Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1909, p. 1

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yksb£rt0n JlJiijatta. ••TEUTH BEFORE aVOU.-** â€" " PRlNCiPLEb KOT MEN." *N VOL XXV, SO 1397 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, February 2o I90o W. fl TfiURSTON i:Dir()it and I'liOPUIETOB r< Jewellery ! Jewellery ! Biggest, - Best and lowest pric- ed stock in the country. Reli- able dealing. W. A. Armstrong Kimberley. I FLESHERTON. 10th Line, Osprey. Mr. Will Hawtim of Weybuni, Sa.-sk., ,iB home on ;i visit from the west, where 'heliaswisiaeilfui- the ptiit f«w yeiirs. '\»ill looks hiile mid heaity unci his 'frieiiils were ^ln\ to soo him again. He u. buying a car load of (lirst-cliiss horses \)> take back with him next inunrh. " Boni-Ou Sunday 21»t of Feb. to Mi'- and Mrs. Harry Horton, CoUingwooil, .a ton. Bun Brackcnlmry had the uiii^furtunc to lose » Viiluable horse list week. I Born -On Tuesday, Feb. lOlh, to Mr. kud .Mrs. Saul. Ottewell, a daughter. ' The ((uarterly ottio'ial board of the lUaxwell circuit of the Methodist church 111 the February meetiiiij lmvo their pastor. Rev. A. P. .Staidey, a uii.uiiinous invitation to remain on the circuit for a Ihiid year, alsi giving two-wef-ks >iolidays in tlie year. We are Sure th s "will meet with the approval of the whole circuit, as Rev. am* Mrs. Stmiley have 'made themselves friends of all who know _ them. . R. .J. Coliiuett is prtfiMiring t > build a . house on liis farm on rhe lltli con. He . lias hired a married man l)y tlie ye^u- and • iute.ids the s.iid house for hi» h red man. Mr. and Mis. .1. Louglieed of H»lher- â-  t.m spent Snmliy with the forincr's ' brother, Reuben Louaheed of th's line. MeM.srs. Fred and John Hale's auction ' Kite on Friday last ;Uew a largo gallu'ring . tif people and good prices were realized. Mrs. R. J. Cidipiett is visitin'.; her • liaughter, Mrs. Harry Horton, in Coiling- wood at present. Fred H.Toii of the Eu:;eni.a electric • jilant, spent Sunday ai his inreiiial home ' "GlenColne" uii the eighth line. Parties luiving farms to rent, in this district should .-idvertise th^.- same in The Advance, as a number of men in this part want fiiruis to renr. Valuable Remedy (or Colds and Croup. \V. W. Cr.iv. an attoriicy at W'enatchee, Wash., savs: "l b.ive u».'(l t'haiiiliiMlaiii s t.'i.U4,'li lvi;iuu(ly ill my family f'T ci.lil.', ami cniup »it!i tt"'"d lesulta. ,1 aim to ahviiy.-* \.-.v\> tliis iBiiieily in the houiio. " !St>ld liy W . K. Richnrd.soH. Maxwell Items Mr. and Mrs. F'lesher and Mi.s.s Flesher of CoIliiigwo(Hl,viHited at Mr. Geo. Rurk's on Sunday. Mr. audMis.NV. Scille>, of .Vvcning. Hyent a couple of days with their many friends here this week. Mrs. Moore and Pearl and DidUie. of Mclntyro, spent Sumbiy at Mr. Walter Kertoii's. Alex McLean of Mclutyre, visited un Sunday at W. H. Guy's. Miss Frances Paul, Feversham, is -visiting Mi-s. James Long. Mr. and Mi-s. Ilobt. Rim.say of, aix- visiting at Mr. Robt. Heron's and lenewing old ac<[uaint»iices arounil the vicinity. Miss Liswiie Guy left on M^uiday to siiend a few weeks in Toronto. Ma.xwell is taking in the aspoot of a tiiulwr community with the number of liMwls of logs going tlirough the village on their way to Kerton Bros.' mill. All Leaguers are a.sked to study the Pilgrim's Progres.s, by Buyiian. Mar. the LoJigue will meet at the [lai-son- ago for a study of the book as far ii« the talk betv/een t'hri.stian and(lo<«lwill. The Kimlierlcy branch of tlie O. W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. John Plewes on Thursday. Feb. 25, at 2.30 o'clock. A full attendance in rcipiested. Come and bring your thimbles. Miss Ercudcsti Brook* ofCUrksbui-g w!is the guest of her unolc and i unt, W. S. Bishop and wife, during the past week. Amos McClung visited at John Wyville's, near Markdale on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Pj-oclor and sou, Ernest, visited Me.