Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1908, p. 4

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â- *awii,i::'c:^ ^; i> 'i V '"' '') {''<aw-»*".f lummm^ mm mfmrn r DECEMnF.K 31 1008 THE FLESHJIRTON AL) V AN Cli: '0i ^^iHiii^^m F. T. HILL & CO. w^wwvywy^ i We thank one and all for the liberal patronage received during the year and wish you 'all a Merry Crhistrhas and a Happy New Year as MARKDALE mm^ (The I« imbli.l.ed rvery Thuii'lttjf at S1.*W p<T if |)aid in advance, 81. 5c if »"' ^" I'-'''* »nun> statemunt lh»t John W'ober had " perpe- trated llie muit i!Xtra<ii(liiiury huld-up on the council," imd l>ieii iilli)«re<l to recoivo $480 fill' wiPik iicv.-r cniuplettHl. Mr. W eSer indiigi^aiitly dpiiivd lUu charuo •nd Kitid hu could pnivo that it wax false. Mr. IJnyi'i wante<l to bo elected and then hu would l)nv'i> a foIu flowers. Mr. fred Lona KV)ly .supported his brother. After connratulation.s, ,. th« couipany^was invited lo the diiiiim moiu wheio a HUtiiptuous wuddilisf feast awaited Ilium. The urouni's ulft to the hridu wu.s a fur lined coat, the bridesmaid a mink iiiuir, the or^aiiihl a nM watch fob and to hi.s hi'st Iran » pair gold " cufl' link The Nominations A Lively Meeting! and Plenty of Good Candidates • Sffoin ray Burns the Canadian boxer los' il.L-Hworld's chainpiLnship to Jack Joliir si,>n i col( red man on Saturday in N. S- Foil Bebvk ' .Tobn Holand -Ily .1. Weber and (ioo. Warlinjj. Alex. Muii â€" Uy S. llumpbill :.i.d ir. Williams. .John A. Boyd- Hy J. Blucjkbiirn and •). Blakeley. ' Fur Dti'fTV Rf.kvk T. B. McKenzleâ€" By It. Plantt and U. J. Hemphill. Foil CdfSLii.LOit.-* f,. Wivdjbflaud E. Baker. II. ll^BfccfiWipitpâ€" 5«-Ji^ Buchanan and W. Cttroon. .) . M. Dun- can- -By Will. Moore and John Black- hurn. a. Tlioinpsoiiâ€" By <i. Warlinn andJoliii Weber. J. A. Oaison-By U. Stuart and R. .(>. Swantim. Boberl Beatâ€" By W. Buchanan and Thoa. Taylor. D..i,a!d McLu.d-By M. Buiid and U. K.tdley. Mr. Boland, Mr. McLeod and Mr. ThoinpHDii withdrew their names. i; J^" X /riie laco in on. nnday the candid3ler> for municipal ( ill Artcmesia breamed the tape ill keep goiii;< for one week, when 111 t)e kiiuwi). The town hall with jateoayers en«er to see Jo learn now their money lit. â-  I >iere i»Do t'reat issue nt stake, aavo till' i>r 'per nifiiiaut'iiieiit of the atlaira of thia I •wiiubip Thoao'who were at the nieei;oi{ will, beyotid doubt, be Katialied as to whom of the candidates are bei<t titled lo pcrforn-. I his duly. Mr. McKeii/.iu la to be congratulated on hb I'K'clion to the deputy-reuvealiip by MOlaii.ation. Mr. John Bolanil was the first aptuker. He held ilieaitenliun for a short tune. dealing moilly with the i|uostioii of good roads, tie adTocatcd the borrowing of, My, f30,0<>U on debenture). The LeKia- lat'jre would iiii-tcase thin lo f40,OCO for the |)ur|>OM >'t cijiatrncting roada on aci- eniiUc principli'-. The annual appropria- tion of flOOU expended on the patchiiiK of the 200 miU'M of road in this township ITM only liko >*<> niuoli money thrown i^way M (*â- ' *" pL^rinanency went. Mr, Muir was the next apaakur. He «ontin«d himaelf larK«ly to the work of 4he council during ibo past year, dofend- «ad esplauiinS* The council had a l)ad TMr. ooinff to heavy amiw and raini and in the draught that followed by the liurn- ina of • nurober of briilKea in the fall. RiAUining the details in connection with < 'ilUiw' britlge and the bridijo at Pricoville lie abOW*^ '^^^ ''"' «""'''"''•• '""' '"""' '"' .