;m fkB\!^cxlm. %\fvanu. â- ;v x/: ♦♦TBUTH BEFORE FaVOB." â€" » PRlNCIPLEb NOT MES." m XIV, RO 398 Flcstierton, Ont., Thursday, April 1 l90o W. H TEDHSTON ^^^I'S kod PKOMOBTOS &§ Jewellery! ^ ^ BigdestBest ^ and Coo^^st Priced Stock gf^^ in t:;c£;ount« J|5 ry. Ci?S 2^ Reliable ^ Dealing ^ gs I JVrmstrong's pg TIesberton. j^ m lOth Line, Osprey. Spriijg-like wentherâ€" »iid the famiets are prejmruijj tt> iii:tke imiple syrup. Mr. Geo. BuriLside retumiiil fri>:u his rif-it to St. 5Lu-ys, bringing with him a a jMU-tner for life. We'wt-lcome Mr. and Mrs. Bunvtide to .)ur neighhorhoiid nnd wLsh lh«;m ;i h;ij>{>y and{in>.s[H;r'iusj»uniey thruugh life. A lArge number uf friends nnd neigh- Kin* tpithervd iit the home of Mr. .ind Mrs Ricluird Ottewell on Friday eveuiuj; itut, on the eve of their depnrtue to their new home, near Aix-oU, Sa.sk.. and pre.s- ented Mr. Ottewell with :t j)Ui-se of money and a siU'er mounted piteolo iind Mrx. Ottewell with a ))estutifal Bible, - the fiiUowing :iddres.s b«.'ing reiid by MLss Ruby C'o«)l)er and the prewntatiun m.ulc by C"ha.s. Barljer. To M». AND Mb.s. Rich.xrd Ottewkll: We. n few uf your fritnds and neighbois, have met to-night to e.xpresn t>ur sincere regret tluit you are aNiut to .sever your vonnectiuu with us. Your uniform courtesy and attalulity liave won for you many friends among u.s. Wo rci[uest ytu, Mi-s Ottewell. t;) accept this Bible. «nd voji^Mr. ((ttewell, this piccolo and purse of uiunoy iks a slight tuJieu uf uur lovB and e-steem for you. We wish you evevy hapi>iut.sK and success in your new K^ere of .".ctivity and inrtueuco. Signed iu l>ehali of your friv'uds and iioigliK>rs .j^Chas. B;ul>er, t!ts.>. (.'oi>|icr, 11. J. ('ol4uette. The Bretheni of I.. <>. L., >"-.. 10tv\ Fevereliam, on the siiuic eveuing. â- ^how, ing their esteem for Hro. Dttewell by gathering in a gootUy number at Brv. Dttewell's and ju-esenting hiiu with a jiurse of mouey. Bro. F. W. Biwwnlee ft-ad the following addres.s and Biv. John Klliot, HKuly the prcsentatiou. Fevershaui, March 20, l!W!.t- Mr. Uicliar.1 Ottewell. Db.vk Friend .\>ii> BRO.--lt Is -with mingled feelings of pleitsure and Nuhiu.s.s that we liavo met to-night to s{>end a few hours witli you at yoiu' home. <t Is with siiicorc sorivw th.it we realize th;jt the happy i-elatious that have so long existed between you and this community, and cspeciidly with thebretheren'of thot^uge As.socintioii, are aKuit to Ik? severod by your ivniovi'.l to a new home in tho uorth west. We kiu>w you are going tv> a very proiulsing audprosivuous p<>rtii>ii of our fatcountry, and feel surt you wiU meet with many true friends there, as you have ht-iv; but griovo that circunistance« are such that you ar»' not going to sjwml the remainder of your life in our midst. W© need -scajvely a.sure you tlutt you will hj git«tly mis.sed, not only by the country at largo, but especially by the (h-angi> l<Klge of which you have been a use ami Valued uiember. We bog «>f you therefore, Bro. Ottewell, to accept this purse of money and also this vtuu-m tod emblem of our^^^Mtociatiou, not f<* the intrinsic vaUnwfe fox thts. pleasure in t'tterinj; this i«|J memory of tho wanu friendshijjavbich existetl in the jxist and which we M-c deligbtctl to renew at thu» time. Ti'usting ikirt the future may bring you and your go«l wife and faii^ily g'.x.xl health, long life and true happiiwss, and tliat God's richest blessing laay ever rest on you ami your family, tliat your Atind may often wajuler Ixick to tl^»^ <lays ippent >vith the Bretheten of L. <». L., i()(45. Signtsl in .behalf of Feversiukni L. <». I< . lOte. F. W. Biwwnlee, l\ C. U.. R-«.st Oit\v, John Fxaiwe-s t>- M., 1 •.