AS IMME NSE STEE L PIAST ^Igoma Company Has Ordered $500,000 Worth of Machinery in Pittsburg. CONDENSED XEW5 ITEMS^THE WORLD'S MARKEFS , A despatch from Pittsbarg, Ponn., says : Another move toward centr- ing the iron and siteel industry of the United Staters on tbc borders of the Great Lakeii wa« made on Thursday, when a contract was closed by the Algoma Steel Com- pany for $oO?>,000 worth of heavy steel machinery to be delivered at Sault Hte. Marie, Canada, as quick as possible. It is the intention of the Phiiadplphiana and tbti London- ers back of this plant to have two immense Rteel mills in Canada turning out bars and other steel products by Nov 1 next. The na- ture of the m&chiaerj- ordered , shows that the milla to be erected will b«» rivals worthy of even the biggest and best Pittsburg mills. The mills w.^1 b« by far the larg- est in Canetda. After six year»' study those con- cerned in this project at the head of the Ureat Lakes nave decided that it would be cheaper tn earry the coal to the iron ora tliaa bring, the ores to the coal, aa has i>een the custom for veam. It is the in- tention to go after the Canadian trade and the trade of the North- west States, a specialty being made of the steel entering into ths making of fanning machinery. Announcement of placing this order caused some interest in Pitts- burg because Pittsburg steel barons have looked on tuis north- â- territory as their own, even though the Algoma concern has had a rail mill there and ore mines for some time. There is little doubt now that the moet formidable rivai the Pittsburg steel mills have en- countered in years in the north- west is now securing a better hold, as local concerns will hardly be able to compete with a freight of over 1,500 miles added to their cost of manufacture at Pittsburg. TO BE BULLT SOOX. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: W. G. Franz, general manager of the Lake Superior Cor- poration, of which the Algoma Steel Company is a subsidiary concern, referring to the despatchea from Pittsburg, states that the project ed structural steel plant will be er- ected this season. In addition to the structural steel plant, the com- pany -will also construct two addi- tional blast furnaces and a huge coking, plant, making a total ex- ! penditure for improvements and ' enlargementa to the plant of the Algoma Steel Company here which will run up well into the millions. It is the intention of the reorgan- ized company to make the C^anadian "Soo" the source of supply for both steel rails and structural »teel for the entire Canadian North- West. It is generally accerpted here that the new interests in tha Lake Superior Corporation are clo.«iely allied, if not identical, with Cana- dian Pacific interests. F£IJ.0FFL.4UNeH. £arry NrEwaa and Albert Milbira Drowned in Oamiltoa Bay. A despatch from Hamilton says : !A double drowning accident oc- curred in Hamilton Bay, near the £each, on Saturday afternoon, in which Harry McLwan. 476 York atreet, aad Albert Milburn, 142 Main street west, lost their lives through falling out of a gaaoline launch. How the accident happen- ed is a matter ol conjecture, as David McFvvan, who was with them, neither saw nor knew of it until he looked back and saw the head oi oue man rise above the surface the last time. It is thought, however, that the two who were drowned were pumping water out of the stern of the boat, and in leaning too far over the gunwale, lost their -balance. The survivor was steering the boat in the bow, and beard no outcry, but states that as the en- «ir.e was between them and him. Its noise would