Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1909, p. 8

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f T f I R F L E S H E R T ]S A D V A N C V. Apinr, 22 li);!) -C NoticetoCreditors 111 till' uinltur of Iho tstati; <if 8(iiiiilil J'l.lUr, late of the r.iwnsliip uf ArU-mvMH ill ila- t'oimtv of <5rey, Fj»i iin.'r,(Iicf».sc(l. NOTICE In Imtfbv fiiven pursuant to the re- vis.-.isti,tun<i.f uii(»ilo. \vir,. Cliaii. IJ".! tliat nil tliB cif'litftiH aii'l otluii liHviiit! vlaiina •fiaiimt tUu vftitte of tlin kail Saiinii.'l I'ediar whodied onor i.l>"nt Iho flr«i »lav of IX-cftinbiT, lOUH, ara rii|ulri'<l un or liufuro Diu 24t)i day cf Apill, liny, to mviI by pnKt pri- 6«ltl or •Ulivar lo W. H. Writilit.Oxsi Souuil. lit,, ecliciiuiii l..r the rii-i^uiort ol tlio lam '•Villaiil Tviuiii^iit of t'lu «<ii>l 'iijc«'iiiuil. tliiir rlirlstiaii aii'l ^urliaiut;^, A-ldrHUMM aii'l dt}- *criptionti, tin full particulars uf their ilaiiiiii. th<> Ht^tcintfiit of tlicir accounts and the ualure ot the apctiriUes lit aii>i liuM by iheui. AND Fl llTfir.h TAKK NOTICi; that nftfr Klali last iiicniioiicJ rlalo tlio Mill exvou* tnri* will prtrceoti t > ilit-t»'il>tUo the as»*l< o the rle^-caFfl ajioiif; thepArlies entiilu'l thuro- to havino r<*f.'ftril only tu the claiiim &f uhicli they ithall thcli have tiotlce. fin>i thdt tht* ••ai'i execatoik will not be haliN? for the i-aid a^iiotH 'ir any part thereof to anv peri^on or IHTftotiH of wljoHeclaiiii4 riutlcf* t'lial'l hot have been receivi't hv theiii at ihetituoof yvw\\ dia- trihution. Haled Mareli i! rl, .\. D. I'JiJU. ;, w. H. w.tni:^|'. o*ji siui'. on., Hoiicitor (or tba Exvonton. Scottish Pride 6G274 The yoniii! huii >cotiiKh I'rido Kill stand fo * I vice at ilr. K. W. Nicholhoa'f, lot 17, cop. 5 .'.rtoiiK'iiiB. Scotli!.h jiride U riroJ bv KcottisU l*iluce. a Kiaudsun i t the wonderful s-how eow. tjeui of llullachiu. Imp . ni/iiierof eitjht prize! at Toronto aij.1 Luudoii, bcrliled beintj chainp- iua female. Khe wrl;;Ua over lUJU pnniuis, Ooe of thl< cows cuhea »?ld tor ?1775.0O. Kcottivli priflo in out of Lady Delia by the Toronto flrtt prize wuncrr. Captain May Kly, iinp'XC8. Tl.l» youuR hull has piove hiiii- iHtit a rhowbnll having Kaineil an eiicoiiraiiini:: record thia fall at Kuvemhttui. Hu win nrit Erir.eaabott bn'! calf, aiko diploma for best i nil any rite. Thoisa havinii pure or«d cows ahould tue tht!< Rraml bull before breullns as they cannot do better tnan u>e him. A liniit4')i number of fiades -iill bo takuuul *l,ii;For pure bredii. ««.U0 i ho, \^ough of\ Consumption Your doctor wall tcli you that fresh air and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick- ling, quiets the cough. A Wo pubUah our forffiulaa W« b.-vnlah alouhol I ^ f^om our mediotnoa ^l^^y Wo urge you to | CS g a V consult your *" "-^ doctor One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause an increased flow of bile, and produce • l>entle laxative effect the day rollowing. Formula on cacti box. Sbow it to your doctor. He will understand at a glaoce. Dose, one pill at bedtime. by til* J. 0. Ayw Co., Lowall, : YOtJ C.\X ENTER ANY-TIME IN C'lnaiU'it L(.