Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1908, p. 4

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NOVKMBRR 121908 rnE FLE8HERT0W A i; V A N C K wwvyyvwvy F. T. HILL & Co. B^^ Millinery in Artistic, Natty and Novelty Styles. For your n?« Autumn Hat it will pay you to visit the Mill' . T---' â-  ..'.am i>i this store. Tn point of variety we hIi'IW the lHrf.cst stock ; in point of "t^!.: :: i- ^uQorally conceded by '.lie i>e<>ple who wnni up-to-date Millin- ery thikt we lend the l,^ac and at present we are hhnwinx Houie very new and natty styles and alioye all reusunatily pi iced. A visit to this de{>artnieiit will assist you in thu buying of your now Autumn,hBt. Come and see. SELUNO LADIES' FINE WOOL AND CASH- MERE MITTS AT A BIG SAVING. This week we put on S'tle 250 ptirs of Ladies' Fine Cashmere and t<iie l>n|i<ny yarn Mitts. Thuy are the uvorinakes from one of the Ur^e factories, some are slightly imperfect but iio'hinir t<> hurt iho we'irin<> qualitu-s of ihoiii and in the hit there are 25 30 35 and 40c lines and also some 60c quiIitioH, all on snlo at one price, per (lair 19c. EIDER DOWN COATS FOR THE BABY IN COLOR OF NAVY BLUE ONLY,98c. This week wo put on ssie 15 only Biihy's Eider Down Coats ill color of navy blue only, Bntiii lined throuith- out and the price represents about one half value. Your choice f jr 98c. INDUCEMENTS FC R MEN TO BUY OVERALLS AT THIS STORE, 68c. pr. 100 pairs of Men's Overuils in colors of black, ^ray, brown riid blui;, allsizeH, imd in the regular wayihey Wduld esfrly sell for CO 75 iind Hock pair, this week, M»n, you cun buy them for per pair .... 68c. A RFCENT PUIU.MIASE OF CHILDREN'S BLACK WORSTED STOCKINGS. At vkby much les.s tha.v v».lve. This week wo put on sale 200 pairs ofChildrens Wc.rsted Stockiiias, all wool, res^ 20 and 25clin-s this week ber pair iOo Crockery Department Specials. 75 Dozoii I'liiles, decoia'ed, for per dozen o8e. 75 dozen D.sert plates, decorated for per dozen <i8c. 75 ao«eii Dinner Plati'S. dccuraied. for per dozen 78c. mmmm Hardware Department Id this Department we carry a full line and quote you close price. MARKDALE mm'^mmm Is publitbed (very Tfaorvlsy at tl.fM pu- •anuoi if paid in advance, SI. 5c if not so paid Ceylon Rock Mills Tlianksgiving p-isaed off quietly here, i^^he weather is still koepin<; fine, while There wa.s a H'io«)ting iiiatoh at Cspt. j tlio deerhunters areei/joying thtinholvos. considuinble W. J. Brj'an'B feelings must be akin to iLoso of a young man who went uninvitfd lo a social gathering He was put out but went in again. Twice more was be i^ut ont end at last 1)0 said; "Well, yon can't fool me. You don't want me in there." The Canadian Manufacturers Association lias pursued a Btrong policy of opposition towards the exten- sion of the British woollen trade in Canada. As a result of tins it has en- joyed the unbounded hosliiity of the English press as a whole, as well as tiiat of several Canadian papers. Hence when Industrial Canada, the official organ of the Association, wel- comes the Sheffield choir to Canadian* shores, The Montreal Witness, one of those rare Canadian papers which delights to fight the Associa- tion at every opportunity, says in part, "Why object to importations of Brit- isli woollens while importing British music duty