Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1908, p. 4

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w Deoemhku 24 1008 THE F L E S H £ R T JS ADVANCE ^miH^^m^ F. T. HILL 81 CO. m ^r â- ' I We thank one and all for the liberal patronage received during the year and wish you all a Merry Crhistmas and a Happy New Year as MARKDALE mm\ V6,% I» publUhed every Thurs lay at $l.tW \*t Artemesia Council [< The Council of tlie towiisliiij i-f Art- emesia met lit the tiiwii hall, FleKlierton, on Tuesday the Jotli iliiy of December IMS. The meiiihers were all prenent, Minun> if p»'d in advance, $1.50 if not m paid ' the Reeve in the clmir. The minutes of - I last meeting were rend and caufirmed. The following communications were presented and read : Tlio Reave and A merry Christmas to every read- er of The Advance. â- -V : Some bj igbt-mincleii member of tbc Ontario Legislature ouglit to see tbat the date of our municipal elec- tions is changed in this province. The elections come at the vordt time possible for many people, and for the );ard worked priiitir in particular. Only a few days are allowed to print the finaDcial statement, and in the case of our own towuship this means a pamphlet of scveutecn pages. At . _ th is holiday seaEon, too, there is alwayTa luih of otncF-TsU-prJuUng^ _ and it malics things hard. We do not sgoak fur the printer alone, how«. ever. The nominations and elections arc sandwiched m bcl\reen holidays at the end of the year when business men are endeavoring to wind up their own financial affairs for the year and enjoy themselves at the same time â€" ^bich 13 not always possible â€" and ivo little or no timo to devoto to ^icipal matters. If elections came ^^the first of February the past (il year's work could be submit- |. ^^pHlilete. Ontario, we are in- •Xmed^s the only province in Canada lioldingiti' {'lections at the holiday Maacn, and it should certainly switch over to a better date. by authorized to continue tlio loyy and collection of unjuiid taxes in the m.inner and, with the powem provided by law up t<) the 2«th day of December, 1908 ; but nothinj in this resolution nliall alter or alFect the duty of said collectors to return their rolls or in any way affect or invali- date the sjiid collectors' sureties. Carried •.V .St Wliin it comes to a question of etLicB we confess ourselves sorely pozzlcd over the action of ojmc of oor better known moral publications and the apparently complicated stand- ard set by them. Just now it is a |K>int of morah involved in an action of the ChriHtian Guirdian tint is troabliog th ' thinker of this great family joarnal, aiil it is this: ijome iime ago the Uiiardian scored Toi onto newipapers guilty of the heinous . cffenoe of advertising intoxiisating f; iu]t;u>ni, thus tending to corrupt tho tiotnea into which such newspapers «Utered. Kightatthe head of ihoso degonAtite journals is Haturday Night ^litob pnotfl more liquor advertiso- sn«Dti than bU the Toronto dailies cooibineJ. Last week the Guardian printed a l«rg« display advertisement •dvising tb« pablio to send Saturday Night fts * Cliristmas present to their fdendl. Now, it botliors us to find out jnit wherein the moral obligation diererii between the two aots. If 8atuid»y Nigbt dns by printing liqufjr «kdverli»eineDts. is not tlnj GaardiM eqtially fiftjiUy in lending its columuB to boom tho circulation of Saturday Night? It may be rank hereay to wy M, but to us it looks as thon«h 8«^i«wday Nirfht Las the langU on scmebooy» Clerk, reiH)rl8 of expenditure on town line between Attemesia and PiotoH and Artemesia and Euphrasia ; the Chair man if the local board of health, rej)ort for l!t08, Dr. Hutton, on l)ehalf of Mjss Wright re Railway light of way, Price- villc; Co. Treasurer, re sale of lot 5, north Durham St., Piiceville,and severjl accounts for gravel. Tho following accounts were ordered to be paid : Councillor