Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1909, p. 8

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i THE FLESIIERTOIS ADVANCE October 28 IDuft :j 1 Business Cabds WALTER LOCCKS Builder (lid Cflntrtctor For Mrick, Stooe aoJ fraino reolJencef. Es- timktes cbeeHully turriilied, Flesbertou P Ontario. M OCLI.OUGH & YOUNO ML HaDkcm Markdtle i)o ft geueril btakioK bukineat. Money iMDtd • t ruuonable r«te« Call ou ub. TUHISLETT, • roiitm>st«r, 'TeyloD, ComniistloDer lb H. C. J , ConveykDCer, deeds, uiort4{a£e8, loue^. willfl etc. carefully dr&wu up Jolloctioua mad.'. chargeH reaKonable. AUo groceritis, Hour, feed etc. keiit tu stock. Prices right. &J bPKOUbK PoiCmkstcr, KleshertoD «.,«iumiiBiooor in H.C J., Auctioneer, Con • vejraocer, Appraiser and Money l^ender Keal Kstato and Insaraneo Agent. Ueeds, mortgage', leases and wills carefully drawn op aua raluatlona made on shortest cctice ujone; to loau at lowest rates of ioteroat.tCol- lections attended to wilb promptutsf charRes low. Agent for Ocean UouiinioD Btaausbip Company. A call solicited. DMcPHAIL, I^lcensed Auctioneer foi the • County of Grev. Terms moderate and satisfaction Rnaranteed. The arraiiKemcnti and dates of sales can be uadea*. TuK Advanck office, hesidence andl'.0.,CsyloD, Telepboue connection. Dec. 6.07. W.M. KAITTISU, LicouBed Auctioneer (or the counties of Grey and giincoe. Farm and Htock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satlsfactiiu guarautted. Arrauge- laenta for dsten may be made at the Adrsoce oSBce, orAIT. Hutcliloeou's store, tevorsham or by addressing uje at Fevershatu, Ont. RUDI) MATHKWK, klarkdale, Licensed aucUoneer for tho county of Grey, Good KerTice at resscnable rates. Dates can be made at The Advance. oOO I HARVEY PEBIGOr. broker Flosbertoii. General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in safe and liberal compauies. Real catmtc etc.. Open accounts and post due Boves handled and money advaaoed thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical DR CARTER M C P & 8 Ont, Phrttctan, Sargaon. ,(„ OlBc* and residenoeâ€" Peter st, Fleabertoo JP OTTEWELIi Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collega, rewideuce â€" sscond door south westlOD la^ry street. This street ran* south Presbyterian Charcb. H WILSON, Ulackabillb Uraduate of tuo Veterinary Solenc Aeeoclation. Durham itreat, opposite Boyd, Hro's hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. JHURKAV L. D. K, dental surgeon hoooi- graduate of Torouto University and Royal College o( Dental tiurgeona of Ontario Gas adujislnistered for teeth extraction . OIBcoat retUeoce, Toronto Bt aet. FleshertoD. Legal m H, WRIGHT. Harrirter, Rolieltor, Convey- " ancer. etc.,â€" Owen Bound, and Flesherton. K liâ€" Flesbeitou ofllce, Sprculo's Block every Baturday Societies AO U W meets on the last Uonday in each month, in their longe room Son-is' block. Flesherton, st B p.m. M. W., Miles Thistlethwalte: Kec, C. H. Uaosbs\i: Flo., W.J. Bsl.amy. Visiting brethrcB Invited -pKINCK ARTHUK LODOE, No. M"«,A.P.4 ^ A U, meets in the Masonic ball. Arm- strong's Block, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the lull moca. Thos. Ulakely.W.M.; Herb.Smitb, Becrutary. * nOURTFLEBHEKTON, 0O5, I. 0. F. u-eotsin V Clayton's Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; H. H., 'i'. HeLry; Fin. Bee, C. N. Uichardion. Please pay duea to Fin. Bee. before the flr(t day of tho month. CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" Flesherton Council ol Chosen Friends meets in Clayton'a hall first and third Wednesday of eikCh month H p. m Pay aHsessmente to tue Recorder on or before toe t^rst ilayof each month. Chief Couucillor T. lllakelev:Uecorder, W. H. Buut. Farms For Sale or Rent FARM For Bale -100 acres mors or loss. 80 scros (leared, balance hardwood bush, tprlug. well SMt. deep, stiiall youngorchard, large bank barn, large straw shed and frame dwelling- well fenced. Slid in good mate of cultivation, g miles liom school, I oiilelroiup. o. Ix>t 20-7.000. 3, Oaprey H. DOWN, Maxwell r'OB HALKâ€" 100 acre farm, lot IB. oon 10, town ship ofOsprey.closeto the village ol Kever- sbain. Bank barn, frame house and well fenced. For particularH apply to A. O. OAMPBF.LL, 310 Hiisholiiie Uoail Toronto 100 I ACKEH, 70 nude'' cultivation, frame barn with baaeinei.t, 40x.W, coiiifortable house, good well with nindmill; farm wsll fen- ced, ^ acieof bearing orchsrd. Two and a half liiiles from Markdalo, i nillofioni school, \VM. bU.