-:idin.i School of Cuisiiisi niid Slionhand • itiiout dis-idvanfage to yourstlf hy nur Spcciiil PiT.soiial Help System Write for particulars. C. A. FLEMMI.Vti, PniXdP.VI.. OwoliSouhl ♦ O.ntaru) CENTRE GREY DOMINION ALLIANCE i''roin tlio staii(l|ii;iiit of iiU-uiuIhuco, t'iilliUNi.i.siii mill hopefulnuA's, tliu conven- tion OH Tluirsilay g<i^<N down to his- tidy a« prokilily tlie most KUCcoKsfiil yet held uiiilor tliu aiiKpiccs of llio Ceutre (iivy I'roliiliitiou .Mliiiiieo. I'liu coiivfiitioii Wiis (ij)uiu'(l ill tlic Mar.sli n.ill, Maikdale, at l.:50 p.m., Ktjv. Dr. Calilwoll, the IVcsidont, occil- pyiiig iht) chair. Owing to tliu iinfivoid- al/lo iilj.-ioiico tlindi<j;li illn.'ss of .Mr. T.U. McKfiizie, the Scci-ffary, Mr. TIi<diias Wilson of WaUo-.s F^iIIn wan ai»i>ointeil .Socrutury pro luni. Tlierj was u, .sjiluii- (lid iittfiulance of inteiusttid and dotur- milled uiuii anil women. After the ap- l)i>iiitiiiciit of tliu iioiuiniling coiiiinittuo, Sir. Jo.'.opli GiUsoii of IiiguiHoll, the dis- tinguislicd presid-nt of tlu iintario ! bmncli of tlio Dominion .â- VUianee, gavo a i Ihirty-iuinute address shov.ingtlio folLicy | |:''">''_''.':'", ''"''' " «".'""';'•;« that v.-ill ijf tho eiy that Loi.-al ( >ptii.ii liiirl.s biisi niH jority of 4806. 70C i»iiiislie« in Quebec ar.; <liy. 400 iiiiiiiitipaliiich in Out irio are under Local option. 40 lict'iLsos will 1)0 cut off in Toronto next month, J of t'lo Aiip.'rioin Republic is uoilor tome form of I'iiihil)i(oiy LfgiHliitioii. The grmidest National I'olicy i.s not i lie policy that protects I ho dollies ariniiui the hoy, hut the one that protects the Ivjy inside Lho clothes. The question of pulilc accouiiuoilat'on was re'crrcd to as a difficult hilt not ail insiiniiountablu one. Mr. (Jih.viii coiicliideil ail addri«.s hrisfl- ing witJi tipiichaiit truth, de'ivered in his in»i) iiiimitalile style with a stron<{ nppual for a clean body \vhii;h is the tuiiiple of i God. On niolion of Rev. J. ,S. I. Wilson, secoiulod liy l{cv. Ale.x. Slieplieid, a hoaily vote of thanks wa« tendered the spveakor of tlio evening for his ninstorly addresH ami liis liolpful counsel through- out the convention. The National .A iithoni and heiiediclion, and aiipualiiig for a vote in every iiiuiiicipality where it is ixissihle to bring one on iio-xt JiUniaiy. Keplesentatives from Markibilo and Holland spoke hope- fully of the jiroHpeets in these niunici- lialitics. At the evening ses-sion the spacioii-s hall was well tilled. The report of the live long in llie ineinories of lho8e who were jneient. Five Insane In One Family. More Bread to the Barrel Thp.t extra cost per barrel which you pay for Ogllvie's Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye :glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FLESHERTON . Shelhnrnu, April 15. â€" .\m the result of inforiiiHiioii hiid by .las. John.ston, a well i known and wvaUliy farmer of Mulmiir township, uei'.r Liveiidir, fue ineinlier* of his own f.miily are now lyinj;; in the nominating coumiitlee was presented by j j,;] ,,pr^_ i.|,,irc;i,d with threatening to in- Kev. .I..S. I. Wilson ami was "naiii- j j^re , ho peiMm and property of The in- Ifotnianr. Tliry are: Mrs. Tod Jane ^ "^ NORRIS BROS. MA, •yiupfiu â- ^lere/i artts ana â- I a, ina/iitl/is U/it ]^ '/«•; When in the market for a good Paint, reineuiber that wo have liic riglit goodH at the right prices. Moons" I'ure Linstod Oil I'uiiit, wears bolter, siroads btttt-r, looks belter and Imi a "loss second to none. If you intend bnilJin^;, bear in mind ilini we eaii jjivo you most intLretiliiig prices on Hardware, Eavo Trougliiii!;, Furnace wotkan] i'hnnhiiif.'