Wright $5.29, commission ; Norrin Bion. (iOo, paint for fence posts ; A. Caison 80.20, l^ilance of commission ; 0. Collinson t7.08, timlier fi>r culvert at Ceylon in 1907 ; James Spidft 85.2r>, plank for sidewalk at Cey- lon ill 1907 V<''')uncillor Mackenzie 83.75, balance of commi.ssiojy. "WrtJtâ€" CaPi'ilf'^hat R. Allen Ijo granted 89.00 for work done on sicJeroad > 180. Carried. Carson Bestâ€" That the account of Mr. Collinson for doubletree, f 1.0\ bo paid. Carried. Wright- Carson- lliat the repart of the local board of health as pretented be accepted. Carried. McKenzieâ€" Carson â€"That James Ge- noe be refunded J1.20 of his taxes, being township rate on $:SO0 of his assessment on account of his burn being destroyed by lire. Carried. Carsonâ€" Best -That C. W. White bo refunded 81ti0 of hi« taxes, bein^ town- shif) rate on 4^400 usseMinent, i>n account of his buildings Iwins; destriiyed by fire. Carried. McKenzie â€" Wright â€" That the reports of cominitteo appointed In cnnfor with committees of tho townships of Kuphrasia and Proton re adjustment of statute lalxir and money expended on townllr.cs between (his munici|)ality artd the afore- said townships be ioc;'iveil and t ho com- mittee Im.' paid JIJ.OO each for their «er- vices in connection therewith. Carried. Pest Carson â€"That the account o^ Joseph Watson for repairing Binnie's bridge under supervision of Win. Meads in li«>7 be paid. Carried, Caraon â€" McKenzie -That the county CoiiRtu that are tight, or dlitrcssinR tickling coughs, got ipiick and'cortainjliplp frim Dr. Shoop's Cough | Remedy. On this Account druitgists cTeryweere ar? favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, snd it is entirely free from opium, chlorc form, or any other stupefying druiji^The tender leaves of a harmless lung- healing inountainoaB shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough lleir.edy its curative nj'opertieF. Those loaves have the power to calm the most disliessin'/ Cou;(h, and to •oothe and honl tho mo.?t sensalive bronchial membrane. Mothers ehould, for safety's sake alone, always dmnnnd Dr. Slioo)>'f>. It can with porfici freedom be given to oveu the yonnnest bahiea. Tect it once your, selfaiid see! Sold by all dea'ers. Eugenia. The Orango concert held hero on Tuesday evening last was a very success- ful aft'iif. Tho hall was crowded and the â- program was good, both for vocal and inslrumonUl music. Mr. Hector Mc Donald and bis bagpipes, also Mis Jessie and her brother, dancim;, wore great fea- tures in the ovi-nins^'a amusement. Our popular comie singer, R. J. Pedlar, gave some pieces in good style. A most en- joyable timo was spent by all piesmt. Wo wish II merry Christ imiH snd w happy Nfw Year to tho editor and stafl'of The Advance, and ai it goes on its mis- sion to homes near and fur, may it« weekly visits hm a joy and comfort to its many readors. May our friends in dis- tant jilace.s look with pleasure to its com- ing. It is our own dear locid piper, bringing all tho news from home. Mr. Willis Deagle is piiMin;? the old Be*vor to work. Ho has a large stock of loKsiu and still keeps a f«rco of men in the bush. It is cheeHng to hear tho buzz of tho saw once more, Mis. Janlie^^oIl of Portlaw w.^s tho guest of Mrs. McMastor for a few diiym. Miss May Jamiesen of Kleshorton is visiting her cousin, Mrs. McMnstor. Mr. Kd. Graham is ]mttini» in a largo Art. Walker is visiting friends at treasurer is lioroby authorized to''''^"''k in his mill yard and is preimring ' for a big season's work on the banks of tho lieavor, Mr Erin. Mrs. Robert Haney is veiy ill at pres'- ont with bronchitis. Mr. Morgan has returned from Bob- caygeon and is rushing business nt getting his mill ready for work. Mr. and Mrs. Foestcr have moved from Mr. Jake Williams' house and now live in Mr. Hogg's residence, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Olterburn, Man., have been the guests of Mr and Mrs. R. Plantt for a tow days. All thoir arrears of taxes in his hands against lot 5, north side of Durliani street, in Pricc- ville. Carried. Wright â€"Carson â€" That the following accounts he paid : Jos. Buchanan. spring for tongue f.»r grader, 25o ; Andrew Ora- liaiii, cutting trees that had fallen across volley road, •!.