^^ T" gk^i^cxion %ht>miu. ^^ -MJ, 1 â- SP ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •; |RLN'L'iPI.Els ^0T MEN." VOL XXV, NO Flealierton, Ont., TLrui-sd ay, Jvilv I tgJOO <W,'E TEDBSTON ElilTC! ;TGtt 1 I -in f 1 I JeweHery! Jewellery! BigaestBest S')^ Cowest ^ " Stock mk in ti!TCount= ry. Keiiabfe Dealing Jlrmstrona's Tlesberton. f^ Port Law Mr. Will . FLsher's liirge new hiirn is neiiring completion. >L\ John Gibsijn is the contractor. ' Mrs. D. W. Jamieson left la.st week for Toronto, where she will remain for some tiofe. A number from this part took in the excursion to Guelph last week. .Mr. W. Badgerow has i-entad his fann ti. Mr. W. J. Chiird ami held a sale of farm stiK'k and implements on Monday. He purposes going into store keeping at Saugeen Junction. Mr. and Mrs. R. McMaster of Eugenia visited with friends in this part recently. Mr. A. Johnston of Vandeleur spent Sunday with Portlaw friends. Mr. Love of Hopeville visited with Mr. F. W. Nicholson lately. Mr. Geo. Haney has returned to the city. Rev. Mr. Richai-ds, the new minister <if Eugenia circuit, pi-eached in Mt. Ziou church Sunday. Sir. LaiJlaw will re- main for throe weeks, we understand. Mr. John Haney lK)UgIit a tine cow lately. Wo do not think that John pur- poses milking her himself. Conung events cast their shadows Itefore. < )ur young ladies' hiuseball team after only two weeks' pi-actice responded to- a challenge froui Melntyre to play the team -if that phure. The score stood 20 12 in favor of Portlaw. Needless to say, our young btdies are pleased at the result and their gallant young escorts came home with the lines on theda.sh board Ceylon Mr. H. Tucker, thiiugh still iquite weak, is making fair prr>gress towards re- covery fcoui his recent accident. Mrs. G. H. Holmes and Miss Prichard of Owt-n Sound, visited their friends at Ceylon and Flesherton ia.st week. Mr. and Mrs. Sieumn of Uolstein vis- ited at Mr. and Mim. H Tucker's last week. Four lueiubors of the Woodstock Evau- gelistic Rind conducted the services at the Orange hall here Lust Sunday. Tliey are excellent singers and gav e addres.ses that were not only interesting, but pvo- ti table a.swell. Mi's. Fred Spr^tt of Durham is spend- ing a few clays with her friends in Ceylon and vicinity. Mrs. Duncan Muir, wlio luis been laid uj) for about a week, is now much Injttor. Mr. Wui. Jackson and djiughtor arc home again after spending- over two weeks with his son, Samuel, at Bune.s.san, the latter having recovered from Iiis illne.s.s. Mr. J. B. Moore of Sturge m Falls, bi\)ther-iu-law of the lale James Beatty, has arrived and is looking after the fam- ily interest in the huter's estate. Since his leaving home Mrs. Moore has given bii-th to a son, iui,d Ixitli aiv doing well. The two ijathu.'ivstom at Ceylon aio each laying down .some cement sidewalk, !knd otherwise improving the streets. We must give Mes.si-8. R. Cook and Jcseph Caii-ns duo cretUi-.W vrjiat taev don* in front of thoir own in<iNtly at their v>wu cxjwnse. hav7 pi-operty. DR. BURT 5|MClaHst In dltcaati'^ol the .Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Ottlce 13Fcc>»t «U • O^venSounu Afc the Revere ^ house, Markdal«| igj Fridhy each month fmni 8 to 12 % Pratttn SUtloa Several from hero tu;>k in the uardcii p^rty held at Iiiistiog^ Mondiy eveitipg and came homo i|uite satiitied with their evenings e(>joyinent. Mr. Meil McCanuoll la having his stable moved across the tntck Mr. A . Scott, Owen S mnd, ha-s the contract. Miss Ethel Ludlow spent a few days this week with Inistioge friemfs. Mr. Wm. Med lUijh. Oweu Sound^ is visiting his brothers this week. Mr. t'has. Tryon, DundalW,' Snndaycd in (be village. Miss Abiy Ernest, D,-omore, is viatti{i^ her friend, Mian M. Sauiiden. Kendall of Dnjmofo-^'ie a splefcdid ad- { bur the veteran stuck to- his post to ll.e dre^, lipuMking pi-inci^Jy to the' youug rltst and died iu « gixxl <Jd ajje, bvlovid Kimb«rley. Miss Edith Hammond is visiting Dun- can friends and is the guest of her friend, MLss Augusta Welle r. Miss Elsie Plewes went to Toronto on Saturthiy bust where she will ha the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Gr<K)d-, for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.'Wickens of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mi-s Geo. Proctor, at pre.sent. MLss Selina Ellis of Powassiu, i« visit- ing friends here at pre.sent, and Ls tlie guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Magee. Mr. Frank Hutchinson of Meaford spent Sunday at his piu-ental home here. Messrs Ezra Fawcett and Cliafley Graham left on Tuesday of this week with No. tJ Co., Flesherton, for Owen Sound, where they will siwnd a cuuple of weeks in caiiip. Mr. Arnold Ferguson of Thorabury visited friends here on Sunday laA. Mrs. J. J . Duncan and little ' duugh - ter, Lulu, of Dundalk, were the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Qeo. Huti;h- inson, here. Messrs. Chas. E. Stuart and Will Rear drove overj^ Collingwoixi on Mon- day of this week to purchase new uni- foniis for the football team.- Messrs. Hwiry Kurd and Squire Stew- art, who have been in New (.hatario for some time, returned home Ia.st week. MLss Helen Hurd, who Ims been at- tending a ladies college in Nova Scotia during the past year, is holidaying at^ her parental houie here. Mrs. Albert ElUs of Eppiug is the guest of her aunt. >Ls. John Plewes. Mrs. G. Walter leaves this week to visit her brother. Dr. Thurston, Cliicikgo. Mrs. J. M. and Mi.ss Myrtle Thurston of Toronto are spending their usu;il summer holiday here. peopl^. Rev. Little uf Holstein tol\i the people wliat a lH'e.church should bo, atwl his address was listeneil . to very atten- tively. We hope ^t. will not .soon I)o for- gotten. Rev. Berry cimgnitulated the Udieson Ix^ng good cooks and getting up snoJj a t.isty sup[Xir,^a!.so gave a word to tlu» young mo'i who i)layed footUdl, for the ag'.