Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1908, p. 1

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<> Jfkstr^rt0n JlJiiaua. TfiDTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, NO 1378 Flestiertou, Ont., Xliursday, October 29, 1908 W. H. THDRSTON, EDITOK BoruiETOB The New3st Things In Jewellery Can always b<s found at the Flesh- erton Jewellary headquarterB. Watches & Clocks Ti> suit all tastes mid all pocket: buuka. Jewallery For tho ladies in greU and lutKat pattei'us. variety W8 pride ourselves In having a grea" variety of the choiceat jj'Kida raunufactured from which to chouse. Come in aud lot us show you what we have. W.A.ARMSTRONG Hathertoa ho d'vella- for Bye. throne so grand. 10th Line, Osprey. latended for last week. Bush fires are nigin'.t in this vicinity and a great nnny rods of fence have been burnt, as well as some valuable timljcr. Mr. Sam Galloway lost a biim con- taining a ([uantity of hay by bush tire week. ' Mrs. Sanderson, sr'. Is visitiut; her j daughter, Mrs. George Larker of Grand Valley. The brethereti of L. O. L. 1085, Fover- sh'tin, purpose h^vini? a fowl supper on the Bvenui< ol Nov. 5. Tickets 25c. Mr. R. Brackenbury, jr., is down at Toronto on a businesi tr.p this week. A number of people from this par', attended the nomination of candidates for tho House of Commons at Dundalk on Monday liist. Mr. Henry Horton of C!over Bar, Alberta, has returned Jiome after sfjeiid- ing a few weeks with his stater, Mrs. A. J. Conronof Fevershani. Mr. R. Bnickenbury. jr., has sold his traction engine and saparator to Mr. Gibson of Maple Valley. Mr. R. J. Colquette and son, Willie, apent Sunday with frieuds iu Colling- wood. Mr. Frank Sayers attended Erin fair last week. We understand that Mr. Allwrt Hindle of Mclutyro, who was so badly cut, with a saw iu Cumn's siwmill, U seriously ill with bluod poisoning. It is supposed that the aawduxt was not all extriicled from tho wound and so caueed poisoning. We hoiio soon t<i hear of his recovery. This Week's Items The welcome rain of Saturday last stopped the furest fires from runnin;; in tho leaves, and those who were tif^htiiig them are greatly.relieved. Threshing will soon be over for an- other year in this part. Tho Messrs. Ottewell and JuUen have given g<K)d satisfaction and have done tho threshioK of this part of tho township. We notice the familiar faces of Messrs. Browulee, Heathcote and Brackenbury, who have returned from the west, after spending two months, harvestiu,^ and threshing. Welcome home boys. R J. Spro I'e of Flesherton, paid our village a fiyini< visit last week. Miss Martin of Ei-'tj^nia, spent Sunday with Miss Francss Paul of Fevershani. We are gltul to report th^it Mr. A. Hiudle is getting better and we hope t« see him around again soon. Mr. Wm. Brown has erected a pumping wind mill on his farm, which will be a great saving on armatrong power as he hiis a very deep well. Mr. Fred Heron of Eugenia visited his parental home on the 8th line over Sun- day. Misa M. E Heron ia on the sick list at present. Mr. Richard Heron has returned from a visit to his sisters in Toronto and East York, Tho Rev. Mv. Stmley preached a very ,-- ^^^^ ,,f^yj. Miss Kiimia Scott <.( Elmvalo, has been engaged to finish ouc th« term in our public schnol. A new bell has been put in thn belfry of ^the (choulhiiuae, Ic was purchiscd from the procee<ls of a concert given by Miss Winters, a year ago. Miaa Alice Suiiley of Toronto, is visit- ing at her parental home. Mr. M. Gordon spent last week in Dundalk. His health is slowly imprnviut^. Mrs. Winters Jr , is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Scslley, in Stayner. Mrs. John Wright, FUshorton, who has heen visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Winters, for a couple of weeks, returned home Ust week. ^ Mr. Crombio of Centre line, who has been i.i-delicatehealih for some time,pass- ed avray on Sunday, 25th, at a ripe old Hge. He leaves a widow to) whom we extend our deoposl sympitliy. Mr. Geo. R i«s. Maxwell, put up a wire fence for Mr. D. Gordon last week. Misa Sarah Kinnear, Maxwell, spent