. Figure tlie cost of a good Itnolin^' (Paroiil) befo.e you puicliase tiie wood Si;iiig!cs, it will pay you in the long inn. We curry a complete line of Stove I'oliiili, I'lpe Kiuuiifll, 8boe rolisli, Vaniisli stain. Gilletts Lyp, .Mttal Polish, In fact if you don't .'â- eo wiiat you ;vanl uak for it. Don't fail to e.xiini'jo the Oiviui SiiJO'l Feuca, (Dii'oi Hinge Stay ) there ii none just ho good. Kj/esnerton Out, ario. The Flesherton Carriage Works FleAherton, Out. BL'OGIE.Sâ€" lut.'nliii,' purcha.sius will save inoaey by calling mid iii- ppfcling otir stock, as we have a good stocli to oliooao fiom und piicw arc right. RKP.AI.N'TI.N'G â€" Dring your buggy to us f)i- repainting. Satisfaction gnaraiiteeil. PLOW.S, etcâ€" We handle tlio best plows, liarro\Â¥3 and also cany a full line of i'< [iiiiiH on liHud. CHE.A.M SE I' .\!l.\TOl!.S-\Vo are agents for tlio MFJ/JrTE the best iu the niurlu t. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. inouf'ly niloptt'il. Tho following Ik tho report : Presiilent, Jlev. H. E. W. Kemp of Walters Falls ; Ist Vice Proai- delit, Rev. G. ('. Little, Flesherton ; 2nd Vice I're.sideiU, V*'. G. Pickell, M»rk- ilale ; 'M-A Vice I'lVKident, Win. liieese, I Cliat.sworth ; 4th Vice President, Ilohort McKiiight, Uavenna ; Secretary, T. R. MeKen/.io, Port Law ; Treasurer, W. H. Tlnir.ston, Fleslierton. Conveners in the various imniicipalitie.s Thomlmi-y, El- oi/Ajr Itaynionil, Thornhury ; Ctdling- wood. Rev. J. Phiiuistcr, Singlmniptou ; Osiney, A. X. Brownriilge, Mjixwell ; .'Vrtomesiii, J. I. (Jnihani, Vandcleur ; Markdiile, U. J. McKennit, Markdale ; l', Peter Smith, llarkiiway ; Holland, J. N. Perdiu', Maasie ; ChutK- wortli, Rev. F. MiitheKon, Cliat-sworth ; Sullivan, appointment left with tho I'resident. Thy President-elect ww then intro- ihiced liy tho retiring prosident. llev. Kemp upon as.suining ollicc, thanked the eonvention for lho honor conferred and signitieil his readincK.s to ilovote as iiiueli time . -11111 energy "is pos- sihle Ui the oltice to which ho hinl Iweii appointed. P.ev. Kipp, who was largely in.stru- inental in carrying lociil option in Sydeli- lifiin, .spoke hrietly on "How to win in a lo.:al option contest." Thorough orgjuii- /.ation iiiid a system of uihicatioii were eiiiphasi-/,ed. He dei)iocated the iirnetice of indulging in unkind criticism of op. poneiit.s. Mrs. Thoiins Cook, the talented Pres- ident of tho Miukdale NV. ('. T. P., introduced ami assured tho convention of tho hejirty aiijiport of the i>rg;«iiz;ition she had the honor to represent. Mr. (Jihsiu). the sp aker <'f t'lo nvoii- iiii!, then calUd upo-.i. Iln heg ui hy declaring thai llie true principle in life is the applicaHoii of lho Golden Kule to idl human conduct, "llovv lon^'," lie asked, "would tho man hi'hinil 'he liar fell to the man in froiil of I In; har if he followed >••• >••• '••• >••• Johnsr<<ii, his wife ; Mary .lane .Jihnston, dnuiihter; Diivid .Icdinsion, son; Albert 1 Ed».trd .lolniston, ton ; and Jiv-s. .John- 1 ston, son. I About, ono o'clock \Veilnesday nfter- [ noon three constiiMei), Mesftrs. Win. ! Lnverty, Jo«epli White, and (;e< ige WaltHin, left Sholhurne to arrest the tivo, arriviiiL' at the farm at 4. oO