-ccable w.iy in which they piiiye<l. Little Vera Campl)ell, Elda A. Parsh)W and Reggie Campl)ell recited in | a pleasing uianner. Tlw orchestr:i ren- | deced the music for the -evening. Xlie . pr(H»eils go^ towards the building fund. MLs.s Jenny an^ M?. Walter Knox ' t Kjk in the excursion to Guulph last I wjek and were accomrauied home by | their cousins, Arthur and Alma Knox, j Miss Bv R. Christie liius gone to her | home at Port Elgin to enjoy the holidays, j Liist Friday Mr. Clwrk-, ^one of the I .Mid respected. He is bein-.' bMried to- day, Wednesday, in Rocky Saugeeu Cemetery, where lim kindred Ue. â€" Review. * Woodstock College young men evangul- la ac(|uaiiiUacos at the Parkf. June Weddings U\"DEK â€" TUOMl^ i.\ A 'piiet but premy «feidin<4 t ">k p'*<'e at the home of Mr. juid Mrs. C. C. Pedli«r, 805 Queen St. east, Toront>, on the evening of J un« 23rd, * when their sister. Miss Ai^nie Tiiumpsgn, w»s married to Mr. James D. Ryder. *Ttie ceremony >« perlortiied by Ilev. J . C. Fallis of Wood.:reen Me:hidi-it church. Tlie bride was attended by Her gisrec. Miss Sadie, while tlie grooini was sup- ported by his broilivr, 5|.'.' ThoSi A. Rvdi-r. The bouse w*.-! prettily decoia".- al with curusiions and Uly of valley. The l)ri!e Woi-e a dainty McFARLAND& ^~^r. "i- W "^. if .A. SJKDALJS ONT A l<JO cial *^nllfool Season, ttie site Lsts, ciUed Ml". Geo I embroideicd mull dtcss and Ciuried M;u-tin and Mrs. Hardy, si-. visited friends in (Jsprey hist week. berjuet of white roBef, while -her sitter waa also in whitviaml oanied a boijuet c:f pinV roses. Amoix^ iho numerous and A ipiiet marriage- was .solemniaed on ' ct,stly prtsci.t.s was a h«nd-ome Havi Wednesday, June 2:5, at the liome of Mr. ' land China diimer stt Irom the C. O. D. Mc<:ormick, when his daughler, Ellen, j D-ipartment of iho T. E.t-ni Co., sharu was united to Mr. George H. Pju-sIow, | the bride w.-is formerly tmployed. Tlie by Rev. Mathesou,' only iumiedi.-ite ^ happy couple li-ft in a ta.riiwb, mid friends being preSent. Best wishes 'go ( showers of confetti ana licc, fir their »-ith them to their nice homeonnhe lith ! buine on Lindsay i^ve con. a\ Proton. *" ^ MILLINERY SALE 20 Ladies Trimmed Hats Reduced As Follows : to S4.O0, !) Black Hats, re-; S3. 50 for g2.0o. These ara* made of .;(«)d Black Mohair and Stniw Braid Sliapes. seijuin and be* facinj^s, tnmmed with ln-sb •fuaUtv rib>M>n and colored liowers, resju'-ar S'S.dt) to f^.uO, all •m s.de at one price f 2 95 bohs and floweiK^etc.-, where $3.0Q. to *3..">0, now v>ur diwice ftir .... ?l.»d. '• «â- '-'â- '! 3 Only Gi-ey ^ats, 3jW-. t^m U W fur. $1.90 ^iiil Messis. .:VldcomiiudN. CiunplxJI t<H)k iuthe excursion to Niiigara FaRs iasK- week. >â- ".' 5Ir. John Canipljell of Toronto is visit- ing his father and brother here. Miss Hjiw of Droniore is visitiug MLss I Flo Watson. . • j Born in lowx Our family were all boru ami (-A.MERDN â€" OEtt An unusually pretty June wedding was solemnized at the residence of >Ir. M.G. Orr, IVirunto liue,ou Wednesday .of last Week, June l.'3, when his dauuhter, Editb May, was united in inarriaso to Mr. Alex. Cameron of this township. The ceremony was performed by Rsv. Dr. Caldwell in the presence of about 80 gups'.