Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1909, p. 1

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4, yiml^txton ^hhana. "TRUTH BEFORE aVOR." â€" " PRINCJl'LEb NOT WEN." vcL nv. KO Flesherton, Ont., Tluirsday, Xlarcla IB IOOq W. H TEURSTON lIDITflR aiKi puoph:i>tob 1^ Bidd«st,B«$t mS m ^1 Priced StocU ^v^"^ Warcham Tho sDciii! evevin;; ut llie E[>«Mrtli Leri^ue \v<i.s cttitiiinly a success in e\ eiy Wiiy. The instrumental iiuisio of Misj A. M. Henderson, and< McMilhiu, Mi>rio\v, and Irish osijeciilly toucli- ing Hnd \vi\» hilariou.-ly ruceived. There were eovenil rccitiitions wiiicli were well given, ineliidtn; those yiven liy iVIiss Blanche Jackson, Ruth Hurgrave, I5ellc McMillan, elccuti<, Foy McCutcIieon, Clemb Jacksuii and Tressa McCutcheon. Hiss Nellie Anderson, imi' local sopiano, als) fivoi'ou us with a solo. U. K'lherts Wiws chairman. Mis. J-Ieiiry \Vri:,lit was jjrosent. Mr. Buckingham of Maxwell .si>enC 8uiiduy ill our iici;<hlx>rho<)d. Mr. Morrison and his cousin of Max- well visittcl uiu' chnrch oil Sunday and this neigl>b<jrly call was returned in the evening I >y paitnflhe W'archiiii i>eopl;. Mr. .Marshall IMenzie and his sister iipci't Sunday afternoon at Warehani. Mr. S. D. Huberts and sister visited Warehani ou iSunday. Croup p'witively stopped in 20'ninutes, »iih Dr. ISIioup'n '-'roup Rcniouy. One tett alone will surely piovo tlii-i trutli. So vc.initing, no Jistross. A safe and plcasin;; tyiup â€" ?0c. S' Id byalldcaleis. Swinton Park. ih: ,iik1 Mrs. ^\'. Bioughton, two sons and one daughter, moved from their old home here Lust Tuesday to their new one Uf*r L'oUiiigwood. On the eve of their de|iarlure about sixty of their friends and ncighltors mot to bid thcin farewell. and presented them with a hnndsonie writing, showing the respeet in which they were held. The evening was K^ieiil with music and games, and all went home wi-shing them happiness and prosperity in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. John McMurdo called «n a tew of their friemls around the Park last week, before tiiking up their residence in Brampton. - Tliere was a little excitement at tho corner Last Wednesday, when .John Ferguson's team attached to a load of hiiy ran away at a ipiick iwco, le.iving behind the driver, who had gone into the Htorc. The horses nui to their own stiiblc, upsetting tlio hay at the g.-ite. No serious damage was done. Mary .\Klcorn is .attending Mount Forest business college. Bert Martin has returned aftor visiting friends in Ospi-ey. Lsa Campbell, te.icher at Mclnlyie. 8i>ent Sunday at her hmne here. La-st SaV)V>ath Kev. Malluwon gave a very helpful sermon on *' I'rayer, " t.ik- iiig his text from Matt. 7:7. Rev. 15erry lueaehed an impressive sermon from the text, " liear ye one another's burden.s, and so fulfil tho Liw of Chiist. " Eugenia. Port Law Wilfred, the little son of Mr. ami Mi-h. I CroWs are here announcing that spring Rolwi-t McMaster, met with a suriouK is coming. accident on Friday afternoon by f.-iUing off a sleigh, biuaking his arm. .V doctor Mr. Tbimns McMurray died home of bis br.)ther-in-law, Mr. at the •Tames was ciilled and did he could for thol Wilson, after <i shin-t illness, on Frid.iy little fellow, who is very pitienfc. His the .'itli Tlie funeral to )lt)plac« on littL- .school mates feel very sorry, a.s he Sunday following, to .Mount Zion. De- was a gencrid fcvvorite with them all. i ceased loaves a widow in HHinilton and ;i Tl-.e many friends of Walker Sloan of gi'J»n up family. The widow and a .