Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1909, p. 3

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WHEN TO USE DK. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were ori- ginally a perscription used in the doctor's private practice and then benefit to mankind has been in- creased many thousand fold by their being- placed on general sale throughout the world with the doc- tor's own directions for use. They are. entirely safe and contain no opiate >ir habit-forming drugs. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a remedy to use when the blood is thin as in anaemia; or impure, as If rhpirfhatisra, or when the nerves ara Weak, as in neuralgia; or life- 'rss in paralysis; or when the body r*s a whole is ill nourished, as in general debility. They build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and cure the troubles of women and growing girls, and many forms of weakness. That thousands of people have tried this treatment with good results is shown by the constantly increasing number of cures reported. Mr. Paul Charbonneau, a young man well-known in the town of St. Jerome, Que., is one of the host who bear testimony to the value •of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He «ays :â€" "When I left school I 'be- came a bookkeeper ia an important uffice. Probably due to the confine- ment I began to suffer from indiges- tion and loss of strength. 1 be- came pale and seemingly bloodless and was often soized with palpita- tion of the heart and violent head- aches. I tried several remedies, but they did not do me a bit of good. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and did so. and the use of eight bo.xos brought me back to perfect health and strength. 1 have since enjoyed the best of health and cannot say too much in praise of this valuable medicine. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medii.'ine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes lor $2.50 from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. cm OF BLRMSHED COPPER. QANANOQUE MAN OUT OF TROUBLE Expedition to North Central Sa- hara Returns Disappointed. The expedition which left the Pyramids of Gaizeh, Egypt, for the North Central Sahara returned on Sept. 8th without misadventure, af- ter an absence of 49 days. The expedition, headed by Mr. Dow Covington, an American archr aelogist, .set out in search of "a city of burnished copper." The existence of such a city had been BAD RHEi:M.\'riS>I, BIT DODU'S KIDNEY PILLS CUBED IT. Hugh .iberuefhy on Hin Feet Againâ€" Cure i« Ea-xy, .Simple, Na- tural and Permanent. Gananoque, Ont., Oct. 18.â€" more or less obscurely rumored, I (Special). â€" That Rheumatism can hut has now been proved to be be cured surely, simply and per-j mythical. 1 manently is the good news lliat The expedition asserts, however, | Hugh Ahernethy, a well-known re- ] that there undoubtedly are certain ; sident oif King Street, is spreading! structures, according to corrobor- among his neighbors, ative testimony of the Sonussi, I "I had suffered from Rheumatism ' westward of the Siwa Oasis. They ' and stiffness of the joints," Mr. Ab-j were unable to make a search for ernetby states. 'My muscles would these structures, as they had given ! cramp. I could not sleep, and 1 1 the Egyptian Government a signed ] had terrible headaches. I took promise not to proceed westword niany different medicines, but no- ot Siwa. which is 16 days' camel i thing did me any good till 1 tried ride west of Cairo. ' Dodd's Kidney Pills. Six boxes put Thev arrived at the unmapprd me on my feet again.'' oasis,' tobogba (lat. 29.5, long, ' Others who have taken Mr. Aber- 26.40, approximate), three days nethy's advice and used Dodd;s east of Siwa, where thev found ; Kidney Pills are also loud in their, large expanses of salt marshes. i praises of the old reliable Canadian , The temples of the "King's, K-idney remedy. For Dodd s Kid- ' Treasure" and Jupiter Ammon.ney Pills cure Rheumatism 85(1 YEARS OF LABOR. Six Men Whose SerTJee Wilh One j Firm ReuuhoH That Total. | .