Sunday 18tb, with Miss S-tdie Scilley. Mrs. Robert Arnott, who h*s teen very ill with pleurisy, is slowly recover- ing. Master Percy and Miss Gertie Fawcett. of Heathcote, also Miss Ella Karatedt. Flesherton, visited with their unele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Down, recently. Miss Chislett and Mr. Telford of Cey- lon, spant Sunday with Uacherton friends. Mr. R.ibt. Watson, Horuin-"s Mills, spent a few days here aud at Maxwell, visiting friends recently. The tax gatlierer will soon he on the \ war path; get your money ready. ToMr. an>l Mrs. llolciiati, we extend our heartf-elt sympathy, iu the death of their youngisl son, Frank, hut they sorrow not as those who have no hope, as Fiaiik died trusting a dear Saviour, who doeth all- things well. Then he tenderly 1 bore the flower away in his lnving iiail- ?c*rred haixls, wliere in beauty unfolding Swinton Park. Well, Mr. Editor, as it is sometime sine;: you heard from this vicinity, I will endeavor to send a few items. Farmers have ab-iut completed their wsrk of takin" in their roots, which are a good crop I his year. Our irorchants, Mr. Wm. Aldcorn and son, have invested in a new style of lamp* for their store. We expect the eleutric liglics will come next. Mr. D. Caiiipl)ell has be»n away to Dornoch attending to his lull work on his farm thi-re. Mrs. J S. Hardy has had two men from Dundalk digu'ing a drain away fr<.ra her cellar. Mrs. Alice Campbell had the sad newh of her broiher-iu-law's illness, who ia in Toronto hospiial. She left hero on Mon- day to gi>to SCO him. I Many were thankful to aoo the rain on Saturday, as they w-re lit<hiiiig tire from thnir nooda, fences and buildin;fP, but no •vriiius dama-^es have been rep<irted here. Our pastor. Rev. .1. A. Matheeon, is ia away on his holidays to his "Id home in the manriine province*. During hi* absence,Rev. Mr. Gilchrist from Toront<i. has taken charge of his work here, the past two Sundays . Our Sabbath school w>s closed last Sabbath for th'- winter months. R«». .Mr. Gilcliiist gave u few words of wise instruction to the .schoi I before closing. Hope they will not be forgottei/. McFARLAND & CO. MA.I<KL)ALK ONTAKIO 8th Line, Artemesia New Clothes For Men in "Sovereign Brand." We have received and passed into stiick several lines of new suits for men and many of which are the f.iinous "Sovorei.:(i Brand" make. Here are some points of real importance in clothes makini,'â€" points that arc worth thinkini; about benauae they mean much to the apiie.trance and near of the cloth s you buy. LiKik at one of those Siivejeign Brand Suits and observe tho close tjiting cdlar. It never .stands out at tho lutck or on one aide, it always tits close up to the iioc^. Tho shoulders aie slightly 4Uiiicaved and tit smoothly without a wrinkle, the aimholes are large enough to bu comfortab'e (a very essential feature in a well constructed garment.) The fronts aiid lapel* are tailored aud needle moulded so that these ini[M]rtant paits of the garment always retain their shape. The materials use I in "Sovereian Brand" garments are thor-jughly shrunk before being cut. These are only a few of tho features we call your spi-cJal attention to as wo find them in this lino of clothing which wo have to offer you for the fall and winter. Otir stock of new suits cunsist.<i of Blue and Black Worsteds, Serges, Dark Fancy Worsteds. English Tw>-«ds. lii "Sovei-«ign Brand " tho prices range $10 l» H Cl> 1150, 00. Sizes 30 co 44. In other makes the i>ric".s ran^e S5-50, 6.00, 6.60, 7.00, 7.90, 8.50, 9.0t), 9.50 aud 10.00. S zes 36 to 44." New Overcoats for Men. The concern that makes g.iod Sui'^s can make ucMjd OiercoaLi. The Overcoats thit wo ha»i» to show you were made by the samo big c nnpany that pivaluces "Sove- rpjgn Br.ind" suits, therefore uo doubt about the hiuh standard cf the garments The fabrics, m.-st in vogno. will he Black Meltons and Bevor clothes. Cheviots .