fORTIFIED AT FIFTY. (Dr. William's Pini Pills fifing Eealth and Strength to Woman â- at a Ciitical Time. Ifew women reach the age of fift' without enduring much suffering and. anxiety. Between the years Ot forty-live and Hi'ty health becomes r«klfe, and acute weaknesses arise w'ith- rheumatic attacks, pains in the back and sides, frequent head- aches, nervous ailments and depres- sioa'uf spirits. Tho secret of good health be- tween forty-five and fifty depends upoil the bhx)d supply. If it is kept. rich, red and pure, good health will^be the result, and women will pass this critical stage in safetv. Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills help wo- men, of mature years as no other medicine can, for they make the rich! red blood that 'means good health, and brings relief from suf- fering. Mrs. C. Donavon, New- castle, N. B., says: '-About two years ago I was greatly run down and very miserable. I did not know what was wrong with me. I was- hardly able to drag 'nyself about, had severe headaches and no ajjpetito. I felt so wretched tliat 1 hardly cared whether I lived or not.* I had often read of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done for oth«rs and I decided to try them, an<l I can now truthfully say I toupd them all they are recommend- ed to be. Under their use ni> heaitli gradually came back ; I could eat better, sleep better and felt strong- er* in every way, and before long I was enjoying as good health as ever I had dooe." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in thte blood. They actually make •n«w blood. That is why they cure such troubles as rheumatism, neu- rdlgia, indigestion, kidney troubles, hea<laches. sideaches and back- aches, and the ailments of growing girls and women of mature years, bold by all medicine dealers or by Hiail at 50 cents a box or si.x boxes tor $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Cnt. OIETIXG oy DEADLY DRUG. Arseuic Is Taken to Beautify the Cuuii>k>.\ioa. . Arsenic-eating is indulged in in England to-day to a cou.'siUerabie 'extent. There are dainty dames in . London mansions who sw allow the _ poison in profusion. So, too, do the foreign-born East Loudon arti- * ficial-lloWer makers; the object in â- • both cases being the same, uanicly, , the beautifying of the comple.vion. Very minute quantities of the â- â- drug, taken daily for long periods, â- give the skin a dazzfing purity and . delicacy of coloring obtainable in no other way. Even a coarse, blotchy face is transfigured and â- beautified by it. The girls and women in the fac- , toriesâ€" mostly aliens â€" are fully aware of these facts, and not only " make use of the poison themselves ' for that purpose, but smuggle it ," outside, ant' give or sell it to their • friends an J acquaintances. Not long since a Polish Jewess was priis.>cuted for this at a Lon- don police-court, when it transpired that she had for years been a vic- tim to the arsenic habit, her aver- age daily dose bein^ half a grain. Her system, the police surgeon ex- plained, tiad unduubt«dly become inured to the effects of the poison, since such a quantity introduced daily into the (system of an un^ immune person would very quickly be followed by serious symptoms, and probably death. Opium, in the form of laudanum, is largely used in the factory dis- tricts of England and in certain of the counties. Lauaanum is a poison, but it is also an ordinary article of commerce, r.jid there is, thwreforo, nothing to prevent a chemist from selling any quantity of it to any person giving anything like a plausible explanation of the purpose for which he requires it. Some victims of the habit will con- sume as much as three ounces daily ; yet a single drachm has been known to cause death. Ether drinking is common among- st the native.'? of Conneinarii, Ire- land ; who are also in the habit of dosing themselves with tartar emetic, probably the most loath- some of all toxic drugs. This they do under the impres.sion that it is a preventative ofâ€" some say a cure forâ€" consumption. HEALTHY LITTLE CfllLDaBH. .V moiher should i;ot expe(;t that her children will escape all the ills Ui which babyhood and childhi-od arc subject, but she can do much t< lessen their severity and make babv's battle for health easily won. Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in cVery horn© where there are lit- tle ones. They are mothers' ©ver- readv help and Baby's best friend. The action of the Tablets is gentle but thorough. They cure colic, in- digestion, constipation, diarrhoea, allay the irritation at teething time, destroy worms ai»d promote hoallhy, natural sleep. And the oiothcr has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analysct that this medicine contains no opiate or narcotic. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cent* a box fro*n the Dr. .Williams' Medicine Co. , Brockville, Oat MONARCKS* GOOD DEEDS WHEN KOG8 AND QUEENS iB£ UILICIOUS. Great Britain's Royal Family Are C'ouiinuuiiy Uuiuf; kiudly lets. Very difficult it is for Royalty to stop uowu iioui ine eiiniicuk,«j oi l^cir ui^a poc.uou. x.»e iti^aiug lauiiiy ui \.^ica.ij untai^i, uo^ou.!, nas tii'oviaeu luuny luai-uaccs wueie ui^a laxiK uas Uccu toi|joi.t>i.u. A lew aayb ago, lor example, the Priuue 01 »r aita ai'iivevj uucApecc- euiy aD ot. inaiy a tioipiuai, j: au- ujiigii/u, oi wiiicn ho i» preoiue^t, auu spoke kiuuiy to eacu pancj^t. i>ut tuc;ie was a tiny gouUemaa of tive, wno wjis playiiig witn a box ot bricKs, tuid it uapi^ened tnat no w":, ;a iha miauic ot a taiiure at a dimcuJt buiiuiug teat wnen bis iojjal Hignaess came to his assist- ance, 'i'iie merry laughter taat came from tne pair snowed tliat each was thorouguly enjoying tne pskitime. Queen Alexandra is patron of numerous cnaritable institutions, and her acts of kindness are in- numerable, and easily called to mind. In the early 'nineties, when siie was Princess of Wales, she was appealed to by an East End woman, wnose only child was dying. The simple, illiterate letter roused all the motherly sympathies of the august lady, and she set to work to get the child the best medical attention, and ITS LIFE WAS SAVED. How practical the Queen is was shown a few years ago by an inci- dent that occurrtd whiht she was being conducted o^-er a huge block of bats, intended to kil* tne slum tenement svstem. The rooms were bright, 'cheerful, and cheap; but the Queen had not been in the I building many minutes before she ' pointed out to the officials that there was uot sufficient cupboard and shelf accommodation. The de- fects were remedied. When Kiug Edward was Prince of Wales he could walk about Lon- don without being inconvenienced by gaping crowds. One afternoon, near Pall Mall, his Royal Highness went over to a uesitating blind man, and gently conducted him across the street. Someone, whose name is unknown to this day, saw the kindly act, and recognized the august guide. ^Je.xt day a silver cigar-box arrived at Marlborough House, bearing an inscription re- cording the Prince's deed, and signed "One Who Saw It." It re- mains one of the most treasured of his Majesty's possessions. The Queen has had many amusing experiences in the course of her visits of mercy to children's hospi- tals. The mites lose all their awe at the sight of her Majesty's re- assuring smile, and they follow up their shvuess with demonstrations of affection that have become alarm- ing before now In. the children's ward of a famous London hospital one of the patients set the example of HUGGING THE QUEEN, which was enthusiastically adopted by the rest of lue ward. Labt year the Queen announced that she would be responsible for the upbringing of a little girl in one of the schools on the Royal estates who had lost both her parents. The girl's future is thus assured, and she has already started on a train- ing that will fit her for her future life. Queen Alexandra once compli- mented an old Scottish woman upon her skill in darning socks. "Eh, I ken sec, ma lady, that ye knaw haw to mend yer husband's socks yersel'," said the dame, with a smile; "an' it's we marrit wim- meu who know these things!'' Her Majesty smilingly left th« housewife fully convinced that the Queen of England darned her hus- band's socks ! The Tsar of Russia is a man who would rather pass the time with his children than rule an empire. On one occasion a diplomat found the Tsar on his hands and knees carry- ing two of his children round the room on his back. Nicholas laugh- ingly invited him to join, but the starchy uniform of the official pre- vented his doing so. Then there was the daily pro- menade in Kensington Park of the infant