Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1909, p. 8

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THE F L E S If E R T O N ADVANCE Februauy 2519»iy Scottish Pride 66274 The voiini! hull t-cottislj I'ricle will stmid toi •ervioe at Jh. K. W. NldioiMin », lot b7. con. iS Artmin!»i«. Kcotlidi piiilu |> »ireJ bv Stottish Prliuo. a Bi aiidnoti rf tliu woiKlvifiil (how cow Geiiiuf l)ella<.'liiii, Imp., wiiiiicu' of night prizui kt Toiont'iaiiil Ijundun.beii'teii iM>irii$ ch>iii|>- ioo female. Hho wuichi* over UtOO pouixls, Oue ot thia cow's calvea u'ld for «li7'>.0(l. H<:otti»h prido it out of Lady Holla by the Toronto nrtt priie winner. Captain May Klv. imp at«S5»i. Tl.ii youoif bull haa prove hiiu- •>«lf a khowbull haviui; gained an •ncnuraKinK rt«cor'l thi> fall at Fev«rahaiii. He won nr«l l>ri«e aa l)«!»t bull calf, al«o dipluuia for bvst bull any a^e. Those tiavinx iiure Drcd cown khould aee thin Brand bull l>efoe breeding an they rannotdu better than um him. A liniitep iiuiiiber of Kiadea vlll be takeuat «l,JJ;Kor |<ure breda. *«.ao 28,000 Maple Logs Waited 18 Inchtaaud larfte deftretive lirartn accept- ed pr ovidluf! tame haa eiKbl i' ches |.-ood sound timber on outi de. Prii en ranKiiiK according (Oanality, to cut in lengths of 2G and II iucher. Caabpaid nu delivery at KuKeniA- Also want- •t sauiu place, a largo quantity of perfect . maple logs ineaturlug from -U inches and arher, at but I'i to 10 feet loni:. Prices paid i & per thousand, to bu delivered at J. \V Morgan's uilil, Kiigenia. SETTLERS' TRAINS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Bv Canadian Pacific direct line A Qreat School <irrat in Kepiitntinn, Keiiults, IniOaenv'' Aii'l nioii ukIiih-ss; Now ii. the tuiie j cuter tlie TOTJO^'TO 0'*JT. \\. .1. Klliott, Principal Y'int'e mill Alexaniler Sts. For Settlers travailing Settlers and familia* with livestock and without livaslock •tracts should use Special Trains Re^uiarTrains will leav* Toronto leaving Toronto Each TUESDAY la 10. IS P.M. dally MAKCH anii APKIL Tourist Sleeping Cars at 10.10 p.n. Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charge lor Berths Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full inforn-ation and tree copy of "Settlers' Guide " or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto Sauce for the Goose. S. RANDS. Agmt, FLESHERTON, Hecognized as the Best. \\ IN IKK TkKM at 'I'UK â€" -^ ^. ^' ^ ' Commences Jniiuary 5, 1909. Three ('i>ui8es-Ci)iiinnTct»l, .^lioitlianJ and T>pc«riiinu' 'iiid PrepiiniiDiy, fur those tthoKc e.irly education liiis been nfwlectod. I.SIOKMATIO.V KllKE C. A. ILICMING. Pui.NcirAL. Cwiii Souhi!. . Beauty and Utility I Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye :glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you v/ith a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler &. Optician Dr. M funis, llio oihet <)Hy Bt I ho Couiity Council meeting in Owen Sound asked tlie county for n refund tu t)ie towns nnd villagei of certain moneys riiiKed by tlie c'luutjr on tlia whole RSRCMineiit and given to rural suhoi 'la only. Thti refund will likely be made to those 'owns and villai.'ea which have bean, for the last tliiee yearn, conlriliutinf; to the support of rural achuoli, and rifhtlyso. Now the other side. At the same meeting of the C'lUtity CouiM'il a deputation, onsistmK of the ins|ieut(ir and several educatiniiists waited u(ion the council and asked them til iiicrenxe thecouniy •;rant to school! doiiii; coiitinualion class work to doubt* the aniriuiit of last year's giunt. The