-ind I'weeds in dark plaid efTects, and we have them in large variety in eizea 34 to 44, aud prices at $5.00, 5.50, 6.50, 7.00, 7.50, 8.50, 9.1)0, lO.OO, 12 50 and 15.00 W'o have a handsome shoxin.; of now suits for boys from $2.5*), to 7 50, and Over- coats, Roafors, Pea J.ickets, in largo variety and all sizes. neat h the Master's Why Colds are Dangerous. Becau»e you have coiitracttfd ordinary colda and recovered from them without treat- ment of any kind, do not for a muiuent im- agine that colds are not danKcroua. Everv- ona knows that iiiicuniouiaana chronic oatarrli have ttieirongin in acoinmon cold. Gonsuinp- tiim ia not caused by a cold but the cold me- pares tnc system for the reception aud develop- ment of the germs that would not otherwise have found l<Mlgement. It is tho same with ail infectious diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, nieaalea and whooping cough ar€ much mure likely to be omtracted when the child ha* a cold. Yon will see from this that more real danger lurks iua cold than in other of the coniiiion ailments. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take ChaiiilK:rlain"B Cough Remedy. Tl.e many remarkable cures effected by this preparation have made i'. a staple article of tnwJeover a large jwirt of the world. For sale by W. E. Kicfaardsun. Maxwell Items Miss Mini and Master Geo. Benson returned to their home in Owen Sound after spending the summer with their brother here. , We are sorry to repoit Mr. Paul of the 10: h line, is lying very ill. Dr. Carter is iu attendance. We hope to bear soon of a t-pcedy recovery Miss Sar^h Paul returned homo after visiting h<>r sister, Mrs. R. Bonthani, of l< leshertou. Married â€" Oct. 28ih, at the home of 'the bride's father. Mr. dames C-Tj-jn, his eldest daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Isaac Sar- gent, of Coylou. Mr. Will Benson has ronlod a Portlaw, « bore he intends later on. Mr, and Mrs. John Heard of Flesher- ton, visited at .Mr. J. Parliament's Sun- day last. We are sorry to report Mr. English and family are leaving for Idaho, U.S.A., on Tuesday, as they were well known around here. Don't f.irget us when you are looking for the new things in iauies' Mantles. Children's Coals, Furs of a I kinds, Dress Good.s, Cu.s'om Clotlies, Mens Made-to- Mea«ure Suitings, Trouserings, .Meii'.o Cloth Caps, S'tiiht^lds l.'nUerwear. (boat in th» market,) and many other li'i^s we cimld mention but space will not permit us doing so. S.MALL THINGS AND SMALL PRICES. 72 cards Men's Lever Collar Buttons 4 on card, per card 5<>, farm at moving 1!) only Handsome decorated Colored Vases, regular 50c. on sali> at each 10c. 75 assorted shapes in Wooden Pipes, wonh fro n 2;> to "'^c, yoi.r choice 15o. 1-14 mediuii. rirelghl Gla«s Tumhiers, reg> 45c Joz. , while they last per doz. 25c- 30 large Broad Knives, for each 10c. 12 doz. Dresden China Saucers, reg. 7c., yours for each 3c. 30 boxes Fancy and Plain Frilliog, 3 in box for 10c. 81.00 ^Ladies Dressed Taa Kid Gloves for «!»c. 6 ilozun Men's Grey Wool Socks, 15 and 18c kind, 2 pair for 2ijc, 10 dozen Ladies' Black Ribbed Hose, i>(>ecial two pair for 25o, 5 dozen Fancy Oblong Ivory Beauty pins special 2 for ac. 5c Mouse Traps for 3(j, 5c Stove Lid Lifters for 3c. 5 White Cambric Handkerchiefs, ladies' size, for lo?. McFARLAND & COMPANY MARKDAX.E. The Maxwell and Fevershara branch of tho Women's Institute will htdd their annual supper, Nov. 9t.h, in the Metho dist hall. Members and their escorts are requested to be present. A special programme ia being provido<l for the evening. There will be a special meeting Not. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Ed. Lin- ley to make the necessary ariangements to make this event a decided success. All members ate cordially invited lo attend. Andrew Schenck. President ol the Gerinanii Firo Insur- ance Co., Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy in my family for over a year, ami can say that it hat. never hiiled to cure tho most stubborn couKh Ol cold. I can recominond it to any family as a sure .ind safe children's cough Remedy.â€" .