\ single firm (jf cutlery nianufac- â-  turers at Sheffield, England, has! in its employ six workmen who have i been with the firm continuously! for a total of 350 years. This lucaua an average of almost sixty years! «i* continuous work for each em- ' pliiyee. | Two of these men are 76. two are ! 7!,. one is 74 an<l one 73. A picture ' of the group published in t.he Iron ' Age shows a sturdy looking set of men. That they must be, as they are still at work. Three of the.n are cutters and three grinders. j The same firm has people of tJiree generatioHis at the bench in its employ â€" from grandparents to ' their grandchildren. These work- ers began a^ 'children, according to custom, and have been continu- ; onsly with the house ever since as piece workers. THOROUGHLY SECURED INVESTMENTS Yialdinc 4 to e P«r Ocnt. n* Ixmdt tcAu-A we otm and afer <tn ttrtttd riiher by laratim or by /tret mortgai/t on properly wUh larg* tguily. JUL .VWIPjtL BO.S'DS- Xumeroua UgucM of gowi cUieg, rauntita, towhs^ utut itchool disirictt. BAir.ROAD ASD PVBl.IC 8ER- VIVE BOSDH : Bond* of wtU-lenown Canadian tKtam and JSlertrie Hoadt, Sltetric lAoM unit I'omr L'ompaitiw. UiDUSTRIAL BOS'Oa: Bmdt qf i LIST SENT ON RKQUKST Doni/iion Securities coKPORvricn luhted ^o^^VtS and Jenkins â€" 'Well, sir. I gave it to that man straight, I can tell you- He is twice as big as I am, too, but I told him exactly what I thought of his rascally conduct right to his face, and I called him all the names in the dictionary, and a lot of others as well." Studdsâ€" "And didn't he try to hit you, Jenkins.'" Jenkins â€" "No, sir, he didn't. And â- when he tried to answer back, I just hung up the telephone receiver *nd walked away." >' IVIIT HOUtEKUPUâ€" muit ort*n Mt M » faiaU; plivalcikn. Puiiklllar for til tb* little till, cttt'< u>a aprklna as well ai. (or bowal runplalnts, b InJiaiiaasabl*. Avuid subuitutss. thsra ia but •u* â- ' i'»iiikill«r • -I'arrj DitI*', t3« antf (Ot. farmer begins to call agriculturist it's time When a himself au for him to sell the farm and move tc town. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It removes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. were visited at Siwa, and it was ascertained that no serious excava- tions had been effocte<l there. The expedition are of opinion that a systematic excavation of boi temples would prove of great inter- est. The attitude of the Seniissi was at all times of a most friendly char- acter. The Senussi Mamour (headsman) of Gara actually ac- companied them to Tobogba, and preceded them into Siwa. The expedition will make a fresh attempt to investigate the "bur- nished copper" story in the near future other blood diseases by curing tlie 1 Kidneys. Sound Kidneys keep the bIcMxl free from impurities. .'^nd with no impurities, such as uric ! these i '^â- '^l '1 t''* hlood, you cannot have such painful and dangerous discas- e.-i as Pain in the Back, Rheuma- tism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, and Heart Disease. Keep your Kidneys strong and well with Dodd's Kidney Pills and you can face the cold, wet days of tail without a fear of Rheumatism. "And why were you discharged s"t"*in'"'seeki'nV the ' f""""" >"''"."' farmer place ?" 'For be- lt will act im- '"* *"" industrious â€" and that'* the Used according to directions. Dr. ! C^'!f^*'e'?.?r•„aT""u"«•/â- "uR'ut'pai^'b>""^' J D. Kellogg's Dvsentery Cordial i t°"!