Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1909, p. 1

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••TRUTH BEFORE aVOR.' â€" " PRINGIPI.Eb NOT MEN." VOL UV, NO 1377 Fle^herton. Ont., Tljuisday, February IB tOOo W. H TEURSTON EDiron a:ui i'iiOPllIETOB Jewellery I Jewellery ! Biggest, » Best and lowest pric- ed stock in the country. Reli- able dealing. W. A. Armstrong FLESHERTON. Wareham 111', aiul Mrs. McCutcheon enlcrtjiineil Niiltawii^iga {lioiids nil .SHtunliiy, the 7th in8t., Ml', and Mi-m. Smith hnviu^ taken atlvantii;;u of the (then) spiiny-like wwithcr. J. Aiulorsoii of Wiughiiiii uiulRobeit AniU'isiiii nf Sask. ,iml Mi*s. .^nilursoii biive l)een visiting at llieii- father's h"iiio St Wareham, during tliu paiit wvck. .\ [Hiity i)f young pcopln frniii Warc- haiu spent a very fiijnyalitt evoiiiui; at Mr. Humlerson's on Tuesday evening. Miss May Heiideisoii ictuined t<> Toronto on Friday after spenilins! l:<»i' holidays at home. Miss Tilly Morrow of DunJalk ha.s been the gucsl of Miss Edna Morrow during the [ja-^t week. She has I'eeoine Tery pojiulir with the people of Waieliiim. Mr. .iiid Mrs. Rolit. .Viuler.soii, Miss Nellie, and Wni. .\ndeifioii wore the gitestt) of Mo and Mrs. Ink^ter mi niiirsday evening Some of tlio young fry of Waielia.n Hpoiit a very enjoyable aiul instinctive uiu.sicftl and .soci:il eveiiiii<» at Mr. .las. Morrow's on Wedne.Mliy evening. The MethodUt Leauii.', «hieh li.'Kls meetings weekly, changed the usual prugruui and ou Friday eveiiiuif hul a literary program, when liev. IStaiiley of Maxwell gave an ,uUli\»s. The presi- dent, Mi.'>.'* Anderson, and several of tiio iiieiuhers gave sliort talk.n founded jii Mt>ine prouii.sei* of the Dilde, dealing ivitli (hem in such a manner :i.s to .show their In;ariiig un the lives of men. Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's Cou^h Remedy. Yoii will |wy jiixt :'.s iniicli for a Imttle "f flianilwrlaiirK ('>>u;;h lti'i'i<"ity as for any i>f the otlie,' cough iiieiliviuos, Ijiit you »av.^ iiiniicy in buving it. The saving; in iu what yuu u'ft, not what ymi pay. Tliu .sur^r-tocmt-you HHality is ill every imttle nf tliis romeiiy, uml you (fet aixnl ii.cults when villi t.ike it. liiiy- iiiR eouphineiliciiie is an iiii|uirt:iiit matter. NeKlrcti'd viihN ofti'ii dt-vclup t«vrii)U.s ci'ii- (lituiiis, iinl when yon liny a coiigh mi'ditiiK* y<ai want to lie kiuc yim i\\v nvitinK nuo that will cuieiytinr e ihl. When you buyChniiibfi- lainV C(iii}{li Kt'iiii <ly .villi take no I'lmijct'H. Tt always enres. Prio; '£' tad â- ">.) ut'iit.'* a b.>ttle. I''i)r sale by W. K. Kiehiuil».iii. East Mountain .Some fi'oiii this piu't uttendeil the Uix Roeial at Kugenia Fridiy ereiiiug. A few ilay.t ago we were trenilrd Ion heavy Ktnnii, now it lias thawed ooiisidei- ably (itid pouilily by the riuio lliat this news leaeheR the priiitwr it in»y lo the dei)th of winter. Mr. Fmlay of Meafoid whk a caller in this ueighlKHhood likst w«ek. Mrs. John Smith wa'< called last week to the liediiide of her umther, Mi-s. (.'lin- Iju, of Flesherton. who is ill. Thin has certainly Ijeen .•» fine winter f<.ir working in the woodt. tluudreils uf dolhu'M worth of timber liiwe lieen taken from this p'»rt. Martin Bi-os. have hettii rviUiog up the diitirx in the iue»ntimp, taking out iHile.s. Herb. Neil and Fred Wilkiiisiui of of H«3<kthcote have been helping Milton Neil in the bu8h the two weeks. 10th Line, Osprey. I Eugenia. and Valuable Remedy tor Colds Croup. W. W. (hay. an attorui'y at Wfiiatvliec. Wash., .Kay.s: "1 have UKi-d Cliaiiilmilaiirs CnuKh Keiiiedy in my family for coIiId itiid cniup with giMid i-e»iilts. I aim to always keep this ii'iuedy in the house. " S.