«); T. A., lo- jmiiH (o grader, 9<<-f)U; W. H. Thurston, lialanoo printing and atationery, $28.27 ; ( J. A W. Boyd, sundries for town hall, •1.60. Carried. (Larson- Ilostâ€" Thai Donald Graham be refunded 86o, being an error in his Assessment of 1908. Carried. Csrson â€" Wrightâ€" That tho following general account* be paid : Johnson Cnl- "hi friends and neigliHors are pleased to lens 93.05, J. M. Duncan tt't. 20, George White 50e,H. Pedlar fl. 25 Geo. Moore |5..'»5, U. Swaiiton «i,l 50. Carried. wolciime thoin back. Now that winter has come in earnest we would like to know what our township McKonzio-Bost â€" That the several fathers intend to do about getting asn-.w collectors of rates not having returned plough and appointing some nviii d. see their rolls as required V)y law. and this that our roads are k.'pt ojion after heavy council doenis if oxi>odienl, it i.<i resolved | storms Surely tho tsx[iayci\s are eiiti- that said eidlcclors bo and they jiie hole- 1 titl.d to have 8oiiie of the money paid in expended in this way. Winter is the time in this country when the roads need | seeing to. Wo all hope this matter will be attended to at'once. Mr. Wellington Graham, who was to all apiioaranco getting better, we are sorry to bear has had a relapse and is very low. To stop any pain in 20 minu'.es, take one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. S.-e formula or. the box. Ask your doctor or dru^'gist Bb'iut this formula. It can't be bettered. piiii)». head paina, any paiu gets int«ant rnliif. ,Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets. 25c. Said by all dealtTs. Christmas Goods at'boyds ^f=Jf=J,=Jr=Jr=Jr='i^=j =^J1 lr^! T^r=IrSai^rr. Honor Rolls. Report of Zleylun Public Soliool, S. S. No. 10 Artenieiis for November lltOS. Jr. IVâ€" Myrtle Hemphill, A. Eoglii h, Lena Legate, J. J. Paltison, Miry Mc- Mullen, Austin McMuUeii, Percy Mc Leod, Bonar Balfour, .M«lville Rutledge, Effie Chislett. Sr. III-Korbu3 Rutledge, Charlie Chislett. Jr. Ill â€" Edna McLeod, M urray Legate, Jas. McMullen, Snowden McLeod. Sr IIâ€" Muriel Legate, Roy Rutled^e Lizzie En^jlish, Arnel Love.Goldwin Mc- Mullen. Jr. II â€" WillfePattiaon, Pearl Whitney Lizzi* Ridley. Pt. IIâ€" EverittMadil). Pt Iâ€" Eaniie McMullen, John English, George Whitney, Percy Hemphill, Robt. Rutledge. Jr. pt. 1â€" Angiis Englitih, J. C. Mc- Lachlun. No. on roll S.^i, average attendance 28. Pearl MoUrtgor, tea.'her. The report of S. S. No. 7, Artemesia f r November. Class 5 â€" A. Muir, A. MacMillan, Claaa 4-M. Muir, E. Hartley, C. Gilchriit, E. Gilchrist, C. Muir. G. Whyle, R. Vause. (JIajs 3 sr.â€" L. McPha'l, V. McLean, E. Dingwall. Class 3 jrâ€" W. 'Williamson, L. Muir, A. Whyt â- , 0. Henderson. Clas 2 sr.â€" M. Uenderaon,R. William- son. Clas«2 jr-E. GilchrV,D. MacVlillan, J. McLean.' Pt. 2 sr.â€" N. Hartley. Pt. 2 jr.â€" R. Dingwall, M. Whyte. Class 1 »r-B. Mead^, J. Whyte, F. Williamson, W. Bond. Jr. A. â€" S. McLean, E. Muir, E. Henderson. Class B. -S. Whyte, Stan'ey V\hyte, A. Whyte. Average attendance ?ti. M.tRoARET Grant, Teacher. Flesherton Public School, for term ending Dec. 22. 1908 : Fifth Classâ€" Charley Cnissley, Elia Lever, Lilian KiiiKiIge, Liur* Arm- strong, Adda Wright and Harold Mit- chell ei|ual, Unrdim Laitd. Senior Fourth--Edna Patton, EdJie Loucks. Lilian Aniisiroiig, Maud Mac- donald*, Eihol Truemai..