« '"»""•"'â-  wniau! before t...i lat*. Ur. •11 a 1 1- e â- " .1 „ i • Bsllman .Medical Co., Lta., Colllniiir.itl, Ont. w ill afford relief m the most acute , „__ !^^_ form of summer complaint. When e\er the attack manifests itself no time should be lost aid of the Cordial. --v .... , . ^, , .„, ^, mediately on the stomach and in- ! K"!"''' P]f} ^ ^O' strange \\ hat testines and allay the irritation and , «'** -"'" '/« â-  [[ *e°t "'t« '''« '=.el- pain. A trial of it will convince ' ''»'' ';i« f!«J' a"^ ^"sted the old wine anyone of the truth of these asser- 0""'es- - A Simple and Cheap Medicine. â€" David Slowpav-"! shall bring A simple, cheap and effective medi- vou back dark trousers to beji,'"*' â- â€¢\ something to be desired. 'reseated, Mr. Snip. You know 1 1 There is no niedicme so effective a bit bill I seSVo"u""8ix'numthVagori!«5« ."'^fJ:' J''!', j*.? „!^,'ff::.* u7 WANTED. FARM WANTEO.-OntRiio farm wanted in, •icliaiige for MO aorei Souihem Alherla, fall wheat land. A bargain for someune.^ PewtretH. M Don Mills Ri^ad. T-irunti. I PEACE A .MERE DREA.M. There Will Always be the Kai^o^. Says PUTTING OFF THE DAY. She was trying to persuade her husband to give up smoking, and she bad po'nted out to him one day the exact amount of his expenses for tobacco during the course of a seaieo, Mr. omp. juh kuuâ„¢ x r .i i- .â-  a good deal." Mr. Snip (tailor) , .; or of the digestive system as •All right; and if you'll bring the I'armelee s Vegetable Pills. "They u,.l I sent vou six months ago, I : arc simple, they are cheap, they will be pleased to receipt that al- ,<•»" be got anywhere, and their be- ^. You know I've stoo<i » good "^-h'-'*' "^^^t'O'i »''ll prove their re- EDUCATIONAL BOYDS SHORTHAND SCHOOL. l4 • y«nBe St.. TDronto, Dreoares COM* pefent f<tfn<iBrapli«rs In 20 da.ra by th* BOYD HYL-LA-BIC SYSTEM. Positions â- Â» cured. Write fitr cataliiffue. year. "Besides, my dear, " she persist- ed, "you 'will be better off. mental- Two versions are in circulation of ly. physically and financially, with- a remarkable speech delivered by j out the pipe and the cigars." the Kaiser at Karlsruhe on the oc- "Well, maybe so: but all great casion of the parade which preced- : men have smoked." he argued, ed the opening of the annual Im-! "Well," she sighed, "just prom deal." It allowed to roam orcr yonr house those few innoeent-lookiug I'ousc flies may eause n real trag- edy any day. as they are known lo be Ibc principal agents fur the comiiiendation- They are the medi cine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving them a trial. British - American ;„-^°„;; Business Coileg^e Toronto. Thorough, pr.-iclical courses in all commercial subjects. Studtrnt* may enter .-inv time. Write for ciitalogor. T. M. WATSOM. Prinrin«\ AGENTS WANTED. Mr.N AST) WOMEN DON TBK Show perial military manoeuvres. The official telegraph agency issues a version which states that his Ma- jesty "spoke something a<s fol- lows' : â€" We Germans are a people who re- joice in arms. Therefore we bear our armaments easily and gladly because we know they guard and preserve for us that peace amid which alone our labor can flour- ish. .As long as there are wars our armed forces are the rock of bronze on which peace rests. To ise me, t'ear, that you'll give up smoking until you are great. Then I'll be perfectly satisfied.' A BOOiiTo MOTHERS. When Children are Injured I Children are always sutU'ning cull, biuisci^ bums, etc., and not infrtquenily contract nngvfomi, scalp diaeases, and liinilar skia troubles at Khool. Moihcrs will And Zam-Buk wilhout equal for ail these accideou and diseases. Spread of those de.