•"on Thomas Pope of Dover, 79 yours old, was found haiigius; head downward from an upper story be l-.'ooni wimloiv, with the iiiish resting across bis b^g^j bi'low the ^ kiiocs. It is supposed that hj rai-ied the whiilow lo get air and toppl.-!' ever, the Msh, which was without wei^>ht,s piobab- y, droppcl as bo fel a id caught hhn in the manner stated. .\ii innnense bnller bmit for .John Hiiuisun & Son of Owen .Souml by tho Poison Iron Works at Toroiitis wa.s found to bif too lar^c to leave tho .shop In which it WAS built. The buildias; had to bo lorn Ujwn. Mount Albert are plea.sed to welcome him Ixick .-igain tor a short visit with old fi'icnds here. -Mr. iind Mrs. .1. 15. Mayne .mtl little son, Ri'ssel, of U'oodmore, .Manitoba, have st,vrted for their Western home. Master Riuwell luwl a serious attack of pnenmoiiia while at Eugenia, but has now got pretty well over it. \ number of friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean one evening recently. A very enjoyable time wjus spent by all present. Mr. McLean [ going West shortly. His departure was a matter of regret, but a hope was expressed that he would s ion return, as during their resilience here they have made many warm friends. Before ijjirting all joined In singing " Sinmld auld acipiaiiitrince be forgot.' " Mi's. I>argc gave a <piilting to .a few particular friends on Fridjiy afternoon. A very pioasiuit time enjoyed by all. Mr. Duckcit has been very sick for the couple of weelcs, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Carter we hope he will soon be well again. Mi's. Mun.sliaw was the guest of Vaii- dulenr friends for a few d.'iys I'Ocently. Coinmiuiiun services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, several new nimies being added to the roll of inembership. Mrs. JiiKiHsr Stuart of Kimberley is the giiesfcof Mrs. A. Smith. Misses Mina .uid M.'iniie \Vel)er of Kimljorley are vi.siling their aunt, Mrs. (icorgtitSndiam. We are ple.useiUo hear that Wellington ( i.s so far recovered as to be .'ible to leave his room after tinee months' serlcms illness. Kvelina .Smith has taken a pimition in the millinery dep.'U'tment of .1. \' ^^'. Boyd's store at Flesherton. and daujhter arrived in answer t > .-ihasly call. Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Fl '.sliert-.jn oecu - pied the pulpit of Mount /ion church on Sunday bi^-t. Mr. Wm. Taylor's side last, week well attended and fair prices ruled. Mrs. Tbomius Sherwood sp-nt two v/ueks vis ting her .sister, Mrs. Mcl'hatter of C rten Sound. Mr. .). A. Tlionips .n is at Owen Snuiid tliLs week attending high court as. i juror. Mr. J. S. Robertson of Oi'ono visited hs cousin, Mrs. T. 1{. McKeiixie. Mr. Robert Watson has gone to Ileatli- cote for I he sumiin-r iiiniths. Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Ben.suii have t,i!%i'ii up their residence on the Kerr farm. .Mr. .'ind Mrs. F.iwcett have moved to the Tay or f.irm, centre line. Victoria Coraers j Minnie (ialbniith is .spending a few i (hiys at her niiclu's, Geo. Liullow's. j Mrs. Williamson hiis returned fiinii Toronto, where she has been since ' ChrLstiuiLS. I Geo. Ludlow, Hr..