October 7 lOO'J THE F 1. E S H E K T O N A JJ V A C E Build Up A Reserve Noi^ Now, while your earning power is good, why not convert part of it into a Ca«h Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence for old age ? You can easily do it by regularly dcptosidng a part of your income in THE STANDARD BANK ErtabliJied 1673 Qlp CANADA ^ Branche.; One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with systemadc â- saving and Compound Interest, the fund will rapidly accumulate.' Begin to-day. 72 FLESHERTON BiCANCH George Mitchell, Manager BIUkNCUEf AL.,SO AT DUR.HAM AND HARR.IJTON. â- i •'- :j": • : VICINITY CHPS The rabbit abootinj; season opene I on Friday last. Mrs. Crowther of Chatsworth is a -gOflst at the Methodist parsona^^e. Born- On Vv'e(in*«day, Sept. 22nd, to Mr. acd Mis. Jas. Turner, a son. The deer bunteis are bejiiming to brighten up their weapons of offcuce. Miss Vera Glenny of Toronto is the guest of Misses Lillian and Laura Ann- •troDg. Rev. Mr. TayVr of Toronto will preach to the Baptist cougregations on this charge on Sunday next. Will Ludlow, who learned the harness making with Will Moore here, has re- moved to Saskatoon, Sask. Mr. Willia Deagle, who recently had his mill stock burned recently, settled with the insurance companies on Friday. Mrs. F. Hickling returned last week from a fortnight's visit at Thornbury. She will leave in a few daya f.,r her home at Sault Ste Marie. Mr. aud Mi-s. Alfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Aloert Richardson and little dauahter. this season's giain, about 1200 bushels, bugay, cutter, harness, et.c. Thero was an insurance of $800 on the building and 8500 on the contents, which will mt nearly cover the loss. It is just a year ago since Mr. White had a barn burned on the same premises. Both 6res are coubidered to have been of incendiary orijjin. The building burned last year was insured in the Sydenham Mutual and the company refused payment on a tech- nicality. Mr. White's loss has therefore been very severe. See Norria Bros.' .»d. ro pumps, on the back pace. Pain can be easily and quickly stopped. Pink Pain Tablets â€" Dr. Shoop's â€" Stop Headache womanly pains, any pains, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula â€" it's fine. Sold by all dealexii. District Financial Meeting \ The financial meeting of Owen Sound District of the Methodist church was ! held in Dundalk, Tuesday, Sept. 22nd. ! The chairman of the District, Rev. J. T.C. Morris, B. A., B. D., of First church, Owen Sound was not able to be Hiizel, of Corbetton, spent Sunday at ; ^^^^^^ ^^j^^ ^^ ^^ ^ecid^at, being Mrs. Herb. Smith's. | thrown out of a buggy while going to a Rev. L. F. Kipp and family left on \ funeral. It was deeply regretted that Monday for their new home at Stayner. (he esteemed chairman was thus absent. On Sunday Mr. Kipp preached farewell „„t only in his official capacity but aa he sermons to crowded houses at his four ^.gg to give an address to the League, different appointments. j ^^^ j,^ Caldwell, Financial Secre- After a week of storms and bad weather tafy^ supervised the meeting until a for fairs the elements appear to have chairman pro tem was appointed. Rev. calmed down and bear evei^ evidence of jog_ Young, of Markdale, was elected to being on their best behavior for Mark- tj,g office. A committee was appointed dale, Feversham and Dundalk fairs this week. I Mrs. Wm. Wyatt handed us on Mmi- to draft letters of sympathy to Rev. J. T. C. Morris, B. D., chairman. Rev. Mr. Williamson, of Corbetton, and Rev. E, day two largo stems of ripe i-aspberries of R. Voung, B. A., Chatsworth, whose the purple variety. The items are load- ed with ripe, luscious secmd crop berries, and aie rather remarkable for this season of year. Mesdamcs. R. Best, W. Wilcock, E. Thompson and Mark Wilson attended the Women's Institute convention, held father, Rev. E. R. Young, sr., a veteran missionary, lies at the point of death at Bradford. The ministers and lay delegates present were: Owen Sound (west). Rev. H. A. Fish, J. C. Millar; Owen Sound (north). Rev. Dr. Caldwell ; Markdale, Rev. Jos. in Durham on Thursday last, as delegates Young, Albert Erakine ; Flesherton, from the Flesherton branch, and report Rev. H. E. Wellwood, B. D., W. H. an