Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1908, p. 6

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Only those •who suffer from piled can know the agony, the burninff, throbbing:, shooting, 8libbiDg|'ainswliic'hthiiai]iiieut causna and tie «uy it wrecka tUa suilerer's lifu 1 Zam-Buk in blessed by tliousands who used to tufTer from piles, but vhom it 111! cure<l. Una such grateful person i) Mri<. E.iubeth Tuylor of Greauwocd Avenue, Toronto. Kho cays: "For ( >ur long years 1 suffered acute'.y from bleeding piles. Uuriug tliut time Ispent >n immeiieu oinouut of money on 'roni'j<liia' and doctor's presciiptiocs l.ut 1 got noeat'e. Zam-Buk wasditfer- ent to eveiytbing el o I h..d tried and it cured niu. I am grateful for the cuie, and as I liave never bad p.lesoncctisoe, I know tho euro is permanent." Another thankful woman is Mrs. A. K. Girdiner, of C'atelina, Trinity Bay. Klio says i "In my case Zam-ISuk eOac- te.l a wonderful cure. For 12 years I bs I be' n troubled with blind, bleeding and protruding piles. I bad beoa uaiag \ario^:s kinds ot ointments, etc., but novcr cam* acro«s anything to do ma gool until ItricdZamlSuk which cured njel Tliat this may be the mRans of helpinic some sufTercrs from piles to try ZamBuk is the wish of cue who baa â-  uund great relief." !^:im-B'ik It a rurcly herbal balm and photild be fn every Icimet (rnres rjiii, burns, )<iul^e«, eczema, ulcerR, blond- I>oltonln(r. itch, co'd-siirm. rhapiitd bands and all dl^eanes nud ii Juries if tharkin, ciu. All drnircittH and kUires at Mo box, orfroui Zom-Uuii Co., Toronto, for price. FIGHTING FIRE IN CHINA Ein.iXGF«S HELP TO QUENCH THE FL.IMES. Travellers Come Tpon a Burnins Bridge and Und Strange SighiH. Following the main road wo found it only tliirly miles north- west, to the Fu city of Yuencheo, but sevcrul passes had to be climb- ed, tho days were hot, and in spite of tho 1,000 or more feet of altitude Me wcrti nearly roasted, entirely tired out and looking for a coupio ot days of rest with fellow foreign- ers. Little did we dream of getting tho nio-st unusual fire experience that we did, says a correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury. It was a Saturday morning and tho first day of the Chinese fifth month or 'moon," when everybody must iiave out a lighted candle and in- consc for some one, no one knows who if you ask them. It is "anci- ent custom" and that settles it. We had just crossed tho lonn four- teen Bj)an bridge which connects the city with its western suburb, called Kiangsi Struct, and hud no- ticed blazing candles, one or more iu front of each of tl . 103 shops â-  or boo.'hs lining tho bridge on both tides. Tho bridge and booths seemed to bo all of wood, and it was remarked that this looked somewhat danger- ous. However, a nice inn was found nt the end of the bridge vhich had a hack veranda facing tho river and giving a good view of the britlge. As usual with sights sentninglv worth it, we took a SNAPSHOT OF THK BUIDOli:, put the camera back in the box, were soon more presentable for city life and found our way to tho Iiospifahlo mission coMi|)ound in tlie middle of the city. Ah usual a warm welcome was found at tho hands of the six or seven foreign- ers here. These were all of tho Ger- man branch of the C. I. M., and we were just enjoying breakfast and telling and receiving all tho news when the fire trumpets were sounded. Soldiers weie parading the streotB and warning the people that a fire was on, and that they should be watchful. This is doubly neces- sary here, as so much wood is used ill construction, being the cheapest material at hand, and fires get fear- ful headway and burn out very rap- idly. The mi..Hionaries, having a pump and hose for self-protection, njmetimes go to big fires, where they can be of help. In this case breakfast was for- gotte 1 by every one, the pump and got ready, and by this time some one said it was the bridge that was on fire. This being near the personal ejects of the writer, and (•f special interest no'v, a huiried visit was mado, in the wake of the "Gospel Hall Fire Department," and sure enough, there was the gieat crowded bridge