-tdly diseases, , ia<ly looked out and said to a por typhoid fcTcr, diplilheria and j ter : "Is it raining, porter?" Oh. â- mallpo.x. No other Oy killer com- .n<^ : ' said the porter; "it is rain- pares with Wilson's FIj I'ads. j '"8 'â- '"°- . After making a most careful DLBâ€" Rumtilvs of "ur reliahle medl* cincs. 6upcrh toilet Drenaratioiis. pnr« bakir.K powder, and l\aT.iriuB extraj-ls to your nei«hbor5 aud forward their orders to u«. You can easily make form len la twenly-flve dollars a wfek and naT» /..I 1 J . 11-1 Dermanent position. Goods sell on siani One day, a lady was travelling by |J„j repeat orders come fast. Book "How a train to Cork. When the train to Succeed • and particulars «"' 7*fc J . , • • .- ,u_ The Home Supply to.. Dept ». Merriu stopped at a certain junction ihe ; ^;|f|ji"g xomnto „ t'NR» AVEW.I.NT NOW IN EVERY YT PRESKNTKD district a ./•liaWJ r. r.KhisiTe terniorT. 'i^o^H up to nrade and delivered W tion und all the advanlaee* ol ll.knowo stock. Writ* now lof agent to sell Pelhams P*""'"" ,'''""„*Sf ornamental trws. Oonflaar thii. Goo* pay weekly. KKhisire terriiory. Mo^ fnaranteed good condlt i Englishraan-'Tardon me. sir, I ."'"â- , ";""'"^" T^ ;""""^ f"!?' ?o'r''Ka"ira"nd wime;' ^ but where do you come from ?" 1 «•«'»>' «' "»«^ «"•'»'*''•'' ^- ^- Govern. {;r^"''a„;rery Co.. Toront o. Ont Paddy â€" "From County Cork." "lent scientists state deflnilely ,,^antkd i.otAL AND o^^''-^^ Fnglishmanâ€" "Then that accounts that the common house fly Ls (he j » *«f"'*h ''i^t"r 'con"n"ota'i "GSe for your brogue." Paddyâ€" "May I principal means of distributing 1 fn^rance" Company Toronto. Corr«» ask where vou come from?" Kng- j ( ,,„ij j diphtheria a„d ' "->"<""â- " '"""'""""' hshman (proudlv)â€" "trom Worces- ! „ .,.., . ,,, „ , , ... PaW-'Then that accounts """"P"^- >>•'««"" t'y Pads kill I the flics and Ibo disease eerui.*. ter for your sauce ! I too. SO.N(i wo Rice. Oranbv. yue BOOK 160 K,.^V0RITK B0N0% â-ºCJ words, music; Ten ceuia. Arlhu* Mrs. I'homas .Mlea, 156, Water Street, preserve this peace and guard the ^ St. Mary's (Ont,), says : -•' My daughter position in the world which is our, Mildred, ^ years old. wa. severely burneJ by due is the object of our forces an<l Help your children to grow strong 1 nd robust by counteracting any- 1 Mr. Head.-tallâ€" •'That horse you I thing that causes ill-health. One! brought yesterday seeme a vicious- great causeof disease in children Ux,king animal. Is he affection- r^ilLVEBCLOTH "ill rlaan 7"<" Silrarwara aB4 ddr... tor trial samplo. Ca.-.»aaStl"n;l'.th Co.. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing (o advertisers. 10,000 GYMNASTS. Once in every three years the gymnasts of Switzerland and the members of the affiliated clubs in other countriesâ€" for the most part composed of Swiss residents abroad â€" meet to compete in the great ctmtest known as the Federal Gym- nastic Festival, says the Illustrat- ed London News. A carefully pre- pared series of e.\ercises is gone through on gymnastic apparatus; there is Swiss wrestling, and there are competitions in the nalional games of Switzerland, including throwing the atone (a forty pound »ciuare block of granite). The fes- tival closes with a display of comi- bined extending exercises in which all the competitors take part. This year at Lausanne there were 10,- "000 amateur gymnasts in the arena at Beaulieu going through thesp e.vercises simultaneously. .\s they wore white with touche't of color the effect produced was e.xtraordin- ary. Gymnastics are the itational pastimes of the Swiss boys and young men, and the clubs they form are recognized and encouraged by the Federal Government. the days of e.xertion imposed up on them. I am. however, firmly convinced that our army will stand its tests well, with God's help and under God's protection. The sentences present in other versions, hut omitted from Uie of- fu ial report, are : .