o'clock. Thiy encountered many tlitlioullies in arresting them, :md it was only after a s'ru^'iile that Tod .lane JohiiHtoii, tho iiifnrnianl'ti wife, waslianJcufr<^d. Three men were necessary to hold her down while beiiiy handcuifed, und it was evident from the I starf that slm was <{Uitw insine. I Uii the Arrival of the ciiiistubloa at the t,.rm they found the two Homeii in a nude state and it with considerable ditticul- ty that tliey fonnil eiioiis;Ii in the home ;••• to them before bringinjj them tol'JIS town. '--- Not quite as mush dilluulty was en- coutitcitid with the otlier m 1 ers of the fttuii'y, hut several alteuiiitii were made hg the 8UII on lilt) journey to town to cs.apo. j Owinij fo tho diflicuity in arrestin;;| them they ha I not â-ºt-irted on ilio leturn' flip until o.M'J o'clock, iinl the vc-y hid I coiidiiioii of kept th< ni on the road to ShfUjuiue until nine. •â- V Iiir.;o crowd of spojtalors rti.s on the streets and their an ival wai soon iiiado known hy the l.'iid yo'ls iin I slirieks fiom the old lady, M.k. Tud Jaio .Juhi^ston, who i>» well on to SJ ycais of ai,;o. They Wire eouiniitted to t'le Oraiigi - villo j;iil hy James Wdliaiujon, ,1 . I', of \Miitetiehl, at. d Peeve Gieer, of Peiiii, and were removed to the Oraiis;eville jnil Tliiirsil.iy nioniini;, where they will iv- lu.iiii until tliiinicossary pi;cr» are le- ceivetl for iheir connnjituioiil to mi asylum A f-tiiiuye lliinx atiout the ins ino , loin. - ston fainilyaeco ilin^ toCouiily t'onatahio l.iillerty, who liioui;ht ihnii '.o 'ho jiil. dotisn't go into anybody's pocket. It covers the cost of inspecting the entire wheat crop of the country, and selecting the choicest n;rain. It pays, for cleanliness, for purity and for scientific flour-making. A barrel of Ogilvle's Royal House- hold Flour "oes farther than a barrel of any other flour. It makes more bread and better bread, You afe not really spending that extra amount â€" you are investing it. Go to your grocer and say "Royal Household," 22 Ofiilvie Flonr Mills Co., Limited, M«HtreaL CEYLON'S BUSY STORE I | Call and inspect our grand display of Men'.s S: 1 Bov.s' Hats and Cap.sâ€" Felts, Canvas, Tweed HH st shades Seeds ! and Jloy.s iiais anti »^ap und straw all the latest shades and shapes • •• • •• ••• • •• Seeds of all kindsâ€" Clover and jjrass .seeds, g= now 1,'ardcn seeds, IJnckwheat, Kape seed. Turnip K= and Manj;()ld, Giant Siii^ar Beet and field Carrot K~ seeds on iiand, Dutch sets and Potato Onions at i^ verv low prices, Hr Dishes ! ^ :::: EIej,'-int (Jia.ssTea Sets at ^oca .set. Cdass g :::: Goliler, I (loz. for 'J-Jc, 4 ditierentdesi-jn.s. Dinner ^ ;::; ISets and Bedroom Settsâ€" very pretty. g| :'::: Ture Maplo Syrup for sale at ^ M y^^* !Pati£Sonj Cej/lon, Ont, % • i i •••• • •• •••• 'A*, ••«««»•,•«««•»••]« a«««««««ff ••••••••« o««so«*«t*** •••••«••• ••c««*««»«*««*«*«« ••••••••Ittt. ••••••••• •••••t *•••••••••• a •••••*•••>•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••«• h Societies Business Cakus Inst Momlay WALTKIS LOlX'KB ir looRtt looio " Hullder and U \V meets oi. the I each iiiotitli, in their looRo looui I " Hullder and Criitrector -Noirirt' Olitok. t^ic^DHrton, at K M.W..1 For llvicl*. Stoue ami (raioo rosideiiccfi. Kg. ,. , 1 I â-  r 1 I , . . Mili:» TliiBiliitliwuite; hie.. O. II. .Miiiisliaw; 1 tiioatos cbeurtully Iiiieisbed, HosUuitou.l' o Alllioiiiili their tattler, James JohiKSlon, I I'iu., W.J. Hal. amy. VibltiDRt)rbtUrti.