Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1909, p. 3

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A GRATEFUL MOTHER ' fella of tli9 Remaikable Cupj Dp. • William!' P»nk Pills Wroi?lil; in Har Casaâ€" Had Ualar- gOQ) Four Operatioas Without Help. When womsn approach that cri- â-  tical period in their lives known as •the turn of life, they do so with a , feeling of apprehension and uncer- .tainty for in the manner in whicii •they pass that crisis determines •th© health of their after life. Bur- ning this most important time in the life of a woman, her whole aim should be to build up and Etrength- .rn her system to meet the unusual demands upon it. Devotion to fam- •ilv should not lead to neglect of .â- elf. The hard work and worries ,of household cares should be avoid- '•d as far as possible. But whether â- â€¢iie is able to do this or not, no .woman should fail to take the tonic treatment offered by Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills, which will build up her 'blood and fortify her whole sys- •tem, enabling her to pass this cri- tical period with safety. We give .the following strong proof of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are con- 'atantly doing for suffering women. ' Mrs. Maragaret Wood, Bouth- 'fifld, N.B., says:â€" "Some years • ago I became a victim to the trou- , Wes that afflict so many of my sex, ^ in the very worst form. The doctor • in charge neither through medicine ' nor local treatment gave me any • help, and he decided that I must • nndergo an operation if I was to . have any relief. During the next , two years I underwent four suc- •«ssive operations. During this time I had the attention of some «i the best physicians. From each operation I received some benefit, but only of short duration, and then I drifted back into the same wretched condition as before. Dur- ing all this time I was taking medi- cine to build up my system, but with no avail. I was reduced to a mere skeleton; my nerves were ut- terly broken down. My blood was of a light yellowish color, and I was to far gone that 1 took spells in which my lips, fingers and tongue would seem paralyzed. I cannot hegin to expreea *hat I suffered and went through in those two years. I was completely discourag- ed and thought 1 could not live long. Then on the urgent advice of friends I began to take Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and after some weeks perceived a change for the hetter. I continued to take the Pills for several months gradually growing stronger and suffering toss, and in the end found myself once more a well woman and en- joying (he blessing of such good health as I had not known for years. I now always keep these Pills in the house and after a hai-d tiay's work take them for a few days and they always seem to put new life and energy in my body. 1 sincerely hope my experience mav he of profit to some other suffering women." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are s'ld by all dealers in medicines or will he sent by mail at 50 cents a oox or six boxes for «2.a0 by addresv iag The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. DUKE BECOMES A MONK COUSIN OF CZAR E>'T£RS A UONASTERr. The Girl He Loved Becomes the Wife of a Tillage Sobool- masver. Unrequitted love for a girl of matchless beauty is given as a rea- son for the decision of Grand Duke Dementrius Constantinovitch, a coosin of the Czar, to eater a mon- astery. The Grand Duke's plan be- came known a few days ago and oocanioned great surprise. In going to the cloister of the Monks of St. Basil, on the out- skirts of Moscow, he follows the ex- ample of his august relative, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who has entered a convent. DAUGHTER OF XDVERSEER. The girl with whom he tell in love is the daughter of an overseer of one of his estates. She rejected his overtures. A