council raised the grant 50 per cent. Any money spent in education is well spant. The town of Durham for instance will uet a ifrant this year of $755 instead of year's $570. Ecremont's assesanient is some live times as lartrens that of Durham, yet Egroiiiont lust year received from the county the sum of $37.50, Uiiiy one or two schools do contiii jution work, and we venture to say that there are no mora in any of the townhhips of this, yet they ate asked to support schools carried on almost altogether, in towns and tillages thai receive the refund. The town of Hanover, which town Dr. Meariis repre- sents at Owen Sound, will receive $1(X> refund and will itet an inci eased grant this year of over twice thai sum, paid mainly by the niuiiicipalities from which the re- fund ctiines. If the towns object to pay- ing rural school taxes, liie rural munici- palities object, and object H'reiiuously to any incre.ixe to .schools in tlie town^. It's a poor rule that won't woik both w.iys. â€" Holstein Lender. |NORRIS BROS. ^ 1^ l^arbwa'^e merchants and Ctnsmitbs. ^ "VroW III II Sicicktakiui} is over and thinking you, we find ihnt wo •*-^ have hull a mo&l prosperous year. We are now ready tn serve yon ill a iiiuch L'leater capaeiiy than in the year closeil. We intend to chise uut our preseni line ijf Stock Food and will dJ so regirdlesi of first cost. The liae is the well known Hackney Stock Tonic .\ positively Ouarsntefd S'.ock find to tl.arattlie following prices: tl CO pk!{ S'oek Tonic. (Jj?, ••'iO ;{0c. .'J1 " I'oiiltry Food 15c, .f)0 " Heave Cure 30-. 2 50 p III llog Tonic 8176. We hive been foriun-ite in securing a f|uaiitity of Axe Handl.'n, sccnnd gmwih elm, hand made and it you want A G(.)OD AltTICLK d'di't forgot to 1 .ok t'lvse |;(;oi's oVor. Washing Machines If intercMted ill a High <'|H^K Wiitliii,<.' .Miichine, d.m't furgct the ['liable s:oiu where you will sec the Kii g Washei. Flesherton Carriaqe Works Cutters Sleighs. Kow in tlio time lo buy your Cutter or your Slpi!,'Ii. H'yoii iiiiciid buying c.ill on us befoio pnrelm.siiig, ns -..•o Iiivo a complete stock to cliooso fiosn, and prices Uiut Kiit. Hif.stCla.-.s Morse-Shoeing a Specialty D.McTAVISH, - . Prop. F LE S H ERTON. BLOOD DISEASES Quaranteed Cured or.No Pay. It you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had aome disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you aflford lo run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscrirainately-they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of thes* diseases enables us to prescribe specific remediesthat will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad •flfects on the system. Our New Methoid Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear theskin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, «nd swollen glands will re- turn to a normal condition, and the patient will feel and look like a different person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete cure if instructions are followed. Roador if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. if unable lo oall write lor a Quostlen Llat tor Home Treatment. DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michiifan ® Griswold Sts. Detroit, Hlch. Herbaceous Perennial Flowers. Bulletin No. 5, second series, has been issued from Ottana. This deals with herbaceous perennial plants, with numer- iiiis iltuHtrations. It is invaluable to any- one who desires to plant this kii.d of Hiiwer for docuralive purposes. The authnr. Prof. Macorn, in his preface says: There is a rapidly growing interest in HoweiR in Canada, and the increased demand for information regarding them during recent years is very marked. 