*. The groom was attended by Mr. a, and have used ChajAbrrlaiu s Colic, I Geo. Orr, but tli9-Jlf jd«~»»4 Jiuatlcnued 'Vu^Z':^^^':^^v:^\^\::^\^^^''>^ '^ "-»''' of honor, i„il;rpe-nK.u Maxwell Items after low. Mrs. Ryckinan has returned sijendinc a few days at Hamilton. Miss M. J. Sterling is still very with little hopes of her recovery. Mr. F. Brownlee, Fesersh-ioi, is putt- ing in convent stops at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Kinuear arid 'Mi-.^aiid Jas. Buckingham were visiting Ml friends at Collingwood this week. Rev, J. J. W'hcatley, Stay nor, was a visitor at the pirsonaite and at Mr. Rubt. Heron's this week. Mr. Geo. Buckingham, B. A., and Mr. A. N. Browniiilgu took the eveuiug service m Methvdist church, the past<ir being ill the past week. Mr. BuckingliaiD preached an impiessive and el(i((ueiit sermon. Rev. Duncansoii is niakiuf; pastoral calls in this vicinity these days. Miss Maude Guy visiloi with^A . in Mclntyro last week, ,^^ f,,« Mr. Smith '>"itiy nii^ht. Mr and Mft Heally s^ft,^, » boautiful du r.ii8e"l m Iowa, Choi DCL ....-_ „ fit. lutof her little niece. Miss Violet Orr of fact, «hpnin-Kl Puso. 'I'e.va.-sihe writer's We I Or^^^-vJU^. The bride was dressed it > was .-iaved by the prcniipt use 01 this remedy, f ^ Wears DOW engaged tu. the mercautil6i>usiatt,^' bandsome ci-eam slk taineline triimned at Nafcoossee. t"h{., aud haw introduced tjA. „i,i, ij.sertinn and all over embroidered remedy here. < It Juu> proven very succftofui: â- and is dimitantly xrowinfc in favor. â€"Kiiiiis'^'k net and carried ri-eaiu roses and lily 15ms. Tais remedy is foi sale by W". K : „f the \ alley. The ceremony took ulur* Kichardsuu. i • , , ... - <-*^ , j in the parlor, which Hid^-^wtTTtiTul deco- ^aSt Mountain j rated « ith ' oTeyifrtc'iis and Hower*, the I bridal coujjlVsUndiiig beneath an orna- Very dry weather at presjnt. A good j mental'-nroh. The Wedding Mai-ch was- rain is much needed for the grain and j played by the bride* sister. After the root crops. ceicimiby the guests sat down to a most Mr. and Mi-s. W. X Martin .sijeul a | bouiiliful and choice wedding dinner, couple of .lays in Collingwo.Kl ,vceully. f"""*^'.'* *''"'-"'"'"^ wedding party left cull in, 1 1 VI- ,11 I to take train foi- a .short honvynioou trip, â- school cjosud luesday aiul Miss .Uleu â- ' . ' , ,. r 1 , fi . J â- 1 â- . .^moOg the lai renumber of guests, ffleuds left for her home after tciidiiiig here iiuile l , , . » â€" > „,, , ., , 111 1 â- ' and relatives were present from forest, 1 he children will lie wondering I , ,, „ w .%, ; Streetsville, Beeti-n, Muorebeld, Or-inge- ViHe, Cottl>ettou, Flosherluu and Owen a term who tlxeir hew- teacher will be< Some from this i*rt took in (he Guelph y^^^j Upon their return the young e.xctu-s.on last W ednesilay. ^.,,„p,^. ^^.,,i ^^^,j; ^„, ^,,^^. j.^^^^ g,^ ^.