>ford friends the jmst week. Mr.s. J. R. Fawcelt, who has been on the sick list during the past week, is able to be around .-tjjain. Ashley Fawcett and Vera Gaudn visited at. Joiiii \Vy\i le's,iicar Mnrkdalc, ua Sunday bust. HeatlicotL' and Kimberley hockey teams phiycd a friendly game on the rink here on Saturday evening last, the .score being 4-.'! in favor of the visiting team. Lottie Fawcett of Clarksburg is visiting at her parental home here at present. Augu.sta Weller of Duncan is 'he guest of her friend, Edith Hammond. We are sorry to report little Edna Burritt on the sick^list,but hope she will soon be able to be around again. Belle Duggaii of Schoiuberg i.s visiting Mr. and Mrs. .lames Stewart. Gi-rlnide Caesar of Hi-athcot4 visite.l at M. R. Hamiuond's on Satuixlay and Sunday last. Mrs. Irwin Faweet and .son, Roy, of Heatlicote were visitors at J.R Fawcctt's on Sunday. Arnold Feiguson of Thornbury is the guest of hi:% coiisiiis,Dalton and .Mian Ferguson. Meivyn Wright of Clarksburg is a visitor at Thos. Cainaek's. Britt Knott and sister, Helen, of Markdale visited at M. R. Hainmoiid'.- on Suml.iy. The memliers <>f .Mrs. John Gillespie': Siiiid.'ty school cbws met on Frid ly euening last ,ind preseiitcil lior with the following add re.s.s which speaks for itself: .M rs. .Toln; 4 Jillespie, l>tMr Toacher â€" Wf the tn«?iiilKTS of ymn Suiulny Hch.Hil cbi^H havi- ^'athereti at vtmr bonie thix evening; to s|>«iiil a frw Iioiuh with you prior to your s«veriin{ your connection as leachff ufonr eU»* tm aoct'ii'-/, ot your iuteiKi- ••il ilfpurtuie fiimi our miitst in the mar future. \Vc feel that we caiiniit let you depart without in soiiio way cnnveving to you niii apprwiati"!! of your services as tenel.ei. Dur- inir tin- time you have taught our class we have learnpil to Uivcaml nwpect you, on account of your kiiKliiesn aiol patience titwani us while uiifol(iin;;l1ie t<-aehiiigs of die word tf (rod. .\.i< a slijiht t >keu of nur (tocnl will toward you we iwk yni to accept tliis chair as a re- membiaiice of your Suu'liy schoi 1 clas.s at KimluM-ley. We all jnin in winhin^ yon and yinirr* citntinnetl health and prosperity in yuni new home !Uid m-.v Iteaveirs rirlu'»*t liIeNwiii^s ac-eonipaay yiai tliromjii life ; and should Hi' \<v i^ot pennittfti t'> uii'ut .•i;raiii on earlii tuay ue all meet together around ttie grea". whiti- throne where parting shallhe no more is the sincere wish of y ur eir.ire elajis. Sinned on Indialf of the cbus.,â€" .\ddie (laudin, (.)dert!'a Walter. A number from altAJiuled I ho hockey match hero on Saturday even- ing last. Mr. Jones of â€" visited his cousin. Mrs. John Plewes, hero during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brooks and daughter, Vera, of C.'aiksburg, visited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Plewes and chil- dren, Howard and Hazel, are visiting at the former's parental home hero. Ruth Hart of Meaford is the <'uc8t of her friend, Mrs. Geo. Proctor. Mr. (.ieo. Wheatly of Thornbury visited his cousin, Mr. Lyness Fawcett, for a few days during the past week. The (hMn;;e Soiree held here on VVed- ne.sday evening lust was a good sncccs. Ijooil ttlent was rt.ssisted by the life and drum baud from Thornbury who gave excellent music during the evening. FiXcellent addresses were given by Revs, Hathertoa luistioge EpMurth League