-:.. \ Tliutchin^ui, R. S, lOW. â- â- -^ ^'- - Vandeleur. Mr. and iln. H. ^Wallace of Duncan, sjjent Friday at F. R. Boland's. MiiiN Edna Love returned home on Satanlay, after a couple of weeks with her grandfather, in Egremont. Mr. M. Beard has secured a large stock of logs at bis mill and w busy manufactu- ring it into lumber these days. Mr. Ed. Wilcox has taken possession of the fiirm he recently purchaaed from .Mr. Wes Bnidy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Summers hare nioved to Mr. J. M. Vnriti' huus9 on the Meaford Road. yii. Sid. Gill)ert Ls moving tbi» week to Mr. W. Hutchin«4)n's house at Vandaleur. MLs8 Mary Stafford of Kimberley w.-is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bd. Biker , last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wickens of Kiiulwr- ley were visitors at Mr. Will Alcox, one day Lxst week. East Mountain Intended for last wevk. Mr. Hoaranl Smith gave a birthday party to his many .schix>l friends last Friday afternoon. Miss M.'tbel Cliard wiis the guest of her sister, Mrs. JIcMullen, for a few d.iy.s last week. Mr. iuid Mrs. E. G. Cross and child of Wiarton are visiting at the latter 's,. par- ental home here. Joe Ferris of Kimberley purcha.sed a horse from John Branitf last week. number of ladies were present, alio a few gentlemen. Excellent papers were given by Mrs. B. D. C-jmithers and Miss Alice Carnack, the firmer oa "The Daily and Weekly program of work,'' the Utter on "The value of Cheerful- ness. ' Well rendered soLjs were giren by Miss C,-kesar of Marktlide, aLsij a verj- pleiusing duet by the Misses Odes.sa Walter and .Vldie Gaudin, .â- >nd a chorus by a nuuiber of bulie.s. In conclu-sion a very dtinty lunch wa.s served by the hostess. A most enjoyable time w:ls K[(eat by all present. Next mci-ting to lie held .it the home of Mrs. ^pinfus Wickens on Thursday, -\pril ijl^ Mrs. R. D. Carruthers vi(*ited Duncan friemls recently. Proton Station >Ir. Victoria Corners Those who liave not purch.i.sed their Ea.ster Ijonnets had better l)e looking up the fa.shions, as that season is close uiKin us. Mrs. Heard of Tn-oriH) is visiting her nephew, Mr. Wm. Heard. Miss ElLi Be.st visited at Mr. Tucker's. Dromore, List week. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker ami Mls.s Beryl Reunie returned with her. Berjl is renuiiuing for a while around the Corners. Miss Ida Acheson spent a few A-iys Lust week with her gia:nlfather, Mr. (Jeorge Moore. A lively nice wa.* on view tist wt-ek. .\ ixntain young m-ia of poor memory when really to start for the bush, left his horses untied while he returned to the hou.se. The horses resented this deLiy and dc- cidi-^I to go on. Tliey were not overtaken by the owner until he reached the skid- w,Hy, where they were waiting most pii- tiently. Moral- •• M»ke your head save your heels, " or in other wortLs, a ginul meunuy and you ride to t!j«i busli ; a (xior one. and you walk. We are glad to see that so luiiny of our Duudalk, Bethel and Pi-ofon fricniLs are visiting InSffi>ge these nice Sundays. Mrs. V. WiUiamson will hiivc a s;ile on Wednesday of this week. She will .sell her house furniture and fami implements. Mr. W. Miners has rented the fwrn and will move into the hottse vacated by- Mrs. Williamson. We leartl that .Mr. Will T.Kldof Bethel has rented Will