>Iil by \V. K. Klohardsoii. Over a year ago M*ck McC'orniick, a farnier near Kele.«8cy lost a o,,l,l ring. One cl.'iy last week a niuu.saran acru^is the kitchen floor and Mis* McOormiek, sister of Miick. instead of getting frightened and goinu into hyaterics, shied .t miMcl at the rodent and heraiiii wa.< so true that Mr. Mouse yielded up the ghiigt. An cxauiiiiation of the ninuse disclosed the f'.ict thiit .Mack '.s lui-g lost ling wm •round itH neck . How it got there uf course no one knowa. Not enough .-iuow for good the past week or two Ikin iiiadi dull .'igain. .\rthur, the 1.'5 ye:ir oUl .son Will, t'oiitt.s of the 8th line with a iNid accident liiKt wee e.xaminiiig a dynamite wu'tj'iilge cup it e.'cplij(le<l blowing the ends of tluee ttngers and tliiiiiib olf his right hand and l.-ully hiceiatiiig his other h.iiid. The wouiuLs « ore<l by Dr. Ityekiiuiu of Maxwell. i-'hiii" ' "n Wednuiid'iy afternom of week things t'"** eoinnmnity reoeive.l a great shock on j hearing of the sudden death of Mrs. T. , ^r : B. (iillilandfi-om heart failure. ^Vlthough , , ailing for some tune iKiMt. yet her death liappeneil " ' ' , .... .. _ came itne.xpectetl to all. She was aged sixty-eight yeai-s, ami waii Imrn in the county of .Vntrini, livLind, but came to America w hen very young with her gran 1 jMireulis. Her father and mother Mr.s. John Freethy of Stiyuer visited I with her sister, Mi-s. W. Brown, last week. I had lioth died, leaving her and a sister t:) the care of their grandmother. .She man-ied when young, the late T. B. GilliL-ind of Keaiptvillo, near (Jtfciwa. who predecea.sed her a uimil>er of years Mr. It. .J. Cohiuett«j hii-sruttirned home ago. They came to ArteniesiH thirty- froiii Ciiliugwood w lere liJ luus been eight yeai-s ago. Mr (jillihind wa» doctoring for thnsit trouble. tJkul to govermueiiL land surveyor .iml accnniulal" s<iy he i.-. well agaiu. eil a nice pro]x;rty ami a g<KKl comfort- The iSalviitioii Army of Feversham hnvo "'lie home. Iwen h.dding siiecial meetings for »miu Tl'ey niiswl a family of three daughters time i> and a gmHlly nunil)ei' have lieen addeil to their- niiiks. The reinaias of the Lite Mi-s. Field were laid to rest in Bethel cemetery on Tuesihiy of Lu* week. Miss Rose Taylor of Markdale is visit- ing with her sinter, Mi-s A. T. Hiitehin- .son of Fevei-sham. at present. IMPORTANT NOTICE To Subscribers In Arrears and two .sous, Willijini at Edmonton, Thomas on the home farm, ili-s. Thomas Betts of the Morey Corner, Mi-s. .John HiLigrave, jr., of Maxwell, and Mrs. Jidin Stuiu-t of Powa.s.san. Her cliildren were idl pre.sent at the fuueml except VVilliiim, who wa.s unable to get here in time. Her fitueml wits largely attended on .Saturday afternoon by .sympatluzing fi-iends .ind iieighboi-s to Fleshoiton ^l cenieteiy. w here her {NLstor, the Rev. Mr. â-  Kipp. uf the Baptist church, olliciated. W'c liave on mir list a large num- ber of sukscriliers who are one or luoa' years in arrears. The aggi-e- gate of these amounts to over SlVtW.OO: These esteemed snlxscri- IxTs will readily understand how such an Dutslanding sum .