~ ia at the home of lils < duughter, Mrs. A. Stinson. | Mr. Lockart lirtd the h;!y pressers on Ml imhiy. The en.gine, which is owned by (i. LuiUow, is doing spleildiil work, we hoar. W'o ale ghul to learn tlii.l W. Hearil is improving after an att-ick of neuiiilgia. The .servieo at luistiuge bust Sunday W.IS shorter tlian usii.'d as the Rev. Laidlaw had t-j return to Jlount Zion to conduct a funeral wrvice. Tluit iiiejuis four services fo;- Mr. Laldlav.-. A l)iisv d.'.y: McFARLAND&CO. r. I v i\> !c u A i^ !â- : o x x a i< i o NEW GOODS PRING. .'\ f.illing tny nerve â€"n.) larger the linest silke.i thread â€" takes tr(mi the heart i's impulse, its power. Its renulHr- ity. The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It whs Dr. Shoop who fii'st told us it wa:i wrong to drux a weak or Failing stomach, heart or kitbu'y*. His prescription â€" Dr. Sboop's Kesiorative â€" i.t diiecied sttulght for the cause of thase a lineiits â€" these weak and falluring iii- sde nerve.s Thin, no doubl clearly ex- phiiiis why the Ui'sloratire has of l;ite i{io'.vn so rapidly in p.ipubirby. Diii-jg- istsisuy tb*t those who test the Rfstori'.:- ivc oven for a fcv days »ii>n become fully cduvlnced of its w<indeiful merit. Anj- way, (bm'l diug ihe organ. Treatuia the came of .sickness i» the only Sfiisi'ole and fllcoessful w»y. Sold by all deulcis. Vaiiilcleiir. A very enjiyablatiine wa^i spiMit *l the pie .S'cial given by the W. 1. In tlie .schoolhouse, on the ev«nini( of March 4tli. I'io and tandwich wa« tl.o bill <•( fare, .\fier tea a Ir'ngtby piM|<iiim was ({iven, all by home talent will tho ex- ception of Ms.' b'awitftt of Kimberley, whu$* sin<{ing was much nppreeiated. The proceeds amounted to f lo.Ot). Mr. and Mrs. Kred Bobiiid liavo the synuiathy of the iici.gbboibood in the de.i(h of their only son, _Erno«t, a^ed tour years. The liitle fellow met with an accident last July by which be- was severe- ly injured about the head, but had »p- [uronily reooYcred, when an abocss form- ed which ro.-iulted iii his death on Tues- day last. Tho funeral took place to the MaikJalo cemetery ou Thursd-'iy afternoon.. Mr and Mrs. S. Gilbert visited at Pricevillii recently. .\ uumber fr.'iii here attended the social at Mr. .lohn Teeter's (jii Friday evening and report a a;ood time. Mrs. Will TimmiiH of Gleuclg, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lolin Warliiig" recently. Mr.s. E. C> I'mrt of Kimberley ac conipanied by her daughter Violet, visit- ed her daughter, Mrs. Will Hulchinsou- Ftilay. Mr. Wm. Speer was the gU'.iiit of bis daughter, Mr.?. .). II. HoUey, last week. Mrs. Edwin Cullls visited her brother. Ml', .lohn McAithur, of Euphrasin, on Mnnday week. A'r, Ed Bilker drove to Ueathcoto on Friday, leturning on Satiurday. Rev. Mr. Li'idUw occupied '.he pulpit here on Sabbath afternoon. East Mountain F. O. Martin wascni a couibined busi- ness and plea.sui'e tiip to Durham this week for a couple of days. Colds are jirevalent in this ni i^bbor- hooj just riow. W. J. Matthews li'tle siiil, will w,i8 .seilonsly 111, Is recovering. Miss Myrtle Smith visited with friendn at Fuit Law rocenly. Messrs. Sam Phillips and Ouy Kahtiti'.' not contented wiih their o«n iKa-.-hers, make fre<|oent visit* to liust Mounlani. Ir'« a loni! way to cuaie to school boyn. Mrs. Linely and her danshter, .Mrs McCilluiu of Fevcrshani, vjslttd friends in this neii^bliorhoo,! K«t week. .