LuiUow's farm. B«>m- < >n Monday, Miirch '^2. t ami Mrs. J. C. Wright, a son. Mrs. E. Rutherford is very ill at pres- ent. We hope to hejir of her s£jecdy recoverj-. Miss Ida Binuie. Fleshertou. spent Sundiiy under the parental ^x>f. Ch^leH Jack-son. West Tori>uti>, is visiting his friend. Miss JIahel Saundv.Ts. Mr. S«ui Wright, Kincardine, is the guest of his brothel-. J. C. this week. We are plea.sed to .see Mr. George Mc- Lean around again after a tew weeks' illness. Miss Id.1 Piu-k and Mr. Peter Pickett s|)ent SuncLiy at Priceville. Mr. ;lnJ Mrs. Will Medaugb .-uid fam^ ily are leaving this week for threu Sound. -Mrs. Falkner and daughter. Rii<Nla. of Havelock. are Hsiting the former's son, Will, this week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Park. Mr. :i.nd Mrs. Will Bi>yd, Fle-sherton. visitetl ou Sunday at the home of Mr. J. C. Wright. Knox church pulpit was <xx-upied by a student SantLiy evening, who delivered a most impressive sermon. Mr. aiul Mrs. D. Armstrong spent Sunday with the former's father, who is very ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ji«<. Park and son spent Suudiiy at Inistioge. OurScra,Boofc>| McPARLAND & CO.^ KImberfey. Miss Bri.sii Mugee of Torv)Bto is visiting friends here at present and is the guest of her brotker. Jas. H. Mage«.' Mr. -Vsa Hurlburt of Caron. S^Lsk., is visiting friends hero at pre-stmt-. Miss Jean I^ee of ifpping wa.<« the gue."»t of Mrs. .\. E. Myies, on Sunday l.-ist. Mr. J. R. F'lwx'ett is this week attend- ing the laymen's mis.sio)uuTr convontioti at Mii-s-sey Hall, Xorouto. as otticiiil dele- gate {r«>in the New England Methoil'ist circuit. Wo are sorry to rcijort M^. M. R. Hammond on the sick list at present, but hoi)e to hear of he sijcedv re<x>very» Quite a numlier fr»>m hei-e :vc(^ttjed tjie fuueral t>f the Ute Mrs. Robt. Fawcett, sr.,who ptt.s.st.Hl peacefully away at the h(>me of her sim, Edw.ird, at Heathcote on Weiluesday luoming List. Iuterm«l|l took i>lace at Thornbiiry ou Friday la.st. Deceased is surviveil by six sons and thi-ee tluighters. The sons are: "Sdward ami Irwin at Huathc»>te. John at D-.iwsoii city, .:V li. of Burks Falls WiUukui at Eppiiig and J. tt. of this pbK-e. The daughters are: Mi-s. Hall of IUlnks^ Mrs. Rowe of Barrie, Mrs. Dow« of M.vxwell. Mr. Oeitrge Stu;'.i-t, wIk> returned from (Sow Ganda Ust weok, was a caller in oar biu-g ou Monday last. The KimlwrUy Bnmchof the O. W. I. met at the houit' of Mrs. F. 1f Wi>»vr, on Tlr - •' Ceylon Mr. Lickie and daughter o( Orange- ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. J. L. W.H)d, Mr. and Mrs. J. Telfinl of Aliistou were vi«iti(Kt friends during the week Mr. XUx McLiod. tireman ot C. P. R IS home ou a short vacation. Mrs. McGregor of Owea Sound spent JrlunUay w ii h hor daughter here. Mr. Noruiaa Fletcher and Mis-s .Mib.;l Berry sp.>nt Sunday ilf^ernoou with their fii-^nJ, Mis-s Auna Chislett. Mr. J IS. and .A.-idy Sproit are It'-me from tittiberini;. Mr. Brock Pattoii took a fljiun trip to Owen S.