'Cliildren aie being taught to cnrc for tl iwers ill the public .•thools, and many lioiticultur'il societies in the cities, towns and \ i Uges are awakening a greater inteie^t in horticulture. There have also been lecturers sent to different paits of Canada to interest the people, who have spread much useful inforinatieu. Much horticultural literature has been availaHs in recent years in attractive books, and in the repot ts and bu'letins issii.'d free tiy the public instil utiuni to whoever a.tked for ihein. Theso have nil had their iitluunco, and the result been a glowing desire on the i>art of Canadiiins to beautify their home surrnundingi by the planting of trees, shrubs and herbace- ous plants. The Central Expe;imental Farm has, for more than I wenty yeais, been a bureau of information to those who snught for greater kiniwledgc in growing iilauta, and in order thr.t the information slmuld te of the most pr.ictical and reliable character, ex pel intents were begun in 1887, to de- termine the kinds 'if plants most desirable to L'l'oW. A botanic garden, comprising sixty-live acres of land, was e.slabli.shed in I8H7, in which it. was plannod to test aa many specitH and Viuielies of trees, shrubs and hi-rbaoeous plants as could be brought to- gothei theie. In 1899 a list was publish- c I of tlio trees and shrubs whiciilnd been tested up to that time, wih notes on t'lo.r h.irdiness. The rapidly growing interest in herbaceous perennials has made it Roem necessary to notv publish a list of theso [ilanls, and in this buibirin 2, 1 Id species and varieties repie.'Jciiliiig 'JMO teiiera tfs'ed in the .Arboretuin ISiitanio iiaiden aie recurded. This large c ill.tction hat been obtained from botan c gardens, luirseiymeii, si'edsmen and private individuals in many parts of the world, Hiid while there is a large number of kinds yet to bc'obtained the collection is a v'lry represciitaiiveone. The work wn bo obtained fiee, by tliosu who would profit by it by writing to Wm, Saunders, director of experimental farm.s, I Ottawa. Wanderings in Old Virginia. Dear Mr. Editor: AVheii I was but a small boy, fireside stories of the great wtuggle then going on between the Nui-th and South made vivid impressions <m my memory. The valor of the Confederates and their heroic struggle against overwhelming odds aroused my boyish sympathy. The dream of my early days wa-s » trip to thvS South. Kt hist it has become a reality. A run .of foui-teen hours from Toronto brings up at Baltimore, Maryland ; thence ii Kiiil of twelve hours down Chesajjeake Bay, a distance of alwut 190 miles, brings C)ld Point Comfort, Vu., into view. This is historic giound. Memories of Captain John Smith and hi.s rescue by Pocahontas, the daughter of the mighty Indian chief, Pocohat«n;the struggles of the Elizabethan e.xplorei-s ulu.ster around this point. It was near this j)lace that the ,l)attle Ixitween the Mewinuu! and Monitor in the Civil war occuiTed. A short distince from here lies Yorktown where Lord dirnwallis Kiirrenderc<l to Washington. At present the event im evei^ lip is the return of the American fleet of sixteen vessels from its trip around the world. AW the rooms at the hotels are engaged in advance ; standing room is at a premium. Fortress Monroe, the strongest fortified , ])oint on the eiLstom coast of the United St<ites, and the navy yards at Portsniouth are dressing up for the occasion. The retiring President and the