\UT. Markdalo P.O. Z<ot S'l, Coii.lO. Oleuelg Ivun Lots H5 and 35, oon 1 8 D B, 10 acres, es cleared 10 acres pasture, balance good bush. Barn OSxiiO. driving shed, good frame house. 2 wells 1 aose of orchard and stouo wall uni'er barn, flaugeen river crosses huckof farm. Well fencd isud ill good state of cultivation, 1:1 iiillus from Prosou litation. For term apply on premises to JtuKs M. Vai'sk, I'roton Ktation, f*or sale cheap or rent, iinmediato poesesfion, LotlKlccii. 14, Aitcniettifl, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log houae and frame barn. Apply to ii J Bptoule, Flesherton, or John J Martin, soross the road from said lotl For Skleehoap and on easy term*, good com- fortable frame dwelling, ttablu and driving house with th'-eo village Iota inCeyloui, Dwell- ing Weil built and Hiiislied and good hearing orchard on the property. Apply to â€" U J Hprouu:, Floaberlon. Jot 10, con. 6, Oaprev oontslnlDg 100 acre', -'cleared, frame house, frame barn,stou fonudatiou; urcliaxi, will wateioie Un thoupsnd down and I alsiire to suit puiiiiafcr loimedlato ixissrahion Appiv to 11, N. KiNNKAH Maxwel) P. O. Bulls for Service The thornughhrcd hhorthoro null. "Eurl nrey," 714.% will be for service on lot 38. con, N, Arlemesia. The pedigree ol this fine animal can he seen rn ai pllcstfou. Tiuistl ANDREW DOW .Proprietor. Pure bred Holstoln Friealan llnll. This voong animal comes from ono of the best dairy herds in Canada, being iuextvuded registraliou Terms tl.OO AMBER KINO Purobren Tsmwortli Itosr. This voting sninial has proved himself one nf tho host Mock getters that has ever hoeu offered fer service- Terms one dollar. -RICHARD ALLEN tK>t 170, iind E. T and 8 road, Flesherton 1> Thoroughbred Hull from imported stock, a so Taniwoi til Hoar for leivice uu lot ISl. T; li H. K., Artciiicsia. 03 Ang. JOHN AOAM8, Prop, Ram Lambs For Sale FOR BAI<E-Revoral puro bred Sbropiihire shearling and ran: lambs from imported â- tock, at a reaixMiable price. WM. FINDLAV, Uarkdale p. c. Voi 118-119, e»»t bach Una, iToa Hereford Cattle for Sale W* b*v* 'or (ale lonie good bullii. heifers and ftiwi. til tborotufbbred Hernfords. • t: &l: WATSON. Proton. Par* Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I have a fine lot of yming \»eH lire) {torn prize winning stock, for mle. Write ma for price*. I can give a tisivain gl*<> giiaritntee â- atiaftO'loD on all mail orders. CHo. W, ROSS. M».\well P. 0. Coughs of Children Especially nifht coughs. Na- ture needs a little help to quiet the irritation, control the in- flammation, check the protress of the disease. Our advice is â€" give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also He knows best. Do as he says A W« b«aUk aleoh«t W* art* y** to tiers If you think conitipation it of triilinc consequence, juat m your doctor. He will disabtiM yon of tbtt notion in short order. "Correct it, at once I " be will •ay. Then ask bim about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vecetable. i>yMi>J.e.Ay«*0*..I*«wn.Mm â-  Education that Pays Wiiat the areraue young mitn nnd Wduinn of to-dny wnnts is «n education that will increase liis or her oppor- tunitiefi for succes.s in life. The thorough ourses in UusinesR, Short- liiind and Typewriting of the Collingwood Business College Furnish the equipment. Write for free CatnloKue. Students may enter at anv lime. T. E. HAWKINS. # PRSCIPAL Cotlini;wood, Ont. HOW TO SUCCEED ' In Business Life Write us for particulars and'we will send you V UEE our lK>oklet showing how hundreds of young iiu-nand wuiuen have made a suc- cess of life. Write now. Dont delay. Address C. A. Fleming, Owen Sound, principal Thompson's o a S o Bread delivered regu- larly and kept for sale at the following stores: .1. Pattison's, Ceylon \V .Aldconi & .Son's Pricovillo N. McCannoll's Proton Stjition U. Heron'H, Maxwi-ll A. Hutcliinson's and Eli KoWinsoii's Fever»liam H. Cairns', .I.E.Large's and R. Parks', Eugenia Bakery cr o e 3 NOBODY WANTS POOR GROCERIES And what's more to tho point, nolKnly gets 'em hero. Our goods are always fresh and seasonablo. Wo cany a full lino of groceries, canned goods, tlour and feed, and by rea.son of quick soiling tho stock is kept fresh. The quick sales naturally follow our reasonable prices- Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON FURNITURE The largest and bpst stock of furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of tho nice things in Side lioardH, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Ued Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . , . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Boar for Service 1 Yorlieliire botr |>lg for service at \aU ll!-3 T- Ji 8. K. oasct HOItT RIOHARDSO:;, Flosliurtoii P. O. The Advance balance of this year.f ree to new subscribers: A Glance Around Us .; Interesting Items Culled From Var- ious Sources Durham has four automobiles. So far there have been no fatalitiei. Mayor Oliver of Toronto will not be a candidate for tho mayoralty for the com- iug year. He says ii coals too much to bo miyor. Information has been laid against A I'loal option bylaw will be submitted in Glenel^'. Five sheep were worried by dogs in Amaranth towosbip. An effort is being made to induce the C.P.R to build a station in " The Glen," between Priceville and Durbain. The Alfred Shrubb, the iiotod Enylish runner, Glenelg township council has condition charging him with liuiitini; game in Al- berta without a Even the great must bow to the law ! To mark its 31»t year of publication, tho Wiartou Echo last week changed from a seven column patent inside to a tix cobimii all home print. The Echo loitked very well in its new form, and we trust the change will prove proficaUe to its publisher. Brer. L'jgao. Iionir may the Echo reverberate. At Woodbri'lge fair, in the farmer's trot a 17-year-old mare which had plowed the day before and owned by Sam Moore of Maltoii, and hitched to an old fsah- ioced cart, won the race against all the fancy bred pacers and rubber tired out6t8 on the ground. Petitioners from Cobalt to the Provin- cia! Governtntnt pray for mercy in the shape of licences tu sell beer and light wiiiei because of the bad water which is decimating the population through ty- phoid fever. Will not a hard-hearted department relent l Or must the natives bod the water ? Mr. Jidtn Warnock of Eait Garafraza at Orangeville horse fair sold a pair of 4- year-old Mackie colts for $460. The purchtt'<er turned them over at 9470, before he had them stabled. This is a sidelight on Buccessful farming, and shows that quality counts.â€" Grand VuUey SUr. Accoidiiig to a report prepared by Magistrate Atkinson 918,887 has been collected in tines in the Co'>att Provincial Court in the year ending Sept. 1, 1909. This does ntt include blind pig raids or tho total for the dintrict would bo easily 130.000. Three hundred and nincry- foiir cases have been fined, 57 casi's dis- missed and 22 persons sent down. The sheriffs of tho province have re- ceived iiotitication from the Attorney- General's department that the pityment for grand and petit jurits at tho Fall Atsizca will bo 92.bO a day and 13 cents a ini!e. Tho per diem allowance was in- croaiied one year ago from $2 00, but the new mileage rate, an increase from 10 cc-nts, gocj into effect for tho tirbt time. Newniiapers are still prc.v^hing loyalty t'l iheir homo towns, but there isn't much encourageinout to do t.o when it is gener- ally believed and in some case] pooitivoly known that ihe meichants nnd fNimiliea they try to protect are buying from the very ttores the newspapora are fighting against. Even cnminetcial sUtionery is tke township, boucht out of town, and in some instan- ces to the detriment of tha publisher who spends his eneryies in pre&ohing loyalty to home.â€" Durham Chroiiicle. ally agreed to build a highway to the â- talion from the gravel road. The suoeriority of the Canadian over ihe .\merican mail route was demonstrat- ed when ti letter posted in London on the 8th, C'jming by the Canadian route was delivered in Montreal seven dajs later, whilu one coming via the AmtriciD route took eleven days for the journey. Suez caual reports for 1908 show that, exelusive of warships and army transports, only one vessel Bying the American flag passed through the canal during the whole yeir. And that was a vessel of 626 tuns â€" a mere achooner! The other commer- cia'. nations contributed 3,726 vessels,with a total tonnage of 11,357,000. The new plant of theTudhope Carriiite Co., at Orillia, which is to replace the one destroyed by fire late in August, is <aire than two-thirds built. Work was nut started until the first week in September, so it niakea one of the quick- est