>uud on Monday. Mr. John Whittiker of Durham gave hi.s parents a odl 1 ist week. Mr. 4i)d Mrs. Edward Sargent attend- ed '.he fuileral of their aunt at Hol'.and Ct-u'rc. A MUDEBS ROBI>'HOS CRCSOK. From the Owen S.)ui!d Advertiser, FriJ.ay, Ju.ie 12, 1863. Oti SunJay , May .31st, J. Trethewny, a resident of the Bruce mines, scarte '. frnui Saiilt See. M.irie, W. S., in a imail boat, occouipauiod l>y a female Ou h^s way. buweier, wht-u ibnut tbrej milcK d:stant from the mitie;. tl>c b---at capnzed. throwing t!icm in'othe w-*tei, where wih a c.aliiui worthy a hen, t <• geutli-ni^tn kept t!:e lady's beodE^bove water foe the 'pace of 15 minutes. At teuuth with t!:e ifruatest exertion h-i g it har on ti) the boat and lashed her tu it, so that s'-e might not beihi-own iu'oihe water.ig*in. By ibis time the naves «ere run nin;; high, ind ui^ht euininie oi>, shicb mstde their pi ait on more i eriloUK. The brave fellow tried to guide tf:e b-.at to Ia:n^, but aU his exertons weic frijitleSK; the current and wind proved too much f.-r h iii, aod he w^is dr^wn a distance uf I'j nji'es At l»rgtb, -ifter bail sr inthe >vater fur 13 hour!«, they were drifted upin an LstmiJ; nut tbfr* they w^ie little tetter off lh;«n m the place fioiu wbiub tbey h«d just conie, lieinc! without tire or rhe oieitns to make one, 'ind H ithout fix>J. Li ihs Dtate they remained twu Jay.s endiinn!; cold :ii>d hunger, when they were provid- ehtiaily rescued by the crew of the ] s.-kooiier "Bruthers, ai.dhf w.-is reitortd to the besom of h sfaa,ily lit- 1* tho worse i for hi.s cruise; but bis companion in the I voyage reciiired some injuries from which ! sha i.-« not vet recovered. Hi.s return »-is 1 I celebraied m splendid s'yle, and like a Veteran returning; from the wars, be is never tired of telUn<! his adietiiurw. il-ATEfKOALE OXTAKIP Grand Millinerv Opening. Fii-st dtiy of opening was renter Jay â- WedhesJi».y i and for origtualitv and es* c'.usiwness cf dftsigu you must see oat big disptey with the newest creations auJ latest, styles sBchas tLe 'fmbao. Pope, Cavaiiflr. Krectorie. etc. The latest shades and colorings sLown. mclBUiag the Taope. Melon, Sa^je Green, ilanve, tjofc Shade, Old Rose Ffow^i s are Hse'd verif mncU, «oft laees^^ Talles. etc. You will agree with as when yort see ou? display that u is thc- largest aad best djt^pl.iy we have had for many -i .3aj, Everyone weleou < MISS U'DO-NOHL'E iTi cfaai-g«. - NEA SPRLSG JACKECS We've juu put into stuck "a eoitsign- m»;ur of tlie ne* Jackets t..r Ladies' weir which rep'e*«nts the styles fci this SBOson â€" C<.l<.irs. Black, Fawn aud Fiwii with invisible stripe; semi- tittig s-yles, etc; s ze, 34 to 40 bust measure ami they are pr.ceif from tii.oO to .?IO.<JI>. Ir you »re interested iu »bat w ne.v and fasi^inabie in J.ick- et» it will be yi)ur loss if you do not see these J.url^ecs. ^ .NEW SMART TOP COATS FOB 'JL . MEN. .\i-c >oa resiiy for one? Qji4 with that "sijitictliing" which at uamj sajt- Ze.«ts t:ljc h,tiiilicraft of a um.ster 'ailor, if so, why n.itcome in aud see bow. vecau.iit you in the new Topper Overcoat wbich U just the thing for spring and fail wear. We b«.*ji the g'oy mixture with tnvisibte .overchedc vffect in 34 inch length, that !» the most p<-puiar c-oat this season, «izes. :55 to 42 aii.l priced a: . . . . f^.SO. We wisl. il, were possible to toll yoa all aboat the new things for spring. We iuvice you to come iu au.l have oar sales-people sliow you tba new weaves, styles, etc. No trouble to show goods here and yoa dont have to buy because yoa look. McFARLAND & COMPANY Port Law Sir. Chas. Ciofl ^"scd aiviiy ou Tues- day up ming o{t!>s week. Aixjuc three mouths agp Mr. Cr'<t£.