>Lvittu Outaiio. llitUohlell lUilc.'aiolyet luMsyoiir iij^elit yoti pill him there." Tho liccnHO systeiii I was foruitily a school teachi'r the family 1 - - _ 'I' D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY tjveated til Our Own (iifko BulMloi;. SuGceseors to DRS. KENNEDY ft KER6AN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Exccssoa "inH Inillncrotlnns (ire thn cAiiso of more sorrow and suBeMiig than all other disi-aws combined Wo luo lho vlollnis ot vii'ioiis haliliH on "sverv haiiU- the nallow, I'Oiiulvd facB dark ciriled eyes, atonpliiK '.aiii, ttuuli'd 'levulopiiii'Dt, bashful, niplnn- ; ' holiu coiiiilcnanoo and (liiiUi liearlnit pro -. c I ilia lo all lho «orUl his folly and t<ii(l to â-  ooirht hispilstenoe. Our treatment positive- i| \\ cores all weak men hy overcoming and I ''movlufc tho effects of former liidlscretlonii iohI excesses. It Rt<'|>a all drains and qiiltkly I •stores the vietlni to whntiialiiro Inti'iidi'd- a licallhyHiul happy iiianKllh phyBical, uiea Uil and uerm pow, i- loniplcto. Forovertoyeara Dra, K. A K. hova ,iii>J treateii with th« greateat â- ucoasB all â-  diaenaaa of inan and womana If yon liavo any geerrt dlseaao thot ts a worry uiiil a iiieiiaio to your health I'laiKult old estalillslied pliyslclunswho do not have to cxpcrimciit on you. Woprnaranlrntocnre NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD DiStASES STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Ceniulla. Von Fret. If iirmMo to call, writo for a qnosllou Blauk (or Homo Treatment, DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor Michigan Ave., and GrIswoldSt., Detroit, Mich. wa.s inoiii'iiition in Markilalo tuilay ho caiiso a iiiijority hail voto'.l to retain ir. lie lovcil his iritivo liiiiil, hccimso lu> hatcil lhelic|iiortialtic, InCJrcul Hritnin i as niiich money was spent, for Htroni; drink in suvcii iiioiitliH na this ivholu revviuio of the nation anmnntcil to in twelvii 111011(118-110 woinlcr llicro >vuh ))ovcrty. Ho was opiiosui' to tliu liceilNn Kysti'iii hucaiiKii the wholo tiling was l.jiil. The t'ontciencu hail ilocl;«roil that til license lho li<iuoi- trarto was hiii .\iiy Methoilist who thought claiiiuu'i to Imvo iiioro hrains than tho whole I'hiuch. "I wonhl like to li.-ivf a look al thiit iiiaii," said tho speaker; "I wonhl like to have a jiholog'apli of him." Other t'hurihoR tho UVnirin Cath- lie, Anglican iinil I'lcshyloriim- hail nil innilo siiii lar prononnceinontH. .\ltlK>uoh .Milennan, Ueove ami Mtiyor of his own town many tiiiics over, he hail never yet voliil for license. If the ineii Imil not conscience onougli to imnisli tlie Jmr, liny shoiilil lit tho woinuii liavo the Imllot. He re|iinliateil the argument t hat this will uilNox the woiiinii. Insitlo of live years tho dilterent political partios will he tiiinhling over one niiother iti tlioir ellorts to show that thoy have always holioveil that women shiailil Imvo tho fianchifio. The spcakor ilruw a yiapliic pictiii'o shnwiinf how tho liar oonie.s hotwuon tho \vorkslio|)uinl the lionio, Nii.o-tonthu of tho liars in Toronlo are ooi|o,,ste(l with Working ""J" "f'ci' Working hoiir.i nt lli;<llt. UeterriiiK lo thoHUCceas of Local Oi>ti<>n Mr. (iilmon Kiiil that one year a;,'o sovon nnmicip'ililiuH trhil a reinal vote, antl the repual ciirvied in only one. In these municipalities the hy-law hml h.oii c.irri«<l hy a inajorify of 3117 ami wits (iiist^ii'icd by a ooinl'itu'd majority r>f HSU. LnNt .lannnry in 27 nmnicipaliiiis where fht.