few months ago she married a village schoolmaster, and this, it is said, broke the Grand Duke's heart. He straightway de- termined to renounce the cruel world. The Grand Duke's intimates re- fuse to accept ' this version, how- ever," and assert that the real rea- son for his determiantion to enter the -cloister of monks is far remov- ed from disappointment in love. They say his change of heart was brought about by despair over the state of his country. TOWARD REVOLUTION. It is his fixed idea, they aver, that Russia is slowly but surely steering toward a revolution that will shake its foundations and dis- rupt the empire. 'rhe Grand Duke used to be a colonel in the Sixteenth Regiment of Grenadiers, but it was an open secret that he cared nothing for the army. From one year's end to the other he never aaw his regi- ment. In his youth he was a patron cf the race course and a passion- ate admirer of blooded horses. He also made an unsuccessful attempt in the reign of the late Czar to in- troduce the prize ring and import- ed two famous English boxers to illustrate the manly art of self-de- fence. But the present Dowager Empress set her foot down and would have none of it. After this the Grand Duke seemed to take lit- tle interest in life. WENT ON PILGRIMAGE. About a year ago he surprised every one by setting out on a pil- grimage to the Russian holy city vi Kieff, where he visited the cata- combs and stayed on his knees an hour before the high altar of the great Lavra. When he returned to St. Petersburg he ordered a new al- tar for a Russian church in Jeru- salem and sent the Russian Consul at that place |5,000 to be spent in entertaining Russian pilgrims vis- iting the Holy S«'pulchre. From that time he has been attentive to religious obligations. "My life has been empty," he said recently to a confidant. "I want to prepare to meet my Maker. I dan't be useful to u<.auki;:d. I'm going to hide myself away." EVEBY WOMAN WHO SUFFERS CAN PINO .SURE REfJEF DODD'S KIOKEY PILLS. IN Mrs. J. Oliver Tells How She I^ost Her Pains and Weakness W'leii She Used the Old Reliable KiU:. y Remedy. Elgin, Ont., May 3 (Special).â€" Women who suffer, and there are thousands of them in Canada, wiU bear with interest the experience of | Mrs. J. Oliver of this place. 8ne has suffered and found a cure and she has no hesitation in saying that cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I suffered for over a year from Backache and Fainting Spells," Mrs. Oliver states. "I was tired and nervous all the time and the least exertion would make me per- spire freely. My feet and ankles would swell and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. I saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised and bought some. Twelve boxes cured me." All women who suffer should use Dodd's Kidney Pills. They make healthy Kidneys and healthy Kid- neys are the first rule of health for woman. The female organs de- pend almost entiiely on the Kid- neys for their health. No woman can hope to be healthy and happy unless her Kidneys are right. The Kidneys need occasional help or they must become tired or sick. And almost any woman can tell von out of her own experience that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the help they need. SMALLEST BIRD. The golden-crested wren is the smallest, not only of British, but of ail European birds. Its average weight is only about eignt grains troy, so it would take seventy-two of the birds to weigh a pound. The length of the feathers is about 3 1-2 inches, and the stretch of the wings about 6 inches, but when the feathers are taken off the length of the body does not exceed 1 in. * A Woman's Sympathy Are you dlscourairedT I» your doctor** bUl a heavy nn; loa<l7 la your pals B, beavv physical burden? I know wbat those mean to delicate womenâ€" I h»v« been dUcour«ee<l. •oo: b"' Imrned how to cure myoclf. I wajit to rtUtn-a your bur- dena why not end t)i« pain Rad stop tts« docUr's bill 7 I «an do thia for yau mod WUJ If you "f"' asstat me. AU you need do Is to writs for a fire* box 01 the remedy which has been placed tn my hands to be Riven away Peihapa thla one box win cure too â€" It has done io tor ethers. U ao, I shall be buppy and you win be cured (or 2c (tlia cost of a Dostaaa atamo). Tonr letters held confl- dentlolly. WrtU te-d«y for mv free treat- l&UL F. B COnWAH. WtadMT. Oat. BOVR IS LIQUID LIFE. BOVRIL is pure cor.c.