have shut out the •ound of their voices if they did «ry out when they fell over the «ide. .f OIL STOVE EXPLODED. Vwo M(>a Badly Burned at London â€"$^75 ia Bills Destroyed. A despateh from London, Unt., «ays : As the result of the oxpio- -eion of a coal oil stove at Dorches- ter, on Saturday night, the resi- â- dence of Mrs. Wm. Banks was burned to the ground, and two men, John Banks and Stephen Buddeu, received painful burns from burn- ing timbers falling on them. Mrs. Banks had the sum of $575 in bills in the house, the money being in a bureau drawer, and this, with all ihe content;S, was lost. BABY FELL FITE HTOKIES. PloBged into Woman's Skirt !!»â- $• lag OB Clothes Line. A despatch from New York says: Patrick Searsoa. aged four, is the luckiest little Irishman in New York, in spite, of the tact that he is the youngest of thirteeu children. He fell five st-ories on Wednesday, acd escaped with a alight gash in tiie head. He was playing on the fire escape of his motiier's fiat, five flights up, at No. i,Pft5 Second Av- enue, when he fell off. He hit the railing of the fire escape two stories down aotl bounced from there to a clothes line, a story 'ewer still. His next stjp was aro.her CoDr below, wher» he tumbled into a woman's skirt hung out on the line and in- flated by the wind. The skirt was too big for Patsy, and he slipped through, but his fall wai br^jken and no ill results followed. * MILLS FOB VICTOBIA HARBOB. Lake of Wood^ Co. to Build Big Mills on Geor<;iaa Hay. A despatch from Montreal says: Word has been received fruoi Mr. Robert Meighen, President of the Lake of the Woods Milling Com- pany, who is now in England, that he has succeeded m floating bonds for the erection of a new 5,000- barrel flour mill at Victoria Har- j bor. This will almost double the ; capacity of the Lake of the Woods i Milling Company's plant. lill'FENINCS FhOM ALL OTCB TU£ ULOKE. Trle'raphie Briefa From Oor Oua •ad Other Countries ol Bcceat £«eata. CANADA. Mr. Alfred Pag«9 was killed on the Vaiiway aear t>€iicvuie, on Sun- <uy. IRC new postscffioe aad fireball al Su.skatoou were strncle by light- j ning. Calgary has a scazidal in con:iec- ! tion wiin tn© new City Hall con- tract. jiir. Newell Bate, one of the lead- ing business men ot Ottawa, is cead. The tale of Prince Bupert lots was very succebsful, higa being realized \ lue ateamer Glenmoant has beenj loaaed with steel rails at Sydae; i for iort William. 1 The Government is coaskfenng! plans for prison accommodation in; iNortbern tmtano. | I Three Lofaut^' bodies were found i 1 in a scavenger dump near Palmer- j ston, on isacurday. Dr. W. li. Merwin of Windsor was fined :$I0O for attempting to poison a neighbor's oog. An Eaglisn coa^pasy it about Xo build a $2,.tOO,OJO dry docs and I shipouildiiig p:ai.t at Moiitreal j PriTjite Moir, who shot Sergt. Lloyd at Loadon, is said to have i ma<le two atte^i^pts to escape from : Haiiiilton asylum. i W. J. Cameron, who n said to (have marri'd cace in Toronto, was sentenced at Winnipeg to three ye•^r3 in pe.iitentiary for bigamy. A home.tjauer named ie-rault, under sentence of death fur mur- der near Bittleford, ha.s hsd his sentence commuted to life imprison- \ ment. I Mr. W. S. Alward's design for a j memorial to Mr. Bell, the inventor ; of the telephone at Brantford, has i been recommended by the com- ! mi tree. I The Government cruiser Bayfield ; IS taking soundiags in the vicinity ' cf the Detroit River tuanel to see ' that it dues not interfere with na- â- vigation. j 'the Quebec Legislature porogu- ; ed on ^Saturday after one of the '. longest and mo;>t exciting