\.s long as the human race en- dures there will be enemies and cnviers, and as long as there are enemies and enviers we must be proVected against them. There- fore there will also be prospects « f war and war itself, and we must bx ready for all eventualities. .\ man may be ambitious to en lighten the world, but his real mis- siion is to pay his bills. AD7IGS FROM A MOTHER TO ALL OrnSR MOTHERS The young mother â€" the ine.xperi- enced mother â€" is always glad to get the advice of the m<ire experienced ill the care of her little one. Thou- sands of mothers have emphatical- ly said that there is no medicine equal lo Baby's Own Tablets for keeping little ones â- well, or restor- ing health if illness comes sudden- ly , The young mother can safely follow the lead of these others. Mrs. John Shortill. Georgetown, Out., says: â€" "1 would not be a day without Baby's Own Tablets in the h(<use. 1 believe they saved my youngest child's life. .At the age of three months she cried all the time with iiidige.stion. (.)ur doctor did all he could for her, but did not seem to help her. Then 1 got Baby's Own Tablets and they worked a wonderful change. They seemed to tone the stomach, moved the bowels regularly, and she has e\er since been a healthy child. Sold at 25 cents a box by all deal- ers 4ir by mail from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. falling on a hot iron. She was burned on the heel, instep, and on the ihigh very badly. I at once apfilicd tome /ain-Kuk, wliich e-4sel the pain, and in the course of a few d»ys the wounds were ihoroughly healed." Mrs. George Aldridge. IJ, I.oui.-e Sireet, Siratiotd. says : â€" •' While playing barefooted about the yard my son Berlram, 6 ycaisold, stepped on a broken glass boule, which cut yery deeply into his big toe. I'he <ul wss so deep that I .«ent for a doctor snd had the foot properly dressed, the dot .or liaviag a lotion to be applied daily. Under (his tieaaiicnt, however, tiie wound seemed lo get uo beitrr, but on the contrary ioiliiminatiun set in. A liindly neighbour then rccomiiicnded /am- B.k. We obiaine<l a supply, and alter a few appli- tions the child .seemed to rest belter, and the pain was very much i educed. In a lew days, under the Zam-Buk treatment, the wound assumed a better appearance, and (loni that time healing wst very rapid, InOanmistion and soreness wereliiially coni|'icicly bani.shed, and in ten da)s from the titsi application of Zam-Buk, we look the handaees from llie foot. I feci sure that but for Zain-Huk the child would have had a very bad time, and niii^ht have had to sacrilice the toe. ' Not only (of cuts, burns, bruises, etc., is Xam-Buk eHeclive, but also for serious skin diseases such as eczema, rini^wonn, ulcers, etc. It also cures poisoned sores, chionic wounds, bad leg, piles, festering sores, chapped hands, cold sores, fiost-biie. and all skin injuiies and diseases. Druggists and stores everywhere B«!l at 50c a bi.», or post free for price from Zam- Buk Co., Toronto ; 3 iioxea .fl.25. Vou aie warned against harmful imitations snnietimei rrpreseated to be "just as good." i II worms. Remove them w ith Mo- Ither Graves' Worm Exterminator. I It never fails. DODDS" KIDNEY I '^A c t c s ISSti: NO. 43-09. THEN rROUBLE BEG.W. O'Flanagan came home one night with a deep hand of black crape around his hat. "Why, Mike," exclaimed his wife, "what are you woa-'ing that mourn- ful thing fori" "I'm wear'ng it for vour first husband,' replied Mike, firmly. "I am sorrv he s dead.' THE POINT Ob VIEW. Jean Paul Laurens, the famous French painter, was the sou of an honest curt-driver of Toulouse. .