>s oOOIWiniwIl; *« jw^'ble- When nuea- unittA »h*nt winter roada he aiaied that :. oieating h»d been called and the rate- p.yow could not agree to any cour.e of atioft, A bounty tirould. in hi» eyea, pr,v» co»tly. A oertain amount only '•â- uld he eipend«d each year, and some would bold back from year lo year lo get the bowBt of the bounty. The bridKes -ItlK. trtirMbipareinKOodahape. Three V, i,s .BO. owing to the iurplua on hand. .I,., t ., rite WW r««lu«ed to JJ ""I" fr<"» 4' „„ii Thi»y«»''«t **• '""'"' """'" K.'y I. laiwll •««)"»"♦• . „ Ml- I A Bold followod. Ho was of .iiv' • TiS.? he preaai" cou-.oil Imd 1U« ^'1"""*0 l^l^f^ P(, ^ they could.but toii^K; .S " VhL abn^. He elaii':. ;T.t hi* r.CC.d -^"^^^^^ i'-,-'-;^^t1fflJr":^^i^- tioii of the winter n ad prgblein. Until i T'"' '"'J''* presents were numerous and then he had iiothire to say. Mr. Boyd i C"«tly, aniomr them win noticed a diiindr touched atiiiin on bis reasoiia for turiiiug ! ';"*' •';"' "'•''â-  "f L<»s-»iim porcelain iliahes down the lociil opti. n |)etition, sayingthat 1 '"â- '.'"' '"''â-  "" ''"er and an oak bedrconi hu had used his judgment and decided I '"""""' ","" ^'♦"'«''' *'"â- â€¢ "'"l -"^I"-*. lo stay with the old license ayatom. He j _,"'*."' ,.',''''®,"l^ hounekeeping at Max- also chaiged the clerj,'y with ciiculaliiig false statements. Mr. Aluir ruiilied briefly. He could have built the brid:ie ovtr the Boyiie at Flesherton much chea[ier, but thought it boHi to put up one that would accointnn- date a sidewalk. After ei.utnorHtiiig a lot of alleged errors on Mr. Boyd's part ho said ho -jould forgive llieni all rusiorthnn the action of Mr. H>iyd in rejueting the 11)0 majority on the local <'|>tioii petition. Mr. Mclveiizio lliankod the electors for retiiriiini! him by acchimatioii. Mr. Wright prored hiiimelf lliestar or- ator of thedny and held the close and re&pectful ntletitioii of«hiii audience. He feirt le^sly denounced biijutry ui>d said he was the candidate of no patty. Mr. Best referred to his five years' aervico^j^^-j^ghed t<>fio back. Ho had i»Uimio^-*^''"'-! ""' "f public life, liiit the t»niperancc fiction would not permit it. If was a temperance candidate. Mr. J. A. Catson spoke brielly, e.xplain- ing the fai'is of the building (if (iillies' bridge, wliieh he thought had been wise- ly constructed. The past wan his Kfth year at the council boaid. Ho had done his besr. The ward appropriation was $400. Ho had not expended quite all of this sum. Mr. H. D. McLoughry Slid that in his ward the gravel vviis not good tu conslrnct roii'ls with and crushed alonu only was available At times >he crUiher was nut available and a delay was caused. Hu waa not In favor bonusing wire foncoa. The tendency was to build tln'iii anyway, Had he remained in the council ibis pant year it wna his inleniioii lo have board tencea coiiViueted where necessary if it was in his power. Mr. il. McKm);;ip Duncan waa the next speaker, lie tidd bow he and Mr. Best had come lo an agreement and the latter was lo dropout. He waa a temperanoo man, but refused to be lied to any oigani- zation. He had been connucted with uublic aft^ii's, but not in the council. This was till! firat time he had been iu a conditiMi lo run as councillor. Mr. Donald McLuod and Mr. Samuel Thompson ^poke brielly. well and a host of frieuda join in wishing them n loni; uiid huppy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. John Heard, Floslieiton, and the Misses TVna and Agnes Hender- son of Wtrehain were guests. Farmers' Institute Meeting Centre Oroy Fanners' Inatilute will hold their regular . •series of winter iiieat- iiigs, nomiiiencitii; ..lui. o at Holland Jeiitre. Other dotei are: Kiinberley, Jan.!); Flesherton, Jan. 11; I'liceville, ,laii 12; llopeville, Jan. 13; Dundulk, Jan. 14 ; llsdj(fro.s, Jan. 1.") ; and Max- well, Jan. It). The iineliin!s are all at 2.U0 and 7.oO o'clock, p. m. Tho apeak- ors will be George C'jriow of Wsrkworth and Mr.s. Colin Cuiipboll of Windsor, The subjects lo bo discussed are: Ma. Caulow's suh.iects 1 Solect'iun and Fosding of tho Dairy Hard. 2â€" Eradici'ion of Weeds. 