sessions iu years. The members' iiKiemoity was increased to ?1,5C0. The Secretary oi toe London Tem- . perance LeaKUf condeams the Old Boy celebrations, and says it takes some time for the moral tone of the i city to be rest-ored after such gath- \ erings. j Two men aad a woman were mob ; 'oed by a lot of Mormons at Ma- ; grath. Albf rta. They were trying iti> take possession of a child whoio [father was a '"Gentile" aad her j another a Mormon. The IViiciuion Government is ex- perimenting with shipments cfj I gO'-id* across the continent via Mexi- \ i CO. It is said the rail-ard-watfrj ; route is cheaper thaa the all-rail \ route by Canadian railways. BEPORTS FEOM THE LEADi:S(; TBADE t£M££S. Prices of Cattle. Grsia, Cheese aad Other Uairy Produce at lioMe aud Abroad. BBEADSTCFFS. Toronto, June 1.â€" Floorâ€" On- tario haeat 90 per cent, patents 4>a.40 to J.J. 50 to-day m buyers' m-ULA outuue for export ; on track, Toronto, ^5.70 tu sio.To. Manitooa BRITAIN'S NATAL STa British Premier Says Everything Vv*. Depend on Geographical Conditions. A despatch from Loadon says : | away. Therefore the United State* In the House of Commons on Wed- ; co"i<l not be regarded as one of tha _« J • , . . , D A e. ;â-ºÂ»!„ two powers which would have to nesday night the Premier deaniteiy i . . . - ,, , a«-i -i ,.,,•'*, . _ . . . i be tajten into account. And, al- laid down the view of tiie Bntian ; ^\^^.^^ second among the naval Government ia regard to the qaes- powers of the world, she couid nok tion as to whether the United : be treated the same for aggresaiv* t ^ .,, .„ ^ ^„ , State* should be oonsidered in de- j purposes aa France, Germany or hour; hrst patents, ^o-iO to *^'£>\<^Tu^mnz the British two-power [ A-astria. on tract, loronto ; second patents, ! ^,^^. ^^^A^id. Mr. Aaquith said i Mr. Arthur Lee objected, sayiw »o.iO to 15.10, and strong baJters, , ^ ^^^^ ^j^^, ^^ ^r,,,itx,^ Ud been he would deal with the probabiHty »o50 to Â¥3.y> on tiack, ioronlo. talkel about the two-power staad- ' . . . ^- r . - Manitoba wheatâ€" -No. I Northern, ^j j^ ^^ nothing more than a $1.3a, Ueorgian Bay ports; Ao. 2:p.j^pj^, empirican geaeralizati.m. at ♦, ana >o. a at «l-2s>,. t He agreed that the range of Brit- Ontario wheatâ€" Prices of No. 2 i j^{, , i^;^^ should not be limited are quoted at «1.35 to «1.40, out-k^ Europe, but, on the other hand, ~f • ,-,,,, „. ! "hen considering the combined Bariey-Feed barley 62 to 65c. â- effective strength of any other two I pow^ers in the world for aggressive ' purpose.^ one most have regard to ',ui»ide. Oats â€" No. 2 Ontario white 56 to i 5Tc on track, Toronto, and o6c oat- 'â- â- side; ^o. 2 Western Canada oats 57c and No. 3 at 3*: Bay ports. Peaa â€" No. 2, Sd to 36c outiide. Bye â€" No. 2, 74 to 73c outside. Buckwheat â€" No. 3 63 to 6Bc out- sicie. Corn â€"No. 2 American yellow S3c on track, Toronto ; No. 3 82,V.;c on track, Toronto ; Canadian yel- low, 77 to 73c on track, Toronto. Bran â€" Manitoba 123.50 in sacks, geographical position. In dealing with a remote power of any war with the United States merely as an academic proposition. °Tt ij really impossible," ha do- clarsd, "to exclude the Unitod States on the score of geographi- cal remoteness when she had juafc sent a fleet of sixteen first-claas battleships, maintained as a fight- ing entity throughout, for a voy- age of 40,000 miles, ia the coursa of which that fleet circumnavigated the globe and visited many parts whose naval 'o.ij>e was six, eight or ' of the British Empire, ten thousand miles away, with no Mr. Balfour, without mentioning convenient coaling station, it