visited Maxwell League lust W'e<lnesdiiy evening, whore uu enjoyable evening was sjjent. Rev. Stjinlcy gave a helpful talk on the topic. Mrs. Stanley sang a solo, after which refreshnieuts were sen'ed in hull, by the ladies. Mr. Ed Watson, Port Law, visited our burg, Sunday. Farmers are taking lulvantj^e of the good .sleighing and are ru.sbing out their wood, logs .and other farm produce. Miss. Mabel ^Vinters of McLityre, visited friends here, Friday and Satui<l;iy. fih: John ^\'iutel^s of .lUberta, who Ims l>ceu visiting friends here, during the past two months, left for the west. Wednesday, taking with him .i light .sjiaii of heavy, which ho purcha.sed in this tuwuship. We are .sorry to sou John going l>ac'k alone iis we feel sure there .ire some nice young ladies who would enjoy a trip out west. Miss Lillico of Chesley, lias been en- gaged as teacher for our P. S., duties cominencbig Marcli 1st. Miss Thm-ston of Flesh .in. who so kindly and ably took chai\; of our school until a reguhir teacher could be obtjiiiied, leaves with the good will of the people of tins section and the liest wishes of » nuiiilier of friends, for her future .station' of life, best known to herself, not wielding the risl though. MLss Liiizie Guy of Maxwell, leaves next week on an extended visit with ri-'uds ill Toronto. We wish Jlr. tmd JL-s. John Healey every success in their new home, which they purchased last fall. They will be inis.sed in the Methodist choir, where they were hoiKU-ed iiiembers, Mr. Hea- ley having a rich and nmsiciil liaritone voice, while Mrs. H. has a sweet soprano. Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You will pay just as niueh for a battle "f (.'I'umlierlaiu's (.'oiiKh liei'iedy as for any of the othe.- cough niudii;iiieii, but you save money ill buyiiiK il. The savinu is in you itet, not what you pay. The sur>;-t<icure.You ipiality i.s in every bottle of this remedy, an<l you Ket Kood result.s when you take it. I5ny- iii^ conij'h medicine is an important matter. Neglected eolds often develop serious eon- ditioDs, uid when you buy a coUgh medieine yim want to Iw sure yini are gettiiiK "lie that will cure your cold. When you liiiy Chamber- lain's Cough Reimdy yuu lako no ehanees. It always euies. Pric« 2."i »n<l 'tO ce uts « bottle. ' Kor sale by W. K. Kichat'd8.iii. Proton Station There will be a cap social held under the aiLspicesof Presbyterian choir on Fri- day evening', Feb. 2tith, in the Oiango Uall, Plot n There will be a tirst-class progi.itii coiLsistiiig of diilogues, choruses. Proton Orchetra, and recitations. The dnors will open at 7 o'clock and tile pro- gram will cunimonco at 7 . HO. Admission 'AO cents a couple. Mr. and Mrs. Woss Lyons spent Bun- day with Klesherton fiiend.s, Mr. Herb Lamb, Markilde, .spent Thursihiy with his friend, Mr. Geo. McLean. Mr. Geori^e Sheiisiii loo!* a load of young poopl'j to liiistingot" attend the aft^jrnoon service, Sunday, where they listened to an impressive serino.i by Rev. Laidlaw. Mrs. Will Crr, Fleshert.m, Sundayed with Mrs. Hugh Hoilgius. Dr. Mcmiient, Dunialk, Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs .Jos. Trelford. Mr. .and Mrs. J:is. Park and son, Sun- dayed at Roseinont Cottige. iVIr. and Mrs. Di.xon, Riverview, Sun- dayed at the laltcr's home here. Mr. Sam Wright, Kincardine, »|)cnt part of week with his brother, J. C. Mrs. Sydiioy H^nd.i, Ceyhm, spent Friday with Miss .V. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wauchob and family Siiudayed at Mr. Bdd Patlon's, luistioge Priceville The late snow storm has revived busi- ness again. Jjai-ge c|UantitieH of logs and piles are coinuig in, sometimes a dozen teams unloading at McLeod's mill at the .same time. The Knectal Furniture Co. of Hanover are also receiving (|Uatities of higs at the station yards and at the (Jlen. four miles west of the vilbige. W. Aldconi kt Son have lioen .shipping CHI'S of jxibitoes to Toronto. Slmrley Mclntyro has sold his har<l- ware to John McArthur iV; Smi. Mr. J. was called away lately to the death bed of a married daughter, formerly known here as Miss Jennie Ross. Alice accompanied her father and both icniained until after the funeivil. Mrs. Jos. Campbell, who underwent an oiHtKition in a Toronto Hospital hitely, died .suddenly on Sunday, the 14tli. .She was a«r of William. John and Robert McNaulty. Her husband .'.nd one sun. Thomas, are left as chief mourners. Mrs. Robeitson has boon in Toronto with hor daughter, Mrs Chiipmin, for s line time. Jessie Mcltie, w.i.s ill wiih (piiiisy the week before bust, but isback again as .saleslady in .\ldcor!i}i^ Sun'.sgeneral store. Mrs. .Vlfivd Hineks, has been seriously ill for some weeks. The WDiiian's IiistituttTheld a success, fu] meeting on the Thursday < f Fobruaiy, at the residence of Mi's. Mc- Arthur. The next meeting will lie hold on the tirst Thin-sday in March, at the homo of Mrs. X. McKinnon. We .ire )dea.sed to hear that Heotoi- McKinnon, Nornuil school, Toronto, h:is again recovered from ;in Attack of appen- dicitis, without an opemtion. His mother was in the city with him for some days. Malcolm Mclnuos has been shipping lai-go ipiantities of fat stock from this stiition to Toronto, every week. nie.\. (J. I'. W. have initiated tw . no membci-s this year already. The oHiceis for V.mi are as follows: W. M.; Jas. Turner; P. M., H. MeEncheii.i Foreman, May Ferguson; Over.seer. Elsie McLeod; Recorder, W. G. Watson; Financier, T. A. M. Fergu.son: Treas.. Jos. .\iisHum; Guide, David McLeod: J. \V.. Jos.sie McRjie; t ). W., U. OlHvor: R'^ipreseiitative to Grand Lodge, H. Me. Eacheni; Alternative, Jos. .\ussiiin. On the night of installation, after the and ceremonies wore over, the lady meinbers served a dainty lunch in the lodge room, and a ploa.s;int evening WiiH spent. Thos. Nichol and T. A. M. Fergnsun attonded the Fairs Convention, city hall. Toronto, on the lOtli and llth, and ic- ])orl that hovoral imiiortant resolutions were adopted, a hirgo delegation waited on the govormnent at the parlia- ment buildings. Ask Yourself the Question. Why ii'it u^*' Cnatulieilaiirs LininieDl wlu-n yuu liaM' I'li'iniiatisiir.' VV'e feel sure that 1 lie result will lie prompt and .satisfaetoiy. One applicHbion relieved the pain, aii.1 make: sleep and rest possible. It lijis cured iit.hers, why. not you'; Try ir. It eustslnita tritle. i'rice, 'St cents; lai'i?" size, oti cents. l''or fiile by W. K. Kiehardson. John Beaminh, jr., who is ol unsound inind and was dot lined in the locli up for a week awaiting p.iper for committment to Hamilton .Vsylum was released and was tikkeu charge of hy hisro':itivea in ProtoM, the papers failing t<i come to hand. "Beamish is ei.!litcen years old and (piiu harmlc-is.â€" Herild. Dr. Caldwell of Fleslierton and Apple yard of Clarksburg. Mrs. A. E. Myles* Edward Gibson of Walkerton wis riM. performed the duties of accomijauist over by a li.use and rig mid had four ribs during l:lie evening in her usual good '*^'<1 » s"'"'! '">ne in his ankle broken, style. Rev. Appleyaid, County Chap- i A Division Court case which moused hiin, occupied the chair in his usual great throughout the Township happy mtniner. I of Chingicousy was Doctor Sliarpe's We are pleased to learn that Mr. H. {'«-••'"" "g^'i'st. that township. About 