extraordinarily pleasant and protitablo Bunt ; Dundalk, Rev. Jno. J. Ferguson, time. i P- McGregor ; Chatsworth, Rev. E. R. Tlie five ladies who drove over to the \ Young, B. A., E. O. Merriam ; HolUnd Woman's Institute Convention in Dur- \ Centre, Geo. H. Ritchie ; Euphrasia, J. ham last week report an ettraordinary j R. Wilkinsoii, J. Loughoed ; Massie, good time and are enthusiastic ofer the ^ Rev. A. L. Atton, J. H. Perdue, treatment accorded them by the ladies of I On motion the tabulated lists for circuit Durham. We thought wo had made and personal superannuation funds also arrangements to get * report of the General Conference were accepted as meeting but our reporter has failed us. j given. Charley Wolf, peddler, has purchased Reference was made concerning the Lloyd & Scully's handsome team of bays Neal Memorial Fund. Mr. Neal, better that have been doing duty on the egg j known as Major Neal, was the pioneer ws'gon during the past summer The â- Methodist preacher in Upper Canada, price was 8-iOO. Charley also has a hand- Proposal is made to have a memorial some new peddling waggon and brass- 1 church built at Port Rowan. The con- nouuted set of harness. A person has to tributions were left to the disposal of the •hade his eyes when looking at Charley's outfit now â€" he shiusi. During the past summer several deer various circuits. Rev. Dr. Caldwell moved, seconded by 1 Rev. J. J . Ferguson, B. A., B. A., "that the have been seen down around the.Durhani Owen Sound Dsitrict, now assembled in road, and we understand there are a few | Dundalk Methodist church, desires to left out in CoUiugwood and Osprey town- call attention, by its emphatic disapproval ships. It is a pity a clote season could ' to the action of the Department of the not be made for three of four years in Secretary of State in granting a charter these townships, aho to include Pro'.oii, to the Metropolitan Racing Association •whictr would allow the animals a living ' by which the evils of race track gambling chance to propagate and become more are greatly increased and encouraged, numerous. We deplore the action of the under sec- G. W. Slaughter, principal of the retary of State in thus giving this great Stratford Normal-Model school, accom- evil widespread license and eucourage- panied by Mrs. Slaughter and babe, visit- ' ment for the demoralizing ot our nation, ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunt this j We respectfully urge the government of week. Mr. Slaughter was at one time our Dominion to amend the criminal code principal of the public school hi<ie, but [ so that this vice shull be suppressed." left eight years ago to take the position The resolution it to lie forwarded to Rev. in Stratford. He informs The Advance ' Dr. Chown, secretary of Moral Reform. that during that time he has had 347 pupils try the exams., and only six failed. Thomas Qenoe, jr., met with a serious 1 accident one day last week, while working | with a threshing machine near Victoria Corners, Toronto line. He was greasing » belt when his attention was distracted j and his hand was caught in the pulley, I It was necessary to take off two boxings and pull out a shaft before ho could be released. A dislocated finger and some rather severe brui.sos made up the sum ot bis injuries. It will bo two or three weeks before ho is able to take up his work again. A barn belonging to Wni, White, O. D. R. , was burned to the ground Tuesday -Herald. A failing tiny nerve â€" no larger than (he finest silken thread â€" takes from the heart its impulse, its power, its regular- ity. The stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shonp who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescriptionâ€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative â€" is directed straight for the cause of these ailmentsâ€" these weak snd faltering inside nerves. Sold by all dealers. On Monday last .\rtio Wallace, eight yeari of age and son cf Mr. Riisscl Wal- lace, Ravenna, fell off a fence and broke his arm in two places. Dr. McCallum I orning. The building contained all of "^uced the fractuie.