3 â€" Corn (irowinj; fur the Silo. 4â€" The Farm Dniry. r» â€" Kducation. « â€" Cullivatioii of the Sod. Mils. CAMruEi.i.'s Sriui:<Ts 1 ^Canning Fruit.s and Vegetables. 2 â€" The Caru and I'seH of Alilk. 3â€" The Cuiu|Mtri8oii of our Coinmun F'ouds. 4-^PouUry Raising; is it a Prolitahlo or Lfising Hu.sinesa. 6^Tlio llousekeejier and Her Import- ance to tho State. The Flesherton Hubjects will lie No. 2 for Mr. Carliiw, in the aftertioun and No. li at night; for Mm. Campbell No. 1 in the iiflernoon and No. 5 at iiiglit. EUI'HUASIA Ni)MINATI(>N8 Reevoâ€" John Miller, CO Dovitt. Deputy Rfevoâ€" J M .Davis, A Uoiinie. Councilloraâ€" Rolifrt Joliiiaion, (Jeorge ITutuhinson, Janiea Murray, ,1 .1 Cook, 8 .1 McKnighl, Henry Krskiiio, J L Pat- terson. One or two may withdraw. OSPREY NOMINATIONS Ileere â€" E. W. Norman by acolamstion Deputy Reeve- W H Guy. VV 1. Taylor Councillorsâ€" A Buie, Neil Rl* Clinton, Henry Down. Joasph K MuCallum, Thomas Stephens, John Thom|)Hon. These are all un the ballot. Christmas Entertainment. Christmas night waw the eoleliralion of the 33id anniveiHiiry of lh« Prosbyleriaii Sunday sclio*l, in the form of a tea and ontortainment. The results tlnancially of the enfertammeiit are highly satisfactory, being W-1 -'5. Ten was .ser»od in the liasenieiit, after wliieh an excellent prograiu was given iu the liody of the church. Anuiiig the recitations by the little tots th<vt of R. N. Ourntield is well reiiieinhered. He |iroved himaelf a "star." Uocitations wore given by Mnrgnerita Runstadtler, Madeline and Viola McC'hicklin and Lilliim Buskin, all of which wero enjoyed. ,R. N. CorHtield and Marguerite Run- sUtdtlor gave a onto lillle dialogue that demanded a recall. Dr R. H. Henderson and Mr. JotV. Thiatlethwaito rendered two vory excellent violin duets, in addition to a violin aoln by the latt«J, of which also was deniaiiited an encore. V '??"I'y ''^""K» "Of* »•'*" •""« I'y Nea Wiliianis O A I""'' Susie Chard. A very pleasing varia- -.""'".II* *''^" was a milk-maids' drill by it nuinlsir if girls The drill showed careful train- int>. Tho main nunilier was a Chtistmas Cantata •' Johnny Doubter" in which about 25 scholai-H took part. Mr. Wea. Married ' Huakin played tho {nut of tho ever nooeas- ' ary HantJi Cluas, and by his Nkill orte liOiioâ€"Paulâ€" The homo of Mr. and I *""!*' '""*B','>o t-''*' at some tiino ho had Mrs John Paul, Feversliam, wan „p|ow i"*;*' '"«•"""' f'o "»•'«<"»!•, on the evening of Dec. 2:)rd, with Christ-' Thereportaof the ilitleient depart mas wcodiuR and a number' "'*"'.•» «"'':" «"0"i>i«K">g- There were 04 of nieiry gurals to witn'j«s the marriage i l'"l"'"»"'' 10 toachors; averat;© at'eml of their daughlir. Oerlrude to, Mr. Jas. I »",':,'â- â€¢ "''• «„.,„,. , , . , A. Long, the popular young blacksmith of I '""â- â- Â« were »,2 89 on hand at tho comniencemeiit of the yoar, and coUoelioii amounted to $20.4S>. At |irnaent there is on hand a siiiii of f l.'tl.U. Twoiity now volnnies wire added to the library at a cost of 111 «(1. Tho number of books now in Hie library ia 245. Tho pvi/.ewliniers in each claw.s ware Ooo. Iliirrison, with S.% iiiarkH; lin; aeoline gown. Miss i '{•'"'â- y- *"•*"*â-  ''•â- '"'' 1W1«'.V, Tim; ^, Uob Roy ftuiod a» !"'"""""••''*'";"'•'•'' T.»