-is tliiw liampei-s us in busines.s. Wlule the .leoiiunts are all snmll. the sum t.itid amounts to a serious matter. Fur some yoai-s we liave eschewed -'dunuiug " snUsci-iljeis through the paijer. We have, however, found ic necessary to pLice the matter Ijefore to whom it ajiplies and trust they will under- st.iiul an<i appreciiite the necessity that calls for a breaking of our iiile ill this regard. Kimlly .''eii<l Imi'' the aiTeara''es. gentleiiieii. Maxwell Items he being a faithful memlier of that church, nie deeea-sed and her hite hus" band were highly esteemed anil respected residents of Eugenia. They both were of a kiiul and genial disposition ami had many warm friemls here. The sorrowing family hiui the sincere .symijathy of all this community in their great lo.s.s of a kind and devoted mother, although the}' know that their wa.s her gain. Death to her wa.s only an entrance into ever- lasting rest. It wa« uut doalli, but a IHjaceful slue]>, whilst the Loril her precious dust doth keep. Mr. C harks Tiu-ner. .sr., Ls very juKirly at jiresent. Pearl Cairns of Ceylon is visiting frieiubi here the jMist week. The .social on B'riday evening was well liatronized. The program was gooil. Ceylon string band kindly cam-.- and renilered .some excellent music. The ladies beg them to acc-.-pt their thanks for their kinihies.s. We all hope they will often come to iLssist at our .social gatherings at Eugenia. The recitations by Miss Violet McLean and others were highly appreciated. Proceeib*. tiftcen dollars. .\ number of our young peopL- met at tlw home of Sir. and Mrs. Wiltshire on Thursday evening. Tliey intend moving from hereto Prot<m. .Mrs. Wiltshire wa.s presented with an addres.s and a very pretty M.:t of diHh^s. Baskets were brought out and a nuxst delightful even- ing was spent. .VU feel sorry at their leaving this noighboihood, as they were excellent ueighlKirs and will lie greatly mis.sei.1. Following is the address : Mr. ami Mi-s. \\ ilt.shire : De.vr FniENDs. We, a few of your friends and neighbors, have taken the op|xirtimity of coming to your hoiiie this evening to spend a social time with you before your removal from this neighlwu-liood. Wcall feel sorry at |MU-ting with you, as during the time you have lived here you were giMHl obliging neighbors. We all sin- cerely hope that, no matter where your lot in life is ciust, jiriLsperity and happi- ness will still be with you. We now l)eg of you as a pu-ting f.-ivor to acx-ept this small token of our esteem, not for its value, but to remind you of yoiir many friends at Eugenia and the plea.sant times we have .s|»ent at your home in the jMLst. Signed on behalf of all present. [ Mr. and .Mrs. W'iltshu-e The Ad- vance to their friends for their kindue.'i-i. - Et>.J The Eugenia (hangemen .ire going lo have a reunion at their hall on the even- ing of Maivh ."?. No one will 1k" admit- ted but those belonging to the order or those who wish to join it. It is a good tiling to be an Orangeman. Mr. Will Walker is hiid u|) with an â- "' on his knee. Asil Yourself the Question. { Mis.s Barbara Thonipsiui is home from Why not use Chanilwilaiu « Liniment wlien n^,jt,i,^,„i,. „„ ,^ visit to hw mother, von have ihuuiiiatidiii? W e feel surB that the i ,, ,, ., , „, i-emilt will lie proiunt and .satisfactory. Due Mr. and Mrs. W. H. tenwick of lo- application relieves th.- pain, and makes sleep ^onto were guests of Mr. Henry Fenwick luid rest iiossilile. It hiw cured other*, wRy .... mi , .. , not .von? Try it.. It contshiita trifle. Price, for a short tune. They dime to attend i-> cents: Im-g'' size, â- Ml cents. Fur .side by W. I t),^. f„„^.,„l „f the late Mrs. .Joseph Fenwick. Wo are sorry to re)fort at time of writing that Mrs. Neil Mc.\rthur is very ill. Miss .Jessie Cameron is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. H. Guy, at present. N. Pivnie and tUughter, Eva. start fin- New York this week to attend the we»l- ding of his .son. Eva inteiuls to remain for some time, and gave a jMU-ty this week to her many frieiubt. .V very enjoyable evening w,-i,s spent playiny c.irds and tripping the light fanta.stie.