â- ^moa Mc( 'bill:; is at present working f.r Milton N.'il. Kimberley. .\ jolly loii<l of young people fnuii our burg attended the rink at Markdale on Thursday evening and report a gooil time. .John IMewcs and wife visited friends near Fle.sheiton on Sunday Oeo. EIutcIiiii.son and wife, of llejilh- cote, visited at . I. U. Fawcctt's on Mon- day of this week. Mr. and Mis. .V. E. Myles " .Spring- brook " entertained .-i number of their young married friends on Wediioschiy evening of week. Lome Curry ami .si.sters, Lily ami .\imie, of Uocklyn, were vi.sitoi's at .John Flewes' on .Sunday. .1. (i. Miti'hell of Clarksburg In town on ^londay last. Krn. Proctor vLslted Rocklyn friends hist week. ^ I'iva Black .spent .Saturday and Sunday at her parental home in Thornbury. J. Iv. F.iwcett and wife vi.sited the former's mother at Heiithcote, who Is very ill at pre-sent, no hope being held out for her recovery. Annie Curry of Rockl^'ii is the guest if the Misses Plowes at present. .bdin Gib.son and Knini.i Mct'bing of Flesherton visited at ihe hitter's iiarcntal hoiiij here on Sunday .Vriiokl Fergu.son of Thoriibmy, who h.'us spent the piLst iii.uith with fileiids here, letiirned home last week. Tho Kimberley branch of the I >. W. 1. will meet at-' the homo of Mis. F. J, Welier lUi Thursday evening, March 'S>, at 7.:iO o'clock. A full attendance is reipicsted. Hattie Latter of Coltingwood visited ni the jiaiental home hero recently. -Vld. J. W. Bl.ick of Thomliuiy in town ou Fridfvy. .John Wyvllle, wife and baby of Mark- I dale visited at Mrs. W'.s. iiiuenlal home t ' here (jn Sunday last. Siptii'o Stewart and .Joseph \\ eb.'r left ; on Monday of this week for Parry .Sound district. tiertl'ude Cie.-ir, the well-known sopmiio of Mirkdidc, sang a well render- ed solo in the Methodist church hcvo on Sunday last. Harry Baker of Yamleleur visited friends hero on S;iturday and Sitnd.iy last. Pricevillc Maple syriij) and, ho! hoi .John Calder had i big aiictioa side last Wediiesilay, D. McPhail presiding. Everytliiiig went we!l,cows alone brought from .**4.S to *.'>0. .1. C. is going u> .Vhuska In a iVw ilays, but being a t!iongbtliil man. be insured in the .\. (). I". W. Getting c<n'nered, our hotel man got a J.")0 introductiiui to the Ceyb)n .J. Vs. lately, .so certain tlnids ;u'e a litllo .scai-cer now. One of our ant i's went to Durham the other diiy, ami went down cellar with the saloon keeper to get a drink pre.smiiably. .\ spry detective tripi)ed down the next instant and took i>osseMsion of tho jug, and arrested the o'.vner. D. SIcKlnnon. t)wen Simnd Collegiate, was at home for the week end. Lixlgo 140 A. O. U. W. at Its last meethig. March 8th, made arrangements to send a jolly lot of members over to attend the o|ien meeting In Flesherton, ittider tho aaspices of the sister li>dge in that village on the following evening. Tuesday evening being very damp, n number were ]n'eveiited from attending. However, seven of the oHIeei's, including .some hulies, drove over and enjoyed very Interesling a» by P:ist (iranil M-Lster Ni.xon of Toronto, ami D. D. (i. M. Henry of ( h-angeville. We were dl.siippoluled ill the meagre re[)ort of this moetiug in lBt>t week's issue of The -Vdvance. Tliei'e is a large stock of logs at Mc- Leods sawmill. The yard is full and overtlowing. Lachlan McArlhur, eitst of the village. 