- hy-hi* lift'l o;igiii",lly been carrietl by Ji till,': r I ''f 'lOtil it v.a.s 'sitstiiiocl I y n in illiieriite. Coiis:iil>lo L:itf.'rty .snys one of tho boya loiil hiiM fhatnono of them hull hoon p»^t the Hot hook in tho PiiMic Schoo!. Jani.c .lohiiNton, their f.ither, is a well-to-do farnifi-, an 1 '\^ well t hought of in Muhliur loni .shi|i. The CHKO of a whole family laiiii; in- oriil«'il as ihwiiiio i.^ ihe la k of Draiige- V lie, mill III full . f t^io whohi of Dnllorin iiainiy. Tlio .li.hi.Htoiis come from a short dis'unccof the homo of (jcorgo Stewart, Hho cummittbil niurilor h few months iiijo ill an in.sant) fton/y. They lived on the road on wliicli Stewart li\id, hilt in Hiiothor lownship. PUINdB AUTHUll LODOR, No. :!."«, A. PA .\ r.I. moots in tht Masonic hall. .Arm- Htron;''H Hail KloHhorlon. «vorv Kridav on ov liofore tho full leoco. Thoa. HlakolViW.&l.; Horb..3Miltli, tiBLioiiiry. MOULLOUGH & YOUNG '^ I'.aiiltcis Markilale ijlo a goiieral bankiiii; businei^s. IVIouey loauod at reusonablo latoy U..11 on uh. nntitT KiiHKHf.iiTON, flfl->. y t lavt TClllsLKt'T, • ruhtinariter, ''eylon. . , „ ,, Couiinl«.ioiior 111 H, r. J . Coiivevancer, dooO«, . ,., , , , '•, '• f-I'- neets In I iiioitxaKus, leases, wills otc.eiiieiiillv drawn up ton s l.lonli tin, lant Wcrtiiehdav nvoilin; I Jolli.ctioua mad;'. eharKes ri<a»onahle. Also tteb month, \isitirii; Koiestcis lieaitily | f-rocevies, lloui. food etc. kept in stock I'licaa ivhIcooio. II. It., UvMoi; K. H., V. Hoi.ry; riKht. Kin. Hec, ('. N. hicliardson. j ________.___^ ^^ I'loaso pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the fliat n j si'ltoijl tl day ot the month. {|, ' >t piIOSEN " Cii. the ''One Touch of Nature Makes Whole World Kin." When H rooster limls a liii; (iit wonu he tails all the ht;iis ill thef.irni yard tn come and sliiii-fi it, .\ similar tniit of liiiiiiiin iiiituie is to liu nhsi'r\'e(i when :i tnuii ili'ifovcis Hi>iiietliiii|; i'Xfe|itioimlly tt mil- he w:iiifM all liis fii.'iulH H'ld i!eig-hlwM« to uliaie the Iwnclits of liis ilis- ciacrv. This is the touch of natin-o tlist makes the uIkiIc worlil kin' This rxplniiix ivhy people wlmhave lifoii eiiird l,y (Minii.lmr- Iain's I'ohkIi Kemeily wiiie letters lo tie iiiiiiinfnctiirers fur piildieaCioii, that others siiiiilarlv ailini; may also use ii unil olitain re- liif. lieliiiid every oiui of thme letters is a warm henrtetl wish of the writer to lie of use tn miiiu one else. This remedy is for sale liy \V. R Uichardsdii. I'ostmaster, Fleahorton â€" ^ I voiumiaslouer in H.O .)., Aootioneer KKIKNDS-Flesherton Council of'veyanoer, Appralaev aud Money Le'.ida iioson FilonilK meets In Claytons hall 111 St. "eal Ustato and Insuraeco Agent. Deoda anil third Weilnosdav of each mouth H p. ui movtgaijes, leases au't wills carefully doiwa l*,kv asHossments to the lEeeorder on or hwfore . np au 1 valuations made on shortest cctioa tco llist I'ayof each month. Chief Councillor niouey to loan at lowest latea of interoat.