^nit(a';t4<l a tsdd, from which pueu noiiia developed. The diseasj appi'ared to be ch^cketl, bul a relapse set iu at^d ho h:is t-iace been gradually sinking. Dec-easus! was iu the priaiuof life, aud leaves a iornnKJug wife aud a Itrge faiuily to moura the lu»s of ;v kind husband aud father. The tuiierui tiiok place ti-day (Thursiliy.) Mrs. Ceorse .McM-tster is fom a severe attack t^ lUuess Mr. Arthur Johiwton tf Vitujeleur Wi»s visitor with Portlaw frieutb l;v,t ««ek. - Miss Jlildred asid Mr, ^Viu, Napier visited Eugenia friends latslj''. Mr. VN'iu. McLentian is home from Toroato. T. li. AfcKenjie and wife drove to Oaten Sound last week ami visited with tho former's atster, who hits been ill, but is improving. .M.ertiig Address and Presentation. .\. number uf friends of Mr. .Jo«. Dun- can met at his residence, west buck line, on Friday evening last, when the follow- ing address wxs given: Mr. <-%iid Mrs. J>jt>. Duncan Dej^ Fri£M>s, â€" As yuu^ireabout torw move from our ueighborhiHMl. where you i have been a lifebmg resident, a few of the jieiiple with whom you have a.ssociat- i ed have met here to-night to give you our asHurauce uf regret at your removal. .At the .suue time it is a matter of plea- •'iire to know th.at the ilistance which will sc()arate us will not be very gresit, and uur.s«'ci.-d intercourse will not be al- together severetL We have decided to pn.-svut .to you a siuiill parting luemeuto, in the form of this clock and a pair uf rases for Miss Clura, merely to emphasize our g<» id will and as recvignition of th« lifcl'.ing friendship that h.is existed be- tween us as neighbors. We do not look ii(ion your removal its a parting, aud hope aiKl expect to uiet you Iwth frequently tis VLsitors among U3. -Trusting thiit your cluuige of resideniee uitoy piiA-e iK-neticial to he:ilth and ;ulil to your [lecunijiry :ul- vancciuent, we are yours in friendship': bonds â€" Tub Xeh.-hbors. ^ Time to Choose Your % 5pring Costumes N tAgooJ range ill Dres'Ooidsard SiJk.s. Unlers »»*<.•« f..i- re.ady- niaJe Suit^, Cuats. Dres-ses. Cau h.ive your ord<-r fillfd here, within a few diys. Special bargaiiu giveu iu reajymade Summer Dr,«.se« ni all the latest styles and de^i^ns. .\ full liau of Fancy Waistina, Marathun Ltiien S'Jttinu'*, etc., from I.j to :i') cents a yard; MILLINERY OPENINGS APRIL 8 9 AND \» va lUsplay all the latest '•Teddy" Ri.'S met with a ui-sty accident at^t.e rink hcie iast Ftid.iy oveitiuit just pM>r to tho hockey match. He iitis st'iuding on ttft> pl.itform behind the '.'Oiil net wich Iii» facj ;ig-iiust the wire netting when a chance shot caught liiui. The pock was a new one atid cOuse<[Utfi;t!y shitp C'-riiered .tud "Teddy" saw jtars f.ir a fuoiiieut. One fnuil tooth «.>s biokeii olf, scVBral were !oos;?iitd, wliile !i?j under lip wn.s so badly cut that it t«- .•|uired several stitches to c!o»e i" .- Htn- s.vvf r P'.>st, CoUi;li,s tiiit are ti<hf, or distressiu: tickliug coughs, i-et liuick and certain hel;j from Ur. Shctip's Cvu-.;h Reuiddv. On this account Draagists everywhete' are favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of -i hanidess luug- healiog mountainous shrub, give t> Dr.! Shoop's Cough Uemedy itj cuntive properties. Those Uavcs have the power to culm the most distre^iug Cough, and ' to scMthe, aud heil the most sensitive brotichiil luembcane. Ttst it, once yo-ir- s- It and secl Stdd 'oy all dealers. Khouuiatic poitntta are quickly ancF surely driven 0J4t of the blooil with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy â€"liquid or tablet furni. Dr. Shoop's Iwoklet on Rheumatistn plainly <b iateresCingly tells jtwt how thi$ is done. Tell some suffer- er of this book, or be'ter still, writ* Dr. Shoop, Rticin?, Wis. for the book and free test samples. Sentt no Money. Jwiiit join With Dr. Shoo)» ant* i(iTeiome suffer- er a picasaut s(frpri«». Sold by ^ dsal - ^^ Ci..U'ity Coti.