free." The British singers are not in Canada for keeps, but si mply making a tour. Even if it did remain in Canada, as the imported woollen goods would, the choir would not kill any Canadian Industries, or put Canadian v.orknicn out of situa- tions. Rather, it would cnltivalc the appreciation of high class clioral lunsic in Canada, and pave tiio way for the development of Canadian talent. The influence of the British woollens onjtho Canadian mills is very d.iniagin^' and tlic competition too much for a strugg- ling industry . IndiiRtrial Canada is deserving of praise and support in its elTortd to protect and foster a declining indiistiy, rather than the unbridled attacks of any Canadian journal. Mit^B Je8<in Phillips of 'I'orouto visited bcr paruntiil hi'ine, reoonily. Wedding Bells are ritigingHt Rock Mills. Tlianki>;{iTiiig ikover. A nuiulierof hunters put in the day ufter rabbit iind !()',i nel Mr. snJ Mrs. Archie McLean from Eueeni^k vsited Suiuliiy at W. Pedlars. Word bus been received from the who „„ent I '**"'"'''* '''""*"""""^ '"'' ^'^*'"' *''*' '*'^y :.!, I,;,. ' »,. arrived ssfo and meet nviny sinilitis tne in»nKHg,vmgno|H.»,-. v,.th h.s par^ K^^^ ^,,,_ ,^,^^ ^ K ent-, returned to bu. studies at Owen I ^^ ^„ „^^, ,_,,,,^,,,_ ^,^^ ^^^ Sound on TueKdi.y. ^r. Jas. Genoe lost his ban. and all the D. D. .McLau.blan and fowl was won, and although it is repoit- ed th-«t there were considerable fraud practised by H^nie in the shoot in(t,OTery- thing seems to have jwisaed off pleasiuitly. Mr and Mrs. l.sjuic Cruikshank of Paisley, sjient Sun<Uy with her imreuts, Mr. and Mis. H Tucker Mr. and Mrs. C are always welcome in Ceylon. Master Ri>bt. Tucker the thanksgiving holidsjs v.ith his iwr £%^^^^/ ^^^^ N^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^£^^ N J. & W. BOYD SPECIAL SALE Of CLOTHING During the next two necks we are potting on a special sale of clotbinL'. We have s InrKe stock of staple goods and in Older to reduce it we are cuttioK prices away beluw cost. 25 men's suits, light, daik and medium shades, sizes, 36 to 44 â€" Regular 6.50, 7 60, and 8.50, selUing for So. 48. 35 men's druble and single breasted, sizes, 36 to 44â€" Regular 10.00 to 12.00, sellinj- for $8M. 25 boyk' 3 piece suit, single and double breasted, sizes, 28 to 34â€" Reg. 4.50 and 5.10, selling for $3.48. 28 boys' 2 piece mils, Belts ard Pleatsâ€" Regular 3.00 and 3.50, special at 82.39. Men's odd pants fancy Tweed, good wearâ€" Regular, 1.50 to 1.75. for 81.19. Men's stripe tweed pantsâ€" Regukr, $1.26 clearing for 79c. Men's wotsted pants, stiipo patternâ€" Regular, 2i25aiid 2.60, for J1.89 Men's htsvy reefers, Inrge storm collar, tweed linirg, nsvy b'ue and Gray, regular 3.50, for $2.40. 18 Boys' reefer.H navy blue, curl Tweed lining velvet collar, sizes 23 to 30- Regular, 2.75, for?2.19. 12 Youths' reefe»-«., daik grey, extra heavy, large storm collar, sizes 32 to 35 -Regular 3.73, for $2.89. 