^^^ Mr. Burnside of Maikd;iIo was in. Ao j The Advance tenders i.s heai-tiest con neighliorhiHid on Saturibiy ajid Kiught ' j/rami^tiyus. sudie cattle to be delivoceitMondav. Mr. Hcm-y Walton is haying an addition put to Itis kitchen. A number from this part took in the Army wedding and iMimuet at Fevcrsham on Monday. Miss Hazel -\Jleii of thip schoo' the Enti-ance e.xamination in K bust week. Hope she will ' Dr. Cob Hon'»'^d at ''" ,..ni. Arinsti Jt tire brigade -t«ilt org,u,iaui„u, Ml-, anil Mrs. W'. Sunday ,-it Mr. Doui" .je - tried' ""^''''l"'-'*-''*''-- J is 4lnibei-ley i !':'""'^'Bg, U.keii fr. •succe ' • Martin 'd Wallace '.s. SJJWt â- y»'^: Mr. 6 the new » (e Durham. • ijh McDo;iaJd, Contractor Arinory, «ut from St. for oo'et of June 2.'J -^lomihy evenins zeiLs, fijeiiieu and Xhr. .\riii.sti-oii:,' wii eouch, two I bag. W»;or Lang, „n h 1 easy eJ Xing, inetisions. the I bri" i-ieiids Mr. and Mis. He^y/! assisted tlie choir 1 --• Marvs /^''•â- '"''t^^'^i Dr.' Viiiis-i-, f. "iHy? ago the cut stone for «!' ( 1>-^ had • ' *c., some of it of mas.,ive di! w<'tk is How be.'un "cw site near iho ,ska(i„g rink. Tbo new roa brick rcaidiMic. of \tr . , ..m ... H. Jackson, risio ... ,.!m . .^ ' ^'^ .*' L.T' ^'P-^ '«^'* •'' citizen thou «".iAt;; a 9|>iaiued auklu iiill For j» Sprained Ankle, .\s usually, treatei I, disvible the ii"iuuw<.liM..|.s,>ii t',ii-.i ... ..i " "" b.itby.aH..viuKO,^,;-^'K|;--v, ^b each Uittlc |l'i i>iaiiyca.<,s ."•jjJinihieiiti.H U fur a observing the direr*tioi^^ faithfully, a cure may 1 1>« __ ill lens than one week's liiri?."^ a m-i«t n)iB.-vi'kabIe jinipaniti..n. •v{; sprain or liniise, >r when laid vi|i xh^ >\en the low i!i<ic with. such fa^ on j ''pleiuUdly, " in f^..^ _ â- |.'»5'-'*teuce to our pri'seiu -r. A.f Sir. Pipoiti .it« .., .,ri"z,::: h:,,"'" â- "" "- "•fe-T" >â- «, -» i,.,„„ -».-,. ;«i;.r',:r:::bit;-- Tl.et..undHt,ouisab6ut ccnp'oted ofhs^mn T^ he new cthce U.ng erefted by Mr. J. V '-^^y of tV leiford on fh.. n;,..» .. et. I '•'0"lp^o^iou teiii.v^ .•r mu.sciilar rhouinatist.i, and you :ir~-^^" to be deliKhU-id with the prumpt it affords. For Sale by W, K. Kichard.- '<>td on the. Hiiiiter Lanibton, Sti-eet* latsly. Oi> JJIondav W proper' *'*e*.s!3it liei*^?"' Sainton 5„ ^nna 'huuu'i-iag' husbaiKl, a ..,. T,' * " >. »nd shot «v. I{„.^Ov of Owe; over tho Ww anniversary .s^rvit teriau ' Re Rog«n of whose 1 chupA hero ou twoooillg » » line speAkev ott «k> *i"begladteh««-IumJ^'^»' Itfi Knox' in the «»»^^l*rtywashrid«^» got ' s on June 22. The UJCOV ^ M»the«oi ^tt'ugwas he;. on< "»*tt u» his \^ii^ '»t«ikhi.s ^) 3 Brown Hats, f4 t)0. f 1.25 and $4.30 fit «2.75 Three Regular $4 00, W.^-J and S4.50 Ladies MikIiuiu Shape Brown Sti-aw Hats tiiinined with ribbons, assorted c.dored> dowels, etc, choice l»f S2.7.3 o Xavy Blue Hats, reg. S3.00 to 9ii.o0 for81.!i8 This line is in medium and btriio shap>~ g'liKi ipiality aiiiiiv irimmed w' We've 3 Wt fn Grey .^t^.i^v . B;.i,J Shapes, handsoiiifoly trimiiitfd with libboos, flowers. wini:.s, e'c , .that were S3.00. ».'* 50. and 8«00. ntl marked down at one price'. « . - <*• ' ' (10c Lifants'Silk ai- nel»f « 24 only Infant Silk and C somulf t McFAR' Th C in D. pl«»inii<