a mass of flames in the centre, where the candles had been thickets, in front c' the idol, and there seemed no hope of saving the 100 odd shops ft the bridge itself. THE PUMP AND HOSE were soon go to work, and did splendid work for their size, but there were three men to manage that, and the writer seemed to be ct no use. Hearing that t!ie Hsicn Mandarin vho should come to siich fires and supervise some effective measures was absent oa businrss ;n the country, and that the iwo other pumps native owned) in the city were not coining, and also not- ing that there was but one small official helping to quell the fire, and that with only about twenty soldi- ers, the writer hurried to them, snapped two more pictures of the bridge burning, sent the goods and the coolies into the city and himself appeared on the scene in straw san- dals, short clothes, and with a large vet towel wound around the head, held in place by tho useful queue. .\ great fire brigade we all were, not an axe, saw or hardly a pail j nm-jng us all ! A raid was again made on my ft lend the innkeeper, and down in the basement a two foot coal poker was found, while next door we com- mandeered a small pail from an tld lady. The pokor was not much for power and tho pail was small and lonesome, but a big noise was made on tho light woodwork of tho four booths (two on each side) we were trying to p:et out, and the tiles flew as well. The pump and poker inspired the soldiers, and the fire was stopped at the east end of the bridge, to the good wetting of the flooring by the O. V. D. Whore can I get some of Hollo- way's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remeuy and 1 wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Just after sunrise is raid to be the coldest period of t..e day, ow- ing to tho evaporation ot a cold nioi- isture from tho earth under tho sun's first rays. Tlia Japs Did It, Thoy piupnllod th« Monlhol fouuil In "Tli» n*L" Menthi.l I'lnitar, which ralieini In-.lautly tiacka'^ht, hsadacUe, uouruisia. rhttumutltm and sciatica. ^^ BlacK WatcH Cbewkifl Tobacco The big black plug. 3300 d^ HOW MRS. CLARK FODND BELIEF AFTER YEARS OF SIFFERINC; DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Cl'RED UER. Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her Sulferiug Sisters How to be Free From the Terrible Paius (hat Make Life a Burden. Pleasant Point, Ont., Nov. 16â€" (Special). â€" That most cf the ills that the suffering women of Canada have to bear are due to disordered Kidneys, and that the natural cure for them is Dodd's Kidney Pills, is once more shown in the case of Mrs. Merril C. Clarke, a well-known re- sident of this place and a prom- iticnt member of the Salvation Army. Mrs. Clarke is always ready lo give her experience for the be- nefit of her suffering sisters. "My sickness commenced twenty years ago with the change of life," says Mrs. Clarke. "My health was in a bad state. Water would run from my head which would make me faint. When I came out of the fainting spells I took fits. I was bloated till I was clumsy. The pain I suffered was awful. It would go tc my feet and then to my head. I Jfany doctors attended me, and I tried many medicines, but nothing gave me relief till I used Dodd's Kidney Pills. The first box stopped the fits and seven boxes cured me completely." Every suffering woman should use Dodd's Kidney Pills. They make strong, healthy kidnevs, and the woman A\ho has good Kidneys is safeguarded against those terrible pains that make miserable the lives ff 60 many women. Merchant â€" "Ho was an excellent l)(iok-koepcr. He kept our hooks f(4r many years in an exemplary way. 1 shduld have kept him nt it." Friend -"What did you do?" Merchantâ€" "I made him cashier." Friendâ€" "How did ho do in his new position 1" Merchant â€" "jixcellent- iy. He kept the cash." Tho cheapest tea to use is not the lowest priced. You can buy tea a, few cents a pound cheaper that will nittko a drink, but if you want an absolutely puro, healthful, cleanly prepared tea use "Salada." ll is infinitely more delicious and decidedly more economical than other teas, because it goes farther. SMART. Slick (to