-ntrated Beef and to ensure supplies of prims Peef lor our needs we have just recently acquired 438,08a acres of the finest grazinif land in the world, in the Argentine Republic, and 9,000,000 acres in Nonh West Australia. Over 200,000 head ot horned cattle are on these estates at present, ftnd this number will be much increased. We are therefore in a better position ttmnevertoguarantee the purity and hiyh character of BOVRIL. BOVRIL LTD.. 27 St- Peter St., Montreal. NOT HIS. Yeast â€" "I think I came up in the train with your wife yesterday." Crimsonbeak â€" "Did you notice her teeth 1" "No. she didn't open her mouth once.' "Oh, well, it wacn't my wife, then." R«p«at It:â€" "Sbiloh's Cnre w 111 alwayw eur« Diy oougha Kid t.oids." A MARVELLOUS MACHINE. A counting machine that is re- ported to be an improvement over anything of the kind yet produced, the invention of a Swedish engineer, was recently applied to the count- ing house of the Bank of England for e.xpcrimental purposes, and its performance was highly successfiil in point of rapidity. The machine is •perated by electricity, and is cap- able of counting up and sorting money into paper bags or tubes at the phenomenal rate of 72,000 coins an hour. * NOW. And just about now wifie an- nounces that she can't keep house this summer unless she gets: A new r\ig for the parlor ; New curtains for front and back bedrooms ; A new siofa ; A new ice bo.'c ; And a few new records for the phonograph. Oh, It's a gay life. t'5E BABVS OWN TABLETS ONLY Mrs. \Vm. Bell, Falkland. B.C., says:â€" "I have five lit- tle ones ranging from one to eleven years of- age. and when any of them aro ailing I al- ways give them Baby's Own Tablets, which always brings prompt relief. I do not think there is, anything you can keep in the home as good as "Baby's Own Tablets." Thou- sands of ether mothers speak just as warmly of this medicine, which never fails to cure all stomach, bowel and teething troubles. Guaran- teed by a government ana- lyst to be perfectly safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 30 cents a box from The Dr. "Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. KcpMt It:-* shUob'B CUM will alway* ours my ooushs and cold& Women should remember that men can't be convinced by scolding. "By Medicine Life May be Pro- longed."â€" So wrote Shakespeare nearly three hundred years ago. It is so to-day. Medicine will prolong life, but be sure of the qualities of the medicine. Life is prolonged by keeping the bouy free from dis- ease. Dr. Thomae' Eclectric Oil used internally will cure coughs and colds, eradicate asthma, over- come croup aad give strength to the respiratory organs. Give it a trial. By trying to teach others you will learn a few things yourself. Repeat tt.- "ShOoh'B Cur« wUl alwaja cure my coughs and coida. CROSS-EXAMIMMCJ A KING. On one occasion, when the King and Queen of Italy were ont motor- ing, they passed beyond the frontier and, on reaching the boundary again, were accented by an extra smart Ci'.stoms officer. "Where do you come from?" he ,T.sked. "Modane,'' was the reply. "Where is the number of your car'?" "There is uone." "A-ha! j.-\nd yet you enter Italy! Now, i then, what's your name?" "Vic- jtor," said his Majesty smiling. I ".