.A /iesljetrt^n %^mxitt. % "TaUTH BEFORE F vV'UR." â€" " PRl^dlPLEfci NOT MEJN." VOL XXV, NO 1398 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursciay, April 8 IQOq W. Q THURSTON EDITOU and PUOPhir.TOft S^ 3ewdlcry! jM $m 3ewellery! ^ m m 5^r^ and Co\»?cst .^^^^ ^^ Priced Stock &?^ ^ Reliable ^ g^ Dealing ^^ ^ Hrmstrong's ^ ^ Ticsberton. S^ ICth Line, Osprey. A very sad iicciilent "tJccUiTed here iilxmt six o'clock on Siitiii'dny uveniiig when H load of lilt's, ilriven liy littlu Charlie Cook, a lL'-ye:ir-oKl boy in thu employ of Mr. S. GiiUoway, iipHut over tlie side of a culvert juKt near Mr. Loiigli- hced's giite, crusliiny the poor boy fearfully iind killing liiiii iiisUintly. Much sorrow is cxi)res.se<l for tlie sad accident, as Charlie was a tine httlc fellow and well liked liy all wlio knew hiui. Mrs. U. Briickenbury, sr., is seriously ill at present but under the care of Dr. Ryckinan of Maxwell we expect to sec her well aguiu soon. ^ Mucli sympathy is felt in this part fi.r the bereaved family and friends of tlie 1 ite Mr. Samuel Arnott, sr., of Ware- bam. Mr. Arnott was well and favor- ably known in this neigliborhuod. The sprinfj birds have come once more and we can hour tluir wiirblings and welcome theiu again. We are glad to see Miss Maude Julian around again, after a severe illness. Messrs. Fred Heron, Tliompson David- .so?i, Chas. Perigo, John Dand, and Rob- ert Whiteiiak, have gone to try their fiTtune ill thu north-west this spring. Wo uiidui'stjind the Sproule farm near FoverHliaiii luis been sold to Mr. Mat. Jjeacli of Rock vale. Miss (iamey of yinghainpton, visited here cousin, Mrs. W. Clinton, and other friends in the ixeighboriiood last week. The Long Bros, of Fevcrshani have in.stalkd an Ideal gasoline engine in their wiiod sliop, in Fevcrshani. Ml'- Jaines Ferguson has taken pos- session of the tempoiaiiee Hotel in Fevcrshani and the travelling public will be well acconiUK il ited henceforth KeaJ tlie pain furuiula on the 'oiix of PiuU Pain Tablets. Then a.sk ymir Doctor if thee ia » botier oiiu. Pain means congost ion, Ihiod pre-«suie smiib- wbeie. Dp, Sho'p's Pink " Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly p»iim, pain unywlieic. Try one, and .iee! 2(t ur 25c. Suld by all dealer!^. East Mountain Mlich sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mr«i James Harboltl« ill the loss of their tvtti youngest chililren, wliieb occurred on Wednesday of hist week. The cause of their death was enteritis. ( )ii Friday the funeral took phice to Sideiii foUowed by a lai-ge number of friends. When the hand of death comes and takes one, it is very bard, but when it cbiinis two it niiikes a double .sorrow. But we have he .•issitr.nico that they are hajipy, and whore there is neither pain or sorrow. Snow will very soon be a thing of the pa.st, and wo will once more be looking at the beauties of .spring. In the course of a few days farmers will l>o on the land lit work again. Mrs. Walton hius Ixjcn laid up for the piust week with an attack of bnuichitis. Mrs. John Martin has returned from ( )wen Sound .-ifter vi.siting five weeks with her sister there. From all appearances this will not hu a good yeiu' for making ma]ilu syrup, So far wc have not heard of there being a goixl run. Mr. .\rthur Crozier is IcJiving to join hi« brother in thewest before long, llopo success limy follow the young m/m in his new sphere. Klmberley. We are having beautiful spring wcjither at present. Mr. Roy Fawcett of Heathcote and Mr. Rob. Rowe of Renfrew, Ont., were visitoi's at J. R. Fawcett's on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Alf. Plowcs loft for Erin, Out., Monday morning, where he has .secured a position in a tlour mill. Mr. G. a". Hutchinson occupied the l)ulpit in the Slethodist church here on Sunday morning last in the absence of the pastor. Ploughing is the order of the day witli some of our farinei^s. Mr. ,7. R. Fawcett, who attended the Laymen's Missionary Congress in Toronto during the [la.st week, retm'iied home on Saturday. Mr. and Mi-s. F. J. Weber and child- ren, Leonti and Merle, visited Flesherton friends on Saturday. Mr. E. C". Hamell went to Toronto on Tuesday last and returned home on Fri- ihiy with his bride. C<mgratulations, Tcildy. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh HaiiiUKmd of the suburbs ciitertaine<l a number of their young married friends to a Flinch jMirty im Monday evening of this week, it being the second aniiiversiiry of their wedding Day. Eugenia. Fine sprinu-hke weather. Weildia'4 belU uie about to ring a merry peul. Aprd is certainly »inilin(; on Mother Karth and ali nature will .soon respond and a^ain send forth its buds And blos- soiiiii and cbecr weary hearts after the long, dreary winter. Bornâ€" At Euaenia, on March HI, to Mr. and ftlrs. Joseph Willianm, a daughter. », Mr. and Mic. John FeiiA-ick of Taia were welcome guexis for a few days aim iigMt their inuiiy friends ut Kii^eniu Miss Coia Willui'us i.s visiting fnenda at Heathcote. Miua Evelina Smith of Flesherton spent Sunday wiili her parents here. Mr. M'lruan is Inisy witli » good f.iree of men cutting his roller blocks. He will soon have three car luadH cut and nhippoU. Mrs. Latimer, »r., is very low, with no hope for her reeovpiy. (Jreat sympathy is felt for her at;ed husband and all the family. Her sons, Wesley itnd William of Toronto, aUu her daughters, Mrs. Slack and Mrs. .). K Janiieson, have nil been up to see her. Her children ariiund Eugenia are conslaiitly at her bedside. Mis. Ouiilop «nd daughter of Meaford iiavo also visited her. Mr. and Mm. Wlltskire have started for the west. Befure tbeir departure a number of young friends met at theii home and spent a plen'saiit evoiiinR, all wLshiiii,' them prosperity and happiness in their iicwr home. Mrs. Duckett u 8ufferin« fsoni ^ severe attack of col.J. Mrs. Geor«e Lawlor spent a fe* days with her mother, Mrs. F. T. Ciirr, at Euuenia, M". Fred Smith spent Sunday with his parent) I't Eugenia. Mr. Thomas Belts of the Morey corner lost a valuable .vnnii! cidt two years old t he ptist week from acute inllaininali jn. 8th Line, Artemesia Wiidding ludls arc ringin<;. Miss Wilson and Miss .JoMcs of Pricw- villo spent Sunday at Mr. J. McGoc'm We are ghid to rejiort Mr. Win. Hopjior on the mend. Ho ItrtS been hud up with a couple of brokonrios. Miss Mae P.iiliament i.s visiting her sister in Markdale. Miss 1. Genoe gave a ipiilting bee to her young friends on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sled of FlcNlierton visited with the former's aunt, Mrs. Win. Magee, recently. Mr. Thomas Geuoe gave a jjarly to about lifty of his young friends last F'riday night. .V good time was spent by all in music and dancing. Mr. James Sargeant Sundayod at Mr. J . Cai-soii's. Wo are .sorry to report that Mr. Bert McCiee of Flesherton is homo with an attack of a|)pendicitis. Mrs. 1. Sargeant of Owen Sound is visiting this week ill her parental home, Mr. S. Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. S. ( Isborne and daughter, Miss Ida, of Port Law, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Genoe on Sunday. Mr. JaiiK's Carson has gong to the city to spend a fo .v ibiys. Warehani Too Late for Last Week. The Leajiue lesson on Friday night was in the interests of tlio forward inovo- mont which helps to support our mission- aries. Two short addresses Jiud a paper were given on the subject and then sub- scriptions were askyd for, the result b -iiig that the foi mer sub.scription was doubled. Saturday evening ac Mr. Johnston's, willuo d >u!it bj one of p'e;isant ineiiiorie.s, but there is alw.iys the reaction. We agree willi J.ihn Brown's iiliiiosophy which teaches not to destroy one day the pleasures of the next. Mr. James Arnott and Mi's. McClui-e of Brain|)ton are vis. ting thuir b:othor, Mr. .S. Aruotl, sr., who has been ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .Xtcheson of Diiii dalk spent .Sunday with Mr. S. .â- Vrnott. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Taylor of the back line spent Sunday with Mr. Heniy Wright. Mr. .lames Meiizie, who has been suffering friuii grip is still on ilio move. This week's items Nolwithstiniding the fact that the roads were so Ijad on Saturday, April .'), a very large ninnbcr of people showed their sympathy with the bereaved family and friends of the lite Mr. Samuel Aniott, .sr., who iiiis.sed away on Thui-s- day, .\pril 1st, after a iminful illness of about ;{ weeks. The funeral left thp house at 2 o'chick on the afternoon of .April 5 and proceeded to Mount Zion church, where Rev. Mr. Stanley pleached the funeral sermon, bascil on the word.«, " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.'' Among the many relatives of the .\niott family who were present itt the funeral were : Mr. James .Vrnott, Mi's. Noble, Mrs. Earley and Miss Mo- Clure, of Brampton ; Mr. James Mc- Clure of Cie<ngetown ; Jlr. Win. .1. .Vr- nott of Clnirchvillo, and Mr. John Ar- nott of Bolton, Mr. Will. Orr of Toronto hits been vis- iting rehilives on the Ceiiire Line for the last few days. Miss Belle Ileiider.son, who spent the winter in Toronto, is home again. Miss Tena Henderson is home from Flesherton. The spring siinsliine and balmy zcjihyrs are bringing ahnig with them the longing for the time when the mud will be dried up, when our young men ami nmideiis will be able fo let hio.se some of the [lent- up energy which has been accumulating since the .skating cea.sed to bo. The cjucstion of paramount interest at the present time is. What game shall we [day this spring anil sumiiicr ? .Shall it be baseball lU' football ! .Vnothor sug- gestion is, biisketlxill for the juveniles. Sports, get busy. Talk ! Act..' And for tlio.sc of US who have not the blessed privilege of listening to your animated discussicms on the merits of tlie respec- tive games we would suggest that you make use of the press to communicate the results of your deliberations to us niore remote and uiifintiiniite individuals. and some seem to think it is not as good a se.ison as last year. M iss Lillico,our popular young teacher intends spending the Easter holidays at her bonio in Che.sloy. Mi.ss ]\I. Ballaulyno and brother, of Alaxwidl, were callers in our burg on Saturday. Mrs. John Winters, sr., is making an oxtei'ded visit with her daugluer, Mis. R .Seeley, near Stjiyner. Mi.'-s L. J. Jaiiiie,son and Mr.'i. E. Seeley, who have been on the sick list, are, we are pleased to learn, able to be aniund again Mr. John .'Vrnott of Brampton a'tended the funeral of bis cousin, the late .Samuel -Arnott, NVarehii'ii, and al.so culled on his oousiiiK, Messrs. Jaiiie.s, John and Robert Arnort, here. To Mrs. C. Croft and family we ex- tend our deepest syiiipa^y in their Mid bereavement Mr. Will. H. Hemphill and bi-otlier. Ruber', of Porthiw, were callois in <air bitig recently. 1'he interest in our union Sunday School still keeps u)), 52 being in atteiid- aiu-e las' Sunday. Easter song service in the Methodist cliurcli, .Maxwell. E.istur evening. McFARLAND&CO, Proton Station After :iii.illne8s of iliree or four weeks Mrs. Kd. Ruflierfotd pa.ssed away at her home herv on Fiiday last, at the age of 52yi«. The deoeasi d wasanioht clicer- fiil woman and was In loved liy all who knew her. She was a ineniVier of the Presbyterian Church and was .liubly re»[)«cled in tlnj neiyliborhyod, Ijor duiiii.no !-< ntuiinicd by Iter liu.sbaiid and two daughters- Mrs. .I.ih. AehcHon of Duudalk and Mrs. A. Misscampbell of Angus; bor age I motlteJ', live si:<:ers and one brolli.T. The funeral took plnce Siiuday aftornom to Fledn rtou oeiiietiy. The whole coiiiinunity wi^lioN to express tlioir doepi'St sympathy to the family Mr. George McLean went to Toronto Friday, to seeuio a position. Mr. Neil ."ilcCaniiell spent Sunday wii'h friends in Booth ville. Mr. atid Mrs. (jeo. Binnie Sundayed at W. Boyd'a.Fliishertoii. Mr. Tom RyJur ia visiting fiionds in Kincardine this week. Mrs. Wilfred Oallaugher of Tiiislioge, spent Wedne day with Mrs. Will Luiilow. Mr. A. Shnarson is on the sick list this week. Ceylon