1ms cnliU'ged his farm by purchasing .")() acres from Mrs. Scott at No. It) sideioad. New Dress Goods, Suitings and Fancy Waistings- Hatiierton The Clow s .'ire rtoing reund and tell us spring Is nigh. Other signs .such as chickens being hatched by hens in the month of February certainly denotes spring is here, and we congratulate you, .Mr Editor, on yoursuccc.s.s in the poultry line and will be expecting a lengthy l>aper at our aimuiil Institute ineeling on poultry raising. Miss Thiirstiai visited with Mrs.i;(ev.) Stiiiley, Wednesday and returned to h«r home in Flef-hertou on Thursibiy. iMiss Lillico of Chesley commenced dull- s .'US teacher in our public schoul here, l.'ist Tucsdny. Miss Ethel <>runimitt, wh.o ba.s been vi.sitmg friends in Honey wood, returned home Sunday, acciinpanljd by her mule, Mr. II. Mills. Mr. It. Seeloy and family of the 4lh line are moving to Melnneihon township, while his brotbei't .lohn, has moved on lo the farm vacated by him. .\ number here alien lei tho memorial .services held in tlie English church, MaxweM.hist Sund.iy, in memory of the late Mr.s. Arnott. Mr. Vic. Cni'iaii of Singhampton sjieiit Sunday in our burg. Mr. Will. Chard and .son Leslie, were eallerson Mr. Down, leeently. J.iinieson Bros, have purclia,seu a saw mill and have a largo stock of logs already on hand. Mr. and Mrs. Snull, formerly of this neli{liborhood, have been rencwingae<iuain- taiices hero lecenlly niid were the gne.sis of Mr. .'ind Mrs. Charles Winters. Their homo is 111 New Kngbind. Ceylon The lirst American departmental store was opened in London, England, this week. I few Anna Mabel IVrry <jf L'riecviUe spent days with Mi-s. II. Tucker and Chlslett. Uossina Robinson Is spending a few months with her sister in Toronto. If iht'i'e's nnyrhin'.' we're pi'.ui! of it's our rei>ul^iti.Hi for haviiin the lat'SC iUea^ .'ind bet viri..!ies of Dress (whuL, Siiiiii'js an ! F.incy W.iistiog^ niid this season <»i! biivc every te.iS'.n lo believe our fchowiug txeeU any piist .season. Wish we could leil yoii all aboii iho neiT atrivals but spice will not permit us diiii4 so. Fu 1 .'!!> iticb H.iiid.some Sbadows Stripe Li'stres In a lar'.;e range of sh.'i''e!': Bbi.'k, Niivy, Bio'tn, (i.l^lle^ Etc., spec a! vhIiic at per yiM 3tlo .Soiii Stripped Vodis, .'!8 inches wide, in Navy, IILitk mid Gru«ii only. A leifler, \n;r ya' d 500 Wo have an i.nmeiis.'sliowii.g of several new weavis in Diess (jo.iils wliieli in'^'udes Lus' res. Tilleta C.'.th, Voiles, Ciislimere,, .Satin Cloih< Fancy .Stripes, I'oplins Venetliii*. Laiiios Clot'i. etc. In a'l the 1 .lest s'aades at per'J 2!t, .ill, 4.'(, M, i^K .-it<, ;."), Hu. Sl.lN'niid $1.25 Ev-'i'v laiy in 'Ms coiiiinnnity will not be doing herself ju.,;ico if she d' es not at least have a loik here pincliasing h<-r wants in Fnicy or Pl.iio W.iisrinea tor we liavi. a magnilicenl array of ihu new wcivea et.-. from l.'ic up to per yrd 70c McFARLAND 81 COMPANY. Big Reduction Sale Still on at the Peoples' Store. Here, arc some "f the mea; numijtr "I L)iii;iiiiii> Lii.i: ..;o on st'.e this week. Men V and Boys' w inter Cap-s, retnbr ."lOc lines for I'.te Meii'saiid Hoys' cloili'iig â€" A few only Men's Suits in Serge, T'.v;t. d ml WurateU, nicely lined and 'rliinned, l!0 percent, olf. 10 only l{.)ys' tw.i and three piece suits clearln'.; 23 per cent. ,,(1'. Bovs' Toipies. c!eariiis< 22c Oirls' Tiiii.s. clearing I5c School ll.iiidkercliiufs tor the boys and Ljirls, 2 for J>'; Ladles' fhueiskirrs, JI 00 and jl.'