\nd your other name?" "Ema- nnel." "Your profession?" I 'Well." replied the Royal motor- ist, " I have hitherto enjoyed the reputation of being the only Victor Emanuel in my kingdom." The great are those who can bear discipline. Most of the burdens for which we blame heaven are simply our own needless baggage. A man would rather be held up by strangers than thrown down by his friends. NOT WHAT HE MEANT TO ASK. A young man went on one occa- sion to call at a country farmhouse to make inquiries after his sweet- heart, who had chargo of the dairy. Her master opened the door, and the lover asked him timidly: "How is the milkmaid?" "How is the milk made?" the farmer angrily asked, as ho siammed tho door in the stranger's face. "Our milk isn't made; it's got from the cow." Why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of HoUoway's Corn Cure will reiaove them ? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. Poverty prevents a lot of people from getting the gout. Oass VoHr Baok Ash* T Doo't eiperimeBt with iButatiana but («t U>« j«iiuiu«. the "UAL" )ii«ulh<.< Plater. It sure*. I>a»l» * Uwrsnoe. Co., inaliarii. No, Cordelia, a man doesn't decessarily bait his breath for the purpose of catching it. lUpsat It: -"StiUoh'a Otir* wUI ktwar* tur« my ooutfliaaBd eoMa." The average female likes to pos« as the reformer of some man. "Perfectly Trubtworthy" is the character of Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup. It can bo used with the utmost confidence that it will do what is claimed for it. It is sure in its effects, as the use of it will clearly demonstrate, and can be relied upon to drive a cold out of the system more effectively than any other medicine. Try it and be convinced that it ie what it is claimed to be. Free speech is all right if you don't get too free with it. Perry B«vls' talnkUlsr. Ift elTwts are almost !n»twit»'i«'>i". i:»r«" "»'". burni and broHea ;iLli»a li.teJiAlly tures cramp', dUiiliiea ami Irveiitsry. A»uld lulntUules. Thai* is PM one â- Valuklller "-l-errj Dati»-«»o. aud Wo. SELFISH. "Would you advise a young wo- man to get married?" "By all means, I should advise every young woman to marry, ex- cepting, of course, our hired girl, I want to keep her." IK 1 N EY ISSIE NO. I*- 03. MARVELS OF SURGERY. Dr. Alexia Carrel, of the Rocke- feller Institute, in an address to the American t-hilosophio Society, draws attention to some of the marvels of modern surgery. Among the cases cited was that of a man whose injured knee-point had been snccessfully replaced by a sound one taken from a dead body. An- other was that of a cat wncse kid- neys bad been replaced by those of another. A fox-terrier, again, hav- ing lost a leg, this was replaced by one taken front a dead companion. The dog was able to run about as usual. And Dr. Carrel finds that the parts of the dead organism can be kept for an indefinite time, and still be successfully substituted fer those of the living. They must be put in refrigerators and kept in hermetically sealed tubes a little above freezing. + ZAM-BUK CURED HER BABY. Mothers will find the following statement of more than passing in- terest, showing, as it does, how Z&m-Buk ends the skin-disease of children, even when ordinary re- medies have completely failed. Mrs. C. W. Eowerbank, of » â€" Denison Avenue, Toronto, says : â€" "Not long ago my baby's face broke out in an eruption. The spots woul<l crack and be very irritating and sore. At other times they itched fearfully, and caused the child to scratch and rub, thus mak- ing the sores very inflamed and oainful. I tried all sorts of oint- ments aud salves, but they some- bow did net seem able to remove the trouble. Zam-Buk proved very different, and a few applications gave the child relief. The sores are now healed completely. "Since that time my little daugh- ter has had occasion to use Zam- Buk for skin trouble. She broke out in blott'hcs on her hands aud arms, and in her case also Zam- Buk effected a cure. It is a sure cure for pimples and eroptions, ecze^ma, ring-worm, ul- cers, cuts, burns, bruises, poisoned sore-s, chronic wounds, bad leg, piles, festering sores, and all skin injuries and diseases. Druggists and stores everywhere sell at 50c. ] .