heir to the Spanish throne. One day the Queen of Spain was seen talking to another fond mother, who happened to be taking her baby out for an airing ; and in the scene, recorded for us by the camera, one got a practical illus- tration of the saying that "love levels all." â€" London Answers. GOOD BUTTER IN DENMARK. Butter In Danisb Kin,rdoin Said to be Betit iu World. The wealthy women who have ^one in for dairy farms should take notice of the fact that the but- ter of Denmark is considered super ior to any other iu the world, and consequently cast about to find Danish dairy maids. The butter packed in Denmark sells for $1 a pound, and is shipped in two and three-pound tins to such warm re- gions as South America, South Africa, Egypt, India and the Ea:;t and West Indies, standing the cli- matic changes perfectly. It is said that no preservatives are used, and that the remarkable properties aro due solely to the care taken in the ; scientific sterilizing of the milk and : cream. It is also maintained that I there is no secret process, but, | nevertheless, says the New York i Tribune, American dairymen who journey to the most famous Danish I dairies, and even travellers on j pleasure bent, are all refused ad- miision to the butter-packing es- 1 tablishments. The Danish packers ! import from America 1,000,000 pounds of butter annually, which they re-pack and ship to the ports ; mentioned, tJie same butter not standing these trips when sent di- rectly from this country. . â€" •- A traveller passing through the Broad Top Mountain district in northern Bedford County, Pennsy- lvania, last summer, came across a lad of sixteen cultivating a patch of miserble potatoes. He remark- ed upon their 'unpromising appear- ance and expressed pity for anyone that had to dig a living out of such soil. "I don't need no pity," said the boy. resentfully. "The traveller hastened to soothe his wounded pride But in the olfendetl tone of one who has been misjudgel the boy added: "I ain't as poor as you think I'm only workin' here. I don't own thii place." YOUNGEST GREAT-GRANDMA. Mme. Edna Bertonelle, a seam- stress in the Quartier Montmartre, Paris, is held to be the youngest great-grandmother in the world, bhe was married at the age of four- teen, and her first child, a girl, married at the same early age. When Edna was thirty-one she was a grandmother. Her grandson married at seventeen a young wo- man a few days his junior. On her forty-eighth birthday Mme. Berton- elle was a great-grandmother. "LAKE OF BAYS" COUNTRY. A handsome brochure, artistical- ly illustrated, has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway Svstem, tell- ing of the beauties of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this district is the new hotelâ€" the Wawa â€" at Norway Point. The hotel it- self has a page illustration reflect- ing the summer glories of wood- laud and water, with a brood of seven wild geese soaring skyward beyond the tow-er. The concise description embodies the story of a charming resort. A copy can be obtained free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. "PONY UP." If you owe the corner grocer, Pay him now ! Do not ask for creditâ€" no, sir. Pay him now ! If you owe the landlord rent, Or the butclMjr a red cent. Don't wait longer â€" be a gent, Pay him now ! A Medical Need Supplied. â€" When a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain ingredients (if it pass unaltered through the stomach to find action in the bowels, then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effectiveness. Parnieleo's Vegetable Pills are of this character and are the best of all pills. During the years that they have been in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. "I wish you would give me that gold ring on your finegr," said a village dandy to a country girl, "for it resembles the duration of my love for you â€" it has no end- ing." "Excuse me, sir; I choose to keep'it as emblematic of my love for you â€" it has no beginning." R«4, Weak, Weary, Watery Ey«« Relieved by Murine Kyo Remedy. Com- pounded by ExperienL-ed Physicians. Mu. rliio Doesn't Sninrt: Soothes Eye Pain. Write Murine Eyo Hemody Co.. ChlcaKO. tor Illustrated Eye Book. At Drugslsts. ANIMALS At-POIiVT SENTINELS. It is well known that many ani- mals appoint one or move of their number to act as sentinels to guard against surprise while the rest are asleep, or feeding, or at play. Among the animals â€" using the word in its widest sense â€" that are thus prudent may be named the follow- ing : Wasps, ants, chamois and other antelopes, prairie-dogs, wild horses, rooks, swans, .