waa the United States, argned that Mr. elementary common sense not to j Asquith had abandoned the tradi- treat that power as of Ibe same [ tional British view of a two-power effective value as a power with a j standard, but the House rejected naval base a hundred miles or so \ his motion by a majority of 114. * « to 5Jic ; milkmen's strippers. Toruato freights ; shorts, (24.50 to i 3% to 5c ; common stock at 3^', to ^25, Toronto freigttts. |43'ic per p«>und. Milch cows, .523 [to 860 each. Calves, 82 to %*> each. COUNTRY PRODUCE. I*>* 3»^i to 6c per pound. Sheep, 5 to \ 6c per pound ; lambs. S4 to $6 each. Apple*â€" #4 to $5 for choice quail- : Oood tots of fat hogs. S'^^c per ties, and 93 to J3.50 for seconds. , pound : a small lot ot choice pack \ Beansâ€" Prime. *2, aad hand-pick- ' ers sold at 88.90 per 100 pounds \ Toronto, J tine finisheil batchers' at 55.40 to *3.6<i. I.â€" Reailj cattle were ARKITALS .iT QUEBEC. Tweoty-SIx Hundred New Settlers f»r the Domiaioa. .\ despatch from Quebc: says: The Allan steamer Cor^icaa aad ! C. P. K. steamer E.'npress of Ire- land arrived at QueOec on Friday, well • * ''*' "iy^Sf^ '"'ew settlers for Canadk. c ; "Jhc Coraicaa was the first to ar- rive, with one thousand steerag* ed, 8'2.13 to 83.2J0 per bushel. Maple syrup-â€" £5c to $1 a gallon. Hay No. 1 timothy $13 to »13.50 a ton oa track here, and lower grades at 8U to $11.50 a ton. Straw 37.50 to 88 on track. Potatoesâ€" Car lots, 96c per bag j feedersâ€" Steadv demand and prices I ? -. , , , .. .„,„^ oa track. Delaware*, $1.10 to ; fi^m around *i. Demand f>r good \ '-°? "'^''^ «'^ff^^ ^'' *°«\^ ^J^"J?- $1.15 per bag oa track. I q«»iity njilkem and near springers : ' *^'*>'» "^^ **« *- P" ^ *^^ °°* ^ Poultryâ€" Chickens, yearlings, ; e,jmmon unsaleable. Sheep and dressed, 17 to ISc per lb ; fowl. 12 iambsâ€" ..aaier and 50c lower. and choice at . . _ .^ , , .-t^ : d- 3- . as ><\ I w »..« • (and over 300 second class. \.o» 9o.2o to 85.40 : good butchers cows * , • i j j ../, • u _ -_j _.»-^ . »-;« k;_k , .> a< an ».«*.! former included 430 cnildren, and were a trifle lugner at 84.50 to 8o : , â- j • /-» u t /-•..__ u 11 i •« . •. â€" cl^^t . 7_-i ' wer^ landed at Quebec for Uovem- ' boils at ?4 to 84.. 0. Stockers and i ^ . . j â- *.•_ „ ._.. â- ment luspection, and in tne even- to 14c ; turkeys, IS to 22c per lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints. 19 to 20c; tubs and large rolls, 16 to 17c ; in- ferior, 14 to 15c; Creamery rolls, 22 to 23c, and solids, I'j to 20c. Eggsâ€" Case Iota, 13 to IS^ic per dozen. Cheese â€" Large cheese, old. 1-1 to wy^c per lb, and twins, 14% to I4'.,c. New quoted at 13c tor large Calve?*- Easie r . at $7.75 f.o.b. watered. Hogs â€" Very and IS fed brm PRESIDENT ROT ClILTI. HOa PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, l.'J to I3j,c per ^ii in case lots ; mess pork 822 to 822.5*J ; short cut, 824 to 825 Tike Wrecking of the Bank ef St. John's, i)uebee. A despatch from Montreal says: Hoa. P. H. Roy, ex-Speaker of the Quebec Legislature and ex-Presid- ent of the Bank of .St. John's, waa found guilty on Thursday of riil- fully making false returns to ths Governmant. Tali verdict is the result of one of the most sensation- al trials in the history uf this Prov , luce. During the three week} thi . I trial has been in progress "«'>Kie re- ' *<* V^^ T. R. special trains. The Eitpresa â- â- { Ireland bro;ight 900 steerago and 400 second-cabin passeagers, young, healthy aud irte'Ii^ent, who compiled with all the Canadian lou- gration conditions. These pas.sea- gers were forwarded after th* first and