^ box, or jwst fre for*prioe from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto; 3 boxes $1.25. You are warned against cheap and harmful imitations some- times represented to be "just as good." PUZZLE. Doctorâ€" No, 1 shouldn't advise you to take whiskey for the grip. Guzzlei^â€" Well, 1 don't believe I've got the grip. It must be some- thing else. Say, Doc, what dis- ease is whiskey good for ? POPULAR SHEET MUSIC AT LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION. lOf, 000 COl'IBH of papular, ilaudard iwid olasnioai a^Mt niulo miut bs Bftotiflot^t at ono« with 'Ut ciMiBid«ralion as t*^ Talue <>r oosi. 'J Ma «to^ amilM at tha ratall prio* of 15 to 9V. a copy. Oor pricai, as long ai tti* atoclc Ijtita, art piaOMl on a bviia wbiefa will miv* Uiamqulokl^. All soodaaM la psrfect condition, 'laaoatr or d*al«raiiT*r bad aa opportunity of tbi» kioil off«r*d Mf ura. b«« tb« pricesâ€" tban acl<|uiak. &U Coptaii A.attort«d Khaet Muaio (IM 100 <>>iri»» A»ort«d Hh««t Muilo jM-OO wni aend a nuncti ot naraple^ for Zi centa postpaid, ."fpacia! ptico!* quoted in luui j7 1,000 or 100 OtniM Aworfad Hta*«t Miiilo Band a nuiicti ot naraple* for Zi ceo mora. Do not dolaxâ€" <'rd«r to-day. Ht^Api aoaapial f j'r small am^'tiuba C&IIAOJi MOSIC CO., m Qosen Street West, IQHOIilQ, OKI. USED UN |, »«Aig Conservatories, Gillegea. ScKods, Theatres, and m dwuaandt ol home* where a pians of diihnctivB merit is appreciated. The BeD i* mo I only piano with the flJimitabie Repeating Actios. vtfq; JP> ^ __ _ Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75 IKTSfll, WIANO:«Or*pnCo.. LJmll«<i GUtiLPH.ONTARKyj» iSSoS morougWy Cooked Food ALL oereals should be thorough I3 cooked to get tho best results for food purposes. In our Canadian Agricultural College* they have tested the effect of cooking on the solubility of foods j Read this table : WHE.iT FLOIR ttOLLKD GATS rime Cooked. Uncooked 30 minutes 2 hours 5 hours 6 hours P. C. Solids Soluble in Water. 8.43 14.96 18.79 89.03 34.20 Time Cooked. Uncooked 20 minutes S hours 5 hours 8 hours P. C. SoHdi Bolublo in Water. 6.97 37.40 37.10 36.37 . 89.09 B«p«at lt:-"ShiIoh's Cure wlU alwaya â- ore my coustis and colda." Fortune smites on some men one day and gives them the laugh the next. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take ; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best re- sults. A wise man never calls another a fool no matter what he may think. an l»h«ita«t« ..f w«Rk lung. Is » »•''»»' "".'J'^ MP. tmt Alou â- â€¢ I.imn B»l«.-ini, ka1"i;' »» '"• ''"J •Un o( * ovMish »ill •n.uru iinmumty ''""'''''• dii...;«r«ii« defect. K.-ut tiiHe wiln oiikouwa cnra-iJlK. It takes a whole legisl.ature to change a man's name, but one min- ister can change a woman s. You will notice the gradual rise in percentage duo to long cooking. Very few homes are equipped to spend the time or fuel necesjary to properly propa;e cereals. By a sys'em of steam presfarc and heavy inaohinery vhe ORANGE MEAT peoP^* thoroughly clean nnd steam Book the" wheat, t'.ien malt and (lake each grain, after whwh it lo dried! and toasted. This produces tho largest percentage of solubil- ity; • process totally impossible in ordinary kitchen. Thio company aro giving away a cash prize of Sevon Hundred Dollars. See post-card In every package. ^ m ^\ F" 1^ ^PC TT W» Brnis Iron wHom »«• ' ^^^iCrM I \y iMer Ti'ur .iippliei lira f ivliig AAH^f&ction. ^tick t^> them, tf a 't. Iry our [ gooUe. W« HUppt); pure lea-«, ct»fts»«. Hpicet, per* lumM. toilet rai|ti(it)tee, etc. at the Iu««t prioe^i. Tbo Ucine 8pecialciea Co., Dept. A, Torontu, Out. CALVES Bra$$ Band ThU U thm Tima to OrganiMm tnmtrmmentt, Vranu, BanJ Mutie, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN RAVE A BAND Loweatorloaa «ver quoMd. > Id* c*tal4N(ue, •â-¼or em tllaatntUom, maUad tr««. \VrU«iu tor Knrtbliw In Muaic •/ Mvaivl taatniiMii' •. WBALEY, ROYCfc 4i CO.. Limitwl ToruDU!, OoU, aud Winaiiiog. Uiut. Man puffs his pipe, But woman fair Abhors the weed Aud puSs her hair. lUimat It;- "nihUoh'a Our« wlllalwajpa euro my oootfhiiand oolda. Ralie TlisiB Witho«t Milk. BtMie Brine SMd C»^«;«^"'!