18 Men's ovt rcfmts, iisvy aid bhick beaver, satin lined velvet collars 36 to 42-Reifidar 7.00, for $4.95. I Groceries, Flour, Feed, etc. ^ We keep a full stock if fresh and clean Rrocories, also a full stock of ♦ Flour and Feed, including 'he famous Five Rose Flour, every ba<» of Ji which is guaranteed the best. If you have not been using this flour, d"on't (^ fail lo give it a trial. I Stoves, Tinware, Hardware. ^ W« keep in stock the best line of stoves that's on the market. If you ^ need a cook stove conio in and see the Canada range, prices right and ^ workmanship guaranteed. Colds and Croup in Children. "My little (fill iHiiolijeettn roI<li<,"»AysMrB. Wni. il. H.;riK, No. 41, Kifth Hi., WheeliiiK, W. Vs. "I.uut winter »lit'li,'\(l II amere Hpell and n teriilile r'iini.'li, Imi I eiireil her wit.h <'hnnit)erlnin's (^iii|{li Kemecly without the »l<l of tt ilootor, nnd my Kttlf Imy him been pre- vented inaiij tiniiH from liitviiig the croup by the timely 1IBU of thia !.yru|i. .\h Himn us he HJniwi' any «it{ii!t of cronp 1 give liiiiitHiamlier- Inin'a Coiigli lleniedy for three in four d.iyH, wliichpieyeiitH the attnek." 'Iliia Kerned v >« for aalu liy W. K. KlehaKlion. Qrain thieves havo been at work in the vicinity of Shelburtn. Mr. Lincoln Thalycrof Elmwowl, spent several days with friends in Fleshelton and Ceylon. .Mrs. Blind Sr., of Sbelburno also spcnl Rome oayi with her son, Mr. S. Rand lieie. Mr. Jas. Sproat lias gone to the north sh re to seek work for the winter. Mr. Fred Sprost of Durham, spent thanksgiving with his iiarentH here. Mr. (iazall of ("batswortb siient Sun- day at Mr. H. Tucker's hero Mr. and Mrs. .John Hargrave of Dun daik also vis. ted friends here on Mr. S. Jackson spent thanksgiving day with his father hnd sister here. The funeral of the late Mr. Alex Stew- art was very uonorally al tended on Mon- day. Rov. Little of Fleslierton, conduct- ed tho funeral sorvico and give one of the liost funeral sernuins your correa- pondent haslihtunod to for years. Mr. Stewurt was oiio of tho most highly re- spected residents of this locality. Tho following guests drove over from Diitilroon and spunt Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo. L MoKen/.ie:--Mr. Brown, Miss Mnrgarot and Miss Mabel Morrison Miss Louie Ilislop ot Kugenia, spent thanksgiving with her aunt, MIfs Mu- Kenzie, Ceylon. Take The Hint And Act Now. A new series of short stories is about to comiiiDiice in Tho Kainily llersld iiinl Wii'Uly Star of Mfintreal that, are .said lo 1)1! the best ever offered to nowapspor lenders. A f.oiiiplote story will niijiear each week. The series alone is wnrili more thin ihn whole year's Huli.ieriplioti price, one dollar, and when one thinks of all tlio oilier goovl tiling! ihiit nijjxar in that ureat. weekly be Clio readily iiiider- htaiid why tho publishers S') eann'Stly urge presuiu subscribisrs to renew eirly iiiil I'ivu thiiiii a uhaiico to enter the tliou.'<aiids of noiv apiilications in Doci'in- ber nnl .laniiary . It i» Siife to siy no p.'rson roiiiiitiiig a dollar for the Kiiiii- ily llornid and Weekly Star for Ht0!» will regret it. Any fiiruiei, paniculaily, who IS not a re^ijlar reader is missing somolhing he cannot afford to. Rheuiiiatiam promptly driven from the blood niih Dr. Siloop's RhiniliiaMo Remedy. Don't waste time with uoiii- iiioii roiiiedic."'