structural jobs in the province. The block is three storeys high and will provide twice the capacity of the old p'ant. The cott will be 9120,000. The King performed a unique ceremony IkDt week when be prsssed the buitun which opened the tuberculosis institute at Montreal. Uia Majeity pressed an electric button at ^^*est Dean Park, Chi- chester, England, and the current auto- matically relayed and was conveyed over poBtotiice wires and beneath the Atlantic on the Commercial Cihle Company's cable, gave the signal iu Montreal for opening the hospital. Little Bros, suffered a severe loss en October 9th by the death of their well known Clyde stallion. Sir Gilbert, from inflamation. Sir Gilbert waa 9 years old and was valued at considerable more than a thousand dollars. A reinirt that bo was insured for two th(iu!>and dollars is untrue, as the owners had no insur- ance 00 him whatever. â€" Bolton Enter- p.'ise. A firm, of which R. G,ir*Jan, an Amei* ican ?apitalitt, is the head, ia preparing to drill for gas in Tecumseh, with the ex- pectktion of secuiing a sufhsiont supply of natural gas to light and heiil neiuhbor- ini; towns. Mr. Gartlan wants to secure a franchise for lighting and heating Allis- ton and has asked thu town council to grant bim thia privilege. The firm of which Mr. Gartlnn is the head intends to start boring at once in several parts uf Exports havo I con over the ground and ihe firm expects tw find gas in paying quantities.â€" Allist on Herald Friday week was t.n unlucky day for a nunber of CliTord people, nr a lucky day For years pist all tho sweet potatoes .jf y^y c„ngijef ,i„it, they were not more used in Canada have been imported from the sunny, routhern State?, so no dcubt the knowledge that they can be grown in Kent county is astounding. James Liv- iiigatoii, living in Harwich tonuship, has grown what are probably the first sweet potatoes ever raised in Canada. Instead of being tho usual brownish-yellow hue, it is pink, and weighs 4| poundt. It is doubtful, ho«over, if the industry wi'l ' over be noted for its magnitude. ( When the new h^iU of Huron township ladder saved him from a fall of Bruce county was opened tho other day, feet. â€" Mt- Forest Confederate serioualy injured or killed outright. Ile.b Aiiss got his hands caught in a corn- blower, and lost parts of a couple of fingers. Herb Whyto fell from an apple trou nnd huit his back so l-adly that he m.iy be laid up fur bome we>'ks. Blnck- sinitli Dietrich had his fout steppokl en by a horse that he was shoeing. And Councillor E. U. Hillhoute (lipped on tho roi'f of Mr. Cochrane's new burn near Drew and slid down to the ediie, where a twenty aoino rsther tturtling figures were made public. Ill 18D1 the assessment (>f towimhip was about 94,000. In 1854 it was 910,248. In 1908 it was «2,5ill,000. The population in 18CU was 111. Its highest population was reached fn 1881, when it was 5,175 souls. To-day, for 1908, tho return shows a population of 2,903. The difference in the population for 1881 und list year tel:i what the township has done for the west. A curious diacovery was mads oite day recently by Mersrs. Fillie and McQu'irrie, two men engaged by Mn. Wilson of Monklands, Fergus, to cut down some Lumbardy poplars on her grounds. On splitting one of them a bey's hiindsleigh Was ditcoverod iu good condition with irtm runners complete, embedded in the wood. How it got there is only conjec- tured, but it is supposed to have been put into Iho fork uf tho tree when it wa> small and forgotten by one of the cbi'- dren a great number of years ano. The wood had grown completely uruund it and no indication of it waa seen till the trunk w«a split.â€" Ex. Mrs. Addiaon Ladd of Mono Centre Tho Ornngeville Sun siys there are the niri-niiy complaints that Princip»l Wilicn, the new man in charge of the public •chool there, is too harkh in punishing pupils who disobey the rules. Every boss (if a school has had to stand up against this sort of tiling and it is not snvprioing that tho complaint has again broken out in Orar.geville. Many parents stem to imaKino that, while all the o'her boys are bad, their own little angel could do no harm, and they at once condemn the teacher when he »|>anks tho child. In 99 cases out of lUO the child de.