Rlossom)â€" "Is this Mr. Hlooiiier's office '!" Blossomâ€" "No. His oflTico is on the other side of thu passage." Slick (leaving tho door open as he walks out)-"Tliank you, sir." lildssomâ€" "Hey ! Come back and cloKO tliat door ! Haven't you any doors in your house 1" Slickâ€" "Yes, sir; but they all I'livo springs on 'em. Allow mo to show you, sir, my patent double- back actior-door-sprmg. It closes the door without a bang, and will last a lifctiir.e." The lonliest people in Europe live in the extreme north of Sweden, iOO miles from a railway and a day's iournoy from their nearest neigh- bor. The sholvoH of the British Muse- um are estimated to contain thirty- niaa niilei of books. BRUDDAH BEN'S PHILOSOPHY "Wimmin folks am queer institu- tions," said Bruddah Ben. "In what wayi" asked Bruddah Hickey. "Why, during yo' courtin' days dey am always ready to fall on yo' neck, an' aftah de wedding cere- mony dey am always ready to fall on yo' pocket-book." How to Cleanse the System. â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are th> result of scientific study of the ef- fects of extracts of certain roots and Iwrbs upon the digestive or- gans. Their use has deinonstarted in many instances that they regu- late the action of the liver and the kidneys, purify the blood, and car- jy off all morbitl accumulations ftoni the system. They are easy to (uke, and their action is mild and ocncficial. If the appetite of a man were as great in proportion to his size as is a sparrow's, ho would eat a whole sheep at one sitting. "A LIMIe C«td. Yeu Knew," will hecrnno a gn*,* danii>r if it lie all 'weil tj roach down th« throat to tin luiiiin. .Nip the peril In the bihl with iilUn'i i.iiut BaiMm, a sura remedy ouutalulag nu upiates. Brushes mado of such thin glass fibre that they are like spun silk are used by arti.sts when decorating china. A cough IS often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is a simple cure within tho reach of all in Bickle's .Anti- Consumptive Syrup, an old-time and widely recognized rinncdy, which, if resorted to at the incep- tion of a cold, will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trou- ble, guard the system from any seri- ous consequences. Price 23 cents, at all dealers. A police-sergeant was boasting of tho honesty that prevailed in his division. "Why," he said, "yt)u might hang your gold watch on a lamp-post in tho evening and find it still there in tho morning," "You don't mean to say nobody wouhl take the watch f exclaimetl the lis tenor. "No; I mean to say nobody Would take tho lamp-post," said tho sergeant. A BITTER DISAPPOINTMENT Belle â€" Did Fred find marriage as elevating as he thought it would be? Jack â€" No ; it failed to lift him out of debt. PILES CURED AT HOME By New Absorpticn Method. BIG MONEY! I for asenta aelUnar oar toUet soaps Lota maklDg 86.00 a day. Write at | occa for full parUcalara to the SOAP SUPPLY 00., Bos 332, Toronto I The term "millinery" comes from the Italian town Milan, which was formerly the centre or fashion for ladies' hats. remedle'i. hure (^ura i;i srery case. i£0 ;ir).irii' vx* perienct* in Geini.irty, Enptaatt and Canada. Tha Excsliilur t hsmtval Woiks, I9i llaoUu Straati ii*( Un, Ontaria . If you suffer from blaed- ing, itching, blind or protruding Piles send me your address, and ARE YOU SICX ? tb'luro.rSia I will tell you how to cure your- - self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own lorclity if requested. Immedi- i ate relief and permanent cure as-, lured. Send no money, but tell i)theri,ot thi» offer.. Writfl to-day tl Mrs. M. Bummers. Box lOJ Windsor, Ont. m fees mm 1,000,000 SXiNS , IIlKlie^t price.' paid, writs fjr price Hit. Addrsd SUlman H.nihaw, Osep Broak, Ann^patiaOa ,N.S. mn vj ANTED iiiviJr::^ A POOR MEDICO. "I don't believe in that doctor." "Why?" "He didn't tell me everything I v.antcd to eat was bad for me!" tha t'nilcii i»tatce to t^vcrtisQ our ro«d^ tack ua sho«cuil» tn a>I conspicuous pUcci an3 vnr-.niii* laujj >4rertiwn( Rutt*r. i ..iw.;..i.,- or t^Ury fttlj ,Mf aonttl and cxpankcs S4 per djf- Sieadw wcrW we year rt-> nd ; eittirgly aew pUa ; 00 eipeiio^ce riquiredv Write