-Retlector. bee day , Eugenia. Threshing is alwut done in this local- ity. Grain turned out well. Mr. John Walker (if Creemore is visit- ing Miss Beecroft of Eden vale. Mr. and Mrs Charles Turner are visit- ing at Paisley. Mr. Willie Hislop is going on a visit to friends in Stratford. Mrs. O. J. Walker and daughter, Pearl, of Caldwell are visiting at Mr. James Armstrong's. MLss Ada Williau'S has grme back to the city after a visit to her parents for the past month. Mi.s.s Cora Williams came home from Markdale on a visit to har parents. Mr. and Mra. John Irwin ^.-Heath- cote .spent a few days visiting at Mr. James Armstrong's. Mr.s. Wm. Walker givve a quilting to a number of her lady friends one bust week. Mr. Wilmer Turner is very ill from a fall received in the Ixirn yard the past week. Mrs. James Williams has moved into her own cosy little home. Miss Grace Jamieson is visiting with friends at Clarksburg. Mr. Ei'nie Morgan and Miss Daisy Smith spent Sunday with Flesherton friends. Mr. Ed. Graham hius had a telephone put into his place at Boyne Villa. He is one of our most progressive young bu.siness men. Mr. Robert Williams has had a cement floor put down in his cellar. Bob Ls making great improvements. It looks r.ke business. Mr. John Campbell has the contract of building an additiin to Mr. Wm. Hislop's barn. Mrs. Jake Williams still lies very ill. Her mother, Mrs. Stewart of Flesherton, is with her. Miss Ruth Paul is visiting friends at Singhampton. Mrs. Geo. Graham is visiting at Barrie. Mrs. Tom Hoggard of Thornbury was the guest of her brother, Mr. Wellington Graham, for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foester have moved into theii' new house. It looks very cosy. Died. Goffâ€" AtThornbuiy. on Saturday, Oct. 2, John Wesley, son of Mr. aud Mrs. F. D. Goff, aged 2 years. Victoria Corners No doubt you have missed our budget for the past weeks, but we have been .so busy watching our neighbors to see them "do something" to write about that wo have missed what news there was. Threshing is the order of the diiy. We are well plea-sed with the work done by Chas. Graham of Kimberley, especially iis Charlie is one of our own boys. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Culver, Suiith- ville, visited with Mrs. Chas. Moore. Bom â€" Cn Sept. 16th to Mr. and Mrs. W. Achcson, a ibiughter. Mi's. Hames, sr., has returned from Toronto. Our anniver.sjiry services are past- Tlie cougregjitions were better on Sun- day than on Mondiiy. So many seemed too busy to come. An accident occurred last Monday when Thos. Geuoe, one of the threshers, had the misfortune to get his hand caught in the sepfiratnr, which was in operation at W. Moore's. The accident w.-us, how- ever, not so serious as at first anticiiMited. Milton Banuon is taking his place with the machine. Mi-s. Geo. Bannon attended the Owen Sound fair. Stii Line, Artemesia. Wm. Cameron h.is had his cottage brick veneered, and expects to move soon to his new home. Mrs. A. Duw ar.d three children are visiting friends in Toronto at present. Miss Sarah Paul, of the 10th, returned home last week after visiting for some time with friends in Cttaract and Sing- hampton. Mrs. Wm. Cameron has spent the past week with her sister in Bentinck. Miss Annie Oir of the Toronto line spent a few days of I he past week with har sister, Mrs. A. Cameron. Miss Annie Carson is visiting with her sister, Mrs. I. Sargent, Owen Sound. Grace Jamieson is spending a wetk with Clarksburg friends. Wm. T. Genoe had the misfortune to have his left hand badly pinched one day last week, while assisting with H. Gaud- iu's threshing machine, but we hope he may soon be around again. On Sunday there passed away what was known as the Owen Sound .section of the C.P.R. It commenced at Toronto and ended at Owen Sound, but it is now no more. The Sudbury line uses llie eld r. G. & B. as far as Boltcn and the whole Sudbuiy lino is known as the Sudbury seel ion. The Owen Sound line is only a branch line now. It starts at Bolton and tnds at Owen Soundâ€" Bolton Enterprise. Address and Presentation At tlie close of prayer meeting in the Baptist church Wednesday evening of hist week the united congregations of Ceylon, Flesherton and Rockvale presented a purse to Rev. L. F. Kipp, who is remov- ing to Stayner. The iiddre.ss was read by Miss Annie Boyce and the presentation of a well-filled