\ndrcw Schenck, Aylon Ont. This Remedy for salo b W. E. Richardson. Rock Mills Deer hunting time has come again aud a number from hero iu'end going to iho bush. Bnt remember, it is the four- legged, not the two- limbed variety, that Vandelear. Mr. A. Johnson has moved to the farm which he purchased from Mr. David Thompson last spring. Mr. EJ. Baker drove to CoHingwood last week to visit his mother, who wss very ill, but who, we are glad to say, is improving. Bjrnâ€" On October 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ja-K)b Neoly, a daughter. Mr. Thoi. Knight of Chicago visited his lister, Mrs. Robt. Ginhain, recently. Mrs. Geo, Warling visited friends at Durham recently. Misa Mary Michael, teacher at Harka way, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Johnston ,s. Mr. Rob. Holley lost a valuable horse last week by it buing choked on oats. Tho Women's Institute held their monthly meeting on Thursday last. .\uiong oth>;r bu»in»a< they decided to hold a fowl supper at Mr. J. J. McGeo'a on Wednescay e'eniiiJ, Oot, 28. Mr. and Mrs. R>'u. Richardson spent Sunday niih the hitler's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Douglas of Meaford renewed acqusiutancei heto last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of Eug«nia, visiieU at Mr. S. Gilbert's recently. Mr. Richard Gouoe has improved the appearance of his house by putting on a new loof. 2? Ceylon's Up-to-Pate Store. N ow i.s the time to buy your shoes for the, Fall In order to make room for our new stock we are selliug shoes at half price. Call and let us supply your wants. In Groceries we carry afresh and up-to-date stock. A nother shipment of Manitoba Flour just arrived. also Ontario Flour â€" Bran- Flour. Shorts and Feed S^ , \mF indsor Salt in sack or barrel lots. Ceylon's Leading\Merhants COLI^INSOK BBOS interesting and instructive sermon to » , ^ P.irtridge, who has l)con very largo congregation at Bethel on Su.idsy 1 ^ Mf«^ A^^,^ improving. morning last. , J _ .^ „___ j^ ,^^ p,^^^^ ^j Rimbor East Mountain Fires were raging fiercely in this part last week. Swainpa and bushes wore in some placoa destroyed. Some p«<iple| lost their dry Wood, while otbei-» worktc" hard to save theirs. On Saturday a alight rain fell which would handicap the tire Mr. and Mij,. Hyslop of Cl..rksburg | Mr and Mrs ^^^^ visited with Mr. and *frs. Hugh Wr.«ht,ley^vm.^^^_^^^ 1-e w,ts sorry to bid *"â- ' ***"!__ ^ood-byo to Mr. and Mrs. .lohn English some. l-nr Chronic Diarrhoea (aitd family, who left on Tuesday for i The farmers in th s part have been un- .â- Vr^ileit"Lar!^^r!Sl%iS"^^^^^^^^ W-'ho. Mrs. Silas able lo plow and are taking up , heir tut" chronic diarrhoe.1,'' siivs CJeorKc M. Felmm of phiUips accompanied th^m for a \iau nipi. South (Jibsoii, Pa. "I have since tried many ^^jt], her "brothers, who are ''ving there.; j^j^ and Mrs. Latlor and Mas Leila remedies but without any uermanent relief, â-  jutil Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, in,rsuad- ed me to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ajid Diarrhoea tteniedv, one bottle of which 8toi>- ,Hjd it at once." Fur sale by W . E. Riohard- '; visited with W. J. Martin last Tuesday. Miss Cora Martin ia visiting for a few â- . Shoop's Magk Ointment, d^y "» DII FC ^ fnneJMe rdkr froa Mrs. Chard hasre'.urned to her hom o I at Rockvale, after spending a few da ys i with hor dauahtor. Mis. MoMullen. Miss Duncan of U.rby, who has been i visiting her cousin. Miss Harboltle, has rjturned home. 1 The Shelburne Free Press has aparsuip I on exhibition th»t measures 42 inches in length. John Johnson of Lislo say he has successfully prayed for rain or snow five times whon ic was needed, and he thinks 'he farmers of his district should make up a purse fur him. Lame Back. Thia ailment is nsuallv cause*! by rhennia- tiain if the muscles of the small of the back, aud is quickly cnre<l by applying Chamlwr- lain'" Liniment twoorthreb tiiiiosa day aiul ina,ssaKing the parts at each application. Finr sale by W. K. Richardson. DR. BURT 5peclallst. In diseases Lol (ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13K.-ostB*t, - OwenjSouncl At the Revcro house, Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 ». m..

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