President-elect, the Senators and would-lie-Senators will l)o there to give i\ fitting welcome to the nation's defen- ders. Flags will fly, guu.s will boom, onitors will orate and the Ameriuin e;igle scream and smir to higher air than ever reached befme in hiuinr of the occiusion. Norfolk, Portsmouth and the site of the Jamestown Exposition lie a few- miles south nnd in full view from ( )ld Point, while Newport News isashmt distance up the liiiy. The combined i ;:*J poijulation reaches al«iut 200,000. The country for miles around Ls" low and flat, the soil is a poor ochre colored .s-and. With Lirge additions uf fertilizer it grows garden truck. The largo farms of four or five thoii.sand acres of slavery days have grown ii)) with pine or oak. In some jMirts a .sec(jnd crop of timber is Ijcing cut. The land is v.tluable largely for its timber. For fanning puip<ises it is in many parts worthless. (hie farmer from Minnesota sold out his f.irni there for ^,000, and invested in a large fai-m in Virginia bringing his horses and cattle with him. He .soon found he could not raise enough fodder for his cattle and after a few years of hard struggle was .soUl out to jviy the W.ince of purchase price on his land. Yet some men are making money out of the .soil by grotting truck and peanuts. In .some cases as high as S?100 per acre may be j :;JS taken for .-i good crop of iit'aiuils. The . â- â€¢â€¢; The best Canadian wheat, the most modern mills, and the most skilled millers,'all combme to give Royal HoQsebold Flour those baking qualities which make it the choice of discriminating housewives everywhere. Give Royal Household a fair trial and you will never go back to other brands. Your grocer will get it for you if you insist. 14 OfiUvie Hoar HUIs Co., Limited, HonfreaL '•â- â€¢â- o**eo*«*»o««*«»«*o«eo«»*«»ooo»oe*a*l»oo«o*ao«o«oao*o*o*o*«o*«*«oo*aoo***ooo' .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••- • ••«. •••• Ij ^as, !Patttson, Cei/ioUy Ont^ pH ••• •>• ••• ••• •*• ••• ••• â- â€¢Â»â€¢ •*• •.• •*• •.• ..• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢*• •••• •••• ,S^^*S' Some great bargrains still on as we have some Winter goods s'.ill left, yet in Wool Blankets, Heavy Gnernseys, 'Wool Socks and Stockings, 'lYinter Mitts and Gloves, Fur Caps,. Pea Jackets, Overcoats and Diiiuerons other articles. We make it worth jour while to buy here. We liave also a lot of short ends and broken lots, which we will run oft' at very low prices. We liave"a lot of New Prints and dress goods for spring, •••â-  •••â-  If yon want a bag of gootJ Flour ask for the West"' at $2.95 Per 15ag. 'Cream of the Kr «r used iji ot l« as fotlder for Rlchard8"-Deans The huint of Mr. and Mrs. .Ins.Deans, Dundalk., was thn scene of an interesting event early Tuesday morning, Feb. 10th, when th eir o nly daughter, Lillian, became the I ride of John E. Richards, the well known general merchant of this place. The wedding was (|uietly per- fcrmed by the Hev. J. J. Fereuson, ^mstor of the Methodist Church. The newiy wedded couple left on the morning train Tuesday for a short honeymocn trip. After returning they will take up residence on Main st. west. â€" Herald I The County of Siineoe will spend ' (25,000 on the 'good roads acheme this j sea.'ion. The rural municipalities get ilSll5,l>dO, tho urban municipalilios, $4,000 ^nnd there is an emergency fund of S1O50. The money will bo diviJed among the uiban municipalities as follows: Allisr<ni, .Sliir.; IJradfoid, |130; Uarri.i, 6865; ! Beeton, 885; C«illingwood, §855; Cree- {moro, $83; Coldwater, $85; iMidlun', ^44t); Orillin, |!7n5; Penetiinguiahcno, «2D4;, $140; Tottonham, ^83. vino IS horses. In pa.ssing tluuugh the couiitiy here and there may be .seen an old pbintation house, generally in a very dilapidated condition, tho old oittbuiUlings tuinbling in decay. In the l)etter (uirts new houses stjind, large, and with every comfort of a city home. The old Ixittlo fields are a drawing card.