- Lizicie Guy visited last week w ith her aunt and cou.sins at Mclntyre. The KpHorth League is giving an at home to the Inistioge young peo]ile this Wednesilny night. We hope the Ma.x- w-ell Leaguers and their friemls will each bring sniiie .sandwiches and a cake. (ieo. Long is .spending n few days at Collingwood. The» Mitchell, and Mr. Mc- CVmrt of Redwing attended Miss Pivnie's party Monday night. Mr. llealy and wife move to their fann at Brewsters Lake this week. We hope they will voine hack often to Max- well. The teachers and officers of the MethtHlist Siibbath .school presented Mrs. Wes. Gaiiiey w-ith a silver pickle cruet â€" j4 token of appreciation of her .services in the school as twicher jvnd trea-sui-er. Mr. and Mrs. Giuiiey left last week for their lionie at Sti-athelair. Mr. and Mrs. Widenmn of Toronto, visiting at their brother-in-law's, Mr. Brown's, ably lussisted in a qu.irtette, "God will t4»ke care of you," Sunday night nt the Methodist church. Mr. Healy rendered two solos in his usual tine voice. K. Kicliaidbon. Rev. \V. A. Procf^.r, C. .-V., of Weaton, ha.-( aceeptetl ii call to She!buriie Metho- dist church. Dr. Charles E. B.irnhar:, one of the old lesidenla of Gwcn Sound, died week at the age of 7". Ho had hidd many inuiiioipjil olfices and was warden of the county or.« year. The BnmiHl meeting of !be Walkertjn Binder Twine Ci., wi« held last Wednes- day. Ot the 4000 stockholdcrt, about 30 weie pre.'<eiit. There wai nut much dis- cission, for there littU to d>eu«». The feeling of the meeting was in favor of getting rid of the factory, upon almost any terms. Swinton Park. We reidiKe that winter is faxt passing away when we .see the jnelty v.ilenluie uards coining through the mail. Mrs. D. Campbell spent part of hut week with her sist-.a- at Dornocli. J. McLetn, who isattemling Business College ill Mount Forest, made a brief visit at his home List week. .1. .\ldcorn had a wiwd bee I.-tst Tues- day. Mre. George BW-k had luany of the Lidies at her ({uilting last Friday. Rev. Mith''s,.n purposes giving a lecture in iliia church ou Feiiruary I7ih on his trip through the inaritiiiie provin- ces last October. Wm. Campbell is esj)Oe;cd to give a number of selections on his excellent gr.unaplione. It w-us witli feelings if sorrow that the people of this p'aee learncil of the death of Bert Love, who |>asstd aw.iy in a Toronto hospital on Januniy L'fith, after a very short illiie-s with la grippe which terminatetl iu heart failure. H's re- mains were laid in P.dgiave ceai'.'tery ou '2M\. He w-as alsiufc twenty-si.x years of age, and the eMest .son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L<ive. Bert was v.-eii res[>eeted and a inemlierof the .Methodist chiinh her.^ before Ickviiig his imrenlal home. His .sou-owing young widow-, pir- cnts imd two brother* have the .synipalliy of thecoiiiiimnity. Om- Heavenly Father Speak to these ipieer hearts of oui-s, .And teucli them to be still. God hath Ins mysteries of (jrnce, W'ays that we e.-innot tell. He hides them dijep, like the .-leciet sleep < >f him he loved so well. â€" ScltKtml. McFARLAND&CO. Proton Station Miss B^inina and .Mr. Harry Quigg of Fleaherton, spent Sunday at the Imnie of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lyons. Mr. WilUhr shipped a line e-irl-iad of »tock from here on Monday. We con gratulato \\ ill on his success ai5 a buyer. Miss Lizzie Ncilson is .spending a few- da) s in CeyKin this week. Mr. .J. C. Wright is in Oltiwa this week. The lumbermen arc taking ailvaniaae of the little bit of sleighing we have left. Misses H. and M. Lyons and VI r. .Jared Lyons