purse was niiule by Miss Mildred Cook. Rev. Mr. Kipp nude a fitting reply, after which an interesting progi-amme was rendered, consisting of a duet by Misses Edmi and Margery Fisher, recitation by Miss J. Richardson, solo by Mrs. Malcohn, chorus by Flesherton and Rockvale choirs, and addresses by Messi-s. R. Allen, S. Hemphill and M. Phillips. .Supper was also served and a good social ' hour spent. Following is a copy of the address : { Dear Me. and Mbs. Kipp, â€" We, the I adherents of the Flesherton, Rockvale â- and Ceylon congi-egations have learned with deep regret of your intended depar- , ture from our midst. You have been I faithful and helpful in every department ' of the work. We desire to express in in some way what you are to us, and to , give some evidence of our appreciation â- of what you have done for us. We ask therefore that you will kindly accept this ; purse as a token of our esteem and a slight evidence of the sincerity of our gratitude. We hope that m-xny yeare of happiness and usefulness may be your lot and we pray that the blessing of Him in who.se cause we are all enlisted may attend your way, and crown your life with ) never-ceasing christian triumph. Signed ' on behalf of the congregiitions, Florence ' Richardson, Bessie Russel aud Mildred Cook. On coming down to business last Thurs- 1 day morning Mr. F. Nison discovered ] that someone had, accidentally or ty design, thrown a good-sized siono through ' a large front window in his grocery. The stone missed a valuable show case by half an inch. â€" Herald. Odds and Ends Millinery Openings - STILL ON We opened for the lady visitors to the fair the Urirest display ot the most fashionable headwear ev-r exhibited here. Under the able charge of Miss Af. Brown, who w;ll courteously be pleased to show you her entire display. It will be no trouble to her lo try them on. Come in and she will be delighted to meet you, and if possible make a satisfac'ory sale. DRESS GOODS We shaw on the centre tables a complete range of up-to-date fall suitings, in all the new shades and goods, aa -Ashes of Roses. Now shade of red .\methy.st anil other colors, which are being used very stiongly this season. We have the reputation of carrying the most up-to-date stuck of Dress Goods on the line, and we mean to not only keep up that Standard but raise it to a peer wich the best houses in Caiiad-t. LADIES FALL COATS The "Roger" O-arments are recognized by all, as being the most up-to-date neat coat, made and put up on the market at a moderate price. Military and plain collars are being worn strongly, light fit- ting in Brown, Green and Blue. Call aud .see our complete stock, which will arrive before the fair. issuer of marriage W. A. Armstion licenses. Strayed â€" About Oct 3 a small Durham cow. F. G. Karstedt. Get your chopping done at Collinaon's mill. Will be running Sat. Sept Grade heifer calf for sale â€" Jersey ' strain. Apply to A. Carr, Flesherton. j Healthy youn^ strawberry plants for ' sale at 50c per hundred. Chas. Stewart, t Flesheiton, Boy Wanted â€" Intelligent youih lo learn the printing busiuess. Apply at once, this otfiee. Repenting rifle for sale â€" 32-40, high power, in good condition. Apply to John Wright, Flesherton. House and blacksmith shop to rent in the village of Maxwell. Apply to Wm. Guy, sr., Ma.x«iell. Parlour heater and sideboard for sale â€" stove only burned li tons coal, sideboard nearly new. For sale cheap^ Ji.hn Stewart, west back liue. Sow lost â€" From the premises of Thos. Atkinson, one large white sow, supposed Soon to farrow . Finder will bo rewarded. T. Atkinson, Rock Mills p. o. Good homes wanted for a few briuht children. Apply to J. J. Kelso, patlia- ment buildmga, Toronto, or M. K. Rich- ardson, Flesherton. Good second-hand cookstove, large reservoir, new pipes, etc., for sale cheap, ivs I have no fuither use forsams, Chas. Irwin, Flesherton. Came to my premises about July 1, a two-year-old heifer. Owner plea.so prove property, pay expenses and take away. Geo. Ross, E i lot li, con. 7, Osprey. Sheep lost â€" 5 ewes with red mark on rumps, abciut Sept. IG. Information thankfully received by Wm. John Chard Port Law P. O. Strayed â€" One wh:te pig, weight about 100 lbs. St rayed from my premises about Sep. 4. Anj information thankfully re- ceived â€" .