- Old veterans for a small fee of fiw i:f .li.i- dvUma will drivo visitors out two or three miles and spend throe or four hours pointing out places of interest. If the Southerners managed to bleed the Northerners like the old guide at Peters- burg tried lo bleed me 1 wonder any- survived the war. Generally the guides are reasonable and the iiouple genei-ally are "tho milk of human kindne.s.s. " Novor have I met a finer people than the old Virginians. They dose shop t<i .show- one around, pross inumeuto.s of the war and ci'.rd.-! u|mui visitors from Canaibi. They ai-e " right glad to see ^'o«, " and urge you to call again. It is hard to get away from them. At the city hall 1 was taken through and introduced to each de|>artment, ami was urged to call again. Some of them had seen Toronto and .said " It is a right smart place. " They possess the art of making one feel at home, and the Virginian of to-day posse.s.scs much of the culture and gentil- ity of the (Jd plantation divys. The weather tor about a week has Ijeen very warm and spring-like. Buds are liursting and the gras.s is starting. Cattle out u» the fields are grazing although there is not much gi-owth. For me it has been uncomfort^ibly warm and at night with open tmnsom and window one sheet was Hutticient covering. T\i- diiy it is colder, and overcoat and glove.s are re(|uired. If time permits I will tell you of some old veterans and the battle-fields in the next. ~- V. W. Chadwick. Richmond, Va., Feb. 17th. iiul I :!SS ••• Highest prices paid for Pro- fl duce. ^ Our motto Is "Small Profits and quick iir Returns/' •- •*•••«••*••••••••â- â€¢â- â€¢ ••••( •••o«*f««*«*0*«*««**a«*««««*a*a*a<aa*******«oo*e*** Societies Business Cards A u w uie.tits oi« tho taut Monday | ni'iiitti, in their lotieo room | Xnnis' liloi'k. Pleslieitoii, at » ii.ui. M.W..! Milos Thi«tk'tlnv.iiti!; Hoc, 0. H. MmiHhaw; * Fin., \V..I. llel.aiiiy. Visitiuub'-etbrcD iLVitcir PUINCK .\11THUH LOUUE, No. :«.'), A.V& : .\ ?.I, '.noolB in the Masonic hall. Arm- stroufi's Hall Klesherton. eveiv t'ridfty on or liel'oi-e the full loocii . TUos. UlakoIr,W.M.; I Herb..^mltli, Setre'-Rry. . noi-RT I''t,KS!lKnTON. TO.-.. T. P. F. ii eeta in I ^ (-liiytou's illocli th« laRt WpdiieHtlav ovwioiir wolcoMio. II. It., DvMon;..,K. Kin. Sec. C. N. llichavttBOii. nZALTEIl 1.0UCKS " liuildMr uud Contractor Koi'lii ick, Stouo unit Ii-riii« tiiiiatett uhuvrluUy lurnisheil, Ontario. voBideucoB. Ea- Fltishertou I* o JUj CULLiOUGH & YOUNG Jo a goaeral bankiiif^ buuiiiuiiH. Money loaned at reasouablti lalef Call on us. TOHLSLETT, * Votitiiiauttu-, Coylou. I , Convoyancer, deeds. ,"•' • ' ^' I iiioi't!4at:tis, luabtiB, willH otu. uuretnlly drawn uj* I'liiasu v>ay duos to Fin. Seo. before tho first i day of the month. j I JuUcctiuiiH uiad.'. clmi'^tjs voasunablu. AIho flllOSEN 'J Cliosim 1 FhlENrSâ€" Flesherton Council of, Pritinds meets in Clayton's hall Ilrst i and thivd Wednofidav of ofcch mouth 8 p. ui Pay assesanients to the Iterorder on or bofore [ treflvst davof each month. Chief Couucillor T. Hlakelov:Mccordoi-, \V. H. Bunt. ( groeerio.