. A test, will surely (ell. Ill tablit or liqir.d t'oim. Jr'old liy all dciileis. This is a pro9}»erotis year in tho West. The Heriild lojoicca to hear of tho good Inck ot Kdilor Pickell, of thu Minto (Mall.) Packet, who was presented l.y bin good wife lait Friday with two uime llltlu I'iukell.i, II p. n and a ilauglil Congratulaiions! â€" Dundalk Ueia'.d. contents by tire. There is no window in iba heme, facing the barn, and so the tire was not noticed until i* had got beyond all control. The building contained all the teasoii's grain nnd fued as well as most <i( Ilia implements ana a new buugy and cutter Mr. Genoe does not kimw bis oiacl loss, but it »ill nr>t nearly bceover- e I by I he Insurance, ainoiintiiig lo $1000. ;The c»u.«e of the tiro is a mystery. Mrs. Isaac Smith visited ber sister Mri. John English on Monday. of Dun- I A nun'ber of young men were up before Mondiiy. jtlie Police Magistrate ot, Poterboro Mon- day moining for pulling up portions of »treot croisingsand indulging in other such pranks on Hallowe'en. Thoy were obligad to contribute a L'ood round sum to the city exchequerer for their fun.â€" Norwood Uogi.itor. John F.;.wl, 89yc»rsof ngr. of Kv.- cardmo, snd » pioneer of the north, was viMtinganieceinDowmaovillc. Finding It impossible to make train connections in time, as anticipated for his return trip, ho deterniiiiod to vote if he had to walk and walk he did. The Jislauce is 10!) iniles, and the vigorous old man reached bis destination just in liiuo to gast his vote. On Hallowe'en night the exhibition buildings of I ho Great Northern I'sir, Colling#uod, were destroyed by lire. Tha work was evidently that of an incend- iary. About two weeks ago the sheds were destroyed and from appearances the perpuirators intended a clean sweep of thu buildings. A reward of 8260 will be given to any person who cm lay any in- formation leading to the conviction of tlio guilty parties. ^ Tho widow of tho late conductor Chas. Clarke, has oiiterod an action for $10,01K) dainiigo.i agaiiiHt tho C. P. R. tor' the death of her husliuid, who was killed while coupling a U. P. R. marl train at Hanover recently. Tim accident is alleg- ed to havo 1)0011 broiit-ht about by the loot of tho uiiforluimiu man catching in a frog, which the widow claims should have beou protected by a board.â€" liruce Times, Tiskliiig, tight c(1Ul:h^, can bo surely and ijuickly lonsoneil with a piesoription (liuuirisis are di^pen»illl.' every wlieie as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Ati;l it is so veiy, v.ny differenl llinn common e(Mj).|i imili.;in.s. No Opium, no Uhloro- form, iibsolutely nolliing liarsli or unsafe. The tender leaves of a liannhss, lung buslinij moiiiitaiiioui' shrub, giv,.* ijk, i-urativepronertjes to Dr Shoop's Cough Ivumeily. 'I'lioao leaves have thu po\v" r to calm the most dialressing couah iiiid to s .oih.) iitnl heal th'j most foiiHtivj bron- chial niembrniie. Moid, -is should, for s.ifely'a Kiko alone, always deinaiid Dr. Slioop's; It Clin wiih purfecl fn eduin bo ;.) even tho yi ingest babes. Test self and sec. Sold by all dcnlers Desperate Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu- lar medicine, a doctor's medi- cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A W» pttblUli our foraalMi yers f^Wm baolih aloohal . firoxD our m*dloin*a W* urc* you to oonault jrour dootor Farm for Sale frame luiseanrti.^.""' !'"*«"-â-  "' I-evorahan^ '""'«r e Ui?at on Ai'^."""." ""''^' ^'«y »"« aiG^Hu.Lolmeito.d.Tj'r^nto ''• ^- ^'^^JKbeli Golden Legend Lri?0 ^dV T"*'C."'„""iif fo' ~rvioso. "" i(u,JndK T. ftS.R. 