-Vustraliaii cockatoos, zebras, quails, certain monkeys, flamingoes, New Zealand silver-eyes, shags and other birds, marmots, mouflon and other sheep, esals, .African wild cattle', huan- coes, elephants, etc. "DODDS V; i K I D N E Y ^ ISHUi: NO. ARE A FRIEND TO THE FISHERMEN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MR. C. WILUAMS' BHEUMATISH. He Took the Terrible Disease in Time and a Single Box Made Him a Well Mau. South Ingouish, Cape Breton, June 7. â€" (Special). â€" now easily and quickly Uodd's Kidney fins banisu llheumatism and otner syuip- toms of Kidney Disease is well known in the case of Michael C. Williams, a fisherman living in this place. "My kidney disease started from a strain," jur. Williams says, "and 1 suliered from it for about three months. I had backache, stiffness in the joints and Rheumatism. When I got up in the morning 1 had a bad tat >e in my mouth ; I perspir- ed freely with the least exertion, and I was always tired and nerv- ous. "One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me and I believe they will cure others who are suffering from Kidney Disease." If you have any two of the symp- toms mentioned by Mr. Williams you may be sure of two things. One ii» that your kidneys are sick, and the other that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure you. Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved in thousands of cases all over Can- ada that they never fail to cure Kidney Disease of any kind or stage. FAME AT L^ST. "I suppose the Jimsons must feel terribly about their son being ar- rer^ted for st-ealing?" "Not at all. On the contrary, they are very much elated. All the papers spoke of them as the highly respected family." Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals it as a worm medicine ; the name Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroyer of the ago. myst-ll. I want to relieve your bur- dens. >V.'iy not end tlte pain and stop tha ' doctor's bill? I can do ttiia for you and I EXCLUSIVE. "Where do the Hottentots live, Mary!" a public-school teacher asked one of her pupils. "I don't know, 'm," said Mary, primly. "Ma won't let me visit an-- of the people in this neighbor- hood." A Woman's Sympathy Ar« you dlscourccadT Is your doctor's bill a heavy tlnuncial load? Is your pain a heavy piiysiual burdeu? I knovr what these mean to delicate women â€" I hava been dlscouraeed, too; but learned how to euro niysoll. I want to rel' â€" " â€" pal ti â- Will If you will assist rae. All you need do Is t» writs for a fr«« box OI the remedy which has been pinced In my hands to be nlven away. Pprliaps this one box will euro you â€" It nas done so for others. It so, I shall be hnppy and you will bo cured for 2c (tha cost of a postage stamp). Tour letters held confl- dentially. Write to-day for my fn>e trent- maat. lika. F. B CUB&aH, Winder. OaL Wife : ' 'What do you think ? The cat has eaten every bit of the meat that I have just cooked!" Hus- band : "The poor thing ! But never mind ; I will get you another cat !" Trial Proves its Excellence.â€" The best testimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the treatment of bodily pains, coughs, colds and affections of the respiratory organs, is a trial of it. If not found the sovereign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may be rejectetl as useless, and all that has been said in its praise de- nounced as untruthful. The Lawyer's Wife : "What does the paper say about this season's suits?' The Lawyer (absently): "Large cheques will be the correct thing in law suits this season." IMITATIONS ABOUNO, but inRist upon Rettinx the Bt<nuinc, "The D. A li." Keuthol Plaetcr, which has stood the test of years. It cures; imitations don't. "The D. A ti." is made by Davis & Lawrence Co. SOUND REASONING -Vn old sea captain was visiting a certain exhibition, and was great- ly interested in the mechanical sec- tion, where a fine array of steam whistles was on show. "How far can that one be heard!" he asked, pointing to a huge "buzzer." 