\t one time, when the painter was at the height of hia Parisian reputa- tion, it happened that two old -wo- men at Toulouse were talking about the Laurens family. "Let me see," said one. "there were two bovs, weren't there?" "Yes." "What became of theml" "Oh. one s a grocer right here In Toulouse. He does a very good business." "And the other one?" "The younger one? H« went off to Paris and became an artist." "Dear, dear I And hi* f«tk«r inch a good, worthy man I"- \ writer tells of the sister of Lord Houghton who was frequent- ly annoyed at the gue.sts whom her lii other brought to the house- 'l>o you remember, my dear," he asked her at dinner one day. "whether that famous scoundrel X. was hang- ed or acquitted?" "He must have been hanged," she replied, 'or you 'would have had him h«re to dinner long ago." CURED OF LAME BACK WHEN 14, Ur. Samuel tlartin. of Strnthroy, Ont., pasaed twenty year« of his life in raiserv. sufferinc tortures from Iismn Back. He tried nearly all the advertised remedies and household recipes, bat received 00 benefit from any of thorn. Soine months aco. anKlni Olr Pilla adver tlsed, Hr. llartin pnrchased a box. The relief which Ur. Uariln experienced after be bad taken one box was to creat that be knew he had found tlie right remedy at laat. He used two more botes and ii now completely cured. Mo. * box. ( tor 12.50. at all dealers. Sample free If you write National Drns A Chemical Co,. (Sept. W. L.) Toronto "t ! Parke --"You keep a joint bank ling account with your wife, don't you ? ' "Laneâ€" "Well, yes; I de- posit the money and she draws it out." I Red. 'Weak, WKmry, Watery Kyea. I I Ueltpved By Murine Kye Remedy. Try ^ Murine I'ur Tour Kye Troubles. You Will I.Ike Murine. 11 Soothes. 50c At Your Druesi«ts. 'W'rlle l>"or Kye Books. Kre«. Murine Eye Ucmcdy Co., Toronto. Kindly mention the name of Ibis psper in writing to advertisers. It's diflJcult to settle a case in court while the litigants have any money. Even the hotheaded man occa- sionally gets cold feet. .\way With Depression and Mel- ancholy.â€" These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness t<5 all whom they \is- it The suiest and speediest way to combat ihem is with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach and bring relief. They have proved their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give re- liaf to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. .SOLDIERS OF THE SH.VH. The Persian .Army is composed r:itirel,v of infantry, and 110 one be- neath couiiuission rank ever gets paid. There is just eiKnigh money to go round among the oflBoers, biif that is all. There is a iinifortn: but, as he is never pro\ ided nitli it, the Persian "Tommy" arcpis the inevitable- -and does the be^t he can. When lie is on the march, there is no limit as to the amount • if ba.^gnge that the private soldi- er may lake with him. Two or three men generally club together, and buy a donkey, on whose unfortu- nate hack i-i piled a regular moun- tain of water-jars, 'beddiug, cuik- iiig utensils, and the like- Or, if he is exceptionally well to do, a soldier buys a donkey all fvv liim- .'lelf, and, stretching hinisi^lf iicross the hitck of the unhappy littl- beast sleeps peaceably until it is time to get up and feed, llfXDM ON IXIP. "Why have we stopped, cap- tain?" •On account of the fog, ma- dam." "Oh, but my dear captain sine- ly not: Lofk: It's perfectly clear above!" ".Aye, ma'am : but wc'ie not goin' that way. uulaaa the b4«iler bu»t»: ' ate • ' Mr. Cropper â€" 'Affection- ale! I should think so. Why, when he came out of the stable he titood upon his hind legs and tried to em- brace me" addtoss