^ Uto. r. L ,^l>ttro. It4 3p».llna Ko»d. Toronto. arm For8a?ol.;«?„o,5 Fitrm.. in lastrvtu. Stvourl .New M.iiitlllx Ituiletln »{ Uekl BargKine. prulo'vly tlIU9ti.u<i<L lunileit free.i W#p&T 7<>HrR.R. free. â- . A, STSOUT SO., ta>a t World's I.Ms«i» r»ria DMian Bal>*u>l» JUJg., •yraoas^k.V. , When a stingy man is ij love hel is apt to loosen upâ€" but not for' long. ASmi'* t â- ns â- â- leam.ln whiob th«r* la no nplam, OQi-e.^ Kiire Uir<>:it ami iore lime^. k* it altay..) the UitUiimatlou a;ia Mx jou ui the muO'iui thai â- Supa ap Uia air paaaacea. 'JM, 6U0, ILOO buttlsa, I iytfng I Cleaning I rcr t*« verf b««tia«4 reiir wnvt io Ike ••MITMM AMIRI6AM OTIIMS M." bnft ra< aaeat la tmt ia«>. at wa4 Mteek M«*trMl.T«roato. OtUwa, Qvcka^ Samplct and Catalo;nie Fr Rex Tailoriag Co. uauttd TOKOKT^r. A rill tor Brain Workers. â€" The man who works with his brains is more liable to derangement of the digestive system than tne man who wi-'rks with bis hands, because the one calls upon his nv'rvous energy I while the other applies only his j muscular strength. Brain fag be- 1 gets irregularities of the stomach ! and liver, and the best remedy that' can be used is Parraelee's Vege- table rills. They are specially compounde<l for such cases and all those who use them can certify to their superior power. DRUCQERY. | Money may bo a drug on the ' market, but pcme of us have gut to wait a long time to get our pre- ! scriptions filled. The Beauty of a Clear Skin.â€" The condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. A dis- ordered liver causes impurities in the blood aud these show them- ! selves in blemishes on the skin. ! Parmelees Vegetable Pills in act- 1 ing upon the liver act upon thej blood and a clear, healthy skin 1 will follow intelligent use of this j standard metliciuo. I,adies, who! will fully appreciate this prime quality of tliese pills, can use them with the certainty that the effect will be most gratifying. /f^ RUGS I K^'ff y Oleanoil, WaohaJ anil Ii«palr«d \^^l^y ^f Orieutal t'roeeu. Wa ara ^*â€"^^ the onljt epeolalttte In Canada. ORIENTAL RUO CO., 01mou .ilati^lan, Prup. Tal. M-iln Sas. 1M Ulng it., W«a«, Toronto. A HAPPY MARRIAGE. "Are they happily married?" "Yes, indeed. I understand they're actually out of debt." This is a fast age, everything goes fast- especially money. I Hare T"U a lUtla kiiaololae of Karm Htook t Fife Insurance Jgents hM Richtnoti I A Dramm >n'l Khe Iniuraiica Cora. pany. Head Oflice. Kiilim-imt' Que. R tahllehsd 'STO. Capital tiAI.JUi). Fiiragsiioiaa itt imrapr*. •oiiteJ pi'intii. ITuTinve of Ontario, a<lilri<» J. U. EWAllT, Chief Agent, Na 18 Wellington St., Eait, Torontak ALEXANDER WARDEN, BONDS AND STOCKS C«b^1t itMokH bought and •oldonaammlMloB. IS TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. CANA3A Long Ulitanoe Itonaaâ€" M^u 1S7I1, Malu 2371. WARREN QZOW3KI & Ca Membaia I'aranto Btook Kxohang*. Fraders Hank Building, ti Broad Straelk The heads of some people are cnpable of generating more noise than a brass drum. i Than writo uj AT O.MOR. Ss'U »vi »»ok!y, wU- ar; or eomm'.Mlon. Nu exparlanca. !>>' part nf gha word on ^oar owu fbna or aot .\4 agaufe. H.>ni«t.hliig *»i.i:uMi]r lie* i>r«ata.itaatj manaj BUtkliig oppoitanlly yA&M »'1\>UK VBTLalNABY CO., Turonta. TORONTO. NBWYOHBt STOCKS AND BONDS Weareuo- COBALT ?*^ \'l'* '

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