.'o Skirts selling at fiSe. Toweling. I'BiiuIar 10c for 7ij A Few only. Men's heavy Unshrinkable Ciiderweur, rcL'ular .S.'ic and $1.(J0 on Sale at OS*; Come ami and see our trimmed Millinery â€" It is yours at half piice. Choice stock of fresh groccnes always kept on hand. I^idbest rticcs paid for Produce. J. E. Large, EtG ENiA. Mrs. Biiisier anil little .sou of Toronto are visiting >Ir. and Mrs. Sydney Rinds. Miss JlctSregor attended the marriage of her uncle at Owen Sound la-st week. Belle Carnahan of Owen .Siund is visiting her sister, Mrs. Craiither, for a few week.s. Mrs. Ed. Sargent s]H;nt a few days w ith her .son, Isaac, at Owen Smind. .Mrs. .bis. Bbinche, spent Madill at Markdale. 5TEADY EMPLOY.MENT F.r .A Heli.'ilile LochI Salesman REl'KESENTlXG Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN F!e.*herton And Adjoining Country. Y,)u will llml tliArcin a qooil 'Iciimiid tot , Niirderv Stock ou acceuut o( tho liigli priceK tUat Bi-owoi'S have leiilizuclou their fruit this- ' SOHaOII. I Our salosinfMi avo tnintint in a bi^ i)up-!ne«8 to us til in V oa, . Iledim of tliuiii ami earn yuod" Sproat and daughter, wrrcs tliroiicli t!io winter moutliH. ,, , ... ., _, Torritorv resurvB.!. I'nv WbbUIv. Fr Monday with Mrs. L). sample oui lit. ete. Writs (.njjartieiilaiK. S T N 1^: & W ELLINGTON . . . . , Koiohill Niusuiius I h."iO oJorsB ) Mary lucker oi Dromoro is visit mg | TORONTO ....Ontario her grandfather. H. Tucker, this week. ! Miss Ida Rutlotige and Maggie Chirk â-  ~ ~" went tit. Toronto to secure iwisltions. 1 We wisli tlicni .success. â-  We are plea-scd to report R. P. ami Cecil Legate siifely arrived at Calgary. Will SproaU .spent Simdiiy at Dundidk. I Maxwell Items \\ ill .Vndei'son and sLster, Nollio, were welcome visitors at tho Epwoi-th League last week. week the stork visiteil the home of Mr. Hilliard, and loft a young son. j Mrs. Wiley Ls making an extended i visit with her mother at W< ( Tho Methodist choir intend holding a j concert on .Vprll '20tli. See posters . Inter. Dr. Ryckman is away this week. Rumor has it that be will ret iirii with a companion. Mi's. .loe Riidley of Flesherton is visit- ing in this vicuiity. Goo. Lung and John have leturned from the city. , Don't foiget League Thursday night at tho ^jftrsonago. Everyone interested in t!ie study of tho Pilgilm's come along. Two young iioojile are to be made; happy on St. Patricks ibiy. The bride will bo .\i'villa Wliileoak ; the groom. Chester Long. The vicinity wishes the . young cimple a h.a])py aiul prospei'ous wotUled life. Rev for a few ilays, SEftSOriABLE IN FURNITURE The hii'j'eHt and be^t .stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Biwirtls, Dining Room Chairs, Pallor Setts, Bed Room Sett.s. .\ .si.eeiiil reduc- tion now on every- thing. In order to re- ibu'i' I lie stfick. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton 1 Office 1 Ll V i-ost St Geo. Ballantynehas been ahsentj j^f t|n. Rgyore li< I>R. BXJRT .Specialist in dia-asos' of the Eye, Ear, Nose andTfiVoat <)vvonSo)iiicl puse. Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 lo 12 a. m.

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