Toronto. NO SUtSTlTUTE FOR The D. A L. ' Uentbol Plaster, recommended by t-very- body for stillueaa, plurisy, etc. Made by i l>aTis & Lawrence Lo. .Small Girlâ€" "Give me a bite of yt.ur candy. .Jimmy.'' Small Boy â€" "No fear! but you may kiss me while my mouth's sticky." It i-i Known Everywhere. - There i: not a city, town or hamlet in â-  Canada where Dr. Thomas' Eclec- ] tlie Oil is not known-- wherever in- i Iroduced it made a foothold for it- j self and maintained it. Some mer- chants may suggest some other rem- ed.v as equally beucficial. Such recommendations should be receiv- ; e<'' with doubt. There is only one Eclectric Oil, and that is Dr. Tho- mas'. Take nothing else. The other da.v a benevolent old gentleman was stopped by a tramp, who asked for money to get a niglit's lodging. "Well, look here, mgy man. " tlie old gentleman said. i "what would you say if I offered ! you work!'' "Bless yer life, sir, " I came the reply. "I wouldn't mind la bit. I can take a joke same as most people ! " CARPET DYEINQ ^^anil Cltsning. Thii Is « •r.-laJi j with ihs^^ â-  ritlsh Amarloan Oymtngc Co* Sand psrttruluB hy jk>M and w« arc nre *o utitfy. address Ba« â- â€¢â- , Mantreal. TVPEWRITERS Baigjiin price*, $15 lo $65, (all iv.ulte^ taken in rxihaiiKC lor Model 10 viid i| Rriiilngtons. .Many of these nun-hinet alum little use. Renilniton Typawrltar Comaany, Limited^ :« BA^ SlBlitr. lliTtoNIQ. Turkey H Feathers CAN IE quICNLV TURNED INTO CASH WttlTK H. W. H«l»on k Co., Toronto. Ont. Agents Wanted Good live vanvinsers to sell our Reinediee. You should make ten to twenty iloltarft weekly and not work hard. Write to-day# BCLLMAN MEDICAL CO.. COLLINOWOOO. ONT. (»NMc BMttatms, r< TrmAMtxnons- â€" â€" SMlLMnrB* ^ L*S run Into Um "«ur" ant rs«caoM4. 1/M«IM> clMkutfet at onee a soHle e< *B*»W4Va mA»1 unWI and prerant unaumoula. or i-er* ',; if alreiidy m»tilre«t kI. la ibe L'ntaWoc J.jimehoM Ramad.- ^ »» tor < onjha. Oi»H» IL' Bora Tiii-o.t. Breacblt in, ^% **(}rl>.' Pnownanla ami 1^^^ Paiea at »ll klniU Learn Press and Manfit CufMnj, fifrinj, and Pultlni Tafather by in;iil in your apare time at home, or if too far anay take a personal coiir<ie at achool. We will teacli one pergonal course at coiiinieiiienient of course only. Course taught .it vthool in Strat- ford iiiaide of a week, coiniiieiic- ing November 81 li only. - Remit- tance lo be paid the d.'%\' you are ihi'oiiKh and perfecily natisliiM. Board and lodj^inj^ provided 'or pupils takink thiK personal com so at school tree of charge. Wo have been in busiiieva eleven years, laughl over 7,000 pupil^t, and gu.iiMiilee to %>\k $500 tt> auvone we cannot icach. Write for free particulars explaining how we learh iiol later than Oct. j^ih S%.t(l*rs' Dross Cutting School li Kii* ^t., Atr:itrord, Ont.\rid. I ftnada. DRINK, Tobacco and Drui Habits CURED New 5y$lt.m of I'reatment. Kecently Discuvered Keincdy ih.vt Cures Rapidly an<l Permanently, Marsclloiis Rccutts obtained that makes our remedy one of tlie wonders af .Modern Hedicine. Patients cured secretly at their own homes against their own will and knowledge, No suffering, no Injections, no loaa of time, or detention (com buslncsE, no bad after effects. X^XCQXl ! X^X«.XIX] X We ("end hy mail, tree of th.^rje. our 64 pnc* book, wh^ch fully ax- plains our modern a.Tatem of treatniKiit., of how the DMnh, Tobaeoo and niiit hahlta cnn be rniiidly o- <r<-nni« ard Cttre<l Thia book la aeiii in a plain ).nvelope, Kfrn led from oliservai^ion, ao no one oan tall wlim Toiir \>-\\i-T roiiia-iiic. .\i. ^-rrehpondenoe abaoIutelT secret and rouMdopi Ial. .\ddrraa. DtSILVA INSIITl'TE. .Sultf ?««, s.'? University 5». Montreal, Ca<i«4»

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