4 V. Gaudin is able to bo around again I y«»»''« "li'"» ''""' "ameil .loo Ua.ssell, who after an illness of about one month's i ''"'f^' ^'i''' >'•'â-  Matthew Ackroyd, was duration. Mr. John Plewes loft for Ottawa on Monday Lust on a combnicd Uiisiness 'iiid pleasure trip, Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Wickens and liitlo grand daiightor, Leona Wobor, \ isited Kugeiii.i and Rock vale fiiends during the pdst week. * .,. taken ill with typhoid fever. Dr. Sharpo was summoned by » ineiiiber of the town- ship council and attended the man until he recovered. The council refused to pay his accou'il x»hen submitted «nd the doctor brouKht action. Suit was eiitorud for S!)0 and on the evidence being sub- mitted jndKineiit was given for the full amount and costs. McFARLAND&CO. MAI^KDALE ONTAKIO Here's Price Reductions That's Worth Considering if you are Inti^rested in Money = Saving Opportunities. Way :\ruffler.s. Res; 2.">c 111 lie and BUck for 10,; Reg .jllj F.iiicy and Plan for 420 Reg 73j Fancy and Plain for oSj Yandeleur. , The WDiiien's liisliluto hold their nioiilhly meeting at the home of .Mrs. Jidiii Bolaiid on Thur.sday lust. Mrs. Geo. W'righl is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss E. C. Bolaiid ;;avo a v.ileiilini' pally to a number of her yi.uiig friends on Monday ovonirtg of hist wook. Ml. Ed. Baker visitid Collingwooil friends recently. We arc sorry to repoit Mrs. M. Beard, sr., on die sick list. Mr. .). 1. Giahani, who has liecn some- wliai indisposed for the p-vst week, is recovering. Mr. Herb .Vllen of Glenelg and Miss Mai ol .Vl'.on of Hopeville are the guest.s of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Wailing. We are plea«e 1 to re[)ort the innrriigc of Mr. Will Suiumors ou Wednesday of liwt week to Miss Mary Brown, daugliler of Mr. James Brown, nf Eiiphrn.sia. Your c r. joins in wishing them prosper The Women's Institute will hold a pie .social ill the hall here on March 4. A.l- niission 'ioc por couple. The fun houins at T.'.W. Conio and have chunks of fun â€" and pie. (rents Fancy Vests Ue^ 9-2 IK) D^ik Fancy, nuw. . . .81.20 He;; ^>.M M.-di.ini Kancy, n iw,$l 8.') ReuS2.75 Medium Fauey, now. Si. 75 Gents WodI- Lined Mocha Gloves 81.00 tino iiu ility ."'.locba, lined, for 78c $1.73 Fine 'Ju.ili'y .Mocha, L;ned tor U-.'H .Men's Leathei- Mitts, Wool •Lined. R.gular 50 to 33 pr on Siilo atper pair o2c. Reaular Sl.OD pr,.on salu at pur (r-ir ; TO; tleuular SI 4) pr, on sale at per pair '.)8c I>R. 5peciallfit In dldcasos of tho e, Ear, Nose and Throat Office lO l<.-ost SI. • fJvvenSonncl "At the Uevcre house, Markdale, 1st Friday each mouth from 8 t» 12 a. ui. Ey Men's L^nderwear 50c Fleeced Shirts and Drawers :mc 75 Fancy Stripe and Elastic Rib- .Shirts and Drawers for o.ich Ij3c. SI. 10 Garmeiils for 88c . $1.25 GarineiitK f.,r 98c . $1.,'{3 Siandard Uarmenta for $1.15 Garments for S1.2'.» Garments for «1.42 25 to 7)0i per cent, ott" On all Winter Goods When you are looking for a Fur Coaf, Kiir Cap, Ruff, Capeiiiie, Miti.s. Mantles, Overcoats, oic , you will not be doiiii; jiislicj to yourself if you do no! invohiigate here, for all Winter Goods must ;;o if price reductions will do it. Rea f..r Rej bed Beg IW Reg Reg Reg 91.'13>> (kandai'd $i.«lJ"JBhindaVd Black Cardigan Jaclclt.s $1 2,") Black Cardigan Jackets forSl.lMt SI .50 " " " "$1.1.5 McFARLAND & COMPANY. Bid Reduction Sale Still on at the Peoples' Store. Hero, are some of the great number of biirgaius that go on sale this week. McnVand Boys' winter Caps, regular .50c lines for..... ,. . .. ........ Wc Men's and Hoy.s' clothing- A few only Men's Smts u. Serge, Tweed and Worsted, nicely lined and 'rimmed, 20 per cent. oH. 10 "Illy Roys' two and three piece suits clearing 20 per cent. otl. ^^^ Boys' Toques, clearing ^Z^ Gu Is' Tains, clc'iring ,''â- "," Wc ^r. School Handkeicliiofs tor the hoys and mrU, 2 for. • • oc Ladles' Ui.uor.skiris, $1 Otl and $1.25 Skirts selhng at fWc.^ Towelini'. reiiular 10c for • • • • • • â- â-  ; • ' " â-  ' ' - A Few only. Men's heavy Uiishrinkablo tuderwear, ret'ular .Soc and 8L00 m» ,. â- ' ..,. UtM^ """ 0,;;;eanira;Hl'seo";H.r"^ M'iilmery-'" •- > - â- â€¢' '-if ">!-. J. Choice slock of frosli groceries always kept ou lianJ. Rigbcst rHccs paid for Produce. .arge, euq enia. id thanks John Russell of Melnnctnii, who was ,111 the Indian list, was fined &13 and, aniouniin^ in all to $21.i)0, by .ii.iii»uiite Mc iiegor if Dniuialk, for buing Jruiik. Thu day is n-t far distant when "cards of llmnk." will Ilea :hing .f the past. When dealli enters a homo, iieiybbol's ni.ver tail to do all in their powtr to place â-  .silver lining back of (ho dark clou thuy do not expect or desire any tbrouuh the public press. One aub- saiibur, however, not to lie outdone, sent il. iho fdlowini:: "Mr. Editor: I .lesirc to thank the friends and neighbors mo. t heart .ly in this manner co-o|ierauoii during the death of my late husband, who e^- espcd fioin me by the hand of death on Friday, while eating breakfast, friends and all who contributed ingly towara nnikinn the last iiiomeots and the funeral a success, 1 desiro to re- inouibcr mnsl kindly hoping these lines will tiud them eojoyinu llicsameble.ising. I have also a uood milch cow and roan il.'ding horse, eight years old, which I will sell cheap. 'God moves in a mysteri- ous waj , his wonders to perform. He plants Hi* footsteps on the soa and rides upon the storm' . Also a black and white !5hoat cheap".â€" Ex. STEADY EMPLOYMENT F,.r .A Ri'b.ible Local .Salesman RKIKICSKNTING Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseiics- IN Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country. You will find there is a i^ooil (Irniniid foi- Nursery Stoek on acf;oiiiil) of the hii<li priee« tUat ^I'uwm'B have rea]i/.ud on tlitiir frait this BOSeOll. (.hir satobuini! are tnrnino in a lii,! biifiiiicps to us this vear. lleoiie ol tlioiii ami oarii Rood wftues through the winter nioiiMiF. Tei'rittM'v lesorveJ. I'ay Wookly. Fr.e saiiipluoiitnt, CO'. Write for part ieiilarti. S T N E & W E L L 1 N G T O N I'ontliill Nurseries ( S'lO teres) TORONTO Ontario for Ihei illness and j To my will. MAKE MONEY. SelliliK IVlhun's 1'eei'lw.s I'-niit and Oriiftiiieutal trees, nlirutw, etc.. diirniK llie winter inontlis. We otfer you »te.uly and lU'otitalile einploynient in your owu district at «"ik1 y.Ay. WK ll.W h OVKIimiU ACRKS of choice nursery Htuck which V ai Mill «ell direct to your eustouiers. No diiwasct or dried out Au.erii'iiii supplied. KsUbll shell o\cr nil years. Write for iiartioulni's. . . Pelbam nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. "^ SEASONABLE GOODS ^ FURNITURE The largest and best .stock of Furiiitiiro ever shown in Fleslierton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in .Side Boards, Dining RiHiin Chair.s, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Softs. .\ special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . , W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton TERM OF 1909 j British CANADI.'VX Ten per cent, cheaper Bl'SINKSS ton per cent, holier for CGLI.KOE BuMiiMJ. Shor'hsnd and rORGNTO'kUt free. R. , A. Far.piharso'i, B, A PpsI, Corner VONGK A BLOOR STREBTS.

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