Mr. -Vlex. .McRae had a succes.sful wood bee last week, foHowed in the even- ing by a very pleasant i>arty for the young folks. Mrs. C'rowther spent Wediiestlay with her people in Owen Sound. Mrs. G. II. Holmes of Owen Suiiiul, gave her iwreiits a call lui her way to Toronto. Mr. McLean, .section foreman of Pro- ton, .spent Wedne.stlay with 51 r. S. Iliinds. Miss Lizzie .Sargent ontertained;i few of her friends very pleasantly, on Friday evening. Miss Henry spent Wednesday with .Mrs. .1. L. Woods of this place. Mr. Rob. Tucker of Owen .Sound eol- logiato, has ret urnod homo for the holi- days. Mr. George and Jack McLean of Pro- ton .Station gave their Ceylon friends a call hist week. Miss Saunders of the .Tunetitui spent Sunihiy at Mr. .Vngus McLeod's. Honor Rolls. Repmt of Ceylen P. S. for March. lUO!). Class 4 jr- Myrtle Heniphill, .Annie Enalisb, Helen Gib.son, Lena Legale. J. J. Patlisim, Mary McMiineii, Kilie Chislelt, Percy McLood, .Vu^lln Mc- Mul'eii, Melvifb) Uutledge. Class 3 sr- John Hemphill, Forbus Rulledge, Charlie Chislelt. Class ;^ jr- Murray Legate, Siiowdoii McLeod, Kdiia McLeod Jas. McMulloii. Class 2 srâ€" Lizzie English, Aiiiel Love, Roy Rutledge, Muriel Legate, Goldwin McMiillun. Class 2 jr-- Willie Patti.son, Lizzie Ri.iley, Pearl Whitney. Part 2 â€" Susie McCI loklin. Part l-Jilin English, (ieorge Whitney, Eariiie .Mc.Mullen, Percy Heniiihill, Roii. Rutledge. Class Aâ€" Angus English, J. C. Mc Lochiiin, Cieitie McClocklin. .\voiage atUMidanco 28. â€" P. Mi.Oregor, Teacher. Report ofS. S. No. 17 for March. The names in order of merit. Class .5 â€" Edwin Smith CliLss 4 sr- *Edgar Gibsiui. iMiiest Rii.ssel, Marley Phillips, *.\rlluir Cliaid, Eddie \\ bite. Class 4 jr--Nellie Fi,slier, Aii'ie Bells, E'Inii Fisher, .V'lie .McDowell, Elgar Bells, Ret.i Fisher. Best in spelling, .Arthur Cliard, Edgar Gibson, Class 3 sr-Lila Fisher, R.la Reii.'^. Cla.ss .'J jrâ€" -Allio May Genoa, Beitlm White. *\Ve.s.sie Siiiilli, Annie Pedlar, Sam Kislicr. Bust in spelling, Rela Uotts. Chi s 2 - llerbie Belts. Violet Smilli, Ellwood P.irlriilge, .Vitie Piuteous. Lome .AtUius'Hi. lames Leeche, Frank White, Edg.ir White. Best ill spelling, Herbio Bells. Part 2â€" *S.irali While, Letts Parlri.lge. Part 1â€" *Ireiie Smith, *PeHrl Port eons, Jean JMKJiii, Frank Belts, *Bertie Porteous, niiulie SI itford. â- * -The ones perfect in attondanco for too month. .Average attendance for (be month, 28. L. Maidinent, Toucher. Hatherton The snow is rapidly disappearing and spring will soon be with us in all il« beauty. A number of the fanners around heie arc busily engaged making maplo syrup, Prevcntics â€" those Candy CidJ Cure Talililsâ€" will safely and 'piickly chock all colds and the Grip. Try them once and see! 48- 25c. Sold by all dealers. BURT .â- specialist In disuaaes o( i ho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Offlfe lUKroMtSI. • Oiveri^oiiiid At the Rovcro house, Markdalo, 1st Friday atich month from 8 to 12 a. ni. MA.tiKDA.LI-:; ONTAI<IO Handsome Display of Easter iillinery Wo \\is!i In say to the Ladies wlin Imve not boeii in and mftdo tlieir selpction tjiat in jii.Hice to yourselves do it this week and do not let Eastor L'O by and not Imve yonr new lialâ€" DO belter tinio tliun now, wlion tliff assortmeni is good. Hundreds Imvo visited our attractive display of Millin^ cry since we aiinoniircd our opening, and we have met with lingo sncoess, atlfiidiiig our beat ciroris to excel all pa.st seasons and wc attribnlc buiuo ta iiaviDg the beat and largest display oi corrol styles, etc. NKaV .<PRIN(i J.ACKEPS We've jiiit put into stook a consign- ment of liie ne.v .lackets t-.r Laities ivo.r whioli r-pie<f iiN the s'vbs fm- ticis season â€" i;,,Uns, lilack, Faivci and Kaivii »i'li invisilile stripe; Keini- tiit'ig s'yles, ec; s ze, 34 to 40 linat iiieHMiie and tiny are pri<-ed from 8(i..''!) â- .•i*10.(J!l. If you aie iotorested ill « lint IS iie.v and fasi.ni.ili'e in Jiek- et.s ii «ill I)- your loss if you do not see tliustt Jiieki'tH. 