second-class specials, and took two additional trains. ♦ MIKDEBEB SENTENCED. Convicted of Murder of Brother at Uawkcsbury. A despatch from L Orignal, Ont., says : Salcm Assaly. a Syrian ped- dler, who murdered his brother, Jcseph, at Hawtesbury in December iast, was tried at th<" Spring kl'the : A-tsizes here on Thursday. K mix- WAR ON BIG HATS. Ladies* Aid Society Asks Board to Take .lotion. .A despatch from London, Ont., •ays : The Ladies' Aid Society of Askin Street Methodist Church, one of the largest in the city, have de- clared war on big hats, aud at a recent meeting unanimously passed « resolution to the quarterly board asking that they issue a request tc the ladies to remove the view-ob- structing creations. The ladies sug- gest that the lequest be made this week, ia connection with the open meetings of the London Conference, which is to meet in Askin Street Church. The move has attracted a lot of interest here. j GREAT BRIT.\IN. I Right Rev. Dr. .Anii-m, formerly Bishop of QuAppelle, died at Lich- : field on Thursday. I By the death of Charles Morri- â- ♦ sou. worth about 870,000.000. the NEARLY PERISHED IN FLAMES ' British Government will get at least $10,000,000 in death duties Family of Brantlurd .Han Had a Narrow Escape. beiow the knees. .A despatch from Brantford says : Fire early Sunday morning destroy- ed the handsome residence of Isaac Rosenfelt, on Alion street, and caused a loss of 82,000. The family with difficulty were awakened and almost perished in the flames. One of the sleepers was first disturbed and was able to get to the telephone to send in the alarm. On his re- turn the others, including children, had barely got out. The origin is unknown. PRINCE Rl PERT LOTS. Orer Two Thousand Disposed ol at the Ureat Sale. A despatch from Vancouvsr, B.C., Bays: The first sale of Prince Rupert lots, the greatest auction of real estate ever held, ended on Saturday at noon. Over 2,000 lot« in the new townsite were sold. The official figures have not been an- nounced. The receipts are esti- mated at 81,175,975. The sale last- ed four and a half days. Mr. C. D, Rand, agent of the Q. T. P. and the Province, saji-a the Iota in th« busi- oess section sold well above the an- ticipated figure, and those in the residential districts at about valua- tion. Wreckago believed to belong to 4he British sloop of war CoiKlor, wrecked eight years ago, baa been washed ashore at Long Beach, ^Van- oouver Island. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Charles Elstone Struck l^'hQe Standing at Barn Door. A despatch from Wyoming says : During a thunderstorm on Thurs- day afternoon about 4 o'clock the barn of Wallace Williams, near this village, was struck by lightning. Mr. Williams' brother-in-law. Mr. Charles Elstone, was instantly killed while standing iu the stable door. The deceased conducted a tailoring business here, and had been a resident of Wyoming for manj' j-ears. CAR OF 1M4 1I?HE.4T. Seld on Winaiper Exchange at $1.18 Per Bushel. A despatch from Winnipeg says : .\ carload of wheat was sold on the Winnipeg exchange on Thursday morning, which has been in store iu Fort 'William since 1904, as a re- sult cf litigation arising (.>ut of the bill of lading. It netted the farm- er about 51 cents per bushsel, al- though sold at 81-18. .\s a matter cf tact the farmer is out thousands of dollars on the deal after paying his lawyers. . •â- • Over fifty persons were killed by tornadoes in Dakota, Oklahoma and Texas, on Su&d^. UNITED STATES. The town of Dalt^n, Mich., is re- \ ported d»5.troyed by forest tires. I The firemen's strike in Georgia ; has tied up the Georgia Railroad I completely. The Wright brothers have receiv- ed an order for an aeroplane from .the Shah ot Persia. Seven men have already met ' death since the commencement of the lake seamen's strike. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe celebrat- ed her 90th birthday at her heme in Boston on Thursday. The Bank of Montreal has pur- chased an eleven-story building on Wall street. New York, for its New York branch. A Camden, N. J., girl, who went to a Magistrate for a marriage li- cense, was married without her knowledge or consent to a man who accompanied her. A young Englishman, who says he learned to steal in Toronto be- cause he could find no work, has been sentenced to ten years in pri- son at Portland, Me. GENERAL. Ten natives were killed in a rail- way collision in India. The troops stationed at Damas- cus refuse to recognise Mehmed V. at Sultan. Two German airships manoeuvred with the infantry in the presence of th» Emperor. The failure of the French postal strike has been followed by the breaking up of the General Federa- tion of Labor. A Turkish land-owner who led the slaughter of the Armenians at Adana has been placed in cbar|e of the Government relief fui»d in that district The Internatieiial Fisheries Com- mission met at Washingt<>n on Fri- day to consider the regulations for fishing in the boundary waters be- tween Canada aad the United States. brought in a verdict ol Hams-Light to medium. 15 to : markable evidence was submitted in ! murder with a rec-minendation to 16c; do., heavy, 13 to 14c; rolls. 12 : reference to Mr: Roy's actions It : clemency. Jr. Ja., leetzel, to 12S^c; shoulders, 11 to l!'.c;l ^^s shown tiiat he had made false »ho presiaed scntea.ed accused backs. 17V, to 13c; breakfast bacon, ; returns to the Governraeat inv'olv- i t" ^ hanged at L Ungual on the 16> ..: to 17c. , 1 ing some 8300,000. This consisted \ 23rd of July next. The conOemned. Lard-Tierces, 13V ; tuba, 13\c; \ of worthless notes, past due bills i 'ho » "nly 22, had his feet so bad- Pails, 14c- paj-able. which Mr. Eoy. bis brother i \ ^^^\ before being captured, I and their friends bad discounted, i thatboth hadto be amputated jus* T>iT'.;ivir^< AT vnvTRVif 1 pocketing the cash. In their re ' BLSlNE&b AT MONTREAL. i ^ts to the Government all t.his i Montreal, May 26. â€" Pea,s â€" 81.05 | worthiest paper was set down as ; to 81 06. Oatsâ€" Canadian Western, ' assets. In the list of current loans ; 5^.';j' to sec; extra. No. I feed. 5*'« | was included an item of 85.000 re \ to 33?ic; No. 1 feed, 5« to 5»'~c; | presented by a note of toe bank ic- No. 3 Canadian Western. 37,'^ to ; self, which was made to money 58c; No. 2 feed. 57 to 57V.ic. Bar- ''â- stolen from it. leyâ€" No. 3 72Ji to 74c; Manitoba : gg^^xF.NCED TO FIVE YEARS, feed barley, 62'/i to 67c. Buck- : , , .- ^„ i .* ' ' - \f _; i A dramatic scene was enacted at Mam wheatâ€" 69! 1 to 70c. Flour- ! noon on Friday at St. Johns, when ; loist vear. HAD PASSED CENTURY MARE, Brantford Wciaaa Dies at Age •( lOl Years. A despatch from Brantford says : Mrs. Noah iiiegler died here at tha residence of her daughter. Mrs. .\. Kauffman. on Thursday, in her I and three dren. great-great -grandchil- BOUND TO END HER LIFE. lamate of Ottawa Home Makes Third Unsuccessful Ationipt. . A despatch from Ottawa says: WuBiased. j Jiargaret Uossack. an ag»d woman A despatch froai London, Chit, I inmate of the Good Shephard'a UNITED ST.\TES MARKETS **c-:i,?''"L?5^ vJnMhrwfn^^ J"*''^« ^''°^^- '^t^ **•" inicaster: Pa., and her father. Jo!m 86.30 to ^^^. Mauitoba Sprmg^jjj^ condemued his former t Bingham, was one of the earliest wneat patents, seconds, So.60 to 86;; p^^,.