^<iwl, 442 Maxwell, by Rev. A. P. Slanluy. As Miss Fiances Paul, eiatef of tho bride, rendered the wedding march, tho bridal party appeared, the biiile in beautiful white lousino silk gown with all iiver laco niid onlaid iiiserlton. Her veil of tulle was caught up with oraiiRo bloasoins and hos flowers white curualions. In n pretty pale blue ,\iinie Mullin of II[iiBj[18., Carefully Conected Eacli Week! Oats 3B to 30 Peas ~ . . SI lo 81 Barley 48 to 48! Wheat, 8^ to 88 1 Hay 7 CO to 8 on! Buttor 22 to 221 E-jg^ fresh 25 to 25 Potatoes per bag 40 to 45| . Ducks . . Chickens . Turkeys. , 10 to 10 to 6 to 14 to 10; 10 8l 14l Our Clubbing Listi Advance, 'iiid Toronto World, diily ... Toronto Daily News ... Weekly Globe . . .... Mail-Empire , Fauiily Herald & Scar. Toronto Star Fanner Sun Farmers .\u,ocata Weekly Wititeis SatnrilayNinlit 2 60, 2 30 I 80 ' '^ 1 80 2 30i 1 80| 2 251 1 75i 2 50 V/'OU cannot buy flour as ^e, white, pure and nutritious as Royal House- hold under any other name. There is no other flour in Canada upon which half so much money is spent to insure perfect purity â€" -just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household. Royal Household Flour Mis. VValters,i;uest at theljiieen's hotel, i Meaford, fell down tho stairs head lirst, but received no injury other than having her little fioger kuocked out of joint. I Tired of thn honors and burdens of otlice. Dr. McCiilloui.!h, reeve of Chats- ( worth village, will retire at the end of i\0 present term. Many heiresses would much rather marry a title than have a real bu.sbat.d. As long a.s a mat", is on good terms with his dinner ho la still iu the winning class. is the best â€" most wholesome â€" most carefully milled flour to be had in this country. The Ogilvie name and trademark are on every barrel and sack â€" a guarantee from the maker to the consumer. Tell your grocer you mtsf have Royal Household. 13 OgUvie Hour Mills Co., Umited, Moalreal. To stop any pain in 20 miuutesi, take one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablet.". | See formula oii the box. Ask your doctor ' or druggist about this formula. It can't ' be bettered. Womanly puiiis, head pninr, I any pain gels instant relief. Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets, 25c. Sold by all denli-rs. Wm. & Chas. Richardson WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia st ock = = Bgs t Stoch Bells* Blankets * Robes Fur lined coats, pooketbooks, 8utcliel.«<, razor strops and other leather goods. , Cuttersâ€" best mal<esâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Oivt. Scottish Pride 66274 Ttie youiiK liiill .^(â- PrlJe will stand for aqrvico at .Mr. F, W. NicholKoirii, lot ;I7. con. .5 ' Arteiiiesia. Seottivli prUte in airuJ by ScottUli | I'riiico. a ki niKlxon ( t the wonderful bIiow c()w, Oein of llollnchin, Imp-, wftiiierof eli^lit pri7.-'d ut Toiuiitii aad London. besi<leH b(>lni; cliaioii- i inn fiMiinle. Blie wtiKlia over IIWO pouioln. | One of tills cow'a calves si-ld for .*177.".00. KcottlHli nriilo is out of I^ady IIcIIa tiy ttie Toronto nrst priao wliuior, iNiptaia May Kly, | imp CsftjS. Tl.ia yoiutu bull has prove liiiu- â-  self a i-howbull having f;;aine(t an oncnitrauint; recor-l this (all at Kovursliatii. Ho wou nr>t tn-i/.easbuat bull calf, also di)>lonia for bt-st mil any Afio. ThoHo having pure bred covs aliouhl 90O thin crand bull befo*-e briicdinu an tlixy raunotdo bettortlian uno him, A liinitep luiniluir of grades will be takenat ij>l;'ij;Kcr luiro broJs, ift.UO. A now dosij^neil Incomotivo (No. 262.') made its fust trip over this brai,ch of tl.o C. P. K. a few dayi oao. It is claimed Ih.