tho Rcvoro hou.se, Mark(hdo, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. J. e. PATTON I'.UNTKK - P.VPKR HANUKR Sign PaintinR and I{igh-cli,iui Oecorati^R A Specialty. Ollicc at . . . FLESHKRrON, ONT. Durham. Mr. Fuller, Inspector for the I^lblio Works Depaitment, inspected tie Arm ory on Tuesday and found everyihinfj going along sinoollily. The ^building is handsome and very substantial und ita out-of-the-wayness is the only ngrettable thing about it. Muc'i 'gtatilic^tion was expressed Saturday last when it becan o known that Rov. Mr. Newton had decided Ifl remain in Durham. Wo congratulate his oon- gregalion and the town also on this result and hope the coming years tnay yield him still more success and happiness as an evidenco of tie wisdom of Ida. djcisiun. Mr. Jos. Firth, who runs the engine at the fiiriiiluro factory, had tho mis- fortune to sev.-rely ciush the back of his hsiid on Monday last. He had just stopped the engine and was roaching for an oil cm when tho crank came down catchinp his hand between it and tho bod of the cnuino and smashing tho bones in the back of the right hand connected with the .sesoiul and third finger.', which aro n )w numb and powerless. Tho un- fortuiialo mishap will lay him off work fur a ffw weeks. Notice to Creditors In tho iiialtor of the estate of David Mc.Mullen. late ot Ihe Township of Art- emesia in the C'.iuiity of Orey, Gonllo' man, decea.sod. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1867, Chap. 0, that all the creditor.s and others having claims against the estate of tho .said David McMullen, who died on or about Iho lliirtoenlh day of May, 190!». to .send by post prepaid or deliver to R.. .1. Spioiile, Flesherton, Ont., ono iif the K.KOoutors of the last Will and Tostaiiiont of t he .said David .McMullen, deceased, their Christian .ind siiriiainos, a':dres.ses and descriptions, the full i)articular« of their claiin.s. the .iti ienient of their accounts and tho- nature of tho .securities, (if any) hold by clieiii. A.Nii I'licniHn TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the .said oxecntors will pr iceod to distribute the assets of tho deceasetl among tho liartios I entitled theroto, having regard only to I tho claims of which they .shall thon havo notico, and that tho said ciOcntoi-s will not be liablu for tho said a<wet.s or any part thereof to any por.son or porsons of whoso claim slfall not have been reoeivod by them at the time of such distribution. . W. H. WRIGHT, Sol'o'ti r for Exocutoi-8, R. J. Sproulo, Jo.seph A. Blakoloy and Sainiiol McMullen. Dated November 5th, 1909.