Suiidayed with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyons of Port Law. The young people of this viPage have commenced praeti.sing for a concert and social which they intend having soon. Mr. Neil McCannell atlende.1 the tifthie li .iiiniTersiuy of the wed.liiig of his iMirents in Boothville, on Thursday hist. 8tli Line, Artemesia Kvcryoiie glsd to aeo go-id »lei;jliiii;i once more. Mr. W. H'ip|>er is on the sick list at pres-jnt. Mes.srs. T. Slid D. Ocnoe and sister, Isaholl. visited wi'h Markdale friends, on Sunday last Miss Genie Paul of the ;iOih, i.* visit ing wi'h her sis'er, Mi-s. R. Reiiihaii' of Fli'sherton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gialiam of Boyue Villa, Siindayed with the Utter's paieiits, Mr. and Mis. Wm. CaniKron. Mr. of Reuiiia, is visiting wiih hi^ friend, Mr. Alex. Cameron. Mr. W. G. McGee and sisleis, I. and E. , Suiidayed at Mr. Ruf-is Wickeiis'. Kimborley. Struthavan Bapli-t church burned their inorli'iige the oiher day. The township of Brant has a grent many aiimllp'X casea, two of the more recent in ihis vicinity to be mported beinij Deorge Gatenian, aged gt") ye«r.s, and Mrs. Fred Thedert. The Tliedorf school has been closed as a renult for four weeks. Mr. Pegelo, I'oot an*d shoo merchant of E'lnwood, is also down with the disease. Bcnlinck has a caae or two and Walkerlon «iiJ Clieah'y aUo are reported to be having their own troubles. It appears to be (|uite a mild type of small pox, more like rt,'hieken pox, and very little like the real old brand cur gr.nidfutheis tell about in their day. -Hanover Post. DR. BURT ispeclallst In diseases ol iho Eye. Ear,Nose and Throat OffiC-C l;lKiX)BtSt. • OWCIICSOII Mil At the Revere Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8t« 12 a. in. '.1 \ i,Mvi).\ i, i: <o.Ni-.\ i<ii> Here's Price Reductions That's Worth Considering if you are Interested in Money = Saving Opportunities. W.iy Aluttkr.s. ^ Men .s rmicrwear llea-25cbI,u.a„.ll5Mifiir 111. ?g p,e. 6l.c Fleeced Shir's and Drawers l»t-g .)(); fancy anil P.a n 42c .l^ r -y,. U^g 7.^0 K.ney and I'iam for 58. T ,^,^5 PaiUy Stripii Imd ElasUo Rib- ' ~ â€" ^ bed Shirts and Di-»wi-M for e ich tiSe. dents Fancy Vests â-¼ R.u »l.lOGarme-itsfor »8c Re^SaiDDirk Fancy, n.w... 81 2 r, * 'T-'' *'. ^i^ 'l*"'"^""! ^'!" 'f* R.-^«2.50Mni..m K.m.y. n.w $Idr. 4^ K^a. «1...J S.anaal-d Oarmen-a for Rt"-j ?-.'.7.-) ML-d am Fancy, mw §175 'Jl „ L.V,. 'J' ••,••,•;;•• • \t â€" . ll â- !» Keg. HAj Standard Giunients for GcntS Wot)l- Lined :M.Jch;l ^ R..g,"ii:o6 â- stVndard'liarmenli'^for Gloves ?r ^.42 *':°^'"":'.'.".''!'^' *'.".'!'."'..""*': rZ ^ -^'"lo'^iO per c^U. oW ii.7o'vi,r'>imktiiy'iiiMh»',Linx-.i lor "jk. On till Winter Goods SI a.'S ^ ;^? W hen you ire hxAinu for a Fur Coaf, ^ Kur RulT. Capeiine. Mitts. Men's Leather ]\litts, W'odl ^ Mamies, ovoixoatst. etc , you will n.n I :,, _,! '^ lie doing justice 10 yoursi-lf if you do ^ -"''-"- tAi lilt invest-gHte here, all Winter R.i. -.n. -.a 1 A â-  ^ Goods must go if price reductions will I'g'ilar iH) III .ts pr. iia sale at per pair ^ . -^ '^ .â- {2c. jjjj !_!1_ '_ . , . '^.".".''."'.'*^ "!*.!"â- '. .".". !"*."."' ""' ^1) c m ^^'^^^ Cartligan Jackets li«-«ular$14Jpr, onsttleat per pair •1^ $1 'J-, Riack Cardignn Jackels for»l.<»l> '•'»'â- â€¢ fl^ $1.50 •• -'". McFARLAND & COMPANY- Big Reductlcn Sale Still on at the Peoples' Store. Uee are some if the great nuinbcr of bargains th it go on .sale this week. Men'r- and Buys' winter Caps, re^uhir .