-At it has a iniiuh larger haidiii^ capacity tbroiixh using but one half tho fuel used by the old style. The C. P. U. have be- gun llie manufacture of the new model in Montreal, and say that it will replace tho old ones n» <|uickly as they cm be pro- -lucud. The locomotive is larger and the runiiiiiL' near of the onsiiie isdiflercnt from the old style, i I A man never telli his wife to keep tho change. He knows alio has ennu(;h liutuan intelligetiee to do il witliotiu ordeti. I Tho total o.xpeiuliture en county rout's in Simcno coniily durini( the past six years now amounts to 847, 801. III. They expended this your on the Kilenvale bridge over the Notts wa-snga river ^20,. 884.84. The (Jovernment will bo iisUed to pay one-thiid of the amount. > Wish all Their Custoinei'S a Happy and Prosperous New Year Your Hair Contrary? Is it Inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and combt Feed it, nour- ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Doti nol change the color of Iht hah. A ijers Tormuls with Moh bottl* % Bhcw it to Tour -^- doctor A>k him »bout It, tfc«n«o M ho lays BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. ^ If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you aro never saf« until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately-they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re- turn to a normal condition, and the patient will feel and look hke a different person. AH cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete cure If Instructions are followed. Roador if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OP CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous DebUity, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Fre«. II unable to oall write lor a Question Uet tor Home Treatment. Drs KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan ft Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. Fall and Winter. We have a complete line of Fall and VViiitor coods, coiisislinj; of Whips, Plush Ku^»,UobtJ, Hells ( uriy Combs and IJrushes, lloof Ointment, Harness t>il,(j,ill Cure Trunks & nincksmith's Aprons. Look in and examine our stock of Horse Blankets. We Manufacture Harness An-J dt> rejmnnij Cheaper than elicwhere. O.W.Phillips FLESHERTON, ONT. .'""BW I. inideKiiiiiiil. Pink carnations wero her! "'"'''•*'"' 217, Muriel McTavi->h, 111, We certainly believe this, or wc would not sty 10, Ayer's Hair Vigor, asj made â- rnip_oiir n*"! i«i"'' â€" \* MM Tender.s Wanted I li>> ii-vuivcd bv tlic iinilei-Fiaited Jrlook, noon, an Due: -iTtli fnr tin- >oi>; lioine o( S. S, No, H, The lytiiiiiloi- not neceaiai-flv soeept- 1|. »li-iil,os HI piv to U- D- ,Mt-Mntio < "il. t. iiti-ii, •.•â- :,. Teacher Wanted, For U. S. a. No 2, K(;reniout anil Normandy, couiitv o' tiiev, umJe or fcnialo, holdine tlrstoi second class cm tilloftte. ApiilicatlouM, statiug siilavy, qualincatioiis, exiierlouoe and unoloslug toBtiuioDala will bo received up to Saturday, Hoc. lOih. Dutioa to coniiiKiiico at the liiK of tlie New Yoar. Wui llradley,«oo--Tre»ii„ Orohard, Out- 11-5 3t l-H^ 60 YCAR» -â- â- ^ff EXPEniENCfl ,»»â- ><.' -T,-;:\>* TnAcc Marks •»»»• ^\r"i r%i\* ' ^•iif«ly ast'Vrtii'n our onn^lon frooVn'thor aft iiivo il*'->il U T•V'•^4^ly p'vicntnhi'i. ('«â- Â»Â»' ctintr*. i"in«!iirfct:Tc.u-.t)iontik.i. njiiu!lB-.>k\ml*nK..J« s • It ,''roo. iM'-lt'^t uttCtiov fv'i .â- f(;:ii|.»t I't'^*"*'^' r«lafiUi t.*Xcu Mli.u X vv. rvcU»« \ i.Piijlr.M-.l .... lUlfltUWI -..f r.UT Ki-lontJU'* I- l!-»-»V '*â-  â- " '• ' r««r: r.Mir •n.-.ilhK.ti. liolil ^>«li i 'i"" /â- " ' , â-  } Z^"^' • -,'-•â- 1 lir.lll n^, H^a cv*>i| ''f â- Â»'â-  • â- 

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