* Junior Fourth â€" Gladys Cornfield, Velum Talbot, ILiward McAiiky, Tena Logard, Percy Ha atie, Willie Wilaon. Senior Third-Iva Mitchell, ' Dell Thuistiin, Mineiva Siaflord, Ituliy Had- ley, Herbie Sullivan, Irene Wilson, Wil- lie Davis. Junior Thiidâ€" Lilian Bunt, Maud Boyd, RuHsel Lever, Nettie Teeter, Elsie Wright, Vina llaatie. Senior Secondâ€" Leone Thompion, Har- old Lover, Roy McAulay. Junior Secondâ€" Maurice Wiiuhf, Mil- dred Wright, Floieiic« Bunt, Fred Mc- .MiiUen, Percy LeOard. Senior Part 2â€" Jack Liule, Reuben Caigo, Wilfred Teeter, Clara Lever, Pearl Blakely. Junior Part 2--Medie LeQatd, Cornea Willisma, Mabel Richardson, Lilian Lever, Eddie Lever. Senior Part I â€" Mat)el Fields, Shirley Murray, Roy Palton, Eddie Oitewell, Viol* McClccklin. ... Junior Part 1â€" Wes. Arnistrung, Jim- mie ^", Vmlet Wat^i>n, Riisael, vVal- Bon, Ru4sul Trueuiaii, May Oariington. First (Jlass-Flnssie RinharjHon, Joan Koid, Etiii'l FieKla, Uorilia Siiiitli, Ooo. ;>litid)ell. * Irregular. Wm. HiiATii, Principal, M. E., 1st Aaiislant. L. A Kaink, 2nd Assistant. ^ Christmas is approaching. Yes. and we are alive ; to the fact â€" very much .soâ€" andraccordingly have ^ made large purchases to meet the requirements of J our customers. Below we give some prices which ^ will help you make a selection. Xmas Furs Fur Caps 1.50 to 9.00 Fur Rufts vl.25 to 10.00 Ladies' Gauntlets .... 3.00 to 5.00 Ijadies' Jackets 20.00 to 40.00 Men's Coats . . . . 15.00 to 60.00 Ladies' kid gloves .... 1.00 to 1.75 R Men's kid gloves 75c to 2 25 Linens and Novelties S. B. Scarfs 25c to 1.60 Tray Cloths l.ic to l.OO Pillow Shams, each 50o to l.OO Table Napkins, doz . . .85c to 3.75 Silk Piano and Organ Drapes .... 1.5C fo4.50 Drawn Work Novelties 15c to 1.60 Handkerchiefs, etc. Fancy EnibroiJery Haudkerchiefs 5o to 25c Hem stitch silk do 25c to 75c Fancy silk do 15c to 50c Gents' Bilk Muffler 25c to 1.75 Lidiea fancy silk Collars 22c to $1 Men's Neckwear .25c to 50c Fancy Slippers In Felt, Carpet, Velvet & Leather Children's 2.5c to 45c Misses' 25c to 45c Women's 30c to 1.75 Men's 60c to 76c Woollen Good Gloves 35c to 50c Clouds (white & colored) 25c to 65c Schawls 55c to 1.50 Golf Jackets 1.76 to 2.25 Crockery Dept i ^ In this department we have tbe most extensive line of novelties ever be- i ^ fore shown. Tho arrangement is complete. You can have anything to ' â-¼ suit vour tiste and pocket. Prices ranging from 6 cents to 3 50. 1^ Dinner Setts, extra value 97 pieces 7.50 to 14.00 jjLj Tea Setts, extra value 44 pieces 4.50 to 6.(/0 y^ Wo have many lines which sjJace will not permit us to enumerate, but y^ enough is said when we tell you our stock and prices in general will ^ compare fa\orably with any stock shown north of Toronto. We with ^ you a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. A Cough Medicine Ayer'g Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medicine, â-  strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for essy coughs, hsrd coughs, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. A W* pnbUsh ma terataui W* bulah alootaol from oxiTin«dl«txi«» W* art* 70a to •onaalt f««r doctor t iff f"C W* arto 70O to HERE HERE HEAR AIX YE WHAT RUNS JUST READ Dearly Beloved and Christian Friends: (No That Won't Do.) Ladies and Gentlemen: (Ah, Garoutl) Piav''^^^^ '^f'-'''"' ""*"•'' '"'s i""*' »sked me to write something y-ff^J ' for his biir paper and you know 1 never made a speech in my life, snd I don t know how lo begin. I have lieeit asked some years fgo io talk to the colored tirethren in the t>ld Durham Road church but declin.-d as I might get out some word not orthocoxical. ( That s a bij; word.) " TENNYRATE " I'll just give you a of a few tliinns you want fur this Christmas, and hrst we have a lieautijul selection of Christmas Cards, and I want you to call and get. your, before they are a!l ione. Tlien we have some dandy Fap.ator., that U, xNote Paper and Envelopes in boxes. Ink Stands, Pencils, Pons Fountain Pons, Books, Toy Books, Story Books, Novel Book.s Hymn book... Bible Books, Blank Books etcetera and so f..r.h ,„d so on. Then we hav'e rgTnd ha of Perfumoa in bottles from ten coma.up to two dollars and tiftv cents also ,n bulk-White R.,ae, Jockey Club. Musk, InCrnaKln. c"ab Apple Rlossom, Kint; Edward s Violet, EKyptian Lotus, Heather and a lot more What do you think of that f.