^^^^,^^^ colleague, Hon. P. ; settlers in North Waterloo. Th« ^-'S^ Win'ril'"Jhi',f rj;.^^, «« ^ H K'^-- '» fi^-^ J-«»"" iiuP'isonment deceased leaves 103 descendants, in- V^^ t H «- t i "1 S*^- Vincent de Paul Penitentiary. > eluding eight children. 41 grand- i^. !f-^; ' T.^^ It*' '"'• *^f^ " This .ent^ace followed a lengthy i ehlldren. 53 great-grandchildren !^Sl 'k?',f * 7"''- k'° 'itS!: argument of the opposing couusel *^-^*^,*^i-1''*(r'>l**''\*^'^' »"J « hilf-hour addre.3 of the *!.*: L- ^ft -^*°K * ±*'":- '' prisoner, who gave reasons why he 824 to 820 ; Ontario bran 8-3 o ; ^^^,j ^^ coademxied. 824: Ontario sh-jrts. 824.50 to 825 ;! Ontario middlings. 825 to 825.50;! ♦ pure graiu mouillie, 833 to .!t35 : | W0.«00 FIRE IN LONDON. mixed mouillie, 82S to 830. Cheese â- â€"westerns 12»-s to 12% c. Butterâ€" \ C ro<-kerT Warehouse Was Badly j 22 to 22 '^e. Eggsâ€" 19 to lS;.jC per â- - . dozen. j - jsays: Damage of nearly 840.000 was "^ Home, will be prosecuted for at- ! done by a Sre which broke out early tempted suicide. She made her third Ion Friday morning in the crockery^ attempt on Thursday morning by Buffalo, June 1-â€" Wheatâ€" Spring warehouse of W. J. Reid ai:d Co., climbing the fence of the institu- wheat. steady: No. I Northern, I en Clarence Street. The fire burned tion, which borders on the Ottawa carloads, store. $1.35'^; Winter, ' fyr two hours, but was preve;;ted ' River, and throwing herself into nominal. Corn â€" No^ 4 yellow, 79c ; from spreading to thickly congest- \ the river. Fortunately two mea No. 3 corn, 78/ic to 79c; No. 4 corn, \^ buildings surrounding it. The i were passing iu a rowboat and suc- 77?^c. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white. 64c to : insurance amounts to 829,000. 1 cecded in rescuing her. 64>';e : No. 3 white. 03 to OS^^c ; No. ' , ' ~ 4 white, 62>ic. Barleyâ€" Feed to malting, 80c to 83c. Rye â€" No. 2, on track, 94c. Canal freights â€" Wheat, S*'ic to New York. Chicago, Juno 1. â€" Cash wheat- No. 2 red, 81.54; No. 3 red. 81 49;! No. 2 hard, $133 to 8134; No. 3 ern'!'$i'^l'8i*3^fN'o^iNorS!S: Wdi'mer Wedthei and Plenty of Moisture 81.33 to 81.35; No' 3 Spring, ^i :!0 to 81.33. Cornâ€" No. 2. 75' .^c; No. 8. white, 78}'i to 75'-;c : No. 9 yel- low. 75>i to 76o'; No. 3. 75'-ic ; No. 3 white, 75>ic; No, 3 vellow, 75,^< to 75?'ic; No. 4. 74c. Oatsâ€" No. 8 whito. 63Vie; No. 3 white. 60c to 6Sc ; No. 4 white, 5»c to 60' .;C : stan- dard. 62'/;c. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, June 1.â€" A few i->f the ON PRAIRIE WHEAT FIELDS Force Qrowth of the Grain. ahead of two years ago. but • little later generally than in ISOd. .\t some points the wheat is three .\ despatch from Wiunii>eg says : From ail (•â- ver the vast prairie re- fion ser-evi by the Canadian Paci- __. ^ c mail! itue and its branches a j inches high. The only minor key crop lej^-'i'tcd was received on â- sounded in the optimistic report ia We<:lnesd.\y which is of the most • from the country around Bowden ; and Penhotd, on the Edmonton liue, where the work i* backward, but Wheat seed- cvery point opiiiuislic rliaract^r. ing is completed at and grain is sprouting through the ' even there the grain sown baa been beet cattle were sold at about 6< isoii. emouraged bv warm, grow- ' making good progress. Oat.s«cding per pound, but they were not. 1 ing weather and a sufliciencj of on the whule is about 75 per c^at. •h«ioa: pretty good animals sold at ">â- .•"•»;; re The season is a good deal finished, according to the report.