'rho young man in attendance was only a deputy, but he promptly re- plied, "Sixteen miles." "Sixteen miles?" said the old salt incredulously. "When I say sixteen miles," elaborated the youth, "I mean eight miles this way and eight miles that way." 09 OWED HIM A GRUDGE. Tommy had been punished. "Mamma," he sobbed, "did your mamma, whip you when you were little?" "Yes, when I was naughty." ".Vnd ilid her mother whip Iter when she was liti|e ?" "Yes, Tommy." ".Vnd was she whipped when she was little?" "Yes." "Well," inquired the child, his brain cleared by the position he had just occupied, "who started it, anywaji •" WHAT BIRDS ABE WORTHT Superior to the Best Spraying Ma- chine Ever Invented. An English farmer with a taste for statistics has made a calcula- tion of the value of the forest bird to the farmer ana gardener. He computes that on the average each bird nest contains about five fledglings, and that during the per- iod of four to 8i.x weeks, when the young birds are fed by their par- ents, each nestling consumes about fifty worms. Hies, or other insects every day. Now, suppose that the consumption lasts a month. During that time one 'irood will eat about 7,500 insects. Suppose that each insect de- stroys during its naural life only one apple, pear, peach, or plum, t^e farmers will save 7,500 individ- ual fruits by labors of one pair of parent birds. This estimate he considers very moderate, for there are some insects, each one of which does a great deal more damage than he estimates. One small fly, for example, causes the florists great loss every year by piercing the young buds of the chrysanthemum, and thus causing the flowers to come deformed and worthless. One of these flies has been known to bore into sixty chrysanthemum buds in a single day, and thus caus,-? the florist a loss of 825 to $30. By protecting the bird nests and eggs the ravages of insects would not indeed be stop- ped, but they might be lessened in such a degree as would greatly increase the income of the farmer and gardener, for. as insect de- stroyers, a robin is superior to the best spraying machine ever in- vented, and what ia more to the purpose, they work without pay. be- gin before the sun is up, and keep on until dark. Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from cue pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. NIGHT rt'EAR. Customs Officer (after searching trunk) â€" "I thought you said you had only wearing apparel .' What are these?" (pointing to some bot- tles of brandy). Tourist â€" "Oh, they're my night- caps." THE ** BURLINGTON ROUTE " will inaugurate, W-aj 23rd. two throui;!) train*. Chiosfio tu Seattle. Wa.-ib., Tia St. l*aul, d.%ily- Low rate* t*^ ail North aitd .South Faoitlo Cua-fk puinU-t A f.trty pa;;e f older descriptive of tlie Alailca- V ukon Kxpu$itlon fr«o (or tlto asking. F<ir inronnatioo in lo.i^anl Ui rato4 .vid train ser- vice write ur oall on J. JL. YOBICK, M Kini; St. Bast, Toronto, Oat. Hostess: "It's beginning to rain ; you'll get wet; I think youd better stay to dinner." Departing Guest: "Oh, dear, no. It's not raining so badly as all that!" The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the effect in weak stomachs of setting up inflammation, resulting iu dy- sentery and cholera morbus. The abnormal condition will continue if not attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system. The best available medicine is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. • clears the stoiuacli and bowels of irritants, counteracts tho iuflamma- tion and restores the organs to healthy action. NEVER WOULD BE MISSED. A commercial traveller was bragging about the magnitude of the firm he represented. "I suppose your house is a pretty big establishment '" said the cus- tomer. "Big? You can't have any idea of its dimensions. Last week we took an inventory of the employees, and found out for the first time that three cashiers and four book- keepers were missing. That will give you some idea of the magni- tude of our business." "Mother, when did you first get to know papa?" "Several years after I married hiiu. Whv?"' irnBuli Peak's Hairv Has never failed to stop Filllnj Ha.. U»ely kills tlia Baudrulf Oerm. Try ii 5,j^ ounTlncatl fur .vourie (. "^ VOUR MOMCV RBFUMOKO ir IT FAIK Write for DeicriptWe Pamphlet Ttit PMfc MfK Co , 11* Vtot crta St. Torcnto. Ont •wea^Tat^Pu AGENTS KS.Sr ^^^ Maie «3>Da]rand ertab. iltb p. rmanct.t L<u«iB*,g oa oar cap.iai. Our Lkh cltia Koo â- sell oo si^bt ln,.Terr home, are quiekl;^ u ed up asd rt>« to. dera atmtlAU ExGiiuire iai» rilory iitn. Taz H 'HC SuPFLr Co., Otpi. M, Ton ato. Oak WRITE '«»' CATALOGUE ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Late treaiurer P.