„ parfut^es. Then we have sweets of a larije stock, and some beautiful boxes of Bon Bon. l|,ixes to please the eye and sweeten the mouth. We have Toilet Waters,, Lavender Water, Rose Water, Bay Rum, etc In Games we have Crokmole. Fort, Tumble in Chuck « la.nt T.i i„ Tennia Table Fiiotball, Tabic Cro.uet.^ Che'k'erJ C^:, * 1)^! Back Gammon, Dominoes, Pin« Pon«. Euchre Decks. Pit, Flineh and a very lar«e assortment of car.1 games from five cent; to "if';; cents. And now wo come >,. Toys, and to enume.ato the vurioty ol^ these would be to write a bia book. We have D.lls. Dressed Dolls and undre-sed I „lls, on.. i„cb dolls and thirty ii^^h dolls, one ceni I I's, lot,, lots of dolk To* Setts from two cents up Knife Foit and Spoons Iron Banks, T,n B.nks. Pot Bank.s' si Irons Ci^ h.anas, Te dCy Bears. Drum,, Whrstles, Mechanical To -s E..o nel A itoniooiles. Coaohe, Bicycles, Elevators. UBoule Misterieme Gm.s Whisks Pistol,, MouthOigans, aid ... f„,.,h. We have bushes* Paint Brushes, Artist Bru,hea, N,.,l Brushes. T*mth Brushes. Shaving Bushes, Infants Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloihes Brushe;. VM^t Se s Rings, B,oocl,ea, Clocks, a very nice .eleclton of Pipe,, .ome K old mounted Pipes, splendid value, Cinar Caaes. Chri#tuL Be Is 'iree Ornaments.'rimie., Candle Holders. Sp^irkle,;, Candl"C Sloths; okippers, etc. Don't you think, Mr. Editor that my l,.st is ione enough for Christmas? And oMheNew W, we have P.lls and Powders and Toidcs and lCfl^>l r"' '""' ^T? "'"' "" ''""'• "' M-dieioes.o en ferae? thoeHectsofoxcesaueindulKences of ChriUmas lime;- Vv" have Kola W ,„e, Qutnine Wme, Beef, Ire, and Wine and Peru,! ..^ .... . ..p. ,„. -»^'--- -I J. »w.; ra'JZ"Z r. Wm. & Chas. Richardson. Teacher Wanted. For V. P. B. No 8, Rxremont and Normandy, ooimtv o' Oioy, maU or fomale, liolding first oi HtiCDiid clRHs. oortittoate. Applioations, atattiiR mtlarv, qiialifleatlona, exiiorit uce and euoloalni; tenllmoiiali' »lll Io received «() to Batnrday, Deo, lOil). I'.iitles to comuiouce at tlie Inn of the Niw Year. Wm Bradley, S60--Tiea!i., Utiiliard, Ont- Il-dSt The dose of Ayer's P»lt is imall, only one at bedtime. Ai a rule, laxative dosea are better than cathartic doses. For con- stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick- headaches, they cannot be excelikd. Aik your doctor about this. s ' I bj *k« f . 0. 4rw Oe.. Lmr«n, / V Tenders Wanted Tel dora will tin lecrived by ilie nndercikncd 11)1 till ISo'o'nck, noi.n, on I an. 9>iih for tni. ftiB of old Bcliooi btiiim) of S- 8, No, 8, Tho ftifl or oiu Bciioo. nfuiHo oi ?»â-  n, no, n, -i no Ighoft or any t( niter not neceatarily acoepted- .or full, iikrtlriil»'-» aipU "• I • D' Mekirnm I'ott Law, Lot :' , Con, 4, Arteiucita, Scottish Pride 66274 The yonnR bull Peottlsh I'rlde will stand for service at Mr. F, W. Nicholson'*, lot :)7, coi<. » Arteraeaia. Scottish pride Is aired bv Kcottiah Princo, a Riandson of the wondorfnl show oow, Oeinof Ilollaohin, Imp., wiiinerof oiRlit priaas nt Toronto and London, besides bcirg ohamp- lon female. 8be welKha over 1900 pounds. Ono of tlii« oow'a calves sold for •ITT&.QI. Hnottlsh pride is out of l.nAy Boll* by th* Toronto nrst I'riie winner. ra|itain MayTljr, imp BSSiiS. young bull has prove hlni- aelt A showbull havinR sained an oncoiiraKln« iTcord this fall nt Fevornlian,. Ho won ttrnl ni'lRp as l,est bnll calf, nino diploma for best bull any age. Tlioso bavtiiR pure bred oowa slinnld pee tilts crand bnll befoi-e breodinR as tlipy cannot do better than nsebim. A Utnltay ir.,nh».v i^f r.fl'iwft win bo takauat si; l,'^; For pure breds, $1.00.

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