'rerma8t.OO. RICHARD ALLKN. Lots, Bush Lot For Sale. con. 14 tiinU-re'.l"'"i;-„V' ""•""ej'' ^^ acva, well ertJrE.dy{;;r„i*""»''^'«-'*l'"'-V t"R- K"b- Any eood doctor will tell you that • medi- cine Tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels are con- stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor- recting this slugcishness ot the liver. I llaSa»ytli«1.0.AywPe..LBW«U.1taai, Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily .« 2 (10 Toronto Daily News 2 !)0 Weekly Globe . ? 80 Mail-Empire .... 1. .T) Family Herald & Star I 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Fanner Sun 1 80 Fanners Ai.<ocata 2 25 Weekly Wit, 'esc. 1 75 Satiii-dayNiyht 2 50 °'"':r^:'^^l^±i ^'J- «-y!« trrae, For Sale lu n(rl>i^.i «Ji»T'*. Â¥ ^'o'l-s ccmiiic tl:roei HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE fnv.Ti ?â- '? "^'""P »'"' on eaay term" eood rn,.i o.cuardoutLoi;;;p„;v;;:'":i--^" ing H: J. SpRouLK. Floshertou. Farm For Sale or Rent LWrnCm^U^A,","""^' iuinieauto posaeaaion. »„ 1, I ^. ' . » ""iiai) Binl frame bain a... '"''â- 'â- s^':^^,!E^EF'^--"-'^i^ Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. at reiaS!.abIe priced â„¢"'' ""•" '"^'"'" '"' »*'' t^2.cen..'i CHAS. STAFF ORD. PlMherton Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. n.aveafinelnt of y„unK pigs bred from prize winning stork, f,;,- «ale. ' Wrife ,ne f" pricea. I can give a also euarantea aatiafaction on all m.iil orders. ^x^^aniee <:e». \V. HO.S.S. Maxwell P. O. lie Slioop's; fr. I 4.' I veil (.) I it yoursi Scottish Pride 6G274 Tho yomiK lull! Scottiali I'rklo will alaiut for Binvicii at Mr. F. \V. Nlrliolson's, lot ;17, cor. 5, Arloiiii'Kla. Hcottiali i.rido is slica by Ktottisli Prince, n Rianilaon of llie woiKleiful allow cciw, Gemot llollachiii. Imp., winnerof elRtit prizua at Toront.i and I.oii'lon. bviiiiloa hoins oliai>n>- ion feiiialn. Klio wcIkIis over ISICfl pouiiila. Ono of tliia eow'a culvoa sclil for i»l77.-,,(in. Kcottlwli i.rido is out of I.ady Holla by tlio Toronto fliat priaa wlnnor, l'a|itaiii May I'ly, j iiiii) SHSSS, This yoHtiK bull Imn prove'!" bim- nolf ft hhowbull having gained an ciiooio a(;ii)K reoor'l thia fall at Kovorahani. He wen tirat prize aa best (mil calf, alao diploma tor boat bull any ano. Tliotiu Imvini; puru brtd cowa Hlioulil 800 thia Kiaiid bull lioforo lireediuK a« tluy eaii not do bettor thin iian him. A limited niinilwr of grados will bo talion at «l iV For pure breda, i*«.r(). Came Astray Came to the preinisca of thu uiiiloiRiRnod, lot ,•?. Vo\K 3, Artenitsi»,oii Octol>cr2iid,ono bound. ili6 owiu r ia iiouKtcd to prove property, pay expeuKua and take tho ahuie awa.v, Tho8. TAiLoii, IVrtlaw Roosters for Sale. Three Itliodu i.viund llt^d loostora for ealo good Block birds, Apply at thia olllco. I« Farm for Sale. a;^;!;rt^::i;i^;,r'i,;'?;^""^ ^ -"" W. J. IlELLAMv, Fleahertoii. Thompson's. Bakery Came Astray. Cftino to tho iiroinisoa of tho uiidoralsncd lot fi.coii.ll, (). pr.y, about .ViiK. I',.la«t., one staer !he owner iirre<|misted to pr .vo proiiortv iiav xpouseaacdtako thoBftiioawiv, '\> y aw IV, V. F S'JMHn, Maxwell oo Our Bread ia delivered rcs^ular- and kept for falo at Ceylon, rriceville, Eugenia, Kimlcrley Maxwell and FevoisbHiu. OO - ^ Ed. Thompson, Fleshertcn i

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