-sibrOrian Church Iu Canada) OONDS AND STOCKS Cobalt itocki boufht and sold on oamraluion. IS TORO.T} STREET. TOWHTO. CANABi Loiu Oiataaro I'd jues â€" Main 2370, .Main S871, FOR SALE. A noraher of ret dark red 8h.>rtliom Bulli. U to \i iDontlu, bjr imp. sire, somft oaiof irap. Uajaa at ri(lit pricas. Also seed l>ea^ JOH.N .VlcyAitLA-VK. D ttttuir. On*. GBOCERies, Harness. Bucgiai, Proprietor} .Medlciiiai, (includiiii; The Dr. Kram Preaerlp tiuiia,) aiKl .Vibcoll.ine>.uB Supplies, at prices to saT» jou large niiirgia of prorit. Absolute tutti*. factiou guantnt«aJ. ^^tate ^^ocmU v.m w:int pricei oa TaK Cl-K.MK.NT BltOW.N TBAUl.N'U CW- oa TOllO.NTO, O.NT. WANTED. PANTKY WO.MAN, liberal wage*, and glHt for dinin^'Mom w.irfc. wage^ $>.s.i>j pw muutii. Apply " Iha Welland." St. CatliAriaej. T17 ANTED.â€" Ladies to do plaii and light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay : work sent any distance, charges prepaid] send stamp for full particulars. Na- tional Manufacturing Company, Montreal. THE GENIUS. An all-round genius is a fellow who does everything e.xceptionally well except making a living. Pills for Nervous Troubles. â€" The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous system, and when tho stomach suspends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of tha nerves. If allowed to persist, nervous debility, a dangerous ail- ment, may ensue. The first consid- eration is to restore the stomach to proper action, and there is no read- ier remedy for this than Parmo- lee's Vegetable Pills. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pilb in curing nervous disorders. "Why, Tommy, how you do grow !" "Yes, auntie, I think they water me too much. Why, I'm bathed night and mornijg." A SPRAINED ANKLE is not an uncom- mon artndont, Painkiller relieves and curps almoBl as it by mogii;. The jtreatest household reun'ily. Avoid eiibstitutca, tJliiro is but uu« Painkiller. Pexry Uavin', 25o. aud Mo. The ships of the world are insured for a total of 950 millions of puunds. Stockwell, Henderson & Co. E»l(*i>li&iifii ^ Years. I>iiuitad 78 King St. We«t, Toronto. DYERS AND CLEANERS ^OOIRN MAOMINERY HANOtOMC BUiLOINQa WIT HOUSB IN O.^NAOA |>yr«m paid On* Way on Coed* frem a lUataiUf Brd$$ Band ThU ia th* Tima to Organi** lnttTttm«nt; Drums, Band Muaie, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ovar quoted. 1* Ine catalogue, OTor fiOO lllualraUoDK, mailed free. Write ui (or anythlnK In Muaic vr Musical Inelrumen-e. WHALEY. ROYCC & CO.. Uimit«4 T»iunt«,Uuk, and Wlaaipeg. Uaa. PERTECT CORN SALVE Sure CuKE.IlAiLEb 25* ^ CHBauld 3Je ^llJ-Jfo^o^k CLEANING ^ LADIES' . . a *^ WALKiai on OUTINa _ auiTs Ow ke dena parracilr ky oar rnMk rroma. Try « BWruH »i>«mo«ii Dviiwo oo . IMIIT«SAi» TOKOMTU, OTTAWA 4 ttUKBM CL.4SS ISSIJRAJICE AGElJTS^WAJITEi Natiunal l*roTltit.ial rli\te Qlns^ InsuranoA Coni Enny, Lltulted. He&U Offic«, T.onduii. SafcUkiid stAhliftUed 16M. la^tital. Fifty Thou.mnd r<jUQdt ; lUrling. VoT A^encioa at uar«i)r«s«ulO(l poiafe^ I FroTince of Ontario, addt-«M I J. U. liWAltr, Chief Agent, I No. IS WoIIinjrton !^tr«ot Kaat, Toroula. I Send (or bunkEet "tilana In*uranoe." fa the best* remedy â- ! BARREN GZOWSKI & Ca Known for â€" heat* rashes sui\bum eczema sore feet., stings and hfisters. A skin food ! AU DnffUt* and Storn.iOi. j Monbam Tgronto Slook Bxchtnge. I rtailers Bank Uulldini, U Broad Street I TOBONTO. NBWYOKK STOCKS AND BONDS Wa are Bio» „ COBALT stocks. WtlUal (otIa'oiaaMalk WHY DO So many !"«Wution» devoted to the higKet Edu- cation ttiect BeH piano* > llie (act that they uw awl pre(«r tlie Bell u evidence of (fiitinct meik I One follewi proieaaioiuj advice io acquinns am c<iuoadg% wh* not Mtow ptoisaiioetl axtotn ia ktiyiag Bell pianoa > 'rh« only piama with the Itlinutable Q^ick Repcaliai 'Adw*. ^^V wan wm iiiunnauio v.4|iia ^^^^^' .^^ta Bead fot (Itm) CaUloguo No. 76. tiM OeiX PIANO «Or^i« Cft^ \3m»mA QUftLPHaOHTAI^N^