^tiOk T. lllakeluv;Ueoorder, \V. H, liuut, i lections attended to with prnaiptursa _ charges low. Agent for Ocean Domiuioa Steamship Company. A call solicited. Pure Bred BiiiJlish Bcrkshires and â€" â€" Tnmu'nrfhe H *'''1'"AU, Lieensn.l Auctioneer for the 11 .â-  , '""•""â- ^'"s- . , ,, 1 LT- County of (Jiev. Terms moderate aiMl 1 have a hill! lot ot yoim« pi^s tuo'l from i aatisfaution miaranteod. The arranRemeiita prize wiiinint; stock, for sale. Write me for a"'l 'latesof salescan hu made a*, Thk Advanob prices. Icaii^'ive a bargain .also irnaraiitee I ""''^''- '.h'sidonco aud I'.O., Ceylon, Telephoo* atisfactiou on all mail orders. I "".'^""''i',?.;'- (ieo. \V. Ilt).S.S. Maxwell 1' " "*<'-»"7- () For Sale T Vy K.UTTINll. Licensed Auctioneer for i-j. IT, the counties of lirov and Himeoo. ,, , . . - JCOO. harui and Stock sales a spucialty. Terutt One span ot I.inhtnii.i; Colts ccuiin^ throe ! moderato. satisfaction Kiiarantted. Arraiigo- maicliod. Iteii'ly tuwoik. Also one Shorthorn I "'*""' '"r <lalea may bo male at tho .AdvanoA iliill eiithteen months ol I, bred by Ooo.llristow, otllce, or A: T. Hutchinson's store, tovBrshain, Kohltoy. niiiiibo'-.,St4,\ in vohima iW, ,\ai;e - | o'' by aS'hcssinj! uie at Kuversham, Out. l,ot Village Captain. ALUKKT lO- HANLKY, Lot 4, Con. 10, Osprev, Kevorsham P. O. Our Clubbing List Thrt following piioos are for strictly paid in III Vance snhsoriptions only . \Vc have no iiecinints with other papois. Advance niid Toronto World, daily , .$ \\ Oh Toi-onto Uiiily News 2 )!() Weekly Hlolio .1. K) Miiil-Knipiio .... ^ , . . . ;^ ,â- '0 Kdiiiily Herald .t Star 1 80 T,.ronto Star 2 ;!0 ]''jiriiii r .Sun , . 1 80 KHrmcrs .\i.,oc.*td 2 25 AVi'i-kly Wii.^is.---: 1 75 S.itiirdayNight 2 pO Bull For Service â- J years olil, reg. shorthorn bull, J'ride, 'VMX^ is for siivieo at Lot 37, t'on. ti, .-Vrteuiesia. Terms .^si.lkl. •rolIN II.VRIJR.WK 13, con, \i, Osprey, PHDI) MVTHKWS, Markdale. Liooiisel *• auo'.loueer for tho county of Orov. Qaa\ Hervico at roaacnablo rates. Dates Victor's "'ado at The Advance. 1 o lU can lie 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCB Ts^-'.DB Marks 0E6ir.r.a COPYRIOHTS dC. Anvnne •eniltng n n'tct eh yr t '•'so.i m i,iu may (lultlilr nacorlBlii our <.i.ii:i,.i, froo wi . an GROUP trtsa. ,V sa f c and rl stopped in 80 minutes I mire with Dr. Slux>p's ' Croup Ileinoly. Ktw ' tc-^l will Biiroly p^ov". No voinlliuR, no <Ji . ing -iy rup-DOo. Drtufsista. Le(!AL m H. WKIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Con»ey- "auoer, ete..â€" Ow»u Sound, and Flesherton N Hâ€" e hortou oflloe. Sproulo's Itlook ovar» Battird â-  ' Medical CAKTKR ,^.., ",'' ''.'^ ** Out. Physician. Snr^eon.e Otllce and rosideucoâ€" Potor at., Fleshertoo D« T P OTTKWRI.D ' Veterinary Sui'Roon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoIIom. rosidoico â€" 9 3cond door Bonth woBt'oo .;â- *''; . ^''â- '"',^;â- . ''"''ii* street runs soiitb PioHV/ytenan Ohurcli. n WILSON, Hlneksi.ilth "• 'liaduftte of no Veierlnary Rciena* â- â- - UnsMeuce, Durham itreetv «• H lohllug'a hardware; .Vssociitioii oalto Bjy.l '» -jSi «â- !!.- •«"â- â- " \.\ IJ. Uoval Gas a.l'. 1 oUl'.'o at 1 ])knti.stry V.l'RRAV I,, o. S.rTentftUurgeon • of T.u-oiito l.'nivorsitv aud â- iliil Suru-ons of Ontario, ' I".- teeth oXtfiiullon. ..i.u.i', Toronto Sliroet, S'loafcortoa ^soSft.

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