<crved all he got and if parents would back up school teachers instead of finding fault with thent they would indeed be doing their oliildren a genuine service. Koine workmen excavating for a new building on St. Cathetinu street, Mon- treal, found the ruins of an old French fort, near the corner of St. Catherine and Mountain s'ronts. The fort, or rather outpost, was built of heavy cedar timber. Originally it had a frontage of about 12 feet, a depth of about 10 feet and a height of 10 feet. Thu flooring was found in good condition. The side walls were has a goose that laid 12 eggs last spring I lomfwbut shattered and the greater part and brought out a hatching of U goilings. Fivo weeks after Iho advent of her brood the industrious mother started htying again and kept tight along as if she was doing nothing unuiiial, until she had pro- of the roof was misKiug. It is thought that this was the weatcrn entrance to thq settlement, nnd that here a parly was always stationed to bo on tho outlook for possible e.iemieo. A number of nuthori- duced eiiiht eggs. From the second set- ''<>*<'" 'he history of old Montreal have ting she brought forth a hatching of 7' been consulted and the consensus of opin- goslings. Banner. This is surely a recoid. â€" |iun is that this was tho most western poiot of the tsltlement. The only nourishment that bread affords is that which the flour contains. Bread, baking is merely putting flour in appetizing form. Flour making is merely putting wheat in shape for bread making. Royal Household Flonr is made from carefully selected Manitoba Hard spring wheat. Every pound is almost a pound of food ; clean, and nutritious. It goes farther, does better baking and is more satisfactory in every way than any other flour. Ask your grocer. 12 OfUvie n»Br Hills C«^ Uadtei, MntitiL Norris Bros.. """"VL* Tinsmiths Now is the time to repair that roof. There are a good many reftsnns why you ahould use Par>iid Roofing. Call nod let us explain â€" and quoto prices. We have just made 3 dozen each of 10 and 14 quait pails. These are lund-made out uf good ({uality tin, and we sell them just ai cheap as the ttiuisy factory pailsâ€" 10 qts at 15c each, 14 qt* at 2Cc each. Our stock of Tinware and Qraniteware is most complete. Our prices are Right. Duck shooting is now in full swing nnd we are prepared wiih a com- plete stuck of empty .-shells, loaded shel's, Voth bUck and smokeless powder, in nil sizes of shot. Also wads, buckshot, powder, prtmiei8,etc. When in need of any kind of shelf or heavy hardware don't fnil to cxiniine tho (|U!ility of our go<id«, .-iud to get our prices. If it is eave troughs, roof, furnace, bath-room fi.vtures, punip.s or sinks you will do well to get our pri^os before buyinit. Norris Bros â-  a Flesherton -I liz ^as, iPattison, Cej/lon, Onin p Genei*al â- ^nftercAant. S*!' •«•â-  •••♦ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••J â- Â«â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• '•*• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- Â«â€¢â€¢ .«•• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ :::: :::: â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••• «•• â- '•• •••• •••• â- '«• :::: ••• •••• •••• •••• • • •• • • Boots and Shoes We have just the thing to keep your feet dry in this kind of wiJither in English Kip, Cordovan and Water Pi oof ; also some long legged boots laced, soft and good. Rubbers in men's women's atid children's heavy and li»ht, ufc thq old price. I secured these before the raise and can give you just what you are lookintj for in 8na» proof, punc'uie proof and Maple Leaf Brands. Those who have worn them know how they last. Underwear tor Everybody We have some exceptionaly good values in underwear, heavy and light, coarse and fine, unshrinkable, also some fealhvr down in tleeced lined. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's Fur and Fur lined coals that will stand inspection, a' some men's Dress Overcoats, for all aites and sizc-i. Insptct •ur Lttdie's Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Caperines and Gauntlets, and be convinced that they are the very best, and better value than you can get elsewhere. ^as. ^attlson Qetfli â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ % on ••••••••••••••iCr 2£S^^B^?>.i^i^^ ^^'1 .^^^:^.f2:^t^^^^:t^t^^ /aSijggsgggge;^ fh In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, I Ploughs, Cream Separators and i WIRE FENCING! > \ i Heard's Carriage, Works

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