\lex. Cameron, Eugenia P. O. For sale â€" C biuh c'ass Shropshire ram lambs, and one shearling ram, all from imported stock. Will be sold fron-. SiO to 812 each. Apply to Ja.'. Findlay, Markdale p.o. To those who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to .Vndy Wilson Flesherton, and havo ii laundered in hrst class style. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. in. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Nothing in the way of a cough is (luite .so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- ing, bronchial Cough. The quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remtdy. And besides, it is so thorouiihiy harmless that mothers give it with perfect: pafety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a .simple mountain .'â- brub, give to Dr. ShcoiKS Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sohl by all dealers. GENTS' SUITS AND SUITINGS After some difficulties we were fortunnte in securing the right to sell the famous "Darling" clothes, made by the "'Andrew Darling Co." of Toronto, who have the best equipped and most practical tailors in the tnule. Everything is inspected and are turned out in every way satisfactory and are not the ordinarj' Ready Mades, but are on a peer to the best hitih class tailor made goods. Come in and see the styles and quality of the goods, also the making, and it will convince you. Gents & Ladies Fur and Fur Lined Coats Here is where we shineâ€" Xow that we are J^eginning to feel the chilly winds of fall weather, furs are hesrinuing to take a lead. The Stoles and Rutfs ore selling fast and the best values are going fast. Also the best furs and fur lined coals are going. Have a look in the window to see four of the nicest coats that ever came into town. They cannot be l>esten, and at the lowest possible prise. Our mo'.to is "Sell furs reasonable when they are the most needed, not when they ace almost a dead stock.' We sell on a small margin in order to mske a quick tale. Come in and prove thisf or yourself. F« e* Karstedl IN BUYING Footwear Come where yon can save, money. We havo the Model Shoes for Ladies and Gents â€" for quality they cannot be excelled. Also other styles suitable for the season, patent leathers in kid. calf, dongola. * Trunks, Suit Cases, Leg. gings, Polishes. "F In Rubbers we have a good stock suitable for fail and winter wear. First (|uality and reasonable prices. "I A lot of men's homemade boots on hand. Give u$ a call CLAYTON'S E. LARGE fi AT ONCE A Reliable Local Salesman TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries In Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country. The demand fcr Nursery Slock is in creasing yearly, and if you become one of our salesmen you will realize thero is good money in the business fi r you. Write at once for particulats. Pay weekly ; Fiee Outfit. ST N E & VV E L L I N O T N ropthiu TORONTO.., Nurfeiies ( 850 acres .)Ontaiio All through this store. high class goods at very low prices. We have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wants, for every department is crowded with bright new goods â€" the fkind of goods we insist on selling â€" look better, are better, and cost you no more than the kind that are niadti merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to buy at. Highest prices paid for produce. J. E. Large, e u g e n i a. The Advance Till Jan. 1911 ^^QO Numbers have taken advantage of this bargain. Don't YOU be the one to miss it. Prize List Corrections The secretary has handed us ihe follow- ing corrections for the East Grey prize list as published last week week: â€" first prize 2-year-old carriage horse, Isaac Smith instead of John Robinson; pen Plymouth Rocks, L. F. Kipp, instead of G. H. Waller; first prize grape ij[no, D Harrow, instead of 0. Walker, Farmers in the vicinity of Brighton report that the potato crop in that district has been largely destroyed^by a white grub. Some crops, it is said, have been completely destroyed. Some farmers have not rulfered as heavily as others, but all the crops are more or less iffected by the pest, which, working unJeriiround, did not show its presence until the time for harvistiiig arrived.