-itab'e Cochmne, of Prttr hwns who is the ageut -if the C'^ildri-ifs AidS'K-iety. and C'.ii.f Brill, of Ha»f- lock, had a rather iutercsting experieU-'e a fe-» d.tys a:;o when ihi?! went to the Kom^tif .Mis. Rosebush (wrio I-ves aluju three viilet east of Havelixk) to rcuiove t»o cbi!dieii-a boy and a girl â€" from »m-rouBtlirg:» which it is ailesed were i;f>t St f T tbun to I e briiughi up it>, to tli* ch'idren's Shelter in i'cterboro. While f eiideavutini; to round {III the iny tliin CivUran.* received -two blows «>v»r tho head with a piue knot in' the hands of the youth, while Chief Brill iu tryttg to secure the git I. was attacked by t!ie m 'titer who bit bttn on the artu scvoml tinie^ The cunUables, however, secured the cnildrcti, nut finding on inquiry th;it the b<"y was 17 years old ho was alIo«fd to remain at home, but the girl, aged 10 yearn. w;ui taken to the slielter.â€" Nor- wood ilegister. ,. Rea-i the pain f'>rtMuU on the box of I*ink Pain Tablet.*. Then ask your D>cif>r if there is a Ivtter oim. Paiti means congestion, blood pre<wiire siine- wlteie. Dr, Shoop's Pink.^Ptun Tablets check head |iatn». woiuanly piiiu.s pail) atiywheie. Try one, aud seol 2<.t for {oc. Sold by all doalore. .5|^«cl•tut Eye, E^4.Nose and Throat the Revere house. Markdale, 1st rniay cAch uiouth fr«ai i! to 12 a. oi. Thursday. Friday and S.iCutd»T, and will have creattous iu sprini; styles f^r young 4r«d old. Have opened up an entire now stock of English Prints in- sit the J^ pretty shades ajid patterns. Specials in reaular l.V for 10c and l*Je. ^ STYLISH NEW CLOTHING ruR M^N-Ordors taken for â- & f tailor made Suits and < )%-ercoats in up'to-date styles. Twenty per cent. a£ oti' lu Men aud Boys' Readymadcs. Go,id buying iu )Ieti'» Shirts, Fascv ^t Colored iiegbue Shirts nm'U from fine corded 'shirtiS* material, muM gp ^^ .\mericrin ptit ems, s-nie of the latest stripe»in dee;) bluo andt.ai*. etc. • ^^ ^ J. E. Large, e u a e n i a. i The ds.ath of Major Willikm Dinifl, ageU S*> years, occured at the home of his daughter, Mr?. E. Carver, Kinoatdiue t'w.jship, on Mond-ay. Deceajcd was' boru in Devonshire, and came to Canada in iSJS. Hii sefled in Kincardine towa- slrtji it) IS-llS. He was a captain of No 2 jf»:npany of the Biuce 32n.l Reijiuieut, "'- i^ll^ich turned out in 1860 during tho "* F»niau raids. A 8ne old Ei^Hsh gentle- man was the nwjvir, and Ikitihly esteemed. He w.is a Couservative iu jiolitics, aud a M^thq^ist in relis^en. FURNITIJRE The ir'.(est itid , . best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. Tills vi^iout feoTofcon- tradic^H^ Come and see soili,e of the nice things iu s>iJe B-mrds, Dining Rouiu Chairsi P-iarlor Settts'Bed Ko.^lu Setts. .1 special re.'ma-' tionjust liuwonewiy- thing, in order t.. it- .'â- ;.•.• ^h.â- .t.xk. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Park House Banquet GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL OYSTER SUPPER 9th. GOOD PROGRAM The foll)-*;iig are exuectetl to be present and take part in the ptogvim: J. S, I, Wilson, Mukdale: P. McCuiiuu^h, Markdalc; J, ftL Davis, \\tDdeleur; J.Boliiad, Vanleleur; W. Irwin and Miss Itwin, Durham. The Durh.-ujv Male ijuartette, th6 looil Ministers an.I other Prominent citizens, al»o the very best of liKal un»icai talent, .\ ^ood time is expected. Come oue, cpuie all. supper from 7 to 10 o*cl9ek. Tickets 7t Jf{. y>. A. i'V.«ik-i ^"^ â- fate