^, Uoiu, feed ete. keiitin stuck, Price* riKht, RJ Sl'ROULK Poitmaatur, Flushortoo ^omniissiouer in H.C •}., Auutioueer veyaucor, .tiipialser and Money Leuda lieal ISatate and Insurauco Agent. Deedb " " 1 ~ I mortgages, leases au-i wills carefully draw* Pnrp Rrptl Fni<lUh Rerk«hir(>« and I "P *"'! valuations made ou "hortest notioa TflniWOrthS. ' lectluus attoudod to with promptness lliavea fine lot uf youiiK nigs bred from! S''*''8®V'°"/, A8e'>t for Ocean UomiDion pri/.e winning' stock, fi.r sale. Write me f„r | S^«"'»'i'P Company. A oall solicited. pviciw. I can give a liar(fain also iinaranteei atisfactidu on all inuit oriierH. (Jcu. VV. KOSS. Ma.icweU V. 0, Golden Legend Pure lired Tani«-orth Boar fur service on Lo ITO, 2nd E. T. & S. R. Terms 81.00. RICHARD ALLKN DMoVHATL, I.iceuBod Auctioneer for th« • County of Grey. Torni.^ moderate and satisfaction guai-anteed. Tho arraiifjoinetits aud dates of sales can be made a*-. Tub Advanch olUce. KesidcuGo aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dee. 6.07. For Sale One span ot Lightuii.t; Colts ccniing three matched. Ready to woik. Also one Shorthorn Hull iiiiihteeu months old, bi-ed by Qeo.Hristow, KobRoy, numbe?- .58445, iu volume 24, Nameâ€" Villase Captain. ALBF.BT «• HANLlfiY, Lot 4, Cun. 10, Osprey, Feversham P. C T YY KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for ^â- '- " • the counties of Uiey and Simooe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Ternii moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Arrauge- lueuts for dates may bo made at tho Advanea office, or AI T. HutcDiuson's store, bevershain, or by addressing me at Feversham, Out. Lot 13, oou, 13, Osprey, Dentistry Dr, B. C. MURRAY L. D. 8., dental surgeon lionoi- graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, (tas adiuiuist.ered for teeth extraction. otUoe at residence, To ronto scroete'laabertoD Venerable Arclideaoofi J. Fielding Sweeny, M. A., l>. D., rector of St.- I'hillip's Church, Toronto, has been elected Ibshop of the Diocose of Toronto in succession to tho late. Archbi.shojj Swcitmni. Two Italians h.-ue invented a sub- marine with propelleis that work like the tins cf a fi^h. Tbam Mark* OniQKS C0PVRIQHT8 && Anrone sanding a nketch ar. J description may qntchtr ascor'aln onr opinion free wliotlier od Invention i3T>i-oli.*t.l7PM.tonti!hlrt, Ccnirounlca- tlonspirictiy r -inUUeiitlal. HANDC50K onPatcntd BOiitfroe. (i.-'ioit nt'oNcv fur socurlnff ootcnts. Pnlouiu tiikcn Ihrouirh Muim & C<>. reo«lTe tficclalnotice, wl)houl,oliiir«o, latba Scientim 'Mmtm% A ImndiiOcjaly aiuKtriMcd weekly. Isrsreot elr- eulaiiua of iny «rloinir:o .1' Torias lor Canad.i, s:'vT;> a year, tK>t>ta«;e iircrotd, bold bi aU nenwealers. jQ^ae^Broat.'wsy, Kp RUDD MATHRW3, Markdale, Liceaaeit auotioueer for the county of Grey. Good service at reasonable ratcb. Dates can b* made at The Advance. 1 o C9 Legal WH. WUIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Con»ey. auoer, etc,,â€" Owen Sound, and Fleeharton. N Hâ€" 4 e hettou offlce.Sjn'oale'fl Ulook evary Saturd' W. J. O'NEAIL Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc. Ottice-Spronle's Block, Fleeliertoa. Medical DR CARTRE M CP& SOnt.Phyflioian, Surgeon,* OiBco and residenceâ€" Peter st., FleebertoD JP OTTKWULL Vetoriuary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, rosideuco â€" s3cond door south we«t|on %.d,ry street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. n WILHON, Bliukflnith U« 'iroihiate of no Veterinary Soleuoa Asaoolationl Knsidunco, Durham street, op o^te Boyd, Hiokling's hardware. N ^

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