for |fArtuu!ar^ WM. K. WA8NEB MED. CO., Ua4ec, Oat., Caaati. A Widd Sphere of Usefulness. â€" The consumption cf Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the uiarket for over thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the dcmajd for it in that peri- od has very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wherever introduced fresh supplies are constantly aslced for. Switzerland heads the list of Eu- ropean countries in divorce, tho late being 40 divorces for every 1,- 000 ma<rriages, France, with 21 per 1.000 coining second, and Germany third with 17 per 1,000. TaarWi Ovnn tlgniilt dnei not d-'ay ntnnri. Oplum-l<ide!i " medciines " m-iy check cou^hinCi but the cold rttaya. Do not trifle ; when you hexin to couxh t.%ke Allen's Luua; Balsam, free from apiuia, full of bealiu^ power. CARPET DYEINQ BRITISH AMERICAN OVEINQ OQ, â- ox 1««. MtntrMt S?£§l FREE TrTS.-l Inf o«lyI5ra>k«cci-ornur uia£..iac«i.llu(ti ;;n(i« Atl ACuuiie Plctui-o Post Cards .Six for luc, for bix. hE^» KO .MOXRYJii-.tveor i; a. a a lo.-=a.. w« mail c':f4t : J. i>ai<t. Sfl tii^m at iyc a Piije. Atid seud u» â-  ur ♦l.f.'j and y^u *,l!l rer.-ive by rftum uiJin yi ur cl:o ire <-r Ihf^ae Warr»titiHi 14k S->I-ii tinM L-i.i KI;i;,'a we ha'/eae aral equally I) auTlful tytea and many ntt) r de- â-  !ntt>re Preiiiluma to ehmne freak I)u not d.'Iay. Wrtla ti- .'uy ai-d a*"* â- i cinplrl.. ('at*lcr fni'fi C.'iinrta'a (:^c-l><^t rremiuiu lluuite. Addrvae Medical Man â€" "Jobson hcs dors the meanest thing I ever heard of; he came to my house the other night, ate a big dinner, got indiges- tion, and then went to another doc- tor to bo cured." Not a Nauseating Pill. â€" The ex- cipicnt of a pill is the substance which enfolds tho ingredients and makes up tl'.3 pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and thoy can be carried into any latitude without imp.iiring their strength. Many pills, in or- der to keei) them from adhering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseating to tho ta.ste. Parmelce'a Vegetable Pills are bo prepare! that thoy arc agreeable to the most delicate. First Y''outh â€" "Scientists say that trees contribute to tho heat in the atmosphere." Second Youth â€" "That's so ; a birch has wanned tee many a time." Aftar a OcM Drive don't fan to take a leairnon- Inl n( I'ainkillor mixed with a c'ais of h<it water and sugar. It eurely pioienH chill'. AtmI.I "uh- •titutes, there ie but one " Pai-.iIiiUer"â€" Perry Da<ie'â€" Ijc. and AOo. Colonial Art Co-, Dept 53, Toronto ell PIANOS ARE CANAOA fy BHST *:n EvwYrcsv KttOVlSITPAtSIO BUY THE BEST R^nd for imr Fn>a C«t*iui(ue Nu, 7^ Wife â€" "Do come over to Mrs. Barker's with me, John. She il make you feel just ns if you were lit home.'' Her Husband â€" "Then what's the use of going?" Parents buy Motlior Graves' Worm Extoiniinator because they know it is a Bafo medicine ior their children and an effectual expciler o' worms.* me Bell Picno 8 O'O'jii go., iid. fiy^iijii. 0:i Mak«r« of B«l) Pianos. Bell Crgani&nd AutoKota P.a>or PlantM, Larje Manufaclurlng; FLAT [ TO LEASE 67-71 Adelaide St. Wast About 4O.\20O, lighted by thirty-five windows, the en- tire length of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat in central part of Toronto ; rental includes power, steam boat, water, electric light, at 10 per '•ent. lesS than city rates; lowest insurance rate; immediate possession ; low rental to high-class tenant. S. FEAM WILSON OW.NKK 73 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, ONT. A. J. PATTISON & CO, 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO, Stock Brokors and Financial Ai^ents TAD AT T and other stocks bought and sold on \j\JUi\L,l commission. Correspondence Invit- ed. Orders may be wired at our t.vpcnse. PRINTERS k CAMPBELL PRESS 43x56 Inch bed, cost 13,500, 183 UK NO. 47-09. Will be Sold for $400 Cash In order to make room for larger and fa.stcr muchinci. Il is in rooJ runninj; order, as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by a competent machinist. The Wilson PublLshing; Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, ;

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