~)0c linos for l".)o Men's and Unys' clothing â€" \ tew only Men's jjuils lu Serge. Tweed and Worsted, nicely lint-il .mil 'â- riuiinod, 20 percent, off. 10 only lliiys' two 4iid throe piece suits clearing 20 per euni. olf. B<iys' Tiiqufs, cleariny 22c Girls' Tains, cleiiring . . loc School ILitidljeicliiefs tor ilif boys and i^irla, 2 for oc Ludif s' riiuei.ikiris. $1 Od and Sl.2,j Skirts si Uing at . . fi^c. Toweling, r.irular 10c for .7.^e \ Few only. Men's heavy L'lislirinknhle L'nderwear, reculnr 8uc and ?l.(iO on Sale at G8n Come and and .see nur triiinned Millinery -It i» youi-* at half piice. Choice Block of fri'sli grocoi-ic.-- always kppt on liaiul. I>tdbcst r rices paid for Produce. J. E. Large, nua ENi A. Th« i[Ufstiim of establishing in ditfer- ent ).aits of On'.ai in experiinciital stations . to ascitrtaiii in what pails uf the Piorinee | thee|i can be raised to the best adv-antaite was diacussiHl at the lirst aminal meeting . ofthe Ontario Sheep Breeder*' .Associa 1 tiou last week. The pmpokal is to place a number of Khuep with laniiei.'s in lhn| aeciiona .selecei for t he experiment .tnd have tliein keepa coniplela rtcord of the cost of inaintenance, the percentas;e of the death ritlf. the suitability of the climate and h'cation for breeding pur- posra. Ii is expected that llia experi- iiiriit* will be the mean* of stimulating i an interest in the trade, and will evsiitn- ' ally lead to a vei-y large increase in the liieeiiing industry of the Province. After a piolonueil discusaion the matter was rtferred to 1 li« Board of Directors, with power to act. Dame Rumor has it that aiiothcr pa- pt-r is likely to be started in Clarkaburg. It is a pity that the people in Thornbury and Clark.sburg cannot foraso their encinity and allow ihe Herahl- Rsflector to rule auprenie. The towns are not large enough fur two papers and the .vire heads in the burg ahould show a more Chrisliiin spirit than to be always trying "to rob Peter lo pay Paul.'' 5TE.ADY EMPLOYMENT F. r .\ Hiliabic S.i;Lsn..iii RKPHESKNTINC Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fle.<hert(>n And Adjoining Country. Yon will nnil thdri i.5 a u-ooil ilciuaiitl f-ir Nniscrv .*>t»'ck on aoenuut ol this lii^ti iniuen iLat uiuwms havu rt.>Hli..iHl on tllBir frwit ttii" sciuvon, Oiir uHliibinioi am tniniiitj in a liiR Unsiiiesstii u» tlii.i \i'«r. XeoiiH of tlieiii and vara kjkxI WARoa tlironuli Uni winlur uiuutlis. Tonitorv reaorvoil. Pay Woekly. Free sani|iluontnc, etc Write for par<i«nl.VF. STONE A W E L L I N G T O N Knntliill .Vui'.^eiius 1 S30 acrea) TORONTO Ont.irio MAKE MONEY. Svllini; I'elhain's Peeilefw Fruit .-unl Ornaiiieiital tni-s, sUnilis, etc., dmiiis; the winter nnoitlis. Wv ntfer ynii stoaih and i>.-ofitahlf t'ni|>lovnii)nt ill yum- iami district at ),'".k1 pay. WK ll.VN K OVERlHHi .VCRK.^ of chnice mirsi-iy stock which V in will ir\\ ilireit t.o ^onr cnstoiimrK. No dittooscil or drieil out .Vinericaii .^t.ick Mipi>lied. Kstablishi'ii mer .30 years. \Vi itf fur partiiolurs. , , ' Pelbam nursery €o. Toronto, Ont. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The â-  liu-gest ami \)v>.i stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherttm. Tilts without fear of coii- , h-adietion. Come and see .some of the nice tilings in Side Bisinls, Dining Rimuu Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bcil RiHun .Setts. X special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . , . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER eshertonC TERM OF 1909 uBritish ICAN.\DI.\X BUSINESS Ct>LLEOE TORONTO Matric.bc Ten per cent, cheaper] ten per cent, betier fori Business, .Shm-'haud and; \. Fai-ipih.->rsoii, B. .\. VONGE & HLOOR â- kict free. R. Ppal, Corner! STREETS.

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