'NEWS.MART TOP COATS FOR ; MEN. I .Areio.i ready for one? One will â- that 'SooiotldiiL,'" which at oncu sug- irests the liandieiaft of a master tailor, if so, wliy not C'liie in siiJ see ho* «e eaii lit you in the iiew Ti'pper 'Mercoat wbieli is just tlie lliiog for s|iriiiE and fad wear. Wo liaie the "â- â- ey niixliiie with invisible overcheck etl'ect ill l'4 ineU lengili, that is iho most p^-piilar coat this season, sizes, .'{.T to 42 and priced at 69.oO. \Vo wisli it were pnssiblo to toll you all about tlie new things for spring-. We invite yon to coinn in and liavo our .sales-people show you the new weaves, styles, etc. No tioublo to show goods liera and you don't have to buy because yon lonk. Mc FAR LAND & COMPANY ^ Time to Choose Your 5 Spring Costumes Now 2^ A g'.oj range ill Drcs* Go mIr ai.d .Silks. Oide-s tal^ui- tur ready- 3f miideSi»u<8,.Coata._Dv«»»fH. . C»ii have your ordi-r IJltid hero mtliin a londiys. Speelal bargains given in readyiiiiiiie .Suniiner Dr^-sses in all the laiesi styles and d.sigos. .A full line of Fancy Waisting, Mamilioii Lnieii .Suitini;i<, etc., fruii l.") to 21) otiiis a yard. iy{ILLiNERY OPENINGS APRIL 8, 9 AND 10 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and will Imve i>n display all the latest ej~ creatiiMis in s|iriiii; stybs f.r Voiiiig «iul old. 25 Have opened up an entiri) now stock of English Print* in all the ^ pretty shall s aiiil iialteriis.' Sneeials in reiiular L")c for 10c and 12Ac. ^ STYLISH NEW CLOTHING (i"OR MEX-Ordei-s taken for ^a tailor made Suits and Overcoats in u|)-ro-datu stylcii. Twenty per cent. 2J olf 111 .VUmi and boys' Readymailes. (Jo.jd Inlying in Men'? Shirts. Fancy ^5 C'.lnred lU'itbijc Shins iniidR from fine corded ^hirtino material, small ^J -Vmeiiean iiatioins, some of the latest stiipcs in deep blue and tan, etc. I J. E. Large, euq enia. _ M B. Hyiin, proprietor of the Ayton .Advance, died on March 24. The Dur- liHin Review says : The deceased was lu Ins 4,'5id year, and for nine or ton yeiiri | has puldishad the Ayton .Advance wliieli he founded, and in connection with that be worked up a good bunincss as a land ' :ind sales agent. He proved himself a| capal'le re.idy writer and reflected the j life of his 1 illage and his lownsbip oieilii- • aVdy. Aboiil two years »g.i be wai ; appointed Tre'isurer of the township, j and liftd Ins life been spared there can he : IM doubt lij could have rendered good | .service for many years. Previous to [ entering the publishing busine.ss he I taught Kclio<d, and was recltuned an etticieiit teaeber. In aodition to his | acquired ab.li'y, he bad all ready wit of 1 Ills .1 untryinen and was of a kindly, gi'iii d nature that made niar.y friends.; He will he deeply nninncd ii: bis own | homo oiiole, and by many who learned to' like him ilnou^h bis |ia|ier iiiterciurso. Il was Hot long aao that Gmnd Valley was slirrod up over a butter deal. Aday or two ago a dealer was suspicious abtiiit one lot, and on invostmatnig found the lb, bricks contiined a fair amount of (lour. When can people be honest/ â€" S ar. SON ABLE GOODS IN ' FURNITURE } The largest and liest stock of Funiiluro ever shown in Fleshurfon. This without fear of coii- liadiction. Come anil see some of the nice things ill Side Biwirds, Ibniiig I{o,uii Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room â- Selt.s. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to ro- diiee the stuck, W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Park House Banquet GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9th. OYSTER SUPPER GOOD PROGRiS The following are exnectedlo be i)reaRiit and take part in the progr.im: J. S. t. Wilson. Markdale; P. McCulioUKli, Markdale; J, M. Davis, Vnndeleur; J. Behind, Vandelour; VV. Irwin and Miss Irwin, Duihain. The Durham Male Quarteite, the local MiniKters an.l other Prominent citizens, also the very best of local inusical talent. .A good time is expected. Come one, come all. supper from 7 to 10 o* clock* Tickets 75c;. \_^ \^ i Ji St). S)aoi^son, ^rop. \